Academic literature on the topic '8130m'

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Journal articles on the topic "8130m"


Selosse, Marc-André, Francis Martin, Daniel Bouchard, and François le Tacon. "Structure and Dynamics of Experimentally Introduced and Naturally Occurring Laccaria sp. Discrete Genotypes in a Douglas Fir Plantation." Applied and Environmental Microbiology 65, no. 5 (May 1, 1999): 2006–14.

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ABSTRACT Ectomycorrhizal fungi have been introduced in forest nurseries to improve seedling growth. Outplanting of inoculated seedlings to forest plantations raises the questions about inoculant persistence and its effects on indigenous fungal populations. We previously showed (M.-A. Selosse et al. Mol. Ecol. 7:561–573, 1998) that the American strainLaccaria bicolor S238N persisted 10 years after outplanting in a French Douglas fir plantation, without introgression or selfing and without fruiting on uninoculated adjacent plots. In the present study, the relevance of those results to sympatric strains was assessed for another part of the plantation, planted in 1985 with seedlings inoculated with the French strain L. bicolor 81306 or left uninoculated. About 720 Laccaria sp. sporophores, collected from 1994 to 1997, were typed by using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA markers and PCR amplification of the mitochondrial and nuclear ribosomal DNAs. All plots were colonized by small spontaneous discrete genotypes (genets). The inoculant strain 81306 abundantly fruited beneath inoculated trees, with possible introgression in indigenousLaccaria populations but without selfing. In contrast to our previous survey of L. bicolor S238N, L. bicolor 81306 colonized a plot of uninoculated trees. Meiotic segregation analysis verified that the invading genet was strain 81306 (P < 0.00058), implying a vegetative growth of 1.1 m · year−1. This plot was also invaded in 1998 by strain S238N used to inoculate other trees of the plantation. Five other uninoculated plots were free of these inoculant strains. The fate of inoculant strains thus depends less on their geographic origin than on unknown local factors.
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Zayied, Iman. "Islam's Jesus." Australian Journal of Islamic Studies 1, no. 1 (January 15, 2016): 81–84.

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Ushakova, N. A., R. V. Nekrasov, E. S. Brodskiy, V. V. Voznesenskaya, A. A. Kozlova, V. A. Samoylenko, M. G. Chabaev, E. K. Tomgorova, and A. A. Zelenchenkova. "Some properties of Bacillus subtilis probiotic supplements from byproducts of agricultural complex." Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 7, no. 4 (December 28, 2017): 597–603.

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Previously, it was shown that B. subtilis B-8130 produce bactericides and biologically active substances while fermenting different phyto-substrates. The bacilli release somatostatin-like peptide during solid-state fermentation of beet pulp sugar, sea-buckthorn leaves and flax seeds. The growth of bacterial culture is accompanied by the formation of biofilm that encapsulates phyto-carriers. The combination of all above factors determines high biological activity of probiotics and their effects on digestion in animals. We tested the addition of 0.1% B. subtilis B-8130 fermented substrate to the pig ration. The experiments showed higher weight gain, lowered daily feed expenses and improved survival. We found substantial changes in morphology of the small intestine epithelial cells associated with intensive absorption of feed nutrients in pigs that were fed with fermented sea-buckthorn leaves. This suggests influence of probiotics on digestion mediated by hormonal system.
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Rodrigues, A. L. P., I. B. M. Sampaio, J. C. Carneiro, T. R. Tomich, and R. G. R. Martins. "Degradabilidade in situ da matéria seca de forrageiras tropicais obtidas em diferentes épocas de corte." Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia 56, no. 5 (October 2004): 658–64.

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Estimou-se a degradabilidade in situ de 10 forrageiras tropicais em três idades ao corte (21, 42 e 63 dias) e em três tempos de incubação (6, 24 e 96h). As forrageiras utilizadas foram: Andropogon gayanus cv. Planaltina, Brachiaria brizantha (acessos 3401, 3413 e 3451 CPAC), Cenchrus ciliaris (acessos 79119, 79146, 79148, 80199 e 81302 CPATSA) e Panicum maximum (3616 CPAC). Os acessos de B. brizantha, P. maximum e A. gayanus apresentaram os maiores valores de degradabilidade da matéria seca e os de C. ciliaris os valores mais baixos. Todas as forrageiras apresentaram queda no desaparecimento da matéria seca com o avanço da idade. Os acessos de Brachiaria brizantha 3413 e 3451 apresentaram as maiores degradabilidades efetivas.
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Ni, Bing Xuan, and Peng Zhang. "Experimental Study on Micropore Structure and Filtration Characteristics of Polypropylene Melt-Blown Nonwoven." Advanced Materials Research 1048 (October 2014): 493–97.

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Melt-blown nonwoven fabric is a kind of excellent fiber filter media in the field of air filtration, which has the characteristics of high specific surface area, small pore size, high porosity, superfine fiber, low pressure drop and high filtration efficiency. In this paper, the microstructure characteristics of pore diameter and pore size distribution of polypropylene melt-blown nonwoven, and the relationship of micropore structure and filtration characteristics, continuous dust holding test were studies by using instruments of Microscope, Capillary Flow Porometer and TSI 8130 Auto Filter Tester.
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Chen, Man-Sheng, Yi-Fang Deng, Zhi-Min Chen, Chun-Hua Zhang, and Dai-Zhi Kuang. "Structure andMagnetic Properties of a Three-dimensional Metal-organic Framework: [Co(L)(H2O)2]·H2O." Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B 66, no. 4 (April 1, 2011): 355–58.

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A unique 3D fourfold interpenetrated metal-organic framework, [Co(L)(H2O)2]・H2O (1), has been synthesized by the solvothermal reaction of H2L with Co(NO3)2・6H2O (H2L = 5-(isonicotinamido) isophthalic acid). Compound 1 crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21/c, with the cell parameters: a = 81301(8), b = 107711(11), c = 167697(16) Å , β = 92.656(2) °, V = 14669(3) Å3, R1 = 0.0325 and wR2 = 0.0833. Its framework has (10,3)-b topology, where the cobalt atoms are alternately bridged by the pyridyl and the carboxylate groups of the L2− ligands into a three-dimensional network. Compound 1 displays antiferromagnetic interactions. Above 40 K, χm −1 obeys the Curie- Weiss law with C = 3.28 emu Kmol−1 andΘ = −0.66 K.
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Yang, Xue, Long Di Cheng, Li Qian Huang, and Wen Hong Fan. "Study on the Correlation between the Property of Akund Fiber and its Growing Conditions." Advanced Materials Research 476-478 (February 2012): 1934–38.

