Academic literature on the topic '3D-structural model'
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Journal articles on the topic "3D-structural model"
Lamarche, Juliette, and Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth. "3D structural model of the Polish Basin." Tectonophysics 397, no. 1-2 (March 2005): 73–91.
Full textArndt, Dirk, Kristian Bär, Johann-Gerhard Fritsche, Ingo Sass, and Andreas Hoppe. "3D structural model of the Federal State of Hesse (Germany) for geopotential evaluation." Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften 162, no. 4 (December 1, 2011): 353–69.
Full textCook, Douglas, Pradeep George, and Margaret Julias. "2D/3D hybrid structural model of vocal folds." Journal of Biomechanics 45, no. 2 (January 2012): 269–74.
Full textBudko, Тatiana, and Lyudmila Lavrinenko2. "Structural Analysis and 3D Timber Spatial Structure Modeling." Building constructions. Theory and Practice, no. 8 (November 29, 2021): 4–16.
Full textRomán-González, Sergio A., Edson Edinho Robles-Gómez, Jorge Reyes, Johanna Bernáldez, Fernando Cortés-Guzmán, Karina Martínez-Mayorga, Fernando Lazcano-Pérez, Alexei Licea, and Roberto Arreguín-Espinosa. "A 3D structural model of RsXXVIA, an ω-conotoxin." Structural Chemistry 28, no. 4 (November 22, 2016): 901–9.
Full textSarlikioti, V., L. F. M. Marcelis, and P. H. B. de Visser. "TOWARDS A 3D STRUCTURAL TOMATO MODEL FOR CALCULATING LIGHT INTERCEPTION." Acta Horticulturae, no. 893 (April 2011): 721–28.
Full textMiki, Tomohiro, and Junichiro Niwa. "Nonlinear Analysis of RC Structural Members Using 3D Lattice Model." Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology 2, no. 3 (2004): 343–58.
Full textPepe, Massimiliano, Domenica Costantino, and Alfredo Restuccia Garofalo. "An Efficient Pipeline to Obtain 3D Model for HBIM and Structural Analysis Purposes from 3D Point Clouds." Applied Sciences 10, no. 4 (February 12, 2020): 1235.
Full textWu, Xinming. "Building 3D subsurface models conforming to seismic structural and stratigraphic features." GEOPHYSICS 82, no. 3 (May 1, 2017): IM21—IM30.
Full textParkinson, Ian H., Danielle Forbes, Peter Sutton-Smith, and Nicola L. Fazzalari. "Model-Independent 3D Descriptors of Vertebral Cancellous Bone Architecture." Journal of Osteoporosis 2010 (2010): 1–6.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "3D-structural model"
Turrini, Claudio. "3D structural model of the Po Valley basin, Northern Italy." Thesis, Paris 6, 2016.
Full textThis thesis deals with the 3D model building of the Po Valley foreland basin in northern Italy. The six parts of the thesis lead from the basic geological framework to the deformation geometries and kinematics across the region, to some of the possible model applications, for both academia and industry. The model has integrated sparse and variable quality data, exclusively taken from the public literature. The complete dataset used for the performed model building, strictly relies on depth-data (i.e. in their depth dimension). As such, the few available seismic data have been intentionally left apart because: a) they are poorly distributed across the study-area, b) they definitely refer to low quality images, d) their integration into the model would have implied a long and difficult work about the definition of the most-likely sediment velocities to be used for an ultimate time-depth conversion, uncertain and, at best, questionable. The applied methodology, the related model building and the progressing analysis of 3D model results suggest and discuss a number of conclusions about the Po Valley structural geometries-style-kinematics. From such results can be derived implications on basin seismicity and hydrocarbon potential, while confirming (thus being supported by) the local and sparse results of previous authors. The major result from the project is to have proven the model capability in rendering and analyzing the entire Po Valley basin structural complexity in 3D dimensions, from crustal to field scale. Thanks to this, the model is unique in the literature of the region
Costa, i. Torres Meritxell. "The first 3D structural model of an eukaryotic heteromeric aminoacid transporter / Primer model estructural en 3D d’ un transportador heteromèric d’aminoàcids eucariota." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2012.
