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Journal articles on the topic "532.887 5"


Jakob, Hans-Joachim. "DIRK NIEFANGER (Hrsg.) Hans Jacob Christoph von Grimmelshausen: Der abentheuerliche Simplicissimus Teutsch und Continuatio, Reclam Verlag, Stuttgart 2017, 978 S." Zeitschrift für Germanistik 29, no. 1 (January 1, 2019): 164–65.

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Mit der Edition von Grimmelshausens Simplicissimus Teutsch und seiner Continuatio, die der Erlanger Germanist DIRK NIEFANGER erarbeitet hat, liegt nach langer Zeit eine Neuausgabe der Texte vor, die zuletzt innerhalb der Bibliothek deutscher Klassiker (1989; als Taschenbuch 2005) editorische Aufmerksamkeit erfuhren.1 Niefangers Ausgabe setzt sich aus dem simplicianischen Erstling (S. 5–533), seiner Fortsetzung (S. 535–672) und dem ,,Anhang“ (S. 673–978) zusammen. Der ,,Anhang“ notiert die Spezifika der vorliegenden Edition (S. 675–680), verzeichnet die Emendationen (S. 680–687), enthält die zahlreichen Erläuterungen zum Text (S. 688–862), Auszüge aus Grimmelshausens Satyrischem Pilgram und dem Simplicissimus-Druck E5 (S. 863–876), ein Literaturverzeichnis (S. 877–894), eine Einführung (S. 895–961), ein Abbildungsverzeichnis (S. 962) und ein ausführliches Inhaltsverzeichnis (S. 963–977).
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Zhang, Xiaokai, Daria A. Barkova, Pavel V. Koshlyakov, Ilya E. Gerasimov, Evgeni N. Chesnokov, and Lev N. Krasnoperov. "Kinetics of the Gas-Phase Reaction of Hydroxyl Radicals with Dimethyl Methylphosphonate (DMMP) over an Extended Temperature Range (273–837 K)." Molecules 27, no. 7 (April 1, 2022): 2301.

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The kinetics of the reaction of hydroxyl radical (OH) with dimethyl methylphosphonate (DMMP, (CH3O)2CH3PO) (reaction 1) OH + DMMP → products (1) was studied at the bath gas (He) pressure of 1 bar over the 295–837 K temperature range. Hydroxyl radicals were produced in the fast reaction of electronically excited oxygen atoms O(1D) with H2O. The time-resolved kinetic profiles of hydroxyl radicals were recorded via UV absorption at around 308 nm using a DC discharge H2O/Ar lamp. The reaction rate constant exhibits a pronounced V-shaped temperature dependence, negative in the low temperature range, 295–530 K (the rate constant decreases with temperature), and positive in the elevated temperature range, 530–837 K (the rate constant increases with temperature), with a turning point at 530 ± 10 K. The rate constant could not be adequately fitted with a standard 3-parameter modified Arrhenius expression. The data were fitted with a 5-parameter expression as: k1 = 2.19 × 10−14(T/298)2.43exp(15.02 kJ mol−1/RT) + 1.71 × 10−10exp(−26.51 kJ mol−1/RT) cm3molecule−1s−1 (295–837 K). In addition, a theoretically predicted pressure dependence for such reactions was experimentally observed for the first time.
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Yang, Ai Mei, Xiao Long Shi, Jie Li Liu, Lin Yang, and Yun Men. "Chemical Constituents and Antibacterial Activity of Euphorbia altotibetica." Advanced Materials Research 881-883 (January 2014): 21–24.

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Five compounds were isolated from the EtOAc extract of Euphorbia altotibetica. The structures of these compounds were elucidated as: β-sitosterol (1), daucosterol (2), chrysophanol (3), (-)-epiafzelechin (4), 5,2-dihydroxy-7,8,6-trimethoxyflavanone (5) by NMR datas, the antibacterial activity of all compounds were examined on five species of bacteria Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus licheniformis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Streptococcus pneumoniae.
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Shiao, Fu Thang, Han Chou Ke, and Ying Chieh Lee. "Phase Transformation Behavior of Bi2O3-ZnO-Nb2O5 Ceramics Sintered at Low Temperature." Materials Science Forum 534-536 (January 2007): 1477–80.

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To co-fire with commercial LTCC (Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic) materials at 850oC ~ 880 oC, different contents of B2O3 were added to the Bi2O3-ZnO-Nb2O5 (BZN) ceramics. The dielectric properties of BZN ceramics sintered at low temperatures were studied. According to the test results, the cubic phase of BZN was transformed into orthorhombic in all the test materials. A BiNbO4 phase was formed in test materials with 2 ~ 5 wt% of B2O3 addition. The BiNbO4 phase was inhibited by extra ZnO addition. The phase transformation of cubic BZN was controlled during the synthesis process of cubic and orthorhombic ZnO-Nb2O5 phase with excess ZnO content. The Cubic and orthorhombic phases of BZN could coexist and be sintered densely at 850 oC/2hr.
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Silva, Shirley Cristina Lima e., Malaquias Batista Filho, and Teresa Cristina Miglioli. "Prevalência e fatores de risco de anemia em mães e filhos no Estado de Pernambuco." Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia 11, no. 2 (June 2008): 266–77.

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OBJETIVO: Estudar a prevalência e fatores de risco de anemia em mães e filhos menores de 5 anos, no Estado de Pernambuco, em três espaços geográficos: Região Metropolitana do Recife (RMR); Interior Urbano (IU) e Interior Rural (IR). MÉTODO: Estudo seccional, em amostra representativa de 807 mulheres adultas e 827 crianças menores de 5 anos, sorteadas em 3 estágios (municípios, setores censitários e famílias), possibilitando 523 pareamentos mães x filhos biológicos. A hemoglobina foi determinada em aparelho portátil (HemoCue). Fez-se avaliação de fatores de risco (biológicos, socioeconômicos, ambientais e acesso a serviços de saúde). RESULTADOS: No conjunto dos resultados, 21,8% das mulheres e 46,9% das crianças tinham anemia, prevalências semelhantes no pareamento mães/filhos biológicos. As prevalências mais baixas de anemia foram encontradas no IU, enquanto as mais elevadas ocorreram no IR. Ocorreu associação entre a situação das mães e dos filhos, com um RP = 1,45, IC (95): 1,21-1,74. Quatro fatores de risco foram comuns às mães e filhos: tipo de ocupação das moradias, coleta de lixo, assistência pré-natal e distância do serviço de saúde. As crianças incorporam mais sete fatores: idade da mãe, idade da criança, espaço geográfico, baixa escolaridade das mães, baixa renda familiar, tamanho da família e falta de esgotos sanitários. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de anemia se diferencia por espaços geográficos, idade das crianças e condição de exposição de mães e filhos a fatores biológicos, sócio-econômicos e ambientais.
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Segev, Idan. "What do dendrites and their synapses tell the neuron?" Journal of Neurophysiology 95, no. 3 (March 2006): 1295–97.

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This essay looks at the historical significance of four APS classic papers that are freely available online: Rall W. Distinguishing theoretical synaptic potentials computed for different soma-dendritic distributions of synaptic input. J Neurophysiol 30: 1138–1168, 1967 ( ). Rall W, Burke RE, Smith TG, Nelson PG, and Frank K. Dendritic location of synapses and possible mechanisms for the monosynaptic EPSP in motoneurons. J Neurophysiol 30: 1169–1193, 1967 ( ). Rall W and Shepherd GM. Theoretical reconstruction of field potentials and dendrodendritic synaptic interactions in olfactory bulb. J Neurophysiol 31: 884–915, 1968 ( ). Segev I and Rall W. Computational study of an excitable dendritic spine. J Neurophysiol 60: 499–523, 1988 ( ).
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Rumi, M. Kh, E. M. Urazaeva, Sh R. Nurmatov, Sh K. Irmatova, M. A. Zufarov, Sh A. Faiziev, and E. P. Mansurova. "Study of the structural and technological properties of expanded vermiculite in the production of refractory thermal insulation." NOVYE OGNEUPORY (NEW REFRACTORIES) 1, no. 5 (November 24, 2022): 79–86.

