Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Accès au droit et à la justice'
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Ngoumbango, Kohetto Jocelyn. "L'accès au droit et à la justice des citoyens en République centrafricaine." Phd thesis, Université de Bourgogne, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00987518.
Full textBrero, Noël. "L'assurance et l'accès à la justice : approche critique." Nice, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994NICE0019.
Full textVieu, Jean-Baptiste. "Les Maisons de Justice et du Droit : une perspective de rénovation de la Justice ?" Toulouse 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012TOU10001.
Full textJustice and Law’s Houses are born on empirical initiatives from attorneys, politicians and lawyers. Since 1998, and the 18th december Act (n°98-1163), they are officialy included in the french legal system. That allows their massive spread. First, these houses take place on prevention of delinquency, help for victims, and principaly local access to the law (providing free legal advices). Second, they are new places besides the courts which receive dispute treatment, by using Alternative Dispute Resolution (A. D. R). If they join the Justice civil service, their creation is optional and restricted on a district area. The Justice and Law’s Houses’ role and its expansion opportunities change the Justice’s classical understanding. Can they give an efficient answer to the national scheme concerning disputes prevention or treatment ? Does alternative follow processual guarantees for individual rights ? How can courts be associated ? In order to answer these questions, this work shows modestly how can Justice and Law’s Houses upgrade Justice in France
Wade, Mame Ndiaga. "Accès au juge constitutionnel et constitutionnalisation du droit : approche comparée avec l'Allemagne, l'Italie et l'Espagne." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015AIXM1071/document.
Full textThe direct access of individuals to constitutional justice has the tendency in Germany and Spain, contrary to France and Italy where it does not exist, to modify the current and objective nature of the mission of constitutionalisation of the constitutional judge through the subjective goals individual and direct recourses. It triggers, on the other hand, on the side of the constitutional judge another function than the simple constitutionalisation of law that remains objective in the case of the indirect access, which is leading to the fundamentalisation of law, which has very subjective features. This is explaining the competition between the constitutional judge and the ordinary and European courts that leads the first to behave in Supreme Court in Germany and Spain where those review procedures exist. The fundamentalisation, which is a wider process than the constitutionalisation one, also oblige the constitutional judge to adapt and to get involved in the “circulation of legal solutions”
Bétaille, Julien. "Les conditions juridiques de l'effectivité de la norme en droit public interne : illustrations en droit de l'urbanisme et en droit de l'environnement." Limoges, 2012. http://aurore.unilim.fr/theses/nxfile/default/7c336217-f53e-44c5-9992-3021ecc2374d/blobholder:0/2012LIMO1007.pdf.
Full textThe legal norm exercises its function of direction of human conducts only if it produces effects on the real. Norm’s effectivity is influenced by several elements of the legal system. The identification of the legal conditions of the norm’s effectivity leads to underline the classic role of legal order’s coherence and sanction. Nevertheless, those conditions are not exclusive. Other elements of the legal system are intended to amplify norm’s effectivity. On the one hand, norm’s conception influences its effectivity. Its qualities, the adoption and the selection of its implementation norms and instruments as well as the confidence of its recipients are legal conditions of effectivity. On the other hand, in terms of norm’s reception, access to justice granted to its recipients, its interpretation by the judge and the powers that are allocated to the latter exercise as well an influence on the effectivity. Relations of implication can be established between those different elements of the legal system and the norm’s effectivity. However, the assessment of the legal conditions of the effectivity in respect of positive law shows that those relations of implication are supple in view of the limits intrinsic in those conditions. It suggests as well that effectivity is often partial and that the knowledge of the legal conditions of the effectivity could be supplemented by that of non- legal conditions of the effectivity
Bideau, Cécile. "L'accès de l'enfant à la justice : en droit français et en droit québécois." Lyon 3, 2006. https://scd-resnum.univ-lyon3.fr/in/theses/2006_in_bideau_c.pdf.
Full textA comparative study between French and Quebec Law reveals that under French Law, less importance is given to the protection of the child than to his rights. Apart from specific procedures such as youth protection or penal procedures, access to justice for minors is still limited. The minor may only address the tribunal individually in exceptional circumstances. The right to be heard, recognized under the January 8th, 1993 Act, is still not applied properly. Quebec Law has found a balance between the protection a child needs and the exercice of his rights. The diversity of the systems developed under Quebec Law enables the child's access to the tribunal while preserving his interests
Cseke, Nóra. "Accès au juge et aux procédures d'asile à la lumière des droits européen, allemand et français." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018STRAA004.
Full textThe effectiveness of access to asylum bodies depends on a combination of several factors which are not derived solely from national law. The sine qua non of the effectiveness of such access is a harmonious reception by the various Member States of the procedural guarantees essential to it and defined at European level, which presupposes, however, a balanced relationship between ECHR law and Union law built in a spirit of dialogue. In establishing this dialogue, the EU legislator, like the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union, plays an essential role, and if this dialogue were to prove dissonant, national law could still correct any shortcomings thus noted. To this end, it is certainly necessary to establish a dialogue also at national level, not only with the EU legislator and the European courts but also between the administrative and judicial authorities at State level. Ultimately, the effectiveness of this access is also essential in a cross-border dimension in order to further approximate national legislation and to propose a European solution to the structural and systemic problems characterizing this access
Lejeune, Aude. "Nul n'est censé être ignoré par le(s) droit(s) : politiques d'accès au droit et à la justice en Belgique et en France." Cachan, Ecole normale supérieure, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010DENS0014.
Full textLegal aid allows access to social and political citizenship. In a context where the transformation of social policies seeks to empower laypeople, lawyers are encouraged to intervene before litigations in order to pass "Iegal consciousness" on laypeople. Through this process, citizcns could be able to defend and promote their rights in everyday life. Beside legal assistance in which disadvantaged people can be assisted by a lawyer in their litigations, legal aid policy offers legal support and expertise in or outside litigation. My PhD dissertation analyses how public authorities and lawyers take in charge legal aid in two countries: Belgium and France. Both terms of comparison have been selected for their historical, legal and cultural proximity. However, they are characterized by very different State and Civil Society traditions. The main focus lies on the relation between the mobilization of law and the institutional contexts in which lawyers provide legal aid. This approach allows me to highlight the formation of innovative social and political mobilizations of law. This process is linked with recent social policies' and, more broadly, public policies' transformations
Désy, Alexandre. "Les coûts et les délais judiciaires de la médiation judiciaire : les discours théoriques et pratiques sous le regard de l'analyse économique du droit." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/11143/6105.
