Academic literature on the topic '551..2'
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Journal articles on the topic "551..2"
Ito, Makoto, Sumiaki Fukuda, Shohei Sakata, Hisayo Morinaga, and Takeshi Ohta. "Pharmacological Effects of JTT-551, a Novel Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B Inhibitor, in Diet-Induced Obesity Mice." Journal of Diabetes Research 2014 (2014): 1–7.
Full textGladstone, Douglas, Marc Andre, Jan Zaucha, Sarit Assouline, Naresh Bellam, Nicole Cascavilla, Eric Jourdan, et al. "Results of a Phase 2 Study of MEDI-551 and Bendamustine Vs Rituximab and Bendamustine in Relapsed or Refractory Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia." Blood 124, no. 21 (December 6, 2014): 4472.
Full textForero-Torres, Andres, Mehdi Hamadani, Michelle A. Fanale, Celeste M. Bello, Thomas J. Kipps, Fritz Offner, Gregor Verhoef, et al. "Safety Profile and Clinical Response To MEDI-551, a Humanized Monoclonal Anti-CD19, In a Phase 1/2 Study In Adults With Relapsed Or Refractory Advanced B-Cell Malignancies." Blood 122, no. 21 (November 15, 2013): 1810.
Full textForero, Andres, Mehdi Hamadani, Michelle A. Fanale, Celeste M. Bello, Thomas J. Kipps, Fritz Offner, Gregor Verhoef, et al. "MEDI-551, a Humanized Monoclonal Anti-CD19, in Adults with Relapsed or Refractory Advanced B-Cell Malignancies: Results From a Phase 1/2 Study." Blood 120, no. 21 (November 16, 2012): 3677.
Full textOgura, Michinori, Kiyoshi Ando, Naokuni Uike, Yoshiaki Ogawa, Toshiki Uchida, Yasunobu Abe, Takanobu Morishita, et al. "A Multicenter Phase I Study of the Humanized Anti-CD19 Monoclonal Antibody, MEDI-551, in Patients with Relapsed or Refractory B-Cell Lymphoma and Multiple Myeloma." Blood 124, no. 21 (December 6, 2014): 1756.
Full textHamadani, Mehdi, Andres Forero, Thomas J. Kipps, Michelle A. Fanale, Antonio Cuneo, Jaime Perez de Oteyza, Douglas Gladstone, et al. "MEDI-551, an anti-CD19 antibody active in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients previously treated with rituximab." Journal of Clinical Oncology 31, no. 15_suppl (May 20, 2013): 7045.
Full textTordi, M. G., M. C. Silvestrini, A. Colosimo, L. Tuttobello, and M. Brunori. "Cytochrome c-551 and azurin oxidation catalysed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa cytochrome oxidase. A steady-state kinetic study." Biochemical Journal 230, no. 3 (September 15, 1985): 797–805.
Full textStreicher, Katie, Philip Brohawn, Mike Kuziora, Fernanda Pilataxi, Brandon Higgs, Kim Lehmann, Kathleen McKeever, et al. "A microRNA Signature Predicts Response to Anti-CD19 Therapy (MEDI-551) in B-Cell Malignancies." Blood 124, no. 21 (December 6, 2014): 2198.
Full textCUTRUZZOLÀ, Francesca, Ilaria CIABATTI, Gabriella ROLLI, Sabrina FALCINELLI, Marzia ARESE, Graziella RANGHINO, Andrea ANSELMINO, Elisabetta ZENNARO, and Maria Chiara SILVESTRINI. "Expression and characterization of Pseudomonas aeruginosa cytochrome c-551 and two site-directed mutants: role of tryptophan 56 in the modulation of redox properties." Biochemical Journal 322, no. 1 (February 15, 1997): 35–42.
Full textGoswami, Trishna, Andres Forero, Mehdi Hamadani, Anne Sonet, Gregor Verhoef, Michelle A. Fanale, Celeste M. Bello, Wenmei Huang, and Bruce D. Cheson. "Phase I/II study of MEDI-551, a humanized monoclonal antibody targeting CD19, in subjects with relapsed or refractory advanced B-cell malignancies." Journal of Clinical Oncology 30, no. 15_suppl (May 20, 2012): 8065.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "551..2"
Coskun, Yelda. "Synthesis Of Conducting Polymers Of Terepthalic Acid Bis-(2-thiophen-3-yl-ethyl)ester And Investigation Of Their Electrochromic Properties." Master's thesis, METU, 2004.
