Academic literature on the topic 'Adaptation de basse rang'

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Journal articles on the topic "Adaptation de basse rang"


De Simoni, Alessandro. "L’évolution récente de la fécondité italienne. Une analyse des tables de fécondité par rang de naissance." Notes de recherche 19, no. 1 (March 25, 2004): 123–37.

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RÉSUMÉ Les indicateurs habituellement utilisés dans l'analyse dite transversale risquent de devenir inadéquats lorsqu'ils sont appliqués à des situations de très basse fécondité : le contrôle des naissances rend alors essentiel le rôle dévolu à la parité. Les mesures « tendancielles » utilisées dans cet article présentent l'avantage d'éliminer le poids du passé (la parité), ce qui est particulièrement important lorsqu'on analyse l'évolution à court ou moyen terme dans un contexte de fécondité basse et en chute rapide. L'application de cette approche multidimensionnelle (âge et parité) aux données italiennes montre à quel point la chute de la fécondité a été rapide en Italie, l'intensité de cette baisse étant en quelque sorte occultée par l'impact de l'évolution passée lorsqu'on se limite aux mesures traditionnelles.
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Palaniveloo, Kishneth, Mohammed Rizman-Idid, Thilahgavani Nagappan, and Shariza Abdul Razak. "Halogenated Metabolites from the Diet of Aplysia dactylomela Rang." Molecules 25, no. 4 (February 13, 2020): 815.

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Invertebrates are an important source of structurally-diverse and biologically-active halogenated metabolites. The sea hare Aplysia dactylomela Rang has long been known to possess halogenated metabolites of dietary origin that are used as a self-defense mechanism. The compounds from Aplysia dactylomela Rang are comprised mainly of terpenoids and small percentages of C-15 acetogenins, indoles, macrolides, sterols and alkaloids with potent cytotoxic, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. For decades the metabolites discovered have been investigated for their medical and pharmaceutical applications, so much so that the ecological role of the metabolites has been overlooked. The interaction between Aplysia dactylomela Rang and its diet that is comprised of seaweed can provide information into the distribution and diversity of the seaweed, the application of bioaccumulated secondary metabolites as part of its defense mechanism and the potential roles of these metabolites for adaptation in the marine environment. This paper compiles the diversity of halogenated secondary metabolites documented from Aplysia dactylomela Rang.
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Pia Sorvillo, Maria, and Valerio Terra Abrami. "La fécondité en Italie et dans ses régions : analyse par période et par génération." Population Vol. 48, no. 3 (March 1, 1993): 735–51.

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Résumé Terra Abrami (Valerio), Sorvillo (Maria Pia). - La fécondité en Italie et dans ses régions : analyse par période et par génération Depuis quelques années, l'Italie est un des pays d'Europe ayant la plus basse fécondité, l'indice synthétique atteignant 1,3 naissance par femme. L'importance de l'analyse longitudinale pour la compréhension de cette situation et de l'évolution récente a conduit l'institut italien de statistique (ISTAT) à reconstituer, au niveau régional, l'histoire féconde des générations féminines nées à partir de 1920. Sous la moyenne nationale apparaissent ainsi de fortes diversités entre le Nord, le Centre et le Sud du pays, ainsi que de sensibles disparités entre les régions de chacune de ces trois zones. Par exemple, le baby-boom des années 1960, que l'Italie partage avec toute l'Europe occidentale, ne couvre pas l'ensemble du pays et la répartition des naissances par rang diffère nettement entre le Nord et le Sud. La coupure du pays subsiste ainsi, malgré les signes d'homogénéisation qu'on avait cru, un temps percevoir.
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Tran, Thi Thanh Huong, Dang Hoi Nguyen, Xuan Dac Le, Ngoc Huyen Dang, Huu Hiep Nguyen, Thanh Son Hoang, and Hung Cuong Dang. "Nghiên cứu lựa chọn loài cây lâm nghiệp bản địa phục hồi rừng tự nhiên tại khu dự trữ sinh quyển cao nguyên Kon Hà Nừng, tỉnh Gia Lai." Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ nhiệt đới 34 (June 2024): 3–14.

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Selecting native forestry tree species is an important and decisive content in additional planting and restoration of natural forests. This research was conducted in Kon Chu Rang Nature Reserve and surrounding areas of Kon Ha Nung plateau biosphere reserve. The methods of interviews, field surveys, reference to documents and experts were used to identify and quantify 3 groups with 8 criteria for selecting 30 promising native forestry tree species for restoration natural forests in the study area. The results of multi-criteria analysis with coefficient, ranking and testing the degree of adaptation using the tools Package scikit criteria, GIS, WSM, AHP models... have identified 5 species. The most promising native forestry species for additional planting and forest restoration on scrub lands with regenerated wood in Kon Chu Rang Nature Reserve and surrounding areas include: Choerospondias axillaris, Michelia mediocris, Prunus arborea, Michelia florabanda and Dalbergia cochinchinensis.
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Vuillemin, Rémi. "Les pétrarquismes de la Renaissance anglaise : histoire et enjeux historiographiques." Pétrarquismes européens (XVIe-XVIIe siècles) 50 (2023): 135–54.

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Cet article propose une courte histoire du pétrarquisme anglais de la Renaissance, au sens le plus strict du terme : il ne prend donc en compte que la réception, l’imitation et la traduction du Rerum Vulgarium Fragmenta pétrarquéen. On peut considérer que l’impact de cette œuvre se fait sentir, parfois à basse intensité, de Chaucer à Milton ; la période la plus pertinente reste cependant la deuxième moitié du xvie siècle. À cette époque, l’Angleterre connaît un pétrarquisme au second degré, à travers la médiation, d’une part, des strambottistes italiens (au premier rang desquels figure Serafino Aquilano), d’autre part, des pétrarquistes français dans les dernières décennies du siècle. On insiste ici sur la nécessité de se départir d’une conception du pétrarquisme qui se limite à le voir comme objet de parodie, pour favoriser une perception de la complexité historique de la circulation et de l’adaptation de la poétique pétrarquiste. Il est notamment impossible, dans le contexte de l’Angleterre protestante, de séparer trop strictement un pétrarquisme profane et un pétrarquisme spirituel, tant ces deux traditions sont entrelacées. C’est donc probablement dans l’examen croisé de ses multiples avatars que se situe l’avenir des études sur le pétrarquisme anglais.
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The Binh, Nguyen. "Effects of adapted language materials in teaching listening on improving students’ English listening skill." Science & Technology Development Journal - Social Sciences & Humanities 4, no. 4 (December 28, 2020): first.

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So far the students of Le Hong Phong Junior High School, Phan Rang - Thap Cham City, Ninh Thuan province have been taught listening comprehension with textbook-based language materials which are too obsolete. Therefore, the students are often fed up with listening lessons; thus, their listening skill fails to improve after studying listening with textbooks for many years. Stimulated by this reality, the current study was carried out to investigate the effects of the adaptation of language materials in teaching listening on students' achievement of listening skill development. To obtain the above target, a conceptual framework of teaching listening with adapted language materials was developed. This framework was based on the theories of teaching listening and the implementation of language materials adaptation in listening skill instruction. Following the shaped conceptual framework, a training program with six listening lessons within the prescribed curriculum of ``Tiếng Anh 8'' by the MoET was conducted. The treatment lasted nearly four months from the middle of August 2018 to the end of November 2018 at Le Hong Phong Junior High School, Phan Rang - Thap Cham City, Ninh Thuan province. The results of the current study have shown that after the treatment of listening instruction with adapted language materials, students' achievement was proved to be significant in improving their listening skill. Also, teaching listening with adapted language materials got positive attitudes from the students. That is to say, adapted language materials were effective in improving students' listening skill development. Also, all the adapted listening texts and follow-up tasks highly met students' satisfaction. Accordingly, two major conclusions could be withdrawn from the findings that language materials adaptation was effective in (1) improving the students' listening skill, and (2) enhancing their interest in the listening lessons.
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Nicholls, Clara Inés, and Miguel A. Altieri. "Agroecological bases for the adaptation of agriculture to climate change." Advances in Modern Agriculture 1, no. 1 (June 6, 2020): 1984.

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<p>Although many indigenous and peasant populations are particularly exposed to the impacts of climate change and are vulnerable, some communities are actively responding to the changing climate and have demonstrated innovation and resilience, using a diversity of strategies to cope with droughts, floods, hurricanes, etc. In this article, we argue that traditional farming systems offer a wide range of management options and designs that increase functional biodiversity in crop fields, thereby enhancing the resilience of agroecological systems. Many of the traditional agroecological strategies that reduce vulnerability to climate variability include crop diversification, maintenance of local genetic diversity, animal integration, addition of organic matter to the soil, water harvesting, etc. Several agroecologists have deciphered the agroecological principles underlying these strategies, which can be adapted by taking different technological forms (according to farm size) to design modern agricultural systems that become increasingly resilient to climatic extremes.</p>
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Rozwadowska, Alicja. "The French Art of the Natural Horn Playing and the Adaptation of Valve Mechanisms in the 19th Century." Kwartalnik Młodych Muzykologów UJ, no. 45 (2) (2020): 5–22.

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The article is an attempt at identifying issues related to the problem of the adaptation of valve mechanisms in Parisian orchestras and Conservatoire. Opinions and postulates of supporters and opponents are being presented, as well as the concepts of combining the valve instrument with the use of the natural horn playing technique. In this context, the perspective of natural horn players, who contributed to the significant delay in the adaptation of valve horns in Paris, are being discussed. Further parts of the text explain the construction of natural horns commonly used in the discussed period in France (cor solo and cor d’orchestre), as well as various issues related to the specific playing technique. The differences between cor alto and cor basse are being examined as well as the concept of cor mixte proposed by Frédéric Duvernoy.
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Zhao, Dandan, Jianguo Zhang, Nan Hui, Li Wang, Yang Tian, Wanning Ni, Jinhua Long, et al. "A Genomic Quantitative Study on the Contribution of the Ancestral-State Bases Relative to Derived Bases in the Divergence and Local Adaptation of Populus davidiana." Genes 14, no. 4 (March 29, 2023): 821.