Full textNjupouen, Isaac Bolivar René. "Dynamiques alternatives pour l'accès au droit et à la justice dans un contexte de pauvreté : enjeux de l'état de droit, de la gouvernance et du développement durable." Thesis, Paris 9, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA090036/document.
Full textThis research work focuses on the multiple agents of access to law and justice for the poor. In the current context marked by the globalization of capitalism, we witness the ever growing judiciarisation of society which seems to result from the former phenomenon; people increasingly seek to be subjects of law and everything or almost everything refers to justice.In the meantime, the disproportionate wealth of some people and impoverishment of others has not reduced the gap and tension between the rich and the poor, the strong and the weak. While justice is a natural fundamental need for every human being, to access the judicial machinery and to rightfully obtain a favorable court ruling is, to some extent perceived in many societies, wrongly or rightly, as being the privilege of the richest and of the strongest. Thus, many initiatives, be they at personal, social, cultural, citizens’ or international level, are developed, with the aim to break such determinism by lending a hand to the needy, so as to enable them get access to justice. In effect, facing the costly and intricate nature of the institutional justice system, multiple actors are getting themselves available for poor citizens. This is possible through internal alternative or similar mechanisms to institutional justice.These emerging or re-emerging forms of justice, in both the private and public spheres, seeking to fit to the rationality of the modern law or which belong to other rationalities and cultures, question on one hand the Rule of Law, governance and development, and on the other hand, universalism and the sense of identity. This requires finding through each of these forms of justice, the proof that it contributes to the defense of the universal human rights, a consequence of the Subjectivation
Bikeye-Bi-Ndong, Ludmilia. "L'évolution générale de la justice gabonaise : entre le poids du passé et les difficultés actuelles." Rouen, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016ROUED003.
Full textDornel, Flora. "Open data des données judiciaires : entre transparence de la justice et droit à la vie privée." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/67168.
Full textLe projet de recherche s’inscrit dans le contexte du mouvement d’open legal data, c’est-à-dire des données judiciaires ouvertes. En effet, que ce soit en France ou au Canada, les données judiciaires font l’objet d’une législation en faveur de l’open data. Les données judiciaires sont mises à la disposition des citoyens, de manière variable selon les systèmes juridiques. La question qui est au cœur du problème est l’affrontement de deux valeurs fondamentales : le droit du public à la transparence de l’administration de la justice, qui justifie que les données judiciaires soient consultables, et le droit de l’individu à la protection de sa vie privée.
This research project is set within the broader context of the open data movement, namely that of open judicial data. This type of data has been subject to legislation in favour of open data both in France and in Canada. Each legal system has a different approach as to how judicial data is made available to the population. The underlying issue is the interplay between two fundamental rights: the collective right to an open and transparent justice system, which in turn justifies the openness of judicial data, and the individual right to privacy.
Moon, Kwangjin. "Le droit du paysage en France et en Corée : étude comparée." Thesis, Paris 1, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PA01D044/document.
Full textThe objects of this comparative law thesis are the transformation of the legal concept of landscape in France and Korea and the problems related to the administrative and jurisdictional procedures in landscape law of these two countries. Until the end of the twentieth century, these two countries’ law did not assume the subjective dimension of landscape, whereas this one is obvious in the relation with the aesthetics. In these circumstances, the protection and development of landscapes have been mainly indirectly taken into account in several legal areas. During the late twentieth century, the evolution of democracy highlighted the subjective dimension of landscape in law. In France, its subjective character has developed since the 1980s, particularly with the entry into force of the European Landscape Convention of 2000, and in Korea, from the 1990s, in particular with the drafting of the act of 17 May 2007. Since landscape policies and administration are no longer the preserve of experts and public power, it is important to ensure citizens’ access to landscape information and their participation in decision-making related to landscape. Such a democratization of the landscape law can be consolidated by the judicial review of landscape administration through the guarantee of access to justice
Mondélice, Mulry. "Le droit international et l'État de droit : enjeux et défis de l'action internationale à travers l'exemple d'Haïti." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/26470.
Full textLa société internationale promeut de plus en plus l’État de droit notamment depuis le début des années 1990, en particulier en Haïti. En quête d’une démocratie introuvable et ravagé par des crises politiques et humanitaires, cet État fait constater les difficultés de l’action internationale. Interdisciplinaire, la thèse, centrée sur l’accès à la justice comme garantie, examine comment et dans quelles mesures les normes utilisées pour la promotion de l’État de droit peuvent constituer une obligation juridique de l’État et un moyen de changement. Invoquant le droit international protégeant la personne, États, organisations internationales et acteurs non étatiques brandissent les sources juridiques variées de l’État de droit dans diverses circonstances concourant à son élasticité au cœur d’une institutionnalisation évolutive au double niveau national et international. Le cas haïtien montre que le droit international contribue à une structuration et une consolidation de l’État de droit par la recherche d’un meilleur encadrement de l’État. Les compétences de celui-ci sont appelées à s’inscrire dans un droit interne conforme au droit international et des institutions solides, protégeant les droits et libertés dont le respect est surveillé par des mécanismes et institutions variés. Néanmoins, l’articulation entre droit interne et droit international, État de droit et immunités, la souveraineté, les relations entre l’État et les membres permanents du Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU, ainsi que les faiblesses structurelles entravant une culture favorable à la primauté du droit, limitent l’accès effectif des particuliers à la justice. Dès lors, il apparaît nécessaire de réorienter les actions menées, par des réformes transversales devant contribuer à de meilleures pratiques au sein de l’État pour valoriser la personne humaine. Descripteurs : Droit international, droit interne, droits de l’homme, démocratie et État de droit, indivisibilité des droits, accès à la justice comme garantie des droits et libertés, réforme de la justice et des institutions, fonctions de l’État, lutte contre l’impunité en Haïti, représentations, culture juridique, droit à réparation des victimes, éducation aux droits de l’homme, formation des acteurs de la justice, coopération internationale.
Since the beginning of the 90’s, international community bosltered the Rule of Law, particularly in Haiti. Looking in vain to establish a democracy and devastated by humanitarian and political crises, this State emphasizes the difficulties of acting at the international level. This interdisciplinary thesis focuses on access to justice as a guarantee of rights and freedoms. It examines how and to what extent the norms used to promote the Rule of Law can be considered as States’ legal duties and as a mean of change. Appealing to international human rights law, States, international organizations and non-state actors use different legal sources of the Rule of Law in various circumstances and contribute to its elasticity in the context of progressive institutionalization at the national and international levels. The Haitian example shows that by being internationalized, the Rule of Law becomes structured and consolidated through improved State guidance, the exercise of its competences being part of a national law that respects international law, and because of strong institutions protecting rights and freedoms of which the respect is monitored by various mechanisms and institutions. Nonetheless, the relationships between national and international law, the Rule of Law and immunities, sovereignty, relations between State and permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, as well as structural weaknesses impeding the development of a culture favorable to the Rule of Law restrain individuals’ effective access to justice. Therefore, it seems necessary to reorient actions through transversal reforms that should result in better practices of valuing human beings. Keywords: International law, national law, human rights, democracy and the Rule of Law, indivisibility of rights, access to justice as a guarantee of rights and freedoms, justice and institutional reform, State’s functions, fight against impunity in Haiti, representations, legal culture, victims’ right to compensation for damage, human rights education, training of justice actors, international cooperation.
