Academic literature on the topic '1936-1997'

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Journal articles on the topic "1936-1997"


Chang-Rodríguez, Raquel. "Antonio Cornejo Polar, 1936-1997 (1997)." Revista Iberoamericana 68, no. 200 (September 9, 2002): 865–66.

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Flohé, Leopold, JöRg Schaur, and Giuseppe Poli. "Hermann Esterbauer (1936-1997)." BioFactors 6, no. 2 (1997): 89.

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Chang-Rodríguez, Raquel. "Antonio Cornejo-Polar (1936-1997)." Revista Iberoamericana 63, no. 180 (September 29, 1997): 337–38.

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Sokolova, L. F. "Boris Arkad'evich Tverskoy 1936–1997." COSPAR Information Bulletin 1998, no. 143 (December 1998): 5.

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Mitchem, John C. "A. John Gwinnett 1936 – 1997." Dental Materials 13, no. 3 (May 1997): 214.

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Grand, Larry F., and Kenneth R. Barker. "Harry Ernest Duncan, 1936 to 1997." Phytopathology® 89, no. 8 (August 1999): 612.

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McAninch, Jack W. "JOHN W. DUCKETT, JR. 1936-1997." Journal of Urology 162, no. 3 Part 2 (September 1999): 1141.

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O'Neill, James A. "John Warner Duckett, Jr, MD 1936–1997." Journal of Pediatric Surgery 32, no. 7 (July 1997): 941–42.

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Ramos, Francisco Régis Lopes. "Objetos do caldeirão: museu, memória e cultura material (1936-1997)." Estudos Históricos (Rio de Janeiro) 24, no. 48 (December 2011): 366–84.

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Trata-se de uma abordagem a respeito de uma coleção dos objetos da comunidade do Caldeirão (1926-1936), que atualmente se encontra catalogada no acervo do Museu do Ceará. Estuda a cultura material a partir da trajetória de artefatos que foram utilizados como dispositivos de memória, em situações historicamente situadas. Sendo assim, entende-se que é necessário compreender a historicidade dos objetos, situando-os em campos de acordos e disputas que selecionam e defendem determinados usos do passado. Percebe-se, nessa perspectiva, que a coleção foi utilizada em conformidade com certas demandas que podem ser localizadas no decorrer do tempo.
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Kraniauskas, John. "From the archive: Introduction to Antonio Cornejo Polar (1936–1997)." Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies 7, no. 1 (June 1998): 13–14.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "1936-1997"


Djaït, Karim. "Littérature, contemporanéité et médias : étude d'un écrivain face à son siècle : Jean-Edern Hallier." Paris 12, 1994.

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Ma these ("litterature, contemporaneite et medias, etude d'un ecrivain face a son siecle: jean-edern hallier. ") est consacree a l'ecrivain francais jean-edern hallier, a son oeuvre litteraire mais aussi a son rapport aux medias et au monde du journalisme. Il s'agit d'un auteur du vingtieme siecle. Le corpus qui constitue cette these est consacre non seulement a l'oeuvre litteraire de l'ecrivain mais aussi en partie a sa carriere d'entrepreneur de presse et a la resonance de son oeuvre et de ses prises de position (litteraires ou politiques). On peut donc considerer que cette these n'est pas uniquement litteraire et qu'elle tente egalement a travers le cas de jean-edern hallier d'analyser les nouveaux rapports entre la litterature et le monde des medias. L'accent est mis egalement sur toutes les tentatives de manipulation induites par ces nouveaux rapports ce qui se traduit chez jean-edern hallier par des derives politiques extremistes qui recouvrent des pratiques litteraires apparemment anodines comme le journalisme satirique, les pamphlets et les hagiographies politiques
My thesis ("literature, contemporaneousness, and mass media, a study of a writer confronting his century: jean-edern hallier. ") is devoted to the literary writer jean-edern hallier, to his life, to his works and also to his interaction with the mass media and the world of journalism. It is about an author of the twientieth century. The corpus which makes up this thesis is devoted not only to the writer's literary works but also in part to his career as a press leader, to the importance of his works and to his literary and political stands. This thesis must not be considered as a pure literary work. It is attempting, through jean-edern hallier's case, to analyse the new relationships between literature and the world of mass media. There is also an emphasis on the various manipulations induced by these new relationships which are manifested in jean-edern hallier's writings in his radical political opinions by seemingly trivial literary practices such as satiric journalism, lampoons, and political hagiographies
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Lissa, Anna. "Quando lo spazio si fa tempo : rappresentazioni di Gerusalemme nella letteratura israeliana : David Shahar e Abraham B. Yehoshua." Paris 8, 2006.

