Academic literature on the topic '432 KWP'

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Journal articles on the topic "432 KWP"


Kim, Jeong Eun, Chul Lee, Kook In Park, Min Soo Park, Ran Namgung, and In Kyu Park. "Successful pleurodesis with OK-432 in preterm infants with persistent pleural effusion." Korean Journal of Pediatrics 55, no. 5 (2012): 177.

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The article proposes a method of parametric synthesis of the device of flattening the plant mass of the mower-flatter of the trailed KPP-4,2. A method of modernization of the parameters of the flattening mechanism has been developed, which can be used in both trailed and self-propelled mowers. It is established that the stability of plant mass flattening through the streets of the planting apparatus directly influences the energy costs of deformation of plant mass and indirectly the magnitude and rate of loss of moisture and nutrients in the flattened mass, which is largely determined by the structure and parameters of the mechanism of flattening (MP). The analytical solution to the design problem of the flattening device KPP-4,2 has an iterative implementation of the analysis procedures based on the formed FMM, as well as the procedures of comparison and selection of options in the procedure of parametric synthesis of MP. It is to choose a combination of internal parameters of the flattening device, according to the selected structure of the MP, which, while satisfying the functional constraints, simultaneously stabilizes the pressure from the upper to the lower roller. The analytical dependences of the operation of the trailed mower-conditioner KPP-4.2 on the height, density of grass stand, culture, agrotechnical requirements, field topography and physical and chemical composition of the soil have been established. Depending on the listed factors, the initial data and coefficients used in modeling change. As a result, we obtain the corresponding dependencies, show how the productivity and useful work of the mower changes from changes in the environmental parameters of the mowed mass and operating modes. Directly from the data obtained, it is possible to recommend the operating modes of the mower to obtain maximum performance on a particular background of work. As a result, we received optimization data to improve the operation of the trailed mower-conditioner KPP-4,2 taking into account all variables and coefficients.
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Veselovska, Natalia, Alexander Malakov, and Sergiy Burlaka. "MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF THE MECHANISM POST-TRAILED KPP-4.2." ENGINEERING, ENERGY, TRANSPORT AIC, no. 4(107) (December 20, 2019): 5–10.

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Maintaining the required cut height minimizes losses and ensures continuous shoe contact with the surface. Thus the excessive pressure of the shoe destroys the stubble and leads to its accelerated wear, and insufficient pressure is accompanied by increased losses and provokes the galloping of the header. An analytical solution to the problem of modeling the mechanism of the KPP-4.2 hanging is an iterative execution of the analysis procedures based on the formed hypothesis, as well as the procedures of comparison and selection of options in the procedure of parametric synthesis. It is a choice of a combination of internal parameters of the flattening device, which, while satisfying the functional limitations, simultaneously stabilize the whole mechanism. A study and analysis of the hanging mechanism of a mower-conditioner trailed KPP-4.2 using methods of theoretical mechanics, differential and integral calculus, probability theory, mathematical modeling and computer software. A geometric model has been created for calculating and optimizing the operation of the hanging mechanism. The MVA KPP-4.2 output parameters were calculated for three different cut heights.
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Vu, Giap Van, Chau Quy Ngo, Phuong Thu Phan, Lan Phuong Thi Doan, Toan Thi Nguyen, Mai Hong Nguyen, Diep Ngoc Nguyen, et al. "Inadequate Knowledge, Attitude and Practices about Second-Hand Smoke among Non-Smoking Pregnant Women in Urban Vietnam: The Need for Health Literacy Reinforcement." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17, no. 10 (May 25, 2020): 3744.

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The rate of exposure to second-hand smoke (SHS) is relatively high in several countries, including Vietnam, and health issues related to SHS have worsened in recent years, especially for pregnant women and their infants. Enhancement of knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) scores of pregnant women in Vietnam could raise practical interventions to protect their health and reduce complications of SHS. A cross-sectional study of 432 pregnant women who came to the Obstetrics Department of Bach Mai Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam for antenatal care was conducted in 2016 to collect information about their KAP related to SHS. Composite mean scores from survey questions assessing their KAP were calculated on a 10-point scale, finding mean scores of 4.19, 7.45, and 4.30, respectively. Higher scores indicated better knowledge, attitude, and practice. Generalized linear models identified that age, occupation, living place, and sources of information were associated with SHS-related KAP. Findings from this study indicate that suitable programs related to SHS should be implemented to improve and reinforce health literacy to both mothers and smokers to reduce the harmfulness of smoking on women and their infants’ health.
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Sup, Devid Frastiawan Amir, Setiawan Bin Lahuri, Imam Kamaluddin, Mohammad Ghozali, and Iman Nur Hidayat. "Tipologi Koperasi Umum dan Syariah." Al-Intaj : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Perbankan Syariah 8, no. 2 (September 29, 2022): 251.

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This study aims to typify cooperatives in Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia. The data used as the object of the typology are 842 cooperative data. This study used a quantitative descriptive methodology with a typology approach. Data were collected using the documentation method and typologically using the descriptive analysis method. The results obtained are that there are 430 cooperatives that have been certified by NIK certtified and 412 cooperatives that have not been certified by NIK certified. Cooperatives in Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia can be typified into 4 (four): (1) Based on level (primary cooperative, secondary cooperative, and cooperative center); (2) Based on activity (KSP, KSU, KBPR, producer cooperative, consumer cooperative, service cooperative, and handicraft industry cooperative); (3) Based on member (KPN-KPRI, employee cooperative, student cooperative, KUD, women's cooperative, and market cooperative); (4) Sharia entities (sharia cooperative, KJKS-KSPPS, Kopontren, and BMT).
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Rau, Franco. "Problematisierung der Praxis und Forschungsstand." MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung, Lernsituationen m. Metaphern & W (July 3, 2020): 125–303.

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Im dritten Teil dieser Arbeit erfolgt eine Problematisierung der Praxis sowie die Darstellung des Forschungsstandes für zwei ausgewählte Schwerpunkte. Der erste Schwerpunkt fokussiert den Stand der Medienbildung im Lehramtsstudium (Kap. 4). Der zweite Schwerpunkt widmet sich den erziehungswissenschaftlichen Studienanteilen als Handlungs- und Forschungsfeld des vorliegenden Projektes (Kap. 5). In vergleichender Betrachtung bildungspolitischer Leitbilder und der aktuellen Praxis werden jeweils konkrete Probleme benannt und potenzielle Gestaltungsspielräume markiert (Kap. 4.2, 5.2). Zur Vorbereitung eines theoretisch und empirisch begründeten Entwurfs von Lernsituationen zur integrativen Medienbildung erfolgt zum einen eine theoretisch-begriffliche Verortung medienpädagogischer Begriffe (Kap. 4.3) sowie eine Betrachtung des aktuellen Forschungs- und Diskussionsstandes zu den Themenfeldern «soziale Medien als Mittel zur Gestaltung von Hochschullehre» (Kap. 4.4) und «soziale Medien als Gegenstand universitärer Medienbildung» (Kap. 4.5). Zum anderen erfolgt zur Berücksichtigung des Handlungs- und Forschungsfeldes eine Betrachtung von theoretischen und empirischen Ansätzen zur Erfahrung-Theorie-Relationierung im Rahmen der erziehungswissenschaftlichen Studienanteile (Kap. 5.3). Es werden die Potenziale von Metaphern als Forschungskonstrukt und Reflexionsmöglichkeit in der Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung (Kap. 5.4) sowie in weiteren pädagogischen Kontexten (Kap. 5.5) vorgestellt und hinsichtlich ihrer Relevanz für die vorliegende Arbeit diskutiert.
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Katičić Bogdan, Ida, Davorin Kajba, and Saša Bogdan. "Varijabilnost klonova u proizvodnji žira i njezin učinak na efektivne veličine populacija i genetsku raznolikost potomstva u klonskim sjemenskim plantažama hrasta lužnjaka (Quercus robur L.) u Hrvatskoj." Šumarski list 143, no. 3-4 (April 24, 2019): 111–22.