Hountohotegbe, Sèdjro Axel-Luc. "Repenser la procédure civile : les enjeux théoriques de l'accès à la justice et l'hypothèse de la régulation sociale par l'intégration des modes extrajudiciaires de prévention et de règlement des différends (PRD)." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/28329.
Full textLa thèse analyse en théorie du droit l’évolution de la procédure civile sous l’angle des enjeux de l’accès à la justice. Elle formule l’hypothèse d’un modèle de régulation sociale qui opère un renversement de la perspective moniste positiviste classique par l’intégration des modes extrajudiciaires de PRD. La thèse répond à la question de recherche suivante : Quels fondements théoriques à l’évolution de la procédure civile pour l’amélioration de l’accès à la justice ? D’un point de vue méthodologique, la thèse opte pour une démarche théorique et documentaire. Elle emprunte aux principales Écoles de théories du droit, en particulier à l’École sociologique. Le cadre théorique s’appuie alors sur les théories du pluralisme juridique, des systèmes et du réseau. Ces théories irriguent la thèse tout entière et servent de grille analytique aux deux parties principales de celle-ci. Dans la première partie, la thèse délimite et précise le concept d’accès à la justice. En trois chapitres, cette première partie s’attèle méthodiquement à déconstruire les acceptions dominantes institutionnelles et restrictives du concept. Elle aboutit à l’élaboration d’une définition innovante à valeur théorique et pratique de l’accès à la justice. Dans la seconde partie, l’analyse porte sur l’évolution des paradigmes de la procédure civile. En trois chapitres, elle pose une critique du système dominant de règlement des conflits en général et de la procédure civile en particulier qui reposent sur le droit selon les principes de hiérarchie des normes. La thèse déconstruit cette vision, puis propose une théorie générale supportant la légitimité des modes extrajudiciaires de PRD. Finalement, la recherche suggère une évolution de la procédure civile et soumet à cet effet un modèle de système de justice alternatif intégrant les modes extrajudiciaires de PRD. Le modèle de régulation proposé est non antinomique et complémentaire au modèle dominant. Le modèle de régulation sociale construit dans la thèse s’articule autour de trois paradigmes fondamentaux à savoir la décentralisation, la multipolarité et la complémentarité. La thèse constitue un compendium d’analyses et soumet un cadre de référence des paradigmes de base d’un système de justice renouvelé pour l’amélioration de l’accès à la justice.
The thesis analyzes the evolution of civil procedure in terms of access to justice issues in theory of law. It makes the assumption of a model of social regulation which operates a reversal of the classic positivist monistic perspective by the integration of the extrajudicial modes of PRD. The thesis responds to the following research question: what theoretical foundations to the evolution of civil procedure for the improvement of access to justice? From a methodological point of view, the thesis opts for a theoretical and documentary approach. It borrows from the main schools of theories of law, in particular the sociological school. The theoretical framework is then based on theories of legal pluralism, the systems and the network. These theories irrigate the whole thesis and serve as the two main parts of the analytic grid. In the first part, the thesis focuses on the accuracy of the concept of access to justice. In three chapters, this first part is working methodically to deconstruct the dominant meanings institutional and narrowing of the concept. It leads to the development of an innovative theoretical definition and practical access to justice. In the second part, the analysis focuses on the evolution of the paradigms of the civil procedure. In three chapters, it poses a critique of System dominant rules of conflict in general and civil procedure in particular which are based on the law according to the principles of hierarchy of norms. The thesis deconstructed this vision, and then proposes a general theory supporting the legitimacy of the extrajudicial modes of PRD. Finally, the research suggests an evolution of civil procedure and submits to this effect an alternative justice system model not oxymoronic, but complementary to the dominant model integrating extrajudicial modes of PRD. The social regulation model built and submit in the thesis revolves around three paradigms fundamental namely decentralisation, multipolarity and complementarity. The thesis is a compendium of analyses and submits a frame of reference of the paradigms of a justice system for the improvement of access to justice.
Da, Lozzo Michaël. "La réalisation de l’accès à la justice dans l’Espace européen de justice : une contribution à la résolution des litiges commerciaux transfrontières." Thesis, Toulouse 1, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016TOU10033/document.
Full textThe European Union experiences a growing number of cross-border commercial disputes (between professionals or between a professional and a consumer). These litigations shall be resolved at the demand of the claimant, so s/he can enjoy his/her substantial rights. Hence, it is essential to guarantee access to justice, whether public or private, within this European area of justice. To this end, the EU has a shared competence to adopt rules facilitating access to justice (art. 67 §4 Treaty FEU). Considered as an objective and a fundamental right, access to justice shall be realized through judicial cooperation law of the Union. This analysis shall reveal its richness as well as its lacuna. Therefore, one must determine how the European area of justice shall reach this objective of access to justice to allow the settlement of cross-boarder commercial disputes
Ngoli, Mouckoda Nancy. "Le droit à la justice au Gabon face aux dérives de la coutume." Thesis, Normandie, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019NORMC046.
Full textThe right to justice in Gabon, which has taken various forms over time and space, is not always perceived as the right of an individual who believes that he has been wronged, to bring the allegations of his claim before a trial judge. In fact, some individuals, particularly in the family environment of the couple, stand up as judge and party in disregard of the legal principle of fair justice which exclusively empowers the competent judge in the course of a proceeding to determine the validity of a claim. It is in this context and given the attachment of the alleged litigants to a deviated custom, that an interest has attracted the attention to the question of the right to justice in Gabon in the face of customary abuses, particularly in the relationship of the couple and their families. Through this reality which suggests a gap between what the law provides, its perception by the populations and the use that they make of it, a discussion was conducted to find out how to achieve a real social fear of the positive law?This led on the one hand, to apprehend the drifts of the custom at the stage of the important events of the life of the couple. And on the other hand, to search for what the justice in Gabon says about these phenomena. Thus, after analysis of these data, suggestions were made at the end of this thesis work to reflect on the need for a right in adequacy between its theory and its practice
Mondelice, Mulry. "Le droit international et l'Etat de droit : enjeux et défis de l'action internationale à travers l'exemple d'Haïti." Thesis, Paris 2, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA020025.
