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Regulation of enzyme activity. Oxford: IRL Press, 1988.

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Sañudo Corrales, Borja, and Jerónimo García-Fernández, eds. Innovation in Physical Activity and Sport. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Chester, Kin-man To. Modelling innovation activity processes for global fashion marketplaces. Leicester: De Montfort University, 2001.

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Badykova, Idelya. Modeling the efficiency of project management of corporate innovation activity. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2021.

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The role of innovation in the economy development is extremely significant. Within the framework of this work, the innovative activity of enterprises and its relation to corporate social responsibility (CSR) is of particular interest. This study is aimed at modeling the project management of corporate innovation activity on the basis of CSR. The results obtained by the author for the Russian economy suggest that there is a positive relationship between the level of innovative development and CSR, both in general and in terms of investments in the transformation of human capital. In this regard, the model of project management of corporate innovation activity based on CSR is proposed. Author suggests, that this model's implementation for companies is promising, since transition to such a model should be resulted in an increase in the innovation activity of companies, regions and the whole country, as well as an increase in the economic, social and organizational effectiveness of innovative activity.
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Ideological innovation under monarchy: Aspects of legitimation activity in contemporary Brunei. Amsterdam: VU University Press, 1992.

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Dynan, Karen E. Can financial innovation help to explain the reduced volatility of econonomic activity? Washington, D.C: Federal Reserve Board, 2005.

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Viegas, Muriel. The intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity of the epidermal growth factor receptor is necessary for phospholipase A2 activation. Ottawa: National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1993.

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Girma, Sourafel. Can you teach old dragons new tricks? FDI and innovation activity in Chinese state-owned enterprises. Bonn, Germany: IZA, 2006.

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Shibaev, Mihail, Vladimir Bychkov, Irina Kuksova, and Irina Proskurina. Innovation in road transport. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2020.

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The manual includes two sections. The first section outlines the basic provisions of innovative activity, forms of organization, cost management, programming and projects of investment innovation. The second section discusses the industry characteristics of innovation activity in road transport: the planning of innovation, the formation of the market of transport and car services, performance evaluation services, the use of innovative approach to organization of transport service of the industrial enterprises. Meets the requirements of Federal state educational standards of higher education of the last generation. For undergraduate and graduate students, and also for teachers, entrepreneurs and researchers.
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Chotiner, Barbara Ann. Dismantling an innovation: The November 1964 decision reunifying industrial and agricultural organs of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Pittsburgh, Pa: Centre for Russian and East European Studies, University of Pittsburgh, 1985.

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Dismantling an innovation: The November 1964 decision reunifying industrial and agricultural organs of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Pittsburgh, Pa: Center for Russian and East European Studies, University of Pittsburgh, 1985.

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Badykova, Idelya, and Anna Romanova. Project management of innovative activity of enterprises. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2021.

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The monograph examines the statement that the combination of innovation activity and corporate social responsibility should create a synergistic effect of sustainable development of the enterprise. It is shown that increasing loyalty on the part of a large number of stakeholder groups (especially employees, consumers, suppliers, etc.) and reducing the level of risk perception on the part of financial stakeholders, consumers, etc. through the emergence of a "halo" or "halo" of responsible business are extremely important for high-risk innovation activities, increase the effectiveness of project management. At the same time, a positive perception on the part of stakeholders should affect the competitiveness of the company as a whole and its economic efficiency. For students and teachers, as well as all those interested in the economy of enterprises.
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Kane, Ousmane. Muslim modernity in postcolonial Nigeria: A study of the Society for the Removal of Innovation and Reinstatement of Tradition. Boston, MA: Brill, 2003.

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Kane, Ousmane. Muslim modernity in postcolonial Nigeria: A study of the Society for the Removal of Innovation and Reinstatement of Traditon. Leiden: Brill, 2002.

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Kane, Ousmane Oumar. Muslim modernity in postcolonial Nigeria: A study of the Society for the Removal of Innovation and Reinstatement of Traditon. Boston, MA: Brill, 2003.