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In this paper ,the properties of akund fiber, growing at the altitudes of 813m, 1080m and 1153m from August to October were studied, respectively.The influences of altitude, month, fruit size and different parts of the fruit on the properties of akund fiber were also analyzed. It was found that the altitude and fruit size had a significant correlation coefficient with the property of akund fiber, while the influence of month on the property of akund fiber was not obvious. The properties of the fiber in different parts of the fruit were also different.The results will be beneficial to planting, harvesting, processing and exploiting this fiber.
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Yu, Chungping, and Gopakumar Gopalakrishnan. "In vitro pharmacological characterization of SPN-810M (molindone)." Journal of Experimental Pharmacology Volume 10 (November 2018): 65–73.

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Novak, Kristine. "Seeing is believing." Nature Medicine 6, no. 11 (November 2000): 1211.

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Orkin, Stuart H. "Stem cell alchemy." Nature Medicine 6, no. 11 (November 2000): 1212–13.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "8130m"


Sardo, Giacomo. "Caratteristiche morfologiche della retina nei Cetacei." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2015.

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Le caratteristiche strutturali dell’occhio dei Cetacei sono state in passato oggetto di studio. Tuttavia, i dati relativi alla stratigrafia della retina ed alle caratteristiche morfologiche dei neuroni gangliari in essa presenti sono piuttosto ridotti; per questo motivo, l’obiettivo della presente ricerca è stato quello di studiare, mediante metodiche di immunoistochimica, l’uso della microscopia ottica e di opportuni software di analisi immagine, le caratteristiche morfologiche della retina e delle cellule gangliari in essa presenti in differenti specie di Cetacei. Per la presente ricerca sono stati utilizzate come specie di riferimento i seguenti Delfinidi: tursiope (Tursiops truncatus) e stenella striata (Stenella coeruleoalba). Le analisi sulle sezioni interessano l’area, la densità dei neuroni gangliari, la stratigrafia della retina e l’analisi morfometrica degli strati e dei neuroni. I risultati ottenuti indicano come la retina del tursiope e della stenella striata, nonostante un'organizzazione di base assai simile a quella degli altri Mammiferi, mostri caratteristiche qualitative sue proprie. Gli strati retinici sono quelli che si osservano in tutti i Mammiferi e lo spessore totale della retina è, nel tursiope (101,23 µm ) e nella stenella striata (108.35 µm ), pressochè simile ai Mammiferi terrestri (110-220 µm). Nell'ambito della retina, lo strato che presento lo spesso medio maggiore è quello dei granuli interni (SNE); tale dato non coincide con quanto osservato in altri Mammiferi. I neuroni gangliari presenti nella retina di tursiope e stenella striata mostrano, analogamente a quanto osservato in altri Cetacei, una bassa densità cellulare. Nel tursiope e nella stenella striata le aree a maggiore densità cellulare presentano neuroni multipolari di dimensioni minori rispetto a quelle con bassa densità. Questo dato potrebbe indicare una "cellularità" (quantità di superficie occupata da cellule) costante nei differenti distretti retinici. I neuroni gangliari presenti nella retina di tursiope e stenella striata sono disposti in un unico strato, come osservato in numerosi altri Cetacei, ma differisce da quanto osservato nel capodoglio (Physeter macrocephalus) dove tali cellule si dispongono in strati multipli. Neuroni gangliari di grandi dimensioni sono stati osservati sia nel tursiope che nella stenella striata. Tale dato coincide con quanto osservato in altri Odontoceti ed in alcuni Misticeti. Allo stato attuale non è ancora stato dato un chiaro significato funzionale alle cellule gangliari giganti. Un possibile ruolo potrebbe essere quello di condurre, in animali di grossa mole, l'impulso nervoso molto velocemente, grazie alla presenza di un assone provvisto di un diametro notevole. Tale interpretazione non è da tutti accettata in quanto Mammiferi terrestri di grandi dimensioni non presentano nella loro retina neuroni gangliari giganti.
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Garro, Sebastián Gabriel, and Ana María de los Ángeles López. "Perfil social de los pacientes internados en la unidad coronaria crítica del Hospital Español de Mendoza." Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería, 2003.

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El objetivo principal de este estudio es describir y comparar las realidades del perfil social de los pacientes internados en Unidad Coronaria del Hospital Español, Mendoza y un estudio desarrollado por un grupo multidisciplinario de la Fundación René Favaloro (1998-1999). Se realizó durante el periodo entre enero de 1999 y enero de 2000. Es un estudio de tipo descriptivo, transversal y retrospectivo. Como método de recolección de datos se recurrió a la observación de historias clínicas con datos como son hipertensión arterial, antecedentes familiares y patológicos, infarto agudo de miocardio, controles, ocupación laboral, actividad física, cobertura social, entre otros. De un total de 300 historias clínicas de pacientes internados es este servicio durante 1999 y 2000 se trabajó con una muestra de 60 de ellas.
Fil: Garro, Sebastián Gabriel. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería..
Fil: López, Ana María de los Ángeles. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería..
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Terron, Canedo Nuria. "miRNAs in equine sarcoids : identification and profiling of miRNAs in equine fibroblasts and BPV-1 transformed equine fibroblasts." Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2017.

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Martínez, de Tejada Pérez Carlos. "858: la crisis de la solvencia: un modelo económico-financiero para un entorno en transición." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2012.