Full textSince the beginning of the 90’s, international community bosltered the Rule of Law, particularly in Haiti. Looking in vain to establish a democracy and devastated by humanitarian and political crises, this State emphasizes the difficulties of acting at the international level. This interdisciplinary thesis focuses on access to justice as a guarantee of rights and freedoms. It examines how and to what extent the norms used to promote the Rule of Law can be considered as States’ legal duties and as a mean of change. Appealing to international human rights law, States, international organizations and non-state actors use different legal sources of the Rule of Law in various circumstances and contribute to its elasticity in the context of progressive institutionalization at the national and international levels. The Haitian example shows that by being internationalized, the Rule of Law becomes structured and consolidated through improved State guidance, the exercise of its competences being part of a national law that respects international law, and because of strong institutions protecting rights and freedoms of which the respect is monitored by various mechanisms and institutions. Nonetheless, the relationships between national and international law, the Rule of Law and immunities, sovereignty, relations between State and permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, as well as structural weaknesses impeding the development of a culture favorable to the Rule of Law restrain individuals’ effective access to justice. Therefore, it seems necessary to reorient actions through transversal reforms that should result in better practices of valuing human beings
Djie, Bouin Wilfried. "Le droit à un procès équitable et la justice transitionnelle dans la reconstruction du système juridique et politique ivoirien." Thesis, Toulouse 1, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018TOU10052/document.
Full textThe issue of the research deals with fair trial and transitional justice in Côte d'Ivoire. The problem at stake here is to see how the state of Côte d'Ivoire fail to protect and respect an international fondamental right as Fair trial in context of post crisis.It will be convenient to highliht the role of transitional justice and its mechanisms in the process of reinforcing respect and promotion of the right to a fair trial in Ivory Coast
Brunel, Guillaume. "L'assurance de protection juridique : contribution à l'évolution du modèle assuranciel de l'accès au droit et à la justice." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Perpignan, 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022PERP0011.
Full textThe legal protection insurance appears to be one of the means of facilitating access to the law and financing access to justice. It is because there is a risk of having to incur costs to assert or defend his rights that, this insurance can meet the need of the insured to be legally and financially protected. The research objective is to determine whether the current system allows legal protection insurance to guarantee real access to law and justice. The first part of the thesis is devoted to the development of legal protection insurance and its contribution to access to law and justice. Our research shows that legal protection insurers have contributed, during the 20th century, to the emergence of an insurance system for access to law and justice. However, positive law has not conferred on this branch of insurance a system capable of answer at the new insurance needs, born of the expectations of litigants in terms of knowledge of the law and access to justice, or expected by the public authorities in terms of funding legal aid. If the analysis of the current system leads us to understand the limits of legal protection insurance, the research results show that a negation of the limits of legal protection insurance would undermine the fundamental principles that govern insurance. Indeed, the insurer selects the risks to determine which ones it will guarantee. Beyond these limits, it is no longer a question of pooling but of solidarity. Solidarity, born from the request of the public authorities for the financing of legal aid, which an outdated approach, based on trial expense insurance, cannot respond. To remedy this, the second part of the thesis endeavors to propose an evolution of the current insurance model to improve access to law and justice. The restrictive approach of the role of the legal protection insurer as a lawsuit insurer is no longer appropriate. It is no longer a question of compensating for damages suffered but of guaranteeing the legal management of a dispute. The legal protection insurer should therefore not no longer be confined in a role of third payer of indemnities ; on the contrary, should be preferred an approach favoring the prevention and the amicable settlement of disputes. After determining the way in which the insurance companies can contribute to this development, our conclusions lead us to propose an adapted model of conflict resolution, resulting from research in comparative law, which justifies not only an evolution of the regimen of legal protection insurance but also that of the insurance model of access to law and justice
Stamboulous, Artémis. "La participation du public et l'évaluation des incidences environnementales en droits communautaire, français et grec." Université Robert Schuman (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008STR30026.
Full textDamage to the environment through human activity and economic development has resulted in the establishment of the environmental assessment principle into the European’s Union, French and Greek legal orders. It evaluates the impact that projects, plans and programs may have on the environment and public health. The public must take part in this evaluation that may affect its life and the environment. The principle of public participation in the environmental protection is constituted of three distinct principles; Access to information, public participation in decision making and access to justice in environmental matters. The application of these principles requires not only the environmental education of citizens but also the reorganisation of the decisional process
Lahlou, Névine. "L'accès au droit dans la société de l'information." Thesis, Paris 1, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020PA01D040.
Full textThe purpose of this work is to study access to law as impacted by new technologies. It will first be a matter of studying the classical composition of access to law, through its legal foundations and different phenomena, both historical and sociological. The objective will then be to observe the evolution of this access when confronted to the digital world. New rights, but also new risks, have profoundly changed access to the law, both in how information is sought and how it is understood. These various observations will wield a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of access to law in France, namely through an inventory of existing practices and theories on the subject. In this context, new methodologies and proposals for the further development of access to the law will be considered, with the view of strengthening and perpetuating it
Balemaken, Eugène Louis René. "Le juge et le sauvetage de l'entreprise en difficulté en droit OHADA et en droit français : étude de droit comparé." Thesis, Paris 2, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA020026/document.
Full textThe Uniform Act organizing collective proceedings for discharge of liabilities, adopted on 10 April 1998 in Libreville and entered into force on 1 January 1998 came harmonize the insolvency law in the Member countries of the Organization for the Harmonization of the law of Affairs (OHADA). Indeed, these countries were up there, in material, with inadequate texts dating from the colonial era. Under today proven relatives of African and French legal systems in law firms in difficulty, it was interesting to carry out a comparative study on the role of the judge in the rescue of the firm in difficulty in both systems. The study reveals that African law and French law, judge's intervention levels vary depending on whether the company is in bonuses or depending on whether it is in a State of cessation of payments. To enable the judge to carry out the mission to rescue of the firm in difficulty, African and French lawmakers have granted action procedural means characterized sometimes convergent and sometimes divergent manner as appropriate, by a master of the instance and immediate execution of judicial decisions. However, the study reveals the existence in both legal orders of many obstacles that oppose the incumbent judges African and French, rescue mission obstacles so many functional order than structural. Next to the solutions here and all these problems, there other proposals are made to make more efficient action by the judge. It remains that, whether it's African law or French law, through the question of the role of the judge in the rescue of the firm in difficulty, arises the recurring problem of the real capacity of the law to curb economic phenomena
Lehaire, Benjamin. "L'action privée en droit des pratiques anticoncurrentielles : pour un recours effectif des entreprises et des consommateurs en droits français et canadien." Thesis, Université Laval, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LAROD002/document.