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Le sujet de cette thèse est l’identité israélienne et ses rapports avec la ville de Jérusalem. La candidate a essayé d’esquisser les traits du problème à travers la lecture et l’analyse du roman L’agent secret de sa majesté de D. Shahar et sur l’œuvre de A. B. Yehoshua, notamment Monsieur Mani. La thèse a été organisée en trois chapitres, auxquels il faut ajouter l’introduction et la conclusion. Dans l’introduction la candidate a porté son attention sur l’approche méthodologique à donner à sa recherche. Le premier chapitre est consacré à la représentation de Jérusalem dans la mémoire collective juive. La ville est vue en tant que ville sacrée, et donc espace sacré, plongé dans le temps sacré, mais elle est aussi une ville sainte, qui se caractérise pour une sainteté morale à achever dans le temps historique. Dans le deuxième chapitre la candidate focalise son attention sur l’aventure du héros dans la Jérusalem de Shahar. La ville est plongée dans le temps mythique de la création, riche de potentialités et dans le temps mythique paradisiaque de l’enfance à l’abri des tensions du temps historique. Le troisième chapitre est consacré à l’aventure du héros dans la Jérusalem de Yehoshua. La candidate a mis en évidence le rapport problématique entre lui et sa ville natale. Son personnage typique doit subir toutes les pressions du temps historique, et il en est souvent écrasé. Jérusalem est plongée dans le temps mythique de l’apocalyptique. Dans la conclusion la candidate met en évidence le fait qu’on ne pourrait pas concevoir les romans de Shahar et Yehoshua sans les textes de la tradition juive et donc sans la contribution du passé collectif du peuple juif
The subject of this thesis is the Israeli identity and its relationship with the city of Jerusalem. The candidate tried to sketch the features of the research through a reading and an analysis of the novel The Secret Agent of His Majesty of D. Shahar, and on the works of A. B. Yehoshua, especially Mr. Mani. The thesis has been organized in three chapters, to which must be added the introduction and the conclusion. The first chapter is devoted to the representation of Jerusalem in Jewish collective memory. The city is seen as a sacred city, and therefore sacred space, immersed in the sacred time, but it is also a holy city that is characterized by a moral holiness to be achieved in the historical time. In the second chapter, the candidate focuses its attention on the hero's adventure in the Jerusalem of Shahar. The city is immersed in the mythical time of creation, rich in potetialities and in the mythical paradise of childhood time sheltered from the tensions of historical time. The third chapter is dedicated to the adventure of the hero in the Jerusalem of Yehoshua. The candidate has highlighted the problematic relationship between him and his hometown. Yehoshua’s typical character must undergo all the pressures of historical time, and it is often crushed by them. Jerusalem is immersed in the mythic, apocalyptic time. In the conclusion the candidate highlights the fact that we could not conceive the novels of both Shahar and Yehoshua without the texts of the Jewish tradition and therefore without the contribution of the collective past of the Jewish people
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Villarroya, i. Font Joan 1953. "Violència i repressió a la reraguarda catalana : 1936-1939." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 1988.

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Aquesta obra sobre la violencia que s'exercí en la reraguarda catalana durant la revolució i guerra civil que visqué Catalunya de juliol de 1936 a febrer de 1939 és difícil, complexa i plena de tota mena de contradiccions. El propi títol ja és difícil d'escollir, perquè analitzar la violència a la reraguarda dins d'una guerra -el grau màxim de destrucció i mort- no deixa de ser un contrasentit. Però la reraguarda catalana, el món civil allunyat dels fronts de guerra, visqué un grau tan gran d'enfrontaments i tensions que sovint van acabar amb represàlies, repressió, morts i assassinats.

L'estudi de la violència en la reraguarda catalana és necessari per conèixer què fou, quan, fins on arribà, quins sectors foren colpits, quin temps tingué, com reaccionaren els qui la visqueren, per apropar-nos a la més variada motivació dels qui l'exerciren, per concretar quants en foren víctimes, per diferenciar les seves professions, opcions politiquees o circumstàncies més diverses. Tot aquest complex món de repressió i violència, mort i represàlia, cal computar-lo d'una manera on les contradiccions de signe polític, període o època en què es produeix, responsabilitat o circumstància sigui possible interpretar-ho dins la vida revolucionària o de guerra que va viure Catalunya de juliol de 1936 a febrer de 1939. D'aquí que la metodologia que hem aplicat es basi en el criteri de fer la recerca més exhaustiva a totes les fonts i documents que hem pogut treballar.

