Academic literature on the topic 'A linear model of communication'

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Journal articles on the topic "A linear model of communication"


Kobayashi, Naoki, and Akinori Yonezawa. "Asynchronous communication model based on linear logic." Formal Aspects of Computing 7, no. 2 (March 1995): 113–49.

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Calvez, Vincent, Thomas Lepoutre, Nicolas Meunier, and Nicolas Muller. "Non-linear analysis of a model for yeast cell communication." ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 54, no. 2 (February 19, 2020): 619–48.

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We study the non-linear stability of a coupled system of two non-linear transport-diffusion equations set in two opposite half-lines. This system describes some aspects of yeast pairwise cellular communication, through the concentration of some protein in the cell bulk and at the cell boundary. We show that it is of bistable type, provided that the intensity of active molecular transport is large enough. We prove the non-linear stability of the most concentrated steady state, for large initial data, by entropy and comparison techniques. For small initial data we prove the self-similar decay of the molecular concentration towards zero. Informally speaking, the rise of a dialog between yeast cells requires enough active molecular transport in this model. Besides, if the cells do not invest enough in the communication with their partner, they do not respond to each other; but a sufficient initial input from each cell in the dialog leads to the establishment of a stable activated state in both cells.
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Dutta-Bergman, Mohan Jyoti. "The Linear Interaction Model of Personality Effects in Health Communication." Health Communication 15, no. 1 (January 2003): 101–16.

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This work considers broadcast protocols made of successive communication rounds in the linear cost model: the time needed to send a message of length L is defined as α + Lτ, where α stands for a start-up time while Lτ represents the cost of sending L bits of data in a channel with bandwidth 1/τ. In this model, the communication time of any algorithm [Formula: see text] is expressed as the sum [Formula: see text], where [Formula: see text] is the number of rounds and [Formula: see text] the transmission cost of the algorithm. In order to design an efficient algorithm realizing a given communication pattern, it appears that minimizing [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] are antinomic goals. We study this trade-off issue for broadcast protocols. Surprisingly, such a general theoretical study has almost never been done. In the literature, only the two opposite issues are actually considered: minimizing the number of rounds in the case of short messages, or minimizing the transmission cost in the case of large messages. Our results concern the fully-connected N-nodes network KN, with N = (k + 1)T, in the bidirectional k–ports mode. We derive tight bounds on the communication time for broadcasting in T + r rounds, our lower bounds holding for any network.
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Kumar, Gaurav, and Rakesh Kumar Bajaj. "Intuitionistic Fuzzy Weighted Linear Regression Model with Fuzzy Entropy under Linear Restrictions." International Scholarly Research Notices 2014 (October 30, 2014): 1–10.

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In fuzzy set theory, it is well known that a triangular fuzzy number can be uniquely determined through its position and entropies. In the present communication, we extend this concept on triangular intuitionistic fuzzy number for its one-to-one correspondence with its position and entropies. Using the concept of fuzzy entropy the estimators of the intuitionistic fuzzy regression coefficients have been estimated in the unrestricted regression model. An intuitionistic fuzzy weighted linear regression (IFWLR) model with some restrictions in the form of prior information has been considered. Further, the estimators of regression coefficients have been obtained with the help of fuzzy entropy for the restricted/unrestricted IFWLR model by assigning some weights in the distance function.
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Lin, Jia-Hong, and Wei-Song Lin. "Extended Kalman Filter-Based Codec for Chaotic Communication Systems." International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 24, no. 07 (July 2014): 1450094.

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Two methods are presented to encode and decode messages accurately with an expanded matrix representation of linear multivariable systems in which parameters are used to describe three-port chaotic secure communication networks. The matrix representation includes an optimal extended Kalman filter (EKF)-based observer, which is linear with time. The optimal linearization technique is used to find the exact linear models of the chaotic system at operating states of interest. Subsequently, the EKF algorithm is used to estimate the parameters and states in which a message is embedded. Using the EKF with the optimal linear model, the message can be adequately recovered at the receiver. However, the bit error rate is insufficiently small; therefore, presynchronizations and the carrier-digitalized sources are used to reduce the error rate to obtain robust communications. Numerical examples and simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.
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Tošic, Predrag T. "Cellular Automata Communication Models." International Journal of Natural Computing Research 1, no. 3 (July 2010): 66–84.

