Academic literature on the topic '681.5.03'
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Journal articles on the topic "681.5.03"
Mazko, A. G. "Зважена оцінка і пониження рівня впливу обмежених збурень у дескрипторних системах керування." Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal 72, no. 11 (November 20, 2020): 1510–23.
Full textBurak Toparli, M., and Michael E. Fitzpatrick. "Residual Stresses Induced by Laser Peening of Thin Aluminium Plates." Materials Science Forum 681 (March 2011): 504–9.
Full textNobre, Joao P., J. H. Stiffel, W. Van Paepegem, Andreas Nau, António Castanhola Batista, Maria José Marques, and Berthold Scholtes. "Quantifying the Drilling Effect during the Application of Incremental Hole-Drilling Technique in Laminate Composites." Materials Science Forum 681 (March 2011): 510–15.
Full textPattarapunchai, P., and W. Wirojanagud. "Application of Geoinformatics for Site Assessment of Large Scale Organic Agriculture Plot." International Journal of Geoinformatics, April 1, 2021, 99–108.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "681.5.03"
Гнип, Владислав Віталійович. "Підвищення точності керування багатовимірними системами." Master's thesis, КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021.
Full textThe master's dissertation contains a description of the improved method of synthesis of the regulator of R. Izerman. Presented classifications of digital multidimensional systems, mathematical models and examples of using analog methods, derivation of a mathematical model of an improved method, experimental studies of an advanced method and its use to improve the accuracy of control systems with non-square matrices.
Заліський, Максим Юрійович, and Maksym Yu Zaliskyi. "Методологія оброблення даних у системах експлуатації наземних засобів аеронавігації." Thesis, Національний авіаційний університет, 2020.
Full textGround air navigation devices, which include ground equipment for radio engineering support of flights, play an important role in the process of flights' safety and regularity providing. The operational efficiency of ground air navigation equipment in the civil aviation is ensured by the system of their operation. The components of the operation system are equipment, regulatory documentation, personnel, means for operation, which include facilities, technological devices, the main and additional technological processes and procedures, etc. The main process in the operation system is intended use of equipment, the additional processes are maintenance, repair, continuation of life service, monitoring, statistical data processing, and others. A promising direction for improving the operation system may be the utilization of the complex for supporting the efficiency of the operation system using the principles and provisions of ICAO and Eurocontrol regulatory documentation, international quality standards, etc. The tasks of the efficiency support complex include assessing the compliance of operation system parameters with the established requirements through the use of subsystems of collection, processing, decision making, formation of control actions and their implementation based on information on the condition of structural elements of operation system, including the current condition of ground air navigation equipment. In the general case, this complex should be created on the basis of widespread use of information technology for operational data processing, principles of adaptation, systems approach, elements of artificial intelligence to automate management decision-making procedures in the operation system for ground air navigation equipment. Information signals on the condition of ground air navigation equipment are related to estimates of mean time between failures, mean time between restores, steady-state availability, availability function, which are generally random. During the intended use of ground air navigation devices, their technical condition may deteriorate due to failures, incorrect actions of service personnel, delays in making decisions on corrective and preventive actions, etc. Deterioration of the technical condition of the equipment belongs to the class of problems of changepoint analysis. Such tasks can be of two types: changepoint detection and parameters estimation in trends of technical condition change. The tasks of changepoint analysis are important in terms of determining the residual lifetime of ground air navigation equipment, making timely and accurate corrective and preventive action. So the class of problems on the synthesis and analysis of algorithms for processing non-stationary random processes in order to detect changepoint and estimate its parameters is a new and insufficiently studied area of the theory of operation and reliability of ground air navigation equipment. This thesis concentrates on the methodology of statistical data processing in the operation systems for ground air navigation equipment. Such methodology includes methods for detecting deterioration of technical condition by analyzing the monitoring parameters trends for ground air navigation equipment and components of their operation systems, estimation methods of reliability indicators after changepoint, methods of improving maintenance policies with preventive thresholds, which were substantiated by the relevant theorems in the framework of the use of the new indicator for efficiency of those operation systems. The methodology generally provides an opportunity to improve the efficiency of functioning of ground air navigation equipment and their operation system by creating and implementing timely and correct preventive and corrective actions. With the help of the developed methodology, designers and engineers of ground air navigation equipment, as well as specialists in the field of development and improvement of operation systems can solve the problem of minimizing operating costs by: making timely and correct decisions to identify deterioration in the monitoring parameters and reliability indicators trends for ground air navigation equipment and systems of their operation; use of advanced maintenance strategies based on a system of preventive thresholds and application of the principles of adaptability as a component of artificial intelligence. The obtained scientific results should be used during the design and improvement of operation system for ground air navigation equipment, as well as in the educational process.