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* transition using spectroelectrochemical analysis and colorimetry studies were investigated. Dual type polymer electrochromic devices (ECDs) based on PTATE, P(TATE-co-Th) and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) have been constructed. Spectroelectrochemistry, switching ability and stability of the devices were investigated by UV-Vis Spectrophotometer and Cyclic Voltammetry.
Köhler, Claas H. "Radiative Effect of Mixed Mineral Dust and Biomass Burning Aerosol in the Thermal Infrared." Doctoral thesis, Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2014.
Full textMeredith, David. "2-D and 3-D computer modelling of lithosphere dynamics and sedimentary basin formation." Thesis, Keele University, 2002.
Full textLeclère, Henri. "Comportement sismo-mécanique des failles crustales et interactions fluides-séismes : Une étude de la région de l'Ubaye (Alpes du sud) combinant sismologie, géologie structurale, pétrophysique et modélisation numérique." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Besançon, 2012.
Full textThis work adresses the behavior of faults in the upper continental crust under static conditions and moreparticularly the effect of fluid overpressures on fault reactivation and earthquake triggering. In order toreach this goal, an analysis combining seismology, structural geology, petrophysics, geochemistry andhydromechanical modeling has been carried out in the Ubaye region (southern French-Italian Alps) wherea seismic swarm related to regional faults exposed in the Argentera basement massif (located furthersouth) occurred in 2003-2004. Focal mechanisms of 74 events from this seismic swarm have beendetermined. Based on these mechanisms and other seismological data and on mechanical modeling basedon the Mohr-Coulomb theory, this study allows to confirm that the seismic activity of the swarm waslinked to the presence of overpressurized fluids and to explain the spatio-temporal evolution ofoverpressures. A hydromechanical model is proposed in order to account for the spatio-temporalevolutions of both seismicity and pore fluid overpressures. The study of an exposure of an Argenteraregional fault combining a structural analysis, petrophysical measurements and a hydromechanicalmodeling has allowed to decipher the hydromechanical behavior of faults at hypocentral depths, and moreparticularly to determine the ability of faults to be compacted and to develop fluid overpressures. Lastly,the initiation of earthquakes at or near the base of the seismogenic zone is explored through geochemicaland mechanical analyses of quartz-chlorite veins formed at the base of the seismogenic zone. Theseresults are then compared with those deduced from the analysis of the Ubaye seismic swarm. This workallows to study the seismo-mechanical behavior of faults and the interactions between faults, fluids andearthquakes across the seismogenic zone. It emphasizes the importance of associating seismological,hydraulic et mechanical analyses in the study of active faults
Weithäuser, Ina, Gunter Stober, Kristina Fröhlich, and Christoph Jacobi. "Untersuchung der Quasi - 2 - Tage Welle im Sommer 2005." Universität Leipzig, 2007.
Full textSince July 2004 the meteor radar operates continuously at the Observatory (53,3°N, 13°E) of the University of Leipzig. It provides data of the horizontal wind field as well as the temperature of the mesopause region. In addition to the consideration of the seasonal behaviour of prevailing and tidal winds it is possible to examine the activity of planetary waves. Because of the shift of maximum amplitudes of the quasi-2-day wave in summer 2005 to shorter as well as longer periods the event has to be considered more in detail. Possible reasons for the displacements are nonlinear couplings between the quasi-2-day wave and planetary waves with longer periods. The examination of those couplings is performed using bispectral analyses.
Trautmann, Thomas, and Andreas Bott. "Ein numerisches Modell zur lokalen Nebelvorhersage. Teil 2: Behandlung von Erdboden und Vegetation." Universität Leipzig, 2002.
Full textThe paper presents an extension of the model components for parameterized cloud physics, radiation and visibility determination as implemented in the local forecast model PAFOG to include the interaction with the soil and the vegetation. The resulting forecast system PAFOG-V can be used to predict local events of radiation fogs and of low level stratiform clouds.
Nadin, P. A. "Cretaceous-tertiary post-rift subsidence across the NE Atlantic margin : an analysis using quantitative 2-D and reverse stratigraphic modelling." Thesis, University of Liverpool, 1995.
