Academic literature on the topic '621.316.99'
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "621.316.99"
Ніжевський, Ілля Вікторович. "Удосконалення методів модернізації і контролю параметрів заземлювального пристрою міських підстанцій." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2017.
Full textDissertation for the degree of Ph.D., specialty 05.14.02 – power stations, networks and systems. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkov, 2017. The dissertation is devoted to the actual and practical problem of search and development of new methods for measurement of resistance of the grounding devices; developments of new designs of the grounding devices allowing to simplify reconstruction of substations; creation and enhancement of mathematical models and programs for calculation of electric characteristics of the grounding devices of any designs. The analysis of the results of the inspection of existing grounding devices of substations revealed serious violations that lead to deviation of parameters from the norm and to the need for modernization of grounding devices of substations. It is shown that the modernization of grounding devices leads to the restoration of its normalized parameters. Mathematical models of grounding devices of simple two-level structures of horizontal or ring electrodes are developed. As a result of the investigation of the electric field, it is revealed that the potential on the surface of the ground above the center of the square grounding electrode can be higher than above the electrode. The mathematical model of complex two-level grounding devices of substations is enhanced. The method of its electrical characteristics calculating is developed. The influence of the depth of the grid of the upper level of the grounding devices of the substations, the thickness of the humidification layer, the drying or freezing of the soil and the design of the grounding devices on its electrical characteristics was studied. Based on the theoretical substantiation of the method, a technique for measuring the resistance of grounding devices of substations in conditions of dense building of the territory is developed. The method is applicable for any kind of ground heterogeneity, any size and configuration of grounding devices and arbitrary placement of measuring electrodes without finding a zero potential point. Electric characteristics two-level the grounding devices of substations are experimentally researched by method of physical modeling in an electrolytic bathtub. The received results showed good coincidence to results of calculations.
Нагорняк, Тетяна Миколаївна. "Підвищення надійності системи електропостачання авторемонтного заводу." Master's thesis, ТНТУ, 2018.
Full textЯцько, Олександр Іванович. "Розробка заходів зниження втрат електроенергії в системі електропостачання спиртового заводу." Master's thesis, ТНТУ, 2018.
Full textМасліков, Євгеній Петрович. "Розробка технічних заходів забезпечення пропускної здатності трансформаторної підстанції 35/10 кВ." Master's thesis, ТНТУ, 2018.
Full textОлещук, Віктор Олександрович. "Розробка технічних заходів підвищення надійності трансформаторної підстанції 35/10 кВ «Північна»." Master's thesis, ТНТУ, 2018.
Full textСегал, Олександр Борисович. "Підвищення надійності роботи трансформаторної підстанції 110/35/10 кВ." Master's thesis, ТНТУ, 2018.
Full textНіжевський, Ілля Вікторович. "Удосконалення методів модернізації і контролю параметрів заземлювального пристрою міських підстанцій." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2017.
Full textDissertation for the degree of Ph.D., specialty 05.14.02 – power stations, networks and systems. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkov, 2017. The dissertation is devoted to the actual and practical problem of search and development of new methods for measurement of resistance of the grounding devices; developments of new designs of the grounding devices allowing to simplify reconstruction of substations; creation and enhancement of mathematical models and programs for calculation of electric characteristics of the grounding devices of any designs. The analysis of the results of the inspection of existing grounding devices of substations revealed serious violations that lead to deviation of parameters from the norm and to the need for modernization of grounding devices of substations. It is shown that the modernization of grounding devices leads to the restoration of its normalized parameters. Mathematical models of grounding devices of simple two-level structures of horizontal or ring electrodes are developed. As a result of the investigation of the electric field, it is revealed that the potential on the surface of the ground above the center of the square grounding electrode can be higher than above the electrode. The mathematical model of complex two-level grounding devices of substations is enhanced. The method of its electrical characteristics calculating is developed. The influence of the depth of the grid of the upper level of the grounding devices of the substations, the thickness of the humidification layer, the drying or freezing of the soil and the design of the grounding devices on its electrical characteristics was studied. Based on the theoretical substantiation of the method, a technique for measuring the resistance of grounding devices of substations in conditions of dense building of the territory is developed. The method is applicable for any kind of ground heterogeneity, any size and configuration of grounding devices and arbitrary placement of measuring electrodes without finding a zero potential point. Electric characteristics two-level the grounding devices of substations are experimentally researched by method of physical modeling in an electrolytic bathtub. The received results showed good coincidence to results of calculations.
Каленська, Анна Юріївна. "Впровадження енергоощадної системи електропостачання фельдшерсько-акушерського пункту." Master's thesis, ТНТУ, 2018.
Full textЧудакевич, Володимир Ярославович. "Підвищення надійності роботи ТП 35/10 кВ із вибором методу регулювання напруги." Thesis, Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя, 2017.
Full textОсінський, Віталій Вікторович. "Дослідження компенсації ємнісних струмів при роботі трансформаторної підстанції 35/10 кВ." Thesis, Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя, 2017.
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