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Identifying alleles associated with adaptation to new environments will advance our understanding of evolution from the molecular level. Previous studies have found that the Populus davidiana southwest population in East Asia has differentiated from other populations in the range. We aimed to evaluate the contributions of the ancestral-state bases (ASBs) relative to derived bases (DBs) in the local adaptation of P. davidiana in the Yunnan–Guizhou Plateau from a quantitative perspective using whole-genome re-sequencing data from 90 P. davidiana samples from three regions across the species range. Our results showed that the uplift of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau during the Neogene and associated climate fluctuations during the Middle Pleistocene were likely an important factor in the early divergence of P. davidiana. Highly differentiated genomic regions between populations were inferred to have undergone strong linked natural selection, and ASBs are the chief means by which populations of P. davidiana adapt to novel environmental conditions; however, when adapting to regions with high environmental differences relative to the ancestral range, the proportion of DBs was significantly higher than that of background regions, as ASBs are insufficient to cope with these environments. Finally, a number of genes were identified in the outlier region.
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Cantat, Olivier, Olivier Planchon, Hervé Quénol, Edwige Savouret, Benjamin Bois, François Beauvais, and Sophie Brunel-Muguet. "Gelées tardives et viticulture en basse et moyenne Vallée de la Loire (France)." Climatologie 16 (2019): 91–128.

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Dès que la situation météorologique est propice à l’établissement d’un temps clair et calme, des contrastes thermiques importants apparaissent de nuit au gré de facteurs locaux comme la topographie et la nature des sols. Si l’on croise ces composantes atmosphériques et géographiques avec la phénologie de la vigne, le printemps s’avère être une période particulièrement surveillée en raison de l’occurrence possible de gelées pouvant hypothéquer le développement du végétal et, par conséquent, pénaliser la production de raisins impactant les filières maraîchères et viticoles. Ce fut notamment le cas en France et dans certains pays voisins fin avril 2016, avec localement des gelées sous abri fortes (inférieures à -5°C) et durables (plusieurs heures consécutives). Le phénomène s’est également produit en 2017 et 2019. Pour illustrer les combinaisons de situations météorologiques et de phénomènes topoclimatiques à risques gélifs chez la vigne, l’étude de cas porte sur la basse et moyenne vallée de la Loire, région viticole française objet du programme européen LIFE-ADVICLIM (ADaptation of VIticulture to CLIMate change : High resolution observations of adaptation scenarii). Après avoir présenté le cadre climatique général du secteur d’étude, le contexte météorologique d’échelle synoptique et la particularité des gelées tardives par rapport à celles de pleine saison hivernale, l’article analyse la géographie à échelle fine de l’événement gélif du 27 avril 2016 entre Nantes et Orléans. Un zoom sur deux stations voisines représentatives de contextes géographiques différents (Romorantin à la topographie en creux sur sol sableux et Lye sur une colline dégagée) permet ensuite de montrer comment les jeux d’échelles spatio-temporelles mènent à une répartition thermique tout en contrastes, entre l’échelle synoptique (pour définir un potentiel de gelée tardive) et locale (pour en voir l’expression effective sur le terrain, en intensité comme en durée).
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Adaptation de basse rang"


Grativol, Ribeiro Lucas. "Neural network compression in the context of federated learning and edge devices." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Ecole nationale supérieure Mines-Télécom Atlantique Bretagne Pays de la Loire, 2024.

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L’apprentissage fédéré est un cadre d’apprentissage automatique collaboratif et décentralisé, motivé par des préoccupations croissantes concernant la confidentialité desdonnées. En transférant l’entraînement des modèles vers des noeuds locaux et en conservant les données sur place, il favorise une approche plus respectueuse de la vie privée. Toutefois, cette méthode impose un surcoût en termes de communication et de calcul à ceux qui l’adoptent. Dans ce manuscrit, nous examinons les principaux défis de l’apprentissage fédéré et proposons des solutions visant à augumenter l’efficacité tout en réduisant les besoins en ressources matérielles. Plus précisément, nous explorons des techniques de compression classiques, comme l’élagage, ainsi que des approximations en rang faible afin de diminuer les coûts associés à l’apprentissage fédéré. Pour les scénarios où les participants disposent de capacités de communication limitées, nous introduisons une méthodologie de co-conception pour un algorithme d’apprentissage avec peu d’examples embarqué. Notre solution intègre les contraintes matérielles au sein d’un pipeline de déploiement sur des plateformes FPGA, aboutissant à un algorithme à faible latence qui peut également être exploité pour mettre en oeuvre des modèles post-apprentissage fédéré
Federated learning is a collaborative, decentralized machine learning framework driven by growing concerns about data privacy. By shifting model training to local nodes and keeping data local, it enables more privacy-conscious training. However, this approach imposes additional communication and computation overhead on those who adopt it. In this manuscript, we examine the key challenges in federated learning and propose solutions to increase efficiency and reduce hardware requirements. Specifically, we explore classic compression techniques, such as pruning, and low-rank approximations to lower the costs associated with federated learning. For scenarios where participants have limited communication capabilities, we introduce a co-design methodology for an embedded few-shot learning algorithm. Our proposed solution integrates hardware constraints into a deployment pipeline for FPGA platforms, resulting in a low-latency algorithm that can also be leveraged to implement post-federated learning models
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Blanchet, Lionel. "Méthodes de résolution dédiées à l'étude spectroscopique de processus photoinduits : adaptation aux spécificités des spectres résolus en temps." Thesis, Lille 1, 2008.

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L'analyse pertinente de l'information contenue dans les mesures instrumentales modernes nécessite le développement de méthodes algorithmiques performantes. La spectroscopie n'échappant pas à cette règle, nombre d'outils chimiométriques d'analyse multivariée ont été mis au point en conséquence. L'objectif de cette thèse est de participer à ces développements pour caractériser les spectres et les profils de concentration des composés intervenant lors de réactions photoinduites suivies en spectroscopique résolue en temps. Un premier travail concerne l'analyse du rang de données de différence. Une déficience de rang systématique de ces données a été mise en évidence. Une approche basée sur un algorithme de modélisation hybride est proposée en réponse à ce problème. En effet l'introduction d'un modèle cinétique compense cette déficience de rang des données. Le deuxième travail se rapporte à la caractérisation de l'influence du bruit (d'une part sur la mesure et d'autre part sur la résolution multivariée). Une analyse de la structure de corrélation du bruit permet d'expliquer les phénomènes de surajustement des méthodes de modélisation souple. Un second algorithme résout ce problème en pondérant les données en fonction d'une estimation de l'erreur de mesure. Ces points sont illustrés par deux applications; premièrement une contribution à l'analyse du centre réactionnel de la bactérie Rhodobacter sphaeroides par spectroscopie lRTF et ensuite l'étude de la photorelaxation de la benzophénone par spectroscopie d'absorption transitoire
Pertinent analysis of the information embedded in modern instrumental measurements requires the development of efficient mathematical and statistical tools. ln spectroscopy, various tools have been proposed in such purpose. The aim of this thesis is to participate to these developments in order to characterize the spectra and concentration profiles of the compounds involved in photoinduced reactions monitored by time-resolved spectroscopy. A first part of this work is related to the rank analysis of difference data. A systematic rank deficiency has been demonstrated in this case. An approach based on a hybrid algorithm is proposed as a solution to this problem. lndeed the introduction of a kinetic model compensates this rank deficiency. A second part of the work deals with the characterisation of the noise influence (firstly on measurement and then on multivariate resolution). An analysis of the correlations structure of the noise permit to explain the overfitting phenomenon observed with soft modelling methods. A second algorithm solves this problem through a weighting scheme involving an estimation of the measurement error.These points are illustrated by two applications: first, a contribution to the analysis of the reaction centre of Rhodobacter sphaeroides by FTIR spectroscopy; then the study of the benzophenone photorelaxation by transient absorption spectroscopy
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Combal, Cécile. "Mobilité, adaptation, reconversion : trajectoires croisées de territoires désindustrialisés, basse Romanche, moyenne Maurienne, haute Durance (Fin XIXe siècle - XXIe siècle)." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, 2020.

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La désindustrialisation des territoires alpins de l’aluminium, sujet de la thèse, est envisagée sur la longue durée, à l’aune des transformations foncières et démographiques locales. Il s’agit de comprendre en quoi des mutations successives vécues par les territoires, l’industrialisation, la désindustrialisation, puis la reconversion touristique, sont des constructions ; comment elles sont mises en œuvre ; et quels sont leurs impacts au sein des communautés locales étudiées. Dans un premier temps, est privilégiée la présentation de clefs de lecture de l’industrialisation des territoires de moyenne Maurienne, de basse Romanche, et de haute Durance, de l’arrivée d’acteurs économiques extérieurs aux massifs, au développement d’une véritable politique sociale d’entreprise. Il s’agit ensuite de poser le cadre de la désindustrialisation et d’en affirmer le caractère construit. Pour ce faire, un jeu d’échelles est opéré entre, d’une part, les territoires mauriennais accueillant les usines de Saint-Jean, de la Saussaz et de La Praz, et d’autre part, les instances de décisions et de négociations nationales, politiques et économiques. Dès lors, il devient possible de développer deux cas d’études territorialisés, la fermeture de l’usine de l’Argentière en échange de contre-parties territoriales, et la fermeture de l’usine de Rioupéroux sans contre-parties de ce type. La désindustrialisation achevée, la mise en œuvre de reconversions touristiques s’amorce selon des temporalités, des modalités, et des ampleurs variées. La thèse conclut sur une mise en regard des trois mutations vécues par les communautés aluminières alpines au fil d’un XXe siècle étiré. Elle questionne le rapport à la modernité qu’entretiennent les territoires, une modernité ici entendue comme la métaphore d’une injonction sans cesse renouvelée. Chaque fois, il s’agit pour les communautés de fond de vallée de répondre à des modèles de développement qui s’avèrent rapidement obsolescents, imposés à la fois par le marché, par les milieux scientifiques et par la puissance publique
This PhD dissertation seeks to understand the impact of de-industrialisation in alpine aluminium territories through changes in demographic and land-use on the long-term. More specifically we seek to understand how successive processes of industrialisation/de-industrialisation followed by tourism reconversion, were experienced ; constructed ; implemented ; and what their impacts on local communities were. First we review the key features of industrial development in the Moyenne Maurienne, the Basse romanche and the Haute Durance. We explore the arrival of external actors and the implementation of corporate social policies. Next we lay the framework to understand how the process of de-industrialisation is constructed. To that end we go back and forth between the Maurienne factories (Saint-Jean, la Saussaz, la Praz), the decision-making authorities and the relevant negotiating bodies. This allows us to focus on two case-studies : the closing of l’Argentière in exchange for social and economic benefits, and the closing of Rioupéroux without compensation. Finally, following the end of industrial activity, we seek to analyse the implementation of tourism reconversion policies. In each territory, they appear to be of varying intensity, to operate within different time frames and to differ in content. The dissertation concludes by comparing the lived experiences of the above communities in relation to these processes extending throughout the 20th century and beyond. It seeks to question the relation between these territoires and the trope of modernity. We find that in each case, the communities are compelled to abide by recurrent schemes of outdated development models imposed by the maket, scientific communities and public authorities
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Chavez, Velazco Gerardo. "Adaptation à une ville moyenne d'une méthodologie d'évaluation de la vulnérabilité au risque sismique : le cas d'Ensenada (Basse Californie, Mexique)." Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2004.