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Kargin, Nikolay, and Yuliya Laamarti. Innovations in social and educational systems (for example recreational activities). ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2020.

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In the monograph attempts to present and describe innovation as a process structure of the full life cycle from inception of an idea to its transformation into innovation. To formalize different information material about the subject of the study used the methodology of system approach. The authors consider practical ways and technologies that enable the transformation of brilliant ideas, terms, concepts, models, designs and innovative projects. For providers, the management of educational processes, teachers, and students, and others interested in ways of regulation of creative activity to obtain a holistic view on the development of innovative processes in society.
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Manes, Gianfranco, and Giuseppe Pelosi, eds. Enrico Fermi’s IEEE Milestone in Florence. For his Major Contribution to Semiconductor Statistics, 1924-1926. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2015.

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Enrico Fermi, Nobel Laureate in Physics in 1938, taught at the University of Florence just for two academic years (1924-25 and 1925-26). His research activity in these two years saw the publication of the statistics bearing his name (the two original 1926 papers by E. Fermi are reproduced in full in this book), which is at the basis of semiconductors, and hence of modern electronics. This volume is printed for the placement, at the School of Engineering in Florence, of an IEEE Milestone, within the ‘IEEE Global History Network program’, commemorating the event. The IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) is the largest professional association in the world devoted to advancing technological innovation in electrical, electronic engineering, and related fields.
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Medici, Marco, Valentina Modugno, and Alessandro Pracucci, eds. How to face the scientific communication today. International challenge and digital technology impact on research outputs dissemination. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2017.

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Dissemination of scientific results is an important and necessary component of research activity. Nowadays research asks to be widely diffused and shared in a larger community in the effort to demonstrate its innovation and originality, so to enlarge network and obtain funds to keep working. In this context, PhD students, as part of scientific community and young researchers in training, have to understand the rule of publications to define the best strategy for the dissemination of their research. The present book, through the experiences of national and international PhD candidates, PhDs and Professors, is a contribute in the current opened debate on the most effective strategies and related tools to design specific actions, to highlight and improve the peculiar qualities and disciplines of each research.
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Dudnik, Leonid. Referencing of foreign language texts. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2021.

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The textbook offers a model of abstract activity — the scientific basis of the system of educational actions for the formation of abstract competence. The issues of translation as a way of carrying out abstract actions are considered and texts for compiling abstracts in Russian and English are proposed. It is aimed at the formation and development of the skills of abstracting foreign-language texts in the process of learning foreign languages at universities. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. It is intended for undergraduates studying in the areas of training 38.04.01 "Economics", 38.04.02 "Management", 38.04.03 "Personnel Management", 38.04.04 "State and municipal management", 38.04.08 "Finance and Credit", 27.04.05 "Innovation", 39.04.01 "Sociology". It will be useful for teachers of foreign languages and graduate students.
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Angotti, Franco, and Giuseppe Pelosi, eds. Il Telefono & Dintorni. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2011.

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Sponsored by the University of Florence, the "National Committee for the celebrations of the bicentenary of the birth of Antonio Meucci" had multiple goals. These included: fostering a knowledge of the historic period in which Antonio Meucci lived in Florence, where he was born on 13 April 1808; contributing to spread and enhance technical-scientific culture among secondary school and university students; offering an occasion for reflection on the future of telecommunications from the perspective of technological innovation and the legal, regulatory, economic and social aspects; underscoring the influence of the telephone on the evolution of language, customs and means of expression, and finally co-ordinating and enhancing other initiatives not directly sponsored by the Committee. This book "Il telefono & dintorni" brings together a selection of the events, contributions and 'images' selected from among the numerous initiatives organised by the Meucci Committee over its three years of activity.
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Schaffer, Mark, Andre Steenkamp, Wayde Flowerday, and John Gabriel Goddard. Innovation Activity in South Africa. World Bank, Washington, DC, 2018.

