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Family, Leila, Su-Jau Yang, Zandra Klippel, Yanli Li, John H. Page, Roberto Rodriguez, and Chun Chao. "Risk of Febrile Neutropenia (FN) in Select Myelosuppressive Chemotherapy Regimens." Blood 126, no. 23 (December 3, 2015): 3257.
Full textAutorzy, Różni. "Notki recenzyjne." Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi 9 (December 12, 2019): 355–77.
Full textGerhard, Thomas. "Die 68er-Bewegung im Spannungsfeld erinnerungspolitischer Deutungskämpfe und historischer Forschung." Das Historisch-Politische Buch 67, no. 2 (June 1, 2019): 147–61.
Full textBernaudin, Francoise, Emmanuelle Lesprit, Lena Coïc, Cécile Arnaud, Emmanuelle Fleurence, Suzanne Verlhac, and Christophe Delacourt. "Long Term Prospective Follow-Up after Treatment Intensification in Pediatric Sickle Cell Patients: Comparative Effects of Transfusion Program (TP), Hydroxyurea (HU) or Stem Cell Transplant (SCT) on Annual Check-Ups." Blood 106, no. 11 (November 16, 2005): 3196.
Full textКузьминых, Сергей Владимирович, and Валерий Николаевич Саенко. "«ВЫ ВЕДЬ ЕДИНСТВЕННЫЙ, КОТОРЫЙ МОЖЕТ ОБНЯТЬ ЕЩЕ РУССКУЮ АРХЕОЛОГИЮ ВО ВСЕМ ЕЕ ОБЪЕМЕ»: ПЕРЕПИСКА А.И. ТЕРЕНОЖКИНА И В.А. ГОРОДЦОВА." Археология Евразийских степей, no. 5 (October 29, 2021): 183–211.
Full textDemetrio, D., A. Magalhaes, M. Oliveira, R. Santos, and R. Chebel. "11 Invivo-derived embryo pregnancy rates at Maddox Dairy from 2008 to 2018." Reproduction, Fertility and Development 32, no. 2 (2020): 130.
Full textBezerra, Ilana Nogueira, Nila Mara Smith Galvão Bahamonde, Dirce Maria Lobo Marchioni, Dóra Chor, Letícia de Oliveira Cardoso, Estela ML Aquino, Maria da Conceição Chagas de Almeida, Maria del Carmen Bisi Molina, Maria de Jesus Mendes da Fonseca, and Sheila Maria Alvim de Matos. "Generational differences in dietary pattern among Brazilian adults born between 1934 and 1975: a latent class analysis." Public Health Nutrition 21, no. 16 (August 8, 2018): 2929–40.
Full textDominietto, Alida, Anna Maria Raiola, Barbara Bruno, Maria Teresa van Lint, Francesco Frassoni, Carmen Di Grazia, Francesca Gualandi, et al. "Rapid Immune Reconstitution Following Unmanipulated Haploidentical BMT with Post-Transplant High Dose Cyclophosphamide." Blood 118, no. 21 (November 18, 2011): 3050.
Full textAhmad, Mushtaq, Farial Naima Rahman, Md Zubaidur Rahman, Md Zulfikar Ali, and Mohammad Ali. "Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Among Medical Students And Their Family Members Towards The COVID-19 Pandemic: An Online Based Cross-Sectional Study." KYAMC Journal 11, no. 4 (February 11, 2021): 166–70.
Full textMuhani, Nova, and Besral Besral. "Pre-eklampsia Berat dan Kematian Ibu." Kesmas: National Public Health Journal 10, no. 2 (November 8, 2015): 80.
Full textKuzmitskaya, P. V., K. S. Karaleva, and O. Yu Urbanovich. "Apple gene MD13G1109800 is a member of Trihelix family transcription factors and expressed in response to abiotic stress." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Series 66, no. 4 (November 10, 2021): 426–32.
Full textНуретдинова, Алсу Ренатовна. "СФЕРОКОНИЧЕСКИЕ СОСУДЫ ЦАРЕВСКОГО ГОРОДИЩА." Археология Евразийских степей, no. 4 (September 29, 2021): 130–40.
Full textGuérin, Claude, Martin Cour, Neven Stevic, Florian Degivry, Erwan L’Her, Bruno Louis, and Laurent Argaud. "Simultaneous ventilation in the Covid-19 pandemic. A bench study." PLOS ONE 16, no. 1 (January 19, 2021): e0245578.