En primer lloc hem seguit tots i cada un dels Registres Civils (Secció de Defuncions) de totes les poblacions de Catalunya, tasca que ens permet elaborar una primera relació de víctimes de repressió i la data del traspàs. També ens permet conèixer la identitat de la majoria de les morts, així com l'edat, el lloc d'origen i el de residència, la professió, l'estat civil, la causa de la mort i, sovint, ens és indicat el lloc i l'hora. Pel que fa als desconeguts, la Generalitat republicana va crear en plena Guerra Civil una comissió que dirigia un Jutge especial, Bertran de Quintana, per la investigació de "Exhumació d'assassinats i inhumacions clandestines", que reuní un important aplec de documentació i realitzà algunes passes importants per a la clarificació de les morts, incloent-hi expedició d'actes de defunció. Tot i així, continuaven fent-se paleses algunes llacunes importants, de manera que en alguns casos vam recòrrer a fons alternatives, com l'Hospital Clínic, on eren conduïts els cadàvers que es trobaven a l'extraradi de Bacelona, o al registre del Dipòsit Judicial.

Un cop analitzades les fonts provinents del costat republicà, ens vam concentrar en l'anàlisi de les fonts sorgides al bàndol dels sublevats, dit "nacional". Després d'acabada la Guerra Civil, el Ministeri de Justícia va posar en marxa l'anomenada "Causa Nacional", que avui es troba dipositada a l' "Archivo HistóricoNacional", radicat a Madrid. Els expedients, força complets, es troben organitzats per províncies i contenen una informació sovint molt exhaustiva de tot allò que succeí durant "la dominación roja", amb l'objectiu d'identificar i de depurar les corresponents responsabilitats político-judicials de les persones que es van veure implicades en els fets violents que tingueren lloc durant tot el període bèl·lic. Tot i la riquesa documental d'aquest fons, el regime franquista només n'usà una petita part i d'una forma absolutament tendenciosa, exagerant els episodis de violència, els abusos i els assassinats.

Altres fons del mateix bàndol, igualment valuoses, sòn per exemple la premsa periòdica (on després del conflicte es van publicar nombrosos articles i esqueles en record de determinats difunts) i un gens menyspreable aplec documental generat per recordatoris, opuscles, butlletins o fins i tot llibres on es recorda les víctimes de la reraguarda (membres de congregacions religioses, càrrecs d'ajuntaments, professionals o simples particulars) basant-se més en una relació directa de coincidència personal, familiar o professional que no pas en una simple voluntat propagandística. De fet, aquesta mena de fonts aporta unes cifres que resulten força ajustades sobre l'abast repressiu en l'àmbit que estudiaven. També cal considerar altres obres monogràfiques sobre la repressió en un àmbit geogràfic concret, on els historiadors locals, tot i manifestar prejudicis ideològics que no tenen res a veure amb la professió historiogràfica, realitzen algunes aportacions que cal tenir en compte.

Els resultats finals de la recerca s'han presentat en tres blocs organitzats de la manera següent: la primera part fa un repàs exhaustiu de la situació general a Catalunya des del juliol del 1936 fins a la fi de la guerra, la segona part fa una anàlisi de la violència i de la repressió a la reraguarda catalana durant el període bèl.lic, i finalment la tercera presenta una proposta de conclusions i un complet annex documental, on es presenten les dades recollides agrupades en funció de les Regions en què fou organitzada Catalunya segons la divisió territorial proposada per la Generalitat republicana. Una bibliografia i una relació de les fonts documentals consultades completen el present treball, que es presenta ara en versió digitalitzada mercès a la còpia dipositada al Centre d'Estudis Històrics Internacionals.
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Dufourg, Frédéric. "Le voyage comme quête d'absolu chez quelques autres contemporains." Bordeaux 3, 1995.

