Academic literature on the topic '1976 9999'
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Journal articles on the topic "1976 9999"
Luchin, Vladimir A., and Vladimir I. Matveev. "Interannual variability of thermal state of the cold subsurface layer in the Okhotsk Sea." Izvestiya TINRO 187, no. 4 (December 30, 2016): 205–16.
Full textRAJEEVAN, M., D. S. PAI, and V. THAPLIYAL. "Predictive relationships between Indian Ocean sea surface temperatures and Indian summer monsoon rainfall." MAUSAM 53, no. 3 (January 13, 2022): 337–48.
Full textGonzález, Luis Armando. "1970-1992." ECA: Estudios Centroamericanos 52, no. 588 (October 31, 1997): 993–99.
Full textGaravito, Cecilia. "Oferta laboral y producto: 1970-1 999." Economia 24, no. 48 (March 20, 2001): 107–32.
Full textBabu, Arvind, Herbert A. Lubs, Michael Macera, Shivanand Patil, and Herman Wyandt. "Dr. Ram Verma, Cytogeneticist 1946–2000." American Journal of Medical Genetics 99, no. 3 (March 15, 2001): 179–80.<::aid-ajmg1171>;2-7.
Full textGrunin, Sergey I. "Dynamics of population parameters for pike Esox lucius L. (Esocidae) from the Anadyr River in the period of 1971-2010." Izvestiya TINRO 179, no. 4 (December 30, 2014): 45–54.
Full textMoraes, Giselle Hentzy, and Elisabeth Carmen Duarte. "Análise da concordância dos dados de mortalidade por dengue em dois sistemas nacionais de informação em saúde, Brasil, 2000-2005." Cadernos de Saúde Pública 25, no. 11 (November 2009): 2354–64.
Full textFlood, Barbara. "Drexel's information science M.S. degree program, 1963-1971: An insider's recollections." Journal of the American Society for Information Science 51, no. 12 (2000): 1137–48.<::aid-asi1027>;2-v.
Full textRobert, Benoît, and André Weydert. "From Grenoble to Grenoble (1972-2000): Limb development and regeneration revisited." Developmental Dynamics 219, no. 3 (2000): 426–28.<::aid-dvdy1066>;2-7.
Full textWilck, Andrea, Robert Zahn, and Annika Steinmeier. "Eingebrochen – Osteoporotische Wirbelkörperfrakturen." physiopraxis 21, no. 03 (March 2023): 34–36.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "1976 9999"
Billes, Eric. "L'ouverture extérieure chinoise : de la Chine à une grande Chine ? : une étude du fait sino-transnational." Grenoble 2, 1999.
Full textThe subject of this thesis is to study the nature and the scope of china's open door policy. The external politics of china, originally, based on chinese definition of economic nationalism, are legitimated by the "raison de regime". These politics are reflected by a relative realization of liberalization and decentralization reforms. These are characterized by a strong patriotic orientation. Thus, if we consider the economic and financial power of compatriots of hong kong and taiwan and the remarkable position of the chinese overseas communities within singapore. Thailand, malaysia, indonesia and the philippines, the "southernalization" of foreign direct investment and foreign trade flows covers, under an apparent nationality, the reality of a sino-chinese orientation. The chinese origin of the patriotic managers ensures, without any doubt, a "specific local relational positioning" of the patriotic company. An inquiry realised in china shows that these firms follow, generally, "glocal strategy" in short or medium term, based on these specific concurrential positionings. These strategies, mainly determined by costs, are oriented towards international markets and/or domestic local markets. In a more macroeconomic perspective, the patriotic orientation of china's open door policy leads to a new definition of the "continental equation" but also to a recomposition of the whole "chinese question" in greater china terms (china, hong kong and taiwan). If taiwanese patriotic direct investment can contribute to reinforce the economic and political links between the continent and taiwan, this could therefore also serve the great chinese ambition of the end of this century the greater china
Garavito, Cecilia. "Oferta laboral y producto: 1970-1 999." Economía, 2012.
Full textBarona, Vilar Carmen. "Organización sanitaria y de la higiene pública en la provincia de Valencia (1854-1936)." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de València, 2002.
Full textChoquette, Pascale. "Corridart : d'un évènement culturel à une affaire juridique : Analyse des textes journalistiques et du jugement de l'affaire Corridart (1975-1988)." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 1996.
Full textGaber, Floriane. "La lecture à voix haute de poèmes à Paris (1977-1995)." Paris 3, 1998.
