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Страшенко, О. Полювання на тигра... й не тільки на нього! Київ: Науковий світ, 2006.

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Miscellaneous hydroelectric and reclamation projects: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Water and Power of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifth Congress, first session, on S. 439, S. 846, S. 538, H.R. 651, S. 736, H.R. 652, S. 744, June 10, 1977 [i.e. 1997]. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1997.

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Rozenvalde, Inta, ed. Laimas lemti likteņi [in Latvian - Laima's Fated Lives]: Par Raunu, iedzimtību un līgavām [A Tale about Rauna, about Brides and Genetics]. Riga, Latvia: Zinātne, 2009.

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Мартиненко, Андрій, ed. Східний вал. Kyiv, Ukraine: Темпора, 2020.

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United States. Congress. House. Committee on International Relations. The American Schools Abroad Support Act; reauthorizing the Tropical Forest Conservation Act of 1998; the Viet Nam Human Rights Act of 2003; amending the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003; and various resolutions and concurrent resolutions: Markup before the Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, on H.R. 4303, H.R. 4654, H.R. 1587, H.R. 4660, H. Res. 615, H. Res. 617, H. Res. 652, H. Res. 667, H. Con. Res. 462, H. Con. Res. 304, H. Con. Res. 319, H. Con. Res. 363, H. Con. Res. 436, H. Con. Res. 415, H. Con. Res. 418, H. Con. Res. 422 and S. 2264, June 24, 2004. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 2004.

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United States. Congress. House. Committee on International Relations. The American Schools Abroad Support Act; reauthorizing the Tropical Forest Conservation Act of 1998; the Viet Nam Human Rights Act of 2003; amending the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003; and various resolutions and concurrent resolutions: Markup before the Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, on H.R. 4303, H.R. 4654, H.R. 1587, H.R. 4660, H. Res. 615, H. Res. 617, H. Res. 652, H. Res. 667, H. Con. Res. 462, H. Con. Res. 304, H. Con. Res. 319, H. Con. Res. 363, H. Con. Res. 436, H. Con. Res. 415, H. Con. Res. 418, H. Con. Res. 422 and S. 2264, June 24, 2004. Washington, D.C: U.S. G.P.O., 2004.

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Church and faith in the patristic tradition: Augustine, Pelagianism, and early Christian Northumbria. Brookfield, Vt: Variorum, 1996.

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Jakobi, Rainer. Der Einfluss Ovids auf den Tragiker Seneca. Berlin: De Gruyter, 1988.

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39-65, Lucan, ed. Die Ericthoszene in Lukans Pharsalia: Einleitung, Text, Übersetzung, Kommentar. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1996.

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Parks, United States Congress Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on National. Land in Rocky Mountain National Park, Benjamin Franklin National Memorial, designate the Star-Spangled Banner Trail as historic, extend the Acadia National Park Advisory Commission, Kalaupapa National Historical Park Advisory Commission, and study of maritime sites in Michigan: Hearing before the Subcommittee on National Parks of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Ninth Congress, first session, on S. 584, H.R. 432, S. 652, S. 958, S. 1154, S. 1166, S. 1346, July 28, 2005. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 2005.

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Leigh, Matthew. Lucan: Spectacle and engagement. New York: Clarendon Press, 1997.

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Resources, United States Congress Senate Committee on Energy and Natural. Republic of Palau: Hearing before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first session, to review S. 343, a bill to amend Title I of P.L. 99-658 regarding the Compact of Free Association Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Palau, to approve the results of the 15-year review of the compact, including the Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Palau following the Compact of Free Association Section 432 Review, to appropriate funds for the purposes of the amended P.L. 99-658 for fiscal years ending on or before September 30, 2024, and to carry out the agreements resulting from that review, June 16, 2011. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 2011.

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Phillips, Lisa. Attacked from the Right and the Left. University of Illinois Press, 2017.