Full textRegulation of competition is dualistic in France and Canada. On one side, public authority frame the market and impose sanction, if appropriate, to the practices contrary to existing legislation, and, on other side, the victims injured by antitrust practices, that is consumers and company, may bring a private procecussion based on the liability to obtain a compensation for the antitrust injury. They are respectively of public action and private action, also referred to as public enforcement and private enforcement of competition law. However, in the European Union, and particularly in France, the antitrust harm has no effective remedy. Indeed, in France, consumers had not, until the adoption of the collective redress, procedural means to access the judge of compensation. In addition, the French civil law proves too rigid to allow compensation for something as complex as the competitive harm. For its thinking about it, the French legislator has often turned to the Canadian and Quebec models to reform its bicentenary civil law. Indeed, the Quebec civil law is particularly flexible in disputes related to competition law. In addition, the Canadian Competition Act provides a right to compensation adapted to the constraints of the victims of anticompetitive practices. The author has sought to understand how the Canadian private enforcement mechanism works to assess whether this model, through the Quebec civil law, could inspire a reform of French civil law model adopted by the legislature in particular during the introduction of collective redress. The analysis is primarily civil law to allow a reading of private action that departs from conventional stereotypes of the American experience in this field. The ultimate goal of this comparison is to make effective use of the private businesses and consumers in French and Canadian rights following an injury resulting from a violation of anti-competitive practices
Hountohotegbè, Sèdjro Axel-Luc. "Repenser la procédure civile : les enjeux théoriques de l’accès à la justice et l’hypothèse de la régulation sociale par l’intégration des modes extrajudiciaires de prévention et de règlement des différends (PRD)." Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/11143/10582.
Full textAbstract : The thesis analyzes the evolution of civil procedure in terms of access to justice issues in theory of law. It makes the assumption of a model of social regulation which operates a reversal of the classic positivist monistic perspective by the integration of the extrajudicial modes of PRD. The thesis responds to the following research question: what theoretical foundations to the evolution of civil procedure for the improvement of access to justice? From a methodological point of view, the thesis opts for a theoretical and documentary approach. It borrows from the main schools of theories of law, in particular the sociological school. The theoretical framework is then based on theories of legal pluralism, the systems and the network. These theories irrigate the whole thesis and serve as the two main parts of the analytic grid. In the first part, the thesis focuses on the accuracy of the concept of access to justice. In three chapters, this first part is working methodically to deconstruct the dominant meanings institutional and narrowing of the concept. It leads to the development of an innovative theoretical definition and practical access to justice. In the second part, the analysis focuses on the evolution of the paradigms of the civil procedure. In three chapters, it poses a critique of System dominant rules of conflict in general and civil procedure in particular which are based on the law according to the principles of hierarchy of norms. The thesis deconstructed this vision, and then proposes a general theory supporting the legitimacy of the extrajudicial modes of PRD. Finally, the research suggests an evolution of civil procedure and submits to this effect an alternative justice system model not oxymoronic, but complementary to the dominant model integrating extrajudicial modes of PRD. The social regulation model built and submit in the thesis revolves around three paradigms fundamental namely decentralisation, multipolarity and complementarity. The thesis is a compendium of analyses and submits a frame of reference of the paradigms of a justice system for the improvement of access to justice.
Tennah, Mansouria. "La contribution du juge administratif à l'état de droit dans les états d'Afrique francophone : l'exemple de l'Algérie et du Sénégal." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016AIXM1069.
Full textCommonly perceived as vector for democracy, freedom, equality and justice more generally, the rule of law has become essential. The concept grew from the legal theory of positive law and gradually extended to the political field, first at European level, before extending its reach to Africa, including the French-speaking African states, including Algeria and Senegal. The existence and proper functioning of the rule of law, in which the state as the sovereign holder agrees to submit to the law, and therefore to judicial review, are never acquired. Like any system, it is often that the institutions and historical circumstances will. Its maintenance is therefore assumed that each player concerned to play its part to ensure proper operation. This is especially true in countries where the rule of law remains a challenge. Consequently, one is led to wonder about the nature of the potential contribution the administrative judge to rule of law in both countries
Maillafet, Céline. "La constitutionnalisation de la justice administrative : Etude comparée des expériences française et italienne." Thesis, Toulon, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015TOUL0094.
Full textFor long time, the doctrine took an active interest only in european conventionnal sources, but now constitutionalization of administrative justice is at work and of a great impact in France and Italy. A variety of aspects and many institutionnal players are intervening. For example, the Italian government in its legislative function, when was making new contentious administrative process rules, established in 2010, must take into account constitutionnal (and conventionnal) rules as interpreted by the Constitutionnal court. In France, constitutionalization, witch began in 1980’s, has intensified in accordance with the exam of constitutionality issues and even more so with the interventions of the Council of state in his advisory role in the preparation of laws and ordinances or in the internal rules about administrative justice’s member status and activities. However, constitutionalization results are variable. Independence, impartiality and administrative tribunal’s jurisdiction are under constitutionnal influence. On the other hand, the constitutionnal impact on the contentious administrative process is weak. The fact remains that administrative courts were, are and will be reformed with the impact of constitutionnal sources
Réa, Frédérique. "L' oralité en matière prud'homale." Montpellier 1, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007MON10067.
Full textThe spoken word is one of the specificities of tribunal proceedings. Although litigants are very attached to this tradition, it is also a source of problems for practitioners. The oral nature of the dispute before the employment tribunal ensures greater simplicity and a more direct access of employees to the judge. Even if the spoken word should, in principle, guarantee the efficiency, speed and flexibility of the institution concerned, the latter is faced with a completely different reality, which tends to underline its inadequacies at the dawn of the third millennium. It is necessary to analyze and assess the real place of the spoken word in employment tribunal today, what it represents and its mechanisms so that a study could be conduced to decide whether it should or could continue, and, if so, to propose appropriate changes guaranteeing its future
Rrapi, Patricia. "L'accessibilité et l'intelligibilité de la loi en droit constitutionnel : étude du discours sur la "qualité de la loi"." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012AIXM1051.
Full textThe « Quality of law » doctrine, as found in the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Council, has two functions. First it means that a citizen must have notice of a law before it is applied to him; and second that a statute's text must be sufficiently « clear » in order to avoid arbitrary enforcement. This thesis proposes a distinction between these two functions of the « Quality of Law » doctrine; the first reflecting an ex ante principle and the latter an ex post principle. Whereas the ex post « quality » deals with misuse of the statute's text by authorities charged with enforcement, the ex ante function – fair notice of laws in force – requires a more modern meaning as the nature of law changes and its delivery becomes more fractured and unpredictable. This thesis includes a comparison of the French doctrine with a parallel doctrine in American Constitutional Law – the « Vagueness doctrine »
Rajska, Dagmara Marta. "Etude comparative des droits garantis aux justiciables en application de l'article 6 de la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme et de leur traduction en droit interne en France et en Pologne." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013AIXM1022.