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L'objectif principal de ce travail est d'adapter une méthodologie d'analyse de la vulnérabilité sismique à la ville d'Ensenada, Mexique. Nous avons tenté d'identifier le format et le genre de données nécessaires pour réaliser cette étude. Nous avons choisi d'utiliser la méthodologie GEMITIS/RISK-EU, plutôt que HAZUS ou RADIUS, à cause de sa fléxibilté, qui facilitait son application aux conditions locales d'une ville d'un pays en voie de développement. En première étape nous avons réalisé l'analyse urbaine. Ensuite, nous avons remplacé l'identification et la valorisation des enjeux proposée par la méthode, par une analyse cartographique identifiant les zones sensibles et par la reconnaissance des lieux essentiels au travers de l'analyse de vulnérabilité. En conclusion, nous en avons déduit qu'Ensenada pourrait être sérieusement affectée par l'occurence d'un séisme local. Enfin, nous avons examiné les adaptations de la méthodologie et la pertinence des résultats obtenus
The main objective of this study is to adapt a seismic vulnerability evaluation methodology to the city of Ensenada, Mexico. We also try to remark the shape, type and format of data needed to realize this vulnerability study for the city. We decided to use the GEMITIS methodology, reviewed by RISK-EU, instead of other like HAZUS or RADIUS, because of completed as the first step an urban analysis, and then as the second step, we modify the identification and evaluation of essential elements to fulfill the seismic vulnerability assessment, proposed by the method, achieving instead a cartographic analysis to identify the sensitive zones and to recognize the essential zones through the vulnerability analysis. We conclude that Ensenada would be seriously affected in the occurence of a local quake. Additionally we reviewed the methodology adaptations and the pertinence of the results obtained
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Blanchet, L. "Méthodes de résolution dédiées à l'étude spectroscopique de processus photoinduits. Adaptation aux spécificités des spectres résolus en temps." Phd thesis, Université des Sciences et Technologie de Lille - Lille I, 2008.

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L'analyse pertinente de l'information contenue dans les mesures instrumentales modernes nécessite le développement de méthodes algorithmiques performantes. La spectroscopie n'échappant pas à cette règle, nombre d'outils chimiométriques d'analyse multivariée ont été mis au point en conséquence. L'objectif de cette thèse est de participer à ces développements pour caractériser les spectres et les profils de concentration des composés intervenant lors de réactions photoinduites suivies en spectroscopique résolue en temps. Un premier travail concerne l'analyse du rang de données de différence. Une déficience de rang systématique de ces données a été mise en évidence. Une approche basée sur un algorithme de modélisation hybride est proposée en réponse à ce problème. En effet l'introduction d'un modèle cinétique compense cette déficience de rang des données. Le deuxième travail se rapporte à la caractérisation de l'influence du bruit (d'une part sur la mesure et d'autre part sur la résolution multivariée). Une analyse de la structure de corrélation du bruit permet d'expliquer les phénomènes de surajustement des méthodes de modélisation souple. Un second algorithme résout ce problème en pondérant les données en fonction d'une estimation de l'erreur de mesure. Ces points sont illustrés par deux applications ; premièrement une contribution à l'analyse du centre réactionnel de la bactérie Rhodobacter sphaeroides par spectroscopie IRTF et ensuite l'étude de la photorelaxation de la benzophénone par spectroscopie d'absorption transitoire.
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Jacques, Julien. "Contribution à l'apprentissage statistique à base de modèles génératifs pour données complexes." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université des Sciences et Technologie de Lille - Lille I, 2012.

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Ce mémoire synthétise les activités de recherche que j'ai menées de 2005 à 2012, sur la thématique de l'apprentissage statistique des données complexes, abordée par le biais de modèles probabilistes paramétriques génératifs. Plusieurs types de données complexes sont considérées. Les données issues de populations différentes ont été abordées en proposant des modèles de lien paramétriques entre populations, permettant d'adapter les modèles statistiques d'une population vers l'autre, en évitant une lourde collecte de nouvelles données. Les données de rang, définissant un classement d'objets selon un ordre de préférence, les données ordinales, qui sont des données qualitatives ayant des modalités ordonnées, et les données fonctionnelles, où l'observation statistique consiste en une ou plusieurs courbes, ont également été étudies. Pour ces trois types de données, des modèles génératifs probabilistes ont été définis et utilisés en classification automatique de données multivariées. Enfin les données de grande dimension, que l'on rencontre lorsque le nombre de variables du problème dépasse celui des observations, ont été étudiées dans un cadre de régression. Deux approches, fruits de deux thèses de doctorat que je co-encadre, sont proposés: l'une utilisant des algorithmes d'optimisation combinatoire pour explorer de façon efficace l'espace des variables, et l'autre définissant un modèle de régression regroupant ensemble les variables ayant un effet similaire.
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Sossou-Agbo, Anani Lazare. "La mobilité dans le complexe fluvio-lagunaire de la basse vallée de l'Ouémé au Bénin, en Afrique de l'Ouest." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2013.

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La mobilité fluvio-lagunaire est l'un des modes de contact avec l'extérieur des populations de la basse vallée de l'Ouémé et de ses zones inondables. C'est un complexe composé d'un fleuve, d'une rivière, d'un lac et d'une lagune reliés les uns aux autres par des chenaux et qui se communiquent avec l'océan Atlantique. Ce complexe se creuse dans un substratum sédimentaire, très meuble. Face à la vulnérabilité socio-économique, par la régression des activités primaires, et au changement climatique épisodique : pluies tardives, chaleur excessive, inondation extrême ; les activités secondaires ont pris progressivement le pas sur les principales que sont : l'agriculture de saison pour les ouémènu et la pêche pour les tofinnu. Ainsi, la disponibilité des ressources en eau répond aux attentes d'appropriation des populations. L'espace fluvial a pris le sens d'une autoroute de communication. Le transport des biens et des personnes répondent désormais aux besoins économiques des ménages influencés par les biens de premières nécessités. Trois portes principales d'entrée et de sortie répondent aux attentes quotidiennes des hommes et des femmes. Les embarcadères du marché Dantokpa ; au cœur de la ville de Cotonou centre névralgique du pays ; l'embarcadère de Djassintokpa, quartier de la ville de Porto-Novo, capitale politique du Bénin. Et l'embarcadère d'Abomey-Calavi, ville périurbaine, point d'accueil touristique. Mais, à ces différentes portes s'ajoutent les portes de chaque village ou quartier de ville. Au cours de cette recherche, nous avions distingué trois axes de transport : les traversées, les axes de moyens courriers et les axes de longs courriers. Les traversées se font entre les villages et les quartiers situés de part et d'autre des masses d'eau. Elles sont de très courtes durées, à faible coût, permettant à chaque individu de communiquer avec son milieu et augmentent les échanges commerciaux. Alors que les moyens courriers durent en moyenne une heure et permettent de relier les marchés de ville (Dantokpa à Cotonou, Ouando à Porto-Novo et Calavi). Les axes de longue durée concernent le transport des marchandises des communes les plus reculées (Dangbo et Adjohoun) et le commerce transfrontalier avec les marchés de Lagos et de Badagry au Nigéria. Ce sont des transports à forte capacité de main d'œuvre et peuvent durée entre 5 heures et 8 heures. Le transport fluvial a été longtemps utilisé comme voie de pénétration des territoires, il mérite aujourd'hui une attention comme future voie de développement des communes et voie de l'avenir dans le transport des biens et des personnes au Bénin.
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Awamat, Samer. "Adaptation d'un réacteur plasma basse pression de dépôt pour la synthèse d'oxydes soumis à de hautes températures : application aux piles à combustibles type SOFC et aux barrières thermiques." Paris 6, 2008.

