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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "620.179.14"
Нощенко, Сергій Петрович. "Автоматизований вихрострумовий дефектоскоп для моніторингу стану елементів конструкцій літальних апаратів." Master's thesis, КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2020.
Full textThe master's dissertation contains 82 letters, 25 figures, 23 tables, 18 sources according to the list of references. The dissertation presents an analysis of structural elements as an object of NC control. The expediency of using eddy current non-destructive testing to detect defects such as surface and subsurface fatigue cracks and evaluate their parameters has been confirmed. A review of possible methods of processing the received signals according to the available hodographs of the relative applied voltage. Types of overhead and through-flow eddy current converters are considered. The analysis confirmed the feasibility of using an eddy current transducer of the transformer type with differentially connected measuring coils. During the analysis of hodographs of the applied stress from the defect, the possibilities of a more detailed quantitative assessment of the defect parameters according to the VSP output signal were revealed. The approximate calibration characteristics for the defect parameters obtained from the hodograph of the applied stress from the defect made it possible to trace the peculiarities of the phase and amplitude change of the received GSP signal from the depth and depth of the defect. . The proposed technical solutions make it possible to automate the process of control over the decision on the presence of a defect and the evaluation of numerical indicators of defects.
Шібан, Тамер. "Електромагнітний багатопараметровий перетворювач з просторово-періодичним полем для контролю циліндричних виробів." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019.
Full textThe dissertation presents the scientific and technical results of the study of the electromagnetic multi-parameter transducer for the cylindrical metal products parameters determining, which principle is based on the allocation of the amplitude and phase of the spatial harmonics of a nonuniform magnetic field presented in the form of a Fourier series. The object of the study is in the full extent described in the scientific literature. It is shown that further increase of information parameters controlled by one transducer can be carried out in several ways. For example, the use of different frequency to power the transducers, signal filtering and separation of amplitude and phase at each frequency. Such implementation of multiparameter sensors is quite complicated and does not always give the true picture of the processes taking place in the controlled object due to the different depth of field penetration (skin effect). It has been shown that the application of the study results provides an opportunity to obtain more information about the studied object that could not be obtained by using traditional methods. Therefore, the application of the developed method is promising. The physic-mathematical model of an electromagnetic transducer with non-uniform distribution of an electromagnetic field for a conductor with a current located along the lateral surface of a cylindrical product at a distance d from the center of a metallic cylinder of radius a. The spatial problem of the distribution of a magnetic field variable in time is solved and expressions allowing calculating the functions for any spatial harmonic are obtained and it is possible to make a picture of the distribution of the field in any area (inside the product, between the product and conductor with current, as well as beyond this conductor). Mathematical expressions are obtained to determine the intensity of the magnetic field for r-th and φ-th components, generated by the current of one conductor (or pole with finite angular dimensions). The thickness of the pole with a total current is taken into account, which leads to the replacement of r quantity in the formulas for field strength by effective radius. Mathematical expressions are obtained to determine amplitude and phase of transducer’s signal n-th spatial harmonics, which are generated in the measuring windings located along the surface of the cylindrical object with the angular coordinate φ on a circle of radius d. Experiments have been carried out to confirm the adequacy of the transducer’ proposed model, which showed the difference between the calculated and experimentally obtained values of the EMF of the transducer’ output signal. For instance, for measuring windings with angular coordinates φ = 0° і φ = 180° difference of voltage values is less than 5% and for measuring windings with angular coordinates φ = 30°, 60°, 300° і 330° difference is less than 10%. Methods and algorithms of allocating the necessary spatial harmonics and eliminating harmonics with high numbers are offered also. The latter allows us to reduce the influence of the higher spatial harmonics down to 1%. To exclude from the spatial distribution of the field odd or even harmonics it is suggested to use a system of conductors with the same and opposite directions of currents in them. The universal transformation functions for the amplitude and phase of the n-th harmonic component for the transducer are obtained. Method is developed for simultaneous testing electrical (σ), magnet (μr) and geometrical (а) parameters of cylindrical objects, by the use of transducer with on magnetizing pole considering 