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In this paper, cellular automata (CA) are viewed as an abstract model for distributed computing. The author argues that the classical CA model must be modified in several important respects to become a relevant model for large-scale MAS. The paper first proposes sequential cellular automata (SCA) and formalizes deterministic and nondeterministic versions of SCA. The author then analyzes differences in possible dynamics between classical parallel CA and various SCA models. The analysis in this paper focuses on one-dimensional parallel and sequential CA with node update rules restricted to simple threshold functions, as arguably the simplest totalistic, yet non-linear (and non-affine) update rules. The author identifies properties of asymptotic dynamics that can be proven to be entirely due to the assumption of perfect synchrony in classical, parallel CA. Finally, the paper discusses what an appropriate CA-based abstraction would be for large-scale distributed computing, insofar as the inter-agent communication models. In that context, the author proposes genuinely asynchronous CA and discusses main differences between genuinely asynchronous CA and various weakly asynchronous sequential CA models found in the literature.
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Sanusi, Yogi Anwar. "Pola Komunikasi Kyai dengan Santri Alumni Pondok Pesantren Miftahul Huda Manonjaya." Prophetica : Scientific and Research Journal of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting 5, no. 2 (December 31, 2019): 155–68.

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Every Islamic Boarding School (pondok pesantren) has different characteristics depending on leadership type and communication patterns of kyai that applied in its learning process. The theory used in this research is the communication pattern that produces a communication model referring to two communication models, linear and circular communication models in Islamic Boardingschool of Miftahul Huda Tasikmalaya. The research method is phenomenology, with the type of research data is qualitative. The results showed that the culture of communication systems in the Miftahul Huda Manonjaya boarding school embraced communication with linear and circular systems, with the forms of kyai and santri communication using instructional communication patterns through organizations, parent and child communication patterns (exemplary). The forms of kyai communication with alumni are instructional communication patterns and parent and child communication patterns (empowerment). Thus, the purpose of the pattern of kyai communication to alumni is to form and increase alumni solidarity with the same vision and mission to develop the propaganda propaganda message of the Miftahul Huda Manonjaya Islamic boarding school. Setiap pondok pesantren memiliki ciri khas yang berbeda tergantung dari tipe leadership dan pola komunikasi kyai yang diterapkan dalam pembelajarannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji sistem budaya komunikasi, bentuk komunikasi kyai dan santri dan bentuk komunikasi kyai dengan alumni di pesantren Miftahul Huda Tasikmalaya. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pola komunikasi yang menghasilkan model komunikasi yang merujuk pada dua model komunikasi yakni model komunikasi linear dan sirkular. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah fenomenologi dengan jenis penelitian kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa budaya sistem komunikasi di Pondok Pesantren Miftahul Huda Manonjaya mengembangkan sistem komunikasi linear dan circular, dengan bentuk komunikasi kyai dan santri menggunakan pola komunikasi melalui pola komunikasi organisasi, orang tua dan anak-anak (teladan). Bentuk komunikasi kyai dengan alumni, adalah pola komunikasi instruksional orang tua dan anak (pemberdayaan). Dengan demikian, tujuan dari pola komunikasi kyai dengan alumni adalah membentuk dan meningkatkan solidaritas alumni dengan visi dan misi yang sama untuk mengembangkan pesan dakwah di Pondok Pesantren Miftahul Huda Manonjaya.
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Aziz, Haris, Péter Biró, Serge Gaspers, Ronald de Haan, Nicholas Mattei, and Baharak Rastegari. "Stable Matching with Uncertain Linear Preferences." Algorithmica 82, no. 5 (November 14, 2019): 1410–33.

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AbstractWe consider the two-sided stable matching setting in which there may be uncertainty about the agents’ preferences due to limited information or communication. We consider three models of uncertainty: (1) lottery model—for each agent, there is a probability distribution over linear preferences, (2) compact indifference model—for each agent, a weak preference order is specified and each linear order compatible with the weak order is equally likely and (3) joint probability model—there is a lottery over preference profiles. For each of the models, we study the computational complexity of computing the stability probability of a given matching as well as finding a matching with the highest probability of being stable. We also examine more restricted problems such as deciding whether a certainly stable matching exists. We find a rich complexity landscape for these problems, indicating that the form uncertainty takes is significant.
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Keršys, Artūras, and Algirdas Jurkauskas. "SEARCH OF THE ROUTE IN THE NETWORK OF PUBLIC COMMUNICATION USING A LINEAR SEQUENCE METHOD." TRANSPORT 18, no. 3 (June 30, 2003): 130–35.

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The problem of searching the route in the network of public communication is being investigated in the article. A new line sequence method working on the base of a real network model is created for route research in transport communication network and the problem solution. Having analysed a modeling peculiarity of passenger behavior choosing the route, the route evaluation and comparison of the resistance function, including the factors for the route chaise are defined: traveling time, cost and comfort (number of changes). On the base of the mathematic calculation results of public transport communication a part model was determined. It offered the method of the work that can be used for the solution of the examined problem and integrated into the prognosis models of communication processes.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "A linear model of communication"


Iglesias, Jennifer. "Approximation Algorithms for Faster Communication and Cheaper Networks Using Linear Programming." Research Showcase @ CMU, 2017.