Full textIn the mid 1970s, poetry readings in paris were linked to the glamour of the inherited repertoire performed by actors. The image of poetry was vague, underrated; the result of an evolution which began in the 19th century, aiming at literature's autonomy and at its functioning according to the logic of a limited output. In this context, in order to consolidate the poetic undercurrent and to reinforce their positions, poets resorted to reading aloud as a strategy for distributing their texts and enforcing their oral method. A world apart from actors interpretations and from the "sonorous performances" of poets, on the fringes of plastic arts and music. The physical presence of a poet, there to meet the public, finds its place in a logical, cultural change which, at that time, passed from a malrucien outline of "love at first sight" for the works, to the "lang years" logic of "power to the creator". But in spite of the expressed desire to heighten public interest in contemporary poetry, these poetry readings above all caused the circle of already devoted poetry "fans" to grow in numbers. A failure, or by contest, a perfect outcome of a limited output logic, moving in self-sufficiency? having turned to a "hybrid" method of diffusion, which links the domaines of art, culture and media, but the reading by the author himself adding a dimension of authenticity, contemporary poets have been successful in imposing their definition of poetry and literature, whilst consolidating their own positions. A real growth in public interest can not be achieved by resisting the operations and stakes of the domains of power (these being the media and the economy), and the amateur practices which develop there. But it would be these very notions of literature and culture which would find themselves disrupted
Marcoux, Marie-Hélène. "Des «Premiers Chants» à la création d'une tradition : Étude de deux collections des Éditions de l'Hexagone, «Les Matinaux» (1954-1972) et «Rétrospectives» (1963-1983)." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 1996.
Full textLemieux, Bruno. "Le roman pour adolescents au Québec : édition normative et stratégies de mise en marché : étude des collections de Québec/Amérique, Boréal et la Courte Échelle (1986-1991)." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 1994.
Full textBlomberg, Christoffer. "Småstaters nyttjande av luftmakt : En teoriprövande fallstudie av Robert Papes teori om lokal luftmakt mot sexdagarskriget 1967 och Georgienkriget 2008." Thesis, Försvarshögskolan, 2021.
Full textCARVALHO, Leomir Silva de. "Do sertão ao sertón: tradução emancipadora e análise de neologismos de grande Sertão Veredas nas traduções para o espanhol." Universidade Federal do Pará, 2018.
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CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
De sertão a sertón: traducción emancipadora y análisis de neologismos de Grande sertão: veredas en las traducciones para el español es una investigación que tiene por objetivo analizar comparativamente, bajo el enfoque del concepto de emancipación estética, neologismos de Grande sertão: veredas (1956) en sus traducciones para el español, ambas tituladas Gran sertón: veredas en las ediciones española (1967) e argentina (2009). Se fundamenta en el concepto de emancipación estética según la Estética de la Recepción de línea jaussiana y, en el campo de Estudios de la Traducción, en el pensamiento de Haroldo de Campos (1929-2003) y de Antoine Berman (1942-1991). El entendimiento de neologismo dialoga estrictamente con los Estudios Literarios, enfatizando su potencial creativo para la obra de partida y la posibilidad de abertura y tensión para las obras de llegada, de acuerdo con los procedimientos adoptados por cada traductor. Se elaboró un corpus de investigación que utiliza el glosario anexo producido con neologismos seleccionados de estudios críticos, del vocabulario de Castro (1982) e incluso de la correspondencia entre Guimarães Rosa y Ángel Crespo, el traductor español, priorizando en este último como recorte el interés por el lenguaje. La metodología de trabajo comprende las siguientes etapas: estudio bibliográfico en que se estudia el potencial emancipatorio del diálogo entre obra y lector, en el ámbito estético-receptivo. Posteriormente, se trazan paralelos entre traducción y crítica y entre traducción y creación literaria según el pensamiento de Campos (2006). Además, se expone la idea de autonomía, en el campo de la ética traductoria de Berman (2002) y, por medio de su analítica, se basa el posterior análisis del corpus seleccionado dentro del ámbito de los Estudios de la Traducción. Se sigue a eso, el estudio de textos del propio Guimarães Rosa relatando su interés por el lenguaje y por el uso de neologismos, al lado de textos de lectores críticos como Proença (1959), Daniel (1968), Castro (1982), Martins (1946), Martins (2001), Xisto (1970) e Campos (1970), que se preocuparon con estas cuestiones acerca de la novela. Se procede, entonces, al análisis de las traducciones exponiendo las lecturas críticas de Bedate (2009), Vargas Llosa (2007), Maura (2012), Cámara (2012) y García (2014) y también de los traductores. Para, en seguida, examinar los neologismos de Grande sertão: veredas, que componen el glosario, verificando las diferentes soluciones dadas por cada traductor de acuerdo con tipologías establecidas por medio del examen del modo como Guimarães Rosa aborda el neologismo en su novela. Las tipologías determinadas por el actual estudio fueron las siguientes: utilización de onomatopeyas, utilización de otras lenguas, utilización de tupinismos, utilización de expresiones populares y creación de palabras de sentido probable u oculto. Finalmente, con el diálogo entre las lecturas críticas y el análisis del glosario se investiga la presencia del carácter emancipador en las obras de llegada.