Пиляк, Назарій Володимирович, Володимир Андрійович Стахів, Nazarii Pyliak, and Volodymyr Stakhiv. "Розробка та дослідження автоматизованої системи керування фільтрувальною установкою." Master's thesis, Тернопіль, ТНТУ, 2021.
Full textН. В. Пиляк, В. А. Стахів. Розробка та дослідження автоматизованої системи керування фільтрувальною установкою. – Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя. – Тернопіль, 2021. В роботі було розроблено автоматизовану систему керування очисними фільтрами для системи підготовки та очищення води. Було розроблено прототип системи на базі ПЛК Arduino, що дозволило при незначних капіталовкладеннях вивчити основні особливості процесу керування. В результаті проведених досліджень була запропонована та реалізована система автоматизованого очищення води. Систему очищення води реалізували з використання компонентів WSN (wireless sensing networks). Керована насосна система була повністю розроблена на системі ПЛК з датчиками. Було розроблено алгоритм для розрахунку необхідних доз від очисних та дезінфекційних хімічних матеріалів відповідно до показань датчиків швидкості потоку, pH, каламутності та хлору, які можуть дозуватися в режимі реального часу. N. Pyliak, V. Stakhiv. Automated system development and study for a filtrating unit control. - Ivan Puliuyi Ternopil National Technical University. - Ternopil, 2021. An automated control system for cleaning filters for the water treatment and purification system was developed. A prototype system based on the Arduino PLC was developed, which allowed to study the main features of the control process with a small investment. As a result of the research, an automated water purification system was proposed and implemented. The water purification system was implemented using WSN (wireless sensing networks) components. The controlled pump system was completely developed on the PLC system with sensors. An algorithm has been developed to calculate the required doses of cleaning and disinfecting chemicals in accordance with the readings of sensors of flow rate, pH, turbidity and chlorine, which can be dosed in real time.
ВСТУП 5 1. АНАЛІТИЧНА ЧАСТИНА 6 1.1. Вивчення об’єкту автоматизації для створення системи керування 6 1.2 Огляд системи водопідготовки. 9 2 ТЕХНОЛОГІЧНА ЧАСТИНА 14 2.1 Конструкція фільтраційної установки. 14 2.2. Опис засобів автоматизованого контролю. 18 3 КОНСТРУКТОРСЬКА ЧАСТИНА 26 3.1. Опис обраних компонентів та налаштувань системи 26 3.2. Реалізація алгоритму роботи системи керування. 31 4 НАУКОВО-ДОСЛІДНА ЧАСТИНА 40 4.1. результати досліджень автоматизованої системи та їх аналіз. 40 5. СПЕЦІАЛЬНА ЧАСТИНА 47 5.1. Перспективи використання бездротових сенсорних мереж 47 5.2 Застосування бездротових сенсорних мереж в системах очищення води. 51 5.3. Отримані результати моделювання. 63 6 ОХОРОНА ПРАЦІ ТА БЕЗПЕКА В НАДЗВИЧАЙНИХ СИТУАЦІЯХ 69 6.1 Організація охорони праці при експлуатації системи 69 6.2 Розрахунок заземлення 71 6.3. Розрахунок стійкості об’єкта до вибуху газо-повітряної суміші 74 ОСНОВНІ ВИСНОВКИ КВАЛІФІКАЦІЙНОЇ РОБОТИ 76 БІБЛІОГРАФІЯ 77
Грищенко, Юрій Віталійович, and Yu V. Grishchenko. "Методи оцінки характеристик ергатичних систем управління повітряним судном." Thesis, Національний авіаційний університет, 2021.