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Des auteurs representatifs chacun d'une tendance et tous de la meme generation, francois-rene daillie, allen ginsberg, claude pelieu et kenneth white ecrivent des oeuvres ou le voyage tient une grande part. Si ces auteurs expriment des tendances distinctes, ils s'apparentent neanmoins par leurs influences en rejetant le rationalisme productiviste gerant notre vision de l'espace. Les oeuvres de certains refletent le malaise des annees 60 et 70 qui predispose au voyage et repandent des idees sur l'ecologie, la liberation sexuelle, sur la societe de consommation et critiquent une politique qu'ils disent spectaculaire et repressive,. Dans l'ensemble, ils montrent une societe qui genere, disent-ils, une mauvaise relation avec l'espace naturel et dont la guerre du viet-nam est l'illustration. Ces poetes possedent une perception globale d'un monde non-cloisonne. Ressentant une crise d'identite, ils se lancent alors dans une quete ontologique. La modernite, ressentie par certains comme une corruption, est rejetee en faveur de valeurs plus archaiques. Leur recherche d'un absolu se fait a travers des experiences avec des psychotropes mais aussi a travers l'ecriture, souvent influencee par le bouddhisme. Les poetes-voyageurs trouvent leur identite dans une osmose erotique avec le monde. L'investigation d'un nouvel espace les renvoie a eux-meme vers leurs experiences matricielles. Le voyage deviendrait un non-voyage s'il n'etait pas l'expression d'un desir d'alterite comme miroir. Le poete-voyageur est impressionne par un paysage quand celui-ci correspond a un espace anterieur qui aurait laisse des traces dans son psychisme. Le bonheur de l'espace n'existe donc qu'avec l'imagination ou le souvenir des sensations primordiales
Some writers, each representative of a particular trend but all belonging to the same generation - francois-rene daillie, allen ginsberg, claude pelieu and kenneth white write works where travelling plays an important part. While these authors all express distinct trends, they have certain similarities through their influences and in that they reject the productivist rationalism which conditions our vision of space. The works of some of them reflect the feeling of ill-being of the sixties and seventies which predisposed to travelling, spread ideas on environnementalism, sexual liberation, the consumer society and criticize what they term spectacular and repressive policies. Altogether, they all depict a society generating, they say, bad relations with our natural environment, examplified by the vietnam war. These poets share a global perception of a non-compartimentalized world. Undergoing an identity crisis in their own countries, they set off on an ontological quest. Modernity, then felt by some as a form of corruption, is rejected for more archaic values. Their search for an absolute is carried out through the use of psychotrops but also through writing, often influenced by buddhism. The poet-traveller discovers his self in a sometimes erotic osmosis with the world. Investigating this new space makes them go back to their experiences of the womb. Travelling would be of no avail if it was not also the expression of a powerful desir for otherness, a mirror for the self. This is the price to pay for experiencing the enjoyment of space. The poet-traveller is impressed by a landscape when it corresponds to a former space that would have left traces in his mind. Therefore, the enjoyment of space can only occur through imagination or memories of primeval sensations
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Azzouz, Esma Lamia. "Mémoire, voix resurgies, étude de la narration dans des textes représentatifs de la littérature féminine algérienne (1970-1997)." Nice, 1998.

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Cette étude analyse le fonctionnement de la narration dans des textes féminins algériens de langue française parus entre 1970 et 1997. La claustration des femmes n'est plus un thème de l'écriture, mais le ferment de toute parole féminine. Toute parole féminine algérienne qui s'exprime à l'intérieur des murs sera obligatoirement une parole révoltée et violente qui cherche à provoquer et à faire réagir la société. Nadia Ghalem et Nina Bouraoui, sont les représentantes d'une écriture aux frontières de la folie, où l'étroitesse de l'espace et la stagnation du temps poussent les narratrices à s'évader dans l'écriture psychanalytique. L'écrivaine Hawa Djabali utilise les hallucinations comme moyen de métamorphoser le réel abhorré ; mais elle a choisi un "je" narratif masculin", lui-même sujet à des crises schizophréniques. Cette expérience de la bisexualité sera comparée a celle de l'écrivain algérien Rachid Boudjedra qui s'est servi d'un "je narratif féminin" afin de sonder les nuits insomniaques d'une algérienne. Pour Assia Djebar dérouler le ruban de la mémoire des femmes sera le moyen privilégié pour ressusciter les voix de celles qui ont été les seules transmettrices de l'histoire et de la mémoire féminine en l'absence de tout parler qui s'écrit
This study analyzes the function of narrative in algerian women's writting published between 1970 and 1997. The internment of women is not a literary theme, but the ferment of all women's voices. Any algerian's woman's voice giving expression to this sequestered existence, will of necessity be a revolutionary and violent voice, seeking to provoke social norms. Nadia Ghalem and Nina Bouraoui represent a writing at the edge of madness, where spatial confinement and temporel stagnation push the text to seek refuge in psychoanalytic narration. The writer Hawa Djabali also uses hallucinations as means of transforming a real abhorrence; but what is of interest with this particular author is that she chooses to use a masculine first person narrator, who suffers a schizophrenic crisis. This transsexual vantage point is compared with that of the male algerian writer Rachid Boudjedra, who employs a feminine first person narration, to explore an algerian woman's nights of insomnia. For Assia Djebar, unwinding the thread of women's stories, will be the priviliged means of receving those voices witch have been the sole transmitters of the history and memories of women, in the absence of a written language
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Peng, Jian-ming, and 彭建銘. "The Promotion of Handicraft Renaissance by Yan Shui-long(1936∼1997)." Thesis, 2001.

