Dissertations / Theses on the topic '621.515.01(043.3)'
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Milica, Samardžić. "Vremensko i prostorno rasprostranjivanje zagađivača u slivu Velike Morave." Phd thesis, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Novom Sadu, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/504.5(043.3).
Full textOn the basis of data on hydrological and water quality parameters from 28 measure points inthe river basins of Velika Morava, Južna Morava and Zapadna Morava, during ten yearsperiod from 2000. to 2009., this work analyzes spatial and temporal dispersal of pollutantsalong the observed watercourses, as well as the effect of known sources of pollution to thewater quality. In order to estimate the possibility for predicting of some water qualityparameters (concentration of dissolved oxygen, concentration of suspended matters,concentration of o-phosphates, COD and BOD5) values, based on value of flow and timecomponent (month of the year in which the measurement was performed), for 7 measurepoints there are defined statistical regression models.
Dragana, Stamenov. "Karakterizacija mikoroorganizama promotora rasta i njihovo preživljavanje u rizosferi engleskog ljulja." Phd thesis, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Novom Sadu, 2014. http://dx.doi.org/579:573.4:631.559(043.3).
Full textPGP microorganisms (Plant Growth Promoting) have been the subject of many research projects, whose main goal is to find appropriate methods of their use in agriculture, horticulture, forestry and environmental protection. The aim of this study is the isolation and characterization of microorganisms with PGP characteristics from the rhizosphere of perennial ryegrass, testing their ability to survive after entering the soil, and monitoring the impact of their application on yield parameters and microbial activity in the rhizosphere of plants. Characterization of Pseudomonas, Bacillus and Streptomyces included determination of the physiological, biochemical and PGP characteristics. Impact of the introduction of selected isolates and fungi Trichoderma asperellum on quantity and microbial activity in the rhizosphere of ryegrass was determined by using the standard method of selective media; dehydrogenase activity by the spectrophotometric method. The effects of the implementation of isolates on germination, seedling length sprouts seeds of perennial ryegrass were studied under laboratory conditions. During the year, three cuttings were taken. At each of the three cuttings, length of stem and roots of plants (cm) and yields of fresh and dry matter of the plant (t / ha) were measured.Based on morphological, physiological and biochemical characteristics and PGP characteristics observed in the isolates, and based on the results of many previous studies, it can be concluded that (1) P1 and P9 isolates belong to the species Pseudomonas putida, (2)Pseudomonas fluorescens P12 isolate, isolates of B1, B3, B6, belong to the species Bacillus subtilis, and (3) A1, A2 and A3 isolates belong to the ordo Streptomyces. The quantity of systematic and physiological groups of microorganisms and enzymatic activity in the rhizosphere of ryegrass depended on the applied inoculants. Application of Pseudomonas sp. P12 had positive effects on increasing the total number of microorganisms, fungi, aminoheterotrophs and actinomycetes. Isolate Bacillus sp. B1 affected the increase of the total number of micro-organisms in the fungi and Azotobacter. Application of Streptomyces sp. isolates A3 led to an increase in the number of actinomycetes and oligonitrophyls, while the application of Trichoderma asperellum had positive impact on increasing the number aminoheterotrophs and Azotobacter. Application of Pseudomonas sp. P12 and Streptomyces sp. A3 had the greatest effect on dehydrogenase activity. Inoculation had a positive effect on germination, fresh and dry weight of plant, height and rootlength of plants. Introduction of fungus Trichoderma asperellum and Streptomyces sp. A3 isolate acted positively on germination, length of seedling of germs. On average, the best effects on the yield of fresh and dry matter, the height of the stem of the plant and the length of the root were attained by the application of Pseudomonas sp.P12 and Bacillus sp. B1 isolates. Microorganisms have not yet found significant practical use in the production of forage grasses, even though more qualitative yield has been sought in livestock production. The results of this study demonstrate that positive results in the production of perennial ryegrass can be achieved by the use of microorganisms. Therefore, it is very important to carry out further studies of the relationship between applied microorganisms and ryegrass under field conditions in order to optimize the method and time of application of inoculants.
Фесенко, Ксения Владимировна. "Метод расчетно-теоретического исследования структуры течения и характеристик ступеней центробежных нагнетателей." Thesis, Национальный аэрокосмический университет им. Н. Е. Жуковского "Харьковский авиационный институт", 2015. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/17150.
Full textThesis for scientific degree of the Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) on the special-ty 05.05.16 – Turbomachinery and Turboplants. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Politechnical Institute", Kharkov, 2015. The calculation and theoretical studies method of flow structure and characteristics of centrifugal blowers stages with impellers radial vanes was created. It allows determining summary characteristics and 2D flow structure of flow path including blade-to-blade channels in wide range of working regimes. To account for viscous effects generalized semiempirical dependences for centrifugal blowers were used. The proposed method allows taking into account the geometric features of radial impeller with blades that formed by cylindrical and conical surfaces, vaneless and vaned diffusers, reverse guide vanes and gas-path curvilinear contours. The software package AxCB was developed, which allows carrying out the verification of the calculation method. It showed satisfactory accuracy of flow numerical investigation results in the stages with experimental and analytical data. With the proposed method and software package AxCB studies were undertook which dealt with influence of different geometric parameters of flow path and blade rows on the flow structure and stages summary characteristics. On the basis of a detailed analysis modernization of three centrifugal blower stages was proposed to improve their basic parameters or expand the characteristic working area.
Кравченко, Тетяна Володимирівна, Tetiana Kravchenko, and Татьяна Владимировна Кравченко. "Адаптивне моделювання стратегії економічного розвитку регіону." Thesis, ДВНЗ «Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана», 2016. http://ir.kneu.edu.ua/handle/2010/23705.
Full textФесенко, Ксенія Володимирівна. "Метод розрахунково-теоретичного дослідження структури течії та характеристик ступенів відцентрових нагнітачів." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2015. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/17148.
Full textThesis for scientific degree of the Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) on the special-ty 05.05.16 – Turbomachinery and Turboplants. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Politechnical Institute", Kharkov, 2015. The calculation and theoretical studies method of flow structure and characteristics of centrifugal blowers stages with impellers radial vanes was created. It allows determining summary characteristics and 2D flow structure of flow path including blade-to-blade channels in wide range of working regimes. To account for viscous effects generalized semiempirical dependences for centrifugal blowers were used. The proposed method allows taking into account the geometric features of radial impeller with blades that formed by cylindrical and conical surfaces, vaneless and vaned diffusers, reverse guide vanes and gas-path curvilinear contours. The software package AxCB was developed, which allows carrying out the verification of the calculation method. It showed satisfactory accuracy of flow numerical investigation results in the stages with experimental and analytical data. With the proposed method and software package AxCB studies were undertook which dealt with influence of different geometric parameters of flow path and blade rows on the flow structure and stages summary characteristics. On the basis of a detailed analysis modernization of three centrifugal blower stages was proposed to improve their basic parameters or expand the characteristic working area.
Тимошик, Михайло Морозенкович. "Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата економічних наук." Diss., Тернопільський національний технічний університет ім. Івана Пулюя, 2019. http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/27905.
Full textОсипова, Ольга Ігорівна, Olga Osipova, and Ольга Игоревна Осипова. "Система моделей оцінювання рівня продовольчої безпеки регіонів України." Thesis, ДВНЗ «Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана», 2016. https://ir.kneu.edu.ua:443/handle/2010/33126.
Full textПришупа, Юлія Юріївна. "Формування самоосвітньої компетентності майбутніх інженерів-будівельників у процесі професійної підготовки." Thesis, NAU, 2016. http://er.nau.edu.ua:8080/handle/NAU/19100.
Full textPryshupa Y. Y. The formation of self-educational competence of future civil-engineers in the process of professional education. – Manuscript. Dissertation for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences, specialty 13.00.04. – Theory and Methods of Professional Education. – National aviation university. – Kyiv, 2016. The thesis is dedicated to the problem of formation of self-educational competence of future civil-engineers in the process of professional education. The thesis outlines the present state of theory and practice of formation of self-educational competence, provides scientific substantiation of organizational and pedagogical conditions and develops a structural and functional model of self-educational competence of future civil-engineers in the process of professional education. Effectiveness of the experimental model and improved methods of forming of future civil-engineers’ self-competence in the process of professional education have been proved. The thesis clarifies the essence and meaning of the notion “self-educational competence of future civil-engineers”, defines its component structure. Criteria, indicators and levels of the studied phenomenon have been concretized.
Щербакова, Юлія Едуардівна. "Цінності обєднаної Європи у контексті демократизації політичної культури українського суспільства." Thesis, на правах рукопису, 2011. http://enpuir.npu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/17540.
Full textУ роботі визначено сутність та зміст поняття «цінності політичного простору», запропоновано авторську інтерпретацію, згідно з якою встановлено відмінність понять «політичні цінності» та «цінності політичного простору». запропоновано класифікацію цінностей об’єднаної Європи, критерії якої опрацьовано, спираючись на дані «European Values Survey», «European Social Survey», «Eurobarometer», а також на дані контент-аналізу «Договору, що запроваджує Конституцію для Європи», Лісабонського договору і методу якісного аналізу документів – Копенгагенських критеріїв. На основі даних соціологічних опитувань, проведених в Україні, розроблено політичний ціннісний портрет українців
Тарасова, Ганна Олександрівна. "Управління розвитком промислових підприємств в умовах економічної нестабільності." Diss., Тернопільський національний технічний університет ім. Івана Пулюя, 2019. http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/27938.
Full textЗМІСТ ВСТУП 42 РОЗДІЛ 1. ТЕОРЕТИКО-МЕТОДОЛОГІЧНІ АСПЕКТИ УПРАВЛІННЯ РОЗВИТКОМ ПРОМИСЛОВИХ ПІДПРИЄМСТВ 53 1.1. Управління розвитком промислових підприємств за різних умов зовнішнього середовища 53 1.2. Методологічні положення управління розвитком промислових підприємств 66 1.3. Сутність антисипативного управління розвитком промислового підприємства 85 1.4. Мотивація до розвитку промислових підприємств 99 Висновки до розділу 1 113 РОЗДІЛ 2. АНАЛІЗ ТЕНДЕНЦІЙ ТА ПРОБЛЕМ УПРАВЛІННЯ РОЗВИТКОМ ПРОМИСЛОВИХ ПІДПРИЄМСТВ В УМОВАХ ЕКОНОМІЧНОЇ НЕСТАБІЛЬНОСТІ 115 2.1. Аналіз можливостей розвитку сучасних промислових підприємств в умовах кризи 115 2.2. Аналіз статистики циклічності економічних криз у світовій економіці та економіці України 136 2.3. Інноваційний розвиток промислових підприємств за кризових умов 154 Висновки до розділу 2 173 РОЗДІЛ 3. МЕТОДОЛОГІЧНІ ПІДХОДИ ДО УПРАВЛІННЯ РОЗВИТКОМ ПРОМИСЛОВИХ ПІДПРИЄМСТВ В УМОВАХ ЕКОНОМІЧНОЇ НЕСТАБІЛЬНОСТІ 177 3.1. Комбінаторний підхід до управління розвитком промислових підприємств в умовах складних криз 177 3.2. Визначення потенціалу розвитку промислового підприємства в антисипативному управлінні 196 3.3. Концептуальні положення управління розвитком промислового підприємства в умовах економічної нестабільності 210 Висновки до розділу 3 224 РОЗДІЛ 4. СИНТЕЗ МЕТОДІВ УПРАВЛІННЯ РОЗВИТКОМ ПРОМИСЛОВИХ ПІДПРИЄМСТВ В УМОВАХ ЕКОНОМІЧНОЇ НЕСТАБІЛЬНОСТІ 225 4.1. Прогнозування кризових явищ при управлінні розвитком промислового підприємства 225 4.2. Активізація антикризових стратегій розвитку промислового підприємства на підставі слабких сигналів 243 4.3. Адаптаційна диверсифікація розвитку промислового підприємства в умовах кризи 262 4.4. Оптимізація розвитку промислових підприємств в різних умовах функціонування 281 Висновки до розділу 4 293 РОЗДІЛ 5. РЕАЛІЗАЦІЯ ОРГАНІЗАЦІЙНО-ЕКОНОМІЧНИХ ЗАХОДІВ УПРАВЛІННЯ РОЗВИТКОМ ПРОМИСЛОВИХ ПІДПРИЄМСТВ В УМОВАХ ЕКОНОМІЧНОЇ НЕСТАБІЛЬНОСТІ 297 5.1. Забезпечення планування роботи з сигналами в антисипативному управлінні розвитком промислового підприємства 297 5.2. Ітераційний підхід до моніторингу зовнішнього середовища в умовах економічної нестабільності 311 5.3. Інформаційне забезпечення аналізу потенціалу розвитку промислового підприємства в антисипативному управлінні 325 5.4. Оцінка стійкості розвитку промислового підприємства в умовах економічної нестабільності 339 Висновки до розділу 5 357 ВИСНОВКИ 359 СПИСОК ВИКОРИСТАНИХ ДЖЕРЕЛ 363 ДОДАТКИ 426
Погорелов, Володимир Володимирович, and Volodymyr Pogorelov. "Нейромережеві моделі та методи розпізнавання комп’ютерних вірусів." Thesis, Національний авіаційний університет, 2020. https://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/44636.
