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Wang, Hong, Run He Shi, and Pu Dong Liu. "Theoretical Simulation and Feasibility Analysis of the Estimation of Crop Leaf Chlorophyll Using Narrow Band NDVI." Applied Mechanics and Materials 651-653 (September 2014): 317–22.
Full textGurlit, W., H. Bösch, H. Bovensmann, J. P. Burrows, A. Butz, C. Camy-Peyret, M. Dorf, et al. "The UV-A and visible solar irradiance spectrum: inter-comparison of absolutely calibrated, spectrally medium resolution solar irradiance spectra from balloon- and satellite-borne measurements." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 4, no. 6 (December 20, 2004): 8439–69.
Full textBundy, Jacob J., Jeffrey Forris Beecham Chick, Anthony N. Hage, Ravi N. Srinivasa, Neeraj Chaudhary, Rajiv N. Srinivasa, Venu Vadlamudi, and Joseph J. Gemmete. "#Stroke." Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery 10, no. 12 (April 20, 2018): e33-e33.
Full textHyung, Siek, and Lawrence H. Aller. "High Dispersion Spectra of Bright Planetary Nebulae." Symposium - International Astronomical Union 155 (1993): 193.
Full textDai, Xinyu, and Christopher S. Kochanek. "ChandraObservations of the Gravitational Lenses B1600+434 and B1608+656." Astrophysical Journal 625, no. 2 (June 2005): 633–42.
Full textWeerasekara, Ishanka, Sampath U. B. Tennakoon, and Hilary J. Suraweera. "Pain Level, Range of Motion, and Foot Volume Do Not Differ in Recurrent and First-Time Ankle Sprains." Foot & Ankle Specialist 13, no. 2 (April 15, 2019): 116–22.
Full textMukherjee, K., and G. Sahoo. "Performance Analysis of Cloud Computing using Multistage Ant System." International Journal of Computer Applications 1, no. 20 (February 25, 2010): 75–80.
Full textSuganya, R., K. Priyadharsini, and Dr S. Rajaram. "Intensity Based Image Registration by Maximization of Mutual Information." International Journal of Computer Applications 1, no. 20 (February 25, 2010): 1–7.
Full textTABER, H. "Isolation and Properties of Cytochrome a Deficient Mutants of Bacillus subtilis." Microbiology 81, no. 2 (February 1, 2000): 435–44.
Full textRosati, Luca, Angelo Spena, and Fedora Quattrocchi. "Application of the ITS-UCD Model for the Assessment of CO2 Compression and Transport Costs for the Simeri Crichi - Botricello1 Route in a Theoretical CCS Retrofit Project of the Simeri Crichi Thermal Power Plant." TECNICA ITALIANA-Italian Journal of Engineering Science 65, no. 2-4 (July 30, 2021): 401–8.
Full textOsei Asibey, Benedict, Seth Agyemang, and Augustina Boakye Dankwah. "The Internet Use for Health Information Seeking among Ghanaian University Students: A Cross-Sectional Study." International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications 2017 (2017): 1–9.
Full textZeng, Xiang-Chao, Shi-Hai Xu, Jian Gu, and Dong-Sheng Deng. "1-Methyl-6,7-dihydropyrrolo[2,3-c]azepine-4,8(1H,5H)-dione." Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online 61, no. 3 (February 26, 2005): o795—o796.
Full textClark, Robert B., Jorge L. Cervantes, Mark W. Maciejewski, Vahid Farrokhi, Reza Nemati, Xudong Yao, Emily Anstadt, et al. "Serine Lipids of Porphyromonas gingivalis Are Human and Mouse Toll-Like Receptor 2 Ligands." Infection and Immunity 81, no. 9 (July 8, 2013): 3479–89.
Full textMyakin, Timothey. "A woman's right is a goddess's right? The meaning and function of the image of Helen in the poetry of Sappho (in light of recent papyrology’s discoveries)." ΣΧΟΛΗ. Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition 14, no. 1 (2020): 184–206.
Full textWahlen, Martina. "Klute, Wilfried: Deutsch-Zensuren : Eine Handreichung zur Bewertungspraxis auf der Sekundarstufe 11. München : Ehrenwirth, 1985 (Unterrichtspraxis). - ISBN 3-431-02701-6. 116 Seiten, DM 20,-." Informationen Deutsch als Fremdsprache 13, no. 5-6 (December 1, 1986): 475–76.
Full textQiao, Yina, Ting Jin, Shengdong Guan, Shaojie Cheng, Siyang Wen, Huan Zeng, Maojia Zhao, et al. "Long non-coding RNA Lnc-408 promotes invasion and metastasis of breast cancer cell by regulating LIMK1." Oncogene 40, no. 24 (June 2, 2021): 4198–213.