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Folkers, Gerd, Raimund Mannhold, Thomas Wieland, Hugo Kubinyi, and Roland Seifert. G Protein-Coupled Receptors As Drug Targets: Analysis of Activation and Constitutive Activity. Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John, 2006.

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Folkers, Gerd, Raimund Mannhold, Thomas Wieland, Hugo Kubinyi, and Roland Seifert. G Protein-Coupled Receptors As Drug Targets: Analysis of Activation and Constitutive Activity. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, 2006.

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Roland, Seifert, and Wieland Thomas, eds. G protein-coupled receptors as drug targets: Analysis of activation and constitutive activity. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2005.

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Ivers, Henry. Innovation in Small Firms: Select Research on Activity and Capacity. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated, 2013.

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Steenkamp, Andre, Mark Schaffer, Wayde Flowerday, and John Gabriel Goddard. Innovation activity in South Africa: Measuring the returns to R+D. UNU-WIDER, 2018.

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Kraner, Jan. Innovation in High Reliability Ambidextrous Organizations: Analytical Solutions Toward Increasing Innovative Activity. Springer, 2019.

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Kozlov, V. V. Innovation managemen. Publishing house of the Russian state agrarian University UN-TA im. K. A. Timiryazeva, 2021.

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The book presents the basic concepts of innovation management as a system of forms and methods of organizing innovative activities of people and creative teams, organizing and carrying out work on the implementation of innovative projects of various complexity. The article reveals the ideas about the innovation process and innovation activity, the evaluation of this activity using modern knowledge and international materials-the Oslo Recommendations, the features of the transfer and diffusion of innovations.
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Lankes, R. David, Anthony Molaro, and Leah L. White. Library Innovation Toolkit: Ideas, Strategies, and Programs. American Library Association, 2015.

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G Protein-Coupled Receptors as Drug Targets: Analysis of Activation and Constitutive Activity (Methods and Principles in Medicinal Chemistry). Wiley-VCH, 2006.

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The Library Innovation Toolkit: Ideas, Strategies, and Programs. Amer Library Assn Editions, 2015.

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Leung, Bernadine Lily. Mechanisms supporting the initiation of T cell activation: The fundamental role of basal kinase activity and cellular localization of Lck. 2001.

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James, Ed, Susan Barker, and Shelly Beauchamp. From Idea to Invention: Course Materials for Teaching Invention and Innovation. Women Inventors Project, 1992.

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Test No. 455: The Stably Transfected Human Estrogen Receptor-alpha Transcriptional Activation Assay for Detection of Estrogenic Agonist-Activity of Chemicals. OECD, 2009.

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Test No. 458: Stably Transfected Human Androgen Receptor Transcriptional Activation Assay for Detection of Androgenic Agonist and Antagonist Activity of Chemicals. OECD, 2020.

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Barbiellini Amidei, Federico, John Cantwell, and Anna Spadavecchia. Innovation and Foreign Technology. Edited by Gianni Toniolo. Oxford University Press, 2013.

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The chapter explores the long-run evolution of Italy's performance in technological innovation as a function of international technology transfer, reconstructing the different phases and dimensions of Italian innovative activity, tracking the transfer of foreign technological knowledge through a number of channels, analyzing the impact of imported technology. The study is based on a newly constructed dataset, over the 1861-2009 period, composed of variables related to innovation activity performance, foreign technology transfer, and domestic absorptive and innovative capability. The analysis highlights, also by econometric assessment, the significant contribution of foreign technology to innovation activity results. Machinery imports and the accumulation of technical human capital contributed positively to innovation activity; inward FDI contributed positively to productivity growth, but not to indigenous innovation activity results. Differences across channels of technology transfer and historical phases emerge, also in connection with the evolution of human capital endowment and domestic innovative capacity.
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STEAM Makers: Fostering Creativity and Innovation in the Elementary Classroom. Corwin Press, 2016.