Full textPoland is a post-Communist state which signed the Convention in 1991, and ratified it in 1993. The right to the individual application was established in 1993. The change of the regime required to reform the Polish legal system, including the principles of fair trial, to comply with the requirements of the Convention. France signed the Convention in 1950, and ratified it in 1974. The right to the individual application was established in 1981. It is one of the oldest members of the Convention and at the moment one of the major actors of the international society, whose attachment to human rights is one of the characteristics of its foreign policy. This comparative study sets out to determine whether the requirements concerning the courts and the trials, and the rights guaranteed in criminal matters imposed by the article 6 of the Convention are respected in both states. On the one hand, this enables us to see the differences and the similitudes between France and Poland. These two states can seem to be different because of their respective histories and traditions when it comes to the respect of human rights. However, in the final analysis, they deal with similar problems, as, for example, the excessive length of proceedings, or non-Respect of the principle of equity of arms. On the other hand, this enables us to verify if the judgements of the European Court of Human Rights have been entirely implemented by the two states, and, where necessary, if the infringements of the Convention were repaired, including the reforms of the internal law
Nuchprayool, Bajrawan. "L'accès au juge administratif en Thaïlande." Thesis, Aix-Marseille 3, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011AIX32004.
Full textThe Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand 2007 defines an overhaul of the administrative courts with the separated jurisdictions in order to protect the fundamental rights and freedom of all citizens against the misused of state power, to repair any damages caused by the administration, and to control the legality of administrative acts. Moreover, the regulations on how to bring the cases to courts are simplified into uncomplicated written form and can be conducted without a lawyer. Since in the inquisitorial system lets the judge to gather evidences as to conduct the investigations with the administration.However, there are some restrictions about bringing cases to courts which included the conditions of the applicant's abilities to act and "the circle of interest to sue". This perspective of the fundamental aspects of administrative lawsuit has been influenced by western countries, including France. This research study both the theoretical and practical dimensions on how to bring cases to administrative courts which reflect current and future situation through the analysis of the Thai and French administrative lawsuit systems
Bigirimana, Fructuose. "Violences et protection juridique des personnes dans les situations de violence : Cas des pays de la région des grands lacs africains." Thesis, Lyon 3, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012LYO30036.
Full textThe armed conflicts are no longer, what they used to be. It is usually stated that armed conflicts have disappeared and have been replaced by other new forms of violence involving multiplicity of actors, multiplicity of motives and overlapping strategies and tactics. In fact, the classical international law makes a clear distinction between the peaceful and armed conflicts situations. The human rights law was conceived to deal with peaceful situations while humanitarian law deals with times of war. The inadequate monitoring organs of the international human rights law which comprises derogatory clauses supplemented by individual liability criminal mechanisms not effective is the gape.However, between these two situations, there is others situations of violence upon which the existing legal system is not adapted or at least, is not effective to protect the rights of internal violence victims.This thesis intends to point out the regulation if violence by means of law in order to guarantee a permanent doorway for the protection of humanity. From less intensive violence to more intensive violence, this study gives due consideration to both situations of violence and through a normative and pragmatic approach, it gives an insight into the desirable law and appropriate mechanisms which can regulate the « grey » matter resulting from violence. Basing on the variety of charges of violence committed in the Great Lakes Region, this research work shows that these types of violence are not subject to a fundamental indefinite law. The humanitarian law is relayed, replaced or supplanted by new mechanisms regulating the situations of violence
Aoustin, Tristan. "L'évaluation environnementale des plans et programmes : Vers l'ouverture d'un cadre stratégique au pilier procédural du droit de l'environnement." Thesis, Limoges, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LIMO0142/document.
Full textThe Environmental Impact Assessment has proven itself as a tool for prevention of environmental damage and as a tool for public information and participatory democracy. However, experience gained in the implementation of the Directive EIA of 27 June 1985 and of the Espoo Convention of 25 February 1991, has quickly highlighted that in many cases, environmental assessment intervened too late in the decision making process, at a stage where the possibilities for significant changes are limited, so that it is possible to doubt the existence of an impartial administrative authorization taking full account of any impact assessment on the environment and public comments since the responsible political authorities have already decided clearly in favor of a project. You had to go further, because it is in fact at the level of strategic options that structural choices, often irreversible, are carried out, in other words at the level of documents such as town and country planning, to mention only the most current. That's why were adopted Directive SEA of 27 June 2001 on the assessment of certain plans and programs on the environment, as well as the Kiev Protocol of May 2003 on "Strategic Environmental Assessment", two very ambitious texts concerning a large pan of decision making in the public sector. It is also, only after having carefully determined the scope of the procedure and many difficulties it raises, it will then be possible to appreciate, in a more circumspect way, the "strategic" contributions or legal perspectives of the new requirement, the French ten years experience and a groping transposition, revealing in this regard that the path could still be long to go before full compliance with European and UN constraints
Dos, Santos Lauriane. "Faire justice aux marges : une ethnographie à bord des "tribunaux spéciaux itinérants" du Brésil (État de l'Amapá, région amazonienne)." Thesis, Paris, EHESS, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019EHES0164.
Full textThe thesis looks back at the establishment of the “special circuit courts” (juizados especiais itinerantes) in contemporary Brazil (from 1996 to now). Those are mobile courts that are specialized in “small dispute” settlement and the so-called "small claims" of the citizens – implying family, neighborhood or even land issues. They are aimed to ensure a presence of the judicial institution of the State in the spaces that are the most distant from it: both in a geographical and in a socio-cultural way. They have been created after the autocratic period, during the process of re-democratization of the regime, in order to allow a broader access to State justice for the poorest and the most marginalized parts of society, by providing them new free legal servicesThis research follows the path of one of the first courts of this type to be set up across the country. In the state of Amapá (region of Amazon), near French Guiana and Suriname, every two months, judges and conciliators of justice leave their offices in the city center to undertake journeys of several days or even weeks, sailing on the Amazon to the most remote villages and hamlets in their constituency. Once arrived in those localities, they settle the conflicts the inhabitants may have, by delivering what they define as a fast, effective and conciliatory justice. The thesis is based on a five-years field research in this Amazonian part of Brazil. By reading (the archives), by listening (during interviews) and by observing daily (through ethnography) the agents of justice, one can analyze in very concrete terms the judicial work they implement in the spaces they visit. At the hearing, as during the ordinary interactions between agents of justice and litigants, it is not only the access to law and justice which is provided as a resource to the inhabitants : it is also a legal shaping of lives and a moral adjustment of local social behaviors that takes place.Then the analyzes emphasize on the representations as on the practices of the judicial agents, by using both a diverse and qualitative data base. It shows how the judicial institution grasps the local daily lives in the visited villages. By intervening in the adjustment of relationships, both with oneself and with others, and by redefining locally the ways of being and living, the judicial institution then reveals itself and its central function in the social and moral and political regulation of society, provided that it is itself structured by social relations that go beyond it, and that it also reproduces in some way
Dongmo, Joël. "Droit d'auteur et accès à la connaissance." Thesis, Nantes, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020NANT3006.