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As we are currently in the information age, people expect access to information to exist by default. In order to facilitate the communication of knowledge, efficient networks must be built. In particular, the networks must be built satisfying some constraints while minimizing cost or time. These constraints often make these problems NP-hard. In this thesis, we investigate two different sets of problems: communicating information quickly and building cheap networks. In the communication problems, the goal is to minimize the number of rounds of communication. In the network design problems the goal is to construct a network of minimum cost.
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Martin, P. M. "Advanced linear modem design for narrowband mobile communications." Thesis, University of Bristol, 1991.

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Abid, Muhammad Rizwan. "Visual Recognition of a Dynamic Arm Gesture Language for Human-Robot and Inter-Robot Communication." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2015.

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This thesis presents a novel Dynamic Gesture Language Recognition (DGLR) system for human-robot and inter-robot communication. We developed and implemented an experimental setup consisting of a humanoid robot/android able to recognize and execute in real time all the arm gestures of the Dynamic Gesture Language (DGL) in similar way as humans do. Our DGLR system comprises two main subsystems: an image processing (IP) module and a linguistic recognition system (LRS) module. The IP module enables recognizing individual DGL gestures. In this module, we use the bag-of-features (BOFs) and a local part model approach for dynamic gesture recognition from images. Dynamic gesture classification is conducted using the BOFs and nonlinear support-vector-machine (SVM) methods. The multiscale local part model preserves the temporal context. The IP module was tested using two databases, one consisting of images of a human performing a series of dynamic arm gestures under different environmental conditions and a second database consisting of images of an android performing the same series of arm gestures. The linguistic recognition system (LRS) module uses a novel formal grammar approach to accept DGL-wise valid sequences of dynamic gestures and reject invalid ones. LRS consists of two subsystems: one using a Linear Formal Grammar (LFG) to derive the valid sequence of dynamic gestures and another using a Stochastic Linear Formal Grammar (SLFG) to occasionally recover gestures that were unrecognized by the IP module. Experimental results have shown that the DGLR system had a slightly better overall performance when recognizing gestures made by a human subject (98.92% recognition rate) than those made by the android (97.42% recognition rate).
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Jeon, Ham Hee. "Highly efficient linear CMOS power amplifiers for wireless communications." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2012.

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The rapidly expanding wireless market requires low cost, high integration and high performance of wireless communication systems. CMOS technology provides benefits of cost effectiveness and higher levels of integration. However, the design of highly efficient linear CMOS power amplifier that meets the requirement of advanced communication standards is a challenging task because of the inherent difficulties in CMOS technology. The objective of this research is to realize PAs for wireless communication systems that overcoming the drawbacks of CMOS process, and to develop design approaches that satisfying the demands of the industry. In this dissertation, a cascode bias technique is proposed for improving linearity and reliability of the multi-stage cascode CMOS PA. In addition, to achieve load variation immunity characteristic and to enhance matching and stability, a fully-integrated balanced PA is implemented in a 0.18-m CMOS process. A triple-mode balanced PA using switched quadrature coupler is also proposed, and this work saved a large amount of quiescent current and further improved the efficiency in the back-off power. For the low losses and a high quality factor of passive output combining, a transformer-based quadrature coupler was implemented using integrated passive device (IPD) process. Various practical approaches for linear CMOS PA are suggested with the verified results, and they demonstrate the potential PA design approach for WCDMA applications using a standard CMOS technology.
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Shaw, Stephanie M. "Frequency Response of Synthetic Vocal Fold Models with Linear and Nonlinear Material Properties." BYU ScholarsArchive, 2010.

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Previous studies have shown the importance of cricothyroid muscle activation in altering fundamental frequency in the human voice. Other studies have investigated the non-linear properties of vocal fold tissue and the impact of this non-linearity on frequency response. Several physical models of the vocal folds have been made for research purposes. However, all have been isotropic in nature with linear stress-strain properties. The purpose of this study was to create a physical model with non-linear stress-strain properties to investigate the frequency response of the model as cricothyroid muscle activation was simulated (in other words, as the vocal folds were stretched in an anterior-posterior dimension). In this study the physical models of the vocal folds were stretched in 1 mm increments and the fundamental frequency (F0) was recorded at each position. Subglottal pressure was also monitored and phonation threshold pressures were recorded for each adjustment in length and vocal fold tension, because this can influence F0. Results were obtained for models with and without non-linear properties for comparison. Tensile tests were also conducted for the linear and non-linear synthetic vocal folds. Results indicate that non-linear models demonstrated a more substantial frequency response than linear vocal fold models and a more predictable F0 increase with respect to increasing vocal fold length. Phonation threshold pressures also increased with increasing vocal fold length for non-linear vocal fold models. This trend was reversed for linear vocal fold models, with phonation threshold pressures decreasing with increasing vocal fold length. These results indicate that the non-linear vocal fold models more accurately represent the human vocal folds than do linear models. This study serves as the foundation for future research to quantify the impact of non-linear tissue properties versus active tensioning (through antagonistic thyroarytenoid muscle activation) on F0 response and phonation threshold pressure.
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Srirattana, Nuttapong. "High-Efficiency Linear RF Power Amplifiers Development." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005.