Full textJacobi, Christoph, Rudolf Schminder, and Dierk Kürschner. "Long-period (2-18 Days) oscillations of mesopause winds at Collm." Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen des Leipziger Instituts für Meteorologie ; 4 = Meteorologische Arbeiten aus Leipzig ; 2 (1996), S. 131-143, 1996.
Full textTägliche Analysen des zonalen und meridionalen Grundwindes in der Mesopausenregion (- 95 km Höhe) werden hinsichtlich planetarer Wellenaktivität im Periodenbereich von 2 bis 18 Tagen untersucht. Es wird eine mittlere Klimatologie der Jahre 1983 - 1994 dargestellt. In diesem Zeitraum ist eine signifikante Zunahme der Wellenaktivität zu verzeichnen, die in Übereinstimmung mit Literaturangaben steht.
Trautmann, Thomas, and Andreas Bott. "Ein numerisches Modell zur lokalen Nebelvorhersage. Teil 2: Behandlung von Erdboden und Vegetation." Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2017.
Full textThe paper presents an extension of the model components for parameterized cloud physics, radiation and visibility determination as implemented in the local forecast model PAFOG to include the interaction with the soil and the vegetation. The resulting forecast system PAFOG-V can be used to predict local events of radiation fogs and of low level stratiform clouds
Weithäuser, Ina, Gunter Stober, Kristina Fröhlich, and Christoph Jacobi. "Untersuchung der Quasi - 2 - Tage Welle im Sommer 2005." Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2017.
Full textSince July 2004 the meteor radar operates continuously at the Observatory (53,3°N, 13°E) of the University of Leipzig. It provides data of the horizontal wind field as well as the temperature of the mesopause region. In addition to the consideration of the seasonal behaviour of prevailing and tidal winds it is possible to examine the activity of planetary waves. Because of the shift of maximum amplitudes of the quasi-2-day wave in summer 2005 to shorter as well as longer periods the event has to be considered more in detail. Possible reasons for the displacements are nonlinear couplings between the quasi-2-day wave and planetary waves with longer periods. The examination of those couplings is performed using bispectral analyses
Books on the topic "551..2"
Christine, Becker, and Hauptverband der Gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften (Germany), eds. Erfahrungen mit der Anwendung von [Paragraph] 551 Abs. 2 RVO bei beruflichen Erkrankungen. 2nd ed. Sankt Augustin: Hauptverband der Gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, 1989.
Find full textUnited States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations, ed. 106-2 Hearing: The Legacies of The Holocaust, S. Hrg. 106-551, April 5, 2000. [S.l: s.n., 2000.
Find full textUnited States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations, ed. 106-2 Hearing: The Legacies of The Holocaust, S. Hrg. 106-551, April 5, 2000. [S.l: s.n., 2000.
Find full textUnited States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations., ed. 106-2 Hearing: The Legacies of The Holocaust, S. Hrg. 106-551, April 5, 2000. [S.l: s.n., 2000.
Find full textUnited States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations, ed. 106-2 Hearing: The Legacies of The Holocaust, S. Hrg. 106-551, April 5, 2000. [S.l: s.n., 2000.
Find full textMcGilloway, D. A., ed. Grassland: a global resource. The Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2005.
Full textMulvenna, Maurice D., and Chris D. Nugent, eds. Supporting People with Dementia Using Pervasive Health Technologies. London: Springer London, 2010.
Full textOliveira, Antonella Carvalho de, ed. Coleção desafios das engenharias: Engenharia de materiais e metalúrgica 2: -. Brazil: Atena Editora, 2021.
Find full text106-2 Hearing: The Legacies of The Holocaust, S. Hrg. 106-551, April 5, 2000. [S.l: s.n., 2000.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "551..2"
Hamacher, E. "Entstehungsgeschichte und Fortentwicklung nach § 551 Abs. 2 RVO." In Gutachtenkolloquium 3, 163–68. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1988.
Full textBauers, G. "Erweiterung der BK Nr. 2102 nach § 551 Abs. 2 RVO — Arbeitstechnische Voraussetzungen —." In Gutachtenkolloquium 3, 175–83. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1988.
Full textGreinemann, H. "Erweiterung der BK Nr. 2102 nach § 551 Abs. 2 RVO — Medizinische Voraussetzungen —." In Gutachtenkolloquium 3, 195–203. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1988.