Full textКравченко, Эдуард Евгеньевич. "ПРЕДМЕТЫ ВООРУЖЕНИЯ И КОНСКОГО СНАРЯЖЕНИЯ ХАЗАРСКОГО ВРЕМЕНИ (СРЕДНЕЕ ТЕЧЕНИЕ СЕВЕРСКОГО ДОНЦА)." Археология Евразийских степей, no. 6 (December 20, 2020): 198–223.
Full textChebotarev, A. N., I. S. Efimova, E. V. Raboshvil, and E. M. Rakhlitskaya. "Redox-Reaction Products Of 4-Sulfo-2-(4'-Sulfonaphthalene-1'-Azo) Naphthol-1 With Ce(IV) - New Analytical Forms For Its Quantitative Determination." Methods and Objects of Chemical Analysis, no. 4 (2018): 167–76.
Full textZimmermann, Camilla, Nadia Swami, Gary Rodin, Ian Tannock, Monika K. Krzyzanowska, Natasha B. Leighl, Amit M. Oza, Malcolm J. Moore, Anne Rydall, and Allan Donner. "Cluster-randomized trial of early palliative care for patients with metastatic cancer." Journal of Clinical Oncology 30, no. 15_suppl (May 20, 2012): 9003.
Full textSkyrud, Katrine Damgaard, Kjersti Helene Hernæs, Kjetil Elias Telle, and Karin Magnusson. "Impacts of mild COVID-19 on elevated use of primary and specialist health care services: A nationwide register study from Norway." PLOS ONE 16, no. 10 (October 8, 2021): e0257926.
Full textWalz, Lars, Gian M. Salzmann, Thomas Fabbro, Stefan Eichhorn, and Andreas B. Imhoff. "The Anatomic Reconstruction of Acromioclavicular Joint Dislocations Using 2 TightRope Devices." American Journal of Sports Medicine 36, no. 12 (September 2, 2008): 2398–406.
Full textCiriello, John, James K. Simon, and Paul F. Mercer. "Effect of renal denervation on plasma renin activity after aortic baroreceptor deafferentation." Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 69, no. 8 (August 1, 1991): 1237–42.
Full textUllah, Sadiq, Shaheen Ahmad, Burhan A. Khan, and James A. Flint. "A multi-band switchable antenna for Wi-Fi, 3G Advanced, WiMAX, and WLAN wireless applications." International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies 10, no. 8 (May 11, 2018): 991–97.
Full textDiPersio, John F., Ivana NM Micallef, Patrick J. Stiff, Brian J. Bolwell, Richard Thomas Maziarz, Gary Bridger, and Gary Calandra. "Months Report from the Phase 3 Study of Plerixafor+G-CSF VS. Placebo+G-CSF for Mobilization of Hematopoietic Stem Cell for Autologous Transplant in Patients with NHL." Blood 112, no. 11 (November 16, 2008): 1136.
Full textAeberhard, Carla, Mirjam Abt, Olga Endrich, Emilie Aubry, Michèle Leuenberger, Philipp Schütz, Anna-Barbara Sterchi, and Zeno Stanga. "Auswirkung der Kodierung der Mangelernährung im SwissDRG-System." Aktuelle Ernährungsmedizin 43, no. 02 (April 2018): 92–100.
Full textBurk, Kathleen. "The Marshall Plan: Filling in Some of the Blanks." Contemporary European History 10, no. 2 (July 2001): 267–94.
Full textDuong, Hien K., Anna Koo, Lisa Rybicki, Ed Copelan, Matt Kalaycio, Ronald Sobecks, Robert M. Dean, et al. "Obese Patients Have Improved Survival Following Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation." Blood 120, no. 21 (November 16, 2012): 1989.
Full textBarber, J. D., W. W. Harrington, N. G. Moss, and C. W. Gottschalk. "Prostaglandin blockade impairs denervation diuresis and natriuresis in the rat." American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology 250, no. 5 (May 1, 1986): F895—F900.
Full textCaporali, R., D. Aletaha, R. Sanmartí, T. Takeuchi, D. Mo, E. Haladyj, L. Zaremba-Pechmann, and P. C. Taylor. "POS0701 LONG-TERM EFFICACY OF BARICITINIB IN PATIENTS WITH RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS WHO HAVE HAD INADEQUATE RESPONSE TO csDMARDs: RESULTS FROM RA-BEYOND UP TO 7 YEARS OF TREATMENT." Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81, Suppl 1 (May 23, 2022): 630–31.
