Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Abortion and public health'
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Harries, Jane. "Abortion services in South Africa : challenges and barriers to safe abortion care : health care providers' perspectives." Doctoral thesis, University of Cape Town, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/10623.
Full textUnsafe abortion is a preventable phenomenon and continues to be a major public health problem in many countries especially in the developing world. Despite abortion being legally available in South Africa after a change in legislation in 1996, barriers to accessing safe abortion services continue to exist. These barriers include provider opposition to abortion, and a shortage of trained and willing abortion providers. The dearth of abortion providers undermines the availability of safe, legal abortion, and has serious implications for women's access to abortion services and health service planning.
Constant, Deborah Ann. "Strengthening medical abortion in South Africa." Doctoral thesis, University of Cape Town, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/22795.
Full textBlackburn, Kayla M. "Which methods of dissemination do women in Cape Town, South Africa prefer when searching for safe abortion providers?" Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/29587.
Full textJilozian, Ani. "Listening to women's voices| Perceptions & experiences with contraception & abortion in rural Armenia." Thesis, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, 2014. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=1551611.
Full textBackground: Abortion is the principle method of birth control in Armenia. There are few qualitative studies in the literature concerning family planning utilization and abortion practices, and only two studies carried out over a decade ago have addressed the larger social context in which family planning and abortion decision-making occurs.
Objectives: The purpose of the following research project was to investigate women's perceptions and experiences with contraception and abortion and elucidate the multifaceted and complex factors that influence family planning decisions and abortion seeking behavior among women of reproductive age in Armenia.
Methods and materials: Convenience sampling was used to recruit women and health providers for the study. In-depth interviews were carried out with all participants and content analysis was employed to analyze the data.
Results: Natural methods of contraception were primarily used over modern means due to socio-economic barriers; familial and peer influence; and negative perceptions. The use of induced abortion was primarily due to socio-economic conditions; a desire for birth spacing; and a desire to limit family size. Participants expressed that married couples generally share decision-making power regarding contraception and abortion with the exception of sex-selective abortions, in which husbands and/or the husband's family primarily make the decision. Reasons for son preference were tied to socio-economic conditions and the Armenian mentality regarding relative value of gender. The misuse of medical abortion was tied to socio-economic conditions; fear of surgical abortion; and misperceptions.
Discussion: Initiatives to reduce the unmet need for family planning should focus on education; expanding availability and accessibility of contraceptives; and empowerment of women. In regards to preventing unsafe abortion, initiatives should focus on health provider training and monitoring; making Cytotec available in pharmacies by prescription only; lowering the price of medical abortion at hospitals; and educating health providers and women about best practices. Concerning sex selection, policy changes should take place alongside initiatives that empower women and advance socio-economic well being.
Carpilovsky, Cristiane Kohler. "O aborto como um problema de saúde pública: contribuições para o debate nas áreas da saúde e educação." Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2011. http://repositorio.ufsm.br/handle/1/3522.
Full textO aborto é um tema presente desde os tempos mais remotos e com o passar dos anos vem crescendo o interesse sobre o mesmo, visto que se trata de uma questão multidisciplinar de relevância significativa. Atualmente, o aborto representa um grave problema de saúde pública, sendo amplamente praticado, através de meios inadequados que podem causar danos e provocar a morte da mulher. Este tema foi acrescentado na educação brasileira através dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais mediante o desenvolvimento dos temas transversais. Neste contexto, esta pesquisa objetivou averiguar a ação dos professores de ensino fundamental frente à temática da sexualidade, realizar uma análise dos livros didáticos de Biologia indicados pelo Programa Nacional do Livro do Ensino Médio e realizar um estudo comparativo das questões referentes ao aborto, segundo o entendimento dos alunos, em nível de educação superior, das áreas da saúde e humanas incluindo a comparação da compreensão do tema do ponto de vista feminino e masculino a fim de obter a concepção dos jovens acerca do tema. A partir desses dados se construiu um instrumento visando auxiliar no ensino do tema aborto contribuindo na formação do cidadão. Com base nas análises dos dados coletados, acredita-se que o tema aborto deve ser tratado de forma contínua e urgente para que os conceitos sejam assimilados e compreendidos a fim de servirem de base para a tomada de decisões contribuindo na formação do cidadão. Além disso, foi possível perceber que o lúdico contribui na abordagem do tema aborto em sala de aula demonstrando assim, a relevância da inclusão de metodologias alternativas em sala de aula no sentido de aproximar os jovens de temas relevantes visando à formação do cidadão. Assim, a temática do aborto precisa ganhar espaço no ambiente escolar para que os alunos possuam um espaço para discussão e possam, assim, responder suas dúvidas e anseios. É papel da escola e dos educadores oferecer este conhecimento aos alunos preparando cidadãos conscientes sobre seus corpos e sua sexualidade.
Perera, Dhammika. "A Comparison of the Safety and Efficacy of Three Medical Abortion Protocols." ScholarWorks, 2019. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/6649.
Full textBarker, Rachel. "Predictors of Induced Abortion Among Female Youth Center Users in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti." VCU Scholars Compass, 2005. http://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/etd/1406.
Full textFrank, Cornelia. "Access to Safe and Legal Abortion- a Human Right? : A study of the protection for access to Safe and Legal abortion within Public International Law." Thesis, Stockholms universitet, Juridiska institutionen, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-182564.
Full textBabalola, Grace T., and Ademola Adedoyin. "A Statistical Review of the U.S. Abortion Policy Since the Ruling of Roe v. Wade." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2020. https://dc.etsu.edu/asrf/2020/presentations/30.
Full textMarniari, Kadek. "Is a right to abortion protective of women's reproductive health? : exploring a human rights dynamic of abortion law reform in Indonesia /." Oslo : Faculty of Law, Universitetet i Oslo, 2008. http://www.duo.uio.no/publ/jus/2008/80151/Thesis_DUO.pdf.
Full textCarneiro, Marta Camila Mendes de Oliveira [UNIFESP]. "Prevalência e características das mulheres com histórico de aborto." Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2009. http://repositorio.unifesp.br/handle/11600/9967.