1-st and 2-nd spatial harmonics, which allows unambiguously solve the task of multi-parameter testing for a wide variety of products, various designs and modes of operation of transducers. The method based on the electromagnetic transducer with two magnetized poles and a different direction of current is developed. The universal functions of conversion with use of 1-st and 3-rd spatial harmonics are obtained, also the algorithm of realization of cylindrical wares’ parameters multi-parameter control is offered. The sensitivity of the method is determined and rational modes of transducer operation are found. The calculation is performed and the effect of the higher harmonics of the field on the output signals of the transducer is shown. For example, for a transducer with one excitation wire, the rejection of the 3-rd harmonic will result in an error of the resulting EMF calculation equal to 5%, and for a transducer with two excitatory wires, when the 5-th harmonic is rejected, it is 1.5%. A layout of a laboratory unit with an electromagnetic transducer with a spatial-periodic field structure was developed and experimental studies were carried out to determine μr σ, and а with simulation samples of different sorts to confirm the adequacy of the developed method. The construction of an electromagnetic transducer with two excitation poles and a different direction of the magnetizing current with the use of the amplitude of the 1-st and 3-rd spatial harmonics and the 1-st harmonic phase is presented. As soon as direct estimation of error of testing μr, σ and а for the developed multi-parameter transducer is quite complicated, in the work the measurements of these parameters were carried out by control methods. So, to estimate а of the studied sample micrometer with a diameter measuring range (50 ± 0,01) mm was used, to estimate σ of a cylindrical sample, a contact electric method was used based on the potentiometer of direct current Р363-3 (R363-3), having accuracy class of 0,005, to estimate μr the method of an ammeter – voltmeter for a ring sample was used. It is shown that implementation of the developed transducer allows to receive the most complete information about the condition of electric power lines, that is to define μr, σ, and a of cylindrical wires, as well as the mechanical load, temperature, magnitude of the current flowing in the line correlated with them and the determination of specific electrical losses during the diagnosis of the state of electric power lines, as evidenced by the implementation act dated 18.12.2015 (agreement № 377551 dated 27.07.2015 between NTU “KhPI” and PJSC “Ukrhydroproekt” city of Kharkiv).
Безкоровайный, Владимир Сергеевич. "Повышение помехоустойчивости феррозондовых дефектоскопов к магнитным полям помех." Thesis, Восточноукраинский национальный университет им. В. Даля, 2015.
Full textThesis for granting the Degree of Candidate of Technical sciences in speciality 05.11.13 – Devices and methods of testing and materials structure determination. – National technical university "Kharkiv Politechnical Institute", Kharkiv, 2015. In the thesis the problem of improving the noise immunity of fluxgate flaw detector to interference’s magnetic fields caused by the finite size of controlled items, their step and fillet connections, the magnetic inhomogeneity of ferromagnetic material has been solved. The method of calculating the magnetic field interference induced by the magnetized part, based on the solution of the integral equation using a linear approximation of the function of the magnetization, which reduces the order of the system of algebraic equations has been proposed. As a transmitter error-correcting ferroprobe flaw is proposed to use a block of the magnetic system consisting of two identical ferroprobes with a U-shaped core. The results of numerical and field experiments have shown that the magnetic flux in the core flux gate with a U-shaped core, with a jumper directly above a defect is 8-12 times smaller than the flow of measurement (main) ferroprobe.
Безкоровайний, Володимир Сергійович. "Підвищення перешкодостійкості ферозондових дефектоскопів до магнітних полів перешкод." Thesis, Друкарня "Фінвей", 2015.
Full textThesis for granting the Degree of Candidate of Technical sciences in speciality 05.11.13 – Devices and methods of testing and materials structure determination. – National technical university "Kharkiv Politechnical Institute", Kharkiv, 2015. In the thesis the problem of improving the noise immunity of fluxgate flaw detector to interference’s magnetic fields caused by the finite size of controlled items, their step and fillet connections, the magnetic inhomogeneity of ferromagnetic material has been solved. The method of calculating the magnetic field interference induced by the magnetized part, based on the solution of the integral equation using a linear approximation of the function of the magnetization, which reduces the order of the system of algebraic equations has been proposed. As a transmitter error-correcting ferroprobe flaw is proposed to use a block of the magnetic system consisting of two identical ferroprobes with a U-shaped core. The results of numerical and field experiments have shown that the magnetic flux in the core flux gate with a U-shaped core, with a jumper directly above a defect is 8-12 times smaller than the flow of measurement (main) ferroprobe.
Шібан, Тамер. "Електромагнітний багатопараметровий перетворювач з просторово-періодичним полем для контролю циліндричних виробів." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019.