Full textThe thesis is devoted to the development of methods for evaluating the characteristics of aircraft ergatic control systems. The issues of identifying the degree of psychophysiological tension of a human operator during the glide path entering, landing and go-around are considered. The principle of invariance of pilots' control actions and changes in flight parameters has been substantiated. In order to assess the characteristics of the phenomenon of the flight parameters amplitude increase (IFPA), methods of analysis of correlation, autocorrelation functions and their spectra, distribution laws and trend algorithms of flight parameters are used. Algorithms for extracting the deterministic component from the random process of changing the flight parameters have been developed. The flight trajectories are considered in ideal and extreme conditions by means of correlation and autocorrelation functions. As a result of the analysis, it was shown that the delay in entering the glide path by aircraft is more dangerous for the quality of the approach than the advance of entering. A geometric interpretation of the probability of deviation from a given point while entering the glide path in three-dimensional space is presented. This makes it possible to determine the probabilities of inaccurate the glide path entry from the autocorrelation functions. It has been established that the determination of complex aircraft avionics failures by the method of contour correlation fields makes it possible to create a new type of failure analyzers that help the pilot to recognize a difficult flight situation and make the right decision. The above theoretical conclusions are confirmed by the method of analysis of the autocorrelation functions of the roll angle and their spectra. Methodological guidelines and recommendations for evaluating the characteristics of ergatic aircraft control systems are presented. A program has been developed to assess the tension of aviation specialists who are not directly related to piloting. The systems for controlling the quality of the piloting technique that prevent sudden movements of pilots during go-around, by signaling of inaccurate information on the angles of attack, roll and indicated airspeed and give the algorithm of actions have practical value.
Бариш, Тетяна Володимирівна, and Tetiana Barysh. "Розробка та дослідження автоматизованої системи підтримки взаємодії з клієнтами на поліграфічному підприємстві." Master's thesis, Тернопіль, ТНТУ, 2020.
Full textМетою даної кваліфікаційної роботи є моделювання інформаційних потоків для взаємодії з клієнтами, проектування системи бізнес-процесів та розробка інструментальних засобів управління взаємовідносинами з клієнтами поліграфічного підприємства. В ході роботи було розглянуто актуальність управління взаємовідносинами з клієнтами, вивчено їх автоматизацію у напрямку підтримки прийняття рішень. Детальний аналіз існуючих CRM-систем дозволив виділити і структурувати інформаційні потоки, які існують на поліграфічному підприємстві, а також дослідити алгоритмічне забезпечення окремих видів взаємодії. При виконанні роботи були побудовані діаграми, що описують функціональні схеми бізнес-процесів для взаємодії з клієнтами по методології IDEF0 і DFD, створено проект структури інформаційної моделі CRM – системи, а також розроблено інструментальні засоби системи управління взаємовідносинами на поліграфічному підприємстві. The purpose of this qualification work is to model information flows for interaction with customers, designing a system of business processes and development of tools for managing relationships with customers of a printing company. In the course of the work the urgency of customer relationship management was considered, their automation in the direction of decision support was studied. Detailed analysis of existing CRM-systems allowed to identify and structure information flows that exist in the printing company, as well as to explore the algorithmic support of certain types of interaction. During the work the diagrams describing functional schemes of business processes for interaction with clients on IDEF0 and DFD methodology were constructed, the project of structure of information model of CRM - system is created, and also tools of system of management of mutual relations at the polygraphic enterprise are developed.