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Изучено влияние структуры, минерального и фракционного составов вспученного вермикулита, полученного из концентрата с нерегулярной структурой флогопит / вермикулит, а также способа формования на свойства керамовермикулита. Показано, что цвет материала может являться индикатором разной степени вермикулитизации и дегидратации гидрофлогопита. Термообработка вермикулитового концентрата на производстве при 1000 оС недостаточна для данного вида слюды. С использованием добавок огнеупорной глины получены образцы керамовермикулита плотностью 880‒1120 кг/м3 с пределом прочности при сжатии 0,54‒0,91 МПа (полусухое прессование) и плотностью 530‒620 кг/м3 с пределом прочности при сжатии 0,21‒0,45 МПа (пластическое формование).
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Díaz Ortega, José Luis, Miguel Angel Nakamura López, Daniela Robles Torres, Jose Gerardo Rios Castillo, Gabriela Aguilar Carrada, Cesar Omar Zuñiga Ocampo, Eva Román Castro, Pierce Trumbo, Deyanira Desales Castañeda, and María Edith González Sánchez. "Factors associated with missed opportunities for vaccination in children aged <5 years in Oaxaca, Mexico, 2018." American Journal of Field Epidemiology 1, no. 3 (September 14, 2023): 1–9.

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Introduction. We estimated the frequency of missed opportunities for vaccination and the factors associated with them in children under five as they exited the health facilities in two health districts of Oaxaca, Mexico in 2018. Population and Methods. We conducted a cross-sectional study out of an exit survey of public health facilities with low immunization coverage. The study population was comprised of 837 children and their caregivers who had visited those health facilities. Crude and adjusted odds ratios were calculated to analyze factors associated with missed opportunities for vaccination. Results. A total of 502 children were eligible to receive 1338 doses of missing vaccines; 986 missed opportunities for vaccination were observed. The factors related to missing opportunities were related to health facilities (810, 82.2%); mainly due to total or partial vaccine shortages (789, 97.4%), followed by health personnel (108, 10.9%) and child caregivers (68, 6.9%). Discussion. The main variable associated with missed vaccination opportunities was partial or complete vaccine shortages.
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Storandt, Michael H., Urshila Durani, Daniela Stan, Nicole Larson, Charles Loprinzi, Fergus Couch, Janet E. Olson, Nandita Khera, and Kathryn J. Ruddy. "Abstract 1012: Financial hardship in breast cancer survivors." Cancer Research 82, no. 12_Supplement (June 15, 2022): 1012.

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Abstract Background: Medical financial hardship, encompassing material, behavioral, and psychologic domains, is becoming an increasingly common consequence of illness in cancer patients. Identifying at-risk patients is the first step to develop proactive approaches to mitigate this problem. To try and address this need, Mayo Clinic Breast Disease Registry (MCBDR) is prospectively collecting data about financial concerns in addition to the usual sociodemographic and clinical information. Methods: We used data from Mayo Clinic Breast Disease Registry, a prospective cohort of consenting patients seen at Mayo Clinic Rochester within one year of initial breast cancer diagnosis. Participants completed baseline and annual follow-up surveys rating their financial concerns on a linear analogue scale from 0 (“none”) to 10 (“constant concerns”). We compared patient-reported financial concern at baseline to that on each patient’s most recent survey, with worsening concerns defined as a 1+-point increase. Logistic regression evaluated for predictors of worsening financial concerns. Results: 1,957 participants responded to financial concern questions on a baseline and at least one follow-up survey between 2015 and 2020. Mean age was 58.5 years (SD 12.5), and mean time between diagnosis and the most recent follow-up was 25.6 months (SD 16.2). 357 (18.2%) reported worsening financial concerns. Only lower baseline financial status was associated with a greater likelihood of worsening financial concerns (see Table). Conclusions: More than one in seven breast cancer survivors develop worsening financial concerns within 5-years of diagnosis, and those with less financial security at baseline appear to be most vulnerable. Funding: Breast Cancer Research Foundation (CLL) and NR015259 (KJR). Patient and tumor characteristics, compared by whether financial status worsened over time Full Cohort (n=1957) Worsening, ≥ 1-point change (n=357) Stable/Improved (n=1600) p value Full Cohort (n=1957) Worsening, ≥ 1-point change (n=357) Stable/Improved (n=1600) p value Age at diagnosis II or III 502 (25.7%) 98 (27.5%) 404 (25.3%) 0.239 ≤ 50 546 (27.9%) 105 (29.4%) 441 (27.6%) IV 67 (3.4%) 17 (4.8%) 50 (3.1%) 0.086 51-64 757 (38.7%) 136 (38.1%) 621 (38.8%) 0.562 Unknown 351 (17.9%) 65 (18.2%) 286 (17.9%) 0.536 ≥65 654 (33.4%) 116 (32.5%) 538 (33.6%) 0.506 ER and/or PR positive Race No/Unknown 482 (24.6%) 92 (25.8%) 390 (24.4%) White 1863 (95.2%) 337 (94.4%) 1526 (95.4%) Yes 1475 (75.4%) 265 (74.2%) 1210 (75.6%) 0.580 Non-white 24 (1.2%) 5 (1.4%) 19 (1.2%) 0.729 Her2 positive Other/Unknown/Choose not to respond 70 (3.6%) 15 (4.2%) 55 (3.4%) 0.478 No/Unknown 1746 (89.2%) 314 (88.0%) 1432 (89.5%) Educational status Yes 176 (9.0%) 37 (10.4%) 139 (8.7%) 0.321 Less than bachelor’s degree 880 (45.0%) 168 (47.1%) 712 (44.5%) Borderline 35 (1.8%) 6 (1.7%) 29 (1.8%) 0.898 Bachelor's degree or higher 1065 (54.4%) 187 (52.4%) 878 (54.9%) 0.384 Radiation Unknown 12 (0.6%) 2 (0.6%) 10 (0.6%) 0.832 No/Unknown 781 (39.9%) 140 (39.2%) 641 (40.1%) Financial status near time of diagnosis Yes 1176 (60.1%) 217 (60.8%) 959 (59.9%) 0.768 Pay bills, money for special things 1412 (72.2%) 244 (68.3%) 1168 (73.0%) Chemotherapy/targeted therapy Pay bills, no money for special things 367 (18.8%) 80 (22.4%) 287 (17.9%) 0.046 No/Unknown 1264 (64.6%) 221 (61.9%) 1043 (65.2%) Pay bills by making cuts 102 (5.2%) 19 (5.3%) 83 (5.2%) 0.729 Yes 693 (35.4%) 136 (38.1%) 557 (34.8%) 0.241 Unable to pay bills 56 (2.9%) 10 (2.8%) 46 (2.9%) 0.911 Hormone/endocrine therapy Unknown 20 (1.0%) 4 (1.1%) 16 (1.0%) 0.750 No/Unknown 710 (36.3%) 141 (39.5%) 569 (35.6%) Employment status at time of diagnosis Yes 1247 (63.7%) 216 (60.5%) 1031 (64.4%) 0.163 Employed full-time 462 (23.6%) 83 (23.2%) 379 (23.7%) Surgery type Employed part-time/unemployed/retired 525 (26.8%) 92 (25.8%) 433 (27.1%) 0.856 Lumpectomy 846 (43.2%) 145 (40.6%) 701 (43.8%) Not available 970 (49.6%) 182 (51.0%) 788 (49.3%) 0.716 Mastectomy 903 (46.1%) 165 (46.2%) 738 (46.1%) 0.535 Stage at time of diagnosis None/Unknown 208 (10.6%) 47 (13.2%) 161 (10.1%) 0.069 0 or I 1037 (53.0%) 177 (49.6%) 860 (53.8%) Citation Format: Michael H. Storandt, Urshila Durani, Daniela Stan, Nicole Larson, Charles Loprinzi, Fergus Couch, Janet E. Olson, Nandita Khera, Kathryn J. Ruddy. Financial hardship in breast cancer survivors [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting 2022; 2022 Apr 8-13. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Cancer Res 2022;82(12_Suppl):Abstract nr 1012.
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Guedes, Orlando Aguirre, Ana Helena Gonçalves de Alencar, Lawrence Gonzaga Lopes, Jesus Djalma Pécora, and Carlos Estrela. "A retrospective study of Traumatic Dental Injuries in a Brazilian dental urgency service." Brazilian Dental Journal 21, no. 2 (2010): 153–57.

