Academic literature on the topic 'A linear model of communication'
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Journal articles on the topic "A linear model of communication"
Kobayashi, Naoki, and Akinori Yonezawa. "Asynchronous communication model based on linear logic." Formal Aspects of Computing 7, no. 2 (March 1995): 113–49.
Full textCalvez, Vincent, Thomas Lepoutre, Nicolas Meunier, and Nicolas Muller. "Non-linear analysis of a model for yeast cell communication." ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 54, no. 2 (February 19, 2020): 619–48.
Full textDutta-Bergman, Mohan Jyoti. "The Linear Interaction Model of Personality Effects in Health Communication." Health Communication 15, no. 1 (January 2003): 101–16.
Full textBEAUQUIER, BRUNO, STÉPHANE PÉRENNES, and OLIVIER DELMAS. "TIGHT BOUNDS FOR BROADCASTING IN THE LINEAR COST MODEL." Journal of Interconnection Networks 02, no. 02 (June 2001): 175–88.
Full textKumar, Gaurav, and Rakesh Kumar Bajaj. "Intuitionistic Fuzzy Weighted Linear Regression Model with Fuzzy Entropy under Linear Restrictions." International Scholarly Research Notices 2014 (October 30, 2014): 1–10.
Full textLin, Jia-Hong, and Wei-Song Lin. "Extended Kalman Filter-Based Codec for Chaotic Communication Systems." International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 24, no. 07 (July 2014): 1450094.
Full textTošic, Predrag T. "Cellular Automata Communication Models." International Journal of Natural Computing Research 1, no. 3 (July 2010): 66–84.
Full textSanusi, Yogi Anwar. "Pola Komunikasi Kyai dengan Santri Alumni Pondok Pesantren Miftahul Huda Manonjaya." Prophetica : Scientific and Research Journal of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting 5, no. 2 (December 31, 2019): 155–68.
Full textAziz, Haris, Péter Biró, Serge Gaspers, Ronald de Haan, Nicholas Mattei, and Baharak Rastegari. "Stable Matching with Uncertain Linear Preferences." Algorithmica 82, no. 5 (November 14, 2019): 1410–33.
Full textKeršys, Artūras, and Algirdas Jurkauskas. "SEARCH OF THE ROUTE IN THE NETWORK OF PUBLIC COMMUNICATION USING A LINEAR SEQUENCE METHOD." TRANSPORT 18, no. 3 (June 30, 2003): 130–35.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "A linear model of communication"
Iglesias, Jennifer. "Approximation Algorithms for Faster Communication and Cheaper Networks Using Linear Programming." Research Showcase @ CMU, 2017.
Full textMartin, P. M. "Advanced linear modem design for narrowband mobile communications." Thesis, University of Bristol, 1991.
Full textAbid, Muhammad Rizwan. "Visual Recognition of a Dynamic Arm Gesture Language for Human-Robot and Inter-Robot Communication." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2015.
Full textJeon, Ham Hee. "Highly efficient linear CMOS power amplifiers for wireless communications." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2012.
Full textShaw, Stephanie M. "Frequency Response of Synthetic Vocal Fold Models with Linear and Nonlinear Material Properties." BYU ScholarsArchive, 2010.
Full textSrirattana, Nuttapong. "High-Efficiency Linear RF Power Amplifiers Development." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005.
Full textUdayashankara, V. "DSP Techniques for Performance Enhancement of Digital Hearing Aid." Thesis, Indian Institute of Science, 1995.
Full textKim, Byoung Joon. "The Impact of the Internet on Civic and Political Participation in Local Governance: A Mulitilevel Model for Bridging Individual and Group Levels of Analysis." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2009.
Full textPh. D.
He, Qing. "Robust-Intelligent Traffic Signal Control within a Vehicle-to-Infrastructure and Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication Environment." Diss., The University of Arizona, 2010.
Full textHan, Chunyang. "Robust Control of Teleoperated Unmanned Aerial Vehicles." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS), 2020.
Full textI denna avhandling använder vi först tillgänglighetsteorin för att utveckla algoritmerför tillståndsförutsägelse under fördröjda tillstånds- eller utgångsmätningar. Därefterutvecklar kontrollstrategier för undvikande av kollision och spårning av UAV: er baseradepå de planerade algoritmerna och modellen förutsägbar kontrollteori. Slutligenpresenteras simuleringsresultat för att undvika kollision och problem med spårningav banan, för olika kommunikationsförseningar, med en UAV-modell med 6 frihetsgrader.
Books on the topic "A linear model of communication"
Khuri, André I. Linear model methodology. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2010.
Find full textKhuri, André I. Linear model methodology. Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2010.
Find full textKhuri, André I. Linear model methodology. Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2010.
Find full textKhuri, André I. Linear model methodology. Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2010.
Find full textMuller, Keith E., and Paul W. Stewart. Linear Model Theory. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006.
Full textZimmerman, Dale L. Linear Model Theory. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textZimmerman, Dale L. Linear Model Theory. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textSeber, George. The Linear Model and Hypothesis. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.
Full textFaraway, Julian J. Extending Linear Model With R. London: Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2004.
Find full textCzekalski, Ryszard. Communication catechesis model. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, 2013.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "A linear model of communication"
Shi, Yuanming, Jialin Dong, and Jun Zhang. "Sparse Linear Model." In Low-overhead Communications in IoT Networks, 13–34. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.
Full textKobayashi, Naoki, and Akinori Yonezawa. "Asynchronous communication model based on linear logic." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 331–36. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1993.