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This chapter analyzes the challenges Local 65 faced during the early years of the Cold War. Its position within the labor movement changed quickly once the Republican-dominated 80th Congress (1946–48) took office. By late 1948, the union had undergone an investigation by a subcommittee within the House of Representatives designed to root out Communist activity within the New York City distributive trades. Local 65 had broken away from the United Retail and Wholesale Employees of America (URWEA) and maintained an independent status with other “seceding” locals in New York City to form first the Distributive Trades Council (DTC), then the Distributive Workers Union (DWU). The chapter also examines Local 65's attempts to deal with the changing context that had brought it from occupying a central place in the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) to a marginal place outside of the increasingly anti-Communist labor movement.
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Dening, Tom, and Alisoun Milne. Care homes for older people. Oxford University Press, 2013.

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Although only 5% of the total over 65 population in developed countries lives in a care home, the lifetime risk of needing residential care is considerable. In the UK, 418 000 older people occupy nearly 12 000 care homes; the sector has a total value of around £14 billion. Care home residents tend to be very old, most are women, and most have complex co-morbid needs. Most people enter a care home because they can no longer live independently due to ill health, notably dementia. Dementia affects over two thirds of all residents; physical disability and functional impairment are also common. Behavioural disturbance is common as is depression. There are concerns about excessive reliance on medication, and more emphasis recently has been placed on improving standards of care. Evidence suggests that training and good leadership is effective. With the ageing population, the provision and the funding of care home places will come under increasing pressure. The solutions to this are yet to be determined.
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Novos paradigmas voltados para as ciências da saúde - Vol.01. Brazilian Journals Editora, 2021.

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Tecnologias aplicadas nas ciências da saúde. 2nd ed. Brazilian Journals Editora, 2021.

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Homeopatia no tratamento do tabagismo:: Uma revisão integrativa da literatura. MATO GROSSO DO SUL: Editora Inovar, 2020.

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Silva, Mariana Pereira Barbosa, and Bruno Abilio da Silva Machado. ANAIS DO I CONGRESSO NACIONAL MULTIPROFISSIONAL EM SAÚDE (ICONMUSA): RESUMOS SIMPLES E EXPANDIDOS. Literacia Cientifica Editora & Cursos, 2021.

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O I Congresso Nacional Multiprofissional em Saúde (ICONMUSA) promovido pela Inova Científica (CNPJ: 34.055.613/0001-48) ocorreu entre os dias 20 e 21 de agosto de 2021, de forma online com transmissão através do canal do YouTube. Tratou-se de um evento multiprofissional de caráter técnico-científico que objetivou promover o conhecimento dos discentes, docentes e os profissionais da saúde a respeito de temáticas multiprofissionais voltadas para a área da saúde, possibilitando a troca de experiências e o aprendizado científico, contou com a participação de profissionais renomados e palestras relevantes no contexto da saúde.
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Thomas, Stuart D. M. Diagnostic prevalence and comorbidity. Oxford University Press, 2015.

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Prisons and jails remain a growth industry, with many countries increasing correctional services to cope with the ever-burgeoning inmate population. One longstanding issue is the perceived increase in prevalence of mental disorders that are found in correctional settings compared to the community. Definitions of mental illness and methods of assessment vary substantially. That said, emerging data reflect some consistency in the range of estimated prevalence. Personality disorder (predominantly antisocial personality disorder) is the most common mental disorder among prisoners, accounting for 65% of male and 42% of female prisoners. Estimated rates of psychosis in some settings are as high as 3.7% for males and 4.0% for females, while major depressive disorders are found in up to 10% of male and 12% of female prisoners. Estimated point prevalence rates for alcohol abuse and dependence varied between 18 and 30% for male prisoners and between 10 and 24% for female prisoners; these estimates were between 10 and 48% for males and 30 to 60% for female prisoners with respect to drug dependence and abuse. The rates of almost all disorders are several times higher than those found in the general community, and the rates of comorbidity are exceptionally high. This chapter outlines the best available correctional prevalence of common mental disorders and considers the key assumptions and methodological challenges around ascertaining rates of these different diagnoses.
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Forattini, Fernando Miramontes. Desmistificando o governo Castelo Branco e sua relação com a grande mídia: entendendo o golpe, os primeiros anos e o apoio da grande mídia. Brazil Publishing, 2020.