Full textDissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences (doctor of philosophy) in specialty 05.11.13 – instruments and methods of substance composition control and determination. National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2019. The physic-mathematical model of an electromagnetic transducer with non-uniform distribution of an electromagnetic field for a conductor with a current located along the lateral surface of a cylindrical product at a distance d from the center of a metallic cylinder of radius a. Mathematical expressions are obtained to determine the intensity of the magnetic field for r-th and φ-th components, generated by the current of one conductor (or pole with finite angular dimensions). The thickness of the pole with a total current is taken into account, which leads to the replacement of r quantity in the formulas for field strength by effective radius. Mathematical expressions are obtained to determine amplitude and phase of transducer’s signal n-th spatial harmonics, which are generated in the measuring windings located along the surface of the cylindrical object with the angular coordinate φ on a circle of radius d. Experiments have been carried out to confirm the adequacy of the transducer’ proposed model, which showed the difference between the calculated and experimentally obtained values of the EMF of the transducer’ output signal. For instance, for measuring windings with angular coordinates φ = 0° і φ = 180° difference of voltage values is less than 5% and for measuring windings with angular coordinates φ = 30°, 60°, 300° і 330° difference is less than 10%. The method based on the electromagnetic transducer with two magnetized poles and a different direction of current is developed. The universal functions of conversion with use of 1-st and 3-rd spatial harmonics are obtained, also the algorithm of realization of cylindrical wares’ parameters multi-parameter control is offered.
Салам, Буссі. "Електромагнітно-акустичні перетворювачі для ультразвукового контролю металовиробів." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2020.
Full textThesis for a Candidate Degree in Engineering (Doctor of Philosophy), specialty 05.11.13 "Devices and methods of testing and determination of composition of substances" - National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute". The dissertation is devoted to development of new ultrasonic electromagnetic-acoustic transducers with a source of pulsed polarizing magnetic field, methods of sensitive testing and diagnostics of metalware with the use of transducers of this type. Analytical review and analysis of modern means and methods of testing and diagnostics via electromagnetic-acoustic method [1-3] of ferromagnetic and electrically conductive or strictly electrically conductive products under conditions of impact of constant and pulse polarizing magnetic fields taking into account the presence of coherent interferences of different types, technical level of modern electromagnetic circuits, means of their power supply, reception of ultrasonic pulses from metalware and their processing, determination of known advantages and disadvantages, and opportunities of their use in research and development. The direction of the research is defined and justified: development of electromagnetic-acoustic transducer in the form of a simplified single-wind coil model [4] of a source of a magnetic polarizing field with a ferromagnetic core and a high-frequency coil, which is located between the core and the sample; by modeling [5] the distribution of induction of polarizing magnetic field at the end face of the core of the magnetic field source and in the surface layer of both ferromagnetic and non-ferromagnetic metallurgy the features of the location of the high frequency coil of inductance under the magnetic field source are effectively determined for the effective excitation of shear ultrasonic pulses (near the peripheral end of the ferromagnetic core) [6]. The increase in number of winds of magnetization coil in presence of a ferromagnetic core leads to a significant increase in time of transients during the process of powering of a pulsed source of a polarizing magnetic field and during its switching off. As a result, the duration of the power pulse increases to 1 ms or more, which leads to an increase in the force of attraction of EMAP to the ferromagnetic product, additional losses of electricity, deterioration of temperature conditions of the transducer. To reduce the duration of powering pulse of magnetic field it is necessary to reduce the number of winds of the magnetizing coil, but this leads to a decrease in magnetic induction magnitude, even in presence of a ferromagnetic core. As a result of rational choice of the design of the magnetic field source, the flat coil of magnetization must be made with a two-window three-wind and made of high-conductive high-heat-conducting material [7-9]. The core should be placed in the windows of the magnet coil only by the ends. As a result, the action time of the magnetization pulse is reduced to 200 μs, which is sufficient for testing of samples up to 300 mm thick. The high-frequency inductor coil is made of two linear working sections that are located under the windows of the coil [9]. In opposite directions of high-frequency current in these working areas, in-phase powerful pulses of shear ultrasonic waves are excited in the surface