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Next generation mobile communication systems require the use of linear RF power amplifier for higher data transmission rates. However, linear RF power amplifiers are inherently inefficient and usually require additional circuits or further system adjustments for better efficiency. This dissertation focuses on the development of new efficiency enhancement schemes for linear RF power amplifiers. The multistage Doherty amplifier technique is proposed to improve the performance of linear RF power amplifiers operated in a low power level. This technique advances the original Doherty amplifier scheme by improving the efficiency at much lower power level. The proposed technique is supported by a new approach in device periphery calculation to reduce AM/AM distortion and a further improvement of linearity by the bias adaptation concept. The device periphery adjustment technique for efficiency enhancement of power amplifier integrated circuits is also proposed in this work. The concept is clearly explained together with its implementation on CMOS and SiGe RF power amplifier designs. Furthermore, linearity improvement technique using the cancellation of nonlinear terms is proposed for the CMOS power amplifier in combination with the efficiency enhancement technique. In addition to the efficiency enhancement of power amplifiers, a scalable large-signal MOSFET model using the modified BSIM3v3 approach is proposed. A new scalable substrate network model is developed to enhance the accuracy of the BSIM3v3 model in RF and microwave applications. The proposed model simplifies the modeling of substrate coupling effects in MOS transistor and provides great accuracy in both small-signal and large-signal performances.
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Udayashankara, V. "DSP Techniques for Performance Enhancement of Digital Hearing Aid." Thesis, Indian Institute of Science, 1995.

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Hearing impairment is the number one chronic disability affecting people in the world. Many people have great difficulty in understanding speech with background noise. This is especially true for a large number of elderly people and the sensorineural impaired persons. Several investigations on speech intelligibility have demonstrated that subjects with sensorineural loss may need a 5-15 dB higher signal-to-noise ratio than the normal hearing subjects. While most defects in transmission chain up to cochlea can nowadays be successfully rehabilitated by means of surgery, the great majority of the remaining inoperable cases are sensorineural hearing impaired, Recent statistics of the hearing impaired patients applying for a hearing aid reveal that 20% of the cases are due to conductive losses, more than 50% are due to sensorineural losses, and the rest 30% of the cases are of mixed origin. Presenting speech to the hearing impaired in an intelligible form remains a major challenge in hearing-aid research today. Even-though various methods have been suggested in the literature for the minimization of noise from the contaminated speech signals, they fail to give good SNR improvement and intelligibility improvement for moderate to-severe sensorineural loss subjects. So far, the power and capability of Newton's method, Nonlinear adaptive filtering methods and the feedback type artificial neural networks have not been exploited for this purpose. Hence we resort to the application of all these methods for improving SNR and intelligibility for the sensorineural loss subjects. Digital hearing aids frequently employ the concept of filter banks. One of the major drawbacks of this techniques is the complexity of computation requiring more number of multiplications. This increases the power consumption. Therefore this Thesis presents the new approach to speech enhancement for the hearing impaired and also the construction of filter bank in Digital hearing aid with minimum number of multiplications. The following are covered in this thesis. One of the most important application of adaptive systems is in noise cancellation using adaptive filters. The ANC setup requires two input signals (viz., primary and reference). The primary input consists of the sum of the desired signal and noise which is uncorrelated. The reference input consists of mother noise which is correlated in Some unknown way with noise of primary input. The primary signal is obtained by placing the omnidirectional microphone just above one ear on the head of the KEMAR mannikan and the reference signal is obtained by placing the hypercardioid microphone at the center of the vertebral column on the back. Conventional speech enhancement techniques use linear schemes for enhancing speech signals. So far Nonlinear adaptive filtering techniques are not used in hearing aid applications. The motivation behind the use of nonlinear model is that it gives better noise suppression as compared to linear model. This is because the medium through which signals reach the microphone may be highly nonlinear. Hence the use of linear schemes, though motivated by computational simplicity and mathematical tractability, may be suboptimal. Hence, we propose the use of nonlinear models to enhance the speech signals for the hearing impaired: We propose both Linear LMS and Nonlinear second order Volterra LMS schemes to enhance speech signals. Studies conducted for different environmental noise including babble, cafeteria and low frequency noise show that the second-order Volterra LMS performs better compared to linear LMS algorithm. We use measures such as signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), time plots, and intelligibility tests for performance comparison. We also propose an ANC scheme which uses Newton's method to enhance speech signals. The main problem associated with LMS based ANC is that their convergence is slow and hence their performance becomes poor for hearing aid applications. The reason for choosing Newton's method is that they have high performance adaptive-filtering methods that often converge and track faster than LMS method. We propose two models to enhance speech signals: one is conventional linear model and the other is a nonlinear model using a second order Volterra function. Development of Newton's type algorithm for linear mdel results in familiar Recursive least square (RLS) algorithm. The performance of both linear and non-linear Newton's algorithm is evaluated for babble, cafeteria and frequency noise. SNR, timeplots and intelligibility tests are used for performance comparison. The results show that Newton's method using Volterra nonlinearity performs better than RLS method. ln addition to the ANC based schemes, we also develop speech enhancement for the hearing impaired by using the feedback type neural network (FBNN). The main reason is that here we have parallel algorithm which can be implemented directly in hardware. We translate the speech enhancement problem into a neural network (NN) framework by forming an appropriate energy function. We propose both linear and nonlinear FBNN for enhancing the speech signals. Simulated studies on different environmental noise reveal that the FBNN using the Volterra nonlinearity is superior to linear FBNN in enhancing speech signals. We use SNR, time plots, and intelligibility tests for performance comparison. The design of an effective hearing aid is a challenging problem for sensorineural hearing impaired people. For persons with sensorineural losses it is necessary that the frequency response should be optimally fitted into their residual auditory area. Digital filter enhances the performance of the hearing aids which are either difficult or impossible to realize using analog techniques. The major problem in digital hearing aid is that of reducing power consumption. Multiplication is one of the most power consuming operation in digital filtering. Hence a serious effort has been made to design filter bank with minimum number of multiplications, there by minimizing the power consumption. It is achieved by using Interpolated and complementary FIR filters. This method gives significant savings in the number of arithmetic operations. The Thesis is concluded by summarizing the results of analysis, and suggesting scope for further investigation
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Kim, Byoung Joon. "The Impact of the Internet on Civic and Political Participation in Local Governance: A Mulitilevel Model for Bridging Individual and Group Levels of Analysis." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2009.