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GUERRA, D. de L. R., and D. R. GUERRA. A dialética do direito à saúde: entre o direito fundamental à saúde e a escassez de recursos. Dialética, 2021.

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ELÓI, P. C. Guia do Jurista do futuro: como se tornar protagonista da sua carreira jurídica. Dialética, 2021.

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SORRENTINO, T. B. Responsabilidade tributária patrimonial dos gestores e dos administradores de pessoas jurídicas - Parte II. Dialética, 2021.

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PEREIRA, A. K. B. Teoria democrática contemporânea: Robert Dahl e o Conceito de Poliarquia. Dialética, 2021.

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Jinzenji, Mônica Yumi, and Rita Cristina Lima Lages. História da Educação: Sujeitos na/da história - Vol. I. Brazil Publishing, 2021.

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This collection unites results of academic works concluded within the span of 2016 to 2020 in the field of History of Education for the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Comprised of two volumes, this first volume is made up of 17 chapters analyzing education from historical perspectives, and spanning from the XVIII to the XXI century. The first part of the book brings together studies highlighting women’s protagonism either perceived as a social body or as specific personas. The second part of the book unites studies about authors, works or even about the printing process as well as researchers’ interest for such area of study. The third part of the book brings together works about individuals and educational processes given the historical, cultural and social contexts taking place during educational practices at play both inside as well as outside schools.
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Souza, Claudio Alexandre de. CAS Versos. Brazil Publishing, 2021.

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Sempre acreditei no poder das palavras: palavras cantadas, faladas, pensadas, enfim, acredito na potência com que elas podem tocar os corações, acolher, emocionar, motivar, incentivar e materializar os sentimentos mais íntimos de cada ser humano. Às vezes, as palavras mais fascinantes aparecerão em uma boa conversa, em uma música ou em um livro como este que reúne as reflexões de um pensador que ousa dar asas à imaginação e colocar em versos, de uma forma leve e cativante, os seus sentimentos em relação ao amor, à vida, à amizade e à existência humana. Em relação ao fazer poético, o próprio autor menciona: “Poeta? Talvez. Ou apenas alguém que permite ao universo se manifestar por meio das palavras”. E que boas palavras! As palavras aqui contidas propiciam momentos de deleite e de reflexão que emocionam e acariciam o coração daqueles que permitem se levar pelo toque invisível e inebriante das palavras poéticas! Boa leitura! Wilma Maria Pereira
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TEIXEIRA, R. M. Direitos e Garantias da Pessoa Atingida pela Hanseníase. Dialética, 2021.

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Gramigna, Anita, Wilson Alves de Paiva, Antonio Carrillo Avelar, Filomena Teixeira, Fernando M. Marques, Cláudia Denis Alves da Paz, Marcelo Máximo Purificação, et al. Educação, cultura e diversidade: Estudos comparados e perspectivas. Brazil Publishing, 2021.

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Know cultural diversity is reveal the different forms of social organization to extract from traditional societies the ways of life in community, but it is also untangle the political game of social relations that in mercantilized societies promotes unequal distribution of economic and cultural goods and establish the structuring hierarchies of cultural diversity transformed into social difference and inequality. This cultural diversity expands when analyzed at an international level and brings out the countless communication networks that local communities and national societies weaves to promote social relations, revealing simultaneously the contradictions and conflicts that arises from this process. This is the purpose of this collection that brings researchers texts from different countries and institutions and as a whole provides elements to broaden the debate and the investigative scope about the relationships between diversity, culture and education.
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IBANHEZ, A. P. S., and M. R. Z. E. de LOS MONTEROS. La criminología como una herramienta de la policía en la prevención del delito de trata de mujeres con fines de explotación sexual. Dialética, 2021.