Full textEls transportadors heteromèrics d'aminoàcids (HATS) de metazous estan formats per una subunitat pesada (4F2hc o rBAT) (N-glicoproteïna amb 1 segment transmembrana i un gran ectodomini en el seu extrem C-terminal), i una subunitat lleugera (d'entre 10) unides covalentment per un pont disulfur, fent aquests transportadors únics entre els metazous. En humans, 6 subunitats lleugeres es troben formant heterodímers amb 4F2hc (LAT1, LAT2, y+ LAT1, y + LAT2, XCT i asc1) i una (b0, + AT) amb rBAT. Els HATs tenen incidència en la salut, ja que mutacions en qualsevol de les subunitats ocasionen aminoacidúries (cistinúria, lisinúria amb intolerància a proteïnes), són receptors virals o estan sobre expressats en cèl • lules tumorals. El nostre grup va determinar l'estructura de l'ectodomini de 4F2hc a 2.1 Å (Fort J et al. 2007), i recentment ha resolt l'estructura d'un homòleg procariota (AdiC d' E. coli, amb ~17% d´homologia) de les subunitats lleugeres a 3.0 Å de resolució (Kowalczyk et al. 2011). Per contra no hi ha informació estructural sobre els holo-transportadors HAT. El present treball ens mostra el primer model estructural a 19 Å d'un transportador HAT humà, el transportador 4F2hc/LAT2. La importància de 4F2hc, a part de tenir un paper important en immunologia, es troba en la seva sobreexpressió en cèl•lules tumorals, el que la converteix en una important diana per a tractaments i desenvolupament de vacunes contra el càncer. El model ens mostra com en aquest transportador, l´ectodomini de 4F2hc està situat sobre LAT2, suggerint interacció amb els bucles extracel•lulars del transportador i nos sols interacció a través del pont disulfur del segment transmembrana com es pensava anteriorment. Aquesta nova topologia explica la necessitat i la importància de que l'ectodomini de 4F2hc formi part de l´heterodímer 4F2hc/LAT2 i presenta un escenari estructural per al paper "chaperone-like" de 4F2hc sobre les subunitats lleugeres.
Álvarez, Marimón Mª Elena. "Structural studies of Heteromeric Amino acid Transporters (HATs): Validation of the first 3D structural model of a HAT (human 4F2hc/LAT2) and identification of new HAT targets for 3D‐crystallization." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2014.
Full textLos transportadores heteroméricos de aminoácidos (HAT) median el transporte de aminoácidos a través de la membrana plasmática. Representan el único ejemplo de transportadores de solutos formado por dos subunidades distintas unidas por un puente disulfuro. Debido a su gran relevancia en fisiología (asociados a aminoacidurias, infección por virus, cáncer,…) el estudio de su estructura-función resulta clave. Debido a su naturaleza, son proteínas difíciles de cristalizar, de las que sólo se conoce la estructura atómica del ectodominio de 4F2hc humano. En este escenario la tesis se centró en la validación del primer modelo 3D a baja resolución de un HAT humano (4F2hc/LAT2), mediante experimentos de crosslinking entre subunidades, e identificación de nuevos candidatos para cristalización 3D. Para ello se seleccionaron 24 subunidades ligeras de distintas especies eucariotas y se testaron en un proceso de selección para determinar el/los mejores candidatos. El primer objetivo de la tesis concluyó con la determinación de residuos concretos en 4F2hc y LAT2 cercanos a una distancia de 3-14 Å mediante la utilización de crosslinkings de cisteínas. Finalmente, tres líneas distintas: el modelo 3D obtenido por microscopía electrónica de transmisión y tinción negativa de partículas individuales (en colaboración con Dr. Fotiadis), los experimentos de crosslinking, y el docking generado en colaboración con Dr. Fdz-Recio, demostraron que 4F2hc-ED cubre, casi completamente, la superficie extracelular de LAT2. Además, se demostró que el ectodominio de 4F2hc es suficiente para estabilizar LAT2. Como resultados del segundo objetivo, tres subunidades ligeras fueron seleccionadas, tras adaptar el protocolo desarrollado por Drew et al.,2008, como mejores candidatas para estudios de cristalización 3D. Posteriormente, distintas estrategias se siguieron para mejorar la estabilidad de la mejor candidata: eliminación de la cisteína reactiva, adición de lípidos a la muestra, cambio de sistema de expresión para aumentar su expresión a células de insecto Sf9. Además, se generaron mutantes delecionados en N y C terminal para reducir su flexibilidad y aumentar la probabilidad de cristalización. Se concluyó en encontrar un buen candidato para estudios de cristalización.
