Academic literature on the topic 'Active tectonique'
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Journal articles on the topic "Active tectonique"
Yelles-Chaouche, AbdelKrim, Azzedine Boudiaf, Hamou Djellit, and Rabah Bracene. "La tectonique active de la région nord-algérienne." Comptes Rendus Geoscience 338, no. 1-2 (January 2006): 126–39.
Full textWinter, Thierry, and Alain Lavenu. "Tectonique active en Équateur : ébauche d’une nouvelle interprétation géodynamique." Bulletin de l’Institut français d’études andines 18, no. 1 (1989): 95–115.
Full textVan Vliet-Lanoë, Brigitte, Michel Laurent, Michel Everaerts, Jean-Louis Mansy, and Geoffrey Manby. "Évolution néogène et quaternaire de la Somme, une flexuration tectonique active." Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science 331, no. 2 (July 2000): 151–58.
Full textPeulvast, Jean-Pierre. "Géomorphologie et tectonique active : premiers enseignements de la traversée Kashgar-Khunjerab (Kunlun, Karakorum, Pamir)." Annales de Géographie 101, no. 566 (1992): 433–71.
Full textLécuyer, Frédéric, Olivier Bellier, Alain Gourgaud, and Pierre M. Vincent. "Tectonique active du Nord-Est de Sulawesi(Indonésie) et contrôle structural de la caldeira de Tondano." Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science 325, no. 8 (October 1997): 607–13.
Full textArthaud, François, Jean-Claude Grillot, and Michel Raunet. "La tectonique cassante à Madagascar: son incidence sur la géomorphologie et sur les écoulements." Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 27, no. 10 (October 1, 1990): 1394–407.
Full textGrillot, J. C., and M. Schoeller. "Exemple d'approche pluridisciplinaire dans la caractérisation d'eaux thermales carbo-gazeuses." Revue des sciences de l'eau 2, no. 2 (April 12, 2005): 211–28.
Full textCarozza, Jean-Michel, and Stéphane Baize. "L'escarpement de faille de la Têt est-il le résultat de la tectonique active Plio-Pléistocène ou d'une exhumation Pléistocène ?" Comptes Rendus Geoscience 336, no. 3 (March 2004): 217–26.
Full textBoutib, Lahcen, Fetheddine Melki, and Fouad Zargouni. "Tectonique synsedimentaire d'age cretace superieur en Tunisie nord orientale; blocs bascules et reorganisation des aires de subsidence." Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France 171, no. 4 (July 1, 2000): 431–40.
Full textJolet, P. "La plate-forme carbonatée du Turonien inférieur à moyen de Provence (S.E. France) : mise en évidence d'une tectonique active en distension." Géologie Méditerranéenne 24, no. 3 (1997): 207–23.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Active tectonique"
Hsu, Shu-Kun. "Collision active à Taiwan : apports géophysique et tectonique." Brest, 1995.
Full textAl, Ashkar Abeer. "Tectonique active de la région d'Oulan Bator, Mongolie : analyse morpho-tectonique et paléosismologique des failles actives de Sharkhai et Avdar." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2015.