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Esta investigación nace del análisis de la economía española, fuertemente anclada en el sector construcción y se centra en la investigación de alternativas para afrontar un cambio de modelo. En efecto, la Sociedad española debe afrontar un duro ajuste de su economía y una compleja situación del mercado de la vivienda y, en general, del de la construcción. El modelo de la actividad constructora basado en el crecimiento de actividad por el incremento sostenido de los precios de la vivienda parece haber llegado a su fin. El análisis del entorno macroeconómico indica una importante caída de la Demanda Agregada, que arrastra la Inversión, la Renta Disponible y el Consumo, con un brusco descenso de la recaudación tributaria y del Gasto Público. Como consecuencia, se ralentiza peligrosamente la actividad edificatoria e inmobiliaria, se expulsa del mercado laboral a una masa ingente de asalariados y continúa sin resolverse el problema de la escasez de vivienda para distintos colectivos. Debemos, pues, plantearnos cuál será el nuevo marco de la actividad empresarial en el futuro y, sobre todo, cuál es el modelo que nos permitirá afrontar la transición hacia un nuevo modelo de Economía Sostenible. En este trabajo se investiga si la actividad constructora puede ser uno de los pilares de la economía en transición: nuestro modelo tradicional de crecimiento y nuestro modelo educativo actual no nos permiten muchos más alardes tecnológicos. Así pues, planteamos como hipótesis de este trabajo, el desarrollo de un nuevo modelo en transición, apoyado en la actividad promotora cimentada sobre un fuerte componente de Servicio e Innovación, con la siguiente ecuación: Aprom = C + i + S3. Teniendo en cuenta que actualmente el mercado no es capaz de suministrar vivienda a determinados colectivos, éste es un servicio que debe afrontar diligentemente la propia Administración. En este marco, abordamos una nueva estrategia, cubriendo la necesidad de la Administración de proveer el servicio de vivienda social y la necesidad empresarial de las pequeñas y medianas promotoras/constructoras. Proponemos desarrollar proyectos de cooperación público-privada para la prestación del servicio de vivienda pública social. La legislación así lo permite aunque, hasta ahora, la complejidad de la fórmula financiera y el continuo crecimiento del mercado inmobiliario no habían empujado a la sociedad a desarrollar alternativas. Se basa éste en un modelo de política económica y social orientado a facilitar la constitución de concesiones administrativas para la construcción, mantenimiento y explotación de un Servicio de Vivienda Pública Social (vivienda social en alquiler, vivienda asistida, …), donde los Ayuntamientos participan con suelo de titularidad pública y los concesionarios asumen los riesgos financieros, de construcción y de la prestación de servicios, con unos precios para el usuario sensiblemente inferiores a los de mercado y una completa cartera de servicios. Finalmente, a partir de los fondos disponibles para los Planes de Vivienda, hemos inferido su impacto en la generación de vivienda social y en la creación de empleo. De igual forma, hemos considerado el previsible impacto en la reducción del precio de la vivienda y de los costes de producción, a causa del “Efecto de un Mercado Mayor” y su impacto en el volumen global de la Economía española gracias al “Efecto Multiplicador de la Demanda”. Parece pues, acertado, concluir en la necesidad de contar con un nuevo modelo de gestión que podría estar basado en una nueva visión de la construcción, con una fuerte componente de innovación y servicio.
This research comes from the analysis of the Spanish economy, deeply rooted in the construction industry. The investigation is focused on the different alternatives to face a change of economic model. The Spanish Society must face a hard adjustment of its economy within a complex situation which impacts on the internal market and, as a consequence, on the civil construction sector. The construction activity model based on the continuous growth of activity based on the sustained house prices increase seems to be ended. Macroeconomic analysis shows a significant drop in aggregate demand, which drags on Investment, disposable income and consumption, with a sharp decline in tax revenues and public expenditure. As a result, building and real estate activity slows dangerously, a huge mass of employees is moved out from the labor market, while the problem of lack of housing for different social groups remains unsolved. We must therefore ask about the new rules for business activity in the future and what of those activities would allow the transition to a new Sustainable Economy model. This work tries to investigate if the construction activity could be one of the pillars of the economy in transition, since our traditional economic growth model and our current educational model don’t allow us much more technological activities. Thus, the development of a new model in transition, supported over the promoting activity founded on a strong component of service and innovation it is hereby proposed as hypothesis. This model has the following equation: Aprom = C + i + S3. Given that the market is not currently providing housing for certain social groups, this service should be diligently provided by the Administration. In this situation, we propose a new strategy in order to cover the needs of the Administration to provide a social housing service and also to help the business needs of small and medium-sized promoters / constructors. Therefore, I propose to develop projects for public-private partnership to provide a public social housing service. Even although the law currently allows this kind of projects, the complexity of the financial formula and the continuous growth of the real estate market didn’t push the Society to develop any alternative in such a direction. This is a model of social and economic policy addressed to make possible the constitution of administrative concessions for the construction, maintenance and operation of a Public Social Housing Service (low cost rental housing, assisted living facilities, ...), where the City Councils would participate by providing public land and private companies would assume the financial risks of construction and the provision of services. In such a way, the final users might obtain prices substantially lower than at the current market as well as a comprehensive services portfolio. Finally, considering the available funds for housing public projects, we have inferred its eventual impact on the generation of social housing and on the employment. We consider too the expected impact on housing prices and production costs reduction, as a consequence of the “effect of a larger market” and its impact on the overall volume of the Spanish economy by the “multiplier effect of the demand". As a conclusion, a new model appears to be needed; a new model based on a renovated vision of the construction business that cannot be understood without innovation and services as key factors to succeed.
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Brandano, Davide. "Design of Frequency divider with voltage vontrolled oscillator for 60 GHz low power phase-locked loops in 65 nm RF CMOS." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2012.

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Increasing memory capacity in mobile devices, is driving the need of high-data rates equipment. The 7 GHz band around 60 GHz provides the opportunity for multi-gigabit/sec wireless communication. It is a real opportunity for developing next generation of High-Definition (HD) devices. In the last two decades there was a great proliferation of Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) and Frequency Divider (FD) topologies in RF ICs on silicon, but reaching high performance VCOs and FDs operating at 60 GHz is in today's technology a great challenge. A key reason is the inaccuracy of CMOS active and passive device models at mm-W. Three critical issues still constitute research objectives at 60 GHz in CMOS: generation of the Local Oscillator (LO) signal (1), division of the LO signal for the Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) closed loop (2) and distribution of the LO signal (3). In this Thesis, all those three critical issues are addressed and experimentally faced-up: a divide-by-2 FD for a PLL of a direct-conversion transceiver operating at mm-W frequencies in 65 nm RF CMOS technology has been designed. Critical issues such as Process, Voltage and Temperature (PVT) variations, Electromagnetic (EM) simulations and power consumption are addressed to select and design a FD with high frequency dividing range. A 60 GHz VCO is co-designed and integrated in the same die, in order to provide the FD with mm-W input signal. VCOs and FDs play critical roles in the PLL. Both of them constitute the PLL core components and they would need co-design, having a big impact in the overall performance especially because they work at the highest frequency in the PLL. Injection Locking FD (ILFD) has been chosen as the optimum FD topology to be inserted in the control loop of mm-W PLL for direct-conversion transceiver, due to the high speed requirements and the power consumption constraint. The drawback of such topology is the limited bandwidth, resulting in narrow Locking Range (LR) for WirelessHDTM applications considering the impact of PVT variations. A simulation methodology is presented in order to analyze the ILFD locking state, proposing a first divide-by-2 ILFD design with continuous tuning. In order to design a wide LR, low power consumption ILFD, the impacts of various alternatives of low/high Q tank and injection scheme are deeply analysed, since the ILFD locking range depends on the Q of the tank and injection efficiency. The proposed 3-bit dual-mixing 60 GHz divide-by-2 LC-ILFD is designed with an accumulation of switching varactors binary scaled to compensate PVT variations. It is integrated in the same die with a 4-bit 60 GHz LC-VCO. The overall circuit is designed to allow measurements of the singles blocks stand-alone and working together. The co-layout is carried on with the EM modelling process of passives devices, parasitics and transmission lines extracted from the layout. The inductors models provided by the foundry are qualified up to 40 GHz, therefore the EM analysis is a must for post-layout simulation. The PVT variations have been simulated before manufacturing and, based on the results achieved, a PLL scheme PVT robust, considering frequency calibration, has been patented. The test chip has been measured in the CEA-Leti (Grenoble) during a stay of one week. The operation principle and the optimization trade-offs among power consumption, and locking ranges of the final selected ILFD topology have been demonstrated. Even if the experimental results are not completely in agreement with the simulations, due to modelling error and inaccuracy, the proposed technique has been validated with post-measurement simulations. As demonstrated, the locking range of a low-power, discrete tuned divide-by-2 ILFD can be enhanced by increasing the injection efficiency, without the drawbacks of higher power consumption and chip area. A 4-bits wide tuning range LC-VCO for mm-W applications has been co-designed using the selected 65 nm CMOS process.
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Shaat, Musbah M. R. "Resource Management in Multicarrier Based Cognitive Radio Systems." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2012.