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Epidemiologic aspects of traumatic dental injuries (TDI) were evaluated in the permanent dentition in a sample of 847 patients treated at the Dental Urgency Service of the Dental School of the Federal University of Goiás, Brazil, between May 2000 and May 2008. The statistical treatment analyzed data from frequency distribution and chi-square test. The level of significance was set at 5% for all analyses. The results showed a higher incident among males (610; 72.01%) with mean age of 6-10 year-old. Uncomplicated crown fracture (without pulp exposure) (502; 26.95%), avulsion (341; 18.30%) and complicated crown fracture (with pulp exposure) (330; 17.71%) were the most prevalent TDI. The prevalence of trauma throughout the years showed proportionality, being observed a larger number of cases between July and September (249; 29.39%). The most affected teeth were the maxillary central incisors (65.65%), followed by the maxillary left lateral incisors (19.67%). In 311 participants (18.25%), only one tooth was involved, while in most patients (536; 81.75%), TDI occurred in more than one tooth. Significant proportion (82.27%) of traumatized teeth presented completely formed root apex. The main etiologic factors involved in TDI were falls (51.71%), traffic accidents (22.90%) and violence (5.67%). Based on the obtained data, it may be concluded that accurate policies of TDI prevention must be established, capable of stimulating the exposure of appropriate protocols for management of these lesions. The prevalence of TDI in Goiânia subpopulation is compared to the prevalence reported in epidemiological studies in others populations.
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Books on the topic "532.887 5"


United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Finance. Subcommittee on Energy and Agricultural Taxation. Miscellaneous farm-related tax proposals: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Energy and Agricultural Taxation of the Committee on Finance, United States Senate, One Hundred Third Congress, second session, on S. 226, S. 531, S. 545, S. 882, S. 1615, S. 1691, and S. 1814, October 5, 1994. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1995.

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Veronikas Geheimnis. Cideb Editrice, 2004.

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Book chapters on the topic "532.887 5"


Cipolla, Russell C. "Section XI Flaw Acceptance Criteria and Evaluation Using Code Procedures." In Companion Guide to the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Codes, Volume 2, Sixth Edition, 30–1. ASME Press, 2023.

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Abstract For the sixth edition, this chapter has been updated with revised Code requirements and Code Cases from the 2017 Code and 2019 Code Editions. The important areas of revised requirements and procedures include flaw proximity rules in IWA-3300, change in the yield strength limits from 50 ksi to 90 ksi for selected grades of SA-508 and SA-533, addition of stress intensity factor equations for circumferential OD surface flaws in Appendix A, A-3000, revised procedures for pipe flaw evaluation in Appendix C, C-4000 and C-5300, and an updated glossary terminology/definitions. Several new and revised Code Cases are also discussed to include N-513-5 (temporary acceptance of flaws in moderate energy piping systems), N-705-1 (temporary acceptance of flaws in moderate energy vessels and tanks), N-806-1 (evaluation of wall loss in buried pipe), N-848-1 (proximity rules for quasi-laminar flaws), N-869 (extension of N-513 to higher pressures for Class 2 and 3 piping systems), N-877 (characterization of multiple subsurface radially oriented planar flaws), N-889 (new reference curves for irradiated-assisted stress corrosion cracking growth for austenitic stainless steels), N-899 (weld residual stress reference curves for dissimilar metal welds), and N-890 (materials exempted from Appendix G, G-2110(b) requirements). It is important to note that additional proposal changes are being developed by the committees, some of which are discussed in 30.11. History Arthur F. Deardorff was the original author of this chapter that was updated by Mr. Deardorff in the second edition. For the third through fifth editions, Russell C. Cipolla revised the entire chapter although retaining certain portions of the previous text, equations, tables, and figures. For the current online edition, Mr. Cipolla has updated using 2017 and 2019 Editions, and additional information as appropriate.
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Ferro-Novick, Susan. "Bos1p." In Guidebook to the Sinall GTPases, 417. Oxford University PressOxford, 1995.

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Abstract DNA sequence analysis predicts that the BOS1 gene contains a putative 88-bp intron with conserved 5’ and 3’ sequences for RNA splicing (Shim et al. 1991). The Bos1 protein (244 amino acids) is hydrophilic at its amino-termi- nus with a hydrophobic stretch of 18 amino acids near its carboxy-terminus. This hydrophobic domain may serve as a membrane anchor. BOS1 is 27% identical and 52% similar to SNC1, a gene whose product is 40% identical to synap- tobrevin (Gerst etal. 1992). SNC1 is required for post-Golgi secretion in yeast (Protopopov et al. 1993). The GenBank accession number is X57792.
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Özdere, Mustafa. "Geçici Koruma Altındaki Çocukların Formal Eğitimlerinde Yönetici ve Öğretmenlerin Dikkat Etmeleri Gereken Hususlar." In Eğitim Bilimleri Araştırmaları- II. Özgür Yayınları, 2023.

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Türkiye’de www.mü web sitesinde kayıt altına alınmış geçici koruma statüsündeki Suriyeli sayısı 19 Ocak 2023 tarihi itibarıyla toplam 3 milyon 535 bin 898 kişi olarak belirtilmektedir. Yaş gruplarına göre bu sayıların dağılımı 0-4 arası 555.249, 5-9 arası 518.916, 10-14 arası 405.768, 15-18 arası 252,126 şeklindedir. Anaokulu, İlkokul, Ortaokul ve Lisede Okuyan Suriyeli Öğrenci Sayısı Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı tarafından 8 Haziran 2021 tarihinde yapılan açıklamaya göre 938 bin138 olarak (anaokulunda 35 bin 707, ilkokulda 442 bin 817, ortaokulda 348 bin 638 ve lisede 110 bin 976) belirtilmektedir. Eğitim çağında olup okula gitmeyen çocuk sayısı 432 bin 956’dur. Geçici koruma altındaki bu çocukların sosyal uyumlarının sağlanmasında en etkili araç eğitimdir ve bu bağlamda okullara, okul yöneticilerine, öğretmenlere ve diğer paydaşlara çok büyük görevler düşmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı okullarında ve sınıflarında geçici koruma altındaki çocukların olduğu öğretmenlere ve okul yöneticilerinin rehberlik edecek bir kaynak oluşturmaktır. Bu doğrultuda geçici koruma altındaki öğrencilerin sosyal uyumlarının desteklenmesi bağlamında öğretim içeriği, öğretim stratejileri, öğretim araç ve gereçleri, ölçme ve değerlendirme araç ve yöntemler ve istenmeyen öğrenci davranışlarının yönetimi incelenmektedir.
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Becker, Richard C., and Frederick A. Spencer. "Combination Pharmacotherapy." In Fibrinolytic and Antithrombotic Therapy. Oxford University Press, 2006.

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The goal of improving coronary arterial patency, microcirculatory blood flow, and myocardial perfusion represents the essence of fibrinolytic–adjunctive therapy combinations. Because fibrinolytic resistance, patency without perfusion, and reocclusion are platelet-mediated phenomena, considerable emphasis has been placed on the development of platelet antagonists. Coronary arterial thrombi consist of platelets and fibrin bound in a tightly packed meshwork. Platelets modify the intrinsic properties of the fibrin network, causing changes in permeability and vasoelasticity, which decrease fibrinolysis rates. The addition of aspirin and the glycoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa receptor antagonist abciximab modulates the interaction of platelets and fibrin, improving both accessibility to fibrinolytics and the overall rates of fibrinolysis (Collet et al., 2001). The Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) 14 trial (Antman et al., 1999) randomized 888 patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (MI) to receive (1) accelerated tissue plasminogen activator (tPA; ≤100 mg) plus standard dose of unfractionated heparin (UFH); (2) tPA (920 mg bolus) plus abciximab (0.25 mg/kg bolus, 7 μg/min); (3) streptokinase (800,000 to 1.5 million units) and low-dose UFH; or (4) abciximab plus low-dose UFH. TIMI 3 flow rates 90 minutes from treatment initiation were 52%, 53%, 42%, and 32%, respectively. In subsequent dose/strategy studies, a combination of tPA (35 mg) plus abciximab and tPA (15 mg bolus, 31 mg over 60 minutes) plus abciximab revealed 63% and 73% TIMI 3 flow rates, respectively. Rates of major hemorrhage were similar in all tPA treatment groups. The Strategies for Patency Enhancement in the Emergency Department (SPEED) trial (SPEED Group, 2000) included two phases. Phase A (n = 241) randomized patients to receive either abciximab (bolus plus infusion) alone or combined with 5 U, 7.5 U, 10 U, 5 U + 2.5 U, or 5U + 5 U of reteplase. Phase B tested the best strategy from phase A (abciximab plus 5 U + 5 U of reteplase) against 10 U + 10 U of reteplase. In phase A, 62% of the abciximab–reteplase 5 U + 5 U patient group had TIMI 3 flow rates at 60 to 90 minutes vs. 27% of those given abciximab alone (p = .001).
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Taber, Douglass F. "C–N Ring Construction: The Hoye Synthesis of (±)-Leuconolactam." In Organic Synthesis. Oxford University Press, 2015.