Full textThis thesis focuses on the active tectonic of two new faults: the Sharkhai fault and the Avdar faults. Both faults were discovered in 2011 from HR satellite images at tens kilometers from the capital of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar.Morpho-tectonic, geomorphological and paleoseismological approaches using high resolution Pleiades satellites images and field investigations allowed: 1) to map the both faults in details; 2) to describe their geometry and segmentation; 3) to identify their kinematic; 4) to document their recent activity and their seismic behavior (co-seismic and cumulated displacements, the time of the last earthquakes, slip rate). The Sharkhai fault extends 46 km with an average direction between N42°E and N72°E, and a dip between 72° and 66° either to south-east, between E106.31°/N47.352° and E106.53°/N47.485°, or sub-vertical between E106.474°/N47.473° and E106.75°/N47.57°. The fault is characterized by a linear and simple geometry. It is a left lateral strike slip with a normal vertical component. The paleoseismological investigations show evidences for three earthquakes: the EQ3 earthquake occurred before 3850±120 calBP, the EQ2 earthquake between 2400±70 calBP and 2030±40 calBP, and the most recent earthquake (MRE) between 1090±84 calBP and before the age of recent soil. The minimum return period of strong earthquakes on the fault Sharkhai is 1195 ± 157 years, which implies a maximum slip rate between 0.6±0.2 and 2.14±0.5 mm/year. Several segmentation scenarios of the fault where proposed indicating that the fault is capable to produce an earthquake of magnitude between 6 and 7. The maximum peak ground acceleration (PGA at rock) generated at Ulaanbaatar is 0.12 g, 0.28 g at the new airport, and 0.17 g at the city of Zuunmod. These values correspond to intensity between VI and X at rock sites. The Avdar fault, 47 km length, have an average orientation between N26°E and N88°E and a dip between 40° and 55°. The southwestern part of the fault is characterized by a simple and linear geometry while the architecture of the surface rupture is complex in the northeastern part. The measured offsets indicate that the fault is left lateral with a normal component. The paleoseismic trenches attest its seismic activity during the Quaternary. The fault can be divided into several segments suggesting earthquakes of a magnitude ranging from 5.8 to 7. The most important values of PGA (at rock site) would be 0.1 g at Ulaanbaatar, 0.18 g for the new airport and 0.19 g for Zuunmod city. These values indicate an intensity between VI and X. Paleoseismic trench shows that the last earthquake occurred on the fault since 5665± 85calBP. All these results should be considered in estimating the seismic hazard in the region of the capital Ulaanbaatar especially as, alone, it contains more than the half of the country population. Situated in a sedimentary basin, it is the commercial and industrial center of Mongolia and contains many vulnerable buildings. Also, the city is growing with a new airport construction near the fault Sharkhai area where the city will extend very quickly
Foroutan, Mohammad. "Tectonique active et paléosismologie des décrochements de l'Iran Central." Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2013.
Full textSaid, Aymen. "Tectonique active de l'Atlas Sud Tunisien : approche structurale et morphotectonique." Toulouse 3, 2011.
Full textThis thesis is a contribution to the determination of the crustal geometry, kinematic history, active tectonics and seismic hazard in the Southern Tunisian Atlas (STA). It is based on the acquisition and analysis of field data (geology, geomorphology and paleoseismology), the interpretation of satellite images, the dating of morphological markers offset by active faults, the seismic interpretation and the construction of balanced cross-sections. The STA is characterized by thin skinned and thick skinned thrust structures and a lateral variation of regional deformation (structural geometry and shortening rate) controlled by NW-SE oblique ramps inherited from borders of a Late Triassic-Early Jurassic rift. The first increments of compressive deformation were recorded in the Turonian-Maastrichtian by a pro parte tectonic inversion of NW-SE and EW normal faults. Compression then has spread back from Serravalian-Tortonian into the STA, where it was manifested by fault propagation folds in the post Triassic sedimentary cover. The major Eocene "Atlas event" described in hinterland domains and in the Eastern Tunisia did not deform significantly the STA, which corresponded probably in this period to the backbulge depozone of the Maghrebides. The Gafsa fault is the longest oblique ramp of the STA structure inherited from the rift. It has a complex geometry with a decoupling between the post-Paleozoic sedimentary cover and the basement above thanks to a Triassic evaporite layer. We show that despite a moderate instrumental and historical seismicity, this fault has produced M = 6 earthquakes with a return period of ca. 500 - 5000 years during the Late Quaternary. The latest large event having produced a surface rupture on the fault occurred around 8000 years BP, suggesting a M = 6 earthquake is overdue on the fault. The fault has a minimum reverse component of slip rate of 0. 21 - 0. 34 mm / yr over the past 50 ka and paleoseismological analysis prove that rare M = 7 paleoearthquakes may be suspected. Such strong earthquakes would require the activation of the buried basement fault and its transient coseismic linkage with the overlying listric fault ramping off the décollement layer. A microseismic study is essential to support this hypothesis. The STA folds are worn by ramps which are expressed by the emerging of active thrusts. These thrusts, whose slip rates are comprised between 0. 05 and 0. 15 mm/year, have the potential to generate M = 6 earthquakes. Two significant thrusts by their size, and therefore by the magnitude that they can produce (Chotts and Métlaoui) should be the subject for detailed complementary studies
Lecocq, Thomas. "L'activité sismique en Ardenne et sa relation avec la tectonique active." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2011.
