Academic literature on the topic 'Accretion disks'

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Journal articles on the topic "Accretion disks"


Gárate, Matías, Timmy N. Delage, Jochen Stadler, Paola Pinilla, Til Birnstiel, Sebastian Markus Stammler, Giovanni Picogna, Barbara Ercolano, Raphael Franz, and Christian Lenz. "Large gaps and high accretion rates in photoevaporative transition disks with a dead zone." Astronomy & Astrophysics 655 (November 2021): A18.

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Context. Observations of young stars hosting transition disks show that several of them have high accretion rates, despite their disks presenting extended cavities in their dust component. This represents a challenge for theoretical models, which struggle to reproduce both features simultaneously. Aims. We aim to explore if a disk evolution model, including a dead zone and disk dispersal by X-ray photoevaporation, can explain the high accretion rates and large gaps (or cavities) measured in transition disks. Methods. We implemented a dead zone turbulence profile and a photoevaporative mass-loss profile into numerical simulations of gas and dust. We performed a population synthesis study of the gas component and obtained synthetic images and SEDs of the dust component through radiative transfer calculations. Results. This model results in long-lived inner disks and fast dispersing outer disks that can reproduce both the accretion rates and gap sizes observed in transition disks. For a dead zone of turbulence αdz = 10−4 and an extent rdz = 10 AU, our population synthesis study shows that 63% of our transition disks are still accreting with Ṁg ≥ 10−11 M⊙ yr−1 after opening a gap. Among those accreting transition disks, half display accretion rates higher than 5.0 × 10−10 M⊙ yr−1. The dust component in these disks is distributed in two regions: in a compact inner disk inside the dead zone, and in a ring at the outer edge of the photoevaporative gap, which can be located between 20 and 100 AU. Our radiative transfer calculations show that the disk displays an inner disk and an outer ring in the millimeter continuum, a feature that resembles some of the observed transition disks. Conclusions. A disk model considering X-ray photoevaporative dispersal in combination with dead zones can explain several of the observed properties in transition disks, including the high accretion rates, the large gaps, and a long-lived inner disk at millimeter emission.
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Daemgen, Sebastian, Monika G. Petr-Gotzens, and Serge Correia. "T Tauri Binaries in Orion: Evidence for Accelerated and Synchronized Disk Evolution." Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 7, S282 (July 2011): 452–53.

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AbstractIn order to trace the role of binarity for disk evolution and hence planet formation, we started the currently largest spatially resolved near-infrared photometric and spectroscopic study of the inner dust and accretion disks of the individual components of 27 visual, 100–400 AU binaries in the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC). We study the frequency of Brackett-γ (2.165μm) emitters to assess the frequency of accretion disk-bearing stars among the binaries of the ONC: only 34±9% of the binary components show signs of accretion and, hence, the presence of gaseous inner disks—less than the fraction of gas accretion disks among single stars of the ONC of ~50%. Additionally, we find a significant difference between binaries above and below 200 AU separation: no close systems with only one accreting component are found. The results suggest shortened disk lifetimes as well as synchronized disk evolution.
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Khaibrakhmanov, Sergey A., Alexander E. Dudorov, and Andrey M. Sobolev. "Rising magnetic flux tubes as a source of IR-variability of the accretion disks of young stars." Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 14, S345 (August 2018): 295–96.

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AbstractWe investigate dynamics of slender magnetic flux tubes (MFT) in the accretion disks of young stars. Simulations show that MFT rise from the disk and can accelerate to 20-30 km/s causing periodic outflows. Magnetic field of the disk counteracts the buoyancy, and the MFT oscillate near the disk’s surface with periods of 10-100 days. We demonstrate that rising and oscillating MFT can cause the IR-variability of the accretion disks of young stars.
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Manara, C. F., C. Mordasini, L. Testi, J. P. Williams, A. Miotello, G. Lodato, and A. Emsenhuber. "Constraining disk evolution prescriptions of planet population synthesis models with observed disk masses and accretion rates." Astronomy & Astrophysics 631 (October 11, 2019): L2.