Full textВисоцька, Олена Олександрівна, and Olena Vysotska. "Методи біометричної автентифікації користувачів інформаційних систем за їх клавіатурним та рукописним почерком." Thesis, Національний авіаційний університет, 2019. http://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/40426.
Full textThesis is devoted to solving the problem of authentication of information systems users (AISU) by their biometric characteristics. The work first analyzes the existing types AISU; the classification of biometric recognition systems has been improved; selected biometric characte-ristics, optimal for authentication, with their help, users of information systems, namely keystro-ke pattern and handwriting; a comparative analysis of the most common recognition methods by selected biometric characteristics was performed. Existing types of neural networks were analy-zed and their most suitable variant was chosen for solving the AISU problem, namely probabi-listic neural network (PNN). The methods AISU by their keystroke pattern and handwriting by means of PNN are offered and programmatically implemented. An important component of advanced methods is developed methods of primary processing of samples of keystroke pattern and handwriting, the using these methods increases the probability of correct recognition of in-formation systems users. The choice of configuration parameters was carried out on the basis of the results of the experiments and using the developed software. Adjusting these configuration parameters is the most critical to increasing the probability of correct recognition of the informa-tion systems users when they are authenticated by keystroke pattern and handwriting. The esti-mation of probability of correct recognition of information systems users by the selected biomet-ric characteristics, which is provided by the use of PNN, was obtained.
Хомич, Сергій Миколайович. "Обґрунтування парамбульбашкаетрів забірного пристрою засобу для добування сапропелю." Thesis, Тернопільський національний технічний університет ім. Івана Пулюя, 2014. http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/5435.
Full textДровнін, Сергій Сергійович. "Підвищення ефективності експлуатації газотурбінних двигунів через відновлення властивостей олив." Thesis, Національний авіаційний університет, 2016. http://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/22358.
Full text05.22.20 – Експлуатація та ремонт засобів транспорту
Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата технічних наук зі спеціальності 05.22.20 – Експлуатація та ремонт засобів транспорту. – НАУ, Київ, 2016. У роботі теоретично обґрунтовано та експериментально доведено можливість відновлення властивостей авіаційних олив через проведення їх барботажної обробки, що забезпечує підвищення ефективності експлуатації газотурбінних двигунів. Проведено оцінювання накопичення води в маслосистемах газотурбінних двигунів Ил-76 у період експлуатації.
Халіфе, Кассем. "Проектування програмних засобів комп'ютерних систем критичного застосування для забезпечення інформаційної безпеки." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2018. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/36539.
Full textThe dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of candidate of technical Sciences in specialty 05.13.05 – computer systems and components. – National technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2018. The dissertation solves the problem of providing the necessary level of security of system software on the basis of synthesis of the design method of software. Based on the study of modern software design methodologies, it has been established that there is a contradiction between the increase in the degree of use of system software in critical computer systems, increased requirements for its security, and the existing state of software methods. The choice of technology of mathematical formalization on the basis of GERTnetwork is substantiated. A complex of mathematical models of control technology and software testing software, consisting of GERT-model testing software and GERT-model of test-case management system, was developed. This allowed to improve the accuracy of the results of mathematical modeling in terms of testing vulnerability to various types of threats of malicious hacker intruders and to conduct a preliminary assessment of the time costs of the stage of development of technical documentation of the project. The method of scaling the software design methodology with the requirements of security is developed, which differs from the known ability to manage the existing forces in the organization both in the team and in the field of specialists of the adjacent direction. The mathematical models of the stage of initialization and implementation of the software functionality are developed. This allowed to highlight a number of the most important parameters for evaluating the initialization costs, determine their dependence on the qualitative characteristics of project participants, and increase the accuracy of simulation results by 3%. The method of scaling the existing methodology of designing software tools of computer systems of critical application with the requirements of safety is synthesized. Practical recommendations on application of the developed methods are substantiated.
Шаура, Аліна Юріївна. "Методика навчання харчових технологій майбутніх педагогів професійної освіти." Thesis, НПУ імнені М. П. Драгоманова, 2017. http://enpuir.npu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/17610.
Full textThe Thesis is devoted to the research of problems facing the effectiveness of the methodology of teaching food technologies to future teachers of vocational education with the use of modern approaches and innovative forms of professional training organization. The research of modern methodological approaches in education, the use of which is the most expedient in the process of professional training of future teachers of vocational education in the field of food technologies, namely: competence, technological, environmental and informational activity approaches have been studied. The essence of the proactive education, the main aspects of which are used in the process of training future specialists in food technologies, have been revealed. The model of the methodological system of training future teachers of vocational and technical educational institutions, which includes the following units: support-target, content-procedural and productive being interconnected and complementary have been proposed and theoretically substantiated in the work. In the support-target unit, the subject of training, the purpose and the tasks, and modern didactic principles and methodological approaches have been determined. The content-procedural unit of the model of the methodological system of teaching food technologies to future teachers of vocational education includes the content, forms, teaching technologies and means of teaching food technologies. The last-named productive unit includes the assessment of the quality of educational achievements and the level of expertise of the subjects of training in food technology. The methodology for teaching the discipline «General Technologies of Food Production» on the basis of proactive education, based on problem, developmental, interactive and project teaching technologies, has been developed and substantiated. The theoretical bases of formation of the content of the discipline «General Technologies of Food Production» by researching the achievements of scientific and technological progress and innovations in the field of food technologies, analyzing the existing software have been studied. The selection and structuring of educational material on food technologies have been made and a modular curriculum of the discipline has been developed. The thesis examines the effectiveness of the methodology of teaching food technologies to future teachers of vocational education.
Рочняк, Юрій Альфредович. "Теоретичні основи формування архітектури залізничних вокзалів." Diss., Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2021. https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/56705.
Full textКоваленко, Андрій Анатолійович. "Моделі та методи синтезу і реконфігурації архітектур комп'ютерних систем і мереж об'єктів критичного застосування." Thesis, Харківський національний університет радіоелектроніки, 2018. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/37690.
Full textDissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences in the specialty of 05.13.05 – Computer Systems and Components. – Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2018. The thesis is devoted to solving of actual scientific and applied problem of ensuring the operativeness requirements for information exchange process in computer systems (CS) of critical application objects (CAO) on the basis of mathematical apparatus (mathematical models and methods) development intended for synthesis of new and reconfiguration of existing architectures of computer systems and networks. It was performed an analysis of the problem, appropriate trends of CAO CS, as well as the requirements for architectures of CAO CS and networks. The results revealed that currently existing models intended for synthesis and reconfiguration of CAO CS does not always lead to meet the operativity requirements for the process of information exchange in CAO CS and networks (CSN). This circumstance determines the need to improve the corresponding classical mathematical tools to increase the operativity of information transmission. It was developed a complex of methods for multiparameter synthesis of CAO CSN that optimizes the costs of constructing components of the critical application object CS, which ensure the meeting of operativity requirements. It was developed a further improvement for the model of tasks distribution process within the components of distributed CAO CS that allows significant accelerating the solution of the optimization problem in a case of large dimensions. It was developed a complex of evolution models for CAO computer networks (CN) that allows executing the prediction of network architecture changes during a fixed time interval. It was developed a complex of reconfiguration methods for CAO CN that allows adjusting the set of operation parameters of wireless components of the network in order to reduce the time of information transmission. It was improved a mathematical model describing the operation of CAO CN cloud component that allows accelerating the process of information transmission. It was improved a method of optimal time scales constructing for approximating the length of CAO CN queues that allows determining the length of queues during network reconfiguration. It was improved a method for information transmission in a wireless segment of CAO CN that allows reducing the time of information transmission.
Квасник, Ольга Віталіївна. "Формування соціокультурної компетентності студентів технічних університетів у процесі вивчення психолого-педагогічних дисциплін." Thesis, Київський університет ім. Бориса Грінченка, 2014. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/22895.
Full textDissertation for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences, specialty 13.00.04 – Theory and a vocational training. – Borys Grinchenko’s Kyiv University. – Kiev, 2014. The thesis is a theoretical-experimental study of the problem of formation of the socio-cultural competence of students of technical universities. The thesis examined the current state of research problems of formation of socio-cultural competence in educational theory and practice; socio-cultural competence of engineering students is defined as an integrative personal quality specialist engineering and technical direction that reflects the ability to the socio-cultural activities and communication in a multicultural professional environment and society as a whole; reasonably related structural components of sociocultural competence (emotional-moral, diagnostic and prognostic, cognitive, communicative-activity, personal), the criteria (emotionally-evaluative, analytical and predictive, cognitive, activity-practical, motivational and target ) and performance levels (high, enough, low) of its formation for students of technical universities, developed and implemented a model of socio-cultural competence in the study of psychological and pedagogical disciplines done selecting the content, forms and methods of formation of socio-cultural competence of engineering students in the study of the disciplines of psychology, pedagogy and psychology management of psycho-pedagogical cycle; experimentally verified the effectiveness of the implementation of selected content, forms and methods of formation of socio-cultural competence.
Назарова, Тетяна Юріївна. "Управління фінансовим потенціалом промислових підприємств на засадах синергетичного підходу." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/24884.
Full textThesis for granting the Degree of Candidate of Economical sciences in specialty 08.00.04 – economy and management of the enterprises. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Politechnical Institute", 2016.The thesis is devoted to solving important scientific problems of the financial potential of industrial enterprises on the basis of a synergistic approach. Defined the concept of "financial management capacity on the basis of a synergistic approach" by clarifying and disclosure of his constituents: "Management", "potential", "company", "financial potential of the company." The theoretical and methodological support for the financial potential on the basis of a synergistic approach. Grounded analytical application software evaluation factors influencing the financial potential of industrial enterprises. The scientific and methodical approach to the assessment of the financial capacity of enterprises. The mechanism of the financial potential of industrial enterprises on the basis of a synergistic approach as the basis for profitability through the efficient use of its financial capacity. Grounded and scientific-practical approach to evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation strategy for the growth of financial capacity, which will create the basis for optimization of the current financing through the adoption of quality management and timely financial decisions. The main provisions of confirmed practical results of their implementation in the industry.
Клименко, Ірина Анатоліївна. "Методи та засоби підвищення ефективності обробки інформації в реконфігуровних комп’ютерних системах на базі ПЛІС." Doctoral thesis, Київ, 2017. https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/19095.
Full textКоваленко, Андрій Анатолійович. "Моделі та методи синтезу і реконфігурації архітектур комп'ютерних систем і мереж об'єктів критичного застосування." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2018. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/37686.
Full textDissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences in the specialty of 05.13.05 – Computer Systems and Components. – Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2018. The thesis is devoted to solving of actual scientific and applied problem of ensuring the operativeness requirements for information exchange process in computer systems (CS) of critical application objects (CAO) on the basis of mathematical apparatus (mathematical models and methods) development intended for synthesis of new and reconfiguration of existing architectures of computer systems and networks. It was performed an analysis of the problem, appropriate trends of CAO CS, as well as the requirements for architectures of CAO CS and networks. The results revealed that currently existing models intended for synthesis and reconfiguration of CAO CS does not always lead to meet the operativity requirements for the process of information exchange in CAO CS and networks (CSN). This circumstance determines the need to improve the corresponding classical mathematical tools to increase the operativity of information transmission. It was developed a complex of methods for multiparameter synthesis of CAO CSN that optimizes the costs of constructing components of the critical application object CS, which ensure the meeting of operativity requirements. It was developed a further improvement for the model of tasks distribution process within the components of distributed CAO CS that allows significant accelerating the solution of the optimization problem in a case of large dimensions. It was developed a complex of evolution models for CAO computer networks (CN) that allows executing the prediction of network architecture changes during a fixed time interval. It was developed a complex of reconfiguration methods for CAO CN that allows adjusting the set of operation parameters of wireless components of the network in order to reduce the time of information transmission. It was improved a mathematical model describing the operation of CAO CN cloud component that allows accelerating the process of information transmission. It was improved a method of optimal time scales constructing for approximating the length of CAO CN queues that allows determining the length of queues during network reconfiguration. It was improved a method for information transmission in a wireless segment of CAO CN that allows reducing the time of information transmission.