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The ever-increasing growth of the wireless application and services affirms the importance of the effective usage of the limited radio spectrum. Existing spectrum management policies have led to significant spectrum under-utilization. Recent measurements showed that large range of the spectrum is sparsely used in both temporal and spatial manner. This conflict between the inefficient usage of the spectrum and the continuous evolution in the wireless communication calls upon the development of more flexible management policies. Cognitive radio (CR) with the dynamic spectrum access (DSA) is considered to be a key technology in making the best solution of this conflict by allowing a group of secondary users (SUs) to share the radio spectrum originally allocated to the primary user (PUs). The operation of CR should not negatively alter the performance of the PUs. Therefore, the interference control along with the highly dynamic nature of PUs activities open up new resource allocation problems in CR systems. The resource allocation algorithms should ensure an effective share of the temporarily available frequency bands and deliver the solutions in timely fashion to cope with quick changes in the network. In this dissertation, the resource management problem in multicarrier based CR systems is considered. The dissertation focuses on three main issues: 1) design of efficient resource allocation algorithms to allocate subcarriers and powers between SUs such that no harmful interference is introduced to PUs, 2) compare the spectral efficiency of using different multicarrier schemes in the CR physical layer, specifically, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and filter bank multicarrier (FBMC) schemes, 3) investigate the impact of the different constraints values on the overall performance of the CR system. Three different scenarios are considered in this dissertation, namely downlink transmission, uplink transmission, and relayed transmission. For every scenario, the optimal solution is examined and efficient sub-optimal algorithms are proposed to reduce the computational burden of obtaining the optimal solution. The suboptimal algorithms are developed by separate the subcarrier and power allocation into two steps in downlink and uplink scenarios. In the relayed scenario, dual decomposition technique is used to obtain an asymptotically optimal solution, and a joint heuristic algorithm is proposed to find the suboptimal solution. Numerical simulations show that the proposed suboptimal algorithms achieve a near optimal performance and perform better than the existing algorithms designed for cognitive and non-cognitive systems. Eventually, the ability of FBMC to overcome the OFDM drawbacks and achieve more spectral efficiency is verified which recommends the consideration of FBMC in the future CR systems.
El crecimiento continuo de las aplicaciones y servicios en sistemas inal´ambricos, indica la importancia y necesidad de una utilizaci´on eficaz del espectro radio. Las pol´ıticas actuales de gesti´on del espectro han conducido a una infrautilizaci´on del propio espectro radioel´ectrico. Recientes mediciones en diferentes entornos han mostrado que gran parte del espectro queda poco utilizado en sus ambas vertientes, la temporal, y la espacial. El permanente conflicto entre el uso ineficiente del espectro y la evoluci´on continua de los sistemas de comunicaci´on inal´ambrica, hace que sea urgente y necesario el desarrollo de esquemas de gesti´on del espectro m´as flexibles. Se considera el acceso din´amico (DSA) al espectro en los sistemas cognitivos como una tecnolog´ıa clave para resolver este conflicto al permitir que un grupo de usuarios secundarios (SUs) puedan compartir y acceder al espectro asignado inicialmente a uno o varios usuarios primarios (PUs). Las operaciones de comunicaci´on llevadas a cabo por los sistemas radio cognitivos no deben en ning´un caso alterar (interferir) los sistemas primarios. Por tanto, el control de la interferencia junto al gran dinamismo de los sistemas primarios implica nuevos retos en el control y asignaci´on de los recursos radio en los sistemas de comunicaci´on CR. Los algoritmos de gesti´on y asignaci´on de recursos (Radio Resource Management-RRM) deben garantizar una participaci´on efectiva de las bandas con frecuencias disponibles temporalmente, y ofrecer en cada momento oportunas soluciones para hacer frente a los distintos cambios r´apidos que influyen en la misma red. En esta tesis doctoral, se analiza el problema de la gesti´on de los recursos radio en sistemas multiportadoras CR, proponiendo varias soluciones para su uso eficaz y coexistencia con los PUs. La tesis en s´ı, se centra en tres l´ıneas principales: 1) el dise˜no de algoritmos eficientes de gesti´on de recursos para la asignaci´on de sub-portadoras y distribuci´on de la potencia en sistemas segundarios, evitando asi cualquier interferencia que pueda ser perjudicial para el funcionamiento normal de los usuarios de la red primaria, 2) analizar y comparar la eficiencia espectral alcanzada a la hora de utilizar diferentes esquema de transmisi´on multiportadora en la capa f´ısica del sistema CR, espec´ıficamente en sistemas basados en OFDM y los basados en banco de filtros multiportadoras (Filter bank Multicarrier-FBMC), 3) investigar el impacto de las diferentes limitaciones en el rendimiento total del sistema de CR. Los escenarios considerados en esta tesis son tres, es decir; modo de transmisi´on descendente (downlink), modo de transmisi´on ascendente (uplink), y el modo de transmisi´on ”Relay”. En cada escenario, la soluci´on ´optima es examinada y comparada con algoritmos sub- ´optimos que tienen como objetivo principal reducir la carga computacional. Los algoritmos sub-´optimos son llevados a cabo en dos fases mediante la separaci´on del propio proceso de distribuci´on de subportadoras y la asignaci´on de la potencia en los modos de comunicaci´on descendente (downlink), y ascendente (uplink). Para los entornos de tipo ”Relay”, se ha utilizado la t´ecnica de doble descomposici´on (dual decomposition) para obtener una soluci´on asint´oticamente ´optima. Adem´as, se ha desarrollado un algoritmo heur´ıstico para poder obtener la soluci´on ´optima con un reducido coste computacional. Los resultados obtenidos mediante simulaciones num´ericas muestran que los algoritmos sub-´optimos desarrollados logran acercarse a la soluci´on ´optima en cada uno de los entornos analizados, logrando as´ı un mayor rendimiento que los ya existentes y utilizados tanto en entornos cognitivos como no-cognitivos. Se puede comprobar en varios resultados obtenidos en la tesis la superioridad del esquema multiportadora FBMC sobre los sistemas basados en OFDM para los entornos cognitivos, causando una menor interferencia que el OFDM en los sistemas primarios, y logrando una mayor eficiencia espectral. Finalmente, en base a lo analizado en esta tesis, podemos recomendar al esquema multiportadora FBMC como una id´onea y potente forma de comunicaci´on para las futuras redes cognitivas.
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Barón, Rodríguez María Mercedes. "La función del plancton y los tapetes microbianos en el Parque Nacional Las Tablas de Daimiel." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de València, 2011.

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Lucas, Ramón Irene de. "La pionera oculta: Alice Guy en el origen del cine." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de València, 2011.