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U ovom radu željeli smo ispitati različite parametre koji nam daju informaciju o učinkovitosti plantaža u proizvodnji genetski raznolikog potomstva. Koristili smo raspoložive inventurne podatke tvrtke “Hrvatske šume” d.o.o. o brojnom stanju i starosti rameta, te zabilježenim urodima u dvije klonske sjemenske plantaže hrasta lužnjaka; KSP “Plešćice” i KSP “Petkovac”. U slučaju KSP „Plešćice” korišteni su inventurni podaci, te podaci o urodu za 2003.,2006.,2007.,2008.,2009. i 2010. godinu. Nakon 2010. godine zbog organizacijskih se razloga prestalo pratiti urod po klonovima i prešlo se na evidentiranje ukupnog uroda na plantaži, pa je za period 2010.-2017. godine nemoguće procjeniti genetsku raznolikost uroda. U slučaju KSP „Petkovac” korišteni su inventurni podaci, te podaci o urodu za 2003.,2004.,2005.,2006.,2008.,2009. i 2010. godinu. U slučaju KSP „Petkovac” također se nakon 2010. godine napustilo evidentiranje uroda po klonovima. Količine i varijabilnost uroda žira po godinama, kao i projekcije uroda za 2018. i 2019. godinu na temelju polinomijalnih regresijskih krivulja izračunali smo za sve godine evidentiranog uroda za cijelo razdoblje 2003. – 2017. godina. Rezultati su prikazani u tablici 1 i na slikama 1 i 2. Sve druge analize bile su moguće samo za godine kada se sakupljanje žira u plantažama provodilo odvojeno po klonovima. Korelacijama po metodama Pearsona i Spearmana usporedili smo raspodjelu uroda žira između parova istraživanih godina po klonovima, odnosno poredak udjela klonova u urodima žira između istraživanih godina. Obje korelacije bile su većinom statististički značajne između parova godina, sa ponekim iznimkama (tablica 2). Ravnoteža uroda klonova po godinama, opisana kumulativnim krivuljama proizvodnje žira po godinama, po postocima rodnih klonova, prikazana je na slikama 3 i 4. Krivulje ravnoteže uroda klonova za obje plantaže prikazuju izrazito neravnomjernu raspodjelu uroda po klonova, što znači da je manjina klonova u istraživanim godinama doprinosila većinskom količinom uroda. U uvjetima jednake plodnosti i sinkroniziranosti klonova doprinos u urodu bio bi razmjeran zastupljenosti klonova (clone size) tj. klonovi s većim brojem rameta značajnije bi doprinosili urodu. Iz tablice 3. može se primjetiti da je u slučaju KSP “Plešćice” ova korelacija bila slabija nego kod KSP “Petkovac”. Dapače, u tri od šest promatranih godina ona uopće nije bila značajna. U slučaju KSP “Petkovac” korelacija je bila značajna u svim promatranim godinama Procjena efektivnih veličina populacije i genetske raznolikosti potomstva po godinama prikazani su u tablici 4. isključivo za žensku plodnost klonova. Prilikom izračuna doprinosa oba roditelja muška plodnost procijenjena je pomoću tri scenarija koja obuhvaćaju raznolik raspon potencijalnog muškog doprinosa u efektivnoj veličini populacije. Rezultati su prikazani u tablici 5. Usporedbom tri scenarija muškog doprinosa ukupnom efektivnom tj. statusnom broju (Np) vidljivo je da su vrijednosti za prvi ,gdje je muški doprinos razmjeran udjelu rameta datog klona u ukupnom broju rameta, intermedijarne u odnosu na druga dva scenarija. Najniži efektivni brojevi roditelja (Np), a time i najniži relativni efektivni brojevi (Nr), te najviše vrijednosti koeficijenta grupnog srodstva (Θ) dobivene su za drugi scenarij u kojem je muški doprinos jednak ženskome. Te su vrijednosti identične vrijednostima za samo žensku plodnost. Najviši su efektivni brojevi i analogno druge vrijednosti dobivene za treći scenarij u kojem se pretpostavlja jednak muški doprinos svih klonova. Za obje plantaže korelacija poretka ženskih efektivnih brojeva klonova za pojedine godine uroda, sa poretkom za količine uroda tih godina (po metodi Spearmana) je statistički značajna na razini p < 0,05. Za primjenu mjera procjene genetske raznolikosti proizvedena u klonskim sjemenskim plantažama potrebna su sukcesivna višegodišnja praćenja cvjetanja/uroda, kao i saznanja o genetskoj dobiti dobivena testiranjem potomstva i uzgojne vrijednosti klonova u nedavno postavljenim testovima potomstva iz plantaža. Zbog svega toga je apsolutno preporučljivo da se daljnje sakupljanje uroda u ovim klonskim sjemenskim plantaža obavlja odvojeno po klonovima, jer se jedino na taj način, bez skupih molekularnih analiza, može doći do relevantnih informacija o doprinosu pojedinih klonova genetskoj raznolikosti potomstva.
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ISHIJIMA, Hiroshi, Kyoya FUKUDA, Kensuke MATSUBARA, and Mizuhiko HOSOKAWA. "Production of 423-nm Second-Harmonic Generation Light Beam Using pp-KTP Crystal." Review of Laser Engineering 35, no. 4 (2007): 273–76.

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Karangasem Regency, especially in Kubu Subdistrict, Tianyar Tengah Village, Banjar BukitLambuh, is an area that still lacks clean water, so that villagers still rely on purchasing clean waterthrough tank trucks at high prices. Around Banjar Bukit Lambuh, there is a 20 kWp Central TianyarPLTS which has been abandoned since 2016 due to the absence of regional companies that manageand maintain the PLTS so that some components of the PLTS are damaged. The abandonment of the20 kWp PLTS makes the Bali Provincial Manpower and Energy Department (ESDM) Department planto transfer the function of PLTS as a source of electricity for water pumps that lift water fromreservoirs with a water capacity of 72,000 liters to a 30,000 liter water reservoir which is near thePLTS to meet the water needs of residents in the Middle Tianyar Village Banjar Bukit Lambuh. Theselected water pump type Lorentz PS2-4000 C-SJ3-32 submersible DC with a total head of 108.6meters and a pipe length of 1,640 meters and requires power of 2.96 kW supplied from PLTS 20 kWpTianyar Tengah with a cable length of 1,640 meters and voltage drop of 8,183 volts, so that the pumpcan operate for 7 hours with 4.2 m3 / h water discharge producing 29,400 liters of water that can meetthe water needs of residents of Banjar Bukit Lambuh Village by 23,328 liters per day.
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McLEOD, J. G., and J. M. CLARKE. "EFFECT OF HARVEST TIME AND DRYING METHOD ON QUALITY AND GRADE OF WINTER RYE." Canadian Journal of Plant Science 67, no. 2 (April 1, 1987): 417–24.

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Three winter rye (Secale cereale L.) cultivars, Cougar, Puma and Musketeer, were grown in a field experiment for 2 yr to determine the effects of kernel water concentration (KWC) at harvest time and drying method on final quality and grade of the grain. Plots were harvested when KWC was in the range of 950–100 g water kg−1 kernel dry weight. Grain was dried in windrows in the field and artificially in a forced-air oven at 40–45 °C. Kernel water concentration at harvest, test mass, kernel mass, falling number and germination were determined. Test mass increased as KWC at harvest decreased, especially in the artificially dried treatments. Kernel mass was lower when harvested at high KWC, especially in the windrowed treatments. Falling numbers were affected by harvest time and drying method, but trends were not clear. Germination was reduced by artificial drying at KWC greater than 430 g kg−1. Grades were not affected by windrowing at KWC up to 957 g kg−1. Artificial drying reduced commercial grades, especially at high KWC. The main degrading factors were presence of immature kernels and low test mass.Key words: Test mass, artifical drying, windrow, germination, falling number, harvest time
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "432 KWP"


Yaakob, Gabriel, and Hanna Drugge. "Är kompetensöverskridanderegeln, 8 kap. 42 § aktiebolagslagen, avtalsrätt eller bolagsrätt? : En utredande analys." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Affärsrätt, 2021.