Full textPor ser uma prática criminosa, o aborto provocado acaba sendo realizado clandestinamente tornando-se um grave problema de Saúde Pública. O objetivo deste estudo foi o de estimar a prevalência de mulheres em idade fértil com histórico de aborto. O estudo é transversal, resultante de uma amostra aleatória de mulheres 15 a 49 anos-, residentes no subdistrito da Vila Mariana, 2006. Os dados foram coletados mediante aplicação de questionários. Foi considerada como variável dependente classificação da mulher quanto ao aborto: sem aborto, aborto espontâneo e aborto provocado; e independentes: idade, defasagem do número ideal de filhos, atividade remunerada, escolaridade, estado civil, uso de contraceptivos e opinião sobre o aborto provocado. Para análises foram utilizados testes de qui-quadrado e modelos de regressão logística multinomial policotômica. Dentre o total de mulheres entrevistadas (n=1121), 84,4% (n=946) são de mulheres sem histórico de aborto; 11,2% (n=126) são de mulheres com histórico de aborto espontâneo e, 4,4% (n=49) são de mulheres com histórico de aborto provocado. A razão de chances de ter realizado aborto provocado sobre a sem aborto é 6,33 vezes maior (p0,001) entre mulheres que aceitam esta prática; 4,58 vezes maior (p=0,002) entre as mulheres que possuem menos de 4 anos de estudo e ainda, as chances da mulher declarar um aborto provocado comparado às sem aborto é 7% maior a cada ano em que a mulher envelhece. Dentre as 1121 mulheres, 49,5% (n=555) declararam ter tido alguma gravidez. Para que engravidaram a prevalência de mulheres com aborto espontâneo foi de 22,7% (n=126) de aborto provocado 8,85 (n=49). A razão de chances de ter realizado aborto provocado sobre a sem aborto é 28,34 vezes maior (p0,001) entre as que não possuem nenhum filho nascido vivo; 6,42 vezes maior (p0,001) entre as que aceitam esta prática; 4,96 vezes maior (p=0,002) entre as que possuem menos de 4 anos de estudo; e as chances de declarar um aborto provocado comparado as sem aborto é 8% maior a cada ano a mais de vida. Por outra parte, este estudo revela ainda que entre o total de mulheres a razão de chances de ter tido aborto espontâneo sobre a sem aborto é 0,34 (p0,001) entre as mulheres que não possuem nenhum filho nascido vivo; e, as chances da mulher declarar um aborto espontâneo comparado às sem aborto é 4% maior a cada ano de idade da mulher. O comportamento reprodutivo das mulheres deste estudo é equiparável ao das residentes em países desenvolvidos. Ao ter acesso a métodos contraceptivos considerados eficazes o aborto provocado legalizado, não seria utilizado de forma irresponsável.
Induced abortions are illegal in Brazil, leading many women to seek out clandestine clinics and practitioners, resulting in a serious public health problem. The purpose of this study was to estimate the number of women in the general population of fertile age with a history of abortion. This is a retrospective transversal study, based on a random sample of women – 15 to 49 years old –, residing at the Vila Mariana neighborhood of São Paulo in 2006. Data was collected through questionnaires. As the dependent variable we used different abortion categories, reflecting different types of experiences with abortion, which included: no abortion, spontaneous abortion and induced abortion. As independent variables we used: age, the difference between number of children and ideal number of children, employment and marital status, level of education, use of contraceptives, and personal opinion about induced abortion. Analyses were carried out using chi-square tests and polytomous multinomial logistic regressions. Furthermore, 84,4% (n=946) had no history of abortion; 11,2% (n=126) indicated having had a spontaneous abortion; and 4.4% (n=49) indicated having had an induced abortion. We found that it is 6,33 times more likely (p0,001) to have had an induced abortion versus no abortion among women who are pro-choice; 4,58 times more likely (p=0,002) among women who have less than 4 years of formal education; and the chances of a woman admitting an induced abortion compared to no abortion are 7% higher for each additional year of age. We surveyed a total of 1121 women, among which 49.5% (n=555) indicated that they had been pregnant at least once. Among the latter, 22,7% (n=126) indicated having at least one spontaneous abortion and 8,85% (n=49) indicated having at least one induced abortion. Our results show that among women with no live birth pregnancies it is 28,34 times more likely that they have undergone induced abortion versus no abortion (p0,005); among those that are pro-choice it is 6,42 times more likely (p0,001); among those who have less than 4 years of formal education it is 4,96 times more likely (p=0,002); and the chances of admitting to an induced abortion versus no abortion increases by 8% higher for each additional year of age. Finally, this study reveals that women with no live births are 0,34 more likely (p0,001) to have had an spontaneous abortion versus no abortion; and the chances of a woman admitting spontaneous abortion compared to no abortion is 4% higher for each additional year of age. In conclusion, the reproductive behavior of women in this study is comparable to the behavior of women who live in developed countries. With broad access to effective contraceptive methods, legalized induced abortion would not be carried out irresponsibly.
Peluso, Anthony. "A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Abortion Attitudes and Perceptions among Women Living in Alabama and South Carolina." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2008. https://dc.etsu.edu/etd/3794.
Full textPeluso, Anthony. "A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Abortion Attitudes and Perceptions among Women Living in Alabama and South Carolina." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2020. https://dc.etsu.edu/etd/3794.
Full textLeiva, Rioja Zoila. "Public policies of sexual and reproductive health in Peru: the introduction of therapeutic abortion regulation into the government’s political agenda." Politai, 2016. http://repositorio.pucp.edu.pe/index/handle/123456789/91986.
Full textEl presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar el proceso de ingreso de la reglamentación del aborto terapéutico en la agenda política gubernamental peruana, así como identificar los factores que confluyeron para generar dicho ingreso, siendo el periodo de estudio entre los años 2005 y 2014. La investigación corrobora que dicho ingreso fue posible gracias a la confluencia de ciertos factores políticos e institucionales del ámbito nacional, de las estrategias de los grupos a favor (pro-elección) y en contra (pro-vida) de la reglamentación, y de la influencia internacional.
Santana, Danielly Scaranello Nunes 1982. "Morbidade materna grave por aborto no Brasil." [s.n.], 2011. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/310051.