Full textZhou, Ying, Arick Wang, Lorraine Yeung, Yan Ping Qi, and Krista Crider. "Folate and Vitamin B12 Usual Intake and Biomarker Status in U.S. Adults: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2007–2018." Current Developments in Nutrition 6, Supplement_1 (June 2022): 1199.
Full textАкилбаев, Александр Владимирович. "ЖЕРТВЕННЫЕ КОМПЛЕКСЫ МОГИЛЬНИКА КУЗИНСКИЕ ХУТОРА." Археология Евразийских степей, no. 3 (July 27, 2021): 192–200.
Full textNybo, Lars, Thorbjørn Jensen, Bodil Nielsen, and José González-Alonso. "Effects of marked hyperthermia with and without dehydration onV˙o 2 kinetics during intense exercise." Journal of Applied Physiology 90, no. 3 (March 1, 2001): 1057–64.
Full textSchwendener, Corina L., Laura M. Kiener, Kristen Jafflin, Sarah Rouached, Anna Juillerat, Vincent Meier, Susanna Schärli Maurer, et al. "HPV vaccine awareness, knowledge and information sources among youth in Switzerland: a mixed methods study." BMJ Open 12, no. 1 (January 2022): e054419.
Full textLazo-Langner, Alejandro, Jeff Hawell, Michael J. Kovacs, Philip S. Wells, Dimitrios Scarvelis, Melissa Anne Forgie, and Marc Rodger. "A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Proportions of Thrombosis and Bleeding in Patients Receiving Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) Prophylaxis After Orthopedic Surgery (OS). An Update." Blood 114, no. 22 (November 20, 2009): 3125.
Full textPatel, Priti, Mayra Telesca, and De-Hui Ku. "The Comparison of Fibrin Monomer (FM) Performance to Other Activation Markers (TAT, PF1.2 and DD)." Blood 118, no. 21 (November 18, 2011): 5259.
Full textLohmeyer, Jörn, Mai Alawadi, Philipp Bergmann, Daniel Schmauss, and Klaus Wittig. "Gezielte Antibiotika-Prophylaxe und Therapie periprothetischer Infektionen der Brust – Erfahrungen aus 468 konsekutiven Implantatentfernungen." Handchirurgie · Mikrochirurgie · Plastische Chirurgie 49, no. 02 (April 2017): 91–102.
Full textMatos da Silva, Maria de Fátima. "Decoração e simbolismo das pedras formosas dos balneários-sauna castrejos da Idade do Ferro: leituras possíveis." Vínculos de Historia. Revista del Departamento de Historia de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, no. 8 (June 20, 2019): 191.
Full textEllis, RM, JD Quilligan, NH Williams, and JK Yandell. "Cobalt, Iron and Ruthenium Complexes of Picolinic and Dipicolinic Acids: Syntheses, Solution Properties and Kinetics of Electron Transfer Reactions With Cytochrome C(II) and Some Inorganic Reductants." Australian Journal of Chemistry 42, no. 1 (1989): 1.
Full textCastrejon, I., J. Molina Collada, C. Perez-Garcia, P. Vela-Casasempere, C. Diaz-Torne, C. Bohórquez, J. M. Blanco, and F. Sánchez-Alonso. "POS1439 CANCER IN PATIENTS WITH RHEUMATIC DISEASES EXPOSED TO DIFFERENT BIOLOGIC AND TARGETED SYNTHETIC DMARDS IN REAL-WORLD CLINICAL PRACTICE: DATA FROM A MULTICENTER REGISTER." Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81, Suppl 1 (May 23, 2022): 1063.
Full textAshari, Asma, and Alizae M. Mohamed. "Relationship of the Dental Aesthetic Index to the oral health-related quality of life." Angle Orthodontist 86, no. 2 (May 27, 2015): 337–42.
Full textЛенькова, Екатерина Николаевна, and Игорь Александрович Бондарь. "К ВОПРОСУ О ВЛИЯНИИ КОЧЕВЫХ ПЛЕМЁН СТЕПИ НА ПРОИСХОЖДЕНИЕ РЯДА СИМВОЛОВ РАННЕСРЕДНЕВЕКОВОГО ПОКЛОННОГО КАМНЯ БЛИЗ СЕЛА РУДЬ." Археология Евразийских степей, no. 5 (October 29, 2021): 343–57.