Full textQi, Xinshe, Weiwei Zhao, Qingzheng Xu, Na Wang, Yuyi Li, and Xin Wang. "Linear Programming Model of Communication Capability Configuration." In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 130–36. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textLi, Michael. "Bayesian Linear Regression Model for Curve Fitting." In IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 363–72. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textNaik, Vihangkumar V., D. N. Sonawane, Deepak D. Ingole, Divyesh L. Ginoya, and Neha S. Girme. "Design and Implementation of Interior-Point Method Based Linear Model Predictive Controller." In Mobile Communication and Power Engineering, 255–61. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
Full textSantos, Talysson M. O., Victor H. B. Tsukahara, Jasiara C. de Oliveira, Vinicius Rosa Cota, and Carlos D. Maciel. "Graph Model Evolution During Epileptic Seizures: Linear Model Approach." In Communications in Computer and Information Science, 157–70. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Full textPang, Zhong-Hua, Guo-Ping Liu, Donghua Zhou, and Dehui Sun. "Networked Predictive Control Based on Linear Input-Output Model." In Networked Predictive Control of Systems with Communication Constraints and Cyber Attacks, 33–56. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018.
Full textVytovtov, K. A., E. A. Barabanova, V. M. Vishnevsky, and I. Yu Kvyatkovskaya. "The Analytical Model of Six-Dimensional Linear Dynamic Systems with Arbitrary Piecewise-Constant Parameters." In Distributed Computer and Communication Networks, 617–30. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textPang, Zhong-Hua, Guo-Ping Liu, Donghua Zhou, and Dehui Sun. "Incremental Networked Predictive Control Based on Linear Input–Output Model." In Networked Predictive Control of Systems with Communication Constraints and Cyber Attacks, 57–77. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018.
Full textEl Jarbi, Mustapha, Thomas Slawig, and Andreas Oschlies. "Introducing Periodic Parameters in a Marine Ecosystem Model Using Discrete Linear Quadratic Control." In IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 481–90. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
Full textConference papers on the topic "A linear model of communication"
Lebedyantsev, Valeriy V. "Universal Tensor Model of Linear Channel and Communication Network." In 2018 XIV International Scientific-Technical Conference on Actual Problems of Electronics Instrument Engineering (APEIE). IEEE, 2018.
Full textZarai, Yoram, Oz Mendel, and Michael Margaliot. "Analyzing Linear Communication Networks Using the Ribosome Flow Model." In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology; Ubiquitous Computing and Communications; Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing; Pervasive Intelligence and Computing (CIT/IUCC/DASC/PICOM). IEEE, 2015.
Full textSaraswat, Princy, and Girish Parmar. "Model order reduction of transformer linear section model using Simulated Annealing." In 2015 Communication, Control and Intelligent Systems (CCIS). IEEE, 2015.
Full textSong, Xuming, Hayoung Choi, and Yuanming Shi. "Permuted Linear Model for Header-Free Communication via Symmetric Polynomials." In 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). IEEE, 2018.
Full textSuh, Changjin, and Shin-woong Jung. "Layer-2 Routing Analytic Model by Linear Programming." In 2008 10th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology. IEEE, 2008.
Full textYan, Weizhen, Zhenning Tao, Lei Li, Ling Liu, Shoichiro Oda, Takeshi Hoshida, and Jens C. Rasmussen. "A Linear Model for Nonlinear Phase Noise Induced by Cross-phase Modulation." In Optical Fiber Communication Conference. Washington, D.C.: OSA, 2009.
Full textWang, Zhongliang, and Hua Xiao. "Hyperspectral Compressive Sensing Using Improved Linear Mixing Model." In 2019 3rd International Conference on Imaging, Signal Processing and Communication (ICISPC). IEEE, 2019.
Full textRangnekar, Rucha Hemant, Khyati Pradeep Suratwala, Sanjana Krishna, and Sudhir Dhage. "Career Prediction Model Using Data Mining and Linear Classification." In 2018 Fourth International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation (ICCUBEA). IEEE, 2018.
Full textDevi, Mutum Bidyarani, and R. Devanathan. "Pansharpening Using Data Driven Model Based on Linear Regression." In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT). IEEE, 2018.
Full textZhang, Yin, Nan Liu, Zhiwen Pan, Tianle Deng, and Xiaohu You. "A fault detection model for mobile communication systems based on linear prediction." In 2014 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC). IEEE, 2014.
Full textReports on the topic "A linear model of communication"
Stone, David A. Creating a Linear Model to Optimize Satellite Communication Bandwidth Utilization. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, May 2006.
Full textMcPhedran, R., K. Patel, B. Toombs, P. Menon, M. Patel, J. Disson, K. Porter, A. John, and A. Rayner. Food allergen communication in businesses feasibility trial. Food Standards Agency, March 2021.
Full textGeorganas, Evangelos, Jorge Gonzalez-Dominguez, Edgar Solomonik, Yili Zheng, Juan Tourino, and Katherine A. Yelick. Communication Avoiding and Overlapping for Numerical Linear Algebra. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, May 2012.
Full textLester, Brian T., and Kevin Nicholas Long. Modular Linear Thermoviscoelastic Model. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), May 2020.
Full textAndrews, Isaiah, and Jesse Shapiro. A Model of Scientific Communication. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, March 2020.
Full textSolomonik, Edgar, Erin Carson, Nicholas Knight, and James Demmel. Tradeoffs Between Synchronization, Communication, and Work in Parallel Linear Algebra Computations. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, January 2014.
Full textBender, Sadie R., Philip A. George, Trevor D. Hardy, and Mark E. Eberlein. Transactive System Program Communication System Cost Model. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2018.
Full textMomozaki, Yoichi. A model of annular linear induction pumps. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), October 2016.
Full textAnders, David P. Developing an Operational Level Strategic Communication Model for Counterinsurgency. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, February 2009.
Full textHarville, Donald L. Person/Job Fit Model of Communication Apprehension in Organizations. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, May 1994.
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