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Politically interested individual citizens often use information and communication technology (ICT) to facilitate and augment their civic and political participation. At the local level, ICT plays an important role for communication and information sharing in order for local groups to create awareness and draw citizens into public deliberation about local issues and concerns. This research examines the interplay of individual and local group level factors in order to better understand the relationship between civic engagement and ICT, especially the internet, by using household survey data from the town of Blacksburg, Virginia and environs in 2005 and 2006. It seeks to reconcile those different levels of analysis relating to the use and impact of the internet on civic engagement in local governance. This study identifies the distinctive influences at both the individual citizen level and the group level by applying a multilevel statistical model (the Hierarchical Linear Model). First, this study found the effects of internal and external political efficacy and community collective efficacy as significant individual level influences on internet use for civic and political purposes. Second, group internet useâ which includes new internet technologiesâ and group political discussion were revealed as key influences on citizensâ perspectives on the helpfulness of the internet for civic and political purposes at the group level of analysis. Finally, in multilevel analysis, those recognized group level variables (group internet use and group political discussion and interests) led to positive agreement with the following statements: 1) the internet has helped me feel more connected with people like myself in the local area; 2) the internet has helped me feel more connected with a diversity of people in the local area; and 3) the internet has helped me become more involved in local issues that interest me when taking individual level variables into account.
Ph. D.
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He, Qing. "Robust-Intelligent Traffic Signal Control within a Vehicle-to-Infrastructure and Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication Environment." Diss., The University of Arizona, 2010.