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While planets are commonly discovered around main-sequence stars, the processes leading to their formation are still far from being understood. Current planet population synthesis models, which aim to describe the planet formation process from the protoplanetary disk phase to the time exoplanets are observed, rely on prescriptions for the underlying properties of protoplanetary disks where planets form and evolve. The recent development in measuring disk masses and disk-star interaction properties, i.e., mass accretion rates, in large samples of young stellar objects demand a more careful comparison between the models and the data. We performed an initial critical assessment of the assumptions made by planet synthesis population models by looking at the relation between mass accretion rates and disk masses in the models and in the currently available data. We find that the currently used disk models predict mass accretion rate in line with what is measured, but with a much lower spread of values than observed. This difference is mainly because the models have a smaller spread of viscous timescales than what is needed to reproduce the observations. We also find an overabundance of weakly accreting disks in the models where giant planets have formed with respect to observations of typical disks. We suggest that either fewer giant planets have formed in reality or that the prescription for planet accretion predicts accretion on the planets that is too high. Finally, the comparison of the properties of transition disks with large cavities confirms that in many of these objects the observed accretion rates are higher than those predicted by the models. On the other hand, PDS70, a transition disk with two detected giant planets in the cavity, shows mass accretion rates well in line with model predictions.
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Pudritz, Ralph E., and Colin A. Norman. "Hydromagnetic winds from accretion disks." Canadian Journal of Physics 64, no. 4 (April 1, 1986): 501–6.

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We present a hydromagnetic wind model for molecular and ionized gas outflows associated with protostars. If the luminosity of protostars is due to accretion, then centrifugally driven winds that arise from the envelopes of molecular disks explain the observed rates of momentum and energy transport. Ionized outflow originates from disk radii r ≤ 1015 cm inside of which Ly-continuum photons from the protostellar accretion shock are intercepted. Observed molecular outflows arise from the cool disk envelope at radii 1015 ≤ r ≤ 1017 cm. The mass-loss rates of these two component outflows are [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text]. These winds solve the angular-momentum problem of star formation. We propose that the collimation of such outflows is due to "hoop" stresses generated by the increasingly toroidal magnetic field in the wind and suggest that the structure of the underlying disks makes self-similar solutions for these outflows likely. Finally, we apply this analysis to other accreting systems such as cataclysmic variables.
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Coroniti, F. V. "Accretion Disk Electrodynamics." Symposium - International Astronomical Union 107 (1985): 453–69.

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Accretion disk electrodynamic phenomenae are separable into two classes: 1) disks and coronae with turbulent magnetic fields; 2) disks and black holes which are connected to a large-scale external magnetic field. Turbulent fields may originate in an α - ω dynamo, provide anomalous viscous transport, and sustain an active corona by magnetic buoyancy. The large-scale field can extract energy and angular momentum from the disk and black hole, and be dynamically configured into a collimated relativistic jet.
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Maeda, Natsuho, Keiji Ohtsuki, Takayuki Tanigawa, Masahiro N. Machida, and Ryo Suetsugu. "Delivery of Gas onto the Circumplanetary Disk of Giant Planets: Planetary-mass Dependence of the Source Region of Accreting Gas and Mass Accretion Rate." Astrophysical Journal 935, no. 1 (August 1, 2022): 56.