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L’objectif de cette étude consiste à élaborer des couches d’oxydes qui seront utilisées dans des dispositifs fonctionnant à haute température. Les oxydes synthétisés répondent bien aux propriétés recherchées dans les piles à combustible à électrolyte solide et les barrières thermiques. Cet objectif a été atteint grâce à l’utilisation d’un plasma hors-équilibre généré dans un réacteur à tuyère convergente supersonique. Un aérosol contenant les précurseurs nitrés est introduit, à l’aide du système d’injection adapté, dans le réacteur plasma en vue d’obtenir les dépôts d’oxydes recherchés. La mise au point d’un nouveau système d’injection a rendu possible la réalisation des dépôts réputés difficiles à élaborer. L’étude hydrodynamique de l’écoulement des gaz et des particules dans le réacteur a été réalisée de deux façons. D’une part, le modèle développé sous FLUENT a indiqué que la vitesse des gaz plasmagènes en sortie de la tuyère peut atteindre 700 m. S-1. D’autre part, l’anémométrie laser-Doppler a montré le rôle important de la tuyère convergente qui accélère l’écoulement des particules. La spectroscopie d’émission optique a révélé l’importance de cette tuyère sur la concentration des espèces réactives dans le plasma et sa contribution sur la dissociation de l’eau par la présence des radicaux OH° et des H atomiques. Un code développé dans notre laboratoire a permis d’étudier l’évolution des fractions molaires des espèces réactives le long du réacteur en fonction de la puissance et du diamètre du col de la tuyère. La microscopie électronique à balayage a mis en évidence la morphologie des dépôts synthétisés. La spectrophotométrie infrarouge à transformée de Fourier a été employée pour quantifier l’influence des différents paramètres sur le taux de conversion des précurseurs en oxydes. La diffraction des rayons X a confirmé la pureté des dépôts et la structure cristalline correspondante
The objective of this study is the development of processes for the creation of oxide films to be used in devices which are designed to function at high temperature. Such synthetic oxides are well-suited toward applications in solid oxide fuel cells and thermal barriers. Non-equilibrium plasma generated in a reactor with a supersonic convergent nozzle was used for the deposition of the oxide films. A nitrated chemical precursor was introduced to the plasma reactor in aerosol form via an adapted injector system. This new aerosol injection system coupled with the plasma enabled the development of oxide layer types which are reputed to be technically difficult to obtain. Study of the fluid dynamics of the gas-particle system was done in two ways. First, a numerical simulation developed using the software FLUENT indicated that the velocity of the plasma exiting a convergent nozzle in the system may be as much as 700m/s. Second, laser-Doppler anemometry experiments showed the importance of the role of the convergent nozzle for gas/particle acceleration. Emission spectroscopic measurements showed the important effect of the convergent nozzle on the concentration of reactive species in the plasma and its contribution to the dissociation of water observed by the presence of OH radical and H bands. Software was developed permitting the study of the evolution of the molar fraction of reactive species along the reactor as a function of the plasma power and the diameter of the convergent nozzle. Scanning electron microscopy was used to study the morphology of the synthetic oxide deposits. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was used to quantify the influence of different parameters on the conversion yield. X-ray diffraction spectroscopy was used to measure the purity of the deposits and their corresponding crystal structures
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Walkowiak, Alain Michel. "Réponse à l'imprévisibilité de l'environnement : stratégies de quelques espèces annuelles de Basse-Californie (Mexique)." Montpellier 2, 1991.

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Dans les regions arides, l'eau est le facteur qui controle les processus biologiques. Dans ces regions, le regime des pluies est tres variable dans l'espace et dans le temps; il en resulte, des gradients d'impredictibilite de l'environnement. Les plantes annuelles representent une forme de vie (life-form) qui a reussi dans ces regions. La basse californie du nord (mexique), presente 2 regions ayant des regimes pluvieux contrastes: une region sur la cote de l'ocean pacifique avec un regime de pluies previsibles (des pluies sures pendant l'hiver et une secheresse estivale); l'autre region sur la cote du golfe de californie presente un regime avec une faible previsibilite pendant toute l'annee. Le theme de nombreux articles a ete l'etude de l'evolution des cycles de developpement des organismes comme reponse a l'influence de l'imprevisibilite de l'environnement. Nous avons selectionne 5 especes annuelles: erodium cicutarium, erodium macrophyllum, salvia columbariae, camisonnia californica et calandrinia maritima. L'interpretation des resultats obtenus indique que les especes etudiees presentent une strategie specifique et similaire dans toutes les populations, sauf c. Californica, qui presente des reponses particulieres dans les differentes populations etudiees. On souligne que dans les regions arides l'aridite et la previsibilite des pluies sont les composantes les plus importantes dans l'evolution de cycles de vie des especes annuelles et doivent etre considerees comme des forces independantes
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Awamat, Samer. "Adaptation d'un réacteur plasma basse pression de dépôt pour la synthèse d'oxydes soumis à de hautes températures. Application aux piles à combustible type SOFC et aux barrières thermiques." Phd thesis, 2008.

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L'objectif de cette étude consiste à élaborer des couches d'oxydes qui seront utilisées dans des dispositifs fonctionnant à haute température. Les oxydes synthétisés répondent bien aux propriétés recherchées dans les piles à combustible à électrolyte solide et les barrières thermiques. Cet objectif a été atteint grâce à l'utilisation d'un plasma hors-équilibre généré dans un réacteur à tuyère convergente supersonique. Un aérosol contenant les précurseurs nitrés est introduit, à l'aide du système d'injection adapté, dans le réacteur plasma en vue d'obtenir les dépôts d'oxydes recherchés. La mise au point d'un nouveau système d'injection a rendu possible la réalisation des dépôts réputés difficiles à élaborer. L'étude hydrodynamique de l'écoulement des gaz et des particules dans le réacteur a été réalisée de deux façons. D'une part, le modèle développé sous FLUENT a indiqué que la vitesse des gaz plasmagènes en sortie de la tuyère peut atteindre 700 m.s-1. D'autre part, l'anémométrie laser-Doppler a montré le rôle important de la tuyère convergente qui accélère l'écoulement des particules. La spectroscopie d'émission optique a révélé l'importance de cette tuyère sur la concentration des espèces réactives dans le plasma et sa contribution sur la dissociation de l'eau par la présence des radicaux OH° et des H atomiques. Un code développé dans notre laboratoire a permis d'étudier l'évolution des fractions molaires des espèces réactives le long du réacteur en fonction de la puissance et du diamètre du col de la tuyère. La microscopie électronique à balayage a mis en évidence la morphologie des dépôts synthétisés. La spectrophotométrie infrarouge à transformée de Fourier a été employée pour quantifier l'influence des différents paramètres sur le taux de conversion des précurseurs en oxydes. La diffraction des rayons X a confirmé la pureté des dépôts et la structure cristalline correspondante.
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Books on the topic "Adaptation de basse rang"


Stead, Lisa. Reframing Vivien Leigh. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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Reframing Vivien Leigh takes a fresh new look at one of the twentieth century’s most iconic stars. Focusing on Vivien Leigh as a distinctly archival subject, the book draws upon original oral history work with curators, archivists, and fan collectives and extensive research within a network of official and unofficial archives around the world to produce alternative stories about her place within film history. The study examines an intriguing variety of historical correspondence, costume, scripts, photography, props, and memorabilia in order to reframe the dominant narratives that have surrounded her life and career. While Leigh’s glamour, collaborations with Laurence Olivier, and mental health form important coordinates for any study of the star, the book foregrounds a range of alternative contexts that emphasize her creative agency, examining her off-screen labor in areas such as theatrical training, adaptation, war work, producing, protesting, and interactions with her fan base. Part I examines a variety of case studies of Leigh’s screen and stage craft as they emerge from the archive, looking at Leigh’s varied collaborations, her investment in faithful adaptations, and her vocal training. It interconnects star studies, feminist film studies, and performance studies to produce a new take on stardom as creative process rather than stardom as image. Part II turns toward unofficial archives and local museum collections, centering the work of the archivist and the amateur collector and their impact on women’s star histories. It explores Leigh’s archival afterlives as they are constructed by a range of agents and institutions beyond the “official” star archive.
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Harris, Ellen T. The Late Eighteenth Century. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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In the late eighteenth century, The Academy of Ancient Music prepared a modern adaptation of Dido and Aeneas that was performed into the nineteenth century. The score was brought “up-to-date” by means of alterations to rhythmic flow and cadential patterns, and the temporal separation of individual movements from one another. Scenic demarcations were revised to indicate entrances and exits rather than stage set, and cuts were taken throughout the score. The vocal ranges of the soloists were altered to cover the standard vocal range: soprano (Dido), alto (Belinda), tenor (Aeneas), bass (Sorceress). Some of the surviving sources for these performances offer the names of specific singers who played the major roles.
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Danieli, Yael, and Brian Engdahl. Multigenerational Legacies of Trauma. Edited by Charles B. Nemeroff and Charles R. Marmar. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Multigenerational legacies of suffering are universal and as old as humankind. Given ongoing worldwide violent atrocities, understanding and addressing their intergenerational consequences is vital. Transmission mechanisms explored range from the basic biological to the complex psychological, and the sociopolitical. The first and most frequently investigated offspring population is that of Nazi Holocaust survivors. The chapter synthesizes the research on these offspring and some of the more recently studied offspring groups. It then presents the major theory of multigenerational trauma transmission—Trauma and the Continuity of Self: A Multidimensional, Multidisciplinary Integrative Framework, that provides the bases for the first valid transmission assessment measure—the Danieli Inventory for Multigenerational Legacies of Trauma. Part II of the Danieli Inventory—Reparative Adaptation Impacts—is key to assessing the well-being of the second generation. Recommendations for further research and enhancing clinical interventions are included.
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Noblit, George W., ed. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods in Education. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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99 entries The Oxford Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods in Education has brought together scholars from across the globe who use qualitative methods in their research to address the history, current uses, adaptations for specific knowledge domains and situations, and problematics that drive the methodology. This is the most comprehensive resource available on qualitative methods in education. For novice researchers, the Encyclopedia enables a broad view of the methods and how to enact them in the studies that early-career researchers may wish to conduct. For the experienced researcher, the range of approaches and adaptations covered enables the development of sophisticated methodological designs. For those who are qualitative research methodologists, this book reveals where the methodology has come from and where it is going. Methodologists can use these volumes to discern where new ideas and practices are needed, and provide the bases for new methodological works. For those who teach these methods, the Encyclopedia is an invaluable compendium that can be tapped for inclusion in courses and to enable the instructor to be able to quickly respond to specific student needs with high-quality methodological resources.
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Wilkinson, Philip. Cognitive behaviour therapy. Oxford University Press, 2013.

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Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is a dominant psychological treatment in the management of a range of psychiatric disorders and is increasingly being refined to suit the needs older adults. This chapter summarises the theory and practice of CBT, with an emphasis on assessment, formulation, and adaptation of treatment with older patients. Management of depressive disorder, anxiety disorders and dementia caregiver distress are described in detail with relevant case examples. Problem-solving therapy and behavioural activation are described. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) has potential benefits in the treatment of older adults. MBCT is described and applications with older people are reviewed. Newer applications are outlined, including treatment of psychological symptoms associated with physical illness, psychosis and memory impairment. The evidence base for CBT-based interventions with older adults is limited; the limitations and extent of the current evidence are reviewed.
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Book chapters on the topic "Adaptation de basse rang"


Ma, Haoran, and Hao Zheng. "Text Semantics to Image Generation: A Method of Building Facades Design Base on Stable Diffusion Model." In Computational Design and Robotic Fabrication, 24–34. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2024.