Do sertão ao sertón: tradução emancipadora e análise de neologismos de Grande sertão: veredas nas traduções para o espanhol é uma pesquisa que tem por escopo analisar comparativamente, sob o enfoque do conceito de emancipação estética, neologismos de Grande sertão: veredas (1956) em suas traduções para o espanhol, ambas intituladas Gran sertón: veredas nas edições espanhola (2000) e argentina (2009). Fundamenta-se no conceito de emancipação estética segundo a Estética da Recepção de linha jaussiana e, no campo de Estudos da Tradução, no pensamento de Haroldo de Campos (1929-2003) e de Antoine Berman (1942-1991). O entendimento de neologismo dialoga estreitamente com os Estudos Literários, enfatizando seu potencial criativo para a obra de partida e a possibilidade de abertura e tensão para as obras de chegada, de acordo com os procedimentos adotados por cada tradutor. Elaborou-se um corpus de investigação que utiliza o glossário anexo produzido com neologismos selecionados de estudos críticos, do vocabulário de Castro (1982), bem como da correspondência trocada entre Guimarães Rosa e Ángel Crespo, o tradutor espanhol, priorizando nesta última como recorte o interesse pela linguagem. A metodologia de trabalho compreende as seguintes etapas: estudo bibliográfico no qual se investiga o potencial emancipatório do diálogo entre obra e leitor, no âmbito estético-receptivo. Posteriormente, traçam-se paralelos entre tradução e crítica e entre tradução e criação literária segundo o pensamento de Campos (2006). Ademais, expõe-se a ideia de autonomia, no campo da ética tradutória de Berman (2002) e, por meio de sua analítica, baseia-se a posterior análise do corpus selecionado dentro do âmbito dos Estudos da Tradução. Segue-se a isso, o estudo de textos do próprio Guimarães Rosa relatando seu interesse pela linguagem e pelo uso de neologismos, ao lado de textos de leitores críticos como Proença (1959), Daniel (1968), Castro (1982), Martins (2001), Martins (1946), Xisto (1970) e Campos (1970), que se preocuparam com tais questões acerca do romance. Procede-se, então, à análise das traduções expondo as leituras críticas de Bedate (2009), Vargas Llosa (2007), Maura (2012), Cámara (2012) e García (2014) e também dos tradutores, para, em seguida, examinar os neologismos de Grande sertão: veredas, que compõem o glossário, verificando as diferentes soluções dadas por cada tradutor de acordo com tipologias estabelecidas por meio do exame do modo como Guimarães Rosa aborda o neologismo em seu romance. As tipologias determinadas para o atual estudo foram as seguintes: utilização de onomatopeias, utilização de outras línguas, utilização de tupinismos, utilização de expressões populares e criação de palavras de sentido provável ou oculto. Finalmente, com o diálogo entre as leituras críticas e a análise do glossário, investiga-se a presença do caráter emancipador nas obras de chegada.
Mead, Peggy Christine. "Authentic West African and West African influenced apparel textiles of the 1960's and 1970's as depicted in Ebony, Life, Time and Mademoiselle magazines /." 1993.
Full textBooks on the topic "1976 9999"
Londoño, Rubén Velásquez. Ordenes hereditarios, régimen sucesorio notarial: Ley 29 de 1982, Ley 45 de 1936, Decreto 902 de 1988, Decreto 999 de 1988, jurisprudencia : hijos naturales, hijos adoptivos, hijos legítimos. Medellín, Colombia: Señal Editora, 1988.
Find full textAffairs, United States Congress House Committee on Interior and Insular. Amending the act of October 15, 1966 (80 Stat. 915), as amended, establishing a program for the preservation of additional historic property throughout the nation, and for other purposes: Report (to accompany H.R. 999) (including the cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office). [Washington, D.C.?: U.S. G.P.O., 1989.
Find full textBritain, Great. The South Devon Health Care National Health Service Trust (Establishment) Amendment Order 1996 (Statutory Instruments: 1996: 999). Stationery Office Books, 1996.
Find full textFrench, Derek, Stephen W. Mayson, and Christopher L. Ryan. 18. Remedies for maladministration. Oxford University Press, 2016.