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Abstract Gas accretion onto the circumplanetary disks and the source region of accreting gas are important to reveal dust accretion that leads to satellite formation around giant planets. We performed local three-dimensional high-resolution hydrodynamic simulations of an isothermal and inviscid gas flow around a planet to investigate the planetary-mass dependence of the gas accretion bandwidth and gas accretion rate onto circumplanetary disks. We examined cases with various planetary masses corresponding to M p = 0.05–1M Jup at 5.2 au, where M Jup is the current Jovian mass. We found that the radial width of the gas accretion band is proportional to M p 1 / 6 for the low-mass regime with M p ≲ 0.2M Jup while it is proportional to M p for the high-mass regime with M p ≳ 0.2M Jup. We found that the ratio of the mass accretion rate onto the circumplanetary disk to that into the Hill sphere is about 0.4 regardless of the planetary mass for the cases we examined. Combining our results with the gap model obtained from global hydrodynamic simulations, we derive a semi-analytical formula of mass accretion rate onto circumplanetary disks. We found that the mass dependence of our three-dimensional accretion rates is the same as the previously obtained two-dimensional case, although the qualitative behavior of accretion flow onto the circumplanetary disk is quite different between the two cases.
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Burke, Colin J., Yue Shen, Omer Blaes, Charles F. Gammie, Keith Horne, Yan-Fei Jiang, Xin Liu, et al. "A characteristic optical variability time scale in astrophysical accretion disks." Science 373, no. 6556 (August 12, 2021): 789–92.

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Accretion disks around supermassive black holes in active galactic nuclei produce continuum radiation at ultraviolet and optical wavelengths. Physical processes in the accretion flow lead to stochastic variability of this emission on a wide range of time scales. We measured the optical continuum variability observed in 67 active galactic nuclei and the characteristic time scale at which the variability power spectrum flattens. We found a correlation between this time scale and the black hole mass extending over the entire mass range of supermassive black holes. This time scale is consistent with the expected thermal time scale at the ultraviolet-emitting radius in standard accretion disk theory. Accreting white dwarfs lie close to this correlation, suggesting a common process for all accretion disks.
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Narayan, R. "Advective Disks." International Astronomical Union Colloquium 163 (1997): 75–89.

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AbstractRecent work on advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs) is reviewed. The article concentrates on an optically thin branch of ADAFs which is present at mass accretion rates below a critical value ~ (10−2– 10−1) the Eddington rate. Models based on this branch have been quite successful at explaining a number of low-luminosity X-ray binaries and galactic nuclei, and some brighter systems. Some progress has also been made toward understanding the various spectral states of accreting black holes. It is argued that ADAFs may provide one of the best techniques for demonstrating the reality of event horizons in black holes.
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Kuperus, Max. "Accretion Disk Coronae." Highlights of Astronomy 8 (1989): 535–38.

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SummaryAccretion disk coronae around compact objects are the result of strong magnetic activity in the inner regions of accretion disks. Part of the accreting energy is dissipated in te corona and can be observed as hard X-ray emission with a time variability caused by the coronal structures. The interaction of disk coronae with neutron stars and black holes may cause quaslperiodlc oscillations respectively flare type emission.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Accretion disks"


Savcheva, Antonia Stefanova. "Magnetically torqued thin accretion disks." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2006.

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Thesis (S.B.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Physics, 2006.
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 61-64).
We consider geometrically thin accretion disks around millisecond X-ray pulsars. We start with the Shakura-Sunyaev thin disk model as a basis and modify the disk equations with a magnetic torque from the central neutron star. Disk solutions are computed for a range of neutron star magnetic fields. We also investigate the effect of different equations of state and opacities on the disk solutions. We show that there are indications of thermal instability in some of the disk solutions, especially for the higher values of 3M. We also explain how the time evolution of the disk solutions can be calculated.
by Antonia Stefanova Savcheva.
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Gu, Pin-gao. "Turbulence in Keplerian accretion disks /." Digital version accessible at:, 2000.

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Isaacs, Sonja [Verfasser]. "Unveiling Accretion Disks - Physical Parameter Eclipse Mapping of Accretion Disks in Dwarf Novae / Sonja Isaacs." München : GRIN Verlag, 2002.

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Curran, Dian Beard. "Magnetic shearing instabilities in accretion disks /." Digital version accessible at:, 1998.

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Čemeljić, Miljenko. "Resistive magnetohydrodynamic jets from protostellar accretion disks." [S.l. : s.n.], 2004.

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Cemeljic, Miljenko. "Resistive magnetohydrodynamic jets from protostellar accretion disks." Phd thesis, Universität Potsdam, 2005.