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AbstractStable Diffusion model has been extensively employed in the study of architectural image generation, but there is still an opportunity to enhance in terms of the controllability of the generated image content. A multi-network combined text-to-building facade image generating method is proposed in this work. We first fine-tuned the Stable Diffusion model on the CMP Facades dataset using the LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation) approach, then we apply the ControlNet model to further control the output. Finally, we contrasted the facade generating outcomes under various architectural style text contents and control strategies. The results demonstrate that the LoRA training approach significantly decreases the possibility of fine-tuning the Stable Diffusion large model, and the addition of the ControlNet model increases the controllability of the creation of text to building facade images. This provides a foundation for subsequent studies on the generation of architectural images.
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Wu, Junjie, Mingjie Sun, Chen Gong, Nan Yu, and Guohong Fu. "PromptCD: Coupled and Decoupled Prompt Learning for Vision-Language Models." In Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. IOS Press, 2024.

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Large-scale pre-trained vision-language models (VLMs), like CLIP, have presented striking generalizability for adapting to image classification in a few shot setting. Most existing methods explore a set of learnable tokens, such as prompt learning, on data-efficient utilization for task adaptation. However, they focus on either the coupled-modality property by prompt projection or decoupled-modality characteristic by prompt consistency, which ignores effective interaction between prompts. To model the deep yet sufficient cross-modal interaction and enhance the generalization between both seen and unseen tasks, in this paper, we propose a novel coupled and decoupled prompt learning framework, dubbed PromptCD, for vision-language models. Specifically, we introduce a bi-directional coupled-modality mechanism to intensify the interaction between both vision and language branches. Additionally, we propose mixture consistency to further improve the generalization and discrimination of the models on unseen tasks. The integration of such a mechanism and consistency facilitates the proposed framework adaptation for various downstream tasks. We conduct extensive experiments on 11 image classification datasets under a range of evaluation protocols, including base-to-novel and domain generalization, and cross-dataset recognition. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed PromptCD overall outperforms state-of-the-art methods.
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Alexander, Earl B., Roger G. Coleman, Todd Keeler-Wolfe, and Susan P. Harrison. "Synthesis and Future Directions." In Serpentine Geoecology of Western North America. Oxford University Press, 2007.

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Ultramafic rocks come from deep within the earth. Most rocks on the surface of the earth are quite different from them. Unique rocks make unique soils and support special plants. Exploring the links and interactions among these unique rocks, soils, and vegetation is an interdisciplinary endeavor that has been accomplished by experts in three areas. It has helped elucidate serpentine rock–soil–plant relationships and provide a rationale for the unusual soil properties and vegetation associated with ultramafic rocks. Examples from arctic tundra to temperate rainforest and hot desert in western North America provide a framework for the investigation of serpentine geoecosystems around the world. The unusual character of most serpentine vegetation is readily apparent even to an untrained eye. Although a vast number of rock and soil types make up the earth’s surface, few have as dramatic and visible effects on ecosystems as do ultramafic, or serpentine materials. Most ultramafic rocks in western North America have been derived from the mantle of earth via ocean crust. Magnesium is highly concentrated in the mantle and calcium, potassium, and phosphorous are relatively low. Calcium and potassium are further depleted from peridotite in the partial melting of ultramafic rock at the base of the ocean crust. As oceanic plates drift from spreading centers, most of the ocean crust is subducted and returns to the mantle (chapter 2). Only relatively small fragments of ocean crust are added to the continents. Because eukaryotic organisms, from protozoa to plants and animals, have evolved on continental crust, they are adapted to soils with higher concentrations of calcium, potassium, and phosphorus (elements with higher concentrations in continental crust than in ultramafic rocks from the base of the ocean crust) and much lower concentrations of magnesium. Having evolved on continents, plants depend on relatively high ratios of calcium and potassium to magnesium, elements that they use for a wide range of physiological functions. Although there has been a long history of evolutionary adaptation to the chemistry of the continental crust, special adaptations have allowed some plants to colonize the atypical conditions of serpentine.
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Laidlaw, Ken, and Philip Wilkinson. "Cognitive behavioural therapy." In Oxford Textbook of Old Age Psychiatry, 253–60. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is a dominant psychological treatment in the management of a range of psychiatric disorders and is increasingly being refined to suit the needs of older adults. This chapter summarizes the theory and practice of CBT, and emphasizes assessment, formulation, and adaptation of treatment with older patients. It describes in detail management of depressive disorder, anxiety disorders and dementia caregiver distress and includes relevant case examples. It also covers problem-solving therapy and behavioural activation. The chapter also describes mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), which has potential benefits in the treatment of older adults, and it reviews applications with older people. It outlines newer applications, including treatment of psychological symptoms associated with physical illness, psychosis, and memory impairment. Finally, it describes how the evidence base for CBT-based interventions with older adults is limited and reviews the extent of the current evidence.
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Manning, Jane. "JOCELYN MORLOCK (b. 1969)Involuntary Love Songs (2008)." In Vocal Repertoire for the Twenty-First Century, Volume 2, 156–59. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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This chapter explores Canadian composer Jocelyn Morlock’s Involuntary Love Songs (2008). Morlock’s lively, distinctive voice and clear vision are immediately evident in this trio of satisfying, ear-catching songs, written in an accessible style that recalls elements of an earlier North American ‘art-song’ tradition. The cycle will be an asset to any recital programme. The vibrantly evocative poems by Alan Ashton are ideal musical vehicles, and Morlock responds to them with spontaneity and empathy, mirroring their emotional surges and bracing contrasts. An enviably uncluttered musical language often has modal overtones, and she favours spare, lean textures, with frequent open fifths and fourths anchored to a stable, tonic base. Words are set so as to ring out clearly and vocal lines stay within a practical range, following the contours of natural speech. The piece was originally written for soprano, but, in keeping with a current trend, exists in different transposed versions, each also open to adaptation for individual performers.
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Nosè, Michela. "Tortura e disagio psichico tra i rifugiati e i richiedenti asilo." In Sapere l’Europa, sapere d’Europa. Venice: Edizioni Ca' Foscari, 2019.

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In recent years there has been a progressive rise in the number of asylum seekers and refugees displaced from their country of origin, with significant social, economic, humanitarian and public health implications. In comparison with the general population, refugees and asylum seekers have been shown to experience higher prevalence rates of a range of disorders, including Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Although there is substantial variability in prevalence rates, PTSD is frequent and is much more likely in refugees and asylum seekers compared to host populations. In terms of psychosocial interventions, cognitive behavioral interventions and narrative exposure therapy are supported by some evidence of efficacy that would suggest the possibility of decreasing PTSD symptoms in this vulnerable group. Overall, psychosocial interventions for asylum seekers and refugees with PTSD were found to provide significant benefits in reducing PTSD symptoms. Therefore these data provide an evidence base to inform decisions in clinical practice and in policy making, considering that an appropriate treatment is a right of refugees and a way to better adaptation and integration in hosted country.
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Qviller, Jørn. "Det amerikanske marinekorpset – den nølende arktiske krigeren." In Sikkerhetspolitikk og militærmakt i Arktis, 153–74. Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP, 2023.

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The United States Marine Corps (USMC), having changed its focus from counter insurgency to conventional warfare against a peer adversary, is in the midst of a comprehensive change of force structure and operating concepts. The pacing threat and main priority is China and the Pacific region. The objective of the new Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations (EABO) concept, developed by the USMC, is to make the force relevant against a peer adversary. That roughly means operating as a stand-in force (SIF) in small units, distributed over a large area, with long-range sensors and long-range weapons. The concept relies on the assumption that the USMC is present in the area of operation before a war breaks out. The concept also relies on the assumption that what works in the Pacific region will work in the Arctic climate, Norwegian geography, and against Russia as an adversary. For the USMC, the situation regarding Norway today has many similarities with the Cold War in the 1980s. The greatest differences from the Cold War era are the focus on China and the Pacific instead of Russia and Norway. The Pacific region is prioritized when it comes to equipment, new units and personnel. To make EABO work requires local adaptation in close cooperation with the Norwegian Armed Forces. Too many factors indicate that the USMC will have difficulties operationalizing the EABO concept in Norway.
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Fuller, Zach, and Maren Wellenreuther. "Studying climate change effects in the era of omic sciences." In Effects of Climate Change on Insects, 33–50. Oxford University PressOxford, 2024.

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Abstract Technological advances over recent years have allowed scientists to unravel the “omic” underpinnings of climate change responses in insects. Of these, genomic technologies have been most frequently used to dissect the genes that underlie plastic responses as well as those that facilitate range shifts and adaptation. Recent work has also demonstrated that a significant portion of adaptive variation is captured by structural genomic variants in additions to the commonly studied single base pair differences. Transcriptomic investigations to reveal gene expression pattern changes have uncovered strong responses to a changing climate, with evidence of temperature-induced stress responses in taxonomically diverse species. Epigenomic studies are starting to uncover DNA modifications that regulate gene expression and how they are passed on through the generations. Increasing evidence supports the emerging view that both structural variants and epigenomic variation are important modifiers of important fitness-related phenotypes that facilitate rapid responses to environmental changes. Given the global importance of insects as pest- and disease-carrying species as well as their role in invasions suggest that future studies need to apply a multifaceted approach to understand the mechanisms that prevent or facilitate climate change responses in this group.
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Albuquerque, Silas L., Cristiano J. Miosso, Adson F. da Rocha, and Paulo R. L. Gondim. "Multi-Factor Authentication Protocol Based on Electrocardiography Signals for a Mobile Cloud Computing Environment." In Mobile Computing Solutions for Healthcare Systems, 62–88. BENTHAM SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, 2023.

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Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) is a highly complex topic that encompasses several information security issues. The authentication area of the various entities involved has been extensively discussed in recent years and shown a wide range of possibilities. The use of inadequate authentication processes leads to several problems, which range from financial damage to users or providers of Mobile Commerce (M-Commerce) services to the death of patients who depend on Mobile Healthcare (M-Health) services. The design of reliable authentication processes that minimize such issues involves the use of non-intrusive authentication techniques and continuous authentication of users by MCC service providers. In this sense, biometrics may satisfy such needs in various scenarios. This research has explored some conceptual bases and presents a continuous authentication protocol for MCC environments. Such a protocol is part of a cyberphysical system (CPS) and is based on the monitoring of physiological information interpreted from users’ electrocardiograms (ECG). Machine learning techniques based on the Adaptative Boost (Adaboost) and Random Undersampling Boost (RUSBoost) were used for the classification of the cardiac cycles recognized in such ECGs. The two ML techniques applied to electrocardiography were compared by a random subsampling technique that considers four analysis metrics, namely accuracy, precision, sensitivity, and F1-score. The experimental results showed better performance of RUSBoost regarding accuracy (97.4%), precision (98.7%), sensitivity (96.1%), and F1- score (97.4%).
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Chenchu, Swetha, Vignesh Kandem, T. Dattaram, and T. Venkat Narayana Rao. "The Convergence of Artificial Intelligence and Graphical User Interface." In Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage, 69–102. IGI Global, 2025.