Full textFrench, Derek. 18. Remedies for maladministration. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "1976 9999"
Murakoshi, Kazunori. "Childrearing Methods and Decreased Growth: An Examination of Infant Health in the Farming Communities of Taishō Japan (1912–1926)." In Monograph Series of the Socio-Economic History Society, Japan, 65–93. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019.
Full textFrench, Derek. "18. Remedies for maladministration." In Mayson, French & Ryan on Company Law, 543–608. Oxford University Press, 2019.
Full textFrench, Derek. "18. Remedies for maladministration." In Mayson, French & Ryan on Company Law. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textFrench, Derek. "18. Remedies for maladministration." In Mayson, French & Ryan on Company Law, 539–604. Oxford University Press, 2021.
Full textFrench, Derek. "18. Remedies for maladministration." In Mayson, French, and Ryan on Company Law, 539–604. Oxford University Press, 2023.
Full textDreon, Oliver. "Building Teaching Presence in Online Classes." In Creating Teacher Immediacy in Online Learning Environments, 1–14. IGI Global, 2016.
Full text"(9) HEINES, T.S., L.K. PETERS: An analytical investigation of effect of a first order chemical reaction on the dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere. Atmospheric Environment 7 (1972) S. 153-162. (10) CARSLAW, H.S., J.C. JAEGER: Conduction of heat in solids. Oxford: Claredon Press 1959. (11) SCHONBUCHER, A., V. SCHELLER: Ausbreitung von Abgasfahnen. Chem.-Ing. Techn. 53 (1981) Nr. 5, S. 320-334. (12) KLUG, W.: Ein Verfahren zur Bestimnung der Ausbreitungsbedingungen aus synoptischen Beobachtungen. Staub-Reinhalt. Luft 29 (1966) Nr. 4, S. 143-147. (13) TURNER, D.B.: Workbook of atmospheric dispersion estimates. Public Health Service Publication No. 999-AP-26. Washington: Department of Health, Education and Welfare 1969. (14) RdErl. d. Ministers fiir Arbeit, Gesundheit und Soziales vom 14.4.1975, Verwaltungsvorschriften zum Genehmigunqsverfahren nach §§ 6, 15 - Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz (BImSchG) fiir Mineraloraffi-nerien und petrochemische Anlagen zur Kohlenwasserstoffherstellung (Raffinerie-Richtlinie) Ministerialblatt fiir das Land Nordrhein-Westfalen, Jahrgang 1975, Nr. 65, S. 996-1007." In Odour Prevention and Control of Organic Sludge and Livestock Farming, 126–32. CRC Press, 1986.
Full textConference papers on the topic "1976 9999"
"Equivalent Damping Factor of Composite RCS Frames." In SP-196: Composite and Hybrid Systems. American Concrete Institute, 2000.
Full text""Comparison of ACI, AISC, and Basic Methods for CFTs"." In SP-196: Composite and Hybrid Systems. American Concrete Institute, 2000.
Full text"Advanced Composites for the Navy Waterfront Infrastructure." In SP-196: Composite and Hybrid Systems. American Concrete Institute, 2000.
Full text"Push-Out Behavior of Rectangular Concrete-Filled Steel Tubes." In SP-196: Composite and Hybrid Systems. American Concrete Institute, 2000.
Full text"Analytical Modeling of Through Beam Connection Detail." In SP-196: Composite and Hybrid Systems. American Concrete Institute, 2000.
Full textDemidovich, A., A. Shkadarevich, M. B. Danailov, P. Apai, T. Gasmi, V. Gribkovskii, A. Kuzmin, G. Ryabtsev, and L. Batay. "Comparison of CW Lasing Operation of Nd:YAG, Nd:KGW and Nd:BEL with Laser Diode Pumping." In The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1996.
Full textSmith, J. D., R. F. Cope, and R. D. Van Dell. "Thermal Oxidation of Chloro-Hydrocarbon Materials: Prediction and Measurement." In ASME 1996 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1996.
Full textGallik, Ján. "Death as radical border. About Jan Čep’s novel The Border of a Shadow." In The Figurativeness of the Language of Mystical Experience. Brno: Masaryk University Press, 2021.
Full textJones, Michael H., and L. M. (Matt) Nall. "Operating Experience and Economic Benefit of a 3-MW Gas Turbine in an Industrial Peak Shaving Application." In ASME 1994 International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1994.
Full textSato, Hiroshi, and Masaaki Mori. "Development of a Dry Ultra Low NOx Double Swirler Staged Gas Turbine Combustor." In ASME 1996 International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1996.
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