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Modern traffic signal control systems have not changed significantly in the past 40-50 years. The most widely applied traffic signal control systems are still time-of-day, coordinated-actuated system, since many existing advanced adaptive signal control systems are too complicated and fathomless for most of people. Recent advances in communications standards and technologies provide the basis for significant improvements in traffic signal control capabilities. In the United States, the IntelliDriveSM program (originally called Vehicle Infrastructure Integration - VII) has identified 5.9GHz Digital Short Range Communications (DSRC) as the primary communications mode for vehicle-to-vehicle (v2v) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (v2i) safety based applications, denoted as v2x. The ability for vehicles and the infrastructure to communication information is a significant advance over the current system capability of point presence and passage detection that is used in traffic control systems. Given enriched data from IntelliDriveSM, the problem of traffic control can be solved in an innovative data-driven and mathematical way to produce robust and optimal outputs.In this doctoral research, three different problems within a v2x environment- "enhanced pseudo-lane-level vehicle positioning", "robust coordinated-actuated multiple priority control", and "multimodal platoon-based arterial traffic signal control", are addressed with statistical techniques and mathematical programming.First, a pseudo-lane-level GPS positioning system is proposed based on an IntelliDriveSM v2x environment. GPS errors can be categorized into common-mode errors and noncommon-mode errors, where common-mode errors can be mitigated by differential GPS (DGPS) but noncommon-mode cannot. Common-mode GPS errors are cancelled using differential corrections broadcast from the road-side equipment (RSE). With v2i communication, a high fidelity roadway layout map (called MAP in the SAE J2735 standard) and satellite pseudo-range corrections are broadcast by the RSE. To enhance and correct lane level positioning of a vehicle, a statistical process control approach is used to detect significant vehicle driving events such as turning at an intersection or lane-changing. Whenever a turn event is detected, a mathematical program is solved to estimate and update the GPS noncommon-mode errors. Overall the GPS errors are reduced by corrections to both common-mode and noncommon-mode errors.Second, an analytical mathematical model, a mixed-integer linear program (MILP), is developed to provide robust real-time multiple priority control, assuming penetration of IntelliDriveSM is limited to emergency vehicles and transit vehicles. This is believed to be the first mathematical formulation which accommodates advanced features of modern traffic controllers, such as green extension and vehicle actuations, to provide flexibility in implementation of optimal signal plans. Signal coordination between adjacent signals is addressed by virtual coordination requests which behave significantly different than the current coordination control in a coordinated-actuated controller. The proposed new coordination method can handle both priority and coordination together to reduce and balance delays for buses and automobiles with real-time optimized solutions.The robust multiple priority control problem was simplified as a polynomial cut problem with some reasonable assumptions and applied on a real-world intersection at Southern Ave. & 67 Ave. in Phoenix, AZ on February 22, 2010 and March 10, 2010. The roadside equipment (RSE) was installed in the traffic signal control cabinet and connected with a live traffic signal controller via Ethernet. With the support of Maricopa County's Regional Emergency Action Coordinating (REACT) team, three REACT vehicles were equipped with onboard equipments (OBE). Different priority scenarios were tested including concurrent requests, conflicting requests, and mixed requests. The experiments showed that the traffic controller was able to perform desirably under each scenario.Finally, a unified platoon-based mathematical formulation called PAMSCOD is presented to perform online arterial (network) traffic signal control while considering multiple travel modes in the IntelliDriveSM environment with high market penetration, including passenger vehicles. First, a hierarchical platoon recognition algorithm is proposed to identify platoons in real-time. This algorithm can output the number of platoons approaching each intersection. Second, a mixed-integer linear program (MILP) is solved to determine the future optimal signal plans based on the real-time platoon data (and the platoon request for service) and current traffic controller status. Deviating from the traditional common network cycle length, PAMSCOD aims to provide multi-modal dynamical progression (MDP) on the arterial based on the real-time platoon information. The integer feasible solution region is enhanced in order to reduce the solution times by assuming a first-come, first-serve discipline for the platoon requests on the same approach. Microscopic online simulation in VISSIM shows that PAMSCOD can easily handle two traffic modes including buses and automobiles jointly and significantly reduce delays for both modes, compared with SYNCHRO optimized plans.
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Han, Chunyang. "Robust Control of Teleoperated Unmanned Aerial Vehicles." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS), 2020.

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In this thesis, we first use the reachability theory to develop algorithms for state predictionunder delayed state or output measurements. We next develop control strategies forcollision avoidance and trajectory tracking of UAVs based on the devised algorithms andthe model predictive control theory. Finally, simulations results for collision avoidanceand trajectory tracking problems are presented, for different communication delays,using a UAV model with 6 degrees of freedom.
I denna avhandling använder vi först tillgänglighetsteorin för att utveckla algoritmerför tillståndsförutsägelse under fördröjda tillstånds- eller utgångsmätningar. Därefterutvecklar kontrollstrategier för undvikande av kollision och spårning av UAV: er baseradepå de planerade algoritmerna och modellen förutsägbar kontrollteori. Slutligenpresenteras simuleringsresultat för att undvika kollision och problem med spårningav banan, för olika kommunikationsförseningar, med en UAV-modell med 6 frihetsgrader.
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Books on the topic "A linear model of communication"


Khuri, André I. Linear model methodology. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2010.

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Khuri, André I. Linear model methodology. Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2010.

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Khuri, André I. Linear model methodology. Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2010.

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Khuri, André I. Linear model methodology. Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2010.

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Muller, Keith E., and Paul W. Stewart. Linear Model Theory. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006.

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Zimmerman, Dale L. Linear Model Theory. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Zimmerman, Dale L. Linear Model Theory. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Seber, George. The Linear Model and Hypothesis. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.

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Faraway, Julian J. Extending Linear Model With R. London: Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2004.

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Czekalski, Ryszard. Communication catechesis model. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, 2013.

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Book chapters on the topic "A linear model of communication"


Shi, Yuanming, Jialin Dong, and Jun Zhang. "Sparse Linear Model." In Low-overhead Communications in IoT Networks, 13–34. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.