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AI (Artificial Intelligence) and GUI (Graphical User Interface) are the two most cutting-edge technologies. These technologies individually can make a comprehensive change in industries and alter economic and social interactions and connections. In general, Now-a-days AI is integrated with human technology and used in some wide range of sectors like healthcare, finance to education, banking, manufacturing, transportation, etc. GUI is used in gaming, designing, AR (Augmented reality) and VR (Virtual reality), media, smart home devices, etc., Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Graphical User Interface is beneficial for both users and app developers. The convergence of AI and GUI gives dynamic applications like Data Visualization, Insights, Smart assistants, Adaptions, Navigations, and Predictive analytics. This integration will increase the ease of access for new information to users. Now we are facing some general problems based on these technologies like Adaptive User Interfaces, Automated user interface testing, AI-Enhanced data visualization, Intelligent GUI Design Assistance, Real-Time Emotion Recognition for GUI Adaptation, etc., User interfaces are often designed with a one-size-fits-all approach, which does not account for individual user preferences and abilities. Designing perceptive and attractive GUIs requires significant space and time. This chapter focus on how can we develop a UI (User Interface) with base of AI which can be capable of solving the above obstacles and gives the simple objectives and technical solutions. By this integration we can execute some future projects like AI-Enhanced Customer Support Portals, Adaptive Gaming Interfaces, Interactive Financial Management Systems, and more.
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Conference papers on the topic "Adaptation de basse rang"


Samarakoon, Lahiru, and Khe Chai Sim. "Low-rank bases for factorized hidden layer adaptation of DNN acoustic models." In 2016 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT). IEEE, 2016.

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Liu, Lei, and Christopher W. Tyler. "Measurement of the saturating nonlinearity in the retinal light response." In OSA Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1988.

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Recordings from human cones exhibit nonlinear response saturation at high intensities, which match the hyperbolic asymptote of the Naka-Rushton equation.1 Psychophysical measurement of this saturation is made difficult by an adaptive gain control mechanism which holds the retinal response at the same operating point on the static nonlinearity. We, therefore, devised a paradigm to clamp the gain control at a fixed adaptation level, allowing direct measurement of the form of the nonlinear response saturation by increment and decrement thresholds. A 7′ test stimulus of 660 nm was viewed in the foveola with a large surround kept at a fixed level of 50,000 trolands (Td). The steady base level of the test stimulus was varied over about a ±1-log unit range but should have had a minimal effect on the local adaptation pool in the region of the test. Two-pulse measures of the response time constant verified constancy of pooled adaptation level over the base intensity range. Up and down test pulses of 65-ms duration were used to probe the static nonlinearity. Up/down asymmetries of up to a factor of 2 occurred at the highest base intensities, as expected from the Naka-Rushton function. A complete specification of the foveolar saturating nonlinearity was constructed from the up/down data.
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Hai¨k, P., S. Parfouru, K. Fessart, J. Lonchampt, and E. Remy. "“Adaptative” User Interface as a Support for Evaluation Analysis in the Context of Asset Management." In ASME 2008 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. ASMEDC, 2008.

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The long term management of a production asset raises several major issues among which rank the technical management of the plant, its economics and the fleet level perspective one has to adopt. Decision makers are therefore faced with the need to define long term policies (up to the end of asset operation) which take into account multiple criteria including safety (which is paramount) and performance. In this context, EDF “PWR Durability I & II” research projects have consecutively been launched, since 2001, at EDF – Research & Development in order to develop methods and tools for EDF fleet. The aim of this paper is: • to summarize and analyze the research work that has been performed by EDF – R&D in the field of decision making for nuclear power plant maintenance and operation during the past seven year; • to highlight the strong and weak points of the developed methodology and tools and to identify the research work needed in order to ensure their use by EDF decision makers; • to introduce and illustrate our last development based on the use of an “adaptative” man/machine user interface in order to allows technical/strategic experts and decision makers to consult the useful pieces of knowledge in a context dependent way and, thus, facilitate the validation of the knowledge-base content and the analysis of the processed results. As a result, in this paper, we first remind the reader of the EDF overall methodology for asset management and its adaptations to plant-level life cycle management and to fleet-level component major replacement or capital investment management. We then focus on the three software tools that implement this methodology in order to allow decision makers, in several different contexts to define, evaluate and analyze long term plant operation and maintenance policies, major component replacement policies and capital investment strategies. We also show how the methodology and the software tools were used, from 2003 to 2007, on several pilot case studies. Examples of technical and economic results obtained for plant level pilot case study is quickly described as well as the kinds of conclusions one can draw from them in order to help decision makers evaluate and analyze long term asset management strategies or compare different plants. We then present the opinion of EDF’s decision makers about the developedmethodology and tools — and their use — and our understanding of their feedback. Lastly, we illustrate, using examples of technical and economic knowledge, data and results obtained from our previous pilot case studies, how the concept of an “adaptative” man/machine user interface could be used in order to facilitate the mastering of the methodology and tools’ complexity and to support decision makers’ evaluation and analysis of long term asset management strategies.
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Mu¨ller, Eric A., and Andrew Wihler. "Power Reserve Control for Gas Turbines in Combined Cycle Applications." In ASME 2011 Turbo Expo: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2011.

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In order to be able to optimally operate a combined cycle power plant in a liberalized electricity market, knowledge of the plant’s maximum exportable power generation capacity is vital. However, the maximum power output of a power plant is affected by numerous variable factors, such as the ambient conditions at the plant site. In addition, the allowable plant operating range might be narrowed by a compulsory reserve margin, if the power plant is participating in a frequency regulation program. In this paper, a power reserve controller is derived, which facilitates the optimal operation of a combined cycle gas turbine power plant subject to a reserve margin requirement. The power reserve controller bases on a mathematical description of the power plant and uses an adaptation mechanism to predict on a real-time basis the maximum allowable plant load limit. Based on tests on a single shaft combined cycle power plant, the operation of the power reserve controller is demonstrated and its performance is assessed. The test results prove that the controller predicts the maximum power output of the plant with high accuracy and that it is able to maintain a desired reserve capacity for frequency response as specified.
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Tangwa, Elvis, Vit Voženílek, Jan Brus, and Vilem Pechanec. "CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE AGRICULTURAL POTENTIAL OF SELECTED LEGUME CROPS IN EAST AFRICA." In GEOLINKS International Conference. SAIMA Consult Ltd, 2020.

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Land expansion to increase agricultural production in East Africa (Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda) will be limited by climate change. In this study, we predict landscape suitability for chickpea (Cicer arietinum), common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), lentil (Lens culinaris), field pea (Pisum sativum) and pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) cultivated across diverse agro-ecological zones (AEZs) in East Africa from 1970 to 2070, under the 4.5 emission scenario. Our aim was to understand how suitability shifts among the AEZs might affect the agricultural potential of the selected crops. We use the geolocations of each crop together with response curves from the species distribution software, Maxent to fine-tune the expert based EcoCrop model to the prevailing climatic conditions in the study region. Our optimal precipitation and temperature ranges compared reasonably with the FAO base parameters, deviating by ±200mm and ±5oC, respectively. There is currently a high potential for lentil, pea and common bean in the region. However, under future climates, the suitability of common bean and lentil with a much narrow climate range will shrink considerably while pigeon pea and chickpea will continue to be suitable. Under projected climatic conditions, the agricultural potential of these legumes will be limited by drought or heat stress as landscape suitability will shift optimally toward the cool sub-humid (tcsh), and the cool semi-arid (tcsa) zones. Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda will be the most affected and will lose a large share of suitable arable land. Different adaptation measures will be needed to increase the agricultural potential and optimized production in vulnerable AEZs. In general, smallholder farmers will have to substitute lentil and common bean for chickpea and pigeon pea or other suitable substitutes to address food security issues. Notwithstanding the limitations of this study, our results highlight the vulnerability of legumes crops as well as their production zones which could be useful in the formulation of adaptation strategies for the East African region.
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Hai¨k, P., S. Parfouru, C. Bauby, and S. Mahe. "“Adaptative” User Interface for Expert Knowledge Validation and Evaluations Interpretation in an Asset Management Process." In ASME 2007 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. ASMEDC, 2007.

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The long term management of a production asset raises several major issues among which rank the technical management of the plant, its economics and the fleet level perspective one has to adopt. Decision makers are therefore faced with the need to define long term policies (up to the end of asset operation) which take into account multiple criteria including safety (which is paramount) and performance. In this paper we first remind the reader of the EDF three-level methodology for asset management. We then focus on the knowledge model and on the software tools that implement this methodology in order to gather, preserve, share, maintain and exploit the expert knowledge needed for asset management and to allow decision makers to define, evaluate and analyze long term plant operation and maintenance policies. Lastly, as the quality of the processed plant level evaluations (operation & maintenance strategies are evaluated, at a plantlevel, through a set of technical and economic indicators) and their interpretation relies on the quality of the knowledge captured in the tools, we focus on the definition of a “adaptative” user interface — based on Electronic Structured Documents — that allows technical/strategic experts and decision makers to consult the useful pieces of knowledge in a context dependent way. Such an interface, which, in a near future, should be fully implemented in the tools will facilitate the validation of the knowledge-base content and the analysis of the processed results.
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Alkatheeri, Haseena, Evangelos Markopoulos, and Hamdan Hamdan Al-qayed. "An organizational and operational capability and maturity assessment for SMEs in emerging markets towards the ESG criteria adaptation." In 10th International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies (IHIET 2023). AHFE International, 2023.

