Academic literature on the topic '621.361 6'
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Journal articles on the topic "621.361 6"
Sueyoshi, Shuzo, and Takeshi Morikawa. "Erratum to: Visual Influence of Wood Used in Workplace Interiors [Mokuzai Gakkaishi Vol.62 (2016) No.6 p.311-316]." Mokuzai Gakkaishi 63, no. 1 (2017): 56.
Full textBooth, Christopher M., Michael J. Raphael, Xuejiao Wei, Claudio Soares, Philippe L. Bedard, Michael Leveridge, D. Robert Siemens, and Andrew George Robinson. "Utilization of mental health services among survivors of testicular cancer: A population-based study." Journal of Clinical Oncology 37, no. 15_suppl (May 20, 2019): e16062-e16062.
Full textPrausová, Romana, Zuzana Kozelková, and Lenka Šafářová. "Protocol for acclimatization of in vitro cultured Potamogeton praelongus – aspect of plantlet size and type of substrate." Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 84, no. 1 (2015): 35–41.
Full textStrati, Gina L., Julious L. Willett, and Frank A. Momany. "Ab initio computational study of β-cellobiose conformers using B3LYP/6-311++G**." Carbohydrate Research 337, no. 20 (November 2002): 1833–49.
Full textSmith, N. A. F. "Gunther Garbrecht. Hydraulics and Hydraulic Research. A Historical Review. Rotterdam and Boston: A.A. Balkema, 1987. Pp. ix + 362. ISBN 90-6191-621-6. £53.50." British Journal for the History of Science 22, no. 1 (March 1989): 116–17.
Full textHEERING, PETER. "OLIVER HOCHADEL, Öffentliche Wissenschaft:Elektrizität in der deutschen Aufklärung. Göttingen: Wallstein, 2003. 364 pp., ISBN 3-89244-629-6." Nuncius 20, no. 1 (January 1, 2005): 253–55.
Full textHarrison, Melissa, Beverly Bell, Allen Chauvenet, Joanne Kurtzberg, Bruce Camitta, and Meenakshi Devidas. "Testicular Relapse in Lesser, Standard, and High Risk Patients Treated with Frontline Therapy for Childhood ALL. Pediatric Oncology Group Protocols 9201, 9405, 9605, and 9406." Blood 108, no. 11 (November 16, 2006): 1863.
Full textJette, Diane U., Mary Stilphen, Vinoth K. Ranganathan, Sandra Passek, Frederick S. Frost, and Alan M. Jette. "Interrater Reliability of AM-PAC “6-Clicks” Basic Mobility and Daily Activity Short Forms." Physical Therapy 95, no. 5 (May 1, 2015): 758–66.
Full textHokkanen, Ann-Helena, Laura Hänninen, Johannes Tiusanen, and Matti Pastell. "Vasikan uni hyvinvointitutkimuksissa." Suomen Maataloustieteellisen Seuran Tiedote, no. 26 (January 31, 2010): 1–4.
Full textBardak, Handan, Yavuz Bardak, Yeşim Erçalık, Burak Erdem, Gökhan Arslan, and Semrin Timlioglu. "Sequential tissue plasminogen activator, pneumatic displacement, and anti-VEGF treatment for submacular hemorrhage." European Journal of Ophthalmology 28, no. 3 (May 2018): 306–10.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "621.361 6"
Stichtenoth, Daniel. "Dimensionseffekte in Halbleiternanodrähten." Doctoral thesis, 2008.
Full textBooks on the topic "621.361 6"
Наумов, С. О. Український політичний рух на Лівобережжі (90-і рр. XIX ст. - лютий 1917 р.). Харків: ХНУ імені В.Н.Каразіна, 2006.
Find full textНаумов, С. О. Український політичний рух на Лівобережжі (90-і рр. XIX ст. - лютий 1917 р.). Харків: ХНУ імені В.Н.Каразіна, 2006.
Find full textSelect. Select Modules: DOS 6.0/Windows 3.1, Quattro Pro 6 for Windows, WordPerfect 6.1 for Windows. Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company, 1998.
Find full textCapron, Harriet L. Tools for an Information Age, 4/E, Version a: DOS 6.0 / Windows 3.1, Quattro Pro 6 for Windows, WordPerfect 6.1 for Windows. Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company, 1997.