Full textThe intellectual and cultural effervescence that characterizes the enlightenment century fowours the blossoming of a public fond of knowledge. This demand, more and more higher added to the necessity for authors to live off the fruit of their creations constitute the framework in which copyright has been conceived. Thus, the environment in which philosophical and legal considerations have permitted the conceptualization of this rink between copyright and the access ton knowledge. This link definitely confirms itself through the consecration of this right is questioned under the impulsion of copyright practices namely the digital one. The implementation in this context of the protection granted by this right seems to justify practices that can question the relationship between copyright and the access to knowledge. It therefore appears that the legitimacy of this right is closely linked its faculty to favour access to knowledge. Thus, the balance that copyright maintains between public interest and those of authors presents itself as an essential element of its justification. Although the source of the crisis of copyright are found (for the vast majority) in the exploitation of the digital world of protected woks, the regeneration of this right can definitely follow the same path. In this light, initiatives that feature in this movement of the free access to knowledge through scientific or pedagogic works by exploiting precisely the possibilities offered by the digital world. In this same perspective, the americanization of copyright could enable the Introduction of a certain dose of flexibility in the copyright on the condition that this phenomenon accentuated by the digital revolution does not mislead this right by “depersonalizing” it
Merle, Jean-Christophe. "Justice et progrès. Droit naturel et justice sociale." Paris 4, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA040078.
Full textDespite the problem's currency, contemporary philosophy continues to neglect the need normatively to ground social and economic rights. Classical natural law theory offers reflections that can form the basis for an attempt to do so. Since Cicero, natural law has been thought to establish rules of acquisition without referring to community-based justice. Still, it attributes certain rights to non-owners, such as the defense of necessity or the right of adversarial possession and later, with Leibniz, the obligation in equity to cooperate. The young Kant of 1764 radically rejected both serfdom and wage-labor. Natural justice also demanded the creation of poorhouses. Nonetheless, though natural law distributes ownership without reference to any criteria of justice, the dominum terrae confers the innate right of each man to use the earth. Taken out of context, this seems self-contradictory, since this right cannot be enjoyed at once by all. But Kantian and Fichtean property rights rest on a permissive law which structures ownership to allow for the same freedoms to coexist for all, mutually restricted as necessary but in the same way for all. The Fichtean system recognizes the right to own the productive means to work for his personal subsistence, pleasure and leisure. But Fichte avoids the pitfalls that so often accompany the economic planning he advocates. His social and economic model leaves a genuine place for individual initiative and enterprise, as well as freedom to choose one's own life style. More, it allows for the consideration of how economic progress - which demands investment, a growing division of labor, the adaptation of production and work to the market, and so on - can take place within this same framework of justice
Viard, Claire-Marie. "Accès aux médicaments et propriété intellectuelle." Thesis, Lille 2, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LIL20029.
Full textAccess, property, medicine. How is access and ownership linked to something as specific as medicine? This was our initial question. Opposing intellectual property and access can be surprising. Doesn't intellectual property organize exclusivity in sharing? Why then invoke access to an appropriate good? Answering these questions has led us to take an interest in the foundations of industrial property and to study its scope. The report was clear: intellectual property law has expanded considerably. Long rejected from the patentable field, the drug illustrates this movement. Under such conditions, it is not surprising to see access emerging. The extension of the rights of one responds to the right of access of the other. It is therefore first of all a confrontation that characterizes the relationship between intellectual property and access to medicines. Could we stick to this observation of a confrontation of logic? The coherence of the legal system required the search for articulation mechanisms. Finding a combination is a necessity. The mechanisms offered by industrial property law needed to be studied. Their exceptional characteristics remain insufficient. So we try to propose structural mechanisms
Fostan, Chrystèle. "Justice et génétique : contribution à l'étude de la génétique judiciaire et de la justice génétique." Nantes, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000NANT4014.
Full textNguia, Banda Alfred. "Justice étatique et justice coutumière en matière pénale au Gabon : existence, réalités et perspectives." Montpellier 1, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000MON10074.
Full textChrétien, Anne-Sophie. "Contrat et action en justice." Nantes, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000NANT4013.
Full textHellenbrand, Laure. "Secret et justice pénale." Nancy 2, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997NAN20018.
Full textThe notion of secrecy as regards penal Law appears in two main significances. First there is a secrecy which can be called secrecy of the "judicial matter". This secrecy which the justice as such and as entity, is a right to put forward towards the outside, towards the audience, enables to protect the security and the efficiency of the preliminary investigations (secrecy of the inquiry and secrecy of the investigation and hearing of a case), the secrecy of its proceedings (secrecy of the deliberation) but also the efficiency of the accomplishment of some decisions. - Who are the persons bound to this secrecy of the "judicial matter" as the lawsuit advances? - Which are the foundations and which is the reach of the obligation to be bound to the secrecy of the "judicial matter"? - Which is the own nature of this secrecy? - Finally which is its future? Such are the several questions which are tackled in the first part of this work devoted to the secrecy of the "judicial matter". Second main significance of the notion of secrecy as regards penal law: there is secrecy said "professional secrecy" whose possessors are all that at a certain point take on the quality of necessary confidant. This secrecy puts forward most of the time either by representatives of the law, either by members of liberal professions, corresponds this tile to a secrecy, no longer of the law but a secrecy opposed to the inquiries of the law. Which is the power of this secrecy, which are its limits when it finds itself opposed to the penal law? Such is the double main questioning raised up along the second part of this work devoted to the professional secrecy opposed to the penal law
James, Isabelle. "Processus démocratique et justice rationnelle." Paris 4, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA040062.