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Kobayashi, Naoki, and Akinori Yonezawa. "Asynchronous communication model based on linear logic." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 331–36. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1993.

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Qi, Xinshe, Weiwei Zhao, Qingzheng Xu, Na Wang, Yuyi Li, and Xin Wang. "Linear Programming Model of Communication Capability Configuration." In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 130–36. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Li, Michael. "Bayesian Linear Regression Model for Curve Fitting." In IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 363–72. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Naik, Vihangkumar V., D. N. Sonawane, Deepak D. Ingole, Divyesh L. Ginoya, and Neha S. Girme. "Design and Implementation of Interior-Point Method Based Linear Model Predictive Controller." In Mobile Communication and Power Engineering, 255–61. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

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Santos, Talysson M. O., Victor H. B. Tsukahara, Jasiara C. de Oliveira, Vinicius Rosa Cota, and Carlos D. Maciel. "Graph Model Evolution During Epileptic Seizures: Linear Model Approach." In Communications in Computer and Information Science, 157–70. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Pang, Zhong-Hua, Guo-Ping Liu, Donghua Zhou, and Dehui Sun. "Networked Predictive Control Based on Linear Input-Output Model." In Networked Predictive Control of Systems with Communication Constraints and Cyber Attacks, 33–56. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018.

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Vytovtov, K. A., E. A. Barabanova, V. M. Vishnevsky, and I. Yu Kvyatkovskaya. "The Analytical Model of Six-Dimensional Linear Dynamic Systems with Arbitrary Piecewise-Constant Parameters." In Distributed Computer and Communication Networks, 617–30. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Pang, Zhong-Hua, Guo-Ping Liu, Donghua Zhou, and Dehui Sun. "Incremental Networked Predictive Control Based on Linear Input–Output Model." In Networked Predictive Control of Systems with Communication Constraints and Cyber Attacks, 57–77. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018.

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El Jarbi, Mustapha, Thomas Slawig, and Andreas Oschlies. "Introducing Periodic Parameters in a Marine Ecosystem Model Using Discrete Linear Quadratic Control." In IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 481–90. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

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Conference papers on the topic "A linear model of communication"


Lebedyantsev, Valeriy V. "Universal Tensor Model of Linear Channel and Communication Network." In 2018 XIV International Scientific-Technical Conference on Actual Problems of Electronics Instrument Engineering (APEIE). IEEE, 2018.

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Zarai, Yoram, Oz Mendel, and Michael Margaliot. "Analyzing Linear Communication Networks Using the Ribosome Flow Model." In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology; Ubiquitous Computing and Communications; Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing; Pervasive Intelligence and Computing (CIT/IUCC/DASC/PICOM). IEEE, 2015.

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Saraswat, Princy, and Girish Parmar. "Model order reduction of transformer linear section model using Simulated Annealing." In 2015 Communication, Control and Intelligent Systems (CCIS). IEEE, 2015.

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Song, Xuming, Hayoung Choi, and Yuanming Shi. "Permuted Linear Model for Header-Free Communication via Symmetric Polynomials." In 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). IEEE, 2018.

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Suh, Changjin, and Shin-woong Jung. "Layer-2 Routing Analytic Model by Linear Programming." In 2008 10th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology. IEEE, 2008.

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Yan, Weizhen, Zhenning Tao, Lei Li, Ling Liu, Shoichiro Oda, Takeshi Hoshida, and Jens C. Rasmussen. "A Linear Model for Nonlinear Phase Noise Induced by Cross-phase Modulation." In Optical Fiber Communication Conference. Washington, D.C.: OSA, 2009.

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Wang, Zhongliang, and Hua Xiao. "Hyperspectral Compressive Sensing Using Improved Linear Mixing Model." In 2019 3rd International Conference on Imaging, Signal Processing and Communication (ICISPC). IEEE, 2019.

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Rangnekar, Rucha Hemant, Khyati Pradeep Suratwala, Sanjana Krishna, and Sudhir Dhage. "Career Prediction Model Using Data Mining and Linear Classification." In 2018 Fourth International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation (ICCUBEA). IEEE, 2018.

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Devi, Mutum Bidyarani, and R. Devanathan. "Pansharpening Using Data Driven Model Based on Linear Regression." In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT). IEEE, 2018.

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Zhang, Yin, Nan Liu, Zhiwen Pan, Tianle Deng, and Xiaohu You. "A fault detection model for mobile communication systems based on linear prediction." In 2014 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC). IEEE, 2014.

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Reports on the topic "A linear model of communication"


Stone, David A. Creating a Linear Model to Optimize Satellite Communication Bandwidth Utilization. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, May 2006.

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McPhedran, R., K. Patel, B. Toombs, P. Menon, M. Patel, J. Disson, K. Porter, A. John, and A. Rayner. Food allergen communication in businesses feasibility trial. Food Standards Agency, March 2021.