layer of the product. The ratio of the excited amplitudes of the shear and longitudinal pulses exceeds 30 dB. That is, the coherent pulses of longitudinal waves in the testing of the moon by the method will practically not affect the results of the diagnosis of ferromagnetic products. Design variants of electromagnetic-acoustic transducers with one-wind [7], two-wind [8] and three-wind magnetization coils [9] of a source of a pulsed polarizing magnetic field are developed. With a single-coil [7], the transients are minimal when the power pulse is winded on. However, it is necessary to excite in the coil a current of several kA, which complicates the temperature conditions of the transducer and power equipment. With a three-coil [9] magnetization, the amplitude of the bottom pulses in relation to the amplitude of the interference exceeds 24 dB, which allows for testing and diagnostics of large variety of samples. When using the charge core [9], the ratio of amplitudes increased to 38 dB, which makes it possible to monitor the echo by the method. The method [10] of ultrasonic electromagnetic - acoustic testing of ferromagnetic products is developed. vectors of intensity with duration of several periods of high filling frequency, n and this excitation of the pulses of the electromagnetic field is performed at a time equal to the time of transients to establish the operating value of the induction of the polarizing magnetic field, and the reception of ultrasonic pulses reflected from the product is performed in the time period tпр, which is determined by the expression T – t1 – t2 – t3 < tпр = t1 + t2 + t3 + 2H/C, where T is the duration of the magnetization pulse; t1 is the time of transients to establish the working value of the induction of a polarizing magnetic field; t2 - time of packet pulse of electromagnetic field; t3 is the time of damping oscillations in the flat high frequency inductor; H is the thickness of the product or the distance in volume of the product to be ultrasound; C is the velocity of propagation of shear ultrasonic waves in the material of the product. It is established [9] that the interferences in the ferromagnetic core caused by the Barkhausen effect and magnetostrictive transformation of electromagnetic energy into ultrasound are practically excluded by production of the core blended, usage of the material of the core plates which has a low coefficient of magnetostrictive conversion, perpendicular core plates orientation in relation to the conductors of the working areas of the flat high-frequency inductor, as well as filling of the gaps between the plates with a high density fluid, such as glycerol. It is shown that the sensitivity of direct EMA transducers with pulse magnetization when powered by a batch high frequency probe pulse generator [11] and when receiving via a low noise amplifier [12] provide detection of flat-bottomed reflectors with a diameter of 3 mm or more, probe frequency of 40 Hz, peak high-frequency current of 120A, shear linearly polarized ultrasonic oscillations of 2.3 MHz, high frequency packet pulse duration 6…7 filling frequency periods, magnetization pulse duration 200 μs, magnetization current density of 600 A / mm2 and at the gap between the EMAP and the product of 0.2 mm [9]. The amplitude of the echo momentum reflected from the flaw in relation to the noise amplitude reaches 20 dB. The EMATs developed are protected with 2 utility model patents.
Салам, Буссі. "Електромагнітно-акустичні перетворювачі для ультразвукового контролю металовиробів." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2020.
Full textThesis for a Candidate Degree in Engineering, specialty 05.11.13 – Devices and methods of testing and determination of composition of substances. National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kharkiv, 2020. A relevant scientific – practical problem on development of new types of EMAP for effective ultrasonic control of metal products is solved in the dissertation. Computer simulation of EMAT magnetic fields distribution in pulse magnetization of ferromagnetic and non-magnetic products is performed. Ways to build transducers with maximum sensitivity are established. The method of excitation of pulsed batch ultrasonic pulses due to the sequential formation of pulsed magnetic and electromagnetic fields is developed. Technical solutions for suppression of coherent interference in the core and in the product have been developed. The geometrical and structural parameters of pulsed magnetic field source were determined, which made it possible to excite powerful in-phase packet pulses of high-frequency shear oscillations in a sample. It is shown that the sensitivity of direct EMA transducers with pulse magnetization provide detection of flat-bottom reflectors with a diameter of 3 mm and more at a probing frequency of 40 Hz, a frequency of shear linearly polarized ultrasonic oscillations of 2.3 MHz, a peak current of high-frequency packet pulses of 120 A, duration of batch high frequency current pulses in 6 periods of filling frequency, magnetization pulse duration of 200 μs, magnetization current of 600 A and at the gap between EMAP and product of 0.2 mm.
Ілитчук, Владислав Богданович, Юрій Володимирович Шеремет, Vladyslav Ilytchuk, and Yurii Sheremet. "Розробка та дослідження автоматизованої системи передачі даних на базі формувача фазоманіпульованих сигналів." Master's thesis, Тернопіль, ТНТУ, 2021.