Find full textCapron, Harriet L. Tools for an Information Age, 4/E, Version a: DOS 6.0 / Windows 3.1, Quattro Pro 6 for Windows, WordPerfect 6.1 for Windows, Netscape 2 for Windows QB. 4th ed. Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company, 1997.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "621.361 6"
Ouellette, Hugue A. "Case 368." In The Teaching Files: Musculoskeletal, 736–37. Elsevier, 2010.
Full textBolt, Steven. "XBOX Live." In XBOX 360 Forensics, 23–33. Elsevier, 2011.
Full text"Acknowledgments." In XBOX 360 Forensics, xi. Elsevier, 2011.
Full text"About the Author." In XBOX 360 Forensics, xiii. Elsevier, 2011.
Full text"Events of 555–6." In The Roman Eastern Frontier and the Persian Wars AD 363-628, 153–54. Routledge, 2005.
Full textCieślak-Kopyt, Małgorzata. "Elementy obrządku pogrzebowego." In Ocalone Dziedzictwo Archeologiczne, 83–87. Wydawnictwo Profil-Archeo; Muzeum im. Jacka Malczewskiego w Radomiu, 2020.
Full textSilva, Manuel, Diogo Morais, Miguel Mazeda, and Luis Teixeira. "Mobile Applications in Cultural Heritage Context." In Advances in Media, Entertainment, and the Arts, 189–216. IGI Global, 2020.
Full textKlofenstein, Sophie Anne Ines, Carina Nina Vorisek, Aliaksandra Shutsko, Moritz Lehne, Julian Sass, Matthias Löbe, Carsten Oliver Schmidt, and Sylvia Thun. "Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) in a FAIR Metadata Registry for COVID-19 Research." In Applying the FAIR Principles to Accelerate Health Research in Europe in the Post COVID-19 Era. IOS Press, 2021.
Full textAffam, Augustine Chioma, and Ezerie Henry Ezechi. "Application of Graded Limestone as Roughing Filter Media for the Treatment of Leachate." In Handbook of Research on Resource Management for Pollution and Waste Treatment, 176–219. IGI Global, 2020.
Full textSposito, Garrison. "Oxidation– Reduction Reactions." In The Chemistry of Soils. Oxford University Press, 2016.
Full textConference papers on the topic "621.361 6"
Anderson, Jacob P., and M. Cengiz Altan. "Properties of Composite Cylinders Fabricated by Bladder Assisted Composite Manufacturing (BACM)." In ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2011.
Full textAzzi, M., L. Vernhes, E. Bousser, and J. E. Klemberg-Sapieha. "Tribo Mechanical Properties of CoCr and NiWCrB Hardfacing Superalloy Coating Systems." In ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2014.
Full textBerek, Maria Imakulata. "Effect of Obesity on Hypertension in Elderly." In The 7th International Conference on Public Health 2020. Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret, 2020.
Full textHenschen, A., and E. Müller. "ON THE FACTOR XIIIa-INDUCED CROSSLINKING OF HUMAN FIBRIN α-CHAINS." In XIth International Congress on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Schattauer GmbH, 1987.
Full textFa’ni, Renidya Asyura Muttabi’ Deya, Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi, and Isna Qadrijati. "Path Analysis on the Determinants of Complementary Feeding Practice." In The 7th International Conference on Public Health 2020. Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret, 2020.
Full textHe, Yubo, Qingzhen Yang, Huicheng Yang, Saile Zhang, and Haoqi Yang. "Blowing Control in Serpentine Inlet and its Effect on Fan-Stage Performance." In ASME Turbo Expo 2020: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020.
Full textReports on the topic "621.361 6"
Rine, Kristin, Roger Christopherson, and Jason Ransom. Harlequin duck (Histrionicus histrionicus) occurrence and habitat selection in North Cascades National Park Service Complex, Washington. National Park Service, April 2022.
Full textVargas-Herrera, Hernando, Juan José Ospina, Carlos Alfonso Huertas-Campos, Adolfo León Cobo-Serna, Edgar Caicedo-García, Juan Pablo Cote-Barón, Nicolás Martínez-Cortés, et al. Informe de Política Monetaria - Julio de 2021. Banco de la República de Colombia, August 2021.
Full textVargas-Herrera, Hernando, Juan Jose Ospina-Tejeiro, Carlos Alfonso Huertas-Campos, Adolfo León Cobo-Serna, Edgar Caicedo-García, Juan Pablo Cote-Barón, Nicolás Martínez-Cortés, et al. Monetary Policy Report - April de 2021. Banco de la República de Colombia, July 2021.
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