Найда, Андрій Михайлович. "Орієнтаційна модифікація полівінілхлориду при виготовленні напірних труб." Doctoral thesis, Київ, 2017. https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/19666.
Full textКолесник, Віталій Олександрович. "Технологічне забезпечення якості при свердлінні циліндричних отворів в пакетах "вуглепластик/титановий сплав"." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/21493.
Full textThesis for scientific degree of Candidate of Technical sciences on specialty 05.02.08 – Mechanical engineering technologies. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", 2016. Dissertation is devoted to solving the problem of reducing the cost of the process of formation of cylindrical holes in CFRP / Titanium alloy stacks. The basic idea is scientific substantiation single-pass stacks processing technology CFRP / titanium alloy that ensures the formation of holes at the level of design requirements. These mathematical relationships influence of cutting speed and feed on the cutting temperature, surface roughness and precision holes and tool wear, which allowed to investigate its effect on the nature and mechanisms of quality indicators of the holes in stacks. The results allow us to establish the combination of cutting speed, feed that will ensure that the holes on the H9 at the lowest cost technology.
Козько, Костянтин Сергійович. "Ємнісний гравіметр автоматизованої авіаційної гравіметричної системи." Doctoral thesis, Київ, 2016. https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/15358.
Full textВовк, Ян Станіславович. "Моделювання об’ємних тривимірних термограм на основі плоских термографічних знімків." Master's thesis, КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021. https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/41192.
Full textTopicality: This work provides an opportunity to look at an innovative method of analysis of thermographic images, namely, opens wide opportunities in the use of threedimensional models based on thermograms obtained by infrared thermography. Since spatial modeling is a little-studied field of thermography, but has great potential for use in many fields of human activity (medicine, botany, metallurgy, missile construction, military industry, etc.), the topic of this work is promising and relevant. This approach will help in the future to greatly facilitate the methods of performing a number of tasks, and will help to look at some problems from the other side, which will allow to solve them with less time. Connection of work with scientific programs, plans, themes of the department: The dissertation was performed in accordance with the plans of the interdepartmental educational and scientific laboratory of non-invasive research methods together with the Institute of Semiconductor Physics. V.Ye. Lashkareva of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, with which a cooperation agreement in the field of thermographic research has been in force for many years. The results of this master's dissertation can also be used directly in the educational process of the Department of General Physics and Solid State Physics in teaching the course "Infrared thermography as a tool for research" and "Computer modeling of physical processes", as well as further improvement of three-dimensional thermogram modeling algorithms. by performing master's theses of the department. The task of the study: To analyze the existing methods of creating threedimensional images; develop an algorithm and software for creating three-dimensional thermographic models based on two-dimensional thermograms obtained by infraredthermography. Object of research: Methods of modeling three-dimensional objects. Subject of research: Algorithm for modeling objects based on images of real objects. Scientific novelty of the obtained results: 1. For the first time an algorithm and software for simplification of analysis of thermographic images was developed, which is an innovative tool for analysis of thermograms for relatively small objects of research. This software allows you to obtain a three-dimensional thermogram, which is created on the basis of thermographic images of the object under study. 2. It is determined that at present there are no similar methods of creating threedimensional images, so the proposed method opens new opportunities for further development of technology for three-dimensional modeling of thermal images. Practical significance of the obtained results: 1. For the purpose of practical realization, three main methods of modeling of spatial models are analyzed and defined and the method of a polygonal grid for modeling of three-dimensional images is chosen as basic. 2. It is determined that modern infrared thermographs make it possible to analyze the temperature fields of research objects with high accuracy, as well as from a great distance, which in turn makes it possible to analyze the data even in life-threatening conditions. 3. Testing of the developed software showed that the three-dimensional objects obtained during the operation of the program allow to quickly analyze thermographic images, and are the basis for further research to improve the software. The purpose of the individual task: - get acquainted with the physical basics of thermography; - to get acquainted with the principle of obtaining thermographic images; - to get acquainted with the possibilities of modern infrared thermographs; - to analyze the methods of modeling three-dimensional models; - develop software for modeling three-dimensional objects based onthermographic images. - test the algorithm on real thermographic images; - analyze the results and identify the shortcomings of the algorithm.
Донець, Олександр Дмитрович. "Наукові основи створення сучасних реактивних регіональних пасажирських літаків." Thesis, Державне підприємство "Антонов", 2019. http://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/40555.
Full textДисертаційну роботу присвячено розробленню наукових основ створення сучасного реактивного регіонального літака нового покоління на 75 - 85 пасажирів. Розроблено концепції та наукові основи методології інтегрованого проектування сімейства регіональних пасажирських літаків, включаючи концепцію, принципи та методи інтегрованого проектування; концепцію створення силової установки; концепцію створення системи керування польотом. Наведено ряд нових конструктивно-технологічних рішень при створенні планера сімейства літаків Ан-148-100/Ан-158. Розроблено аеродинамічне компонування, що дозволило створити сімейство літаків-високопланів зі швидкістю польоту до 870 км/год ІШ (М = 0,8) та значенням аеродинамічної якості на крейсерському режимі польоту Ккрейс = 15,8. Розроблено нові конструктивно-технологічні рішення забезпечення статичної міцності та ресурсу регіональних пасажирських літаків. Реалізація розроблених наукових основ і методів інтегрованого проектування дозволила організувати виробництво літаків Ан-148-100 та Ан-158. Відпрацьовано й впроваджено нові технологічні процеси та обладнання, у тому числі лазерний контрольно-вимірювальний комплекс для контролю стапелів. Проектування оснащення виконано із застосуванням ЕОМ і тривимірних електронних математичних моделей елементів літака. Наведено результати комплексу робіт із забезпечення льотної придатності та сертифікації сімейства регіональних пасажирських літаків.
Диссертационная работа посвящена разработке научных основ создания современного реактивного регионального самолета нового поколения на 75 - 85 пассажиров, что было обусловлено потребностью рынка пассажирских авиаперевозок, прежде всего в странах СНГ, вызванной прекращением полетов парка морально и физически устаревших самолетов Ту-134 в результате нерентабельности их эксплуатации, а также несоответствием их характеристик все более жестким требованиям Авиационных правил по шуму и эмиссии. Разработаны концепции и научные основы методологии интегрированного проектирования семейства региональных пассажирских самолетов, включая концепцию, принципы и методы интегрированного проектирования региональных пассажирских самолетов; концепцию создания силовой установки; концепцию создания системы управления полетом региональных пассажирских самолетов. В работе приведен ряд разработанных конструктивно-технологических решений, которые применены при создании планера семейства самолетов Ан-148-100/ Ан-158 (фюзеляж, крыло, пилоны навески силовых установок и оперения). Приведены особенности обеспечения аэродинамических характеристик регионального пассажирского самолета. Разработана аэродинамическая компоновка, которая позволила создать семейство региональных пассажирских самолетов-высокопланов со скоростью полета до 870 км/ч ИС (М = 0,8), которое не имеет аналогов в мировой практике авиастроения. Значение аэродинамического качества самолета на крейсерском режиме полета составляет Ккрейс = 15,8, что соответствует мировому уровню. Разработанные новые конструктивно-технологические решения обеспечения статической прочности и ресурса региональных пассажирских самолетов позволили достичь при отработке проектного ресурса и срока службы 80000 летных часов, 60000 полетов для модели Ан-148-100А, 40000 полетов для модели Ан-148-100В, 30000 полетов для Ан-148-100Е, 50000 полетов для Ан-158, 30 лет по условиям прочности конструкции при длительной эксплуатации. Реализация разработанных научных основ и методов интегрированного проектирования позволила организовать производство самолетов Ан-148-100 и Ан-158 в соответствии с требованиями «Руководства 21.2С по сертификации и надзору за производством авиационной техники», «Руководства 21.2D процедуры сертификации и контроля за производством изделий гражданской авиационной техники», стандартов IS09001-2009 и EN9100 «Системы менеджмента качества. Требования». Выработаны и внедрены новые технологические процессы изготовления деталей и узлов на станках с числовым программным управлением. Освоено и внедрено новое оборудование и технологические процессы сварки. Проектирование технологической оснастки выполняли с применением ЭВМ и трехмерных электронных математических моделей элементов самолета, что позволило обеспечить привязку оснащения по единому источнику с минимальным использованием эталонов и калибров, сократить цикл проектных работ и уменьшить трудоемкость изготовления и монтажа оснастки. Для контроля стапелей использован лазерный контрольно-измерительный комплекс, обеспечивающий высокую точность измерений и возможность сравнения полученных данных с математической моделью. Представлены результаты выполненного комплекса работ по обеспечению летной годности самолетов семейства Ан-148-100/Ан-158, что обеспечивает их безопасную эксплуатацию в полном соответствии с требованиями Авиационных правил. Приведены результаты сертификационных работ, проведенных совместно ГП «АНТОНОВ», Сертификационными центрами, назначенными Авиарегистром МАК, и Авиационной властью Украины, по установлению и подтверждению соответствия самолетов типа Ан-148-100 (модели Ан-148-100А, Ан-148-100В, Ан-148- 100Е) с маршевыми двигателями Д-436-148, вспомогательной силовой установкой АИ-450-МС и их эксплуатационной документацией требованиям Сертификационного базиса СБ-148 в пределах эксплуатационных ограничений, оговоренных в эксплуатационной документации самолета.
The Thesis is devoted to the development of the scientific foundations of creating a modem new-generation regional jet aircraft for 75 - 85 passengers. The concept and scientific basis of the integrated design methodology for a family of regional passenger aircraft have been developed including the following: the concept, principles and methods of integrated design; the concept of development of a power plant; the concept of development of a flight control system. The paper presents a number of developed stmctural and technological solutions that were used to create the airframe of the An-148-100/An-158 aircraft family. The developed aerodynamic configuration made it possible to create a family of high-wing aircraft with a flight speed of up to 870 km/h (M = 0.8) and the aircraft lift-to-drag ratio in cmise flight Kcmis = 15.8. New design and technological solutions to ensure the static strength and lifetime of regional passenger aircraft have been developed. The implementation of the developed scientific foundations and methods of integrated design made it possible to organize production of An-148-100 and An-158 aircraft. New technological processes and equipment have been developed and introduced including laser control and measuring complex to control the holding frames. The tooling design was developed using computers and three-dimensional electronic mathematical models of the aircraft elements. The results of a set of works on ensuring of airworthiness and certification of regional passenger aircraft family were presented.
Грицак, Анатолій Васильович, and Anatoliy Hrytsak. "Методи побудови ефективних криптографічних функцій гешування." Thesis, Національний авіаційний університет, 2020. https://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/44653.
Full textМисливченко, Олександр Миколайович. "Особливості структуроутворення та властивості високоентропійних сплавів системи Cr-Al-Fe-Co-Ni-Cu-Mn-V." Thesis, НТУУ "КПІ", 2016. https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/15354.
Full textDissertation is devoted to the solution of scientific and technical problem on finding of the new multicomponent alloys, having dipped properties. The features of the structure and properties of high-entropy alloys of Cr-Al-Fe-Co- Ni-Cu-Mn-V. The effect of additional doping on their phase composition, microstructure and physical and mechanical properties. Developed six component alloy CrMnFeCoNi2Cu with high deformability. The influence of strain on alloy phase composition, texture, microstructure, physical and mechanical properties and high thermal stability shown in these figures. The conditions of formation of -phase multicomponent alloys. Based on these conditions, the system of alloys containing -phase studied their phase composition, microstructure, physical and mechanical properties and wear resistance.