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Background: Clear allergen communication in food business operators (FBOs) has been shown to have a positive impact on customers’ perceptions of businesses (Barnett et al., 2013). However, the precise size and nature of this effect is not known: there is a paucity of quantitative evidence in this area, particularly in the form of randomised controlled trials (RCTs). The Food Standards Agency (FSA), in collaboration with Kantar’s Behavioural Practice, conducted a feasibility trial to investigate whether a randomised cluster trial – involving the proactive communication of allergen information at the point of sale in FBOs – is feasible in the United Kingdom (UK). Objectives: The trial sought to establish: ease of recruitments of businesses into trials; customer response rates for in-store outcome surveys; fidelity of intervention delivery by FBO staff; sensitivity of outcome survey measures to change; and appropriateness of the chosen analytical approach. Method: Following a recruitment phase – in which one of fourteen multinational FBOs was successfully recruited – the execution of the feasibility trial involved a quasi-randomised matched-pairs clustered experiment. Each of the FBO’s ten participating branches underwent pair-wise matching, with similarity of branches judged according to four criteria: Food Hygiene Rating Scheme (FHRS) score, average weekly footfall, number of staff and customer satisfaction rating. The allocation ratio for this trial was 1:1: one branch in each pair was assigned to the treatment group by a representative from the FBO, while the other continued to operate in accordance with their standard operating procedure. As a business-based feasibility trial, customers at participating branches throughout the fieldwork period were automatically enrolled in the trial. The trial was single-blind: customers at treatment branches were not aware that they were receiving an intervention. All customers who visited participating branches throughout the fieldwork period were asked to complete a short in-store survey on a tablet affixed in branches. This survey contained four outcome measures which operationalised customers’: perceptions of food safety in the FBO; trust in the FBO; self-reported confidence to ask for allergen information in future visits; and overall satisfaction with their visit. Results: Fieldwork was conducted from the 3 – 20 March 2020, with cessation occurring prematurely due to the closure of outlets following the proliferation of COVID-19. n=177 participants took part in the trial across the ten branches; however, response rates (which ranged between 0.1 - 0.8%) were likely also adversely affected by COVID-19. Intervention fidelity was an issue in this study: while compliance with delivery of the intervention was relatively high in treatment branches (78.9%), erroneous delivery in control branches was also common (46.2%). Survey data were analysed using random-intercept multilevel linear regression models (due to the nesting of customers within branches). Despite the trial’s modest sample size, there was some evidence to suggest that the intervention had a positive effect for those suffering from allergies/intolerances for the ‘trust’ (β = 1.288, p<0.01) and ‘satisfaction’ (β = 0.945, p<0.01) outcome variables. Due to singularity within the fitted linear models, hierarchical Bayes models were used to corroborate the size of these interactions. Conclusions: The results of this trial suggest that a fully powered clustered RCT would likely be feasible in the UK. In this case, the primary challenge in the execution of the trial was the recruitment of FBOs: despite high levels of initial interest from four chains, only one took part. However, it is likely that the proliferation of COVID-19 adversely impacted chain participation – two other FBOs withdrew during branch eligibility assessment and selection, citing COVID-19 as a barrier. COVID-19 also likely lowered the on-site survey response rate: a significant negative Pearson correlation was observed between daily survey completions and COVID-19 cases in the UK, highlighting a likely relationship between the two. Limitations: The trial was quasi-random: selection of branches, pair matching and allocation to treatment/control groups were not systematically conducted. These processes were undertaken by a representative from the FBO’s Safety and Quality Assurance team (with oversight from Kantar representatives on pair matching), as a result of the chain’s internal operational restrictions.
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Georganas, Evangelos, Jorge Gonzalez-Dominguez, Edgar Solomonik, Yili Zheng, Juan Tourino, and Katherine A. Yelick. Communication Avoiding and Overlapping for Numerical Linear Algebra. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, May 2012.

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Lester, Brian T., and Kevin Nicholas Long. Modular Linear Thermoviscoelastic Model. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), May 2020.

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Andrews, Isaiah, and Jesse Shapiro. A Model of Scientific Communication. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, March 2020.

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Solomonik, Edgar, Erin Carson, Nicholas Knight, and James Demmel. Tradeoffs Between Synchronization, Communication, and Work in Parallel Linear Algebra Computations. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, January 2014.

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Bender, Sadie R., Philip A. George, Trevor D. Hardy, and Mark E. Eberlein. Transactive System Program Communication System Cost Model. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2018.

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Momozaki, Yoichi. A model of annular linear induction pumps. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), October 2016.

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Anders, David P. Developing an Operational Level Strategic Communication Model for Counterinsurgency. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, February 2009.

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Harville, Donald L. Person/Job Fit Model of Communication Apprehension in Organizations. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, May 1994.

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