Rumpler, Romain. "Efficient finite element approach for structural-acoustic applicationns including 3D modelling of sound absorbing porous materials." Phd thesis, Conservatoire national des arts et metiers - CNAM, 2012.
Full textRumpler, Romain. "Efficient Finite Element Approach for Structural-Acoustic Applications including 3D modelling of Sound Absorbing Porous Materials." Doctoral thesis, KTH, MWL Numerisk akustik, 2012.
Full textDans le contexte de lutte contre les nuisances sonores, cette thèse porte sur le développement de méthodes de résolution efficaces par éléments finis, pour des problèmes de vibroacoustique interne avec interfaces dissipatives, dans le domaine des basses fréquences. L’étude se limite à l’utilisation de solutions passives telles que l’intégration de matériaux poreux homogènes et isotropes, modélisés par une approche fondée sur la théorie de Biot-Allard. Ces modèles étant coûteux en terme de résolution, un des objectifs de cette thèse est de proposer une approche modale pour la réduction du problème poroélastique, bien que l’adéquation d’une telle approche avec le comportement dynamique des matériaux poreux soit à démontrer.Dans un premier temps, la résolution de problèmes couplés élasto-poro-acoustiques par sous-structuration dynamique des domaines acoustiques et poreux est établie. L’approche modale originale proposée pour les milieux poroélastiques, ainsi qu’une procédure de sélection des modes significatifs, sont validées sur des exemples 1D à 3D.Une deuxième partie présente une méthode combinant l’utilisation des modèles réduits précédemment établis avec une procédure d’approximation de solution par approximants de Padé. Il est montré qu’une telle combinaison offre la possibilité d’accroître les performances de la résolution (allocation mémoire et ressources en temps de calcul).Un chapitre dédié aux applications permet d’évaluer et comparer les approches sur un problème académique 3D, mettant en valeur leurs performances encourageantes. Afin d’améliorer les méthodes établies dans cette thèse, des perspectives à ces travaux de recherche sont apportées en conclusion.
QC 20120224
FP6 Marie-Curie Smart Structures
FP7 Marie-Curie Mid-Frequency
Vidal, Royo Oskar. "3D Reconstruction and Modelling of the Sierras Exteriores Aragonesas (Southern Pyrenees, Spain). Structural Evolution of the Pico del Águila anticline." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2010.
Full textL’anticlinal del Pico del Águila és un conegut exemple de plec de desenganxament amb sedimentació marina a fluvio-deltaica associada, amb una tendència estructural N-S, paral•lela a la direcció de transport tectònic dels Pirineus Meridionals. Basat en observacions de camp que indiquen una distribució heterogènia del nivell de desenganxament Triàsic, els models analògics mostren el procés de generació d’estructures perpendiculars al sistema orogènic que poden donar lloc als anticlinals N-S descrits a les Sierras Exteriores Aragonesas. Els models numèrics investiguen l’efecte d’una estratigrafia mecànica complexa, caracteritzada per una intercalació d’unitats competents i incomptetents (amb marcades diferències en el grau de competència, per tant) i de la sedimentació sin-cinemàtica en el creixement i evolució de l’anticlinal. Basat en dades de camp i interpretacions de perfils sísmics s’ha portat a terme una reconstrucció i restitució geomecànica tridimensional de l’anticlinal del Pico del Águila. D’aquestes se’n deriva la coexistència de de múltiples mecanismes de plegament actuant simultàniament en diferents unitats i dominis estructurals, la qual implica al seu torn un patró i distribució de la deformació que no poden ser avaluats mitjançant aproximacions o tècniques de modelització cinemàtiques o/i bidimensionals. S’integren també els resultats obtinguts a partir de les esmentades tècniques de modelització amb les dades i coneixements previs de la regió, es discuteixen els beneficis, desavantatges i limitacions de cadascuna d’aquestes tècniques de modelització, i es presenta un model integrat d’evolució estructural del Pico del Águila. Aquest anàlisi crític dels resultats i aquest esforç d’integració porten sense dubte cap a una millor comprensió de l’estructura i dels processos que menaren l’evolució dels plecs de desenganxament N-S de les Sierras Exteriores Aragonesas dels Pirineus Meridionals.
Preuksakarn, Chakkrit. "Reconstructing plant architecture from 3D laser scanner data." Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2012.