Диссертация посвящена решению научно-технической задачи по разработке высокоэнтропийных сплавов с улучшенными свойствами. Сплавы получены аргонно-дуговой плавкой и исследованы рентгеноструктурным анализом, растровой электронной микроскопией с локальным рентгеноспектральным анализом, оптической микроскопией, энергодисперсионным рентгенофлуоресцентным анализом, микроиндентированием. Были проведены испытания на износостойкость согласно ГОСТ 23.208-79. В работе впервые систематически исследовано и определено влияние содержания элементов на сплавы системы Cr-Al-Fe-Co-Ni-Cu. Исследованы фазовый состав, микроструктура, физико-механические свойства и распределение элементов между структурными составляющими. Все сплавы, данной системы, характеризуются высокой твердостью, которая не присущая ни одному из исходных компонентов. Показано, что во всем исследованном концентрационном интервале изменения содержания элементов, вследствие высокой энтропии смешения, образуются только фазы на основе неупорядоченных твердых растворов замещения с ОЦК- и ГЦК-структурами, а также твердый раствор на основе фазы упорядоченной по типу В2. Показано, что в данной системе тип кристаллической решётки твердого раствора определяется средней электронной концентрацией исходных компонентов. Элементы, повышающие среднюю электронную концентрацию (Cu, Ni, Co), способствуют образованию твердого раствора на основе фазы с ГЦК-структурой, понижающие (Al, Cr) – твердого раствора на основе фазы с ОЦК-структурой. Элементы, не влияющие на среднюю электронную концентрацию (Fe), к его однофазному состоянию не приводят. Разработан сплав CrMnFeCoNi2Cu способен деформироваться холодной прокаткой на большие степени деформации без появления трещин или надрывов. Деформация осуществлялась путем последовательной прокатки на станах ДУО-500, ДУО-300, и КВАРТО-100, при комнатной температуре. Показано, что при деформации возрастает его микротвердость, а модуль Юнга остается постоянным после деформации на 70 %. Фазовый состав сплава в литом состоянии состоит из двух твердых растворов на основе фаз с ГЦК-структурами. По мере увеличения степени деформации количество твердого раствора на основе фазы с ГЦК1- структурой уменьшается. Холодная прокатка разработанного сплава приводит к изменению текстуры литья в текстуру прокатки, которая подобна к текстуре прокатки ГЦК-металлов и сплавов. Проведенные отжиги показали высокую термическую стабильность фазового состава, структуры и физико-механических свойств. Так, микротвердость и модуль Юнга сплава деформированного на 98 %, снизились до показателей в литом состоянии только после двухчасового отжига при Т= 1473 К, что составляет (0,97 Тплавл). Отжиг данного сплава в литом и деформированном на 80 % состоянии, при температуре 1073 К и выше, способствует гомогенизации и образованию одного твердого раствора на основе фазы с ГЦК-структурой вместо двух. Отжиг свыше 1273 К, сплава деформированного на 98 %, приводит к выделению по границам зерен ГЦК1 фазовой составляющей. Изменение микротвердости от среднего размера зерен подчиняется соотношению Холла-Петча. Определены условия формирования многокомпонентной -фазы типа (FeCr) в системе V-Сr-Mn-Fe-Co-Ni. Получены сплавы данной системы, исследованы их фазовый состав, микроструктура и физико-механические свойства. Определена износостойкость сплавов VСrMnFeCoNi2, VСrMnFeCoNi1,5, VСrMnFeCoNi при трении об нежестко закрепленные абразивные частицы. Показано, что износостойкость сплава VСrMnFeCoNi близка к промышленному наплавочному материалу Т-590.
Хіцко, Яна Володимирівна. "Математичне моделювання задач криптографії та обробки сигналів з використанням неканонічних гіперкомплексних числових систем." Thesis, НТУУ "КПІ", 2016. https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/15092.
Full textThe thesis is devoted to mathematical modeling of cryptography and signal problems using non-canonical hypercomplex numerical systems, which reduces the calculations amount during these models functioning and allows their optimization by individual characteristics. The modelling results of secret sharing scheme have shown that the use of non-canonical hypercomplex numerical systems starting from dimension 4 reduces the computation amount required in comparison with the use of canonical hypercomplex numerical systems. The methods for synthesis the noncanonical hypercomplex numerical system structures that satisfy the criteria for building a digital filter are developed. The digital filter is developed with the coefficients in noncanonical hypercomplex numerical systems and optimized by the parametric sensitivity.
Диссертация посвящена математическому моделированию задач криптографии и обработки сигналов с использованием неканонических гиперкомплексных числовых систем (ГЧС). Разработаны методы и способы представления и обработки данных в неканонических ГЧС, применение которых упрощает вид математических моделей, уменьшает количество вычислений при их функционировании и позволяет производить их оптимизацию по отдельным признакам. Анализ результатов работ последнего десятилетия по применению гиперкомплексных числовых систем в решении задач криптографии и обработки сигналов показал следущее: 1) применение канонических ГЧС к задаче разделения секрета повышает криптографическую стойкость, но вместе с тем увеличивает количество операций, требуемых для реализации такой задачи. Применение неканонических ГЧС дает возможность минимизировать количество вычислений за счет меньшей размерности системы; 2) синтез цифрового фильтра с использованием канонических ГЧС дает результаты по оптимизации его параметрической чувствительности, но поскольку выбор таких систем ограничен, неканонические ГЧС дают большие возможности по оптимизации чувствительности. В работе совершенствуются методы построения структур ГЧС заданной размерности, в том числе получения множества структур неканонических ГЧС, заданных в общем виде и неканонических гиперкомплексных числовых систем, изоморфных диагональной системе. Эти методы учитывают заданные ограничения представления данных в неканонических ГЧС для моделирования практических задач. Предлагается метод построения некоторых классов изоморфизма для неканонических ГЧС размерности 2. Изоморфные системы используются для минимизации вычислений при таком представления данных. В работе совершенствуются методы определения единичного элемента, нормы, сопряжения и делителей нуля для неканонических гиперкомплексных числовых систем; методы выполнения операций в таких системах. Впервые предлагается метод вычисления вычетов в неканонических ГЧС, который применяется в моделировании задачи разделения секрета и учитывает структурные особенности неканонических гиперкомплексных числовых систем. Предлагается модификация модулярной схемы разделения секрета, которая отличается от существующей представлением информации остатками в неканонических ГЧС по совокупности неканонических гиперкомплексных модулей. Реализована компьютерная модель задачи разделения секрета для неканонических ГЧС третьей и четвертой размерности в системе символьных вычислений MAPLE. Приведены результаты работы такой модели и сравнительные характеристики количества операций в части преобразования данных, непосредственно разделения секрета и восстановления данных. Анализ полученных результатов показал, что в целом, применение неканонических ГЧС к данной модели позволяет использовать меньшую размерность в зависимости от выбора констант при структурных единицах в таблице умножения системы, для обеспечения такой же криптостойкости, как и с использованием канонических ГЧС. Использование неканонической ГЧС размерности 3 для обеспечения такой же криптостойкости, как и при использовании канонической ГЧС размерности 4, не дает нужного эффекта для уменьшения количества вычислений, так как среднее количество операций увеличивается на 92%. Но уже при использовании неканонической ГЧС размерности 4 с 9-ю составными ячейками в таблице умножения с целыми коэффициентами из диапазона {-4,4}, для обеспечения такой же криптостойкости, как и при использовании канонической ГЧС размерности 6, количество требуемых вычислений уменьшается в среднем на 44%. Для успешного восстановления секрета, необходимо использовать числовые системы без делителей нуля и обладающих свойством мультипликативности нормы. В диссертационной работе впервые предлагается метод синтеза неканонических ГЧС, которые могут быть использованы при построении цифрового фильтра. Создана математическая модель рекурсивного цифрового фильтра с гиперкомплексными коэффициентами в полученных неканонических ГЧС третьей размерности. Впервые предлагается метод оптимизации суммарной параметрической чувствительности фильтра, построенного с использованием неканонических ГЧС который позволяет существенно уменьшить параметрическую чувствительность эквивалентного фильтра с вещественными коэффициентами (до ~50%) и существующих фильтров с гиперкомплексными коэффициентами (до ~40%). В работе описано расширение аналитически-программного инструментария в системе символьных вычислений MAPLE, который реализует предложенные модели и методы с учетом структурных особенностей неканонических ГЧС, а именно: определение основных свойств и выполнение операций над неканоническими гиперкомплексными числами; выполнение модулярных операций над неканоническими гиперкомплексными числами; построение структур неканонических ГЧС согласно заданным критериям, в том числе, критерию построения цифрового фильтра; реализация модели задачи разделения секрета в неканонических ГЧС и метода оптимизации параметрической чувствительности цифрового фильтра. Листинги кода приведены в приложениях.
Берладір, Христина Володимирівна. "Антифрикційні матеріали на основі механоактивованих політетрафторетилену та наповнювачів." Thesis, КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2017. https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/19665.
Full textThe thesis is devoted to creation of composites of tribotechnical appointment with the increased operational properties based on mechanically activated polytetrafluoroethylene and fillers of various chemical nature. An approach of preparation of a matrix and fillers of various chemical nature for obtaining PTFE-composites by the reasonable choice of a ratio of ingredients and technology of their modifying is offered. The optimum modes of process of mechanical activation of PTFE-matrix, fibrous and disperse fillers are set. Influence of technological parameters of process of mechanical activation on structure, physical and mechanical and tribotechnical properties of the PTFE-composite is studied. It is shown that under the influence of mechanical activation the ordered spherolitic supramolecular structure of matrix PTFE is formed which is characterized micro- and the nanoscale and leads to an increase in the thermal resistance of a modified polymer on (293–353) K. It is established that mechanical activation does not result in noticeable destruction of polytetrafluoroethylene molecular chain, but there are conformational changes which consist in an increase in concentration of the valent and finite CF2 groups that can lead to enhanced physical, mechanical and service properties of the polymer. It is revealed that the main factors that determine tribotechnical and physical and mechanical properties of PTFE are the time of activation and rotating speed of working organs of a mill. It is mathematically proved the practical experimental mode of mechanical activation at which operational characteristics of matrix PTFE are maximum (n = 9000 min.-1, τ = 5 min.). In comparison with non-activated polymer the level of breaking strength has grown by 2,6 times, relative elongation - by 4,3 times, wear resistances – by 1,86 times. Different technological methods of increasing the adhesive interaction between the ingredients of PTFE-composites are investigated. The prospects of using mechanical activation not only of the matrix but also fillers of various chemical nature for improving of operational characteristics of composites are shown. The determining factor of increase in a complex of operational properties of mechanically activated PTFE-composites is forming spherolitic composite structure under the influence of active particles of disperse layered fillers which playing a role of germs of crystallization and formation on a surface of fibers and coke of the interfacial layer of PTFE which contributes to the emergence of a stable spatial cluster of a filler in volume of a matrix of composition and allows to reach the maximum reinforcing effect, thereby, raising strengthening characteristics of the material and its wear resistance. It is revealed that introduction of a binary filler increases wear resistance of the developed composites by (2,6–4,1) times in comparison with two-component composites. The greatest increase in wear resistance at preservation of high values of physical and mechanical properties of PTFE-composites is watched at synergetic effect of application of mechanical activation of a matrix, fillers, their mixing by two-stage mode and use of a binary filler of various chemical nature. The feature of the developed manufacturing technology of PTFE-composites consists in preliminary separate preparation of a matrix and fillers before their mixing by mechanical activation at various modes of the equipment therefore there is an increase in level of their breaking strength by 1,4 times and wear resistances by (3,7–6,0) times in comparison with industrial analogs that increases durability of work of frictional units of the compressor by (1,8–2,3) times. Piston rings and packing seals of piston-type compressors 4ГМ 2,5 У-3,4/2,8-251 are made of developed PTFE-material that successfully passed industrial tests at LLC «Scientific and innovative enterprise SumyPlastPolymer» and they are not worse than the industry samples. Technological process of PTFE-composite production is developed.
Диссертация посвящена созданию композитов триботехнического назначения с повышенными эксплуатационными свойствами на основе механоактивированных ПТФЭ и наполнителей различной химической природы. Предложен подход подготовки матрицы и наполнителей различной химической природы для получения ПТФЭ-композитов путем обоснованного выбора соотношения ингредиентов и технологии их модифицирования. Установлены оптимальные режимы процесса механической активации матричного ПТФЭ, волокнистых и дисперсных наполнителей. Изучено влияние технологических параметров процесса механической активации на структуру, физико-механические и триботехнические свойства ПТФЭ-композита. Из разработанного ПТФЭ-композита изготовлены поршневые кольца и сальниковые уплотнения поршневых компрессоров 4ГМ 2,5 У–3,4/2,8–251, которые успешно прошли промышленные испытания на ООО «Научно-внедренческое предприятие СумыПластПолимер» и по эксплуатационным характеристикам не уступают промышленным образцам.