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1935-, Griffiths Richard, and King's College, London. Centre for Twentieth-Century Cultural Studies., eds. The pen & the sword: Right-wing politics & literary innovation in the twentieth century. London: Centre for Twentieth-century Cultural Studies, King's College London, 2000.

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Innovative Activity in Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business: Evidence from the U.S. Small Business Innovation Research Program. Springer, 2019.

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Schmidt, Verena. Gender Mainstreaming - an Innovation in Europe? The Institutionalisation of Gender Mainstreaming in the European Commission. Barbara Budrich Publishers, 2005.

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Schmidt, Verena. Gender Mainstreaming - an Innovation in Europe? The Institutionalisation of Gender Mainstreaming in the European Commission. Barbara Budrich Publishers, 2005.

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Make It Here: Inciting Creativity and Innovation in Your Library. Libraries Unlimited, 2014.

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Bernard, Seth. The Nobilitas and Economic Innovation. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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The period around 300 BCE was one of dramatic change in the structure of the Republican economy. This chapter details the chronological convergence of three developments relevant to Rome’s production of large-scale infrastructure: the appearance of coinage, the expansion of public contracting, and attachment of the censor to the maintenance and construction of the city’s buildings. Together, these trends allowed speak to a broad shift in the logic of Rome’s urban economy towards more market-based ways of organizing major productive activity. To explain this change, I focus on the rising attachment of some Roman elites in this period to more liquid wealth gained from trade and market production. This period has drawn significant interest for the emergence of a new ruling order, the patricio-plebeian nobilitas, and economic change is interpreted within this dynamic political context.
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Stoneman, Paul, Eleonora Bartoloni, and Maurizio Baussola. The Extent of Product Innovation. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter analyses data on indicators of the prevalence of product innovation. Analysis of survey data indicated that, in the three years before the 2012 CIS survey, about 25 per cent of all firms in the twenty-seven EU member states undertook product innovation. New-to-firm was more frequent than new-to-market. Differences across sectors, regions, and firm size are analysed. Further international comparisons are made. This analysis is supplemented by consideration of the extent of new product launches in a series of different industries using other data. It is observed that many new products are not significantly different from existing products. A prior study of barcode data indicates that over a nine-year period there was a 78 per cent entry rate for new products and a 72 per cent exit rate. The possibility of industry life cycles to which product innovation activity may be linked is also discussed.
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Innovation patterns in South African manufacturing firms: Report on the survey of innovative activity in South African manufacturing firms. Foundation for Research Development, 1997.

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Foundation for Research Development (South Africa). Directorate for Science and Technology Policy. and Industrial Strategy Project, eds. Innovation patterns in South African manufacturing firms: Report on the survey of innovative activity in South African manufacturing firms. [Cape Town, South Africa]: Industrial Strategy Project, 1997.

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P, Braquet, ed. CRC handbook of PAF and PAF antagonists. Boca Raton, Fla: CRC Press, 1991.

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Cooper, A. The Enzyme Catalysis Process:Energetics, Mechanism and Dynamics. Springer, 1989.

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Harriss-White, Barbara. Innovation in the Informal Economy of Mofussil India. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter explores innovation in the informal economy of small-town ‘mofussil’ India. Two-thirds of the urban population lives outside metropolitan cities in towns noted for their infrastructural backwardness. Ninety per cent of livelihoods and two-thirds of the economy, disproportionately in small-town India, are unregistered or unregulated and termed ‘informal’. It is the informal economy that drives growth and livelihoods. After reviewing innovation theories, a case study of the innovation activity of a small-town is developed through evidence from the presidents of the town’s many business associations. They supply an account of five types of innovation: invention, adaptive and adoptive innovation, incremental and disruptive innovation; innovation in products, process, services, contracts and information; and innovation by labour as well as capital. The chapter concludes that although innovations flourish, the intertwined and hybrid formal and informal institutions do not behave coherently enough to constitute an informal innovation system.
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Braquet, Pierre. Handbook of PAF and PAF Antagonist. CRC-Press, 1991.

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