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Kompetensöverskridanderegeln i 8 kap. 42 § aktiebolagslag (2005:551) (ABL) reglerar behörighets- och befogenhetsöverskridande av styrelse, VD och den särskilda firmatecknaren. Paragrafen innehåller fyra regler vilka är uppdelade på två stycken. Första stycket handlar om behörighetsöverskridande medan det andra stycket handlar om befogenhetsöverskridande. Kompetensöverskridanderegeln är en komplicerad paragraf som ofta missförstås och feltolkas.  Bakgrunden till paragrafen kommer från art. 9 i Publicitetsdirektivet, som i sin tur influerats av tysk rätt, och har som syfte att begränsa möjligheterna för bolaget att ogiltigförklara rättshandlingar slutna av bolagsorgan i överträdelse mot verksamhetsföremålet, föreskrifter i bolagsordningen eller beslut från överordnat bolagsorgan. Artikeln är utformad som ett tredjemansskydd, men syftet är att skapa ett omsättningsskydd och därigenom gynna de övergripande målen för Europeiska unionen och förhindra ultra-vires-doktrinen.  Problemet med svensk rätt vid implementeringen av paragrafen är att de två olika rättsområdena avtalsrätt och bolagsrätt sammanflätas och därtill kompliceras saken av att den särskilda firmatecknaren inte har någon motsvarighet i EU-rätt. Avtalsrätten och bolagsrätten använder samma termer och begrepp men fungerar på vitt skilda sätt. En avgörande skillnad är att den svenska avtalsrätten är främmande för utländsk rätt, medan bolagsrätten har lång historia av att influeras och tolkas genom utländsk rätt, dessutom har Sverige genom sitt medlemskap gått med på att vara direktivkonform. Det blir därför av vikt vilka delar som ska tolkas systemkonsekvent med bolagsrättsliga principer och vilka som ska tolkas systemkonsekvent med avtalsrättsliga principer. Förarbetena har gått på ett spår, lagstiftaren ett annat och doktrinen är splittrade. Det har lett till en komplicerad och inte användarvänlig paragraf, som delvis ska tolkas enligt allmänna avtalsrättsliga principer, delvis bolagsrättsliga principer, delvis tolkas enligt ordalydelsen och delvis tolkas analogt. Den avtalsrättsliga tolkningen är rådande de lege lata, vi anser dock de lege ferenda att den bolagsrättsliga tolkningen framträder som innehavare av starkaste argumenten.  Syftet med uppsatsen är att genom en ändamålstolkning utreda och förklara paragrafens komplexitet samt att via en frågeställning visa på de olika utfallen av paragrafen, beroende på vilket rättsområde som ska ges företräde vid tolkning och tillämpning. Hela paragrafen kommer att beröras men fokus ligger på 8 kap. 42 § 2 st. 2 men. ABL.
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Monteiro, Leonardo de Almeida [UNESP]. "Desempenho operacional e energético, segundo a norma OECD – code 2 de dois tratores agrícolas 4x2 TDA com motores de 132 kw em pista concreto e solo agrícola." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2011.

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Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:31:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2011-07-05Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:02:16Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 monteiro_la_dr_botfca.pdf: 626311 bytes, checksum: bc13faf71eca1d35de66ac8b6e656b7b (MD5)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O trator agrícola é uma das principais fontes de potência no meio rural. A utilização correta dos pneus, tanto em relação ao seu tipo quanto à calibração de sua pressão interna, são fatores que influenciam, significativamente, no seu desempenho. Outros fatores de regulagem do trator, tais como, a lastragem e a velocidade de deslocamento ideal para cada condição de superfície de solo, são fatores que modificam sua eficiência trativa. Neste trabalha avaliou-se o desempenho operacional e energético de dois tratores agrícolas 4x2 TDA com potência nominal no motor de 132 kW (180 cv), através do consumo horário e específico de combustível, patinagem, rendimento e potência na barra de tração em pista de concreto e em pista de solo agrícola, segundo a norma OECD – Code 2 (2008), para três velocidades teóricas de deslocamento do trator 6,5 km.h-1 , 7,5 km.h-1 e 8,5 km.h-1, correspondentes às marchas B2, B3 e C1 marcadas no painel dos tratores . Aplicou-se um delineamento experimental em faixas, denominadas pistas, e definidas pelas condições da superfície de rolamento (Concreto e Solo Agrícola). Em cada pista foram dispostos os tratamentos com um arranjo fatorial de 2x2x3, sendo analisados dois tratores (John Deere1 e New Holland), o tipo de superfície de rolamento (pista de concreto e pista de solo agrícola) e as marchas utilizadas nos tratores ensaiados (B1, B2 e C1), com cinco repetições por faixa, totalizando 60 unidades experimentais. Esses fatores foram arranjados para permitir a avaliação dos efeitos das variáveis individualmente ou em grupos, sendo todos os dados submetidos...
The tractor is a major energy and work source in rural areas. The correct use of tires, both in relation to their type and the calibration of its internal pressure, are factors that significantly affect the performance. Other factors that modify traction efficiency are related to the tractor setup, such as the ballast (weight balance) and the ideal travel speed for each soil condition. In this work the operational and energy performance of two agricultural tractors with 132 kW (180 hp) of engine rated power were evaluated based on data of efficiency and power in the drawbar, fuel consumption, specific fuel consumption and tire slippage. The tests were run on concrete runway, according to the standard OECD - Code 2, as well as in agricultural runway with the same three theoretical speeds of the tractor: 6,5 km.h-1, 7,5 km.h-1 and 8.5 km.h-1, which correspond to gears B2, B3 and C1, respectively. An experimental design in bands was utilized, where each band corresponded to one of two conditions of the soil surface (concrete and agricultural soil), with three travel speeds and five replicates. Thus, 120 experimental units were conduced and the experimental data was treated trough basic descriptive statistics and analysis of variance. A Mobile Unit Drawbar Tests – UMEB was used in the experiments at the Nucleus of Agricultural and Forest Machinery and Tire Tests - NEMPA, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences - FCA - UNESP, Botucatu – SP. This unit was operated like a dynamometric car (or braking car), equipped with a data acquisition and storage system to manage the signals generated by the sensors on the tractor and UMEB. The ambient temperature, relative humidity, and temperature of the fuel were monitored. Two flow meters were used to measure fuel consumption; one assembled... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Monteiro, Leonardo de Almeida 1974. "Desempenho operacional e energético, segundo a norma OECD - code 2 de dois tratores agrícolas 4x2 TDA com motores de 132 kw em pista concreto e solo agrícola /." Botucatu, 2011.