Левченко, Сергій Володимирович. "Синергічні композиції інгібіторів корозії і поверхнево-активних речовин для процесів обробки сталі." Doctoral thesis, Київ, 2020. https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/38885.
Full textДана робота присвячена розробці технологічних рідин на основі створення синергічних сумішей інгібіторів корозії і ПАР для електроіскрового механічного методу підготовки сталевих поверхонь за допомогою електричних шліфувальних машин. Антикорозійна ефективність синергічних сумішей пасиваторів оксидної і сольової дії залежить від природи компонентів, механізму їх дії, а також від співвідношення молярних концентрацій складових в синергічних сумішах. Результати поляризаційних досліджень електрохімічної поведінки сталі показали перевагу інгібуючої ефективності синергічних композиції порівняно з ефективністю окремих компонентів, що підтверджується наявністю зони пасивації в широкому діапазоні потенціалів (0,8-1 В) і мінімального значення густини струму повної пасивації (1-2*10^-6 А/см^2), що свідчить про повний захист сталі від корозії. Показано, що зниження поверхневого натягу водних розчинів створених сумішей ПАР на межі повітря - рідина і зниження мікротвердості сталі на межі рідина-метал мають подібний характер. Введення розроблених технологічних рідин в зону обробки дозволяє знизити енергетичні витрати процесу на 30-40%, і підвищити клас чистоти поверхні на 3 і більше одиниць за рахунок ефекту пластифікації поверхні (ефект Ребіндера). Електроіскрова обробка оцинкованою щіткою дозволяє наносити на поверхню металу цинкові протектори, які разом з синергічними сумішами інгібіторів виявляють явище нададитивності, забезпечують майже стовідсотковий антикорозійний захист сталі навіть в сильно агресивних середовищах (3% NaCl), і збільшує період післяопераційного зберігання. Особливо високі показники захисту сталевих поверхонь отримано при використанні оцинкованої щітки з наступним нанесенням лакофарбового покриття, де реалізуються ефект взаємного посилення (синергізму) між протекторним електрохімічним захистом з лакофарбовим покриттям.
Левченко, Сергій Володимирович. "Синергічні композиції інгібіторів корозії і поверхнево-активних речовин для процесів обробки сталі." Thesis, КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2020. https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/38505.
Full textДана робота присвячена розробці технологічних рідин на основі створення синергічних сумішей інгібіторів корозії і ПАР для електроіскрового механічного методу підготовки сталевих поверхонь за допомогою електричних шліфувальних машин. Антикорозійна ефективність синергічних сумішей пасиваторів оксидної і сольової дії залежить від природи компонентів, механізму їх дії, а також від співвідношення молярних концентрацій складових в синергічних сумішах. Результати поляризаційних досліджень електрохімічної поведінки сталі показали перевагу інгібуючої ефективності синергічних композиції порівняно з ефективністю окремих компонентів, що підтверджується наявністю зони пасивації в широкому діапазоні потенціалів (0,8-1 В) і мінімального значення густини струму повної пасивації (1-2*10^-6 А/см^2), що свідчить про повний захист сталі від корозії. Показано, що зниження поверхневого натягу водних розчинів створених сумішей ПАР на межі повітря - рідина і зниження мікротвердості сталі на межі рідина-метал мають подібний характер. Введення розроблених технологічних рідин в зону обробки дозволяє знизити енергетичні витрати процесу на 30-40%, і підвищити клас чистоти поверхні на 3 і більше одиниць за рахунок ефекту пластифікації поверхні (ефект Ребіндера). Електроіскрова обробка оцинкованою щіткою дозволяє наносити на поверхню металу цинкові протектори, які разом з синергічними сумішами інгібіторів виявляють явище нададитивності, забезпечують майже стовідсотковий антикорозійний захист сталі навіть в сильно агресивних середовищах (3% NaCl), і збільшує період післяопераційного зберігання. Особливо високі показники захисту сталевих поверхонь отримано при використанні оцинкованої щітки з наступним нанесенням лакофарбового покриття, де реалізуються ефект взаємного посилення (синергізму) між протекторним електрохімічним захистом з лакофарбовим покриттям.
The work is devoted to the development of process fluids based on synergistic mixtures of surfactants and corrosion inhibitors for the electric-spark mechanical method steel surfaces preparing using electric grinders. The use of individual representatives of inhibitors and surfactants usually does not allow to obtain high efficacy. More effective are mixtures, the composition of which is characterized by a synergism in the action of their components. Nowadays, studies devoted to elucidating the mechanism of action of highly effective synergistic mixtures of metal corrosion inhibitors and surfactant compositions, same as related to the uncertainty of if effectiveness influence on the nature of components, as well as concerning the ratio of their concentrations in solutions remain developed insufficiently. The influence of additives on the qualitative characteristics of the prepared surfaces and energy costs of the process are also studied insufficiently. Such situation requires to develop research aimed on the increasing the corrosion resistance of metals during their postoperative period of storage, and also on improving of its protective properties after the paints and varnishes application. To prevent an occurrence of corrosion processes during electrospark machining of steel, technological fluids specifically containing synergistic mixtures of corrosion inhibitors with different mechanism of action oxide and salt passivation or adsorption were developed, their effectiveness depends on the ratio of components and is characterized by an extremum where attained maximum level of inhibitory effect of additives on the kinetics of electrochemical corrosion processes of steel and full protection is achieved. Anticorrosive efficiency of synergistic mixtures of the passivator oxide action (sodium nitrite) and the salt action (sodium silicate) depend on the nature of the components, the mechanism of their action, and also on the ratio of its molar concentrations constituting in synergistic mixtures and is characterized by a synergistic extremum of inhibitory action at a ratio of sodium nitrite concentrations and sodium silicate, as 1:2. The results of polarization studies of the electrochemical behavior of steel have revealed an advantage of the inhibitory efficiency of the synergistic compositions compared to the efficiency of individual components, and is confirmed by the existence of a passivation zone in a wide range of potentials (0.8-1 V) and by minimum values of the full passivation (1-2*10^-6 A/cm^2) current density, which indicates the comprehensive corrosion protection of steel. The introduction of such process fluids into the processing zone allows the treatment energy costs reducing by 30–40% and increasing the surface cleanliness class by 3 and more units due to the surface plasticization effect (Rehbinder effect). Synergistic mixtures of surfactants contain molecules with oppositely charged functional groups, between which the forces of mutual attraction arise that allows to achieve high surface activity at the phase boundaries: air - liquid and liquid - metal. It was found that a decrease of the surface tension in aqueous solutions of the developed surfactant mixtures at the air-liquid interface and a decrease in the microhardness of steel at the liquid-metal interface have a similar nature and demonstrate efficiency extremes with a similar ratio of molar concentrations of anionic and cationic active components of order 1:1. The thermodynamic characteristics of the formation of an adsorption layer surfactant at the interface of the aqueous solution-air were determined. It is shown that the dependences of surface tension, changes in entropy and enthalpy on the ratio of molar concentrations of cationic and anion active surfactants have a parallel extreme character, and the positive value of ΔS> 0 indicates that the driving force of the direct adsorption process is the entropy factor. The electro-spark treatment with a galvanized brush allows to apply zinc protectors to the metal surface, which, together with the synergistic mixtures of inhibitors, demonstrate the phenomenon of additivity and provide almost one hundred percent corrosion protection of steel even in strong corrosive media (3% NaCl), and enlarges the period of postoperative storage. Especially high rates of steel surfaces protection are obtained using a galvanized brush with the subsequent application of a paint and varnish coating, where the effect of mutual reinforcement (synergism) between the sacrificial electrochemical protection with a paint coating is realized. Due to the formation of zinc hydroxide inside the paint coating, the ohmic resistance is enlarged, the adhesion and protective properties of paint coatings are improved.
Шипуліна, Юлія Сергіївна. "Методологічні засади формування інноваційно-сприятливого середовища на підприємстві." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2018. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/36474.
Full textThesis for granting the Degree of Doctor of Economical sciences in specialty 08.00.04 – economy and management of enterprises (by types of economic activity). – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute", Kharkiv, 2018. The dissertation is devoted to the development and scientific substantiation of conceptual foundations, theoretical principles, methodical approaches and practical recommendations for the formation of innovative environment at industrial enterprises on the basis of their innovation culture in the context of ensuring their innovative development. The dissertation investigates tendencies in innovative activity development at industrial enterprises of Ukraine, peculiarities of evolution, essence and prerequisites for creation of innovative environment at industrial enterprises, systematizes approaches to its formation. The categorical apparatus of the theory of innovative development is improved in the field of the formation of an innovative environment at industrial enterprises based on its innovative culture. The place and role of innovation culture are determined in the system of components of enterprise’s innovative potential. Methodological approach to the analysis of factors influencing innovation culture development is proposed. The analysis is proposed to perform according to the author's scheme of interaction of components of the subsystems and elements of the industrial enterprise in the following sequence: PIR - intellectual capital (as a component of PIR) – corporate culture (as an element of organizational capital that is a component of intellectual capital) - innovation culture (as a component of corporate culture). The methodical recommendations for selecting innovative decisions based on the results of factor analysis of the enterprise' innovative culture state are presented. The methodical principles of quantitative multi-factor assessment of innovation culture at both the State level and a separate industrial enterprise are improved. The methodical approach to the diagnostics of the state of an industrial enterprise’s innovation culture is proposed based on the results of an integrated assessment of the state of its subsystems (organizational, motivational, intellectual and creative). The sequence and content of diagnostic procedures are determined, the criterial basis is formed. Tools and methods for managing the development of the innovative culture of the industrial enterprise are specified and systematized; the theoretical and methodical approach to the construction of an economic-mathematical model for their optimization is proposed. The theoretical and methodological approach to motivating the development of the innovative culture of an industrial enterprise has been improved, which allows to accelerate processes of formation and development of its innovative environment by means of the sequential formation of separate components. The sequence of formation and development of subsystems of innovative culture of the enterprise is substantiated: organizational, intellectual, creative and motivational. It is proved that as a subsystem reaches a certain critical level the development of the next subsystem starts. The activities for motivation of each of these components are determined and systematized, the algorithm of the sequential-parallel motivation of the development of innovation culture is developed, which allows it to be carried out according to formal procedures. Methods of formation and development of innovative environment at industrial enterprises are systematized, the role of innovation culture in this process is determined, the conceptual scheme of their interaction is developed. The mechanism of knowledge production at an industrial enterprise in the process of innovative development is specified. The influence of innovative culture on innovative product strategies management at an enterprise is investigated. The influence of innovative culture on the efficiency of an enterprise’s innovative activity is researched. Theoretical, methodological and methodical principles of organizational-economic mechanism of innovative culture formation at industrial enterprises are developed. The principles of formation, functions, as well as subsystems of the specified organizational and economic mechanism and their elements are determined. The graphic models of the main stages of the management process are developed, subjects and management methods, as well as the basis for managerial decisions are outlined. The practical implementation of the managerial mechanism provides opportunities for purposeful and effective management of the innovative environment formation at an industrial enterprise. The theoretical and methodical approach to optimization of enterprise’s innovative culture in order to maintain its economic stability is proposed on the basis of constructing an economic-mathematical model.
Костиря, Ірина Валентинівна. "Формування лідерської позиції майбутніх інженерів у вищих технічних навчальних закладах." Thesis, Вінницький державний педагогічний університеті ім. Михайла Коцюбинського, 2018. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/35568.
Full textThe Thesis Research for obtaining the Degree of the Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences majoring in 13.00.07 – Theory and Methods of Education.– Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky State Pedagogical University, Vinnytsia, 201 8. In the dissertation, pedagogical conditions for the formation of a leading position of future engineers in higher technical educational institutions are theoretically substantiated and experimentally verified. The dissertation firstly defines the notion of leadership position of the future engineer as a conscious readiness to fulfill the role of the leader and the totality of all relations of his personality to the reality that has developed into a certain system of group relationships generated by this awareness. The basic components of a leadership position are defined: motivational-valuable, cognitive, activity and personal. It has been experimentally proved that the pedagogical conditions of forming the leadership position of a future engineer in a higher technical educational institution are: the inclusion of students in practical, independent activity, which involves the use of organizational, communicative, cognitive, reflexive skills and determines the manifestation of their leadership position; modeling of professionally-oriented tasks requiring students to choose the best ways to influence leadership in situations of group interaction; the upbringing of a value relation to a leadership position in classroom work.