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SANTOS, B. O. dos. A utilização da desapropriação para fins urbanísticos em imóveis abandonados: um estudo de caso em Salvador/BA. Dialética, 2021.

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MOUTINHO JUNIOR, F. A. A Responsabilidade do Sócio/Administrador na sociedade limitada: tudo que você precisava saber e nunca lhe contaram sobre as LTDAs. Dialética, 2021.

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AGUIAR JUNIOR, N. Constitucionalismo multinível, da Europa à América do Sul. Dialética, 2021.

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GANHADEIRO, R. de F. Georreferenciamento e meio ambiente: críticas ao cadastro Ambiental rural. Dialética, 2021.

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Azevedo, Bruno Campos de. O verdadeiro impacto das aceleradoras nas startups. Brazil Publishing, 2021.

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The main objective of this work was to develop a study to obtain information on which characteristics influence the performance of a startup, including analyzing if companies that go through the acceleration process perform better than those that do not. As a research question, the idea was explored how to measure the performance of a company through cognitive aspects regarding the financial ratios of startups that went through the acceleration process or not, companies were investigated when they go through acceleration programs, are able to perform better when compared to companies in the same industry that did not enjoy the same initiatives, the proposal to create a performance indicator was also analyzed. Thus, a scenario was developed from which an analysis was conducted which, in turn, resulted in a Startup Performance Indicator (IDS), for purposes of comparison between companies that were accelerated and those that were not, because each Accelerator has a certain performance analysis criteria and keeps it secret about the core of your business. After the quantitative and qualitative analysis, the data collected in this research resulted in an indicative formula for the assessment of an index for Startups performance measurement to answer the research question. This work was carried out from 2014 to 2019 and was based on the scenario / ecosystem of startups and accelerators in Brazil, bringing a contextualization of the methods used by accelerators, within a global, national, regional and local context.
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MOTA, J. D. A evolução do teletrabalho no ordenamento jurídico e sua regulamentação com a reforma trabalhista: a visão legal da mais moderna forma de trabalho. Dialética, 2021.

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ANDRADE, T. Curso de Direito Aduaneiro: jurisdição e tributos em espécie. Dialética, 2021.

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Zuberi, Tukufu. Independência Africana: Como a África contemporânea redefiniu o mundo. Brazil Publishing, 2021.

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African Independence is a dynamic discussion of how African history shapes world events today. Africa has played a major role in human history, and it is impossible to understand the present condition of humanity, or our future without a consideration of Africa. Although Africa is often portrayed as a remote and impoverished area, remembered for the suffering of its people, it has played an important role in world history that is critical for understanding global events today. Tukufu Zuberi walks readers through the years of African independence through the present. The documentary discusses colonialism, the impact of the world wars, independence movements, the Cold War, ethnic conflict, terrorism, the health crisis, and more. The documentary weaves personal interview excerpts with people ranging from World War Two veterans, freedom fighters, to Heads of State into the arc of African and world history. Providing context for understanding events such as civil war, terrorism, and development aid, African Independence argues that it is impossible to understand our current world situation, or our future, without considering Africa. The award-winning documentary accompanies the book African Independence: how Africa shapes the world.
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Oliveira, Francisco Evandro de. Contos do dia a dia. Brazil Publishing, 2021.

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“Contos do dia a dia” são contos aleatórios feitos especificamente para os leitores se divertirem com as diversas situações que podem acontecer com qualquer pessoa. Ao longo de suas páginas, os leitores se deliciarão com contos de viagens, diálogos míticos entre uma lixeira e o lixo nela depositado, a volta mítica à Pasárgada, o bêbado e muitos outros fatos que geraram os contos que aqui apresento.
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Tribess, Marciano. Adolescência, mídia e drogas: O condicionamento do humano através de mecanismos midiáticos. Brazil Publishing, 2021.