Full textL'activité sismique depuis 1985, date de l'installation du réseau sismique moderne en Belgique, a été étudiée en matière de localisation relative des séismes et de caractérisation de leur distribution spatiale en relation avec les mécanismes au foyer. Cette étude a été effectuée après adaptation, comparaison et évaluation de la qualité des différents algorithmes de relocalisation disponibles. Une structuration de l'Ardenne a été mise en évidence en étudiant la relation entre la distribution géographique et la profondeur d'occurrence des séismes. Différents alignements des foyers sismiques et le lien avec une structure plane ont été déterminés, par exemple dans la région de Charleroi, sous les Hautes-Fagnes ou dans la région de Manderfeld. La corrélation entre les structures de la croûte sous l'Ardenne mises en évidence par les grandes études géophysiques dans les années 70-80 et la distribution géographique des séismes illustrent le rôle important joué par la Zone Faillée de Hockai, qui limite l'Ardenne en terme de propriétés rhéologiques déduites de la profondeur des foyers sismiques. Nous montrons aussi la faiblesse de l'hypothèse affirmant que la Faille du Midi accommode la déformation actuelle dans nos régions. De même, la corrélation entre les anomalies magnétiques et gravimétriques de la croûte sous l'Ardenne a été étudiée qualitativement. Les causes et conséquences du soulèvement Cénozoïque ont été critiquées objectivement. Cette première partie permet de dessiner un cadre séismotectonique bien défini en Ardenne.
L'identification de failles actives sur le terrain en Ardenne est compliquée par le faible taux de déformation qu'elle subi. Les grands tremblements de terre sont peu fréquents et leur trace éventuelle à la surface est rapidement effacée par l'érosion et l'altération. La Zone Faillée de Hockai (ZFH), siège supposé du séisme de 1692, a été étudiée par des méthodes de prospections géophysiques le long d'un profil de 6 km sur la Crête de la Vecquée. Différentes structures ont pu être mises en évidence, certaines en lien avec la stratigraphie et d'autres avec des structures faillées orientées dans une direction similaire à celles connues pour la ZFH. Ce premier profil d'envergure donne des arguments importants pour la recherche de failles actives en lien avec la ZFH au niveau de la Crête de la Vecquée et leur lien potentiel avec la séquence de séismes de 1989-1990.
Doctorat en Sciences
De, La Taille Camille. "Évaluation de l’activité tectonique quaternaire des failles du Jura Méridional (France)." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2015.
Full textInside the Jura Mountains, left-lateral strike-slip faults intersect the geological structures. In its southern part, these faults, from north to south, the Vuache fault, the Culoz fault and the Col du Chat fault, affect a Mesozoic sedimentary coverage distorted of 2 to 3 km thick and may be the basement. This deformation is marked by the existence of a very shallow seismicity.The first major aim of this thesis is to obtain new information about the kinematic of Quaternary faults of the southern Jura. The second aim is to answer to questions about the geometry and the rooting of the structures.To answer these questions, I realized a multidisciplinary study combining subsurface geophysical (electrical resistivity tomography), lacustrine high resolution seismic, the deployment of a seismic network dedicated to the detection of very low magnitude earthquakes, analysis of reprocessed industrial seismic profiles, and field geology (the study of the structure and deformation of Quaternary deposits). We were able to establish that these faults are active in the Quaternary.The Vuache fault is rooted in the basement, has a well-documented historical and instrumental seismicity, and affects in its southern part Quaternary sediments as shown by electrical resistivity profiles and high resolution seismic profiles illustrating the infill of Annecy Lake.The Culoz fault presents a historical and instrumental seismicity emphasizing its roots in the basement. On land, the electrical resistivity profiles illustrate the quaternary activity, in Lake Le Bourget, the fault Culoz presents at depth a flower structure while to the surface in superficial sediments, we could highlight Riedel fractures. On land, the observation of old faulted Quaternary sediments confirms its activity.The Col du Chat fault affects post-Würm filling of Lake Bourget, and seems to be associated with a deep seismicity.The three studied faults, Vuache, Culoz and Col du Chat are faults showing geometric continuity