Full textOh-oka, Hirozo, Saki Kakutani, Shoichiro Kamei, Hiroshi Matsubara, Masayo Iwaki, and Shigeru Itoh. "Photoactive Reaction Center (PscA/Cytochrome c 551)2 Complex of Chlorobium limicola." In Photosynthesis: from Light to Biosphere, 1061–64. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1995.
Full textBonnermann, R. "Erweiterung der BK Nr. 2102 nach § 551 Abs. 2 RVO — Erste Erfahrungen aus der Sicht der Verwaltung —." In Gutachtenkolloquium 3, 185–93. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1988.
Full textDemaison, J. "551 C5H9F3O2 1,4-Dioxane - trifluoromethane (1/1)." In Asymmetric Top Molecules. Part 2, 511. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.
Full textAlexander IV. "551 Anagni, 1256 Sept. 2." In Original Papal Documents in England and Wales from the Accession of Pope Innocent III to the Death of Pope Benedict XI (1198–1304), edited by Jane E. Sayers. Oxford University Press, 1999.
Full text"I.79 39.7 Aug.2°,fol.551 EBRIETAS. Wem Trunckenheit gefeit." In Ethica. Physica, 176–77. De Gruyter, 1985.
Full textKraus, Rob, Brian Barber, Mike Borkin, and Naomi J. Alpern. "Exchange Server – Mail Service Attacks." In Seven Deadliest Microsoft Attacks, 71–92. Elsevier, 2010.
Full textNugus, Sue. "Selecting and Evaluating Forecasting Techniques." In Financial Planning Using Excel, 93–100. Elsevier, 2009.
Full textConference papers on the topic "551..2"
Tong, F., R. M. Macfarlane, W. P. Risk, and Wilfred Lenth. "A 551-nm diode laser pumped upconversion laser." In OSA Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1989.
Full textPollnau, M., E. Heumann, F. Heine, T. Danger, W. Lüthy, G. Huber, and H. P. Weber. "Population mechanisms of the roomtemperature 551 nm Er:LiYF4 laser." In The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1994.
Full textMacfarlane, R. M., E. A. Whittaker, and W. Lenth. "Blue, yellow, and green upconversion lasing in Er:YLF using 1.5 μm pumping." In OSA Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1992.
Full text"APPLICATION OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE FOR THE PROTECTION OF CIVIL RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS." In Russian science: actual researches and developments. Samara State University of Economics, 2020.
Full textStephens, R. R., and R. A. McFarlane. "Diode pumped upconversion laser with 100 mW output." In OSA Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1992.
Full textLenth, Wilfried, and Roger M. Macfarlane. "Infrared-pumped green and blue upconversion lasers." In OSA Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1991.
Full textFilippchenkova, S. I. "PSYCHOLOGICAL VECTOR OF OVERCOMING PROFESSIONAL BURNOUT IN ONCOLOGISTS." In The 16th «OCCUPATION and HEALTH» Russian National Congress with International Participation (OHRNC-2021). FSBSI “IRIOH”, 2021.
Full textFreitas, Luiza Isaia de. "INFLUÊNCIA DO ISOLAMENTO DOMICILIAR DEVIDO A PANDEMIA SOBRE A ROTINA ALIMENTAR DOS ANIMAIS MANTIDOS COMO PET NO BRASIL." In II Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências Biológicas On-line. Revista Multidisciplinar de Educação e Meio Ambiente, 2021.
Full textWright, Albion D., Brandon S. Willis, Anna Gomez, Mark L. Boys, Robert K. DeLisle, Laurence E. Burgess, Mark C. Munson, et al. "Abstract 551: A potent and selective cFMS inhibitor regulates the tumor macrophage microenvironment leading to tumor growth inhibition." In Proceedings: AACR 102nd Annual Meeting 2011‐‐ Apr 2‐6, 2011; Orlando, FL. American Association for Cancer Research, 2011.
Full textBremer, Claus. "Automatic Blade Repair System Based on Reverse Engineering Strategies." In ASME 1998 International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1998.
Full textReports on the topic "551..2"
Pavlovic, Noel, Barbara Plampin, Gayle Tonkovich, and David Hamilla. Special flora and vegetation of Indiana Dunes National Park. National Park Service, 2024.
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