Full textDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-19T08:19:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Santana_DaniellyScaranelloNunes_M.pdf: 8275928 bytes, checksum: b0b5d344bc32e81d7b8afbc6614f8bce (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011
Resumo: Introdução: O aborto ainda hoje se relaciona a altas taxas de morbidade e mortalidade materna. O near miss materno, que segundo a OMS (Organização Mundial da Saúde) corresponde aquela mulher que quase morreu, mas sobreviveu a complicações durante a gestação, parto ou até 42 dias após o término da gestação, é entendido atualmente como importante marcador de saúde. Porém pouco se sabe sobre a associação do near miss com o aborto. Objetivos: avaliar a ocorrência do aborto espontâneo e induzido e da morbidade materna grave associada ao aborto, referida por mulheres em um inquérito populacional; avaliar a ocorrência de complicações maternas graves associadas ao aborto em um estudo de vigilância prospectiva de casos de complicações obstétricas graves em centros brasileiros de referência. Métodos: Um primeiro estudo foi realizado através da análise secundária da PNDS (Pesquisa Nacional de Demografia e Saúde) do Brasil de 2006, com informações de entrevistas sobre a experiência do abortamento espontâneo e induzido, fatores associados e complicações decorrentes do parto e aborto. Avaliou-se a ocorrência de morbidade materna grave associada ao abortamento e realizou-se análise múltipla por regressão logística foi utilizada para identificar os fatores independentemente associados com os dois tipos de aborto. Um segundo estudo de corte transversal multicêntrico, com vigilância prospectiva dos casos de CPAV (condição potencialmente ameaçadora da vida), NMM (near miss materno) e MM (morte materna) avaliou as complicações obstétricas decorrentes do aborto, as características socio-demográficas e obstétricas das mulheres, as condições de segurança do aborto e procedimentos médicos utilizados. Estimou-se a razão de prevalência ajustada pelo efeito de cluster do desenho e seus respectivos IC95%; uma análise múltipla por regressão logística foi utilizada para identificar os fatores independentemente associados à maior gravidade. Resultados: no inquérito epidemiológico obteve-se num total de 15542 mulheres uma prevalência de aborto espontâneo de 13,3% e de aborto induzido de 2,3% para todo o Brasil, estando ambos associados a um maior risco de morbidade materna grave. Os fatores relacionados ao maior risco de complicações foram a idade entre 40 e 49 anos, o número de filhos e de partos até um. As complicações mais comuns foram as hemorrágicas e infecciosas. No estudo multicêntrico, do total de 9555 mulheres, 2,5% apresentaram complicações secundárias ao aborto; dessas, 81,9% apresentaram CPAV, 15,2% NMM e 3% MM. A causa infecciosa foi a mais frequentemente associada ao aborto inseguro dentre os casos de CPAV. Os critérios de manejo foram mais importantes no aborto inseguro para os casos de NMM e MM. Na análise multivariada associaram-se à maior gravidade a presença de alguma demora e a ausência de companheiro. Conclusão: No Brasil o aborto é responsável por uma pequena porcentagem das complicações da gestação, porém as gestações terminadas em aborto apresentaram maior risco de complicações mais graves que aquelas terminadas em parto. Portanto há maior risco dessas complicações evoluirem desfavoravelmente para NMM ou MM
Abstract: Introduction: Still today abortion is associated with high rates of maternal morbidity and mortality. The maternal near miss, according to WHO (World Health Organization) it corresponds that woman who almost died but survived a complication during pregnancy, delivery or until 42 days postpartum, is currently understood as an important health indicator. However little is known on the association of near miss with abortion. Objectives: to evaluate the occurrence of spontaneous and induced abortion and its associated severe maternal morbidity, as referred by women in a population survey; to evaluate the occurrence of severe maternal complications associated with abortion in a study of prospective surveillance of cases of severe maternal morbidity in Brazilian referral centers. Methods: A first study was performed with a secondary analysis of data from the 2006 Brazilian DHS (Demographic Health Survey), with information from interviews on the experience of women on spontaneous and induced abortion, associated factors and complications corresponding of delivery and abortion. The occurrence of severe maternal morbidity associated with abortion was evaluated and a multiple analysis by logistic regression was used to identify the factors independently associated with both types of abortion. A second multicenter cross sectional study, with prospective surveillance of all cases of PLTC (potentially life threatening condition), MNM (maternal near miss) and MD (maternal death), evaluated the obstetric complications due to abortion, the socio-demographic characteristics of the women, safety for abortion and medical procedures used. The prevalence ratio adjusted by the cluster effect of the design was estimated together with their respective 95%CI, and a multiple analysis by logistic regression was used to identify the factors independently associated to higher severity. Results: in the epidemiological survey, from the total 15542 women, the prevalence of spontaneous abortion was 13.3% and of induced abortion was 2.3% for Brazil, and both were associated with a higher risk of severe maternal morbidity. The factors associated with the higher risk of complications were maternal age between 40 and 49 year and the number of children and deliveries until one. The commonest complications were hemorrhage and infection. In the multicenter study, from the total 9555 women, 2.5% had complications due to abortion; among them, 81.9% had PLTC, 15.2% MNM and 3% MD. Infection was the most frequent cause of unsafe abortion among cases of PLTC. The management criteria were more important for unsafe abortion among cases of MNM and MD. In the multivariate analysis the presence of any delay and the absence of a partner were associated with the higher severity of maternal morbidity. Conclusion: In Brazil abortion is responsible for a small percentage of complications of pregnancy, however those finished in abortion represent a higher risk of complications more severe than those finished in delivery. Therefore there is a higher risk of these complications having an unfavorable evolution to MNM or MD
Saúde Materna e Perinatal
Mestre em Ciências da Saúde
Sjöstrand, Frida. "Nurses' experiences of attending women in pre- and post-abortion care - A qualitative interview study with nurses in the public health sector in Argentina." Thesis, Malmö högskola, Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle (HS), 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-26227.
Full textAim: The aim of the study was to illuminate the experiences of registered nurses attending women in pre- and/or post-abortion care in the public health sector in the provinces of Neuquén and Río Negro, Argentina.Background: Nurses working in primary care are receiving women in need of abortion but due to the restrictive law the care provided depends on the individual health professional. Abortion is illegal in Argentina with few exceptions and even though health professionals in the public health sector are obliged to provide post-abortion care clandestine abortion is the major cause of maternal mortality. Methods: A qualitative research design involving semi-structured interviews with seven nurses selected by purposive sampling. The collected data was analyzed using the method of content analysis outlined by Philip Burnard.Results: Four categories emerged from the analysis; Nurse-patient relationship, Nurses approach to abortion and preventive measures, Significance of support and knowledge in providing care and Experiencing obstacles in abortion care. Each category was divided into two subcategories. Conclusion: The nurse’s experiences of pre- and post-abortion care varied due to their background, workplace and attitude on abortion. Several nurses felt limited by the restrictive law and lack of knowledge and support from co-workers. However by educating themselves and creating networks with other health professionals many nurses were accompanying women in need of abortion or post-abortion care.