Full textJun-ichi Nishizawa, P. Plotka, H. Makabe, and T. Kurabayashi. "GaAs TUNNETT diodes oscillating at 430-655 GHz in CW fundamental mode." IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters 15, no. 9 (September 2005): 597–99.
Full textNaveira, H., E. Hauschteck-Jungen, and A. Fontdevila. "Evolutionary history of Drosophila buzzatii. XV. Meiosis of inversion heterozygotes in backcross hybrids between D. buzzatii and its sibling D. koepferae." Genome 32, no. 2 (April 1, 1989): 262–70.
Full textBrovkin, Vladimir. "The critics of religion in early Hellenistic philosophy." ΣΧΟΛΗ. Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition 13, no. 2 (2019): 637–47.
Full textLARKIN, C., C. van DONKERSGOED, A. MAHDI, P. JOHNSON, B. McNAB, and J. ODUMERU. "Antibiotic Resistance of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli Isolated from Hog, Beef, and Chicken Carcass Samples from Provincially Inspected Abattoirs in Ontario." Journal of Food Protection 69, no. 1 (January 1, 2006): 22–26.
Full textHerzog, H., K. P. Schäfers, S. Käpplinger, O. Schober, and J. Eckardt. "Impact of the lower energy threshold on the NEMA NU2-2001 count-rate performance of a LSO based PET-CT scanner." Nuklearmedizin 47, no. 05 (2008): 210–14.
Full textBaniyas, Noura, Mohamud Sheek-Hussein, Nouf Al Kaabi, Maitha Al Shamsi, Maitha Al Neyadi, Rauda Al Khoori, Suad Ajab, Muhammad Abid, Michal Grivna, and Fikri M. Abu-Zidan. "COVID-19 knowledge, attitudes, and practices of United Arab Emirates medical and health sciences students: A cross sectional study." PLOS ONE 16, no. 5 (May 12, 2021): e0246226.
Full textZeng, Xiang-Chao. "3-Bromo-1-methyl-6,7-dihydropyrrolo[2,3-c]azepine-4,8(1H,5H)-dione." Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online 62, no. 12 (November 10, 2006): o5505—o5507.
Full textFU, ZHIXI, CAIFEI ZHANG, and TIANGANG GAO. "The identity of Aster lushiensis (Asteraceae)." Phytotaxa 105, no. 1 (May 30, 2013): 29.
Full textKasum, B., RH Prager, and C. Tsopelas. "Dihydroindol-7(6H)-ones and 6,7-Dihydropyrrolo[2,3-c]azepine-4,8(1H,5H)-dione." Australian Journal of Chemistry 43, no. 2 (1990): 355.
Full textNemes, Gergő. "The resurgence properties of the large-order asymptotics of the Hankel and Bessel functions." Analysis and Applications 12, no. 04 (June 17, 2014): 403–62.
Full textLehtihet, Mikael, Dominic-Luc Webb, Richard E. Honkanen, and Åke Sjöholm. "Corrigendum to “Glutamate inhibits protein phosphatases and promotes insulin exocytosis in pancreatic b-cells” [Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 438 (2005) 601–607]." Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 441, no. 1 (November 2013): 273.
Full textChasqui, Revista. "El meme en Internet. Identidad y usos sociales (Gabriel Pérez Salazar)." Chasqui. Revista Latinoamericana de Comunicación, no. 136 (December 31, 2017): 417.
Full textРодина, И. В., О. Д. Линников, and А. Ю. Сунцов. "Сорбция ионов меди угольным сорбентом МИУ-С." Сорбционные и хроматографические процессы 17, no. 5 (February 22, 2018): 725–32.
Full textWechalekar, H., B. P. Setchell, W. G. Breed, M. Ricci, C. Leigh, and E. Peirce. "437. Whole body heat stress induces selective germ cell apoptosis in mice." Reproduction, Fertility and Development 20, no. 9 (2008): 117.
Full textContardi, Magali. "No proprietary protection for individual non-geographical components of protected geographical denominations, says AG Hogan." Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 14, no. 11 (September 20, 2019): 838–40.
Full textChen, Yu, Yu Long Song, and Fu Rong Huo. "Location Technology of Correlation Peaks Based on Joint Transform Correlator." Applied Mechanics and Materials 651-653 (September 2014): 451–54.
Full textBerry, Matthew, Mark Nelson, Brian Monaghan, and Ben Whale. "The effects of oscillating boundary conditions on thermal ignition." ANZIAM Journal 61 (June 16, 2020): C45—C58.
Full textClausen, Johan. "Comment to “A method for smoothing multiple yield functions” by Wilkins, Spencer, Jain and Gencturk. Int J Numer Methods Eng. 2020; 121:434–449." International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 121, no. 24 (September 4, 2020): 5784–88.
Full textFilosa, Elsa. "Intertestualità tra Decameron e De mulieribus claris: La tragica storia di Tisbe e Piramo." Colloquium, no. 9788879166539 (September 2013): 153–60.