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Orientador: Kléber Pereira Lanças
Banca: Saulo Philipe Sebastião Guerra
Banca: Paulo Roberto Arbex Silva
Banca: Renildo Luiz Mion
Banca: Alberto Kazushi Nagaoka
Resumo: O trator agrícola é uma das principais fontes de potência no meio rural. A utilização correta dos pneus, tanto em relação ao seu tipo quanto à calibração de sua pressão interna, são fatores que influenciam, significativamente, no seu desempenho. Outros fatores de regulagem do trator, tais como, a lastragem e a velocidade de deslocamento ideal para cada condição de superfície de solo, são fatores que modificam sua eficiência trativa. Neste trabalha avaliou-se o desempenho operacional e energético de dois tratores agrícolas 4x2 TDA com potência nominal no motor de 132 kW (180 cv), através do consumo horário e específico de combustível, patinagem, rendimento e potência na barra de tração em pista de concreto e em pista de solo agrícola, segundo a norma OECD - Code 2 (2008), para três velocidades teóricas de deslocamento do trator 6,5 km.h-1 , 7,5 km.h-1 e 8,5 km.h-1, correspondentes às marchas B2, B3 e C1 marcadas no painel dos tratores . Aplicou-se um delineamento experimental em faixas, denominadas pistas, e definidas pelas condições da superfície de rolamento (Concreto e Solo Agrícola). Em cada pista foram dispostos os tratamentos com um arranjo fatorial de 2x2x3, sendo analisados dois tratores (John Deere1 e New Holland), o tipo de superfície de rolamento (pista de concreto e pista de solo agrícola) e as marchas utilizadas nos tratores ensaiados (B1, B2 e C1), com cinco repetições por faixa, totalizando 60 unidades experimentais. Esses fatores foram arranjados para permitir a avaliação dos efeitos das variáveis individualmente ou em grupos, sendo todos os dados submetidos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Abstract: The tractor is a major energy and work source in rural areas. The correct use of tires, both in relation to their type and the calibration of its internal pressure, are factors that significantly affect the performance. Other factors that modify traction efficiency are related to the tractor setup, such as the ballast (weight balance) and the ideal travel speed for each soil condition. In this work the operational and energy performance of two agricultural tractors with 132 kW (180 hp) of engine rated power were evaluated based on data of efficiency and power in the drawbar, fuel consumption, specific fuel consumption and tire slippage. The tests were run on concrete runway, according to the standard OECD - Code 2, as well as in agricultural runway with the same three theoretical speeds of the tractor: 6,5 km.h-1, 7,5 km.h-1 and 8.5 km.h-1, which correspond to gears B2, B3 and C1, respectively. An experimental design in bands was utilized, where each band corresponded to one of two conditions of the soil surface (concrete and agricultural soil), with three travel speeds and five replicates. Thus, 120 experimental units were conduced and the experimental data was treated trough basic descriptive statistics and analysis of variance. A Mobile Unit Drawbar Tests - UMEB was used in the experiments at the Nucleus of Agricultural and Forest Machinery and Tire Tests - NEMPA, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences - FCA - UNESP, Botucatu - SP. This unit was operated like a dynamometric car (or braking car), equipped with a data acquisition and storage system to manage the signals generated by the sensors on the tractor and UMEB. The ambient temperature, relative humidity, and temperature of the fuel were monitored. Two flow meters were used to measure fuel consumption; one assembled... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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GIAMBI, CRISTINA. "Progetto nazionale per la PREvenzione del carcinoma della cervice uterina nelle GIOvani donne (PREGIO): indagine conoscitiva, prevalenza dell’infezione da papilloma virus umano (HPV) e fattibilità dell’offerta della vaccinazione anti-HPV." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata", 2010.

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In Italia si registrano annualmente circa 3500 nuovi casi e 1000 morti per carcinoma invasivo della cervice uterina (CC), la prima neoplasia ad essere riconosciuta dall’OMS come totalmente riconducibile all’infezione da tipi oncogeni di Papilloma virus umano (HPV). Attualmente la prevenzione del CC si basa su programmi di screening mediante Pap-test; la recente disponibilità dei vaccini contro l’HPV ha aperto la strada alla prevenzione primaria di questo tumore. Il Centro Nazionale di Epidemiologia Sorveglianza e Promozione della Salute dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) ha condotto il progetto nazionale “PreGio” (PREvenzione GIOvani) in collaborazione con 10 ASL di sei Regioni italiane. Gli obiettivi di questo progetto erano: 1) descrivere la prevalenza delle infezione da tipi oncogeni di HPV; 2) realizzare un’indagine su conoscenza, attitudine e pratica (CAP) su HPV e prevenzione del cervicocarcinoma; 3) valutare la fattibilità dell’offerta vaccinale in donne di 18-26 anni. Metodi Il protocollo dello studio prevedeva l’arruolamento di 2000 donne di 18-26 anni, campionate dalle liste anagrafiche di popolazione e stratificate per 2 fasce d’età: 18-24 e 25-26 anni. Le donne campionate sono state randomizzate in quattro gruppi con un diverso percorso nell’ambito del progetto. A tutte le donne è stato offerto un colloquio sulla prevenzione del CC, un Pap-test, un test HPV (utilizzando il test Hybrid Capture 2); i campioni positivi sono stati tipizzati con PCR. A 1000 donne è stato somministrato un questionario su HPV e prevenzione del carcinoma della cervice uterina e ad altre 1000 è stata offerta la vaccinazione contro l’HPV. I dati sono stati inseriti localmente su una piattaforma web dedicata. L’analisi descrittiva univariata e multivariata è stata effettuata in ISS utilizzando il Package statistico STATA 9.2. Risultati Il tasso di partecipazione al progetto è stato del 58% con un ampio range tra le ASL (34-84%). Il test HPV ha rilevato la presenza di infezione nel 19% dei campioni, senza differenze per area geografica e fascia di età. Il tipo più frequente è risultato HPV 16 seguito da 31, 66, 51, 18. La proporzione di donne positive è risultata maggiore nelle donne nubili; in chi non convive con il proprio partner; nelle nullipare ed aumenta con l’aumentare del numero di partner. Complessivamente il 50% del campione è stato vaccinato. L’adesione è stata inferiore al Sud, nelle ragazze più grandi (25-26 anni), nelle coniugate e nelle donne con titolo di studio basso. Sono state intervistate 667 donne per l’indagine CAP. Il 92% delle intervistate ha riferito di aver sentito parlare del Pap-test, il 59% del papillomavirus e il 52% del vaccino contro l’HPV. Amici e parenti rappresentano la principale fonte di informazioni sul Pap-test; i mass-media su HPV e vaccino. Il 31, 13 e 8% delle donne ha ricevuto informazioni dai ginecologi su Pap-test, HPV e vaccino rispettivamente e il 12, 7 e 8% le ha ricevute dai medici di base. Il 63% sa che il Pap-test serve a prevenire il cervicocarcinoma, ma solo il 28% ritiene che vada ripetuto ogni tre anni. Il 63% sa che le infezioni da HPV sono frequenti, ma solo il 21% sa che gran parte delle infezioni regredisce spontaneamente e il 26% che l’HPV può provocare questo tumore. Il livello di conoscenza sulla prevenzione del CC è maggiore nelle donne con titolo di studio elevato (OR=1.53 95%CI 0.98-2.41) e in quelle che non hanno ancora