Cha, Susan. "Reproductive Health and Behavior: The Role of Abuse and Couple Pregnancy Intent." VCU Scholars Compass, 2015. http://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/etd/4000.
Full textReboucas, Melina S?fora Souza. "O aborto provocado como uma possibilidade na exist?ncia da mulher: reflex?es fenomenol?gico-existenciais." Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, 2010. http://repositorio.ufrn.br:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/17463.
Full textCoordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior
Abortion is a very controversial and stigmatized subject, target of many criticism and discussions, mainly regarding to the legal, bioethical and religious aspects involved. In Brazil, abortion is considered a serious public health problem, being the major cause of maternal death due to its criminalization. The woman who causes an abortion is not up looked by society, since motherhood, culturally and historically, was imposed as a destination. Our main goal is to understand, from the existential-phenomenological perspective, the unique experience of the woman who induced the abortion This study is an offshoot of a larger study from USP in partnership with UFRN. Our participants were women who checked in on a maternity hospital in Natal with a miscarriage diagnosis and, among them, those who reported having induced abortion. Altogether, five women were interviewed. The used method was a phenomenological hermeneutics. The research revealed that the experience of abortion is a possibility that permeates women s life, being understood as a choice. This choice pervaded by much suffering, once it goes against everything that women are culturally taught and meant to be. The feeling more surfacing in this experiment, confirming the literature review, was blame. Abortion was also shown as an experience of helplessness and loneliness, due to lack of support from family and the partner. It was also revealed that abortion was made, mainly, by the desire of going along with future projects, including the prosecute of motherhood in the therms of what they consider ideal to a son s arrival, meaning, a family formation grounded on a stable relationship. Regarding the care provided by health professionals to these women, there is the need of restructuring the operating logic of SUS, so that women have the right to health in a integrate manner. This experience also made women reconsider the meanings they had towards abortion, and their life projects
O aborto provocado ? um tema bastante pol?mico e estigmatizado, sendo alvo de muitas cr?ticas e discuss?es, principalmente no que se refere aos aspectos legais, bio?ticos e religiosos envolvidos. No Brasil, o aborto ? considerado um grave problema de sa?de p?blica, sendo um dos maiores causadores de morte materna devido ? sua criminaliza??o. A mulher que provoca um aborto n?o ? bem vista pela sociedade, uma vez que a maternidade, cultural e historicamente, lhe foi imposta como destino. O nosso principal objetivo ? compreender, a partir da perspectiva fenomenol?gico-existencial, a experi?ncia singular dessa mulher que provocou o aborto. O presente estudo ? um desdobramento de uma pesquisa mais ampla da USP em parceria com a UFRN. As nossas participantes foram mulheres que deram entrada em uma maternidade da cidade de Natal com diagn?stico de abortamento e, dentre estas, as que relataram ter provocado o aborto. Ao todo, cinco mulheres foram entrevistadas. O m?todo utilizado foi a hermen?utica fenomenol?gica. A pesquisa revelou que a experi?ncia do aborto ? uma possibilidade que permeia a exist?ncia da mulher, sendo compreendido como uma escolha. Escolha essa perpassada por muito sofrimento, na medida em que a mulher se posiciona contra tudo o que lhe foi ensinado e destinado culturalmente. O sentimento que mais vem ? tona nessa experi?ncia, confirmando a revis?o de literatura, ? a culpa. O aborto tamb?m se mostrou como uma experi?ncia de desamparo e solid?o, devido ? falta de apoio da fam?lia e do parceiro. Tamb?m foi revelado que o aborto se deu, em grande parte, pelo desejo de dar continuidade aos projetos futuros, inclusive o exerc?cio da maternidade dentro do que consideram ideal para a chegada de um filho, isto ?, a constitui??o de uma fam?lia alicer?ada num relacionamento est?vel. No que refere ao atendimento prestado pelos profissionais de sa?de a essas mulheres, revela-se a necessidade de uma reestrutura??o da l?gica de funcionamento do SUS para que estas tenham direito a sa?de de forma integral. Essa experi?ncia tamb?m fez as mulheres reverem os significados que tinham em rela??o ao aborto, bem como os seus projetos de vida
Santos, Danyelle Leonette Ara?jo dos. "Trajet?ria de mulheres e a participa??o masculina no processo de aborto provocado." Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, 2013. http://repositorio.ufrn.br:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/14812.
Full textCoordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior
O aborto volunt?rio ? um fen?meno complexo devido ao estigma social imposto a este ato e ?s mulheres que o realizam. Por ser a gesta??o um evento pr?prio do corpo feminino, este p?blico ? visto como ?nico respons?vel pelas quest?es reprodutivas, bem como pela interrup??o da gravidez, sendo a corresponsabilidade masculina exclu?da deste contexto. Assim, a pesquisa em apre?o objetivou analisar a participa??o do homem no processo de decis?o do aborto provocado e seu significado para a mulher. Deste modo, realizou-se uma pesquisa interpretativa, com abordagem qualitativa, junto a 19 mulheres em situa??o de aborto, internadas na Maternidade Escola Janu?rio Cicco. Para sele??o das participantes, estas deveriam ter idade igual ou superior a 18 anos; admitirem, livremente, a indu??o do aborto; apresentarem condi??es emocionais e/ou f?sicas favor?veis para responder aos questionamentos, isto ?, conscientes, sem efeitos de drogas anest?sicas, aus?ncia de sangramento abundante e dores. A coleta de dados ocorreu no per?odo de mar?o a agosto de 2013, por meio de entrevista em profundidade. Antecedeu esta etapa a anu?ncia da institui??o onde se desenvolveu o estudo, aprova??o pelo Comit? de ?tica em Pesquisa da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, com Certificado de Apresenta??o e Aprecia??o ?tica n? 10332312.9.0000.5537. Ademais, solicitou-se ?s entrevistadas a assinatura do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. A an?lise dos dados ocorreu de acordo com a Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados e o Interacionismo Simb?lico. Seguindo as etapas desses referenciais, foram elaboradas tr?s categorias, a saber: Decidindo sobre a interrup??o da gravidez ; Envolvendo o parceiro no processo decis?rio do aborto provocado e Concretizando a pr?tica abortiva . A an?lise das propriedades e dimens?es de tais categorias possibilitou a constru??o da categoria central Vivenciando a trajet?ria abortiva . Deste modo, evidenciou-se que os homens participaram do itiner?rio do aborto. Por?m, seu envolvimento aconteceu de forma mais ativa quando havia estabilidade no relacionamento amoroso. Nestes casos, eles envolveram-se buscando informa??es sobre o referido ato e adquirindo o m?todo abortivo. Em todas as etapas desta trajet?ria, as mulheres interagiram consigo mesma, o parceiro, a gravidez, o feto e os valores presentes no contexto sociocultural em que vivem. Portanto, conclui-se que os homens participaram da decis?o feminina de abortar, mesmo quando se exclu?ram do processo. Pois, as atitudes deles frente a uma gravidez n?o planejada e indesejada levaram as participantes a refletirem sobre as dificuldades de criar um filho sem o apoio financeiro e parental do parceiro. Diante disso, entende-se ser relevante que os profissionais de sa?de atuantes nos servi?os de planejamento familiar, em especial o enfermeiro, ofere?am maior aten??o ao p?blico masculino, na tentativa de promover reflex?es capazes de conduzi-lo a comportamentos de coparticipa??o junto ? mulher nas quest?es conceptivas e contraceptivas
Assucena, Bianca Moraes. "Encontros nas práticas de saúde: um outro ponto de vista." Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 2013. http://www.bdtd.uerj.br/tde_busca/arquivo.php?codArquivo=6209.