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Manas K. Ghorai of the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur depended (J. Org. Chem. 2013, 78, 2311) on memory of chirality during deprotonation to convert 1 to the aziridine 3. X. Peter Zhang of the University of South Florida demonstrated (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 5309) that Co-catalyzed enantioselective aziridination is compatible with fluoro-aromatics such as 5. David M. Hodgson of the University of Oxford prepared (J. Org. Chem. 2013, 78, 1098) the azetidine 8 by double deprotonation of 7 followed by acylation. Laurel L. Schafer of the University of British Columbia assembled (Org. Lett. 2013, 15, 2182) 11 by Ta-catalyzed aminoalkylation of 10 with 9, followed by cyclization. Nicholas A. Magnus of Eli Lilly reduced (J. Org. Chem. 2013, 78, 5768) the ketone 12 to the alcohol 13 with high de and ee. Pei-Qiang Huang of Xiamen University effected (J. Org. Chem. 2013, 78, 1790) the reductive addition of 14 to 15 to give 16. The titanocene protocol reported (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 3494) by Xiao Zheng, also of Xiamen University, effectively mediated similar transformations. En route to (–)-quinocarcin, Nobutaka Fujii and Hiroaki Ohno of Kyoto University cyclized (Chem. Eur. J. 2013, 19, 8875) 17 to 18 with high diastereoselectivity. Dipolar cycloaddition, long a workhorse of pyrrolidine synthesis, has been improved by enantioselective organocatalysis. For instance, Liu-Zhu Gong of the University of Science and Technology of China combined (Org. Lett. 2013, 15, 2676) 19, 20, and 21 to give the triester 22. Qi-Lin Zhou of Nankai University reduced (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 6072) the tetrahydropyridine 23 to 24 in high ee. Takaaki Sato and Noritaka Chida of Keio University cyclized (Chem. Eur. J. 2013, 19, 678) the intermediate from reduction of 25 to the piperidine 26. Yasumasa Hamada of Chiba University devised (Tetrahedron Lett. 2013, 54, 1562) the rearrangement of 27 to the piperidine 28. In a synthesis of (–)-hippodamine, Shigeo Katsumura of Kwansei Gakuin University used (Org. Lett. 2013, 15, 2758) the chiral auxiliary 29 to direct the combination of 30 with 31 to give 32.
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Skinner, Michael A., and Stephen M. Laidlaw. "Investigation of DNA virus genome structure." In DNA Viruses, 15–46. Oxford University PressOxford, 1999.

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Abstract The nucleotide sequence of the DNA genome of bacteriophage cpX174 (5386 bp) was determined in 1977 (1), and that of bacteriophage A (48 502 bp) followed in 1982 (2). In these early years of sequencing, virus genomes provided the targets to push the development of nucleotide sequencing technology forward. This situation continued until the completion of the sequences of the genomes of the large DNA viruses such as the herpesviruses and the poxviruses. Notable landmarks have been the first complete sequence of a herpesvirus, varicella zoster virus (124 884 bp) in 1986 (3), and of a poxvirus, vaccinia virus (191636 bp) in 1990 (4). The intervening years have seen the determination of the complete sequences of other members of these families of large viruses, representing examples of different genera and with different hosts. Examples of these for the herpesviruses are human and equine herpes viruses I (5, 6) and II (7, 8), cytomegalovirus (9), HSV 7 (10), channel catfish virus (11); and for the poxviruses, smallpox (12), and molluscum contagiosum virus (13). The sequences of other large DNA virus genomes, such as African swine fever (14), and a baculovirus (15), have also been determined. These projects represent various approaches to the problem; clearly there are alternative strategies that can be employed successfully. Moreover, it is no longer the viruses that provide the targets for the technological push, but the larger genomes of bacteria (16-19) and yeast (20), now superseded by the chromosomes and indeed entire genomes of eukaryotes. The tools currently available to the virus genome sequencer are therefore considerably more powerful than those used to elucidate the first sequences. We can therefore look forward to the routine determination of the sequences of a wide range of large DNA viruses with different host ranges and phenotypes, bringing new opportunities for the study of virus evolution and virus-host interactions.
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Taber, Douglass F. "Advances in Alkene Metathesis: The Kobayashi Synthesis of (+)-TMC-151C." In Organic Synthesis. Oxford University Press, 2015.

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Shazia Zaman of the University of Canterbury and Andrew D. Abell of the University of Adelaide devised (Tetrahedron Lett. 2011, 52, 878) a polyethylene glycol-tagged Ru catalyst that is effective for alkene metathesis in aqueous mixtures, cyclizing 1 to 2. Bruce H. Lipshutz of the University of California, Santa Barbara developed (J. Org. Chem. 2011, 76, 4697, 5061) an alternative approach for aqueous methathesis, and also showed that CuI is an effective cocatalyst, converting 3 to 5. Christian Slugovc of the Graz University of Technology showed (Tetrahedron Lett. 2011, 52, 2560) that cross metathesis of the diene 6 with ethyl acrylate 7 could be carried out with very low catalyst loadings. Robert H. Grubbs of the California Institute of Technology designed (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 7490) a Ru catalyst for the ethylenolysis of 9 to 10 and 11. Thomas R. Hoye of the University of Minnesota showed (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 2141) that the allyl malonate linker of 12 was particularly effective in promoting relay ring-closing metathesis to 13. Amir H. Hoveyda of Boston College designed (Nature 2011, 471, 461) a Mo catalyst that mediated the cross metathesis of 14 with 15 to give 16 with high Z selectivity. Professor Grubbs designed (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 8525) a Z selective Ru catalyst. Damian W. Young of the Broad Institute demonstrated (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 9196) that ring closing metathesis of 17 followed by desilylation also led to the Z product, 18. Thomas E. Nielsen of the Technical University of Denmark devised (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 5188) a Ru-mediated cascade process, effecting ring-closing metathesis of 19, followed by alkene migration to the enamide, and finally diastereoselective cyclization to 20. In the course of a total synthesis of (–)-goniomitine, Chisato Mukai of Kanazawa University showed (Org. Lett. 2011, 13, 1796) that even the very congested alkene of 22 smoothly participated in cross metathesis with 21 to give 23. En route to leustroducsin B, Jeffrey S. Johnson of the University of North Carolina protected (Org. Lett. 2011, 13, 3206) an otherwise incompatible terminal alkyne as its Co complex 24, allowing ring closing methathesis to 25.
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Feather, Leonard, and Ira Gitler. "l." In The Biographical Encyclopedia of Jazz, 395–424. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 1999.