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SMEs are considered the backbone of every economy forming nearly 95% of the private sector globally. As they are mostly family businesses, start-ups or specialized enterprises, they operate mainly locally or regionally with a direct impact to the society, the, employment and the national economy. On the other hand, due to their limited size and operations they cannot afford the cost and effort needed for long term planning and strategy development that can secure the value, volume, reputation and recognition needed to attract investments. The ESG criteria can be considered as a privilege system primarily for the large-scale organizations and the Multinational Enterprises whose financial and human resources can be easier allocated on ESG activities that return serious financial and reputational benefits. Research indicates that more than 90% of the investors invest only in companies with high social and sustainable profiles. The message from investors and consumers is that if companies cant show any sign of changing their business models, they wont be able to sell. The same applies at country level. Finland for example does not offer any business opportunities to any company that does not have a solid and proven sustainability strategy and track record. This trend, for clients and investors, to consider only Green (sustainable) or Pink (Social) products and companies for their purchases and investments, drives all types of organizations towards that adaptation of the ESG criteria. However, and since such a strategy requires investments, resources, funds and time that only Multinational organizations can provide, SMEs are left out from any opportunity to develop, grow, and compete. This paper highlights this ESG discrimination among the SMEs and MNEs and intends to bridge this gap by identifying, in a smaller scale, activities that reflect the ESG criteria and can be implemented by the SMEs at organizational and operational level. Such an approach provides SMEs the opportunity to record, report and receive credit, visibility and recognition for their sustainable, social and ethical governance efforts and actions, that can potentially enlarge their customer base and attract the investments needed to further develop themselves. The proposed approach is based on an assessment that creates an SME ESG roadmap framework for the SMEs to initially identify their ESG awareness and maturity before adopting any ESG related strategy and commitment. The assessment highlights the SMEs capability and maturity to adopt such a mid-range strategy and align their operations with the ESG criteria on a smaller scale. The results of the assessment formulate an achievable ESG related strategy for each SME, identify the key ESG activities to be implemented, indicate their order of execution, and predict a performance score upon the completion of the proposed strategy. This score can be utilized by SMES to receive social, reputational and financial recognition for their contribution to the local and regional society and economy. To secure the relevance of the SMEs ESG oriented activities with the actual ESG requirements, the proposed approach has been developed after studying several ESG reporting and scoring methodologies such as the Refinitiv, FTSE Russel, BHI, and others, and extractive the most relevant ESG requirements and metrics that can be implemented and measured with the abilities of an SME.Due to the significant variations of the SMEs operations, the proposed framework is targeted primarily to SMEs in emerging markets where the economic development and a structured business environments can help such a novel approach in SMEs strategic management and leadership.
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Hittner, Dominique, Sander de Groot, Gerard Griffay, Pascal Yvon, Ludwik Pienkowski, Jacques Ruer, Carmen Angulo, and Gaetano Iaquaniello. "A New Impetus for Developing Industrial Process Heat Applications of HTR in Europe." In Fourth International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology. ASMEDC, 2008.

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Due to its high operating temperature (up to 850°C with present technologies, possibly higher in the longer term), and its power range (a few hundred MW), the modular HTR could address a larger scope of industrial process heat needs than other present nuclear systems. Even if HTR can contribute to competitive electricity generation, this potential for industrial heat applications is the main incentive for developing this type of reactor, as it could open to nuclear energy a large non-electricity market. However several issues must be addressed and solved successfully for HTR to actually enter the market of industrial process heat: 1) as an absolute prerequisite, to develop a strategic alliance of nuclear industry and R&D with process heat user industries. 2) to solve some key technical issues, as for instance the design of a reactor and of a coupling system flexible enough to reconcile a single reactor design with multiple applications and versatile requirements for the heat source, and the development of special adaptations of the application processes or even of new processes to fit with the assets and constraints of HTR heat supply, 3) to solve critical industrial issues such as economic competitiveness, availability and 4) to address the licensing issues raised by the conjunction of nuclear and industrial risks. In line with IAEA initiatives for supporting non-electric applications of nuclear energy and with the orientations of the SET-Plan of the European Commission, the (European) HTR Technology Network (HTR-TN) proposes a new project, together with industrial process heat user partners, to provide a first impetus to the strategic alliance between nuclear and non-nuclear industries. End user requirements will be expressed systematically on the basis of inputs from industrial partners on various types of process heat applications. These requirements will be confronted with the capabilities of the HTR heat source, in order to point out possible discrepancies and issues, to assess the feasibility of different coupling schemes and to identify development needs. Partners from nuclear regulatory organisations will also address the feasibility of licensing such coupling schemes. The issues they will raise will be taken into consideration for defining coupling design bases and identifying R&D needs. A detailed roadmap for designing an industrial demonstrator of a HTR coupled with process heat applications will be inferred from this analysis, as well as R&D actions required for supporting the development of the reactor, of the coupling system and of possible adaptations or innovations in industrial processes.
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Labude, Susan, Dominik Breck, Max Schlosser, Alexander Marbach, and Christian Roschke. "Development of a usability-optimised design concept in the context of an e-learning application for students in the field of data science." In 8th International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies. AHFE International, 2022.

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This paper is situated in the field of human-machine interaction and particularly deals with the user-centred development of a design concept for an e-learning solution in the domain of data science. The focus of the development lies on usability.Over the last few years there has been a shift from traditional teaching-learning scenarios to software-based e-learning solutions. This transformation has resulted in different challenges in a wide range of subject domains. One of the most difficult challenges is to keep students motivated in using these systems. Especially the area of human-machine interaction offers versatile approaches for improving student motivation.At the Institute for Computer Science and Media in Research and Transfer (CSMRT) at the University of Applied Sciences Mittweida, it is planned to implement an e-learning solution that will enable students to independently acquire knowledge in the field of data science. In order to ensure a high level of acceptance regarding the platform, the design should aim for the best possible usability.In recent years, a wide range of research has been conducted on increasing student motivation in e-learning applications. However, a generalised solution to the problem cannot be found, as students from different disciplines have varying requirements concerning this type of system. Therefore, teaching-learning scenarios need to be specified for the purpose of the research in order to be able to investigate specific requirements for the given designs. In this paper, the target group of the application is limited to students at University of Applied Sciences Mittweida from STEM-related fields of study. Specifically, the domain of data science will be considered. The aim is the student-oriented development of a design concept for the implementation of an e-learning tool aimed at imparting knowledge in the field of data science. In doing so, precise design requirements will be defined, which have not yet been investigated in the context of data science.The development of the design concept will be carried out in a user-centred way and on the basis of standardised specifications and norms in the field of human-machine interaction and usability. Consideration of the students' needs is of particular relevance here. Therefore, students should be involved in the entire development process and help to shape it. This student-oriented development is intended to contribute to the highest possible adaptation of the design to the later user group. The aim is to create a design that is as user-friendly as possible. This should increase the motivation towards using the application.As part of the paper, an evaluation concept will be developed to assess the usability of the resulting design. Just like the development process, the evaluation focuses on students. Since the project is currently in the conceptual phase, the evaluation will be carried out using a paper prototype. The results will serve as a base for an iterative process of implementing and evaluating the application.
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Kraft, Benjamin, Edgar Zaunick, Johannes Löhr, Patrick Bergner, Domenico Reggio, Jerome Bourdon, and Georg Wiedermann. "AstroBus NEO - A Flexible Satellite Platform Product for Earth Observation Missions." In ESA 12th International Conference on Guidance Navigation and Control and 9th International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques. ESA, 2023.

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Modern satellite missions require a flexible platform covering a wide range of missions from small to large satellites, optical to radar instruments with precise pointing performance or agility needs, for institutional and commercial customers. This flexibility is key, not only to allow for efficient re-use of existing architectures, but also to enable efficient adaptations instead of instantiating several rigid product lines with different solutions to maintain. In the context of Europe’s Copernicus missions, a common platform has been established based on the AstroBus standard developed by Airbus Defence and Space. The newest evolution, called the AstroBus Neo platform, complies with latest operational standards and state-of-the art AOCS architectures and algorithms, which makes use of modular building blocks and well established processes for avionics development. This paper will present the AstroBus mission perimeter, the AOCS architecture and indicate the modular approach and associated processes. It demonstrates mission capabilities in terms of orbit range, mode architecture and equipment architecture. The key elements of the AstroBus product are its modularity and its sophisticated tool chain, the Functional AOCS Multipurpose Environment (FAME). It is implemented in Matlab/Simulink. Depending on the mission dependant needs, equipment and AOCS related functionalities can be selected from a product catalogue. It is used to automatically generate a project specific instantiation of the AOCS algorithm and its associated simulation environment. Based on the project instantiation, which is embedded within FAME, the C-code of the AOCS algorithm can be automatically generated from the Matlab/Simulink implementation and directly integrated in the Central Software. Items needed by Functional Verification and Data Base, e. g. parameter files for the real-time simulator, software and operations related documents, are also included in the Auto-Coding process. Quality is ensured by applying automatic check routines already during early implementation phase. Results of the checks and the maturity status of the algorithms can be automatically documented and reported to the quality assurance engineer. The FAME also includes a tool chain to generate test documentation for functional and performance verification. Due to the high level of automation, the effort to perform deliveries to other disciplines is very limited, which makes the process perfectly suitable for agile development. Furthermore, the environment and the process allows a high level of flexibility to react on special project specific needs. Improvements made in projects flow back to the product such that other project can profit. The process also allows incremental deliveries. Another advantage of the high level of automation is a stable quality and reliability of all deliverable items. AstroBus Neo is the backbone for the common platform development in the frame of the ESA Copernicus missions CRISTAL and LSTM. The satellites have a distinctive difference in satellite shape, mass and orbit, driven by two completely different instrument types and performance needs. Nevertheless they share a large common core in terms of AOCS operations and algorithms in order that they can be operated with the same look and feel from Ground. The common core is enhanced by specific building blocks from the AstroBus Neo catalogue, e.g. to satisfy (dedicated) attitude performance needs by enhanced filtering algorithms and an unconditional live pointing antenna pointing mechanism guidance on LSTM, or a dedicated Earth Pointing Safe Mode Option for CRISTAL to cope with a drifting orbit. Upcoming missions demand for target-based observations with high resolution sensors and usually smaller fields of views. This requires fast platform attitude changes towards and during data-takes: The steering of body-fixed instruments (e.g. radar or optical) on specific attitude trajectories during data-takes and slews of minimal duration in-between emerges imposes a whole set of additional requirements on the product. The modularity of the AstroBus Neo product enables the native extension of the existing mode-diagram to agile missions, maintaining the existing capabilities of the product catalogue for non-agile operation, like station keeping or safe-mode options. The agile extension of the AstroBus Neo product will be generic and usable for different types of steerings, slew methods, actuators and their configurations.
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Reports on the topic "Adaptation de basse rang"


BACCELLI, François, Sébastien CANDEL, Guy PERRIN, and Jean-Loup PUGET. Grandes Constellations de Satellites : Enjeux et Impacts. Académie des sciences, March 2024.