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The early Taiwan handcrafts are affected by not only Mainland China but also the Japan operates style. According to both the effects and the experience from studying at France and Japan, Prof. Shui-long Yen has the thoughts and power to popularize living craft art and promote handicraft renaissance. To look back on Prof. Yen’s life history, although he worked very hard on initiating the living handicraft, the situation of the popularized works in Taiwan still meet many problems. Though there are many craft workshops and craft public recreation, Taiwan handicraft is not yet become the important partner of Taiwan residents. This study is about Prof. Yen’s work on Taiwan handicraft promotion, the research methods are documents research and interviews of Prof. Yen’s related people. Therefore, the conclusions listed below are the acquirements in this study. 1.To find out the relationship between Prof. Shui-long Yen’s striving history and all events. The striving history has been divided into five periods: Touch off period (about handicraft thoughts), Transition period (about art & handicraft school), Promoting period (about handicraft industry), Growing period (about handicraft education), and Sustainable period (about forever handicraft ideas). 2.The factors that touch off Prof. Shui-long Yen’s handicraft thoughts: The self-restraint in foreign country life, the transform of advertisement ideas, the pioneer of Japan handicraft movement, and the deep vibration to Taiwan. 3.The two main classifications of Prof. Shui-long Yen’s handicraft works: The promotion of handicraft industry, and the growing of handicraft education. 4. Prof. Shui-long Yen’s handicraft thoughts: including spiritual field and realistic field. 5.The straits Prof. Shui-long Yen met when promoting living handicraft. Including the overall industrial development held by the government, the entirely weakness about art education, the poisoning of traditional values, and the missing of the best timing of popularizing. 6.The structure of living handicraft development. Including: Administration, education, and industry. 7.The possible ways of Taiwan handicraft movements: Based on the three parts of Prof. Shui-long Yen’s promoting about living handicraft.
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Hardy, Dominic Llywelyn. "A metropolitan line : Robert LaPalme (1908-1997) : caricature and power in the age of Duplessis (1936-1959)." Thesis, 2006.

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This dissertation proposes that the caricatures of Robert LaPalme, from his virtuoso celebrity portraits of the 1930s to the graphic political satires that focused on Quebec Premier Maurice Duplessis in the 1950s, provided a body of work that fulfilled the conditions of a "golden age of caricature," as it is characteristically defined in the historiography of caricature studies in European and North American traditions, for the history of visual arts in Quebec. These "national" models are seen as fundamentally metropolitan productions that represent themselves as national in scope by addressing and trading in the identity markings which provide the material for ideological conflicts within national traditions. Robert LaPalme's imagery was developed in concert with a generation of leaders who laid the groundwork for the Quiet Revolution, the secularisation and modernisation of Quebec society, through a dynamic and contesting relationship with the Duplessis administrations of 1936-40 and 1944-59. LaPalme's caricature harnessed urban anxieties and licence, both depending on and mocking them: it represented the breaches between competing images of Quebec that were rehearsed throughout the culture, from the rural/urban ideological split to the swiftly reconfigured ground of sexual behaviour and freedoms. Caricature in LaPalme's hands was the expression of the troubled, corrupt, powerful and exciting city of Montreal as a centre where the future for Quebec was imagined around the wily and traitorous figure of Maurice Duplessis. The thesis examines through a broadly chronological framework LaPalme's treatment of subjects, his visual style, through his approach to the body and space, and his close collaboration with many of the leading artists editors, journalists, publishers and writers of his era
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Carvalho, Guida Maria Aguiar de. "A reforma do ensino liceal de 1936 e a construção do liceu salazarista." Master's thesis, 1997.