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Abstract La porta, john d., cl., saxes, comp, arr; b. Philadelphia, PA, 4/1/20; d. Sarasota, FL, 5/12/04. Began on cl. at age 9. Stud. cl. w. Wm. Dietrich, Joseph Gigliotti, Leon Russianoff 1932–57. Pl. in Youth Symph. cond. by Leopold Stokowski ’37–8. Stud. comp. w. Ernst Toch, Alexis Haieff ’45–6; improv. w. Lennie Tristano ’47–8; received B. Mus. ’56, M. Mus. Ed. ’57 fr. Manh. Sch. of Mus. Pl. w. Bob Chester, Richard Himber, Ray McKinley early ’40s; Woody Herman ’44–6; Tristano late ’40s; Charles Mingus ’50–67; Metronome All-Stars ’51–2; own gps ’51–62. Founding member and mus. dir. of Jazz Composers Wkshp. ’52–4. App. w. Gunther Schuller at Brandeis Mus. Fest. ’57; Leonard Bernstein and N.Y. Philharm. perf. Teo Macero’s Fusion ’58–9. Taught at Parkway Mus. Inst., Bklyn. ’48–51. Reed coach for Marshall Brown’s Newport Youth Band ’53–8. Active as clinician ’59–81. Taught at Manh. Sch. of Mus. ’60–2; Berklee Sch. of Mus. fr. ’62. Dir. Greater Bost. HS Stage Band ’64–5. Pl. w. Bost. Sax Qt. w. Charlie Mariano ’60s; Berklee Sax Qt. fr. ’62; Herb Pomeroy Orch fr. ’76; John La Porta–Bob Winter Duo fr. ’81. La Porta was a founding member of the Nat’l Assoc. of Jazz Educs. and the author of eight instructional texts, incl. Tonal Organization of Improv. Techniques (Kendor); Guide to Improv. (Berklee); Guide to Jazz Phrasing and Interpretation (Berklee). His numerous arrs. for hs band are publ. by Berklee, Kendor, and Marshall Brown Music. La Porta taught and lectured at Berklee and in Fla. Polls: Play. ’61; NAJE Award ’86; Berklee Award ’87. Fests: all major ’50s–’60s. Film: Trocadero w. Bob Chester Orch. perf. La Porta comp. ’42. CDs: w. C. Parker (Verve); T. Macero (Stash); C. Mingus (Deb; Sav.; Atl.); W. Herman (Col.); H. Mobley (Sav.); H. Merrill (Em.; Verve).
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O objetivo foi analisar a espiritualidade/religiosidade de pessoas em isolamento social durante o período da COVID-19, conhecendo as características sociodemográficas. Trata-se de recorte transversal com abordagem quantitativa para análise dos dados. Esta pesquisa segue normas da resolução 466/2012 e 512/2016, aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Centro de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (identificador nº 45322121.9.0000.5188 na plataforma Brasil). O instrumento foi elaborado a partir do formulário google, contendo itens de interesse: sexo, faixa etária, escolaridade, religião e a Escala de Espiritualidade tipo likert. Os dados foram analisados utilizando-se estatística descritiva. A amostra foi composta por 87 voluntários, sendo 78,16% do sexo feminino (n=68), 89,66 % com escolaridade de nível superior (n=78). Encontrou-se 6,9% dos voluntários com faixa etária entre 18 a 29 anos (n=6), 18,39% entre 30 a 39 anos (n=16), 21,84% entre 40 a 49 anos (n=19). 22,99 entre 50 a 59 anos (n=20), 26,44% entre 60 a 69 anos (n=23), 3,45% entre 70 a 79 anos (n=3). Quanto a religião professada encontrou-se 56,32 % católica (n=49), 12,64% cristã (n=11), 13,79% evangélica (n=12), 8,05 espírita (n=7), 5,75% nenhuma (n=5), e, com 1,15%, n=1, o budismo, ateísmo e mórmons. Na escala de espiritualidade, 63,22% (n=55) concordaram plenamente que as crenças espirituais/religiosas promovem sentido à vida; 63,22% (n=55) concordaram plenamente que a fé e as crenças dão forças para enfrentar os momentos difíceis como o vivenciado pelo isolamento social; 54,02% (n=47) concordaram plenamente que veem o futuro com esperança; 28,74% (n=23) concordaram plenamente que a vida mudou para melhor; e, 51,72% (n=45) concordaram plenamente que aprenderam a dar valor a pequenas coisas da vida. A espiritualidade/religiosidade foi o caminho encontrado pelos participantes para enfrentar o isolamento social ocorrido durante a pandemia por COVID-19, cercando-se de crenças, fé e esperança para os desafios vindouros.
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Taber, Douglass F. "Functional Group Protection." In Organic Synthesis. Oxford University Press, 2015.

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Zhong-Jun Li of Peking University developed (J. Org. Chem. 2011, 76, 9531) a Co catalyst for selectively replacing one benzyl protecting group of 1 with silyl. Carlo Unverzagt of Universität Bayreuth devised (Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 10485) oxidative conditions for debenzylating the azide 3 to 4. Tadashi Katoh of Tohoku Pharmaceutical University found (Tetrahedron Lett. 2011, 52, 5395) that the dimethoxybenzyl protecting group of 5 could be selectively removed in the presence of benzyl and p-methoxybenzyl. Scott T. Phillips of Pennsylvania State University showed (J. Org. Chem. 2011, 76, 7352) that in the presence of phosphate buffer, catalytic fluoride was sufficient to desilylate 7. Philip L. Fuchs of Purdue University employed (J. Org. Chem. 2011, 76, 7834, not illustrated) the neutral Robins conditions (Tetrahedron Lett. 1992, 33, 1177) to effect a critical desilylation. Pengfei Wang of the University of Alabama at Birmingham found (J. Org. Chem. 2011, 76, 8955) that an excess of the diol 9 both oxidized the primary alcohol 10 and installed the photolabile protecting group on the product aldehyde. Hiromichi Fujioka of Osaka University showed (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 12232) that addition of Ph3P to 12 transiently protected the aldehyde, allowing selective reduction of the ketone to the alcohol. Willi Bannwarth of Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg deprotected (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 6175) the chelating amide of 14, leaving the usually sensitive Fmoc group in place. Bruce C. Gibb, now at Tulane University, hydrolyzed (Nature Chem. 2010, 2, 847) 16 more rapidly than the very similar 17, by selective equilibrating complexation of 16 and 17 with a cavitand. Aravamudan S. Gopalan of New Mexico State University converted (Tetrahedron Lett. 2010, 51, 6737) proline 19 to the amide ester 10 by exposure to triethyl orthoacetate. K. Rajender Reddy of the Indian Institute of Chemical Technology oxidized (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 11748) the formamide 22 to the carbamate 23 by exposure to H2O2 in the presence of 21. James M. Boncella of the Los Alamos National Laboratory deprotected (Org. Lett. 2011, 13, 6156) 24 by exposure to visible light in the presence of a Ru catalyst.
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Conference papers on the topic "532.887 5"


Bagaeva, U. V., and A. R. Salbieva. "SIGNIFICANCE OF TERRESTRIAL MOLLUSKS IN THE FORMATION OF DICROCELIASIS FOCI IN THE FOOTHILL ZONE OF THE REPUBLIC OF NORTH OSSETIA-ALANIA." In THEORY AND PRACTICE OF PARASITIC DISEASE CONTROL. All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plant – a branch of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “Federal Scientific Centre VIEV”, 2023.

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The Republic of North Ossetia Alania remains contaminated by a number of trematode infections including dicroceliasis. The infection rate of cattle is on average 53% in the Republic. Five hundred twenty-six specimens of terrestrial mollusks were collected by the route method in various biocenoses of the foothill zone located at an altitude of 530 – 850 m above sea level. Fourteen species were identified. The dissections revealed that dicroceliasis foci were maintained and function with the involvement of two species of terrestrial mollusks in stock routes and pastures of the studied zone. According to the laboratory studies, infection of the mollusk Helicella derbentina (Kryn.) with the trematode larvae was 5.1%. Five of 98 dissected specimens were infected. The infection rate in Chondrula tridens (Mull.) was 4.6%. During the helminthological study of 87 specimens of this species, dicrocelia larvae were found in 4. According to preliminary data, such species of the studied terrestrial mollusks as Succinea pfeifferi (Rossm.), Cochlicopa lubrica (Műll.), Euomphalia ravergieri (Fer.), Euomphalia selecta (Klika), and Fruticocampylaea narzanensis (Kryn.) identified in stock routes and pastures of the foothill zone do not participate in the development cycle of the trematode Dicrocoelium lanceatum. Further research is required.
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Смирнова, Татьяна Рафаиловна. "НОВЫЕ АСПЕКТЫ В РАБОТЕ МУЗЕЙНОГО СОТРУДНИКА С ДЕТЬМИ 4—5 ЛЕТ (ПРОГРАММА «УЧИМСЯ СМОТРЕТЬ И ВИДЕТЬ, СЛУШАТЬ И СЛЫШАТЬ»)." In МАТЭРЫЯЛЫ НАВУКОВА-ПРАКТЫЧНАЙ КАНФЕРЭНЦЫІ (па выніках навукова-даследчай работы супрацоўнікаў Нацыянальнага Полацкага гісторыка-культурнага музея-запаведніка ў 2020 г.) Полацк, 24—25 лютага 2021 года. Полацкі дзяржаўны ўніверсітэт імя Еўфрасінні Полацкай, 2022.