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Le nouvel âge spatial (NewSpace) marque l’avènement d’une ère nouvelle dans l’utilisation de l’espace caractérisée par une ouverture de l’espace à de nouveaux acteurs fondée sur de nouvelles technologies spatiales, par de nouvelles fonctionnalités pour les satellites mis en orbite et par le développement de constellations de satellites, principalement dans les domaines des communications et de l’observation de la Terre. Ces développements s’appuient sur des avancées scientifiques et technologiques de premier plan ainsi que sur des investissements publics et privés considérables, notamment aux États-Unis, en Chine et dans une moindre mesure en Europe. Des flottes de petits satellites en orbite basse ou moyenne viennent remplacer ou s’ajouter aux grands satellites géostationnaires qui prédominaient dans la phase précédente. Alors que l’espace était auparavant réservé à un petit nombre d’États et de grands groupes industriels, on observe actuellement l’émergence de nouveaux États spatiaux, de nouveaux groupes industriels comme SpaceX ou Amazon, ainsi que d’un grand nombre de jeunes pousses. On note l’émergence d’entreprises disposant de capacités de lancement, de fabrication de satellites et qui prennent également le rôle d’opérateurs de télécommunications et de producteurs de contenu. Le résultat le plus visible du déploiement de ces nouveaux réseaux spatiaux est de permettre des connexions Internet à haut débit et faible latence en tout point du globe terrestre. Combinés à des capacités d’observation de la Terre, ces nouveaux moyens de communications permettent aussi d’agir en temps-réel dans toute région, y compris dans celles dépourvues d’équipements autres que les terminaux. Ces réseaux spatiaux ont, de plus, de remarquables propriétés de résilience en comparaison des réseaux terrestres. Des considérations géostratégiques et militaires se combinent donc avec des modèles économiques en évolution rapide pour expliquer les investissements massifs en cours dans ce domaine. Toutefois, l’absence de régulation internationale du domaine conduit à une course pour l’occupation des orbites et des fréquences, course qui a déjà de graves conséquences sur tout un ensemble de domaines. Ces constellations auront potentiellement un impact très négatif sur l’astronomie dans le domaine optique visible et infrarouge ainsi que sur la radioastronomie. Elles posent aussi un problème majeur qui est celui de l’encombrement de l’espace avec l’augmentation du nombre des débris satellisés issus des lancements ou des collisions entre satellites et avec la possible atteinte d’une phase de collisions en chaîne. De plus, d’un point de vue environnemental, les conséquences d’une multiplication des lancements et des rentrées incontrôlées dans l’atmosphère sont, elles aussi, préoccupantes. Par ailleurs, cette absence de régulation du domaine conduit aussi à une perte de souveraineté puisque ces nouveaux réseaux de communications satellitaires n’appliquent aucune des règles que les États imposent aux réseaux de communications terrestres opérant sur leurs territoires. Une solution durable et globale doit être apportée à ces problèmes, avant que des dommages majeurs et potentiellement irréversibles soient infligés à l’environnement de la planète, aux équilibres géostratégiques, à la démocratie et à la science. Si l’Académie des sciences considère que la France et l’Europe doivent renforcer leurs actions scientifiques et industrielles dans ce domaine pour pouvoir bénéficier des avancées remarquables de ces nouveaux réseaux et disposer à terme d’un réseau de communication résilient et sécurisé, elle recommande aussi de travailler en parallèle au renforcement de la régulation du domaine dans le but de garantir un accès durable aux ressources orbitales et fréquentielles, ainsi qu’une protection des domaines négativement impactés, au premier rang desquels l’astronomie et l’environnement.
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Mosello, Beatrice, Christian König, Emily Wright, and Gareth Price. Rethinking human mobility in the face of global changes. Adelphi research gemeinnützige GmbH, June 2021.

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Migration and displacement related to climate change have received increasing attention in the media, in research and among policymakers in recent years. A range of studies have produced extremely concerning statistics and forecasts about the potential scale of migration and displacement due to climate change now and in the future. For example, the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre calculated that in 2019 alone almost 25 million people were displaced by disasters such as floods and tropical storms – three times the number displaced by conflict and violence (IDMC 2020a). The World Bank’s 2018 Groundswell report estimated that, if substantial climate change mitigation and development measures are not taken, slow-onset climate impacts could displace as many as 143 million people in just three world regions, or 55 percent of the developing world’s population, by 2050 (Rigaud et al. 2018). These kinds of figures have been widely reported and drive the prevailing narrative in media and policy debates that climate change will lead to mass migration and displacement, which, in turn, can lead to conflict. There is empirical evidence that rising temperatures, leading to disasters and slow-onset impacts such as drought or sea-level rise are already playing a role in setting people across the world on the move, and these numbers are likely to increase as climate change impacts intensify (UNINE n.d.; IOM’s GMDAC 2020). However, the links between climate change, migration, displacement and conflict are complex, and vary widely between contexts. The growing community of research on this topic has warned that, without an adequate understanding of the pathways of mobility, predictions of millions of climate migrants and displaced people can cast responses in alarmistic and counter-productive tones (Flavell et al. 2020). Policy on displacement, migration and climate change can therefore profit from investing in fine-grained analyses of the different factors shaping human mobility, and using them to support the development of effective responses that address the needs of migrants, as well as their home and destination communities. Along these lines, this paper examines the interaction between biophysical climate impacts, migration, displacement and (in)security. It aims to go beyond the prevailing narratives to better understand the different ways in which mobility can serve as an adaptive strategy to climate- and conflict-related risks and vulnerabilities. It also aims to assess how effective mobility is as an adaptation strategy and will continue to be in light of other stresses, including the COVID-19 pandemic. The analysis focuses on two case studies, Bangladesh and Central Asia, each presenting different human mobility pathways. It adopts a diversity lens to consider how the success/effectiveness of mobility strategies is sensitive to the position of individuals in society and the opportunities they have. It also considers how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the ability of climate-vulnerable populations to use mobility as an effective adaptation strategy, considering movement restrictions, increased unemployment in cities, reduced opportunities for seasonal work (e.g. in the agriculture sector), return migration and impacts on remittance flows. In conclusion, the paper makes recommendations to inform governments in countries of origin and international development and humanitarian policies and programmes in relation to mobility and climate change/security, including those of the EU and EU member states. Firstly, climate-induced mobility should be included in and addressed through broader adaptation and development efforts, for example building urban infrastructure, promoting nature-based adaptation, and ensuring adequate social protection and education. Policies and legal frameworks on migration and displacement in countries of origin should also be strengthened, ensuring the coordination between existing policies at all levels. Global cooperation will be essential to build international standards. And finally, all programming should be supported by an improved knowledge base on climate-induced migration and displacement, including gender- and age- disaggregated data.
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Seginer, Ido, Louis D. Albright, and Robert W. Langhans. On-line Fault Detection and Diagnosis for Greenhouse Environmental Control. United States Department of Agriculture, February 2001.

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Background Early detection and identification of faulty greenhouse operation is essential, if losses are to be minimized by taking immediate corrective actions. Automatic detection and identification would also free the greenhouse manager to tend to his other business. Original objectives The general objective was to develop a method, or methods, for the detection, identification and accommodation of faults in the greenhouse. More specific objectives were as follows: 1. Develop accurate systems models, which will enable the detection of small deviations from normal behavior (of sensors, control, structure and crop). 2. Using these models, develop algorithms for an early detection of deviations from the normal. 3. Develop identifying procedures for the most important faults. 4. Develop accommodation procedures while awaiting a repair. The Technion team focused on the shoot environment and the Cornell University team focused on the root environment. Achievements Models: Accurate models were developed for both shoot and root environment in the greenhouse, utilizing neural networks, sometimes combined with robust physical models (hybrid models). Suitable adaptation methods were also successfully developed. The accuracy was sufficient to allow detection of frequently occurring sensor and equipment faults from common measurements. A large data base, covering a wide range of weather conditions, is required for best results. This data base can be created from in-situ routine measurements. Detection and isolation: A robust detection and isolation (formerly referred to as 'identification') method has been developed, which is capable of separating the effect of faults from model inaccuracies and disturbance effects. Sensor and equipment faults: Good detection capabilities have been demonstrated for sensor and equipment failures in both the shoot and root environment. Water stress detection: An excitation method of the shoot environment has been developed, which successfully detected water stress, as soon as the transpiration rate dropped from its normal level. Due to unavailability of suitable monitoring equipment for the root environment, crop faults could not be detected from measurements in the root zone. Dust: The effect of screen clogging by dust has been quantified. Implications Sensor and equipment fault detection and isolation is at a stage where it could be introduced into well equipped and maintained commercial greenhouses on a trial basis. Detection of crop problems requires further work. Dr. Peleg was primarily responsible for developing and implementing the innovative data analysis tools. The cooperation was particularly enhanced by Dr. Peleg's three summer sabbaticals at the ARS, Northem Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory, in Sidney, Montana. Switching from multi-band to hyperspectral remote sensing technology during the last 2 years of the project was advantageous by expanding the scope of detected plant growth attributes e.g. Yield, Leaf Nitrate, Biomass and Sugar Content of sugar beets. However, it disrupted the continuity of the project which was originally planned on a 2 year crop rotation cycle of sugar beets and multiple crops (com and wheat), as commonly planted in eastern Montana. Consequently, at the end of the second year we submitted a continuation BARD proposal which was turned down for funding. This severely hampered our ability to validate our findings as originally planned in a 4-year crop rotation cycle. Thankfully, BARD consented to our request for a one year extension of the project without additional funding. This enabled us to develop most of the methodology for implementing and running the hyperspectral remote sensing system and develop the new analytical tools for solving the non-repeatability problem and analyzing the huge hyperspectral image cube datasets. However, without validation of these tools over a ful14-year crop rotation cycle this project shall remain essentially unfinished. Should the findings of this report prompt the BARD management to encourage us to resubmit our continuation research proposal, we shall be happy to do so.
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