Full textPolitical justice aims at the realization of freedom conditions for individuals who form the society. This society is in constant evolution and the conditions for citizens' peaceful coexistence need to be established according to the stable principles that it is the law's role to publicly declare. It is necessary to determine the principles of justice that are the foundation of public institutions, along with the validity criteria of political and legislative decisions. The legitimacy of the democratic process is based on universal and rational procedures. The liberty of decision represents the essential requirement needed by rational justice, against the changeability of democratic majorities and the resolutions they produce, it constitutes the warranty for the durability of the rights to equal liberties for all
Jeannin, Laure. "Le droit au recours juridictionnel des personnes privées en droit public comparé franco-allemand." Paris 1, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA010325.
Full textL’expression pacifier la loi fait référence au traitement fait aux indigènes pendant les années de la colonisation et de peuplement du Brésil. Il fut nécessaire de pacifier les féroces indigènes du littoral et de l’intérieur du pays afin que le projet de la métropole puisse être réalisé. Pacifier l’indien regroupe plusieurs comportements différents, allant de l’évangélisation à des massacres impitoyables. Voilà le thème de cette recherche. Le premier chapitre présente une analyse des lois et des politiques indigènes du XVIe au XXe siècle, décrivant la soumission des peuples indigènes au moyen de la loi. Avec le développement des études anthropologiques et la résorption de leur biais ethnocentrique, le désir indigène de pacifier le blanc, qui se reflète dans la recherche d’une terre sans maux où les blancs n’amèneraient pas mort et maladies, a été mis en lumiére. Le deuxième chapitre présente l organisation et la participation des dirigeants indigènes à l Assemblée Nationale Constituante de 1987, épisode le plus important de la politique brésilienne envers les populations indigènes. Le chapitre retrace les préoccupations de ces populations quant à la démarcation de leurs terres, l espoir qu’elles ont placé dans l élaboration de la grande loi des blancs ainsi que les obstacles qu elles rencontrèrent pendant ce processus. Enfin, le troisième chapitre fait le constat que, même après des années de législation indigéniste et une certaine participation des populations indigènes dans l’élaboration des lois qui les concernent, le droit n’a pas été capable de fournir une réponse suffisante et nécessaire à ces populations. Grâce à la pensée de la déconstruction, combinée au perspectivisme amérindien, on a pu analyser l application et l interprétation du droit de manière critique, afin de pointer les directions qu’il peut suivre pour rendre justice à la singularité et à la particularité des sociétés, des peuples et des personnes indigènes.
A expressão pacificar o direito remete ao tratamento despendido aos indígenas brasileiros durante os anos de colonização do Brasil. Era preciso pacificar os índios bravos do litoral e dos sertões para que o projeto da Metrópole pudesse ser levado a cabo. Pacificar o índio requeria diversas atitudes que iam desde a catequização até impiedosos massacres. Este é o tema que impulsiona este trabalho. O primeiro capítulo apresenta uma análise de leis e políticas indigenistas dos séculos XVI a XX, demonstrando a sujeição dos povos indígenas por meio do direito. Com o desenvolvimento dos estudos antropológicos, cujo viés tornou-se menos etnocêntrico, descobriu-se que entre os índios também havia o desejo de pacificar o branco, que se refletia na busca por uma terra sem males onde os brancos não trouxessem mortes e doenças. O capítulo segundo apresenta a organização e participação das lideranças indígenas no momento político brasileiro de maior importância para as populações indígenas, a Assembléia Nacional Constituinte de 1987. O desenrolar deste capítulo demonstra os anseios destes povos pela demarcação de suas terras, a esperança que depositaram na elaboração da grande lei dos brancos, bem como os percalços que encontram nesta caminhada. Por fim, o capítulo três constata que, mesmo após anos de legislação indigenista e, até mesmo, após alguma participação dos povos indígenas na elaboração das leis que lhes dizem respeito, o direito não foi capaz de oferecer uma resposta suficiente e necessária a esses indivíduos. Com o pensamento da desconstrução, somado ao perspectivismo ameríndio, analisou-se a aplicação e interpretação do direito de maneira crítica, a fim de apontar direções possíveis que o direito possa seguir em busca de se fazer justiça à singularidade e peculiaridade das sociedades, povos e indivíduos indígenas.
Maalouf, Mirna. "La justice des mineurs délinquants en droit français et droit libanais." Paris 1, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA010278.
Full textLucas, Olivier. "Pour un droit processuel de la consommation." Rennes 1, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000REN10405.
Full textMahinga, Jean-Grégoire. "La justice judiciaire internationale et le droit intertemporel." Limoges, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992LIMO0424.
Full textAfter the codification of international law fail to be effective the international court of justice has get the attidute of activism. The effecte of this judicial activism are the creation of norms by international judges. Juridiction became as an element of the law-making in international law. The intertemporal law is one of the means whish leads to this result. The main consequence of the judicial activism is the "juridictionalisation" of international norms. This means that judges will elaborate the content of acts in international law. This phenomenon is consistent with the fact that more and more the international court of justice applies treaties which are not in force yet. It is this which is called "emprunt de normativite" and is seen as a step to reduce the impact of volontarism in international law
Badenes, Joël. "Justice pénale et principes directeurs du droit international." Aix-Marseille 3, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002AIX32019.
Full textUnder the auspices of the organizing principles of international law and in particular under those of the right to a fair trial, French criminal justice has initiated a slow metamorphosis which should in the outcome evolve towards an contradictory procedure at all stages with as its foundation our sacrosanct inquisitorial model. On-going modifications have been provided with the creation of the judge of liberties and detention, appeal in criminal matters and the re-examination of criminal decision following a judgement by the European Court of Human Rights, with the reinforcing of the parties'rights throughout the whole procedure. However, there is still a long way to go before these principles can be really effective. Firstly, it would be wise to transfer the powers of inquiry to the public prosecutor and jurisdictional powers to a judge. It would also be necessary to set down a real suspect status with a minimum of rights in order to offset the inequalities which exist in the police phase. .
Osman, Abdallah Jamal. "Modélisation de la connaissance et encyclopédie électronique : aide à la décision et accès aux sources du droit musulman du mariage." Montpellier 1, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994MON10019.
Full textStemming from a unique text, the koran, the sources of muslim personal statutes law have diversify acfcording to the different schools of throught. To this diversity, we must add the scattering of written works and their lack of methodical organisation which makes any knowledge extremely difficult. The comparative study of marriage and its dissolution in the different rites bring the double diachronic and synchronic dimension of the knowledge sources, to the fore. Methodical reflections lead to define two types of representation for this law : decision aid and the setting up of an electronic encyclopaedia seem to bre a satisfactory solution to this law within the reach of every one
Alla, Koffi Étienne. "Subjectivisme et objectivisme dans le droit sur l'invention des médicaments." Toulouse 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012TOU10070.
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