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В статье рассматривается вопрос о детском коллекционировании, детской субкультуре и использовании детских коллекций в работе музейного педагога Детского музея Национального Полоцкого историко-культурного музея-заповедника и воспитателей ГУДО «Ясли-сад № 29 г. Полоцка» в условиях реализации совместного областного проекта «Организация образовательного процесса в дошкольном учреждении с использованием музейной педагогической технологии».
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Калбеко, Любовь Григорьевна. "ТОВАРНЫЕ ПЛОМБЫ XIX — НАЧАЛА XX в. С ТЕРРИТОРИИ ПОЛОЦКА (ИЗ ФОНДОВ НАЦИОНАЛЬНОГО ПОЛОЦКОГО ИСТОРИКО-КУЛЬТУРНОГО МУЗЕЯ-ЗАПОВЕДНИКА)." In МАТЭРЫЯЛЫ НАВУКОВА-ПРАКТЫЧНАЙ КАНФЕРЭНЦЫІ (па выніках навукова-даследчай работы супрацоўнікаў Нацыянальнага Полацкага гісторыка-культурнага музея-запаведніка ў 2020 г.) Полацк, 24—25 лютага 2021 года. Полацкі дзяржаўны ўніверсітэт імя Еўфрасінні Полацкай, 2022.

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Статья посвящена теме товарных свинцовых пломб ХІХ — начала ХХ в. из фондов Национального Полоцкого историко-культурного музея-заповедника, найденных на территории Полоцка. Рассмотрены 14 товарных пломб, маркировавших текстиль (5 экземпляров), галантерейные изделия (3 экземпляра), лекарственные средства (1 экземпляр), продовольственные товары (5 экземпляров). Эти пломбы указывают на поступление товаров из польских городов Российской империи (Варшавы, Белостока, Лодзи, Жирардова, Супрасля), подмосковной Ивантеевки, французского Виши.
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Costa, Rafael Everton Assunção Ribeiro da, Fergus Tomás Rocha de Oliveira, Eduarda Norberto Siqueira, Ana Lúcia Nascimento Araújo, and Sabas Carlos Vieira. "RECURRENCE IN MALE BREAST CANCER: A CASE SERIES." In Abstracts from the Brazilian Breast Cancer Symposium - BBCS 2021. Mastology, 2021.

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Introduction: Male breast cancer (MBC) is a very rare disease, which accounts for approximately 1.0% of all breast cancers and around 0.17%–1.0% of all male malignancies, more common in the age group of 60 years, and 93.7% of cases of MBC are histologically classified as the invasive carcinoma of no special type (ICNS). Treatment (i.e., surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy) and prognosis are similar to breast cancer in women. The aim of this study was to describe five MBC cases and to analyze the occurrence of relapse in a follow-up of 88 months (36–180 months). Case series: The mean age of five patients of the case series was 69 years (57–88 years). All cases were histologically classified as ICNS. The mean tumor size of the series was 2.6 cm (1.0–5.2 cm). One patient of the case series presented with perineural invasion, and another case had axillary node involvement (+5/15). None of the patients had metastasis at the time of diagnosis. All patients underwent surgery. Regarding complementary treatment, one patient underwent chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and hormone therapy (i.e., a case with axillary node involvement); two others underwent chemotherapy and hormone therapy; and the remaining two cases underwent treatment only with hormone therapy. One patient had systemic recurrence with the presentation of bone metastasis (75 months of follow-up). The study was approved by a Research Ethics Committee, under CAAE No 30154720.0.0000.5209. Conclusion: With a mean follow-up of 88 months (36–180 months), one of the five patients in the series (20%) showed systemic recurrence with bone metastasis.
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Barbash, G. I., H. Hod, H. I. Miller, A. Roth, S. Rath, Y. Har Zahav, B. Rabinovitz, S. Laniado, and U. Seligsohn. "THE ISRAELI STUDY OF EARLY INTERVENTION IN MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION; INTRAVENOUS RT-PA WITH SUBSEQUENT REVASCULARIZATION." In XIth International Congress on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Schattauer GmbH, 1987.

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Immediate mechanical revascularization forlarge population of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) patients, is logistically impractical. Effectiveness of early intravenous rt-PA,and feasibility of delaying the coronary angioplasty were studied. 57 AMI patients were enrolled since October 1986; 30 via Emergency ward, and 27 via mobile intensive care unit. The mean time interval from onset of ischemic pain to rt-PA bolus was 115+52 min.The protocol included an initial 10 mg rt-PA bolus followed by continuous infusion of 110 mg over 6 hr, concomitant continuous heparin and lidocain infusion, and aspirin 250 mg/day; coronary catheterization after 72 hr. and angioplasty of suitable infarct-related artery (IRA). 49 patients (86%) had clinical signs of reperfusion (disappearance of chest pain with resolution of ST elevation) within 60 min. The 8 "non-responders" were treated earlier (shorter time interval from onset of painto rt-PA bolus) than the "responders"(87+37 and 120+53 min respectively,p=0.01). Of "responding" patients, 5 had intermittant reocclusion-reperfu-sion cycles, and an additional 4 reoccluded silently before coronary catheterization (7 to 72 hr).29 PTCA successful procedures(53% of pats) of the infarct-related artery (IRA) were performed: 25 during the protocol catheterizationat 72 hr, and 4 which were performed as an emergency procedure of high grade stenosis (1),or totally occluded IRA (3), in 4 of the 8 "non-responders".There were 3 emergency and 8 elective bypass operations (20%). While in the 25 patients with anterior wallinfarction the admission Lt. ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) (37+12%) improved (46+17%) at discharge, in the 30 patients with inferior wall infarction the admission and discharge LVEF were both normal.Two patients expired; one within minutes after treatment initiation, and the other following no response to the thrombolytic therapy and reocclusions of repeat coronary dilatations. These results indicate that rt-PA thrombolysis is a safe treatment modality enabling planning of deferred mechanical revascularization under more optimal conditions.
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Valle, Adriana Polachini do, Keyth Regina Vital, Guilherme Penaforte da Silva, Antonio Ribeiro da Cunha, and Jose Eduardo Corrente. "INFLUÊNCIA DE VARIÁVEIS CLIMÁTICAS NA DEMANDA DE PRONTO SOCORRO INFANTIL." In I Congresso Brasileiro de Saúde Pública On-line: Uma abordagem Multiprofissional. Revista Multidisciplinar em Saúde, 2022.

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Introdução: Mudanças climáticas causam impacto na saúde humana, especialmente em populações mais vulneráveis como as crianças. Objetivo: Avaliar o impacto das variações climáticas na demanda de crianças e adolescentes em serviço de emergência. Material e métodos: Estudo ecológico conduzido em Botucatu (SP) com análise de 39.336 atendimentos em pronto socorro infantil em 2018 e correlação com dados meteorológicos obtidos junto a estação meteorológica da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas do município. Foram ajustados modelos de regressão de Poisson considerando a estação do ano, temperatura, umidade relativa e precipitação. Resultados: A maior demanda por atendimento foi da faixa etária ente 0 e 5 anos (65,2%) sendo a Nasofaringite aguda ( 8.7%) a morbidade mais frequente seguida por Febre não especificada (6.1%); Infecção aguda das vias aéreas superiores ( IVAS): 5.5%; Amigdalite aguda: 5.2%; Náusea e vômitos: 5%; Diarreia e gastroenterites: 4.8%; Tosse: 4.6%; Asma : 4.2% ; Broncopneumonia ( BCP):2.9% e Dor aguda: 2.4%. No verão as morbidades mais frequentes foram febre e diarreia; No outono: nasofaringite aguda e IVAS; No inverno: IVAS e febre; Na primavera: febre, nasofaringite aguda. As nasofaringites agudas, as IVAS e a BCP acometem principalmente crianças mais jovens e esta doença tem maior chance de ocorrência em temperatura mais baixas e em baixa umidade do ar. Para a ocorrência da febre quanto maior a temperatura maior a chance de ocorrência. Conclusão: As condições climáticas influenciam na demanda de serviços de emergência pediátricas: há uma diferente frequência de morbidades nas diferentes estações do ano, assim como a chance de ocorrência varia dependendo de idade, temperatura media, umidade media e não tem correlação com precipitação. Portanto, a partir da análise do clima, os serviços de saúde podem se antecipar tanto para promover medidas preventivas quanto para atender uma maior ou menor demanda de pacientes.
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Barreto, Maria Eduarda Slhessarenko Fraife, Guilherme de Carvalho Campos, Bruna Letícia Ferrari, and Lívia Almeida Dutra. "FDG-PET/CT patterns in patients with autoimmune encephalitis: a series of 9 cases." In XIII Congresso Paulista de Neurologia. Zeppelini Editorial e Comunicação, 2021.