Сокольський, Олександр Леонідович. "Наукові засади розроблення обладнання і процесів перероблення полімерних матеріалів методом екструзії." Thesis, КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2020. https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/36299.
Full textThe thesis is devoted to research of features of equipment and processes for the preparation, mixing melt compositions based on the matrix of the first polymer with another polymer, liquid or disperse fillers and products formation for conditions including nonlinear behavior of materials, heat transfer, phase transitions and other features of technological processes. Developed refined mathematical models of three-dimensional motion of nonisothermal rheological complex environments freeform channels taking into account the effects of wall and elastic deformation of structural elements. Fundamentally new physical and mathematical models of polymer melting in the extruder channel have been developed. Implementation of the developed physical model on the basis of modeling systems allowed to obtain scientifically valid parameters of the polymer melting process in the screw channel and the design parameters of the melting zone. On the basis of the developed models, the calculations of the melting zone of the extruder were performed and the features of the temperature field, velocity field, distribution of the viscosity value and the melting process of the solid polymer tube were revealed. In this case, explanations of well-known effects, which do not fit into the framework of previously created models, were obtained. It has been found that the heat due to the friction of the material against the wall of the equipment and the viscous strain dissipation energy play a major role in the temperature distribution in the melting zone. There is a noticeable uneven distribution of speeds in sections along the channel. Thus, convective heat exchange occurs along the screw channel, which is not taken into account by many existing models of polymer melting process. Experimental and numerical studies show that with the destruction of residues of the melting tube does not end, there is a risk of removal of solid particles of polymer into the molding zone, which can lead to defects in the products. A mathematical model of the process of temperature homogenization of a polymer melt is proposed on the basis of the relations of nonlinear mechanics of continuous mediums. Numerical simulations of the process of temperature homogenization in a barrier mixer were performed, the basic regularities were determined and its rational parameters were determined. The regularities of the distribution of the dye concentration in the mixing zones of different design are investigated. The distribution of the dye concentration in the coaxial gap was investigated. To improve the mixing process in the channel, radial structural elements are required, which disrupt the flow in the radial direction, forming circulating zones. In the absence of such structural elements, mixing occurs only in the circumferential direction due to shear deformation. The dependence of mixing efficiency on the ratio of the viscosities of the dispersion medium to the dispersed material is investigated. For greater mixing efficiency, it is advisable to introduce the dispersed material into the coaxial mixing channel when rotating the outer cylinder. Mixing of two polymers in the screw channel was investigated. It has been found that when the dispersed material is introduced into the dispersion medium at the core of the rotating screw, it is practically twice as fast as when the dispersed material is introduced near the outer radius of the rotating screw. Therefore, it is advisable to use the option of introducing the dispersed material into the dispersion medium at the core of the rotating screw. Algorithms and methods of numerical calculations are proposed, which make it possible to analyze the flow distribution of polymeric materials in the molding channels of polymeric equipment with deformable walls. The obtained data allow us to predict the magnitude and nature of deformation of the molding elements and to take into account its effect on the equality of the formed product. Conducted refined numerical experiments allowed us to formulate recommendations for developers and operators of polymer equipment. A method of modeling and design of extrusion dies, which allows to determine the necessary configuration of the extrusion die and in particular its outlet to achieve the desired shape of the section of the extrudate after its stabilization is offered. The distribution of technological stresses along the length of the pipe under different modes of the cooling process was obtained. The result of the calculations made it possible to establish that the highest stresses occur under the conditions of bilateral cooling of water, which can lead to a deterioration of the quality of the pipe. Methods of experimental investigations of the regularities of the processes of feeding the extruder with a granular polymer, melting, extending the extrudate after its exit from the forming tool have been developed. Experimental settings have been created. Studies have been carried out to determine the physical properties of different polymeric materials at different stages of the extrusion process. The developed and patented installations for the study of the coefficients of friction and lateral pressure of granular materials, the main structural elements of the extruders, design proposals for the improvement of the structures of the extrusion dies and methods of their design are presented.
Диссертационная работа посвящена исследованию особенностей оборудо- вания и процессов для подготовки, смешения расплавов композиций и формования продукции в условиях учета нелинейной поведения материалов, теплообмена, фазовых переходов и других особенностей технологических процессов. Разработаны принципиально новые физические и математические модели плавления полимера в рабочем канале экструдера, которые позволяют выполнять анализ процессов формования полимерных материалов и осуществлять расчеты прочности и деформаций конструкций под действием термосиловых нагрузок. Создана математическая модель, которая позволяет моделировать процессы гомогенизации, смешения вязких жидкостей с другими компонентами и между собой. Исследованы закономерности распределения концентрации красителя в смесительных зонах. Разработана математическая модель течения нелинейно вязких жидкостей с учетом упругой деформации конструктивных элементов каналов технологического оборудования. Предложена методика моделирования и проектирования экструзионных головок, которая позволяет определять нужную конфигурацию экструзионной головки для обеспечения заданной формы сечения экструдата. Разработаны и запатентованы конструктивно-технологические решения переработки полимерных материалов методом экструзии, а также методики их проектирования.
Бєліков, Костянтин Олександрович. "Теплогідравлічний слідкуючий привод позиціонування приймача геліостанції." Doctoral thesis, Київ, 2016. https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/18264.
Full textСовпенко, Маргарита Олексіївна. "Лінгвокультурний та прагматичний аспекти перекладу політкоректної лексики в англомовних медійних текстах." Master's thesis, Київ, 2018. https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/25779.
Full textThe master's dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusions to each chapter, general conclusions, and list of references that includes 100 points and 4 applications. The paper amounts to 223 pages. One of the current issues of modern linguistics is the study of the relation of a language and culture since the language is a mirror of the culture, which reflects the social consciousness, lifestyle, traditions, morals, the system of values and worldview. In the world, particularly in the English-speaking countries, a new cultural and linguistic phenomenon "political correctness" has gained immense popularity over the last decades. The significant topicality is presented by the interest in the study of politically correct vocabulary in modern English, which, in its turn, is explained by the fast-growing processes of globalization and international integration and cooperation in society. The theoretical basis of our research includes the theories and statements developed by modern domestic and foreign linguists and translators: M. Bauman, S. G. Ter-Minasova, O. B. Sinkevich, V. B. Velikoroda, T. R. Kiyak, O. V. Zavadskaya, S. S. Trofimova, J. S. Bondaruk, R. Y. Vishnevsky, T. Lewisohn, D. Gerrod, M. G. Komlev, and F. Beckwith. The object of the study is politically correct terms in English media texts. The subject of the study is linguocultural and pragmatic peculiarities of the functioning and translation of politically correct terms in English media texts. The aim of the research is to study the functional features of politically correct terms in English media texts and ways of their translation in Ukrainian with regard to the linguocultural differences. Achieving this goal involves the solution of the following tasks: 1) to determine socio-cultural preconditions of occurrence of the phenomenon of political correctness and consider political correctness as a linguistic phenomenon; 2) to study the features of the general notion of "media text"; 3) to substantiate the use of politically correct language in the English media text; 4) to classify the politically correct units and their functional purpose in English media texts; 5) to analyze the ways of English politically correct terms translation in Ukrainian. The scientific novelty of the dissertation research lies in the comprehensive description of the politically correct units of media texts, in a detailed analysis of their translation in particular. For the first time, the pragmatic potential of the politically correct vocabulary is studied with the application of the corpus method. The practical value of the obtained results is that the dissertation enriches the research of contemporary Germanic literature with new knowledge about political correctness and its representation in modern English. The obtained results deepen the comprehension of the functioning pattern of English politically correct terms and the peculiarities of their translation into Ukrainian and can be used in the educational process, particularly in the theoretical and practical courses of the theory and practice of translation, communication and linguocultural studies (Chapter III. The Ways of translation of the politically correct terms of modern English media texts in Ukrainian). The research material amounts to 470 politically correct terms selected from 90 media texts, including The Economist, The Guardian, The Daily Mail, Princeton Info, The Washington Post, The American Prospect, The Bolton News and BBC and CNN, by a multistage sampling approach. Research methods. In this work, general (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, generalization) and linguistic methods are applied. Units of analysis were determined by means of a continuous sampling method. The descriptive method allowed to present the taxonomy and interpretation of politically correct units. The contextual method helped in the determination of the linguistic and extra-linguistic features of politically correct units; quantitative analysis - in the determination of the frequency of translation transformations application; corpusmethod facilitated the study of the pragmatic potential of the politically correct language in the media text, determining the lexical and semantic peculiarities of politically correct terms, and establishing modern trends in the politically correctness. The main methodological and theoretical results and conceptualities of the study were discussed at: II All-Ukrainian Student Scientific and Practical Conference "The Science of the 21st Century: Challenges, Priorities, Perspectives of Research"; IV All-Ukrainian student scientific and practical conference "Student as a subject of the process of modernization of higher education of the XXI century: visions, values, priority tasks". Publications. The main statements and results of the dissertation research are presented in 3 publications, of which: 1 article in the scientific professional edition of Ukraine, 2 - in collections of materials of all-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences.
Дорошенко, Анастасія Юріївна. "Інформаційна технологія інтелектуального аналізу фактографічних текстових ресурсів." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/40062.
Full textThe dissertation for a candidate degree in technical sciences, specialty 05.13.06 – Information Technologies. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2019. The actual scientific and practical task of developing models and information technology of intellectual analysis of factual information is solved in the dissertation. On the basis of analysis of models and methods of processing factual data in network streams, the basic requirements for the development of information technology of intellectual analysis of factual resources are formulated. The theory of categories, its projective and predicate interpretations is determined as a mathematical tool for modeling facts. It is proposed to use the theory of intelligence, the method of comparative identification and the apparatus of algebra-logical equations to describe factual information. Models of thematic search and extraction of factual information on the basis of the intellectual procedure for evaluating textual information have been developed. It is proposed to describe the use of two types of triplets: "Subject – Predicate – Object" and "Item – Attribute – Value", which allows you to remove the concept of weakly structured text resources and describe the relationship between them in a structured form. An approach to extracting factual data from text sources has been formed, and the use of ontologies for the description of the processes of integration of factual information is proposed. The use of a new semi-automatic method is proposed for extending the basic ontology, on the example of the subject areas "radiation safety" and "processing of patent information". Approbation of developed models, approaches and information technology was carried out and the results of research were implemented in real information systems. The reference architecture, software components of the server part of the software system, which allows data extraction based on the use of flexible configuration and predicate data mining model, is developed.
Козак, Дмитро Віталійович. "Теплотехнічні характеристики комбінованого сонячного колектора на основі алюмінієвих канавчатих теплових труб." Thesis, КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2018. https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/25902.
Full textThesis for the Candidate degree in Technical Science on the specialty 05.14.06 «Technical thermophysics and industrial thermal power engineering». – National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2018. The work is devoted to increasing energy efficiency and simplification of integration of solar systems on the basis of the photovoltaic thermal (PV/T) collector in the facades and roofs of buildings due to use as an element of the absorbing surface of aluminum grooved heat pipes (AGHP). It is established that the efficiency of the operation of the PV/T collector with AGHP in the thermosyphon mode is significantly influenced by the thermal characteristics of the HP, which in turn depends on the following parameters: the diameter of the steam space, the thermophysical properties of the working fluid, the lengths of the heating and condensation zones, and the total length of the AGHP. Increasing the thermal conductivity of AGHP can be achieved by providing a guaranteed amount of coolant to the heating zone and selecting the optimal design parameters of the HP at the appropriate operating modes. A new approach to the implementation of PVT collectors on the basis of AGHPs is proposed. In this case, AGHPs perform a complex role – at the same time it is a highly efficient thermal conductor and a system of cooling solar cells. The design of an aluminum heat pipe with a grooved capillary structure for PVT collectors has been developed. An n-pentane is chosen as the optimum coolant for a two-phase system. The developed samples of heat pipes can provide the operation of the PVT collector in the thermal mode from 0 oC to 120 oC. In this case, the temperature range of its operation is from −40 °C to +230 °C. The analysis of calculations and experimental data showed that the PV/T collector with AGHP allows to increase the efficiency of obtaining electric energy up to 18 % due to the cooling of the PV, while the maximum electric power PV/T collector was 135 W/m2. In addition to electricity, simultaneously, it is possible to get up to 457 W of heat from 1 m2 of heat-absorbing surface, at a temperature of the output coolant 25 oС and a density of solar flux of 900 W/m2. On the basis of theoretical analysis, the most optimal modes of operation of the PV/T collector were identified – the most optimal one is the mode of PV/T collector functioning at values of 30–50 oC of the temperature difference between the absorbent surface and the environment. The new PV/T collector design has a more efficient performance compared to separate thermal solar collectors and photoelectric batteries at low temperatures on an absorbent surface (below 50 oC), and usually at higher solar flux values (over 600 W/m2). The first developed programs and methods of research of PVT collectors in artificial and natural light developed an engineering methodology for calculating the thermal characteristics of PVT collector with AGHPs during their operation in a thermosyphon mode. The recommendations for the production of PVT collectors and their use in solar power systems are given. The results of the work in the future can be used at the enterprises of LLC «Effectprof» (Kyiv), PC Sumy SPO M.V. Frunze (Sumy), PE Scientific-Implementation Firm "Thermal Technologies" (Kiev), which are engaged in the development, manufacture and implementation of heat-exchange equipment and energy-efficient systems. For further implementation, it is necessary to carry out works on designing and manufacturing an industrial design of PVT collector or facade PVT collector and to conduct tests in the field.
Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата технических наук по специальности 05.14.06 «Техническая теплофизика и промышленная теплоэнергетика». – Национальный технический университет Украины «Киевский политехнический институт имени Игоря Сикорского», Министерство образования и науки Украины, Киев, 2018. Работа посвящена повышению энергетической эффективности и упрощению интеграции солнечных систем на основе комбинированных солнечных коллекторов в фасады и крыши зданий за счет использования в качестве элемента теплопоглощающей поверхности алюминиевых канавчатых тепловых труб. Установлено, что на эффективность работы комбинированного солнечного коллектора с алюминиевыми канавчатыми тепловыми трубами в режиме термосифона существенно влияют теплотехнические характеристики тепловых труб, в свою очередь зависят от следующих параметров: диаметр парового пространства, теплофизические свойства рабочей жидкости, длины зон нагрева и конденсации, а также общая длина алюминиевых канавчатых тепловых труб. Повышение теплопередающих способности алюминиевых канавчатых тепловых труб можно достичь благодаря обеспечению подачи гарантированного количества теплоносителя в зону нагрева и выбора оптимальных конструктивных параметров тепловых труб при соответствующих режимах работы. Анализ расчетов и экспериментальных данных показал, что комбинированный солнечный коллектор с алюминиевыми канавчатыми тепловыми трубами позволяет повысить эффективность получения электрической энергии до 18% за счет охлаждения фотоэлектрических преобразователей, при этом максимальная электрическая мощность комбинированного солнечного коллектора составляла 135 Вт/м2. Кроме электроэнергии, одновременно можно получить до 457 Вт тепла с 1 м2 теплопоглощающей поверхности при температуре исходного теплоносителя 25 °С и плотности солнечного потока 900 Вт/м2. На основе теоретического анализа выявлены наиболее оптимальные режимы эксплуатации комбинированного солнечного коллектора – режим функционирования при значениях 30–50 °С температурного перепада между теплопоглощающей поверхностью и окружающей средой. Новая конструкция комбинированного солнечного коллектора имеет более эффективную работу по сравнению с раздельными тепловыми солнечными коллекторами и фотоэлектрическими батареями при низких температурах на теплопоглощающей поверхности (ниже 50 °С) и обычно при более высоких значениях солнечного потока (более 600 Вт/м2).
Шамрай, Володимир Ігорович. "Управління декоративними властивостями гірських порід на основі фактурної обробки." Doctoral thesis, Житомир, 2017. https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/19320.
Full textСахно, Андрій Євгенович. "Розвиток публічного управління в умовах креативної економіки." Master's thesis, КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2019. https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/45864.
Full textThe master’s thesis is devoted to the research of problems of public management development in the conditions of creative economy. The thesis considers the evolution of the concept of «creative economy». Changes in the paradigm of public management under the influence of socio-economic changes and in the conditions of creative economy formation are investigated. There were determined: existing state-of-the-art approaches to measuring the creative economy all over the world; prerequisites for creative economy development. The scale of creative economy development in Ukraine is estimated; clarified the state of affairs in the field of protection of intellectual property rights. Existing methods of measuring the creative economy are analyzed; the model of public regulation of creative economy is developed.
Івіцька, Дар’я Костянтинівна. "Вдосконалення електроємнісного методу контролю для дефектоскопії матеріалів." Doctoral thesis, Київ, 2019. https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/26528.
Full textЧижевський, Володимир Валерійович. "Оцінювання в режимі реального часу загрози коливного порушення стійкості енергооб’єднання." Thesis, НТУУ "КПІ", 2016. https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/17652.
Full textIn this thesis an approach to the solution of actual scientific and technical problem of real-time evaluation of a menace of power union’s oscillating instability due to arising of low frequency oscillations (LFO) is proposed. This approach based on using of specially prepared ensemble of signals’ analysis methods for processing of results of synchronized measuring of power union’s state parameters. With complex of requirements the selection of methods for real-time identification of LFOs’ parameters is made. Necessity of using of power system stabilizers with settings adopted to the actual frequency values of LFOs’ dominant modes for increasing of reliability of LFOs’ damping in LFOs’ integrated damping system is found out. Using of ensemble of previously selected signals’ analysis methods for reliable realtime evaluation of a menace of power union's oscillating instability is proposed for the first time. The procedure for generalization of parameters estimation results of LFOs’ dominant modes obtained from the proposed ensemble of signals’ analysis methods is developed. Increasing of the precision and estimation reliability of the parameters of LFOs’ dominant modes by means of using of instantaneous values of the signal and digital filtering of the signals before their processing with the ensemble of signals’ analysis methods is experimentally proved.
В диссертационной работе предложен подход к решению актуальной научно- технической задачи оценивания в режиме реального времени угрозы колебательного нарушения устойчивости энергообъединения (ЭО), обусловленного возникновением низкочастотных колебаний (НЧК), основанный на использовании специально подготовленного ансамбля методов анализа сигналов для обработки результатов синхронизированных измерений параметров режима ЭО. Приведены результаты выполненных с использованием цифровых моделей тестовой энергосистемы и ЭО экспериментов по исследованию условий эффективного использования систем автоматического управления возбуждением синхронных машин (СМ) для демпфирования НЧК в ЭО. Установлено, что с целью повышения надёжности демпфирования НЧК необходимо использование системных стабилизаторов (PSS) c настройками, “ориентированными” на фактические значения частот доминирующих мод НЧК. Определены требования к решению в режиме реального времени задачи оценивания угрозы колебательного нарушения устойчивости ЭО с использованием результатов измерения режимных параметров ЭО и методов анализа сигналов для расчёта параметров доминирующих мод НЧК. Предложено использование интегрированной системы демпфирования НЧК с целью недопущения колебательного нарушения устойчивости ЭО и обоснована целе- сообразность её применения. На основании результатов модельно-расчётных исследований подтверждена более высокая эффективность предложенной системы по сравнению с традиционными неадаптивными системами автоматического управления возбуждением СМ. Впервые с целью надёжного оценивания в режиме реального времени угрозы колебательного нарушения устойчивости ЭО предложено использовать ансамбль предварительно отобранных методов анализа сигналов. Впервые по совокупности требований для создания указанного ансамбля осуществлена селекция методов анализа сигналов, обеспечивающих в режиме реального времени надёжные идентификацию и определение параметров доминирующих мод НЧК, в результате которой отобраны методы анализа сигналов, объединённые в 2 группы: основную (метод общих наименьших квадратов Хенкеля, метод пучка матриц, “классический” и модифицированный (с применением разложения по сингулярным числам, базирующемся на методе наименьших квадратов) методы Прони) и референсную (методы, базирующиеся на дискретном преобразовании Фурье и модифицированном (с использованием всего одной интерполяции при расчёте среднего значения обводящей в каждом отсеивании в процессе итерационного определения функций собственных мод) преобразовании Гильберта-Хуанга). Экспери- ментально доказано, что порядок модели анализируемых с целью определения параметров доминирующих мод НЧК сигналов может быть адекватно и оперативно определён с применением принципа минимальной длины описания (MDL). Установлено, что с целью адекватного оценивания характера демпфирования мод НЧК вместе с определением показателя демпфирования необходимо дополнительно отслеживать динамику изменения во времени амплитуды каждой моды. Экспериментально определено, что необходимая адекватность (точность) и оперативность определения параметров доминирующих мод НЧК может быть достигнута при условии использования окон наблюдения длительностью 2…5с при частоте дискретизации значений выборки данных не ниже частоты основной гармоники промышленного тока. Разработан алгоритм и программно реализована процедура обобщения результатов определения параметров доминирующих мод НЧК, полученных с применением ансамбля методов анализа сигналов. Установлено и экспериментально доказано повышение надёжности определения параметров доминирующих мод НЧК в случае проведения цифровой фильтрации результатов измерения режимных параметров ЭО, полученных с помощью устройств векторных измерений, до их обработки ансамблем методов анализа сигналов. Установлено и экспериментально доказано повышение точности определения параметров составляющих НЧК (прежде всего, при определении частоты доминирующих мод НЧК) в случае использования мгновенных значений сигнала по сравнению с использованием для этой цели действующих значений этого же сигнала. Разработаны программные средства идентификации и определения параметров доминирующих мод НЧК с целью надёжного оценивания в режиме реального времени угрозы колебательного нарушения устойчивости ОЭС Украины. Указанные программные средства внедрены в эксплуатацию и использованы малым частным предприятием “Анигер”(г. Киев, Украина) с целью расширения функций комплекса программ верхнего объектного уровня электроизмерительных регистрирующих приборов “Регіна-Ч”, установленных на объектах Объединённой энергетической системы Украины.
Ілляшенко, Олег Олександрович. "Методи і засоби забезпечення виконання вимог до кібербезпеки систем на програмовній логіці." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2018. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/38543.
Full textThesis for scientific degree of candidate of technical sciences (philosophy doctor) in the specialty 05.13.05 – computer systems and components. – National Technical University "Kharkіv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkіv 2018. The dissertation is devoted to the development of methods and tools of ensuring the cybersecurity requirements compliance of the programmable logic systems. The scientific results are: 1) for the first time, a case-oriented method for the cybersecurity evaluation of digital components and systems on programmable logic is proposed, which is based on using a set of interrelated formal and semi-formal procedures and analyzing possible gaps in the evaluation, that allows increasing the safety and security requirements assurance; 2) the ontological model and notation for cybersecurity evaluation of programmable logic – based systems is improved, which unlike the known ones, takes into account its process-product vulnerabilities and additional decomposition with the introduction of algorithms of requirements compliance actions, which allows increasing the reliability of the evaluation; 3) the indexes of cybersecurity requirements clarity and depth detail are improved taking into account the possibility of their decomposition, as well as the presence, type, and structure of evidence of its implementation, which allows to estimate the limits of methodological errors in the evaluation and to formulate recommendations concerning the requirements detailing; 4) the method of cybersecurity ensuring for digital components and systems on the programming logic have been further developed, which unlike the known ones, allows analyzing the discrepancies of the requirements using the procedures for describing the vulnerabilities and assessing the criticality of the consequences of the intrusions as well as the defining of a set of countermeasures by the "cybersecurity-cost" criterion, that allows risk reduction to an acceptable level.
Ткаченко, Василь Володимирович. "Інформаційна технологія підтримки прийняття рішень при виникненні надзвичайних ситуацій транскордонного характеру." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/40063.