Full textThis study aims to analyze the practices of health professionals in the care given to women undergoing abortion in a public hospital worth punctuate that the maturation process of the research, during the fieldwork, we chose to include women on suspicion of abortion and other observations of the practices of these professionals. The discussion of abortion is controversial, difficult and is on the agenda in different scenarios, this discussion reflects the debate in this society and so, considering that women undergoing abortion, need to be addressed in health care with respect and responsibility for all Professional, the professional attitude of health care provided is critical, therefore, this study investigates the practices of professionals in these services. The methodology was participant observation, where the sector was chosen to drive emergency, call admission, which is the gateway to a high turnover industry, both professionals as people to be met. We attempted to unravel from the meetings that happen at admission norms, routines and profile of care provided to women undergoing abortion. The study pointed to processes experienced in everyday practices that we expose through the categories: Is she being charming? Invisibility - No one perceives; Do not judge, right?; Silencing; know what is wrong ...; Dialogue between sitting; Ensuring the care? - The artistic side of the population - "They will have to solve this ..." and the evocation of law; Couple?; Being Good? You saw how many roles we have to fill?. Identified issues about the unspoken tension, something that is naturalized in everyday practices. A diagnosis of the situation of invisibility another and their issues as well as the silencing of health professionals. Was only possible encounter with this perception, through the strangeness of what was familiar, and this living space tensioning positions taken by us in everyday professionals practice.
Clemente, Aleksandro. "A legalização do aborto no Brasil: uma questão de Saúde Pública?" Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2013. https://tede2.pucsp.br/handle/handle/6136.
Full textThis paper discusses the controversial issue of the abortion legalization in Brazil based on careful analysis of the argument that this would be a necessary measure to address a public health problem, which is: the high rate of maternal mortality caused by the illegal practice of abortion. The subject studied in this academic research seeks to know whether this argument - that the abortion legalization is a necessary measure to address a public health problem - resists a more accurate and rational analysis, even if legal abortion could be upheld by Brazilian legal system. This paper seeks to investigate some hypothesis: 1st - Legalizing abortion is a necessary or proper to reduce the high rate of maternal mortality in Brazil and perfectly compatible with our legal system; 2nd - Legalizing abortion is a necessary or proper to reduce the high rate of maternal mortality in Brazil, however, it have no support in the Brazilian legal system, 3rd - Abortion legalization is no solution to reduce the maternal mortality rate in Brazil, but the Brazilian legal system have no obstacles to such an extent , 4th - The abortion legalization is not a solution to reduce the maternal mortality rate in Brazil and also finds no support in the Brazilian legal system. We analyzed the issue of abortion legalization in Brazil in a rational and objective way, studying Brazilian and also other countries legislation considering the subject. Furthermore, the findings obtained in this study are based on surveys and statistics compiled and disseminated by various institutions - public and private - as well as government agencies, including the Brazilian Health Ministry
O presente trabalho debate a polêmica questão da legalização do aborto no Brasil a partir da análise criteriosa do argumento de que esta seria uma medida necessária para solucionar um problema de saúde pública, qual seja: o alto índice de mortalidade materna ocasionado pela prática do aborto clandestino. A problemática estudada nesta pesquisa acadêmica busca saber se esse argumento - o de que a legalização do aborto é uma medida necessária para solucionar um problema de saúde pública resiste a uma análise mais apurada e racional e, ainda, se a legalização do aborto encontra amparo no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. As hipóteses que esse trabalho busca investigar são as seguintes: 1ª Legalizar o aborto é uma medida necessária ou adequada para reduzir o alto índice de mortalidade materna no Brasil e perfeitamente compatível com o nosso ordenamento jurídico; 2ª Legalizar o aborto é uma medida necessária ou adequada para reduzir o alto índice de mortalidade materna no Brasil, porém, não encontra amparo no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro; 3ª A legalização do aborto não é solução para reduzir o índice de mortalidade materna no Brasil, embora no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro não haja óbices para tal medida; 4ª A legalização do aborto não é solução para reduzir o índice de mortalidade materna no Brasil e também não encontra amparo no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Procuramos analisar a questão da legalização do aborto no Brasil de modo racional e objetivo, estudando a legislação brasileira acerca do assunto e também a legislação de outros países. Além disso, as conclusões obtidas neste trabalho se baseiam pesquisas e estatísticas elaboradas e divulgadas por diversas instituições pública e privadas - bem como por órgãos governamentais, dentre eles o Ministério da Saúde do Brasil
Shirangi, Adeleh. "Occupational hazards in veterinary practice and possible effects on reproductive outcomes in female veterinarians." University of Western Australia. School of Population Health, 2007. http://theses.library.uwa.edu.au/adt-WU2007.0087.
Full textOuedraogo, Ramatou. "« L'avortement, ses pratiques et ses soins ». une anthropologie des jeunes au prisme des normes sociales et des politiques publiques de santé au Burkina Faso." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015BORD0036/document.