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Astrophysikalische Jets sind ausgedehnte, kollimierte Massenausflüsse von verschiedenen astronomischen Objekten. Zeitabhängige magnetohydrodynamische (MHD) Simulationen der Jet-Entwicklung müssen den Akrretionsprozess in der Scheibe berücksichtigen, da der Jet aus der Scheibenmaterie gespeist wird. Allerdings ist die simultane Berechnung der Entwicklung von Scheibe und Jet schwierig, da die charakteristischen Zeitskalen unterschiedlich sind. Selbstähnliche Modelle zeigten, daß eine Beschreibung der Jetentstehung aus einer Akkretionsscheibe durch rein magnetische Prozesse möglich ist.
In this thesis the magnetohydrodynamic jet formation and the effects of magnetic diffusion on the formation of axisymmetric protostellar jets have been investigated in three different simulation sets. The time-dependent numerical simulations have been performed, using the magnetohydrodynamic ZEUS-3D code.
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Caunt, Stuart Edward. "Analytical and numerical models of accretion disks." Thesis, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, 1998.

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Nayakshin, Sergei Victor 1969. "Physics of accretion disks with magnetic flares." Diss., The University of Arizona, 1998.

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Rapid progress in multi-wavelength observations of Seyfert Galaxies in recent years is providing evidence that X-ray emission in these objects may be produced by magnetic flares occurring above a cold accretion disk. Here we attempt to develop a physically consistent model of accretion disks producing radiation via magnetic flares as well as the optically thick intrinsic disk emission, and apply this model to observations of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and Galactic Black Hole Candidates (GBHCs). The following issues are considered: (1) the pressure equilibrium in the flare region, (2) the reflection and reprocessing of the X-radiation from flares in the underlying disk, (3) the spectra of GBHCs in the context of the model, (4) and the generation of the flares by the disk--the energy budget of the corona. Our results show that: (1) The temperature of the disk atmosphere near active magnetic flares in AGN is in the range 1 - 3 x 10⁵ Kelvin, and that the material is relatively non-ionized. This temperature is in a good agreement with the observed rollover energy in the Big Blue Bump (BBB) of Seyfert 1 Galaxies. We thus suggest that the BBB is simply the X-rays from magnetic flares reprocessed into the X-ray skin of the accretion disk. (2) We suggest an explanation for the recently discovered X-ray Baldwin effect and the controversy over the existence of BBBs in quasars more luminous than typical Seyferts. (3) Due to an ionization instability and much higher X-ray incident flux, we found that the X-ray skin in GBHCs is nearly completely ionized. Using an approximate model to describe this effect, we calculated the reflected/reprocessed spectrum and the resulting corona spectrum simultaneously. We found that the spectrum of GBHCs in their hard state may be explained with this model, with basically the same parameters for magnetic flares as in the AGN case. (4) The magnetic energy transport is shown to be large enough to account for the observed amount of X-rays from Seyferts and GBHCs. We predict that X-ray spectra are hard for accretion rates below the gas-to-radiation transition, and that they are softer above this transition. (5) We collected our results into a diagram that shows how the observational appearance of accreting black holes changes with the accretion rate and the mass of the hole, and compared it with observations of AGN and GBHCs. Our conclusion is that the agreement between theory and observations is very encouraging and we suggest that the physics of magnetic flares is the physics that should be added to the standard accretion disk theory in order to produce a more realistic description of accretion flows with large angular momentum.
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Schultz, Juho. "Studies of accretion disks in X-ray binaries." Helsinki : University of Helsinki, 2005.