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Tese de Mestrado em Ciências da Educação (Teoria e Desenvolvimento Curricular) apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa através da Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, 1997
O Tema desta investigação está desde logo implícito no título que lhe foi dado: "A Reforma Educativa do Ensino Liceal de 1936 e a construção do Liceu Salazarista". Através de uma análise, ou melhor, de uma dada avaliação daquela reforma, procurámos identificar pontos fortes de um modelo instrutivo e educativo para o ensino liceal, que iremos verificar se poderá ser designado, como "Liceu Salazarista". Queremos observar se os pontos fortes deste modelo serão visíveis nos objectivos gerais subjacentes ao ensino liceal, nos objectivos explícitos e implícitos das várias disciplinas, nos conteúdos programáticos, nos métodos propostos bem como na sua aplicação e ainda nas actividades extra-cuniculares. Pretendemos, afinal, averiguar até que ponto estas dimensões terão tido um papel fundamental na transmissão de valores, atitudes e comportamentos. A documentação a partir da qual realizámos o presente trabalho a fim de abordar as dimensões assinaladas, pode ser classificada em três grandes grupos. No primeiro destes conjuntos documentais englobamos as séries legislativas emanadas, pelo Ministério da Instrução Pública e pelo seu sucessor Ministério da Educação Nacional. De entre a legislação estudada, destacamos os Decretos-Lei nº 27.084 e nº 27.085 do dia 14 de Outubro de 1936, como base fundamental para a análise da nova estrutura do Ensino Liceal. Mas se estes foram os documentos normativos privilegiados, muitos outros foram imprescindíveis a fim de podermos situar no tempo as continuidades e descontinuidades que os Decretos referidos introduziam no sistema de ensino. Este primeiro núcleo documental forneceu-nos informações relativamente ao discurso do poder em termos de política educativa e de política curricular. (...)
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Books on the topic "1936-1997"


Hamlet, Jo. The Yanchep Inn, 1936-1997. Western Australia: Readers' World, 1998.

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Martinet, Gilles. Une certaine idée de la gauche, 1936-1997. Paris: O. Jacob, 1997.

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Venetiki (1907) ew Erusaghēmi (1936), Antʻiliasi (1997) sharaknotsʻneru sharakanneru skzbnatogheru tsʻutsʻak. Erevan: Actual art, 2013.

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Home, Worley-Luginbuel Funeral. Records of the Worley-Luginbuel Funeral Home, Grove, Oklahoma, 1936-1997. Edited by Stauber Rose. Grove, Okla. (62753 E. 313 Rd, Grove 74344-8509): Stauber Books, 1998.

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Britain), National Abortion Campaign (Great. Voices for choice: Women recollect their experiences of abortion in Britain 1936-1997. London: National abortion campaign, Marie Stopes International, 1997.

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1912-1997, Ortner Rudolf, Jaeggi Annemarie, and Bauhaus-Archiv Museum für Gestaltung, eds. Rudolf Ortner: Bauhaus-Schüler 1932-1933, Architekt 1936-1976, Maler und Fotograf 1977-1997. München: Holzapfel, 2007.

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Augustinas, Vytautas. Fotografavau Lietuvą: Vytauto Augustino 1936-1947 metų fotografijos : paroda 1997 07 24-09 28 = Focusing on Lithuania : photographs from the years 1936-1947 by Vytautas Augustinas : exhibition 1997 07 24-09 28. Vilnius: Lietuvos Nacionalinis muziejus, 1997.

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Kornii︠e︡nko, Oleh. Narysy viĭsʹkovoï istoriï Ukraïny: Sumsʹkyĭ slobidsʹkyĭ kozat︠s︡ʹkyĭ polk, 1659-1765 rr. : pam'i︠a︡ti krai︠e︡znavt︠s︡i︠a︡ Hennadii︠a︡ Tereshkovycha Petrova, 1936-1997. Kyïv: Nash chas, 2008.

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Hancock, Philip. Register of appointments to the Royal Victorian Order: Dames Grand Cross, Knights Grand Cross, Dames Commander and Knights Commander (1936-1997). [Great Britain]: [Philip Hancock?], 1997.

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Craik, L. F. Centenary index to the Transactions of the Thoroton Society of Nottinghamshire, volumes 1-100, 1897-1997: Together with the Thoroton Society Record series, volumes I-XL, 1903-1997 and the Thoroton Society Excavation Section, annual reports, 1936-1940. [Nottingham, England]: Thoroton Society, 1997.

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Book chapters on the topic "1936-1997"


Drescher, Kari Alina. "Adolf Thomsen: „So ist der Pastor nicht als Pastor politische Instanz, aber auch kein Inhaber eines politischen Amtes als solcher kirchliche Instanz““." In Multiplikatoren in der NS-Zeit, 107–13. Kiel: Selbstverlag Helge-Fabien Hertz, 2023.