Full textIn the last decade, very realistic rendering of plant architectures have been produced in computer graphics applications. However, in the context of biology and agronomy, acquisition of accurate models of real plants is still a tedious task and a major bottleneck for the construction of quantitative models of plant development. Recently, 3D laser scanners made it possible to acquire 3D images on which each pixel has an associate depth corresponding to the distance between the scanner and the pinpointed surface of the object. Standard geometrical reconstructions fail on plants structures as they usually contain a complex set of discontinuous or branching surfaces distributed in space with varying orientations. In this thesis, we present a method for reconstructing virtual models of plants from laser scanning of real-world vegetation. Measuring plants with laser scanners produces data with different levels of precision. Points set are usually dense on the surface of the main branches, but only sparsely cover thin branches. The core of our method is to iteratively create the skeletal structure of the plant according to local density of point set. This is achieved thanks to a method that locally adapts to the levels of precision of the data by combining a contraction phase and a local point tracking algorithm. In addition, we present a quantitative evaluation procedure to compare our reconstructions against expertised structures of real plants. For this, we first explore the use of an edit distance between tree graphs. Alternatively, we formalize the comparison as an assignment problem to find the best matching between the two structures and quantify their differences
Cocchi, Luca <1978>. "Magnetic structural evidences of the 41(st) parallel zone (Tyrrhenian Sea) inferred from potential field data: the 3D model of the discontinuity." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2007.
Full textCocchi, Luca <1978>. "Magnetic structural evidences of the 41(st) parallel zone (Tyrrhenian Sea) inferred from potential field data: the 3D model of the discontinuity." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2007.
Full textVarun. "A Simplified Model for Lateral Response of Caisson Foundations." Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2006.
Full textBooks on the topic "3D-structural model"
Benschop, Yvonne, Charlotte Holgersson, Marieke van den Brink, and Anna Wahl. Future Challenges for Practices of Diversity Management in Organizations. Edited by Regine Bendl, Inge Bleijenbergh, Elina Henttonen, and Albert J. Mills. Oxford University Press, 2016.
Full textCao, Gang, and Lance DeLong. Physics of Spin-Orbit-Coupled Oxides. Oxford University Press, 2021.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "3D-structural model"
Jianxin, Xu, Zhou Jingtao, Li Jianfeng, and Dong Siyang. "3D-Model-Based Integrated Capp System for Aircraft Structural Parts." In Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 15–25. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.
Full textZhu, Kewei, and Bing Li. "Research on the Integration Technology of Structural Performance Evaluation and 3D Design for Spatial Steel Structure Bridges." In Advances in Frontier Research on Engineering Structures, 9–19. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.
Full textCostantino, Domenica, Massimiliano Pepe, Marcello Carrieri, and Alfredo Restuccia Garofalo. "A Procedure to Obtain a 3D Model in Bim and Structural Analysis Software." In R3 in Geomatics: Research, Results and Review, 157–69. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textFujisawa, Yasuo, and Nobuyoshi Yabuki. "Cooperative Information Sharing between a 3D Model and Structural Analysis Software for Railway Viaducts." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 203–6. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
Full textBecker, Thomas, Sven Weisbrich, Cheng-Chieh Wu, and Frank Neitzel. "Advances in Structural Monitoring by an Integrated Analysis of Sensor Measurements and 3D Building Model." In Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, 141–56. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.
Full textBeltrán-Fernández, J. A., L. H. Hernández-Gómez, G. Urriolagoitia-Calderón, A. González-Rebatú, G. Urriolagoitia-Sosa, M. M. Galán Vera, and E. Escalante-Rodríguez. "Assessment of the Structural Integrity of C3–C5 Cervical Porcine Vertebrae Model Based on 2D Classic CAD, 3D Scanner and 3D Computed Tomography." In Analysis and Design of Biological Materials and Structures, 3–17. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
Full textde Brevern, Alexandre G. "3D Structural Models of Transmembrane Proteins." In Methods in Molecular Biology, 387–401. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press, 2010.
Full textRüd, Sophie, Hilmar Müller, Helmut Fleischer, and Christoph Stephan. "Development of a Verification Procedure of Partial Loading on Existing Solid Hydraulic Structures - Probabilistic Assessment for 3D Material Variations." In Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 372–83. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.