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Background: Autoimmune encephalitis (AIE) is the main differential diagnosis of infectious encephalitis. Brain MRI is normal in up to 50% of cases and studies indicate that changes in FDG-PET/CT are more frequent and early. Objectives: To describe FDG-PET/CT findings in patients with AIE of Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein (HIAE) from 2015-2020. Design and setting: Retrospective cross-sectional study at HIAE. Methods: Medical records of patients with suspected AIE were reviewed. Laboratory results were compiled, and images were reassessed. Results: Amongst 250 records, we found 7.6% (n=19) of AIE, being 8 seropositive (5 anti-NMDA, 1 anti-CASPR2, 1 anti-MOG, 1 anti-VGKC and 1 anti-LGI1), 5 seronegative and 4 limbic encephalitis. The mean age was 48-22 years, 52% male. In encephalitic patients, the most common manifestations were epilepsy (78%), cognitive changes (63%), and behavioral changes (63%). Only 57% had abnormal MRI. We evaluated 23 PET/CTs at different stages of treatment; of the 9 FDG-PET/CTs performed at initial presentation, 88% were abnormal and 30% had normal MRI. Most frequent patterns found were hypometabolism in frontal (59.1%), temporal (39.1%) and left parietal (39.1%) regions. In follow-up, only 2 patients normalized FDG-PET/CT, with clinical improvement. Conclusions:FDG-PET/CT was altered in 88% of patients. In this series, no typical PET/CT pattern was demonstrated for AIE; the most frequent findings were hypometabolism in cortical areas, which also occur in degenerative diseases. We did not find hypermetabolism, or mixed areas of hypo- and hypermetabolism. The specificity of PET/CT for AIE diagnosis should be evaluated in future studies.
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Trip, M. D., V. Manger Cats, and J. Vreeken. "PROGNOSTIC VALUE OF SPONTANEOUS PLATELET AGGREGATION IN SURVIVORS OF MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION DURING FOUR YEARS FOLLOW UP." In XIth International Congress on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Schattauer GmbH, 1987.

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Platelet aggregation has been implicated in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and its complications. We studied the prognostic value of the presence of spontaneous platelet aggregation (SPA) after myocardial infarction in 165 patients during a four years follow up period. Shortly after infarction 78 (47%) showed SPA and 87 (53%) showed no SPA. There were no differences in sex, age, infarct size or localisation and subsequent treatment between both groups. Patients in the SPA-positive group remained predominantely positive and patients in de SPA-negative group negative during the entire follow up period.In the SPA-positive group 25(32%) cardiac events (12 × cardiac death, 13× non fatal recurrent infarction) occurred.In the SPA-negative group 13(15%) cardiac events ( 5× cardiac death, 8× non fatal recurrent infarction) occurred (p < 0.01)In conclusion: the presence of spontaneous platelet aggregation after myocardial infarction is associated with a higher risk for fatal or non fatal recurrent myocardial infarction.
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Bansal, Nidhi, A. Suneja, K. Guleria, N. B. Vaid, K. Mishra, S. Bhatt, and M. Mehndiratta. "Role of human epididymis protein 4 for detection of ovarian carcinoma in adnexal masses: A pilot study." In 16th Annual International Conference RGCON. Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers Private Ltd., 2016.

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Introduction: HE4 is a novel tumour biomarker used for early diagnosis of ovarian cancer. This study evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of HE4 alone and in combination with CA125, risk of malignancy index (RMI), risk of malignancy algorithm (ROMA). Methods: It was a cross sectional study conducted recruiting 88 women with adnexal masses who were planned for surgery. After baseline work up and ultrasound examination, serum samples were collected for estimation of CA 125 and HE4 levels. Serum HE4 levels were estimated using ELISA kit. RMI and ROMA score were calculated and diagnostic accuracy of HE4, CA 125, RMI, ROMA and their combination were compared. Cut off for HE4 and ROMA score were calculated using ROC curve. Results: Of 88 subjects, 66 were analyzed with 19 malignant (including 5 LMP) and 47 benign cases. The median value of HE4 among malignant cases was found to be significantly higher than among the benign cases. PPV and NPV of HE4 at a cut off 130.8 pMol/ml was 85.7% and 77.9% respectively. Highest PPV (88.9%) with acceptable NPV (80.7%) was found with ROMA followed by HE4 (PPV 85.7%; NPV 77.97%), RMI (PPV 76.92%; NPV 83%) and CA125 (PPV 52%; NPV 80.85%). Conclusion: HE4 levels were lower in Indian population both in malignant and benign tumours as compared to other studies. HE4 is a good discriminator and gives best accuracy when it is combined with CA125 in a logistic algorithm, ROMA.
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Cofrancesco, E., E. Poliani, M. Salvatore, C. Boschetti, G. Moreo, and M. Cortellaro. "ALPHA-2-ANTIPLASMIN (α2AP) IN ACUTE NONLYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKAEMIA AS A MARKER OF DISEASE ACTIVITY." In XIth International Congress on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Schattauer GmbH, 1987.

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α2AP (Coatest Antiplasmin Kit, Ortho Diagnostic Systems), antithrombin III (Atlll, Coatest Antithrombin Kit, Ortho Diagnostic Systems) and plasminogen (S2251) were assayed in 21 patients with acute nonlymphoblastic leukaemia (ANLL: 5M2 5M4 5M5) before and after chemotherapy and during bone marrow cellularity recovery. The aim of the work was to investigated disturbances of coagulation and fibrinolysis with special reference to proteases inhibitors and to evaluate the prognostic value of changes in these parameters in ANLL patients. Low α2AP levels were observed in the initial phase of the disease: Ul.5 ± 2k.79 SD in 10 DIC patients versus 6U.10 !± 20.70 SD in patients without DIC (p < 0.05). α2AP normalized only in the 11 patients who achieved haematological remission (71.63 ± 13.13 SD) and remained low in those who did not respond to chemotherapy (6l.88 ± 17.86 SD, p < 0.01). No significant modification of Atlll and plasminogen levels were observed during the course of the illness.It may be postulated that proteolytic cleavage of α2AP by granulocyte proteases contributes to the low levels of the inhibitor in ANLL, and suggested that α2AP may represent a marker of leu-kaemic disease activity. In fact the mean α2AP level of all patients at diagnosis plus those who did not respond to chemotherapy was significantly lower than that of patients in haematological remission (55.93 ± 23.13 versus 71.63 ± 13.13, p < 0.05).
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Reports on the topic "532.887 5"


Rine, Kristin, Roger Christopherson, and Jason Ransom. Harlequin duck (Histrionicus histrionicus) occurrence and habitat selection in North Cascades National Park Service Complex, Washington. National Park Service, April 2022.