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Pastor Adolf Friedrich Martin Thomsen (* 30. Mai 1901 in Rendsburg; † 04. März 1997 in Flensburg) war ein deutscher Pastor und Rektor der evangelisch-lutherischen Diakonissenanstalt in Flensburg. Thomsen war ein leitendes Mitglied der Bekennenden Kirche in Flensburg und positionierte sich gegen die Gleichschaltung der Kirche. Im Oktober 1936 war er Mitveranstalter der Evangelischen Woche in Flensburg.
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"Felix Roziner (1936–1997)." In An Anthology of Jewish-Russian Literature: Two Centuries of Dual Identity in Prose and Poetry, 1035–53. Routledge, 2015.

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"Introduction." In Incentives, Organization, and Public Economics, edited by Peter J. Hammond and Gareth D. Myles, 3–14. Oxford University PressOxford, 2000.

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Abstract Professor Sir James Mirrlees was born in Minnigaff, Scotland in 1936. His university education was at Edinburgh University from 1954-7, then at Trinity College, Cambridge from 1957-63. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1996 in recognition of his work on optimal income taxation and its extension to information and incentive problems in general. He was subsequently awarded a knighthood in the first Honours List of the new Labour Government, in 1997.
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Friend, Donald A. "Mountain Geography." In Geography in America at the Dawn of the 21st Century. Oxford University Press, 2004.

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The raw facts alone make mountains worthy of geographic interest: mountains constitute 25 per cent of the earth’s surface; they are home to 26 per cent of the world’s populace; and generate 32 per cent of global surface run-off (Meybeck et al. 2001). More than half the global population depends directly on mountain environments for the natural resources of water, food, power, wood, and minerals; and mountains contain high biological diversity; hence they are important in crop diversity and crop stability (Ives 1992; Smethurst 2000; UNFAO 2000). Elevation, relief, and differences in aspect make mountains excellent places to study all processes, human and physical: high energy systems make mountains some of the most inhospitable of environments for people and their livelihoods, and strikingly distinct changes in environment over short distances make mountains ideally suited to the study of earth surface processes. Mountains are often political and cultural borders, or in some cases, political, cultural, and biological islands. With ever-increasing populations placing ever-increasing environmental pressure on mountains, mountain environments are heavily impacted and are therefore quickly changing. Moreover, they are more susceptible to adverse impacts than lowlands and are degrading accordingly. Whatever environmental change or damage happens to mountain peoples and environments then moves to lower elevations, thus affecting all. Three seminal texts indicate an ongoing interest in mountain geography: the oldest, Peattie (1936), is still in print; the newest, Messerli and Ives (1997) is contemporary; and Price (1981) is now being rewritten. Indeed, mountain geography as a field in its own right has led to the recent formation of the Mountain Geography Specialty Group of the Association of American Geographers (Friend 1999). With increasing importance placed on sustainability science (Kates et al. 2001), mountain geography is at the cutting edge of inter- and multidisciplinary research that serves to unify rather than further specialize scholarly geography (Friend 1999). The United Nations proclaimed 2002 the International Year of Mountains and has devoted an entire chapter (13) of its Agenda 21 from the Rio Earth Summit to mountain sustainable development (Friend 1999; Ives and Messerli 1997; Ives et al. 1997a, b; Messerli and Ives 1997; Sène and McGuire 1997; UNFAO 1999, 2000).
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Johnson, Kendall. "The Last Puritan in Shanghai." In The Oxford Handbook of Twentieth-Century American Literature, 209—C11.P213. Oxford University Press, 2022.

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Abstract In 1936, the author and journalist Emily “Mickey” Hahn (1905–1997) was living in Shanghai when she reviewed George Santayana’s The Last Puritan: A Memoir in the Form of a Novel (1935) for the English-language monthly T’ien Hsia. Santayana’s memoir and Hahn’s review open twentieth-century American literature to the imperial legacy of the China Trade as epitomized by the nineteenth-century mercantile biography. These commercial romances aligned the financial complexity of global opium speculation with the patrilineal vector of merchant-prince family and fortune. As the Bretton Woods Agreement (1944) set post-war terms of US financial hegemony, Hahn and Santayana were strikingly out of step with the triumphalist spirit of the age. Their autobiographical writings evoke melancholic social alienation that this chapter ties to the legacy of the China Trade’s inter-imperial “financialization” as it shaped the literary contexts of opium smoking in Shanghai before the Second World War. The chapter contrasts Hahn and Santayana for the queer senses of social affect implied in their representations of opium consumption.
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Corlett, Richard T. "Vegetation." In The Physical Geography of Southeast Asia. Oxford University Press, 2005.