Full textThe dissertation for a candidate degree in technical sciences, specialty 05.13.06 – Information Technologies. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2019. In the process of decision-making in case of emergencies, the following stages are distinguished: monitoring of the environment state; organizing of subsystems interaction as the operational deployment of information infrastructure; collection and processing of data for making operational decisions; liquidation of emergency consequences. The conceptual model is proposed as a basis for solving the environmental monitoring problem. The conceptual model formalizes the interaction between data sources, methods and means of data collection and environmental indicators. The ecological system is considered as a complex object, the state of which cannot be estimated explicitly. Therefore, it is proposed to estimate of ecological system state based on the observed parameters. One-parametric or many-parametric estimation models are used for ecological system state estimation. One dimensional logistic model for measuring the level of ecological safety has been developed. It has allowed determining the emergency case in real time and reducing the time for operational response. The application of the deformed configurations method reduces the time of obtaining data to clarify the state of environmental safety. In the thesis, the methodical bases of creating information and analytical maintenance for decision support in the conditions of transboundary emergencies are developed. The typical model of the decision-making problem in the emergencies is developed, and the ontological specification of knowledge representation has been developed. It allowed constructing the intellectual system core and provide data processing in the search processes and analysis of precedents. The technology of cooperation in case of emergencies consists of the following steps: the definition of emergency classification features, the organizational structure formation of the emergency response staff, the information infrastructure organizing and the preparation of operational reports. The model of multi-sign classification is proposed by the application of the algebra-predicate approach to the formalization of environmental information processes. The method of constructing a flexible information infrastructure is developed to support decision-making in case of transboundary emergencies. The method of constructing a flexible information infrastructure applies the concept of "information as a service" and the device meta-model. This allowed reducing the deployment time of the information system and increasing the efficiency of information and analytical decision support systems in case of emergencies and the elimination of the emergency consequences.
Загнітко, Катерина. "Григоріанський хорал у сучасному науковому дискурсі : історія, теорія, практика." Thesis, ФОП Тетюк Т. В, 2017. http://er.ucu.edu.ua/handle/1/2169.
Full textIn the current thesis the Gregorian chant in the context of the lithurgy art content, performing interpretation, and contemporary music theory discourse is investigated. The history of development of the Western monody throughout Medieval Age and the occurrence’s evolution in further centuries is represented integrally. The peculiar role of notation in understanding of musical self of the Gregorian chants gets marked out. Latin ceremonial did influence Ukraine. In particular, cultural links with European countries widened as the result of the baptism of Kievan Rus’. The consequences of the cooperation with the West are traced in the historical sources, in the approach to adopting the musical notation system, as well as in the inclusion of the Western hymns in the Ukrainian liturgy irmologions. The presence of Roman-Catholic ritual in Ukraine is the most clearly supported by a number of evidences of Gregorian chant; in particular, L’viv is considered to contain one of the most extensive preserved note-containing manuscript collection
Кучук, Ніна Георгіївна. "Моделі та методи синтезу інформаційних структур для комп’ютерних систем на інтегрованих програмних платформах." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2020. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/49174.
Full textDissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences in the specialty of 05.13.05 – ComputerSystems and Components (123 – Computerengineering). – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2020. The thesis is devoted to solving actual scientific and technical problem of increasing the efficiency of the information transfer process in computer systems on integrated software platforms. It is based on the development of a mathematical apparatus (mathematical models and methods) for the synthesis of information structures. The analysis of the problem state was carried out. It was revealed that, simultaneously with the increase in the volume of transmitted information in the computer system and the increased requirements for the speed of information transmission, integrated software platforms are increasingly used. As a result, the structure and nature of information flows change qualitatively and quantitatively. This significantly affects the information structures of computer systems and leads to a decrease in efficiency indicators. An analysis of the existing requirements for modern software platforms of computer systems has been carried out. Advantages and disadvantages of centralized, distributed and combined software platforms are highlighted. Based on the analysis, general requirements for the necessary composition of platform software products are formulated. The requirements for the hardware of the core network of the computer system supporting them are also formulated. The analysis showed the feasibility of using integrated software platforms for departmental computer systems. The necessity of increasing the efficiency of transaction processing in the basic networks of computer systems has been proven. Those that use integrated software platforms can be done by using the specific properties of such platforms. This is due to the synthesis of the information structure of the computer system. A complex of interrelated models of the information structure of the computer system and the technical structure of the basic network has been developed. It takes into account the peculiarities of the integrated software platform. The complex is based on a stratified representation of the main constituents of the models. This allows you to take into account the informational relationships between the components of the computer system. It also allows increasing the degree of model adequacy. A set of methods foroperational redistribution of information flows in the basic network of a computer system on an integrated software platform has been developed. This complex takes into account the dynamics of the development of a computer system and the characteristic features of the underlying network. It is based on the operational reconfiguration of the virtual communication channel system. This helps to reduce the average packet delay. A set of methods for synchronizing the information structure of a computer system with the computing resources of the nodes of the basic network has been developed. The complex, which has been developed, takes into account information links between the tasks of a computer system and the possibility of using composite applications. This complex is based on an adaptive approach to finding a rational distribution of tasks between network nodes. The complex allows you to quickly synchronize. Synchronization is focused on reducing the cost of computing resources and increasing the efficiency of information transfer. The method of distribution of information flows along routes in the basic network of a computer system on an integrated software platform has been improved. The method differs from the known ones by using iterative load balancing of hosts. This is what makes it possible to reduce the cost of computing resources. The method of forming an information structure of increased reliability in a computer system on an integrated software platform has been improved. This method differs from the known ones by the simultaneous distribution of information flows along all the main and alternative routes of the core network. This allows, in the event of a failure of any network node, to continue processing transactions of the computer system. The computer system will operate without a significant decrease in service quality indicators and without changing the information structure. The method of optimizing the information structure of a computer system on an integrated software platform has been further developed. The method is based on the use of the mathematical apparatus of genetic algorithms. This device is used at the stage of load distribution of information nodes. This makes it possible to reduce the time spent on synthesizing the information structure and to form a balanced load on the nodes of the core network. The method of selecting an optimal plan for executing transactions of a computer system on an integrated software platform was further developed. A dynamic penalty function was introduced for exceeding time indicators. It is focused on the specifics of the integrated software platform and time scaling. This allows you to reduce the time spent on operational changes to the transaction execution plan. The complex of methods for processing requests to the data storage of a computer system on an integrated software platform has been further developed. A single disk pool was created. The peculiarities of access to the cloud components of the data warehouse were taken into account. This allows distributed heterogeneous components to be included in repositories. It also reduces the execution time of applications that access data warehouse components. The engineering methods and algorithms which has been developed on the basis of the offered models and methods allow: - simulate the information structure of the computer system on an integrated software platform and its basic computer network; - optimize the information structure of the computer system on an integrated software platform and the distribution of information flows along routes in the core network; - increase the operational efficiencyof computer system tasks on an integrated software platform by up to 10%; - reduce the costs of the computing resource of the basic network of a computer system on an integrated software platform up to 5%; - reduce the exploitational cost of a computer system on an integrated software platform by up to 10%; - expand the useful capacity of the data storage by including heterogeneous components and cloud components. Comparative assessment of developed and existing models and methods of synthesis information structures of computer systems on an integrated software platforms was carriedout. Based on the results that were obtained, the effectiveness of the proposed methods was proved. In particular, an assessment of the effectiveness of the subsystem for providing distance learning of the computer system in a technical university was carried out. The results of the integrated application of the proposed methods in the formation to the project of a computer system managing for the production structures of the airport are also presented. Where by increasing the transaction efficiency of information, the customer's requirements were achieved. They were executed relative to the limit of the probability of time bounds.This was done for operational transactions of the computer system with an increase in the load of the basic network.
Лазаренко, Артем Александрович. "Синтез и разработка инвариантных систем стабилизации основного вооружения танков." Thesis, НТУ "ХПИ", 2016. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/22727.
Full textThe thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences, specialty 05.13.03 – Systems and management processes. – National Technical University "Kharkov Polytechnic Institute", Kharkov – 2016. The thesis is dedicated to development analog and digital invariant guidance systems and stabilize the main armament of tanks through the creation of mathematical models perturbed motion tank gun relative to the axis of the pins and the tank tur ret gun relative to the axis of rotation, as well as simulation models of external disturbances acting on the main armament channels vertical and horizontal guidance. It is shown that increasing the degree of invariance closed stabilization system to external perturbations lead to lower stability margin closed system. To maintain the desired stability margin suggested the introduction of the system of additional feedback path for the angular acceleration of the object of stabilization. The features invariant digital stabilization system tank gun, including the need to use a digital low-pass filter Batteruorta and Lanczos filtering high frequency noise output signals of sensors. It is proved that the construction of a digital stabilizer tank cannon appropriate series-parallel use of digital filters Batteruorta and Lanczos. The structure created and the choice of variable constants stabilization algorithms was made that provide an invariance closed system of guidance and stabilization without significantly reducing its stability margin. Modeling of guidance and stabilization in a closed system with subsequent analysis of these processes suggests a significant increase in accuracy working off of external perturbation (at 1.8 – 1.9 times) compared with the standard.
Круш, Наталія Петрівна. "Управління інноваційною діяльністю корпоративних підприємств машинобудування." Thesis, НТУУ "КПІ", 2016. https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/15978.
Full textThe thesis is devoted to widening the theoretical provisions, scientific and methodological support and substantiation of practical recommendations to improve the management of innovative activity of corporate engineering enterprises. Economic content of innovative activity, as well as the essence of its management was determined. Principles of operation of the management system of innovative activity of corporate enterprises, which it was suggested to classify into system-wide, providing and resulting, were identified. Factors of influence on the results of innovative management were systematized and possibility of applying effective approach to its assessment was proved. Factors of influence are divided into the demand for innovation, public management of innovative activity and the internal potential of the enterprise. Tendencies of innovative activity were analyzed and revealed, financial and economic capacity for its implementation was diagnosed, an effectiveness of its management for corporate engineering enterprises was assessed. Based on the analysis of management system of innovative activity of corporate engineering enterprises it was revealed inadequate methodological support of assessing the effectiveness of strategic change in innovative activity of corporate engineering enterprises. This made it possible to offer scientific principles of strategic management of innovative activity of corporate engineering enterprises, based on the diagnosis of the power and direction of influence of demand for innovation, public management of innovative activity and the internal potential of the enterprise. They allow choosing the 23 rational strategy of innovative activity according to the type of innovative behavior (leaders, followers or outsiders), tools for their implementation in terms of goal-setting and exercising strategic control and audit. The criteria of the place and the role of innovative strategy in the system of corporate enterprise strategies were defined. Among them it should be noted: the need to accounting during development and implementation of all types of the strategies, accounting of the common vision for the organization, resource availability based on the strategic analysis at all levels and components of the strategies, availability of the rules of their distribution according to the ratio of standard and innovative activities, commensurate and reciprocal influence of goals of the strategies, impact on the degree of accessibility of the strategic development results, role in ensuring the potential of growth for the enterprise and its competitiveness, taking into account the basic conditions of environment and its subjects, ensuring internal and external synergies. It was determined that choice and change of innovative activity strategies in a volatile external environment and taking into account significant fluctuations in internal capacity of the enterprises should be gradual, stage nature, which contemplates the realization of the strategic goals, their audit with the subsequent decision on the further implementation according to the selected management tools. It was revealed that the corporate engineering enterprises have sufficient internal capacity to maintain the leading position both in domestic and foreign markets. Among those who implement the type of behavior of followers, many on the basis of the forecast will be able to improve the performance of innovative activity. On the basis of the findings there were given theoretical and practical recommendations on improvement of management of innovation activity for corporate engineering enterprises in selection and implementation of the relevant strategic goals and diagnosed their internal capacity to implement the recommended goals. These include, primarily, organizational and management, resource, technical and technological goals. In addition, general directions of efficiency increase of management of innovative activity were proposed for corporate engineering enterprises, including the need to implement the principle of differentiation of the public innovation policy and strategy.
Диссертация посвящена углублению теоретических положений, научно-методического обеспечения и обоснованию практических рекомендаций по совершенствованию управления инновационной деятельностью корпоративных предприятий машиностроения. Определено экономическое содержание инновационной деятельности, а также сущность управления ею. Идентифицировано принципы функционирования системы управления инновационной деятельностью корпоративных предприятий. Систематизированы факторы, влияющие на результаты управления инновационной деятельностью и обоснована целесообразность применения результативного подхода к его оценке. Выявлены тенденции инновационной деятельности, диагностировано финансово-экономическую способность к реализации, оценены результативность управления для корпоративных предприятий машиностроения. Предложены научные положения стратегического управления инновационной деятельностью корпоративных предприятий машиностроения, которые базируются на диагностике силы и направления влияния факторов среды и позволяют выбирать рациональные стратегии инновационной деятельности, инструментарий их реализации, осуществлять стратегический контроль и аудит. Предоставлено научно-практические рекомендации по совершенствованию управления инновационной деятельностью корпоративных предприятий базы апробации в соответствии с типом инновационного поведения в части выбора и реализации стратегических целей.