Full textCondemine, Cyril, Loic Grau, Yves Masson, and Sebastien Aubry. "Live Digital Twin for Hydraulic Structures Fatigue Estimation." In Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 494–505. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.
Full textKulah, S., U. Aridogan, and I. Basdogan. "Investigation of an Active Structural Acoustic Control System on a Complex 3D Structure." In Topics in Modal Analysis, Volume 7, 715–21. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2013.
Full textConference papers on the topic "3D-structural model"
Li, Chengcheng, and Jinxian Qi. "Structural Analysis of 3D Printing Model." In 2017 7th International Conference on Mechatronics, Computer and Education Informationization (MCEI 2017). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2017.
Full textMiorelli, Federico, Randall L. Mackie, Fabien Gilbert, and Wolfgang Soyer. "Foothills structural model de-risking with 3D magnetotellurics." In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2019. Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 2019.
Full textFanfani, Marco, and Carlo Colombo. "Structural Change Detection by Direct 3D Model Comparison." In 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2019.
Full textHu, Chunhua, Dong Yang, Pingping Li, and Ting Yun. "3D Dynamic Visualization of Single Poplar Combined Growth Model with Structural Model." In 2016 International Conference on Intelligent Control and Computer Application (ICCA 2016). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2016.
Full textBlack, Jonathan, Lynnane George, and Eric Swenson. "Measuring and Modeling 3D Mode Shapes of FalconSAT-5 Structural Engineering Model." In 49th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference
16th AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Conference
10t. Reston, Virigina: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2008.
Bérard, T., J. Desroches, Y. Yang, X. Weng, and K. Olson. "High-Resolution 3D Structural Geomechanics Modeling for Hydraulic Fracturing." In SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference. SPE, 2015.
Full textKumar, Goldy, and Vadim Shapiro. "Reduced Material Model of Composite Laminates for 3D Finite Element Analysis." In ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2014.
Full textScarselli, Gennaro, Francesco Nicassio, Pierandrea Vergallo, and Raffaele Vitolo. "Finite difference 3D model for structural health monitoring of single lap joints." In Nondestructive Characterization and Monitoring of Advanced Materials, Aerospace, Civil Infrastructure, and Transportation XVI, edited by Peter J. Shull, Tzuyang Yu, Andrew L. Gyekenyesi, and H. Felix Wu. SPIE, 2022.
Full textZhao, Chengbi, Ming Ma, and Owen Hughes. "Applying Strip Theory Based Linear Seakeeping Loads to 3D Full Ship Finite Element Models." In ASME 2013 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013.
Full textReports on the topic "3D-structural model"
Logan, C., D. R. Sharpe, and H. A. J. Russell. Regional 3D structural model of the Oak Ridges Moraine and Greater Toronto area, southern Ontario: version 1.0. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 2002.
Full textde Kemp, E. A., H. A. J. Russell, B. Brodaric, D. B. Snyder, M. J. Hillier, M. St-Onge, C. Harrison, et al. Initiating transformative geoscience practice at the Geological Survey of Canada: Canada in 3D. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2022.
Full textRavazdezh, Faezeh, Julio A. Ramirez, and Ghadir Haikal. Improved Live Load Distribution Factors for Use in Load Rating of Older Slab and T-Beam Reinforced Concrete Bridges. Purdue University, 2021.
Full textPellerin, Jeanne, Bruno Lévy, and Guillaume Caumon. Topological control for isotropic remeshing of nonmanifold surfaces with varying resolution: application to 3D structural models. Cogeo@oeaw-giscience, September 2011.
Full textHuang, Haohang, Erol Tutumluer, Jiayi Luo, Kelin Ding, Issam Qamhia, and John Hart. 3D Image Analysis Using Deep Learning for Size and Shape Characterization of Stockpile Riprap Aggregates—Phase 2. Illinois Center for Transportation, September 2022.
Full textKirchhoff, Helmut, and Ziv Reich. Protection of the photosynthetic apparatus during desiccation in resurrection plants. United States Department of Agriculture, February 2014.
Full textSIMPLIFIED MODELLING OF NOVEL NON-WELDED JOINTS FOR MODULAR STEEL BUILDINGS. The Hong Kong Institute of Steel Construction, December 2021.
Full textSEISMIC PERFORMANCE OF SPATIAL STEEL BEAM-COLUMN CONNECTIONS. The Hong Kong Institute of Steel Construction, August 2022.
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