Перелік умовних позначень, символів, скорочень, термінів...5 ВСТУП...6 РОЗДІЛ 1. Аналітична частина...8 1.1 Управління взаємовідносинами з клієнтами на підприємстві...8 1.2 Автоматизація процесів взаємовідносин з клієнтами...9 1.3 Аналіз CRM-систем та постановка задачі дослідження...10 РОЗДІЛ 2. Технологічна частина...12 2.1 Аналіз інформаційних потоків CRM-системи на підприємстві...12 2.2 Інформаційна структура CRM-систем...15 2.3 Алгоритмічне забезпечення окремих видів взаємодії з клієнтами на поліграфічному підприємстві...22 2.4 Система управління клієнтами на основі моделей APM...25 2.5 Розробка моделі CRM-системи, для комерційного відділу підприємства...26 РОЗДІЛ 3. Конструкторська частина...29 3.1 . Аналіз вихідних даних на проектування і розробка технічного завдання на проектування...29 3.2 Моделювання бізнес-процесів для взаємодії з клієнтами...30 3.3 Розробка мережі передачі даних автоматизованої системи...32 3.4 Проектування моделей систем методикою DFD...37 РОЗДІЛ 4. Науково-дослідна частина...39 4.1 Проектування структури інформаційної моделі CRM-системи...39 4.2 Побудова схематичної діаграми бізнес-процесу...41 РОЗДІЛ 5. Спеціальна частина ...48 5.1 Розробка системи взаємодії з клієнтами поліграфічного підприємства...48 5.2 Розробка системи інструментальних засобів в ІС...50 5.3 Автоматизація процесу обміну документами на базі 1С...53 РОЗДІЛ 6. Охорона праці та безпека в надзвичайних ситуаціях...56 6.1 Загрози безпеці системи...56 6.2 Сфери захисту безпеки...57 6.3 Облік трансакційної системи захисту інформації від несанкціонованого доступу...58 ВИСНОВКИ...60 СПИСОК ВИКОРИСТАНИХ ДЖЕРЕЛ...62
Булах, Богдан Вікторович. "Інфраструктура потокiв задач на основi композицiї грiд-сервiсiв для автоматизованого схемотехнiчного проектування." Doctoral thesis, Київ, 2013.
Full textДорофеев, Юрий Иванович. "Робастное управление запасами в сетях поставок в условиях неопределенности спроса и транспортных запаздываний." Thesis, НТУ "ХПИ", 2016.
Full textThe dissertation for the degree of doctor of technical sciences, specialty 05.13.07 – automation of control processes. – The National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2016. The dissertation is devoted to the development of a concept and synthesis methods of automated systems of robust inventory control in supply networks with uncertainty of demand and time-delays on the basis of extension of the invariant ellipsoids method using the descriptor system approach and parameter-dependent Lyapunov function. A discrete mathematical model in state space of supply network is developed, which has parametric uncertainty of affine type. The control law is based on the periodic inspection of resources stock levels and constructed in the form of a linear dynamic feedback with respect to deviation between cash and safety stock levels of resources. In order to suppress the influence of the changes in external demand while ensuring robust stability of a closed system the invariant ellipsoids method is used, which reduces the synthesis of optimal controller to a problem of the search for the smallest invariant ellipsoid of the closed system. Using linear matrix inequalities the controller synthesis problem is reduced to a sequence of semidefinite programming problems, that are solved numerically in real time. A descriptor system approach with parameter-dependent Lyapunov function is used to reduce the degree of conservatism of control results. A necessary and sufficient conditions of the control existence for a constrained robust guaranteeing inventory control synthesis problem in supply networks are formulated. A problem of estimating the allowable region in the space of control actions is formulated in terms of solvability of bilinear matrix inequalities system, for solution of which an iterative algorithm is proposed. A mathematical model of the water distribution system as an automatic control object in the form of a set of linear subsystems with nonlinear relationships under condition of the existence of a quadratic constraints on their values is developed. A problem of pumping stations modes control automation in the centralized water supply system is solved.
Дорофєєв, Юрій Іванович. "Робастне керування запасами у мережах поставок в умовах невизначеності попиту та транспортних запізнень." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016.