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This book presents the influence exerted by the media on children and adolescents in relation to the early experimentation with psychoactive substances. And the pedagogical-theological intervention as a preventive strategy. The influence on the human being through media mechanisms that condition him to the action expected by the conditioning, has been studied for a long time, by several authors such as Aldous Huxley with his book "Admirável Mundo Novo" that already addressed the conditionality of the human since the decade of 30. In the following decades, other theorists such as Edgar Morin and Guy Debord, analyzed how the human being is conditioned through mass culture and the society of the spectacle. The reality presented in relation to the conditioning of children and adolescents through the media has propelled the author, to seek preventive ways regarding the conditionality of human beings through the media. For that, it analyzed theorists like Paulo Freire and Michel Henry and their discoveries about the mediation of knowledge and the analysis of the Words of Christ and how they can contribute in the elaboration of pedagogical-theological interventions.
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Santos, Robson Luiz Lima. VPR, A ousada. Brazil Publishing, 2021.

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O início dos anos 60 na América Latina foi marcado, no aspecto político, pela Revolução Cubana, a qual ocorreu em plena Guerra Fria. Os acontecimentos em Cuba abalaram profundamente a estabilidade política do continente, além de terem afetado a política mundial, principalmente no momento da instalação dos mísseis nucleares em Cuba, correndo o risco do desencadeamento de uma guerra nuclear envolvendo as duas principais potências do planeta, EUA e URSS. No Brasil, o governo de João Goulart se aproximava das esquerdas e tomava medidas nacionalistas e populares. Os militares, apoiados por segmentos influentes da sociedade civil, derrubaram o governo de João Goulart, executando várias medidas arbitrárias. Enquanto isso, as esquerdas se dispersavam e os nacionalistas estavam sendo duramente atacados. O PCB, principal partido de esquerda, negou-se a pegar em armas se fragmentou. O movimento estudantil, assim como o sindical, foi totalmente sufocado. Professores e funcionários ligados à educação foram perseguidos, afastados dos seus empregos e, muitos deles, exilados. Até os setores populares da Igreja Católica foram atacados. Vários militares que não apoiaram o golpe se rebelaram e resolveram se organizar e pegar em armas para derrubar a Ditadura e o capitalismo. Eles foram um dos principais componentes da VPR, ao lado de intelectuais e estudantes, além de uma parcela de operários. A VPR adotou a tática da “propaganda armada”, que consistia em “expropriações” de armas e dinheiro, ataques às instituições do Estado e sequestros. A Ditadura Militar atuava prendendo, torturando e exilando os revolucionários da VPR.
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C. M. Souza, Júlio. Métodos de Pesquisa Laboratorial em Biomateriais Dentários. Brazil Publishing, 2021.

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This book was designed concerning the struggle of students on finding an updated bibliographic source with scientific terms and clearly focused on the study of biomaterials in dentistry and engineering. The present work is a state of art of fundamentals and scientific data reported in literature regarding the study and application of dental biomaterials and techniques used in experimental in vitro research. The book brings critical questions on the subject and research protocols for study of materials taking into consideration education, research, and clinical applications. The present book involves the following issues divided into chapters: i) properties of materiais; ii) thermal analysis methods for the characterization and processing of materials; iii) mechanical assays; iv) chemical analysis; v) surface analysis; vi) analysis by microscopy; vii) biocompatibility of materials. The participation of professors of dentistry, physics, biology, materials engineering, and biomedical engineering in this work promotes the desired interface between the fields of medicine and engineering. Students, professionals, and professors in Brazil, Portugal and Africa (Portuguese-speaking countries) can gather benefits from this book after the stablishment of the orthographic agreement and the matching of scientific terms.
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Paiva, Wilson Alves de. A Fontana de Lutécia: Contos Virais. Brazil Publishing, 2021.