Full textІлитчук В.Б., Шеремет Ю.В. – Розробка та дослідження автоматизованої системи передачі даних на базі формувача фазоманіпульованих сигналів. 151 – «Автоматизація та комп’ютерно-інтегровані технології» – Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя. – Тернопіль, 2021. В кваліфікаційній роботі розроблено та досліджено формувач фазоманіпульованих сигналів для завадозахищеної передачі даних по комутованих лініях зв’язку. Ilitchuk V. Sheremet Y. Development and research of an automated data transmission system based on the shaper of phase-locked signals. 151 - "Automation and computer-integrated technologies" - Ternopil Ivan Pul’uj National Technical University. - Ternopil, 2021. In the qualification work the shaper of phase-manipulated signals for noise-protected data transmission on switched communication lines is developed and investigated.
ЗМІСТ ВСТУП 7 1. АНАЛІТИЧНА ЧАСТИНА 9 1.1. Мережі з фазовою і амплітудно-фазовою модуляцією 9 1.2. Системи з треліс-модуляцією 16 2. ТЕХНОЛОГІЧНА ЧАСТИНА 20 2.1. Огляд факторів впливу на продуктивність роботи аналогових мереж передачі даних 20 2.2. Методика визначення навантаження на АТС 26 3. КОНСТРУКТОРСЬКА ЧАСТИНА 32 3.1. Розробка структурної схеми. Функціональне призначення елементів схеми 32 3.2. Розрахунок параметрів пристрою 34 3.3. Розробка принципової схеми пристрою 37 3.4. Розрахунок параметрів живлення пристрою 42 3.5. Розробка друкованої і монтажної плати 43 3.6. Надійність та технічна діагностика 44 4. НАУКОВО-ДОСЛІДНА ЧАСТИНА 52 4.1. Методика дослідження завадостійкого приймання фазоманіпульованих сигналів 52 5. СПЕЦІАЛЬНА ЧАСТИНА 62 5.1. Опис алгоритму керуючої програми 62 6. ОХОРОНА ПРАЦІ ТА БЕЗПЕКА В НАДЗВИЧАЙНИХ СИТУАЦІЯХ 68 6.1. Аналіз небезпеки і вразливостей при розробці проектованої системи 68 6.2. Електромагнітний імпульс ядерного вибуху і захист від нього радіоелектронних засобів 72 6.3. Шляхи вирішення задачі захисту від ЕМІ 74 ВИСНОВКИ 77 ПЕРЕЛІК ПОСИЛАНЬ 78 ДОДАТОК А. Текст керуючої програми 80
Івіцька, Дар’я Костянтинівна. "Вдосконалення електроємнісного методу контролю для дефектоскопії матеріалів." Doctoral thesis, Київ, 2019.
Full textДесятниченко, Алексей Владимирович. "Электромагнитно-акустический толщиномер для контроля металлоизделий с диэлектрическими покрытиями." Thesis, НТУ "ХПИ", 2015.
Full textThesis for granting the Degree of Candidate of Technical sciences in speciality 05.11.13 – Devices and methods of testing and materials structure determination. – National technical university "Kharkiv Politechnical Institute", Kharkiv, 2015. Thesis is devoted to solution of important theoretical and practical task to ensure ultrasound control of the metal products thickness by using electromagnetic-acoustical method in cases of dielectric coatings (gaps) with thickness up to 10 mm. Work includes analysis of existing acoustic methods and devices for thickness measurement, their main advantages and disadvantages are reviewed. Based on the results of analysis of the given disadvantages, the most advanced ways was set off - electromagnetic-acoustical (EMA) method. The problems of selection of the optimal signal agitate sonorous vibrations by EMA method were reviewed. Calculations of the taken energy are given for the analysis of the practicability to use variants of probing signal. Electric model of amplifier output stage of probing signal and sensor is reviewed, peculiarities of its operation are described. Results of researches and developments dedicated to increase thickness measurement quality and efficiency are given. Matters to build of the transmitting and receiving analog tracts are reviewed. The signal level dependence on voltage research on sensor's transmitting winding are conducted. Impact of a gap on the signal level was examined. Results of the dependence of dead spot length on a gap and methods to its reduction are given. Factors affecting accuracy of control are determined. EMA thickness gauge was designed. The main factors of design are examined. The digital processing algorithm of the received data was reviewed. Metrological characteristics of the developed device were made.