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Alice Guy es una pionera de la cinematografía en los orígenes del cine, sin embargo, ha sido sistemáticamente excluida de tal consideración en la Historia del cine. A pesar de que su obra muestra méritos y aportaciones suficientes para ser reconocida como tal, el tratamiento que ha recibido en la historiografía general hasta la actualidad no lo refleja así. Asistimos pues a una infravaloración de la importancia, de la trascendencia de la figura de Alice Guy y su obra respecto al del resto de pioneros coetáneos, algunos discípulos de la propia Guy Rescatada del olvido por los textos feministas, sólo la bibliografía específica la ha valorado y situado en el lugar que le corresponde: junto al resto de pioneros de esa época, y no por debajo. El tema principal este trabajo es reestablecer el lugar y la importancia de las aportaciones de Alice Guy a la Historia del cine, justificando y defendiendo su legitimidad como pionera de la cinematografía, e intentando dar respuesta al por qué de su exclusión, de esta ausencia que se perpetua en el presente. Los objetivos del trabajo se dividen en tres apartados: el primero se ocupa de evidenciar que el tratamiento de Alice Guy en la historiografía del cine ha sido incompleto, insuficiente y contradictorio en términos del conjunto bibliográfico de los manuales de historia general del cine de los orígenes. A pesar de que Guy es una pionera de la cinematografía a muchos niveles de consideración, estos discursos parecen otorgarle un lugar de segunda línea, donde su figura no es pionera por contribuir activamente a la cinematografía sino por datos casi circunstanciales. Esta primera parte consiste en un análisis pormenorizado del tratamiento que recibe Guy en una veintena de libros de historia general o francesa –clásica y actual- evidenciando así la contradicción de los discursos, la insuficiencia del tratamiento de éstos y la falta de unificación de criterios entre los discursos en cuanto se refiere a la figura de Alice Guy. Identificando los aspectos sobre los que se operará la exclusión de ésta de su consideración de pionera de la cinematografía de los orígenes al mismo nivel que el resto de pioneros. Los discursos infravalorativos de los tratamientos analizados en la primera parte ignoran el análisis de su obra a la hora de establecer su importancia, reconociendo todo aquello que no le podían negar pero raramente incidiendo en sus contribuciones cinematográficas. Por ello, la segunda parte de este trabajo se ciñe al análisis de su filmografía, de forma que las conclusiones acerca de sus aportaciones siempre tendrán un correlato en su obra, que es precisamente la que le otorga el título y lugar de pionera de forma indiscutible y a su vez, constituirá la base para constatar y evidenciar la perpetuación de su minusvaloración en la historiografía general del cine. Así, la segunda parte consistirá en un análisis cinematográfico de su obra y de sus aportaciones cinematográficas a partir del análisis exhaustivo de la misma –los análisis fílmicos de sus películas se incluyen en los Anexos del Tomo II-. La última parte se centrará en analizar el por qué de la exclusión, considerando no sólo discursos y teorías de estudio de género sino también el peso de los discursos comunicativos dominantes, las nociones de ‘contaminación’ discursiva, o el principio subversivo inherente a la obra de Guy, entendido como una amenaza que a su vez se traduciría en una minusvaloración dentro del discurso dominante de la historiografía cinematográfica. En esta última parte se intentará ponderar el peso específico de cada uno de estos factores en la construcción de su ausencia histórica como pionera de la cinematografía.
Alice Guy is an early cinema pioneer, however, she has been systematically excluded of such recognition in the History of cinematography. Even though her work shows enough contributions to be identified as such, her treatment in general historiography up to present day does not reflect this extreme, in fact, there has been a clear underestimation of the transcendence of Alice Guy’s figure and her work with regard to her contemporary cinema pioneers, many of which were Guy’s disciples. Rescued from oblivion by feminists, only specific bibliography has valued and recognised her in her rightful place: at the same level as the rest of early cinema pioneers, rather than below. The main theme of this research is to establish the rightful place and relevance of Guy’s contributions to the History of cinematography, justifying her legitimacy as an early cinema pioneer, and trying find the underlying motives of her exclusion, of this absence that perpetuates in present day. This work is structured in three sections as follows. The first one illustrates how Guy’s treatment in cinematographic historiography is incomplete, insufficient and contradictory in the corpus of bibliography on early cinematography. It thus includes a detailed analysis of Guy’s treatment in twenty books of general and French history–both classic and modern- in order to identify the means and arguments by which Guy is excluded from the consideration of cinema pioneer, while recognised instead that of woman pioneer. The second section is dedicated to identify her cinematographic contributions by operating an exhaustive film analysis of all of her films –the actual film analysis are included in Volume II’s Annexes). The last section reflects on the motives and nature of her exclusion considering several different approaches –genre studies, dominant discourses; discursive ‘contamination’; the subversive principle inherent to Guy’s work, understood as a menace resulting in the underestimation of her work…- aiming to ponder the specific weight of each of thesefactors in Guy’s historical absence as an early cinema pioneer.
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Sarrión, Pérez María Gracia. "Estudio clínico del carcinoma oral de células escamosas y su relación conla expresión de los linfocitos T reguladores infiltrantes en el tejido tumoral." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de València, 2011.