Full textInduced abortion without medical or legal request in countries where it is prohibitedsuch as Burkina Faso poses both a public health and social problems. It is this doubleproblematic that this thesis explored in order to understand the causes of the difficultiesfacing the country to fight against unsafe abortions, and the factors that increased thispractice among young people. Immersion in abortion universe (health facilities andlives of women and men who have experienced abortion) and interviews with variousactors, have shown that the way abortion is thought and treated in public space combineto create insurmountable obstacles to its constitution as a real public health problem andits efficient management. It is designed as a deviance and it is highly reprobated.Consecutive stigmata due to this deviance and its moral and symbolic issues mark theirseals to the process leading to social and political recognition of the problem. Therefore,abortion is partially on the public health policies agenda, and access to abortion servicesin health structures are accordingly influenced. The occurrence of abortion among youthrefers to practices among “young people” in a context marked by a mutation of the wayof accessing social adulthood status, as well as economic and statutory precariousness.This work shows that pregnancies that lead to abortions are the combination of aheteronomy and individuation impulses within young women in their resourcefulness tobecome adult and succeed socially and economically in the city of Ouagadougou. Thisresearch therefore contributes to studies in the fields of anthropology of the subject andthe anthropology of health
Magnusson, Brianna Michele. "Predictors of Early Onset of Sexual Intercourse in Male and Female Residents of the United States." VCU Scholars Compass, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/10156/1709.
Full textMoundaka, Iris ursula. "Obstacles à l'accès aux soins d'urgences suite aux complications des avortements non sécurisés dans la province du Moyen Ogooué au Gabon : aspects juridique, socioculturel et médical." Thesis, Paris 8, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA080040.
Full textThis dissertation begins with a broad overview of juridical and historical controversies surrounding abortion in the world followed by an analysis of attitudes and practices in diverse socio-cultural contexts linked to gender relations, unwanted pregnancy and unsafe abortion. We then examine articulations between traditional, colonial and modern medicine in Gabon. That panorama brings us to our study of the obstacles women with medical emergencies face in accessing modern health care.The objective of this doctoral research is to elaborate and apply a methodology for studying the network of actors involved in practices connected to abortion in order to better understand resistance to socio-clinical and juridical change. What is the formal and informal health care system of medical providers in matters related to abortion and what are the obstacles that providers and women must transverse to offer (providers) and obtain (women) this service? Specifically, an investigation of social and institutional interactions was conducted in urban hospital settings and in surrounding rural areas. That led us to detect different extra-medical and intra-medical barriers to emergency care access following unsafe abortion complications. In this way, we focused, on one side, upon the discourse, practices and medical contexts of health professionals while, on the other side, privileging the accounts women recited of their strategies for terminating pregnancies with or without medical help and for accessing modern care despite the obstacles.Content analysis of interviews revealed major barriers to emergency care access. Those difficulties start in the social environment with the search for abortion products and for initial treatments (self-medication and visits to the pharmacy or to traditional practitioners). In cases of advanced complications, extra-medical obstacles intensify with greater geographic distance, transportation problems and insufficient financial means. Moreover, once those obstacles are more or less overcome, women must then confront intra-medical obstacles within emergency care hospital units. Providing access to safe abortion for Gabonese women in current times is one of the great challenges we must confront. This dissertation contributes to a loud vocal denunciation of informal happenings in the society of Gabon. Women live tragic circumstances
E, Qinyu. "Creating Demand for Abortion Service: A Content Analysis of Chinese Television Abortion Advertisements." Kent State University / OhioLINK, 2015. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=kent1437658749.
Full textHernandez, Cory D. "What do abortion policies accomplish? : understanding how abortion laws and court cases affect public opinion." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/95548.
Full textCataloged from PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 114-124).
Abortion is a loaded, controversial, and divisive sociocultural and political term, concept, and debate. Yet little empirical research has been conducted to examine what effects abortion rights legislation and court cases have had on the public and our society. After analyzing a broad overview of the history of the abortion rights debate in the US, I conduct bivariate and multivariate regression analyses from 1972-2004 using NES and personally-collected data to see how these laws and court opinions in various states at the individual level influence public opinion of abortion rights and of the government. In the end, I conclude that, of the possible iterated relationships therefrom, anti-choice policies have statistically significant impacts on both how people view abortion rights and their own state governments. In doing so, I challenge extant models that describe the interaction between public opinion and policy. I also further develop the idea of Policy Overreach, where policymakers go "too far"-at least, in the eyes of the public-in setting anti-choice policies, causing the public to retaliate in various ways. Not only does this thesis answer some important questions, but also introduces new measures, concepts, questions, and data for future research into this important area of study.
by Cory D. Hernandez.
Wong, Stephanie Lynne. "Health implications of Hong Kong abortion laws." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10722/193849.
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Public Health
Master of Public Health
Carlson, Carolyn S. "Context effects on abortion questions who is inconsistent /." unrestricted, 2005. http://etd.gsu.edu/theses/available/etd-11282005-155847/.
Full textTitle from title screen. Michael Binford, committee chair; Alison Calhoun-Brown, Stephen Nicholson, committee members. Electronic text (120 p.) : digital, PDF file. Description based on contents viewed Apr. 24, 2007. Includes bibliographical references (p. 107-109).
Childress, John Daniel. "Advocacy, abortion and public policy towards a better understanding of the determinants of abortion in the aggregate /." Connect to Electronic Thesis (CONTENTdm), 2010. http://worldcat.org/oclc/647751878/viewonline.
Full textBologna, Estefany. "Effects of abortion on college women's mental health." Honors in the Major Thesis, University of Central Florida, 2013. http://digital.library.ucf.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ETH/id/822.
Full textB.S.
Goble, Kyle David. "Contraception and Induced Abortion as Minority Health Disparities." Thesis, The University of Arizona, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/595033.
Full textLaughlin, Catherine Wagner 1950. "From option to action: The abortion decision in adolescence." Thesis, The University of Arizona, 1992. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/291403.
Full textEvans, Ann, and ann evans@anu edu au. "Motherhood or abortion: Pregnancy resolution decisions of Australian teenagers." The Australian National University. Research School of Social Sciences, 2001. http://thesis.anu.edu.au./public/adt-ANU20021028.105146.
Full textHansjee, Jateen. "Abortion as disruption: discourses surrounding abortion in the talk of men." Thesis, Rhodes University, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002493.