effettuato un Pap-test preventivo (OR= 1.40 95%CI 0.97-2.02) mentre è minore in chi ha già avuto figli (OR=0.40 95%CI 0.22-0.74). Il 73% è propenso a vaccinarsi e nell’81% dei casi il consiglio di un medico di fiducia influirebbe molto/abbastanza su questa decisione. Le donne con uno score di conoscenza alto (OR=2,95 95%CI 1,86-4,71) e quelle con 5 o più partner (OR=2,41 95%CI 1,17-4,95) sono più propense a vaccinarsi, mentre le donne di 25-26 anni (OR=0,491 95%CI 0,32-0,76) rispetto alle più giovani e quelle che riferiscono di usare sempre/spesso il profilattico (OR=0,66 95%CI 0,43-1,01) hanno una probabilità maggiore di non accettare l’offerta vaccinale. Conclusioni Lo studio PreGio ha permesso di raccogliere dati di prevalenza su un campione consistente di donne giovani del Nord, Centro e Sud Italia prima dell’introduzione della vaccinazione contro l’HPV. La fascia di età 18-26 anni si è dimostrata difficile da raggiungere, infatti, nonostante il setting protetto dello studio, è stato vaccinato soltanto il 50% del campione. In un’ottica di salute pubblica l’organizzazione di una campagna vaccinale attiva deve tener conto, oltre alle caratteristiche epidemiologiche della malattia da prevenire, anche di altri fattori quali le priorità a livello locale, le risorse umane e finanziarie e i livelli di copertura vaccinale da raggiungere perché la campagna sia costo/efficace. I risultati dell’indagine CAP confermano l’urgente bisogno di una comunicazione evidence-based rivolta alla popolazione target da parte di professionisti sanitari opportunamente formati. Alla luce delle richieste del Consiglio Superiore di Sanità che ha raccomandato di raccogliere maggiori evidenze prima di procedere con un’eventuale offerta attiva della vaccinazione a fasce di età diverse dalle dodicenni, PreGio ha raccolto informazioni utili per la programmazione di eventuali programmi vaccinali di catch up e per il miglioramento dei contenuti della comunicazione che gli operatori sanitari si trovano ad affrontare con l’introduzione dei vaccini contro l’HPV.
National project for the prevention of cervical cancer in young women (PREGIO): knowledge, attitudes and practices survey, prevalence of human papillomavirus infection (HPV) and feasibility of HPV vaccination offer. Introduction Each year in Italy 3500 cases and 1000 deaths attributable to cervical cancer (CC) are reported. The causal role of certain human papillomavirus (HPV) types in all cervical cancers is well established. Currently, CC prevention is based on pap smear cervical screening programmes; recent availability of vaccines against HPV has opened the way for primary prevention of this neoplasm. The National Center for Epidemiology, Surveillance and Health Promotion of the Italian Health Institute (ISS) carried out a National project “PreGio” in collaboration with 10 Local Health Units (LHU) of six Italian Regions. The objectives of this project were to: 1) describe the prevalence of oncogenic types HPV infections, 2) perform a knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) survey on HPV and CC prevention, and 3) evaluate the feasibility of the HPV vaccine offer in women aged 18-26 years. Methods The study protocol planned to recruit 2000 women aged 18-26 years, sampled from the anagraphic population lists and stratified for two age groups (18-24 and 25-26 years old), and randomize them into four groups with a different path within the project. All women were offered an informative conversation on CC prevention, a cervical smear for Papanicolaou and HPV test (using the Hybrid Capture 2 test); positive samples were genotyped by PCR. A sample of 1000 women were also submitted to a questionnaire on HPV and CC prevention and other 1000 women were offered HPV vaccination. Collected data were uploaded on a web platform by LHU’s operators. Data analysis was performed at ISS using the STATA 9.2 statistical package. Results The project participation rate was 58% with a wide range among LHUs (34-84%). The infection rate was 19%, without differences by geographical area and age. The most frequent viral type was HPV 16, followed by 31, 66, 51, 18. HPV prevalence was higher in never married women, in women not living with their partner, in nulliparous and increased with increasing number of sexual partners. Overall, half of the women were vaccinated. The vaccination rate was lower in the South, in women aged 25-26 years (compared with 18-24 years), married girls and women with a low educational level. Among the 667 women interviewed (KAP survey), 92% had already heard about pap smear cervical screening, 59% about the papillomavirus and 52% about the HPV vaccine. Friends and relatives represented the main source of information on pap smear; media on HPV and vaccine. In total 31, 13 and 8% of women had received information from gynecologists on Pap-test, HPV and vaccine respectively and 12, 7 and 8% from primary care physicians. For 63% of respondents the main purpose of the pap smear was preventing cervical cancer, but only for 28% the cervical smear had to be carried out every three years; 63% of women thought that HPV infections are frequent, but only 21% that most HPV infections regress spontaneously and 26% that HPV can cause this neoplasm. Knowledge level about CC prevention was lower in parous compared with nulliparous (OR=0.40 95%CI 0.22-0.74) while higher in women with a high educational level (OR=1.53 95%CI 0.98-2.41) and in women who had never benefit from a preventive pap smear (OR= 1.40 95%CI 0.97-2.02). Overall, 73% of women intended to be vaccinated and the support of a physician was quite/very influent on the decisional process for 81% of respondents. The intent to receive the vaccine was significantly greater among women who reported ≥ 5 partners (OR=2,41 95%CI 1,17-4,95) and with a high knowledge score (OR=2,95 95%CI 1,86-4,71), while women aged 25-26 years (OR=0,491 95%CI 0,32-0,76) and women who reported to use always/often the condom (OR=0,66 95%CI 0,43-1,01) were less likely to be vaccinated. Conclusions This project allowed to collect prevalence data on a large sample of young women in Northern, Central and Southern Italy before the introduction of the HPV vaccination. In regards to vaccination, women aged 18-26 years proved to be a difficult target, in fact, though the protected setting of the project, only half of the sample was vaccinated. From a public health perspective the organization of an active vaccination campaign should take into consideration, besides the epidemiological features of the preventable disease, also the local priorities, human and financial resources and vaccination coverage levels to be achieved so that the campaign is cost/effective. The results of the KAP survey strengthen the urgent need of evidence-based educational activities addressed to the target population from opportunely trained healthcare professionals. In conclusion, also considering that the Superior Council of the Italian Ministry of Health recommended to collect more evidences before extending the active offer of HPV vaccination to age groups older than 11 years, the project “PreGio” collected useful information for planning catch up vaccination campaigns and improving the communication contents which many health operators have to face since the introduction of the HPV vaccines.
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Palmroos, Jenny. "Avtalslicensens förhållande till konkurrensrätten : När strider utövandet av en avtalslicens mot konkurrenslagstiftningen?" Thesis, Internationella Handelshögskolan, Högskolan i Jönköping, IHH, Rättsvetenskap, 2012.