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El Carcinoma Oral de Células Escamosas (COCE) es el más frecuente de los carcinomas orales representando aproximadamente el 3-4% de las neoplasias malignas. Clásicamente se ha asociado a hombres de 60 años consumidores de tabaco y alcohol, pero actualmente se ha observado un incremento en la incidencia en pacientes menores de 40 años y en mujeres en los que estos factores de riesgos no están presentes. Suele aparecer en forma de tumoración o úlcera, acompañadas a menudo de adenopatías cervicales, sobre todo en estadios avanzados. El pronóstico del COCE depende de factores relacionados con el tumor, el tratamiento y el paciente. La inmunidad antitumoral juega un papel importante en la protección contra el cáncer. Las células T reguladoras (Treg) son un subconjunto de linfocitos especializados, caracterizados por la inducción de la tolerancia periférica. Mantienen la tolerancia inmune en el tumor, por lo que suprimen la función inmunitaria en los cánceres. Debido a que varias familias de factores de transcripción, citoquinas, moléculas estimuladoras y de superficie de las células T son imprescindibles para el crecimiento y la expansión de las células Treg, podría ser útil analizar en el COCE dichas moléculas para la elucidación de biomarcadores pronósticos. Los objetivos de la tesis fueron: analizar y describir los datos generales y las características clínico-patológicas y radiológicas de un grupo de 100 pacientes con COCE, determinar en un grupo de 36 muestras tumorales los niveles de expresión relativa de marcadores moleculares asociados a los linfocitos Treg (CTLA-4, FoxP3, IL-10, TGFβ1, CD4, CD8, CXCR4 , CD127, CD25) comparándolo con muestras procedentes de tejido sano, analizar la posible correlación de la supervivencia global de los pacientes con los parámetros clínico-patológicos y valorar la posible aplicabilidad de los marcadores moleculares asociados a los linfocitos Treg como biomarcadores pronósticos en el COCE. Se estudiaron retrospectivamente 100 pacientes con COCE analizando los datos generales de los pacientes y las características clínico-patológicas y radiológicas de las lesiones. La muestra estaba compuesta por un total de 60 hombres y 40 mujeres con una edad media de 63,30 años. Además en 36 pacientes se determinaron los niveles de expresión relativa de los marcadores asociados a los linfocitos Treg en el tejido neoplásico comparándolo con muestras procedentes de 8 pacientes sanos. Se realizó una estadística descriptiva, se registró el tiempo de supervivencia global para cada paciente y se analizó la supervivencia para los diferentes factores estudiados. Tras el estudio realizado llegamos a las siguientes conclusiones: la lesión más frecuentemente observada en el COCE fue la ulceración acompañada de dolor o molestias. La localización más prevalente fue el suelo de boca, superficie ventral de lengua y bordes laterales, siendo el COCE bien diferenciado el tipo histológico más común. La mitad de los casos fueron diagnosticados en estadios avanzados, correspondiendo el estadio IVA el más frecuente en el momento del diagnóstico, seguido del estadio I. Los genes TGF-β1 y FoxP3 presentaron mayores niveles de expresión en los tejidos con COCE que en los tejidos sanos. El tiempo de supervivencia estuvo influenciado por la localización de la lesión, la presencia de adenopatías, el tamaño de la lesión y, consecuentemente por el estadio. La presencia de adenopatías disminuye la supervivencia en aproximadamente un 66%. La expresión de los marcadores tumorales asociados a los linfocitos Treg no influyó en el tiempo de supervivencia de los pacientes con COCE, por lo que serían necesarios más estudios para valorar su posible aplicabilidad como marcadores pronósticos.
Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is the most common head and neck cancer, accounting for greater than 90% of total cases. The main carcinogenic agents associated are tobacco and alcohol. It is more common in men and most patients are over 45 years old. Oral squamous cell carcinoma in its initial stages shows an erytholeukoplastic area without symptoms but in advanced stages there are ulcers and lumps. Factors with a prognostic value are related to tumour, treatment and patient. Tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes contribute to local tumour suppression as well as to tumour escape from the immune system. Immunological tumour control is mediated by different subsets of regulatory T cells (Treg) with distinct immunophenotype. Our main objectives were to analyze and describe clinicopathological and radiological characteristics of a group of 100 patients with OSSC, to determine in a group of 36 tumour samples the expression levels of Treg markers (CTLA-4, FoxP3, IL-10, TGFß1, CD4, CD8, CXCR4, CD127, CD25) comparing them with samples proceeding from healthy control group, to analyze the possible correlation of the global survival of the patients with the clinicopathological parameters and to value the possible applicability of the molecular Treg markers in OSCC prognosis. The study included a total of 100 patients with a histologically confirmed diagnosis of OSCC. The mean patient age at the time of the diagnosis was 63.30 years. There were 60 males and 40 females. Descriptive statistic was performed, the period of global survival for each patient was registered, and survival time was analyzed for the different factors studied. The most common lesion was ulceration. The most frequent tumour sites were tongue and floor of the mouth. Well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma was more prevalent. Half of our patients were diagnosed at advanced stages. Our results showed that tumour samples had significant higher expression of TGFβ1 and FoxP3 genes than normal tissue. We found a relationship between survival and location of the lesion, tumour size, cervical lymph node metastases, and stage. Neck metastasis showed a diminished survival rate in approximately 66%. However we found no correlation between survival and the levels of expression of studied genes.
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Ortiz, Sánchez Luis. "¿Legitimidad de la guerra? Una revisión a la teoría de la guerra justa." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de València, 2011.

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El problema de la legitimidad de la guerra es uno de los problemas fundamentales de la filosofía política y es de especial relevancia desde el punto de vista moral y jurídico. La teoría de la guerra justa ha cumplido un papel ambivalente en el debate sobre la legitimidad de la guerra. Frente a la corriente realista, que está representada por autores como Tucídides, Hobbes y Maquiavelo, ha cumplido una labor limitadora de la guerra. Al mismo tiempo, frente a la corriente pacifista, que parte de rechazar la guerra en sí misma, ha cumplido una labor justificador de la guerra. El objetivo de esta investigación es realizar una revisión crítica a la teoría de la guerra justa. El trabajo se compone de cinco capítulos en los que se analiza de forma sistemática la teoría de la guerra justa, poniéndola en relación con los problemas actuales. En primer lugar se analiza la naturaleza y fundamentación de la teoría de la guerra justa, prestando especial atención al posicionamiento de la misma como una teoría intermedia entre el realismo y el pacifismo. Durante este capítulo de pone de relieve la necesidad de revisar la fundamentación de la teoría. Se desarrolla en profundidad la denominada “analogía doméstica”, que permite extender las consideraciones de la legítima defensa a nivel individual a la defensa de las comunidades políticas. El segundo capítulo está dedicado al desarrollo y evolución de la teoría de la guerra justa. El análisis parte de las primeras referencias a la necesidad de limitar la guerra en los autores clásicos griegos. Posteriormente se examina el desarrollo formal de la teoría de la guerra justa, que tiene su origen en la obra de Agustín de Hipona, y se consolida en los postulados de Tomás de Aquino y Francisco de Vitoria. La investigación se extiende hasta recientes formulaciones como la de Michael Walzer. El análisis histórico permite mostrar que la teoría de la guerra justa no es una teoría unitaria, sino un conjunto de teorías relacionadas. Este conjunto de teorías comparten un origen común, ya que están ligadas al pensamiento cristiano, pero la doctrina no es unánime en la delimitación sustantiva del IUS AD BELLUM y del IUS IN BELLO Los capítulos tercero, cuarto y quinto están dedicados a analizar sistemáticamente el contenido de la teoría de la guerra justa poniéndolo en relación con problemas actuales. A lo largo de estos capítulos se destaca la dificultad de aplicar una tradición doctrinal que surgió y se desarrollo en contextos muy diferentes del actual. Se destaca su utilidad en estos momentos y también sus insuficiencias, es decir, la ambivalencia de la tradición de la guerra justa. En especial, se profundiza en: los riesgos que conlleva la adopción de un concepto laxo de prevención, tal y como propone la Doctrina Bush; la intervención humanitaria, la teoría medieval del doble efecto y la legitimidad de los daños colaterales; la figura de la emergencia suprema; y en la necesidad del denominado IUS POST BELLUM. La teoría de la guerra justa no ha podido dar respuesta clara a los desafíos que representan las “nuevas guerras”, pero se debe concluir que en estas guerras no se respeta el requisito de proporcionalidad y son, en consecuencia, ilícitas.
This thesis investigates the problem of the legitimacy of the use of force in the context of the Just War Theory. This theory offers a set of criteria to determine when it is legitimate to go to war (jus ad bellum), and how war must be conducted (jus in bello), and is regarded as a middle ground between two opposing traditions: realism (inter arma silent leges) and pacifism (war is evil). This thesis provides a critical review of the Just War Theory in connection with contemporary dilemmas. It highlights the fundamental and ambivalent role it plays in shaping contemporary judgements about warfare, being applied simultaneously as a justification and a limitation of war. The first chapter focuses on the characterisation of the Just War Theory as a moral reflection about war itself. It explores the idea that the foundations of the Just War Theory need to be revised, in particular the so-called “domestic analogy”. The second chapter looks into the historical development of the Just War Theory. The analysis shows that it is not a settle doctrine, but rather a group of theories developed initially during the Middle Ages and rooted in the works of Augustine of Hippo, Thomas Aquinas, Hugo Grotius and Francisco de Vitoria, amongst others. It also explores more recent revisions of the theory by other authors, such as Paul Ramsey and Michael Walzer. The last three chapters review the content of the jus ad bellum, jus in bello and jus post bellum in connection with contemporary issues. In particular, it analyses the “war” against terrorism and the Bush Doctrine, the humanitarian intervention, the theory of the double effect and the need of jus post bellum as part of the theory.
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Book chapters on the topic "8130m"