Full textSmolen, J. S., T. Korotaeva, M. Nurmohamed, S. Siebert, P. Bergmans, K. De Vlam, E. Gremese, et al. "AB0530 EFFECT OF SKIN SYMPTOMS ON DISEASE IMPACT IN PATIENTS WITH PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS RECEIVING THE IL-12/23 INHIBITOR USTEKINUMAB OR TNF INHIBITORS IN THE REAL-WORLD PSABIO STUDY." Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 80, Suppl 1 (May 19, 2021): 1295–96.
Full textGorodnik, Alexander, and Amos Nevo. "Lifting, restricting and sifting integral points on affine homogeneous varieties." Compositio Mathematica 148, no. 6 (October 11, 2012): 1695–716.
Full textMichalski, Jeff, Paul Northcott, Yimei Li, Catherine Billups, Kyle Smith, Peter Burger, Thomas Merchant, et al. "MBCL-15. IMPACT OF MOLECULAR SUBGROUPS ON OUTCOMES FOLLOWING RADIATION TREATMENT RANDOMIZATIONS FOR AVERAGE RISK MEDULLOBLASTOMA: A PLANNED ANALYSIS OF CHILDREN’S ONCOLOGY GROUP (COG) ACNS0331." Neuro-Oncology 22, Supplement_3 (December 1, 2020): iii391.
Full textBylicki, Olivier, Celine Ferlay, Christos Chouaid, Armelle Lavolle, Fabrice Barlesi, Radj Gervais, Virginie Westeel, et al. "Efficacy of pemetrexed as second-line therapy in advanced NSCLC after either treatment-free interval or maintenance therapy with gemcitabine or erlotinib in IFCT-GFPC 05-02 phase III study." Journal of Clinical Oncology 30, no. 15_suppl (May 20, 2012): 7574.
Full textОшанов, Орынбай. "АС БЕРУ ЖӘНЕ ТАС МҮСІН (жік түскен дәстүрлер)." Kazakhstan Archeology, no. 1 (11) (March 25, 2021): 101–19.
Full textCarstensen, E., and John S. Yudkin. "Platelet Catecholamine Concentrations after Short-Term Stress in Normal Subjects." Clinical Science 86, no. 1 (January 1, 1994): 35–41.
Full textJia, Zhihui, Xiaotong Wen, Xiaohui Lin, Yixiang Lin, Xuyang Li, Guoqing Li, and Zhaokang Yuan. "Working Hours, Job Burnout, and Subjective Well-Being of Hospital Administrators: An Empirical Study Based on China’s Tertiary Public Hospitals." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, no. 9 (April 25, 2021): 4539.
Full textAbuabdou, Ahmed Y., Eric R. Rosenbaum, Saad Usmani, Bart Barlogie, and Michele Cottler-Fox. "A Better Mobilization Regimen for Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma Patients,." Blood 118, no. 21 (November 18, 2011): 4051.
Full textBroom, Reuben James, Vicky Hinder, Katrina Sharples, Janie Proctor, Steven Duffey, Stephanie Pollard, Peter C. C. Fong, et al. "RAD001 and zoledronic acid in patients with renal cell carcinoma with bone metastases (RAZOR): A randomized phase II trial." Journal of Clinical Oncology 31, no. 6_suppl (February 20, 2013): 402.
Full textChristiansen, S. N., L. Midtbøll Ørnbjerg, S. H. Rasmussen, A. G. Loft, J. K. Wallman, F. Iannone, B. Michelsen, et al. "OP0220 SECULAR TRENDS IN BASELINE CHARACTERISTICS, TREATMENT RETENTION AND RESPONSE RATES IN 17453 BIONAÏVE PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS PATIENTS INITIATING TNFI – RESULTS FROM THE EUROSPA COLLABORATION." Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 80, Suppl 1 (May 19, 2021): 131.2–132.
Full textPrieto-Peña, D., F. Genre, S. Remuzgo Martinez, V. Pulito-Cueto, B. Atienza-Mateo, B. Sevilla, J. Llorca, et al. "AB0146 BAFF, APRIL y BAFFR: DIFFERENTIAL BIOMARKERS BETWEEN IgA VASCULITIS AND IgA NEPHROPATHY?" Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81, Suppl 1 (May 23, 2022): 1203–4.
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