Full textKharseeva, Galina G., E. O. Mangutov, O. M. But, A. V. Chepusova, and E. L. Alutina. "ANALYSIS OF THE FREQUENCY OF ISOLATION OF CORYNEBACTERIA NON-DIPHTHERIA FROM PATIENTS WITH INFLAMMATORY DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY TRACT." Russian Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics 64, no. 7 (October 7, 2019): 430–34.
Full textHarvey, Ramon. "The Legal Epistemology of Qur'anic Variants: The Readings of Ibn Masʿūd in Kufan fiqh and the Ḥanafī madhhab." Journal of Qur'anic Studies 19, no. 1 (February 2017): 72–101.
Full textFujii, S., R. Okamoto, and K. Suzuki. "Erratum to “Unitary-model-operator approach to Λ hypernuclei” [Nucl. Phys. A 651 (1999) 411–433]." Nuclear Physics A 676, no. 1-4 (August 2000): 475–76.
Full textLevkin, Pavel A., Eberhard Schweda, Heinz-Jürgen Kolb, Volker Schurig, and Remir G. Kostyanovsky. "Solid-phase racemic compound–conglomerate transformation of 2,3:6,7-dibenzobicyclo[3.3.1]nona-2,6-diene-4,8-dione." Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 15, no. 9 (May 2004): 1445–50.
Full textLevkin, Pavel A., Yuri A. Strelenko, Konstantin A. Lyssenko, Volker Schurig, and Remir G. Kostyanovsky. "Temperature-dependent racemic compound-conglomerate crystallization of 2,3:6,7-dibenzobicyclo[3.3.1]nona-2,6-diene-4,8-dione." Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 14, no. 14 (July 2003): 2059–66.
Full textXu, Na, Yun-Yin Niu, and Seik Weng Ng. "6,7-Dihydro-5H-1,4-diazepino[1,2,3,4-lmn][1,10]phenanthroline-4,8-diium tris(thiocyanato-κN)cuprate(I)." Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online 66, no. 10 (September 18, 2010): m1280.
Full textAmaral, Leila. "TORRE, Renée de la; ZÚÑIGA, Cristina Gutiérrez; HUET, Nahayeilli Juárez (coord.). Variaciones y Apropriaciones Latinoamericanas Del New Age." Revista de Estudos da Religião (REVER). ISSN 1677-1222 14, no. 1 (June 30, 2014): 327.
Full textPiwpankaew, Yotthachai, Supa Sakulsirirat, Sunee Nitisinprasert, Thu-Ha Nguyen, Dietmar Haltrich, and Suttipun Keawsompong. "Cloning, secretory expression and characterization of recombinant β-mannanase from Bacillus circulans NT 6.7." SpringerPlus 3, no. 1 (2014): 430.
Full textKhodzhieva, M. V., V. A. Skvortsova, T. E. Borovik, L. S. Namazova-Baranova, T. V. Margieva, T. V. Bushueva, O. S. Melnichuk, and S. V. Nekrasova. "Evaluating the Physical Development of Early Age Schoolchildren (7–10 Years): Cohort Study Results." Pediatric pharmacology 13, no. 4 (November 15, 2016): 362–66.
Full textPeláez, Rodolfo, and Orlando Merino. "Tragedia griega." Estudios Cinematográficos, no. 2 (March 4, 2021): 130–32.
Full textLyra, Joana, Rita Valente, Marta Rosário, and Mariana Guimarães. "Errata ao artigo “Parto por Cesariana em Grávida com COVID-19: O Primeiro Caso Descrito em Portugal”, publicado em Acta Med Port 2020 Jun;33(6):429-431." Acta Médica Portuguesa 33, no. 6 (June 1, 2020): 449.
Full textWaisberg, Idel, Jason Dexter, Pierre Olivier-Petrucci, Guillaume Dubus, and Karine Perraut. "Collimated radiation in SS 433." Astronomy & Astrophysics 624 (April 2019): A127.
Full textMirzaei, Verrelst, Marofi, Abbasi, and Azadi. "Eco-Friendly Estimation of Heavy Metal Contents in Grapevine Foliage Using In-Field Hyperspectral Data and Multivariate Analysis." Remote Sensing 11, no. 23 (November 20, 2019): 2731.
Full textMatyasek, R., J. Fulnecek, K. Y. Lim, A. R. Leitch, and A. Kovarik. "Evolution of 5S rDNA unit arrays in the plant genus Nicotiana (Solanaceae)." Genome 45, no. 3 (June 1, 2002): 556–62.
Full textSlavinskaya, Galina V., and Olga V. Kurenkova. "О полифункциональности высокоосновных анионитов." Сорбционные и хроматографические процессы 19, no. 1 (February 6, 2019): 101–10.
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