Jammal, Elias. "Einführung." In Kulturelle Befangenheit und Anpassung, 1–9. Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitätsverlag, 2003.

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Worthmann, Friederike. "Einleitung." In Literarische Wertungen, 1–26. Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitätsverlag, 2004.

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Worthmann, Friederike. "Literatur und Literarizität." In Literarische Wertungen, 27–55. Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitätsverlag, 2004.

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Digital Reactor Protection System (RPS) is one of the most important systems in instrumentation and control systems of Nuclear Power Plants (NPP). The reliability analysis of RPS plays an important role both in theory and engineering application. Traditional reliability methods, such as fault tree analysis and Markov chain theory, have many limitations in the research of RPS reliability, since the number of system states increases exponentially with the growth of system complexity. Aiming at the reliability analysis of complex system like RPS, the Monte Carlo method simulates the system behaviors and obtains the reliability calculations through a large number of simulations. This paper takes a preliminary research of RPS reliability based on Monte Carlo Methods, including static reliability analysis based on Monte Carlo simulation of the behavior of every equipment in the RPS, and dynamic characters of the RPS based on the simulation of RPS period tests.
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Zhenfeng, Qi, Zhang Yiwang, Li Wei, and Yuan Yidan. "A Research on System Error Correction for a High Temperature Hydrogen Detector Based on Neural Network Technique." In 2018 26th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018.

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A mathematical model is established for the High Temperature Hydrogen Detector (HTHD) used in severe accident conditions of nuclear power plants. The system error caused by the temperature difference of the internal wall between the working thermal conductivity cells and the reference conductivity cells is analyzed. Then the back propagation neural network algorithm is introduced to correct the system error. The test results show that BP neural network can effectively suppress this system error, and it has well generalization performance. At the same time, this method can be extended to correct measurement errors caused by other disruptive factors, such as supply voltage fluctuation, velocity variation due to pressure change, and interfering components (e.g. steam).
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Du, Jingyu, Chenru Zhao, Hanliang Bo, and Yujia Zhou. "A Simplified Force-Balance Model to Predict Bubble Departure Diameter in Horizontal Flow Boiling." In 2018 26th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018.

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In this paper, a simplified force-balance model in horizontal flow boiling is proposed by introducing several dominant dimensionless parameters. Forces acting on a bubble attached in the direction parallel to the heating surface are analyzed completely, which include quasi-steady drag force, surface tension force and growth force in x-direction. When the force balance is broken in the x-direction before the y-direction, bubble will departure from the nucleation site immediately. Based on the force-balance analysis, bubble departure diameter is formulated to be a function of Jakob number, Reynolds number and Prandtl number. By analyzing the effects of dimensionless parameters, it is found higher Jakob number indicates larger bubble departure diameter, while the increase of Reynolds number will reduce the departure diameter. Besides, the simplified model is able to enlarge application of force-balance model under various dimensionless parameters and make the calculation of bubble departure diameter much easier. Finally, comparing with the experimental data reported in literature, the error between simplified force-balance model and experimental is about 25%.
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Wei, Li, Guo Qiang, and Yuan Yidan. "A Dimensional Analysis of Ex-Vessel Steam Explosion." In 2018 26th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018.

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This paper presents a dimensional analysis for ex-vessel steam explosion occurring in a severe accident of nuclear power plants. Some dimensionless parameters were obtained from this analysis through Buckingham’s PI theorem. These dimensionless parameters are not only helpful to design experimental facilities and testing parameters, but also useful to categorize the experimental findings into uniform forms which facilitate data mining for in-depth understanding and generalization.
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Yang, Guojun, Zhe Sun, Xingnan Liu, and Zhengang Shi. "Research on Auxiliary Bearing Structure With Buffer Shim Based on LS-DYNA for Helium Circulator of HTR-10." In 2018 26th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018.

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The active magnetic bearing (AMB) is introduced to the helium circulator of the 10 MW high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTR-10). Auxiliary bearing bears huge instantaneous impact load when the AMB fails to work in the helium circulator. The huge load may cause serious damage to the auxiliary bearing. In order to reduce the impact load and protect the AMB and rotor system, a new type of auxiliary bearing with axial buffer shim is presented in this paper. There are two different structures of auxiliary bearing to be studied in the paper. One is the auxiliary bearing with the buffer shim and another one is without the buffer shim. The finite element method and LS-DYNA software are applied to analyze the structure characteristic of the auxiliary bearing. The rotor dropping trajectory and the stress distribution of the auxiliary bearing are analyzed by comparing two different auxiliary bearing structures during the rotor drop. The stress change of the auxiliary bearing in each impact course is mainly studied, and the law of stress variation in impact course is analyzed. Besides, the stress distribution and deformation of two auxiliary bearing is the focus research when impact force is maximum in the paper. Finally, the research shows the auxiliary bearing structure without the buffer shim can bear the huge impact of the rotor drop, and the addition of buffer shim can also reduce the damage of the rotor drop to the auxiliary bearing structure. These researches’ result provides an important reference for the experiment of rotor drop, and has laid a theoretical foundation for the practical application of this structure.
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Junfei, Jiang, Qin Benke, and Bo Hanliang. "Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Flow Field in the Integrated Valve for the Control Rod Hydraulic Drive System." In 2018 26th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018.