Full textThe dissertation for the degree of doctor of technical sciences, specialty 05.13.07 – automation of control processes. – The National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2016. The dissertation is devoted to the development of a concept and synthesis methods of automated systems of robust inventory control in supply networks with uncertainty of demand and time-delays on the basis of extension of the invariant ellipsoids method using the descriptor system approach and parameter-dependent Lyapunov function. A discrete mathematical model in state space of supply network is developed, which has parametric uncertainty of affine type. The control law is based on the periodic inspection of resources stock levels and constructed in the form of a linear dynamic feedback with respect to deviation between cash and safety stock levels of resources. In order to suppress the influence of the changes in external demand while ensuring robust stability of a closed system the invariant ellipsoids method is used, which reduces the synthesis of optimal controller to a problem of the search for the smallest invariant ellipsoid of the closed system. Using linear matrix inequalities the controller synthesis problem is reduced to a sequence of semidefinite programming problems, that are solved numerically in real time. A descriptor system approach with parameter-dependent Lyapunov function is used to reduce the degree of conservatism of control results. A necessary and sufficient conditions of the control existence for a constrained robust guaranteeing inventory control synthesis problem in supply networks are formulated. A problem of estimating the allowable region in the space of control actions is formulated in terms of solvability of bilinear matrix inequalities system, for solution of which an iterative algorithm is proposed. A mathematical model of the water distribution system as an automatic control object in the form of a set of linear subsystems with nonlinear relationships under condition of the existence of a quadratic constraints on their values is developed. A problem of pumping stations modes control automation in the centralized water supply system is solved.
Мірошник, Олександр Олександрович. "Моделі та методи підтримки прийняття рішень в системі керування якістю процесу розподілу електричної енергії." Thesis, ФОП Червяк В. Є, 2015.
Full textDissertation for scientific degree of doctor of technical sciences on specialty 05.13.03 – management of systems and processes. – Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. – Kharkiv, 2015. The thesis is devoted to the problem solving of decision-making supporting and valuing their effectiveness in the system of quality management process of distribution of electric power in heterogeneous modes under uncertainty. It was developed valuation methods heterogeneous operating mode of SOED, taking into account unsymmetric with stochastic or deterministic nature, in order to raise the effectiveness of process control of electrical energy distribution. With the purpose of identification of heterogeneous regimes as result of non-sinusoidal voltage distortion in SOED a method based on the wavelet analysis and neural network developed and it allows you to recognize a distorted image signal voltage. It was investigated that wavelet Paul can provide various voltage distortion and gain frequency components and their positions at the time axis simultaneously.It was worked out a method for decision support with a equal distribution of SOED using genetic algorithms, which allows you select the Pareto-optimal solutions in terms of reduction of losses and the quantitative re-strapping. Also, it was developed the method of decision-making in SOED by equal distribution of electro-based neural network that uses voltage average of distribution at the maximum loading per the season, thus reducing the additional losses of electricity.In order to assess the quality of the control system functioning of electricity distribution quality in terms of uncertainty it was developed the method, which evaluates a fuzzy extent accordance to standards and quality indicators to track change of electricity quality even if the major parameters do not exceed permissible values.
Ribeiro, Ricardo António da Cunha. "Modelação em reconstiuição de acidentes." Master's thesis, 2014.