between the crystalline basement and cover. These faults were considered as transfer faults in the Jura, which was itself considered as a chain formed without the involvement of the basement. So, it seems that at present the deformation of Jura involves the basement. We can then follow the hypothesis, that as shown by the analysis of ECORS profile, that the latest strain of the Jura is an out of sequence deformation involving a basement thrust bellow the High Jura chain probably reusing boundary faults of a Carboniferous basin. This basement thrust would be the main potential source of high magnitude earthquakes in the region.Through these methods, lengths and rooting depth faults were determined. For the three faults studied an estimate of the possible moment magnitude was achieved, a Mw earthquake of 6.2 to 7.2 is possible on the Vuache fault, on the Culoz fault an earthquake of 6.4 to 6.7 can occur while as the Col du Chat fault an earthquake of magnitude Mw 5.4 to 6.1 is possible.The studied strike-slip faults have a sliding rate about tenth of a millimeter per year. In view of the in situ stresses measured in the southern Jura, the driving-force of the deformation on these faults cannot be explained only by the rotation of the Adria plate relative to Eurasia. It is therefore possible that present-day deformation is due to this rotation but also to a driving force linked to the chain itself. This driving-force could be the deflexuration of the plate following mass transfer's deglaciation and a slab break-off inducing the current uplift of the axial part of the Alps and a horizontal stress in the external parts of the chain
Amelung, Falk. "Cinématique des petits séismes et tectonique active et topographie dans la région de la baie de San Francisco." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1996.
Full textPathier, Erwan. "Apports de l'interférométrie radar différentielle à l'étude de la tectonique active de Taiwan." Phd thesis, Université de Marne la Vallée, 2003.
Full textBEAUDOUIN, THIERRY. "Tectonique active et sismotectonique du systeme de failles decrochantes de sulawesi central (indonesie)." Paris 11, 1998.
Full textAksoy, Murat Ersen. "Active tectonics and paleoseismology of the ganos fault segment and seismic characteristics of the 9 august 1912 Mürefte earthquake of the north anatolian fault (Western Turkey)." Strasbourg, 2009.
Full textThe North Anatolian Fault generated 9 large earthquakes (M>7) in Turkey during the last 100 years. We investigate the Ganos fault, the westernmost segment of the North Anatolian Fault that was responsible for the 9 August 1912 Mürefte earthquake (M 7. 3). The Ganos fault is exposed onland for 45 km while the rest is covered up by the Aegean and Marmara seas to the west and east respectively. The Ganos fault forms the western section of a large step-over area that corresponds to the Marmara pull-apart and experienced the 1999 Kocaeli earthquake on its east. The two ends of the 1912 and 1999 earthquake ruptures define the seismic gap in the Sea of Marmara. Geomorphic analysis along the 45-km-long onland section of the Ganos fault allowed documenting typical structures of strike slip faulting; i. E. Step-overs, pull-aparts, bends, pressure ridges, sag-ponds, offset ridges, shutter ridges and stream displacement. The onland section of the Ganos fault is expressed as ~N68°E striking linear geometry, segmented by two extensional step-overs at Gölcük and Kavak. The combined analysis of offshore and onland fault morphology suggests a minimum of 4 sub-segments limited by geometrical complexities which are from east to west, the Central Marmara basin, Ganos bend, Gölcük step-over, Kavak step-over and Saros Trough. The Saros Trough and the Central Marmara basin are the largest structural complexities along the Ganos fault and may serve as barriers to earthquake rupture propagation. Cumulative displacements determined at 69 localities and tectonic reconstructions provide insights on the long-term and short-term deformation characteristic of the Ganos fault segment. Measurements of displaced streams, ridges and partly ancient roads yield right lateral offsets ranging from 8 to 575 m. Furthermore, we suggest larger offsets from 200 to 9000 m based on reconstructions of the present-day drainage system. A classification of the stream offsets shows 8 distinct classes of cumulative slip. We used sea level fluctuation curves of the Black Sea in order to constrain the timing of high precipitations periods which can trigger channel incisions. Consecutive 5 cumulative slip groups (from 70 to 300 m) show well correlations with subsequent sea level rise periods at 4 ka, 10. 