Full textWhite, John Angus. "Legal Abortion: An Examination of Public Support from 1972 to 1988." W&M ScholarWorks, 1990. https://scholarworks.wm.edu/etd/1539624402.
Full textSigcau, Nomakhosi. "Public discourses on choice of termination of pregnancy in a rural area of the Eastern Cape Province in South Africa." Thesis, Rhodes University, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002564.
Full textVäisänen, Heini. "A life course perspective to abortion in Finland." Thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London), 2016. http://etheses.lse.ac.uk/3346/.
Full textDiksha, Khadka Pramote Prasartkul. "Abortion complications among women of reproductive age in Nepal : evidence from NDHS 2006 /." Abstract, 2008. http://mulinet3.li.mahidol.ac.th/thesis/2551/cd419/5037965.pdf.
Full textMacFarlane, Katrina. "An Assessment of Women's Abortion Experiences in Istanbul, Turkey." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/35027.
Full textCurley, Maureen L. "Psychological distress after abortion among university students: Developing an intervention." Thesis, McGill University, 2011. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=96794.
Full textDécouvert Il existe dans le domaine médical une lacune entre la science et la pratique pour comprendre, identifier et traiter les conséquences psychologiques après un avortement. En effet, 30% des femmes du monde qui ont choisi un avortement subissent des conséquences psychologiques significatives. C'est surtout évident parmi les jeunes femmes que l'on trouve les risques les plus élevés pour ces problèmes psychologiques. Les données empiriques pour les interventions qui adressent ce problème n'ont pas été découvertes. ObjectifCette thèse a comme but de fournir une base de connaissance et pratique pour traiter les problèmes psychologiques, qui existent après un avortement. L'intervention proposée, unique en son genre, est basée sur les éléments de preuves recueillis des étudiantes universitaires qui ont éprouvé des effets négatifs après un avortement et qui accepteraient un traitement pour leur désordre. Cette thèse propose une théorie et un modèle pour mieux comprendre les mauvais effets psychologiques après un avortement. L'évidence accumulée et les préférences des clients, concentres sur la population du groupe de contrôle, soutient la thèse.MéthodesThe United Kingdom Medical Research Guideline a fourni la méthode pour l'élaboration des interventions. Parmi les cinq phases proposés dans ce guide, les deux premiers ont été utilisés: la phase préclinique et la phase modèle. La phase préclinique développe (a) une théorie pour la détresse après un avortement et (b) les symptômes ciblés pour l'intervention. Avec cette évidence comme base, la deuxième phase a été élaborée : (c) plan de l'intervention ; (d) les préférences du client pour une intervention spécifique et (e) la faisabilité et l'application du traitement. RésultatsLa phase préclinique, a déterminé une théorie du désordre psychologique comme base de l'intervention. En plus, une étude descriptive d'un groupe (N=151) de participants fournit l'évidence des symptômes ciblés. Les participants qui cherchaient un traitement, avaient démontré une sévère détresse psychologique (Impact de Grands Nombres d'Evénement >26 et deuil périnatal modéré >60), spécifique à la grossesse et l'avortement. L'évidence ramassée dans la phase préclinique a été utilisé pour déterminer une intervention appropriée. Parmi ces interventions préférées parmi des clients étaient : le service d'une thérapie en groupe pour la culpabilité non anticipée, le succès des compétences, et l'enseignement sur les effets psychologiques après un avortement. Signification et conclusionLa thèse actuelle représente une série d'études utilisée pour développer une intervention ciblée et acceptée par les étudiants universitaires qui, après avoir subi un avortement, ont éprouvé des conséquences psychologiques négatives et qui cherchaient un traitement médical. Cette thèse pourvoit une base de connaissance cohérente dans la profession d'infirmière à comprendre, identifier, et traiter la détresse psychologique après un avortement. Cette connaissance, concentrée dans la population, n'existe pas encore. L'intervention développée pourrait être examinée pour l'efficacité et répliquée parmi les groupes plus nombreux. Les interventions efficaces, qui réduisent la détresse après un avortement pourraient aussi réduire la portée de morbidité psychiatrique et mortalité après l'avortement dans la population du niveau universitaire.
Onasoga, Olayinka Abolore. "Challenges and barriers to adolescents' post-abortion care services: Implications for reproductive health policy in Nigeria." University of the Western Cape, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/11394/6503.
Full textThe prevention of abortion related complications and mortality is dependent on the availability, accessibility and usability of emergency post-abortion care (PAC) throughout the health care system. Unfortunately, abortion is not legal in Nigeria and Nigerian women, especially adolescents, are often unable to obtain adequate post-abortion care services due to a variety of reasons. A review of literature shows that adolescent PAC patients receive worse care than older women seeking PAC services. There is widespread recognition of the need to overcome these barriers and make it easier for women to obtain the PAC services they need. Therefore, overall aim of this research study was to provide empirical information on the barriers and challenges to adolescents' PAC and develop a policy document to inform reproductive health services for Nigerian hospitals. To develop this policy document, the study specifically sought to assess knowledge of reproductive-health and related post-abortion care services among health care providers; describe the adolescents' perception of post-abortion care received; determine the service providers' perspectives on adolescents' post-abortion care challenges and barriers; analyze the challenges and barriers faced by adolescents in obtaining post-abortion care services; explore ways in which the knowledge about challenges and barriers to adolescents' post-abortion care can be used to inform policy; develop policy document and make recommendations in key areas to improved PAC services in Nigeria as part of working towards improving reproductive health services.
Carlson, Carolyn S. "Context Effects on Abortion Questions: Who is Inconsistent." Digital Archive @ GSU, 2006. http://digitalarchive.gsu.edu/political_science_diss/1.