Full textO processo de reconstituição de acidentes pode ser complexo, existem vários estudos e metodologias que permitem analisar a colisão e reconstruir o acidente. O CRASH3 é uma destas metodologias, para análise de colisões rodoviárias. O programa é composto por dois métodos distintos e independentes, análise da trajetória e análise de danos. A análise de danos é a parte no qual a dissertação se foca. O que se pretende é criar uma base de dados com informações tiradas dos crash tests, e introduzir esta informação num programa existente e a atualizar. O programa permite uma análise ao veículo automóvel acidentado através do cálculo da energia dissipada aquando da colisão. O modelo CRASH3 original tem um conjunto de coeficientes genéricos (diferentes para cada zona do carro, frente, lado e traseira), para os quais os veículos são agrupados em classes e é atribuindo o respetivo coeficiente para cada classe. O que se pretende fazer é determinar os coeficientes para cada modelo de veículo existente, melhorando a precisão do programa. Os parâmetros fundamentais que permitem que tal aconteça são os coeficientes de rigidez A e B, em conjunto com os coeficientes de Campbell b0 e b1, do qual os anteriores derivam. As informações obtidas para a criação desses dados e adquirir os coeficientes, são referentes aos crash tests realizados por duas instituições, a NHTSA e a Euro NCAP. A NHTSA publica os dados das deformações referentes aos seus testes, estando disponíveis e acessíveis a qualquer entidade. Nos crash tests realizados pela Euro NCAP, os únicos dados fornecidos pela instituição são os vídeos dos seus ensaios, pelo que foi necessário desenvolver um método de análise a partir destes. Com recurso a um programa de análise de imagens, o Photoshop, procedeu-se à análise das imagens retiradas dos vídeos de crash tests de modo a determinar o perfil de dano para cada modelo. O crash test frontal da Euro NCAP é realizado com uma barreira deformável, pelo que foi necessário determinar uma barreira deformada (após o crash test) padrão para cada segmento de A a E, pois os veículos analisados aos testes Euro NCAP pertencem a esses grupos. O cálculo destes valores foi conseguido a partir da comparação dos veículos testados pelo NHTSA (que apresenta dados de deformação em crash tests sobre barreira não deformável) e pela NCAP (crash test com barreira deformável). Foi também determinado a restituição para a zona frontal do veículo, que corresponde à percentagem de recuperação do veículo e da barreira deformável após a colisão. O valor do rebound entrará nos cálculos dos coeficientes. Após realizadas as medições ao perfil de dano para cada modelo de veículo e obtidos os coeficientes, estes são introduzidos na base de dados. Os crash tests analisados foram somente relativos à colisão frontal, pelo que o programa só analisa colisões frontais.
Accident reconstruction process can be complex, there are several studies and methodologies that allow us to analyze the collision and reconstruct the accident. The Crash3 is one of these methodologies for analysis of road crashes. The program has two distinct and independent methods, the trajectory analysis and damage analysis. The damage analysis is the part in which the dissertation focuses. The aim is to create a database with information taken from the crash tests, and enter this information into an existing program and updating it. The program allows an analysis of the crash vehicle, by calculating the energy dissipated during the collision. The original model Crash3 has a generic set of coefficients for specific car zones according to which the vehicles are grouped in classes, and is assigning the respective coefficient for each class. What was intended to do was to determine the coefficients for each existing vehicle, improving program accuracy. The fundamental parameters for this to happen, are the stiffness coefficients A and B together with the Campbell coefficients b0 and b1, from which the former are derived. The information obtained for the creation of these data, are from the crash tests conducted by two institutions, NHTSA and the Euro NCAP. The NHTSA publishes data of their tests, and are available and accessible to any entity. In crash tests conducted by Euro NCAP, the only data provided by the institution are the videos of their tests, so it was necessary to develop a method of analysis from these. Using an image analysis program, Photoshop, the analysis of images taken of crash test videos, was made in order to determine the damage profile for each model. As the Euro NCAP test is carried out with a deformable barrier it was necessary to establish a standard deformable barrier for each segment from A to E. All the vehicles analyzed from Euro NCAP belong to the segments A thru E. Standard deformed barriers were used to analyze the vehicle's damage profile. The rebound towards the front area of the vehicle was also determined, this corresponds to the percentage recovery of the material structure after the collision, the shoulder of the vehicle, the value it will rebound in the calculation of coefficients. After the measurements of the damage profile for each model of vehicle, and the coefficients obtained, these are introduced into the database. The crash tests that were analyzed by both institutions were frontal collision, therefore the program only analyzes frontal collisions.