2 ka, 12. 5 ka, 14. 5 ka and 17. 5 ka. Slip rate estimations yield a constant slip rate of 17. 9 mm/yr for the last 20. 000 years and a variable slip rate of 17. 7 mm/yr, 17. 7 mm/yr, 17. 9 mm/yr and 18. 9 mm/yr for the last 10. 2 ka, 12. 5 ka, 14. 5 ka and 17. 5 ka, respectively. Paleoseismology at three sites (Güzelköy, Yeniköy and Yörgüç) showed evidence of 8 faulting events, 5 of which post-date 1043 – 835 BC and 1500 – 830 BC at Güzelköy site and Yeniköy site, respectively. A better timing was constrained for the last three events at Güzelköy which are most probably the earthquakes in (1) 1344 or 1354 (2) 1659 or 1766b and (3) 1912. We suggest two earthquake recurrence scenarios for the last historical earthquakes attributed to the Ganos fault. Scenario 1 yields an average recurrence interval of 285 ± 36 years and encompasses the 1912, 1659, 1354/1344, 824, 484 events, whereas Scenario 2 gives an average recurrence interval of 285 ± 93 years and includes the 1912, 1766, 1354/1344, 824, 484 events. Considering that earthquakes occur periodic the suitable seismic history corresponds to Scenario 1. However scenario 2 is also valid if a non-periodic earthquake occurrence is accepted. The combination of geomorphic analysis and trenching results provides slip rates for the North Anatolian Fault at the Ganos region. At Güzelköy two paleo-channels offset for 16 m and 21 m yield 22. 3 ± 0. 5 mm/yr for the last ~700 years and 26. 9 mm/yr for the last 781 years, respectively. At Yeniköy dating from the lowermost units of the 46 ± 1 m offset stream provided a maximum 17 mm/yr slip rate for the last 2840 years. The 9 August 1912 Mürefte earthquake (Ms=7. 3) struck along the Ganos fault causing severe destruction (Io = X) between Tekirdağ and Çanakkale. A second large shock occurred on 13 September 1912 (Ms = 6. 8) with an epicentral region to the west of the first main shock, giving rise to Io = VII damage west of Gaziköy and along the Gallipoli peninsula. Surface breaks have been recorded along the entire 45-km-long onland section. We determined a maximum slip of 5. 5 m that was previously suggested as 3 m (Ambraseys & Finkel et al, 1987). We extend the slip measurements of Altunel et al. , (2004) from 31 localities to 45 with a better distribution along the fault. The offset distribution indicates that a certain length of the rupture is offshore, i. E. , in the Saros bay and Sea of Marmara. 73 historical seismogram recordings have been collected for the 9 August, 10 August and 13 September 1912 shocks. Comparable pairs have been digitized using TESEO software. The modelling and deconvolution of seismic waveforms allowed retrieving a relative source time function using the 13 September and 9 August shocks and provided a source duration of 40 seconds for the 9 August earthquake. Considering a unilateral rupture propagation of 3 km/s, this duration implies rupture length of 120 km, consistent with the earthquake size (Mw 7. 4). P-wave polarities at 5 stations and field based N68°E fault strike allow us to construct the focal mechanism solution for the 9 August shock. The size of the 13 September shock requires 30 ± 10 km of surface faulting and constrains the western limit for the 120 ± 20 km long 9 August rupture. Taking into account the two events, an epicentre location in the Saros bay for the 13 September shock, the 150 ± 20 km long total rupture length would extend from Saros Trough towards east and reach the Central Marmara Basin, consistent with major geometric complexities along this section of the North Anatolian Fault. Therefore, the eastern termination of the 9 August 1912 rupture and the western termination of the 1999 earthquake rupture imply a minimum 100-km-long seismic gap in the Sea of Marmara. This fault length suggests an earthquake size M>7 that should be taken into account in any seismic hazard assessment for the Istanbul region
Books on the topic "Active tectonique"
Schumm, Stanley A., Jean F. Dumont, and John M. Holbrook. Active Tectonics and Alluvial Rivers. Cambridge University Press, 2000.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Active tectonique"
Davis, George H., Eytan Bos Orent, Christopher Clinkscales, Felipe R. Ferroni, George E. Gehrels, Sarah W. M. George, Katherine A. Guns, et al. Structural Analysis and Chronologic Constraints on Progressive Deformation within the Rincon Mountains, Arizona: Implications for Development of Metamorphic Core Complexes. Geological Society of America, 2023.
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