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Abstract Copyright is designed to not interfere with society's general and overriding interest of effective competition. An effective market competition benefits consumers by lowering prices, raising the quality and expands the range of goods and services. The purpose of the paper is to investigate if the collecting societies licensing violates competition laws. On the basis of the investigation regarding the bill for a new Swedish copyright law (URL), mainly the new wording that regulates the license agreement, corresponds to the EU competition rules and customs within the area. The collecting societies licensing violates the competition laws in the following cases • Discrimination of members because of nationality •           Authors transferring their sole rights to global exploitation •           The collecting society have the right to manage the rights after the author have left as a member •           Users that are established abroad do not get access to the repertoire of  the collecting societies, the same goes for concerted practice if this is the purpose or result •           Parallel behaviours that cannot be explained objectively •           Dividing the market •           Fixed Prices •           Refusal to sign multi-territorial licenses •           Apply different conditions for equivalent transactions resulting in competition disadvantages for a company that cannot be justified by reasonable causes Currently there are no indications that the new bill to a new URL violates EU law. The author of the paper thinks this may change if the collective management extends, so that other member states get the extended license agreements, then the single market is affected by the competition restriction that the new bill to the URL mean. The author of the paper thinks that the bill for a new URL should be changed so that a collective society will not get monopoly to sign licenses with extended license agreements.
Sammanfattning Upphovsrätten är utformad i syfte att inte inkräkta på samhällets generella och överordnade intresse av en effektiv konkurrens. En effektiv marknadskonkurrens gynnar konsumenterna genom att den pressar priserna, höjer kvaliteten och ökar utbudet av varor och tjänster. Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda om upphovsrättsorganisationernas licensering strider mot konkurrenslagstiftningen. Utifrån den utredningen granskas om lagförslaget till en ny URL, framförallt den nya lydelsen som reglerar avtalslicenser, stämmer överens med EU:s konkurrensregler och praxis på området.  I följande fall strider upphovsrättsorganisations licensering mot konkurrensrätten •           Diskriminering av medlemmarna på grund av nationalitet •           Upphovsmännen överlåter sina rättigheter med ensamrätt för en global exploatering •           Upphovsrättsorganisationen har rätt att förvalta rättigheterna efter att upphovsmannen utträtt som medlem •           Användare som är etablerade utomlands får inte tillgång till upphovsrättsorganisationens repertoar, gäller även samordnade förfaranden om detta är syftet eller resultatet •           Parallella beteenden som inte kan förklaras objektivt •           Uppdelning av marknaden •           Prissamarbeten •           Vägra teckna multi-territoriella licenser •           Tillämpa olika villkor för likvärdiga transaktioner med följden att ena bolaget får en konkurrensnackdel som inte går att rättfärdiga genom sakliga skäl I nuläget finns inget som tyder på att det nya lagförslaget till en ny URL strider mot EU-rätten. Enligt uppsatsförfattarens åsikt kan detta ändras om den kollektiva förvaltningen utökas så att den får avtalslicensverkan även i andra medlemsländer varpå den inre marknaden påverkas av den konkurrensbegränsning som det nya lagförslaget till en ny URL innebär. Uppsatsförfattaren anser att lagförslaget till en ny URL bör ändras så att inte en upphovsrättsorganisation ges monopol att teckna licens med avtalslicensverkan.
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Energy plays a key role in both the economic growth & prosperity of the country. It determines the pace of development of the developing countries. There is a close relation between the Energy & future growth of a nation. Not only in India but also in the whole world, there is a never-ending and diverging need for energy. Since, ancient times, the energy are derived from one source or another. In much older periods, the demand for light & fuel was met with traditional sources like wood or animal dung or waste plants. Later they got replaced by coal, water & nuclear energy which were then available in abundance. But, as the time goes on, the limitations & drawbacks are stepping forward making the hunt for alternative sources of energy a must, considering the future generation & their needs with a long term vision. As its high time to think upon the quality of the environment, more and more awareness is generating for making the use of the environment friendly resources and products. Though sunlight is considered to be a “convincing solution” to the “need for clean, abundant, cheaper, renewable and environment friendly source of energy,” solar energy currently provides only about 0.01 percent of the total electricity supply needs; this indicates the huge scope of solar SPV in a sub-tropical country like India and rest of the world. Further, recent market trends, regulatory pressures, consumer incentives, and rapid technological advancements are together driving solar energy costs drastically down relative to conventional fossil fuel-derived energy. Now Solar Power is more affordable to common people as compared to the previous era and the only thing, which is missing, is the awareness to be spread about this environment friendly and clean source of energy. Compared to conventional and other renewable energy sources, solar power is especially attractive because it can be easily scaled up Solar electricity can also be generated nearer to consumers and even on site, which greatly reduces or eliminates transmission costs and losses. It always available to us as ready to use source of energy in the daytime. Furthermore, the increasing adoption of variable pricing or net metering schemes also favours solar electricity. Under these schemes electricity rates are higher when peak demand is highest and this generally correlates to when more solar energy is available and electric output highest. Solar PV/module costs are also presently being lowered through higher volume production, improved manufacturing techniques, and alternative solar technologies, reduced size of solar V | P a g e panels due the lesser use of semiconductor material and increased efficiencies of the solar panels. Total costs of installed system of Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) systems are further being minimized through economical “balance-of-system” components such as inverters through improved design and installation techniques. Fundamentally, the solar industry as a whole has advanced and grown to the point where solar solutions are not only an environment friendly option but also a cost effective too. The Ministry of Power (MoP) has an obligation to promote and support co-generation technologies and renewable sources for Power generation under the supervision of Nodal agencies and henceforth it will play a major role in mainstreaming renewable energy sector with other conventional energy sources in India. In view of the efforts of government and favourable government policies in renewable sector has compelled various agencies and institutions to look forward in this regard. Delhi technological University has took a step forward and decided to have a SPV rooftop system of 432 KW power. Assuring robust project design, reliability and best support, M/s Hero Future Energies Limited got this opportunity to implement a 432 kW SPV power Plant under the supervision and guidance of the esteemed professors on the rooftops of the buildings of the Delhi Technological University. This research work brings out the technical details & overall cost mitigating this pioneer project. The total power to be produced by the solar cells will be 432 kW. The cell technology, which is being used, is crystalline type. The main objective of this project is to study the economic feasibility and practicality of the of the rooftop solar power systems, also to assess the environmental impact of these type of SPVs. Now days we are in the era of rapid development, which require exponential growth of energy demand. Due to this increasing energy demand the burden on fossil fuels is rising which is a major concern for the sustainable development and healthy environment. Therefore, to avoid this huge concern a way out is to be required some reliable, renewable and clean energy sources is required. Solar power is one the best solution of this problem and must be focused to make it more practical and accessible to the common people. Keeping this thing in mind this particular project related to 432 KWp rooftop solar photovoltaic power plant installed at the campus of Delhi Technological University is chosen so as to enhance the understanding in the practicality of the PV modules and to analyse their design and feasibility in the real world. VI | P a g e As we, all are aware that government is also serious in this regard & has taken many game changer decisions in this field like subsidised solar panels, industry favoured policies for the SPV manufacturers etc. Government of India has recently started JNNSM program to promote solar projects in India. Under this program, many policies are coming in MW scale project as well as in roof top level. Most of industries are running on conventional sources like coal-based energy, diesel sets etc. According to this policy, any industry, commercial, domestic can plan to set up a solar project for their captive consumption. For this purpose, they can use their un-utilized space like space available on roof, sheds, BIPV etc. Till the time all rooftop policies are for captive consumption only. Some of state governments have started some initiatives for net metering policy. Under this scheme, if any solar project has excess generation (which is more than their individual load demand), they can feed that generation to utility grid. This scheme will take some time to finalize. All solar projects that are to be implemented under this policy will be mounted on roofs; sheds etc. only and total power generation from solar will be used in-house only. There is a huge potential available for generating solar power using unutilized space on wastelands, shedding and rooftops around buildings. In fact, small quantities of power generated by each individual household, industrial building complex, commercial building complex or any other type of building can be utilized to partly fulfil the power requirement of the building occupants and surplus, if available, can be fed into the grid. The rooftop SPV systems on building’s rooftops can be installed to substitute DG’S for operation during load shedding. As an advantage setting up the grid interactive solar power plants on the rooftops would help in reducing the consumption of diesel fuel during the day time in the areas where grid power is intermittent. If the grid power is continuous, the solar power generated will be utilized along with the grid power and accordingly the proportionate amount of grid power usage will be reduced. During minimum load periods (e.g. during weekends, holidays etc.), the excess/surplus power generated from solar systems (SPVs) could be fed into the grid. In turn, the State Government can compensate the consumer for the exported/traded power as per policy. Connectivity of these projects to the grid also has to be in agreement with the prevailing CEA guidelines or policy by the State regulators/ DISCOMs. VII | P a g e The work for making DTU a clean energy developing university was assigned to M/s Hero Solar Energy Pvt. Ltd. Who is pioneer in this field and has working parallel on many other projects like as follows: 1. Indraprastha University (GGSIPU, Dwarka, Delhi) 2. Netaji Subhash Institute of Technology (NSIT, Dwarka, Delhi) Delhi Technological University (DTU) until 1962, the college was under the direct control of Ministry of Education, Government of India. But, in 1963 the administration/command of the college was handed over to Delhi Administration. Delhi College of Engineering (DCE) was under the direct administrative control of Department of Technical Education & Training, Govt. of NCT of Delhi. For academic purposes, the college was initially affiliated to University of Delhi since 1952. Whereas, from July 2009, the Delhi College of Engineering (DCE) has become Delhi Technological University (DTU) vide Delhi act 6 of 2009. The erstwhile Delhi College of Engineering has functioned/operated from its historic Kashmiri Gate Campus for about 55 years and has shifted in 1996 to its lush green sprawling campus of 164 Acres at Bawana Road, adjoining Sector-17, Rohini, Delhi-110042. Its shifting to its new campus has added new dimensions of research and triggered innovations in plenty, which has received high national and international acclaim. As Delhi Technological University (DTU), it has the desired self-sufficiency to outshine and shape itself as a world class Technological University. Now DTU is heading towards the green and clean energy university title. Therefore, it was decided to conduct detailed study on this rooftop SPV system to analyse its mathematical analysis, feasibility and profitability.
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Traub, Petra Christine [Verfasser]. "Gensynthese, Expression und Refolding der Lipasen aus Pseudomonas species KWI 56 und Chromobacterium viscosum / vorgelegt von Petra Christine Traub." 2000.