Full textVan, Zyl Hester Nicolette. "An examination of the relationship between public opinion and public policy in South Africa : the case of abortion." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/53262.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: A democratic political system grants unimpaired opportunities for all citizens to have their preferences weighted equally in the conduct of government regardless of content or source. However, governments in democratic political systems frequently disregard public preference. But all governments, not only popular governments, are dependent on the 'will of the people' if the system is to remain viable. This study investigates the relationship between public opinion and public policy in South Africa, using the 1996 Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act as case study, as it provides a practical example to illustrate this complex relationship. The study used a longitudinal approach to investigate shifts in public opinion over a period of five years, using secondary survey analysis. Attitudes towards abortion are cross-tabulated by demographic variables, religion, interest in politics and democratic norms. The study found that the most significant shifts in public opinion occurred within demographic groups previously discriminated against by the 1975 Abortion and Sterilisation Act. In 1994 South Africa emerged from a lengthy anti-apartheid struggle and human rights were of paramount importance to many South Africans. The restrictive abortion legislation of 1975 was vestige of discriminative apartheid legislation and was not in line with South Africa's exemplary 1996 Constitution. Consequently, progressive abortion legislation was ratified, amidst significant public indifference, in order to promote equal citizenship of women. It is argued that abortion constitutes a basic democratic right, in the context of reproductive health rights, and although South African citizens predominantly support a democratic political system, few made the ideological connection with abortion as a democratic right. Therefore, the study infers that the South African electorate is ill informed of the ideological norms surrounding democracy. The significance of this study is that it investigated abortion not as a legal or moral issue, but as a politicised issue in South Africa. The African National Congress (ANC) was strongly committed to advancing progressive abortion legislation in South Africa. The ANC elected to vote on a party platform on the proposed abortion bill. When a majority party, which holds 252 seats of 400 in the National Assembly, elects to vote as a block on proposed legislation, it is likely that the legislation will be passed into law. This conduct of the ANC raises fears that South Africa is a de facto one-party dominant state, where free and fair elections are held, but no rotation in office occurs. Both the 1994 and 1999 elections led to landslide victories for the ANC, and they are assured that the 2003 elections will yield the same result. It is extremely damaging to any democratic system when competition but no contestation occurs. Therefore, it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish between state and party interests. The study concludes that in the case of progressive abortion legislation in South Africa, the people did not rule. It is the view of this study that the enactment of the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act did not represent democratic conduct. It illustrates that the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act was, by implication, "bulldozed" into law by the ANC.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Demokratiese politieke stelsel vergun gelyke geleenthede aan elke burger sodat hul voorkeure gelyk opgeweeg word in die optrede van 'n regering, ongeag die bron of konteks daarvan. Nogtans minag regerings gereeld openbare voorkeur. Nie slegs populêre regerings nie, maar alle regerings is afhanklik van volkswil, as slegs dan die stelsel lewensvatbaar sal bly. Hierdie studie ondersoek die verhouding tussen openbare mening en openbare beleid in Suid-Afrika. Die Wet op Keuse oor Beëindiging van Swangerskap van 1996 word gebruik, omdat dit 'n praktiese gevallestudie bied om hierdie komplekse verhouding te illustreer. Die studie maak gebruik van 'n langsdeursnee aanslag om die verandering van openbare mening oor vyf jaar te ondersoek en maak gebruik van sekondêre meningsopname vraelys analiese. Lewenshoudings oor aborsie is kruis getabuleer met demografiese veranderlikes, geloof, intriseerdheid in politiek en demokratiese grondregte. Daar is gevind dat die mees aanduidende veranderinge in openbare menings te vinde was in demografiese groepe waarteen gediskrimineer was deur die Wet op Vrugafdrywing en Sterilisasie van 1975. Suid-Afrika het in 1994 uit 'n wydlopende anti-apartheid stryd getree en mense-regte was van oorwegende belang vir die meeste Suid-Afrikaners. Die 1975 Wet op Vrugafdrywing en Sterilisasie was 'n bewys van diskriminerende apartheid wetgewing en was nie in lyn met Suid-Afrika se nuwe Grondwet nie. Dus is progressiewe aborsie wetgewing bekragtig, om vroue in Suid-Afrika gelyke burgerskap te gee, te midde van deurslaggewende openbare ontevredenheid. Die studie veronderstel dat aborsie 'n grondreg van demokrasie vorm, binne die konteks van reproduktiewe gesondheids-regte. Alhoewel Suid-Afrikaners 'n demokratiese politieke stelsel steun, het weinig die konneksie tussen aborsie en demokratiese ideologiese grondregte gemaak. Die studie maak dus die gevolgtrekking dat Suid-Afrikaners swak ingelig is in verband met die ideologiese grondregte van demokrasie. Die inhoudsbelang van hierdie studie is dat aborsie ondersoek word as 'n politieke vraagstuk en nie as morele of wetregtige vraagstuk nie. Die African National Congress (ANC) was sterk verbind tot die totstandbringing van progresiewe aborsie wetgewing in Suid-Afrika en het besluit om op 'n party-platform te stem in Parlement aangaande voorgestelde progressiewe aborsie wetgewing. Wanneer 'n meerderheidsparty, wat 252 setels van 400 in die parlement beslaan, besluit om as 'n blok te stem oor voorgestelde wetgewing, dit redelik seker is dat dié wetgewing bekragtig sal word. Hierdie gedrag van die ANC gee aanleiding tot vrese dat Suid Afrika 'n de facto een party dominante staat is, waar vry en regverdige verkiesings voorkom, maar geen afwisseling in ampstermyn nie. Dit is skadelik vir enige demokratiese stelsel wanneer kompetisie maar geen betwisting paasvind nie. Gevolglik word dit al hoe moeiliker om te onderskei tussen party-en staatsbelange. Die studie sluit af dat die publiek nie regeer het in hierdie geval nie. Dit is die siening van hierdie studie dat die bekragtiging van die Wet op Keuse oor die Beëindiging van Swangerskap van 1996 nie goeie demokratiese optrede weerspieël het nie en dat dit, by implikasie, deur die ANC deur middel van intimidasie bekragtig is.
Welter, Lauren Beth. "Mexican-American women and abortion : experiences and reflections." Diss., University of Iowa, 2015. https://ir.uiowa.edu/etd/1930.
Full textKreitzer, Rebecca Jane. "Policy making at the margins: the modern politics of abortion." Diss., University of Iowa, 2015. https://ir.uiowa.edu/etd/1866.
Full textLaRoche, Kathryn J. "The Availability, Accessibility, and Provision of Post-Abortion Support Services in Ontario." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/32786.
Full textMarval-Peck, Luisa. "Exploring Women's Experiences Obtaining Medication Abortion Outside of the Formal Healthcare System." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/42372.
Full textGrant, Gail. "Reproductive health in the post-Soviet state : abortion and contraception in Estonia." Thesis, University of Southampton, 2006. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.440912.
Full textMalmsköld, Elin. "The status of abortion in public international law and its effect on domestic legislation." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Juridiska institutionen, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-355922.
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