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Wang, Zhongxiang 1968. "Multiwavelength studies of accretion disks around compact objects." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Physics, 2004.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 133-149).
(cont.) to the XPS in SNR RCW 103. The multiple IR band measurements of 1E 1048.1-5937 provide marginal evidence for spectral flattening, and cannot rule out an accretion disk scenario for AXPs.
In this thesis, I present multiwavelength studies of phenomena related to accretion disks around compact objects. The observations were made mainly with ground-based telescopes and the Hubble Space Telescope. I observed several known and candidate ultracompact low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) and found that their optical spectra all show a lack of hydrogen emission lines, supporting the theoretical prediction that mass donors in ultracompact LMXBs must be H-depleted. Time-resolved photometry of the candidate source 4U 1543-624 revealed an 18 minute orbital periodicity, verifying the ultracompact nature of this binary. These studies strongly support the identification of several candidate systems with similar X-ray spectral features as ultracompact binaries. In the ultracompact binary 4U 1820-30, which has the shortest orbital period (685 s) among the known LMXBs, I discovered a 692-s periodicity from its far-ultraviolet (FUV) time series data. I interpret this longer-period FUV signal as a superhump oscillation, arising from a tidal resonance in the accretion disk of an extreme-mass-ratio binary. I also present multiband imaging of the fields surrounding five newly discovered X-ray millisecond pulsars (MSPs) in an effort to identify and study their optical/IR counterparts. For the MSP SAX J1808.4-3658, the optical light curve taken during its 1998 X-ray outburst shows an exponential decay in intensity, roughly following the X-ray light curve early in the outburst. An optical counterpart of XTE J1814-338 was also detected. Finally, optical/IR observations of anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs) and X-ray point sources (XPSs) in young supernova remnants (SNRs) identified the IR counterpart to the AXP 1E 1048.1-5937 and a likely IR counterpart
by Zhongxiang Wang.
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Books on the topic "Accretion disks"


Meyer, Friedrich, Wolfgang J. Duschl, Juhan Frank, and Emmi Meyer-Hofmeister, eds. Theory of Accretion Disks. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1989.

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Meyer-Hofmeister, Emmi, and Henk Spruit, eds. Accretion Disks — New Aspects. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1997.

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1928-, Meyer Friedrich, and NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Theory of Accretion Disks (1st : 1989 : Garching bei München (Germany)), eds. Theory of accretion disks. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989.

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Katō, Shōji. Black-hole accretion disks. Kyoto, Japan: Kyoto University Press, 1998.

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Guessoum, Nidhal. Neutron viscosity in accretion disks. Greenbelt, MD: Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, 1990.

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Duschl, Wolfgang J., Juhan Frank, Friedrich Meyer, Emmi Meyer-Hofmeister, and Werner M. Tscharnuter, eds. Theory of Accretion Disks — 2. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1994.

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1958-, Duschl W. J., North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Scientific Affairs Division., and NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Theory of Accretion Disks (2nd : 1993 : Garching, Germany), eds. Theory of accretion disks--2. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, 1994.

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Craig, Wheeler J., ed. Accretion disks in compact stellar systems. Singapore: World Scientific, 1993.

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Belvedere, G., ed. Accretion Disks and Magnetic Fields in Astrophysics. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1989.

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Rosanne, DiStefano, and United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., eds. Accretion disks in supersoft X-ray sources. [Washington, DC: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1996.

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Book chapters on the topic "Accretion disks"


Sparks, Warren M., and G. Siegfried Kutter. "Accretion Disks." In Cataclysmic Variables and Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries, 429–33. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2000.

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Spruit, H. C. "Accretion Disks." In The Neutron Star—Black Hole Connection, 111–40. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2001.

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Spruit, H. C. "Accretion Disks." In The Lives of the Neutron Stars, 355–76. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1995.

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Kuznetsov, O. A. "Hydrodynamical Turbulence in Accretion Discs." In Astrophysical disks, 241–58. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2006.

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Cherepashchuk, A. M. "Supercritical Accretion Disk in SS433." In Astrophysical disks, 121–30. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2006.

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Bambi, Cosimo. "Thin Accretion Disks." In Black Holes: A Laboratory for Testing Strong Gravity, 113–36. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2017.

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Beskin, Vasily, and Alexander Tchekhovskoy. "Internal Structure of Thin Accretion Disks." In Astrophysical disks, 55–74. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2006.

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Beckwith, S. V. W. "Protoplanetary Disks." In Theory of Accretion Disks — 2, 1–18. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1994.