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Books on the topic "432 KWP"


Yŏlyŏdŏl sŭmul ahop: Tangsin kwa na ŭi 4321-il kaejŏngpʻan. 2nd ed. Sŏul-si: Nun kwa Maŭm, 2005.

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Book chapters on the topic "432 KWP"


Hirmes, David, J. D. Hooge, Ken Jokol, T. Y. Lettau, Lifaros, Jamie Macdonald, Gabriel Mulzer, et al. "Kip Parker." In Flash Math Creativity, 115–32. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2002.

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Nakano, T., and K. Hayakawa. "Design Study of a 100 kWh SMES." In Advances in Superconductivity II, 1063–66. Tokyo: Springer Japan, 1990.

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Gravert, Andreas. "Struktur und Mechanismen der Wissenschaft." In Themenkarrieren in der Wissenschaft, 87–130. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2021.

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ZusammenfassungIn diesem Kapitel werden wissenschaftssoziologische Erkenntnisse zur Funktionsweise der Wissenschaft dargelegt und diskutiert. Die Erkenntnisse werden vor dem Hintergrund der Fragestellung – ‚Wie entstehen Themen in der Wissenschaft?‘ – aufgearbeitet. Die Beschaffenheit des institutionellen Rahmens bzw. die personenunabhängigen Regeln und Normen des sozialen Systems der Wissenschaft werden dabei als Erklärungsmoment anvisiert. Im Verständnis der Arbeit resultieren wissenschaftliche Themenkarrieren aus den aggregierten (bewussten und unbewussten) Entscheidungen der einzelnen Mitglieder einer Fachgemeinschaft hinsichtlich der Wahl ihrer Forschungsthemen über einen Zeitverlauf. In der Konsequenz lautet die auf die Akteur*innenebene heruntergebrochene Fragestellung: ‚Wie wählen wissenschaftliche Akteur*innen ein Thema?‘. Im Rückbezug auf das zu erklärende Makrophänomen ergibt sich schließlich die Frage: ‚Wie lassen sich Veränderungen der aggregierten Entscheidungen wissenschaftlicher Akteur*innen hinsichtlich ihrer Themenwahl erklären?‘. Dieser Frage folgend verläuft die Darstellung der Struktur und Dynamik der Wissenschaft in drei Abschnitten vom Allgemeinen zum Konkreten. Zunächst werden die Besonderheiten der Wissenschaft sowie deren Einbettung in die gesellschaftliche Umwelt anhand einer differenzierungstheoretischen Sichtweise in den Blick genommen (Kp. 4.1). In dem darauf folgenden Kapitel (4.2) werden Strukturen der inneren Differenzierung der Wissenschaft dargestellt sowie die Mechanismen wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisproduktion aufgearbeitet. Abschließend werden die drei zentralen Einflussgrößen des institutionellen Kontextes der Wissenschaft – die formale Koordination, die Allokation von Reputation und die Allokation von materiellen Ressourcen – sowie deren Zusammenspiel erläutert (Kp. 4.3).
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Wang, Jing He, Shen Dong, H. X. Wang, Ming Jun Chen, Wen Jun Zong, and L. J. Zhang. "Forecasting of Surface Roughness and Cutting Force in Single Point Diamond Turning for KDP Crystal." In Progress of Precision Engineering and Nano Technology, 78–83. Stafa: Trans Tech Publications Ltd., 2007.

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"§ 101 Abwicklungsbefugnisse bei Anwendung des Instruments der Beteiligung der Inhaber relevanter Kapitalinstrumente und des Instruments der Gläubigerbeteiligung." In KWG und CRR, edited by Günther Luz, Werner Neus, Mathias Schaber, Peter Schneider, Claus-Peter Wagner, and Max Weber, 402. Schäffer-Poeschel, 2018.

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"§ 107 Übertragung." In KWG und CRR, edited by Günther Luz, Werner Neus, Mathias Schaber, Peter Schneider, Claus-Peter Wagner, and Max Weber, 412–14. Schäffer-Poeschel, 2018.

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"§ 112 Drittvergleich." In KWG und CRR, edited by Günther Luz, Werner Neus, Mathias Schaber, Peter Schneider, Claus-Peter Wagner, and Max Weber, 422. Schäffer-Poeschel, 2018.

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"§ 113 Wirkungen der Abwicklungsanordnung bei Übertragung." In KWG und CRR, edited by Günther Luz, Werner Neus, Mathias Schaber, Peter Schneider, Claus-Peter Wagner, and Max Weber, 423–25. Schäffer-Poeschel, 2018.

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"§ 117 Übertragungsgegenstände, die ausländischem Recht unterliegen." In KWG und CRR, edited by Günther Luz, Werner Neus, Mathias Schaber, Peter Schneider, Claus-Peter Wagner, and Max Weber, 431–32. Schäffer-Poeschel, 2018.

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Conference papers on the topic "432 KWP"


Schoeneberg, Nathan, Daniel Szenasi, Michael Coblentz, Chuck Lors, William Drumheller, Keith Jansen, Carlos Manzanares, et al. "A 432-kW peak power solid-state resonant link power modulator system." In 2009 IEEE Pulsed Power Conference (PPC). IEEE, 2009.

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Giardinella, Sebastiano, Oscar De León, Jimmy Woolford, Jorge Lay, José Atencio, and Lisnely Valdés Bosquez. "EVALUACIÓN DE UN AÑO DE OPERACIONES DE LA PRIMERA RED AISLADA HÍBRIDA SOLAR FOTOVOLTAICA – BATERÍAS – MOTORES EN OPERACIÓN COMERCIAL EN PANAMÁ." In V Congreso de Investigación Desarrollo en Innovación de la Universidad Internacional de Ciencia y Tecnología. Universidad Internacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, 2021.

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Se desarrolló una investigación aplicada con el objetivo de determinar si una instalación híbrida solar fotovoltaica con baterías y grupos diésel operando en un sistema aislado era capaz de cumplir con los requisitos contractuales de calidad de servicio eléctrico para operación comercial en la República de Panamá. Para ello, se construyó una instalación piloto solar fotovoltaica híbrida con grupos electrógenos para dar suministro eléctrico a La Miel, Guna Yala, Panamá, dicha instalación teniendo una potencia pico de 102,41 kWp conformada por 266 paneles fotovoltaicos de 385 Wp cada uno, 5 inversores Fronius Primo de 12,23 kW cada uno, 8 cargadores de batería Victron de 4,32 kW cada uno, baterías de tipo OPzV, que se integraron a 2 motores diésel de 40 kW previamente instalados para aportar energía a una red de distribución en 240V, monofásico a 60 Hz. Los datos de operación de la planta se capturaron y analizaron durante un período de 12 meses. Como resultado, se validó el cumplimiento de los requisitos de calidad del servicio eléctrico, alcanzó un ahorró de 57% de consumo de combustible versus el promedio de los meses bajo operación solo diésel y se confirmó que el conjunto baterías e inversores de red cumplió con los requisitos para considerarse potencia firme según el reglamento de operación. Además, se optimizó el esquema de control de la instalación para las características del sistema, generación de potencia y curva de demanda.
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Dedoussis, Vassilis. "TECHNO-ECONOMIC OPTIMIZATION OF HYBRID ELECTRICITY GENERATION SYSTEMS FOR OFF-GRID ISLANDS." In 22nd SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference 2022. STEF92 Technology, 2022.

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The purpose of this research work is to provide an integrated techno-economic analysis and an optimal design of hybrid electricity power supply systems that incorporate autonomy and power supply stability with minimum cost. Three isolated Islands, namely, Lesvos, Karpathos and Astypalea, in the Aegean Sea, Greece, have been identified as the appropriate sites for the performance assessment of the off-grid hybrid power systems, due to the abundant renewable energy potential in the Islands, in conjunction with the rising fuel (diesel) prices under the influence of the current economic crisis. The relevant economic indices of the hybrid power systems have been optimized employing the Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewable (HOMER) Simulation Software. Calculated results showed that hybrid wind/PV/diesel/battery power systems are competitive in terms of cost with diesel-only based power generation systems; the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) values are estimated at 0.153 -/kWh for the Lesvos Island, 0.161 -/kWh for the Karpathos Island, and 0.191 -/kWh for the Astypalea Island.
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Kim, Dongsu, Heejin Cho, and Rogelio Luck. "Potential Impacts of Net-Zero Energy Buildings With Distributed Photovoltaic (PV) Power Generation on the Electrical Grid." In ASME 2018 Power Conference collocated with the ASME 2018 12th International Conference on Energy Sustainability and the ASME 2018 Nuclear Forum. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018.