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Harlequin ducks (Histrionicus histrionicus) are sea ducks that migrate inland each spring to nest along fast-flowing mountain streams. They are considered one of the most imperiled duck species in North America and occur in two distinct populations on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. The Pacific coast population includes Washington State, where harlequin ducks breed in the Olympic, Cascade, and Selkirk Mountains. This species is designated as a Management Priority Species by the National Park Service within North Cascades National Park Service Complex (NOCA). This report summarizes harlequin duck surveys conducted during 15 years across a 27-year period (1990 and 2017) on major streams within NOCA, and incidental observations collected from 1968–2021. The primary objectives of these surveys were to 1) document the distribution and abundance of harlequin duck observations within NOCA boundaries, 2) describe productivity (number of broods and brood size), 3) describe breeding chronology of harlequin ducks, and 4) describe habitat characteristics of breeding streams. Sixty-eight stream surveys over 15 years resulted in observations of 623 individual harlequin ducks comprising various demographics, including single adults, pairs, and broods. In addition, we collected 184 incidental observations of harlequin ducks from visitors and staff between 1968–2021. Harlequin ducks were observed on 22 separate second- to sixth-order streams throughout NOCA across the entire 53-year span of data, both incidentally and during harlequin duck surveys by Park staff. Harlequin ducks were detected on 8 of the 13 streams that were actively surveyed. Excluding recounts, 88.7% (n = 330) of individual harlequin duck observations during surveys occurred in the Stehekin River drainage. Between all surveys and incidental observations, 135 unpaired females without broods were sighted across all NOCA waterways. Thirty-nine broods were recorded between NOCA surveys and incidental observations, with a mean brood size of 3.61 (± 1.44 SD; range = 2–10). Breeding pairs were recorded as early as April 5 and were seen on streams until June 15, a period of less than seven weeks (median: May 2), but most pairs were observed within a 3-week span, between April 26 and May 17. Single females (unpaired with a male, with (an)other female(s), or with a brood) were observed on streams between April 26 and August 25 (median: July 3), though most observations were made within a 5-week period between June 12 and July 19. Habitat data collected at adult harlequin duck observation sites indicate that the birds often used stream reaches with features that are characteristic of high-energy running water. While adults occupied all instream habitat types identified, non-braided rapids and riffles were used most frequently, followed by pools and backwaters. Larger instream substrate sizes (cobbles and boulders) were present at most observation sites. Adult harlequin ducks were more often found at locations that lacked visible drifting or lodged woody debris, but drift debris was a slightly more abundant debris type. The presence of gravel bars and at least one loafing site was common. Adult harlequin ducks were more often observed in association with vegetation that offered some cover over the channel, but not where banks were undercut. The average channel width at adult observation sites was 34.0 m (range: 6-80 m; n = 114) and 27.6 m (± 15.7 m; range: 10-60 m; n = 12) at brood observation sites. Compared to adult harlequin duck sites, broods were observed more frequently in low velocity habitat (pools, backwaters), but rarely in rapids. Cobble and boulder substrates were still the most dominant substrate type. Contrary to adult ducks, broods were observed most often observed in meandering stream channels, a morphology indicative of low gradient, low velocity stream reaches. Most broods were observed in stream reaches with gravel bars, loafing sites, and...
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Newman-Toker, David E., Susan M. Peterson, Shervin Badihian, Ahmed Hassoon, Najlla Nassery, Donna Parizadeh, Lisa M. Wilson, et al. Diagnostic Errors in the Emergency Department: A Systematic Review. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), December 2022.

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Objectives. Diagnostic errors are a known patient safety concern across all clinical settings, including the emergency department (ED). We conducted a systematic review to determine the most frequent diseases and clinical presentations associated with diagnostic errors (and resulting harms) in the ED, measure error and harm frequency, as well as assess causal factors. Methods. We searched PubMed®, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL®), and Embase® from January 2000 through September 2021. We included research studies and targeted grey literature reporting diagnostic errors or misdiagnosis-related harms in EDs in the United States or other developed countries with ED care deemed comparable by a technical expert panel. We applied standard definitions for diagnostic errors, misdiagnosis-related harms (adverse events), and serious harms (permanent disability or death). Preventability was determined by original study authors or differences in harms across groups. Two reviewers independently screened search results for eligibility; serially extracted data regarding common diseases, error/harm rates, and causes/risk factors; and independently assessed risk of bias of included studies. We synthesized results for each question and extrapolated U.S. estimates. We present 95 percent confidence intervals (CIs) or plausible range (PR) bounds, as appropriate. Results. We identified 19,127 citations and included 279 studies. The top 15 clinical conditions associated with serious misdiagnosis-related harms (accounting for 68% [95% CI 66 to 71] of serious harms) were (1) stroke, (2) myocardial infarction, (3) aortic aneurysm and dissection, (4) spinal cord compression and injury, (5) venous thromboembolism, (6/7 – tie) meningitis and encephalitis, (6/7 – tie) sepsis, (8) lung cancer, (9) traumatic brain injury and traumatic intracranial hemorrhage, (10) arterial thromboembolism, (11) spinal and intracranial abscess, (12) cardiac arrhythmia, (13) pneumonia, (14) gastrointestinal perforation and rupture, and (15) intestinal obstruction. Average disease-specific error rates ranged from 1.5 percent (myocardial infarction) to 56 percent (spinal abscess), with additional variation by clinical presentation (e.g., missed stroke average 17%, but 4% for weakness and 40% for dizziness/vertigo). There was also wide, superimposed variation by hospital (e.g., missed myocardial infarction 0% to 29% across hospitals within a single study). An estimated 5.7 percent (95% CI 4.4 to 7.1) of all ED visits had at least one diagnostic error. Estimated preventable adverse event rates were as follows: any harm severity (2.0%, 95% CI 1.0 to 3.6), any serious harms (0.3%, PR 0.1 to 0.7), and deaths (0.2%, PR 0.1 to 0.4). While most disease-specific error rates derived from mainly U.S.-based studies, overall error and harm rates were derived from three prospective studies conducted outside the United States (in Canada, Spain, and Switzerland, with combined n=1,758). If overall rates are generalizable to all U.S. ED visits (130 million, 95% CI 116 to 144), this would translate to 7.4 million (PR 5.1 to 10.2) ED diagnostic errors annually; 2.6 million (PR 1.1 to 5.2) diagnostic adverse events with preventable harms; and 371,000 (PR 142,000 to 909,000) serious misdiagnosis-related harms, including more than 100,000 permanent, high-severity disabilities and 250,000 deaths. Although errors were often multifactorial, 89 percent (95% CI 88 to 90) of diagnostic error malpractice claims involved failures of clinical decision-making or judgment, regardless of the underlying disease present. Key process failures were errors in diagnostic assessment, test ordering, and test interpretation. Most often these were attributed to inadequate knowledge, skills, or reasoning, particularly in “atypical” or otherwise subtle case presentations. Limitations included use of malpractice claims and incident reports for distribution of diseases leading to serious harms, reliance on a small number of non-U.S. studies for overall (disease-agnostic) diagnostic error and harm rates, and methodologic variability across studies in measuring disease-specific rates, determining preventability, and assessing causal factors. Conclusions. Although estimated ED error rates are low (and comparable to those found in other clinical settings), the number of patients potentially impacted is large. Not all diagnostic errors or harms are preventable, but wide variability in diagnostic error rates across diseases, symptoms, and hospitals suggests improvement is possible. With 130 million U.S. ED visits, estimated rates for diagnostic error (5.7%), misdiagnosis-related harms (2.0%), and serious misdiagnosis-related harms (0.3%) could translate to more than 7 million errors, 2.5 million harms, and 350,000 patients suffering potentially preventable permanent disability or death. Over two-thirds of serious harms are attributable to just 15 diseases and linked to cognitive errors, particularly in cases with “atypical” manifestations. Scalable solutions to enhance bedside diagnostic processes are needed, and these should target the most commonly misdiagnosed clinical presentations of key diseases causing serious harms. New studies should confirm overall rates are representative of current U.S.-based ED practice and focus on identified evidence gaps (errors among common diseases with lower-severity harms, pediatric ED errors and harms, dynamic systems factors such as overcrowding, and false positives). Policy changes to consider based on this review include: (1) standardizing measurement and research results reporting to maximize comparability of measures of diagnostic error and misdiagnosis-related harms; (2) creating a National Diagnostic Performance Dashboard to track performance; and (3) using multiple policy levers (e.g., research funding, public accountability, payment reforms) to facilitate the rapid development and deployment of solutions to address this critically important patient safety concern.
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