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Lasota, J. P. "Slim Accretion Discs." In Theory of Accretion Disks — 2, 341–49. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1994.

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Kippenhahn, Rudolf. "Welcoming Address." In Theory of Accretion Disks, 1–2. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1989.

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Conference papers on the topic "Accretion disks"


Siemiginowska, Aneta. "Models of Accretion Disks." In THE MULTICOLORED LANDSCAPE OF COMPACT OBJECTS AND THEIR EXPLOSIVE ORIGINS. American Institute of Physics, 2007.

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Hanawa, Tomoyuki. "Protoplanetary Disks – A Review." In Accretion Processes in Cosmic Sources. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2018.

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King, A. R. "Tidal instabilities in accretion disks." In The evolution of X-ray binaries. AIP, 1994.

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Gu, Wei-Min, Li Xue, Ju-Fu Lu, Sandip K. Chakrabarti, and Archan S. Majumdar. "Advection-Dominated Thick Accretion Disks." In OBSERVATIONAL EVIDENCE FOR BLACK HOLES IN THE UNIVERSE: Proceedings of the 2nd Kolkata Conference on Observational Evidence for Black Holes in the Universe held in Kolkata India, 10–15 February 2008 and the Satellite Meeting on Black Holes, Neutron Stars, and Gamma-Ray Bursts held 16–17 February 2008. AIP, 2008.

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Lovelace, R. V. E. "Poynting jets from accretion disks." In RELATIVISTIC ASTROPHYSICS: 20th Texas Symposium. AIP, 2001.

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Gammie, Charles F. "Numerical models of accretion disks." In Accretion processes in astrophysical systems: Some like it hot! - eigth astrophysics conference. AIP, 1998.

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Balbus, Steven A., and John F. Hawley. "Turbulent transport in accretion disks." In Accretion processes in astrophysical systems: Some like it hot! - eigth astrophysics conference. AIP, 1998.

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Goedbloed, J. P. "Transonic instabilities in accretion disks." In MAGNETIC FIELDS IN THE UNIVERSE: From Laboratory and Stars to Primordial Structures. AIP, 2005.

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Hanawa, Tomoyuki, Tomonori Usuda, Motohide Tamura, and Miki Ishii. "Gas Accretion from a Circumbinary Disk to Protoplanetary Disks." In EXOPLANETS AND DISKS: THEIR FORMATION AND DIVERSITY: Proceedings of the International Conference. AIP, 2009.

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Lee, William H. "Dynamical evolution of neutrino cooled disks." In INTERACTING BINARIES: Accretion, Evolution, and Outcomes. AIP, 2005.

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Reports on the topic "Accretion disks"


Amin, Mustafa A., and Andrei V. Frolov. Persistent Patterns in Accretion Disks. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), April 2006.

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Ortega-Rodriguez, Manuel, Appl Phys Dept /Costa Rica U. /Stanford U., Alexander S. Silbergleit, HEPL /Stanford U., Robert V. Wagoner, and Phys Dept /KIPAC, Menlo Park /Stanford U. Normal Modes of Black Hole Accretion Disks. US: Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), November 2006.

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Miller, Jonah, Kelsey Lund, Matthew Mumpower, and Gail McLaughlin. Magnetic Turbulence in Post-Merger Accretion Disks. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), May 2022.

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Liedahl, D., and C. Mauche. Structure and Spectroscopy of Black Hole Accretion Disks. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), February 2005.

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Matsumoto, R., and T. Tajima. Magnetic viscosity by localized shear flow instability in magnetized accretion disks. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 1995.

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Miller, Jonah. Fusion in Space: Nuclear Astrophysics, Neutron Star Mergers, and Accretion Disks. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), November 2021.

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Kondratko, P. The Sub-parsec, Geometrically Thick, Self-Gravitating Accretion Disk in the Nucleus of NGC 3079. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), June 2004.

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Mizuno, T. Accretion Disk Spectra of the Ultra-Luminous X-Ray Sources in Nearby Spiral Galaxies and Galactic Superluminal Jet Sources. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), December 2003.

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