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This study evaluates potential aggregate effects of net-zero energy building (NZEB) implementations on the electrical grid in simulation-based analysis. Many studies have been conducted on how effective NZEB designs can be achieved, however the potential impact of NZEBs have not been explored sufficiently. As significant penetration of NZEBs occurs, the aggregated electricity demand profile of the buildings on the electrical grid would experience dramatic changes. To estimate the impact of NZEBs on the electrical grid, a simulation-based study of an office building with a grid-tied PV power generation system is conducted. This study assumes that net-metering is available for NZEBs such that the excess on-site PV generation can be fed to the electrical grid. The impact of electrical energy storage (EES) within NZEBs on the electrical grid is also considered in this study. Finally, construction weighting factors of the office building type in U.S. climate zones are used to estimate the number of national office buildings. In order to consider the adoption of NZEBs in the future, this study examines scenarios with 20%, 50%, and 100% of the U.S. office building stock are composed of NZEBs. Results show that annual electricity consumption of simulated office buildings in U.S. climate locations includes the range of around 85 kWh/m2-year to 118 kWh/m2-year. Each simulated office building employs around 242 kWp to 387 kWp of maximum power outputs in the installation of on-site PV power systems to enable NZEB balances. On a national scale, the daily on-site PV power generation within NZEBs can cover around 50% to 110% of total daily electricity used in office buildings depending on weather conditions. The peak difference of U.S. electricity demand typically occurs when solar radiation is at its highest. The peak differences from the actual U.S. electricity demand on the representative summer day show 9.8%, 4.9%, and 2.0% at 12 p.m. for 100%, 50%, and 20% of the U.S. NZEB stocks, respectively. Using EES within NZEBs, the peak differences are reduced and shifted from noon to the beginning of the day, including 7.7%, 3.9%, and 1.5% for each percentage U.S. NZEB stock. NZEBs tend to create the significant curtailment of the U.S. electricity demand profile, typically during the middle of the winter day. The percentage differences at a peak point (12 p.m.) are 8.3%, 4.2%, and 1.7% for 100%, 50%, and 20% of the U.S. NZEB stocks, respectively. However, using EES on the representative winter day can flatten curtailed electricity demand curves by shifting the peak difference point to the beginning and the late afternoon of the day. The shifted peak differences show 7.4%, 3.7%, and 1.5% at 9 a.m. for three U.S. NZEB stock scenarios, respectively.
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Novikov, V. N., S. A. Belkov, S. A. Buiko, I. N. Voronich, D. G. Efimov, A. I. Zaretsky, G. G. Kochemasov, et al. "Gain measurements of transverse stimulated Raman scattering in KDP, KD*P." In The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1998.

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The gain measurement method of radiation at Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS) excitation in medium placed into transverse pump cavity /1/ has been developed and tested. On the third harmonic of iodine laser ISKRA-4 (λ=438 nm) values of gain coefficient (g) for transverse SRS (TSRS) radiation have been measured in benzene and in the frequency converter crystals (KDP, KD*P) grown following the traditional and rapid-growth technology, cut out by Type-II (9=60°). At the g measurement in crystals pumping wave was ordinary, the pumping and scattered wave vectors and the crystal optical axis were coplanar.
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Roelofs, M. G., F. Laurell, and J. D. Bierlein. "Second harmonic generation from diode lasers in KTP waveguides1." In Compact Blue-Green Lasers. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1992.

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Segmented optical waveguides in KTiOPO4 were coupled to single mode diode lasers for blue light generation using QPM. The KTP waveguide consists of an ~4 μ periodic domain-inverted array of Rb/Ba diffused and non-diffused areas. This grating produces a narrow Bragg peak in reflected light at a specific wavelength. The reflected light was used to lock the diode laser, forcing it to remain narrow-band even in the presence of reflected light from the end faces of the waveguide. Temperature tuning of the KTP brought the SHG peak into coincidence with the Bragg-locked laser, with 5 °C bandwidth. The blue power obtained at 422 nm was 0.3 mW for a 5 mm long waveguide, using 113 mW IR at the focusing objective, and with 39 mW IR emerging from the waveguide. This technique eliminates the need for an optical isolator between diode and waveguide.
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Sieber, Jakub. "Environmental Aspect of Investment in Solar System in Example of Business Providing Public Services. Case from Slovak Republic." In EDAMBA 2021 : 24th International Scientific Conference for Doctoral Students and Post-Doctoral Scholars. University of Economics in Bratislava, 2022.

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This paper focus on environmental investment made in small firm in solar system. Based on literature review and recently introduced financial mechanism of European Union for membership states to recover and help countries to become more efficient, digitalized, and face climate changes after COVID-19 crisis, it becomes crucial to point out that not all “green solutions” might yield sustainable advantages. Case from Slovak Republic shows that investment in solar system made in 2017 is dropping its competitive advantage when we calculate Life Cycle Assessment. Paper is dealing with national policies declared by state authorities in Slovak Republic and also European Union with tendency to lower emissions of CO2. When assuming that goals of state authorities and EU are reachable in field of energetic mix, in this particular case the firm will be leaving higher carbon footprint 10 years after investment in solar panels as it did not invest in solar system. In 2017, the savings in the carbon footprint of the surveyed company in LCA in absolute terms amounted to 1551 tons, or 0.03 tons per kWh, but by assumptions, in 2027 carbon footprint will be higher by 0,005 ton per kWh despite operating own solar system.
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TAIRA, Takunori, and Takao KOBAYASHI. "Frequency Doubled and Q-switched Nd:YVO4 Laser." In Compact Blue-Green Lasers. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1994.

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This paper describes a highly efficient and compact Nd:YVO4 laser. In CW operation, a single-mode output of 95 mW and a multimode output of 435 mW were obtained with a 1W laser-diode pump. Using a KTP crystal in the laser cavity, 105 mW of green light was generated. A Q-switched pulse with a peak power of 230 W and pulse width of 8 ns was obtained with the intracavity KTP crystal used as both the Q-switch and the frequency doubler.
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Sanders, A. T., S. Gallimore, and P. Whitehouse. "A Power Increase of 17% for the EGT Typhoon Gas Turbine." In ASME 1993 International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1993.

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Following the successful introduction of the EGT Typhoon at a power rating of 4100 kW (5500 hp), planned enhancements have been introduced to increase the power to 4790 kW (6400 hp). The changes to meet the higher power requirement include an increase in rotational speed by 5% with resulting increases in mass flow and pressure ratio, thermal barrier coating of the combustion chambers, and the directional solidification of the hp rotor blade material. The design changes are described along with the validation by rig work and engine running, building on the extensive field running of engines at the 4100 kW rating.
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Bobkov, K. K., E. K. Mikhailov, A. E. Levchenko, V. V. Velmiskin, D. V. Khudyakov, S. S. Aleshkina, T. S. Zaushitsyna, M. M. Bubnov, D. S. Lipatov, and M. E. Likhachev. "Tapered Fiber Amplifier Operated Near 1030 nm with 430 kW Peak and 50 W Average Power." In 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC). IEEE, 2023.

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Reports on the topic "432 KWP"


Rodrigues-Moura, Enrique, and Christina Märzhauser. Renegotiating the subaltern : Female voices in Peixoto’s «Obra Nova de Língua Geral de Mina» (Brazil, 1731/1741). Otto-Friedrich-Universität, 2023.

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Out of ~11.000.000 enslaved Africans disembarked in the Americas, ~ 46% were taken to Brazil, where transatlantic slave trade only ended in 1850 (official abolition of slavery in 1888). In the Brazilian inland «capitania» Minas Gerais, slave numbers exploded due to gold mining in the first half of 18th century from 30.000 to nearly 300.000 black inhabitants out of a total ~350.000 in 1786. Due to gender demographics, intimate relations between African women and European men were frequent during Antonio da Costa Peixoto’s lifetime. In 1731/1741, this country clerk in Minas Gerais’ colonial administration, originally from Northern Portugal, completed his 42-page manuscript «Obra Nova de Língua Geral de Mina» («New work on the general language of Mina») documenting a variety of Gbe (sub-group of Kwa), one of the many African languages thought to have quickly disappeared in oversea slaveholder colonies. Some of Peixoto’s dialogues show African women who – despite being black and female and therefore usually associated with double subaltern status (see Spivak 1994 «The subaltern cannot speak») – successfully renegotiate their power position in trade. Although Peixoto’s efforts to acquire, describe and promote the «Língua Geral de Mina» can be interpreted as a «white» colonist’s strategy to secure his position through successful control, his dialogues also stress the importance of winning trust and cultivating good relations with members of the local black community. Several dialogues testify a degree of agency by Africans that undermines conventional representations of colonial relations, including a woman who enforces her «no credit» policy for her services, as shown above. Historical research on African and Afro-descendant women in Minas Gerais documents that some did not only manage to free themselves from slavery but even acquired considerable wealth.
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