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A fictional book with five short stories that address the main pandemics in the world. The first story takes place in Ancient Greece, in 428 BC at the time of the Peloponnesian War. Tavros, the main character flees the plague by traveling to Gaul and discovers a mysterious water spring near the village of the Parisii. In AD 166, when Rome, is devasted by the plague, Marcus Aurelius sends out soldiers to the North. One of them, Lucius, arrives in the region of Lutecia and finds the same fountain that Tavros had been to. The water from this spring gives him strength to escape from the persecution of Christians and Jews. In his old age, Lucius becomes a Church elder and writes letters. One of them was read, many centuries later, by a Franciscan Parisian monk during the Middle Ages, who decides to pilgrimage to Jerusalem but is surprised by the Black Death. Back home, he is saved by the water spring, builds an orphanage and has his life converted into a book - which is red by a young journalist who takes the ship Demerara with his fiancée to Brazil in order to avoid the World War I, the Spanish flu and some Russian spies. The last story is about a Brazilian professor, called Lucius Felipe who, in 2019, travels to Paris to develop his postdoctoral studies. Unfortunately he has to return to Brazil due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But not before having visited Lutetia’s fountain and felt its power and the memories it holds.
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Lopes, Flávio Marques, Lívia Pinheiro Siqueira, Dayanne Alves Pinheiro Silva, Liana Lima Vieira, Luciana Carvalho Silveira, Luciana Gontijo, Luciana Moreira Borges, et al. Aspectos Multiprofissionais da atuação na Pneumonia associada a ventilação Mecânica - PAVM. Brazil Publishing, 2020.

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Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is the most often lung infection that occurs in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and is characterised, specifically, for its development in the first 48 hours after the beginning of Mechanical Ventilation (MV). This kind of lung disease is also associated with longer hospital stays and higher treatment costs. Around 55% of VAPs can be prevented through interventions, scientifically proven, that turns the treatment more viable, effective and at lower costs compared to convencional treatment. The multidisciplinary team is essential in the care of the ICU patient, as it works in the maintenance of patient’s vital organic functions, therefore, in an integrated way, the professionals works to minimize the damage caused by Mechanical Ventilation (MV) in ICU patients, in particular, regarding VAP. The use of measures or bundles are able to decentralize conducts and change the focus of treatment, transforming it into treatment optimised of preventive approaches that avoids complications. Lastly, the preventive measures of VAP should be put into practice, essentially by the multidisciplinary team, aiming at a directly impact on the reduction of the rates of this specific type of pneumonia.
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Educação em tempos de isolamento e incertezas: professores e alunos conectados via dispositivos móveis. Editora Mentes Abertas, 2020.

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Dias, Almerinda Tereza Bianca Bez Batti, Cleyton de Oliveira Ritta, and Silvio Parodi Oliveira Camilo. Saberes Contábeis – Volume VII. Brazil Publishing, 2020.

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O Livro conta com oito artigos que abordam temas relacionados às Ciências Contábeis e áreas correlatas. Os artigos compreendem temas que foram desenvolvidos por meio de pesquisas teórico-empíricas e que proporcionam a compreensão de fenônemos organizacionais e aspectos sociais em contextos específicos.
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Luiz, Ronir Raggio. Noites assim. Brazil Publishing, 2020.

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Gondim, Elnora, and Tiago Chingore. FILOSOFIA AFRICANA: Desafios e Perspectivas Atuais. Editora BAGAI, 2020.

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SANTOS, Guacyra Costa, Jocelma Gusmão Barreto LIMA, and Lucidalva Santos OLIVEIRA, eds. Tempos de florescer novas emoções. Editora Ilustração, 2020.

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Poisson, Editora, ed. Processos Químicos e Biotecnológicos – Volume 5. Editora Poisson, 2020.

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Engenharia Florestal: Desafios, Limites e Potencialidade. Editora Científica Digital, 2020.

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