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Control Rod Hydraulic Drive System (CRHDS) is a new type of built-in control rod drive technology, and the Integrated Valve (IV) is the key control component of it. The pulse water flowing into the control rod hydraulic mechanism (CRHDM) is controlled by the IV to drive the hydraulic cylinders to move in a predefined sequence to make the control rod perform step-up, step-down and scram functions. Flow resistance of the IV flow channels is the key design parameter of IV which influences the step motion of the hydraulic cylinder and thus affects the performance of the CRHDS. Experiments on the flow resistance of IV flow channels at different working temperatures were conducted to obtain differential pressures of IV under various temperature and flow rate operating conditions. Based on the experimental conditions and results, three dimensional flow field analysis of the IV flow channels was carried out to get the flow field distribution and hydraulic parameters of the IV flow channels. Flow resistance of the IV flow channels at different working temperatures were obtained using the calculation results and agree well with the experimental results. It verified the correctness of the CFD model. On the basis of the numerical simulation results, the velocity and pressure distribution schemes in the IV flow channels under different working temperature conditions were compared and analyzed. The research results show that the flow resistance of the IV in-rod flow channels remains largely unchanged at different working temperatures, the peak flow velocity appears at the entrance of the valve core section which is also the main flow resistance loss area. The theoretical model was then applied to analyze the influence of the design parameters which include the valve core size, the angle between flow channels, etc., on the total flow resistance of IV at high temperatures. And the analysis results show that, the angle between flow channels has little influence on the flow resistance coefficient. The increase of valve core radius can significantly reduce the total flow resistance of IV flow channels. Numerical simulation on one out-rod flow channel is also carried out, which shows that the flow resistance in out-rod flow channel is much lower than the corresponding in-rod flow channels. The research results can give guidance for the design and optimization of the IV.
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Marinari, R., I. Di Piazza, M. Angelucci, and D. Martelli. "Post-Test CFD Analysis of Non-Uniformly Heated 19-Pin Fuel Bundle Cooled by HLM." In 2018 26th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018.

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In the context of the studies on GEN. IV/ADS nuclear systems, the correct evaluations of the temperature distribution in the fuel pin bundle is of central interest. In particular, the use of lead or lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) as coolant for the new generation fast reactors is one of the most promising choices. Due to the high density and high conductivity of lead or LBE, a detailed analysis of the thermo-fluid dynamic behavior of the heavy liquid metal (HLM) inside the sub-channels of a fuel rod bundle is necessary in order to support the Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) of GEN. IV/ADS prototypes and demonstrators. In this frame, the synergy between numerical analysis by CFD and data coming from large experimental facilities seems to be crucial to assess the feasibility of the components. At ENEA-Brasimone R.C., large experimental facilities exist to study HLM free, forced and mixed convection in loops and pools: e.g. NACIE-UP is a large scale LBE loop for mixed convection experiments. The MYRRHA-19 like Fuel Pin Bundle Simulator installed in the NACIE-UP facility allows to make non-uniform and dissymmetric tests with only a few pins heated. This technical feature of the FPS is very interesting for CFD validation and this kind of data tests in HLM fuel bundles are not so common in the literature. In the present paper, a post-test validation is made by a detailed CFD model of the test section. Experimental data, statistically treated by the error propagation theory, are briefly presented and a preliminary comparison with CFD results using different models/turbulent Prandtl numbers are shown. Three monitored section at different levels are compared both for wall and bulk temperatures. This post-test comparison with this experimental configuration is unique and represents a further step towards the validation of the CFD models and methods in fuel bundle geometries cooled by HLM.
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Ichikawa, Kenta, Hironori Kanda, Naoki Yoshioka, Kuniaki Ara, Jun-ichi Saito, and Keiichi Nagai. "Estimation of Mitigation Effects of Sodium Nanofluid for SGTR Accidents in SFR." In 2018 26th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018.

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Studies on the suppression of the reactivity of sodium itself have been performed on the basis of the concept of suspended nanoparticles in liquid sodium (sodium nanofluid). According to the theoretical and experimental results of studies for sodium nanofluid, velocity and heat of sodium nanofluid reaction with water (sodium nanofluid/water reaction) are lower than those of the pure sodium/water reaction. The analytical model for the peak temperature of a sodium nanofluid/water reaction jet has been developed by the authors in consideration of these suppression effects. In this paper, the prediction method for mitigation effects on damage of adjacent tubes in steam generator tube rupture (SGTR) accidents is developed by applying this analytical model for the peak temperature of the reaction jet. On the assumption that the sodium nanofluid is used for the secondary coolant of sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR), mitigation effects under the design basis accident (DBA) condition and the design extension condition (DEC) of SGTR are estimated by using this method. The results indicate a clear possibility to reduce the number of damaged tubes and to suppress the pressure generated in SGTR accidents by using sodium nanofluid as the secondary coolant.
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Kim, Seon Jin, Hyun Ho Lee, Soung Woo Park, Dae Yu Baeg, Jeong Hwan Kim, and Jung Kwan Seo. "Blast Loading Profile of Gaseous Hydrogen in Confined Space Under Various Leak Conditions." In ASME 2022 41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022.

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Abstract Research on hydrogen facilities in the shipbuilding industry and on hydrogen fuel ships and carriers is growing due to the depletion of fossil fuels and the increasingly strict regulation of environmental pollution. Compared with hydrocarbon-based fuels, hydrogen fuel has low minimum ignition energy and a wide-ranging flammability limit. Therefore, before utilizing hydrogen energy, hazard assessment studies of hydrogen leakage and explosion must be performed to ensure safety. It is hazardous to the release of gaseous hydrogen into confined spaces, such as storage and engine rooms of ships, because the hydrogen gas cloud, which is less dense than air, stagnates and accumulates near the ceiling. The main objective of this study is to examine the effects of gaseous hydrogen leakage conditions in confined spaces on the behavior of flammable gas cloud and blast loading profile. To analyze hydrogen gas cloud behavior, hydrogen release experiments were conducted in a 1.0 m × 1.0 m × 3.0 m enclosure at various leak nozzle heights (0.3, 1.5, and 2.7 m) and leak rates (100, 200, and 300 L/min). The results of hydrogen leakage experiments, the flammable gas cloud volume were found to increase with increasing leakage rate and decreasing leakage nozzle height. Due to the lack of the number of concentration sensors, there was a limit to the analysis of all the concentration field of hydrogen in the enclosure. All flammable concentration fields in the enclosure were evaluated and compared using FLACS, the computational fluid dynamics simulation software. In addition, the effects of ignition heights on hydrogen blast loading were analyzed using FLACS. The simulation revealed that a high hydrogen leak rate and a far leak nozzle-ceiling distance tends to result in a large gas cloud volume, which in turn results in high peak pressure and impulse. The highest overpressure and impulse were approximately 5 barg and 39 kPa·s, respectively. These results suggest that in confined spaces, equipment with high potential for hydrogen leakage (e.g., pipes) should not be designed near the ground. This paper thus contributes to the design standard for hydrogen storage facilities in confined spaces (e.g., ships) and lays the foundation for establishing a standard for marginal safety blast walls for protection from hydrogen explosions.
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Reports on the topic "8130m"


Weber, F. F. Visual kerogen and TAI data of select cuttings and core (1260 - 8130 feet) from the Union Oil Company Tungak Creek #1 well. Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, 1989.

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