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Southeast Asia is not a natural biogeographical unit: it extends well north out of the tropics in Myanmar, while the eastern boundary bisects the island of New Guinea. It is also divided in two by one of the sharpest zoogeographical boundaries in the world, Wallace’s line (Figure 7.1; Whitmore 1987). There is, however, one important unifying feature that distinguishes it from most other regions of the tropics: Southeast Asia is a region of forest climates. Only on the highest mountains in Papua and northern Myanmar is the climate too cold for forest and, with the possible exception of some small rain-shadow areas, it is nowhere too dry. Elsewhere the only permanent non-forest vegetation in the region before the human impacts of the last few millennia was on coastal cliffs and beaches, seasonally flooded river plains, active volcanoes, and perhaps some small inland areas on soils too poor to support forest. Today, however, as a result of human impacts, forest occupies less than half of the region, with various anthropogenic vegetation types occupying the rest. The recognition of Southeast Asia, as defined here, as a separate political and geographic entity is very recent, so it is not surprising that there has been no previous account of the vegetation of the whole region. Van Steenis (1957) gave a general account of the vegetation of Indonesia, while Whitmore (1984) concentrated on the tropical evergreen forests of the region, with only a brief description of the vegetation of drier climates. Champion (1936) described the principal forest types of Myanmar, while Vidal (1997) covered the vegetation of Thailand, Cambodia, and Lao PDR. Numerous other publications describe smaller areas or specific vegetation types. To a first approximation, the potential natural vegetation of the region (Plate 1) up to about 20°N is controlled by two main environmental gradients: a horizontal gradient of water availability and a vertical, altitudinal gradient. Water availability is determined largely by the amount and distribution of rainfall, with the length of the dry season the most important factor, although the water storage capacity of the soil becomes increasingly significant at the drier end of the gradient.
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Chi Man, Kwong. "The Interwar Period, 1919–1941." In Hongkongers in the British Armed Forces, 1860-1997, 56–89. Oxford University Press, 2022.

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The fourth chapter focuses on the experience of the Hong Kong soldiers and ratings during the interwar period (1919–39) until the battle of Hong Kong in 1941. It starts with a discussion of the experience of Hong Kong servicemen during the interwar period when serving in the military was seen as a stable career that offered learning opportunities for the working-class Hongkongers. Meanwhile, volunteer military service in the Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps was seen as a means for middle-class Hongkongers to gain respectability, especially for the Portuguese and the Eurasians who were sometimes seen as outsiders in pre-war Hong Kong society. The chapter then covers the British attempt to recruit more locals for the defence of Hong Kong from 1936. The training and organisation of the various local units are discussed. It challenges the myth that the Chinese in Hong Kong were not mobilised because of the racist prejudices held by the British decision-makers. It suggests that Chinese propagandists first engineered the myth in 1942 in an attempt to undermine British prestige in China after the fall of Hong Kong, as the Nationalist government was planning to pressure the British to give up Hong Kong after the war. The myth found a second life after the signing of the Sino–British Joint Declaration in 1984 because of the changing political situation.
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"Fuller, L, ‘Consideration and form’ (1941) 41 Columbia LR 799. Fuller, L and Perdue, W, ‘The reliance interest in contract damages’ (1936–37) 46 Yale LJ 52. Furmston, M, ‘Return to Dunlop v Selfridge?’ (1960) 23 MLR 373. Gardner, S, ‘Trashing with Trollope: a deconstruction of postal rules in contract’ (1992) 2 OJLS 170. Goff, R, and Jones, G, The Law of Restitution, 4th edn, 1993, London: Sweet & Maxwell. Gower, L, ‘Exemption clauses – contractual and tortious liability’ (1954) 17 MLR 155. Hamson, C, ‘The reform of consideration’ (1938) 54 LQR 233. Harris, D, Ogus, A and Phillips, J, ‘Contact remedies and the consumer surplus’ (1979) 95 LQR 581. Harrison, Good Faith in Sales, 1997, London: Sweet & Maxwell. Howarth, W, ‘The meaning of objectivity in contract’ (1984) 100 LQR 265. Jacobs, J, ‘The battle of the forms: standard term contracts in comparative perspective’ (1985) 34 ICLQ 297. Kessler, ‘Contracts of adhesion: some thoughts about freedom of contract’ (1943) Columbia LR 629. Law Commission, First Report on Exemption Clauses in Contracts, Law Com No 24, 1969, London: HMSO. Law Commission, Firm Offers, 1975, Working Paper No 60, London: HMSO. Law Commission, Second Report on Exemption Clauses in Contracts, Law Com No 69, 1975, London: HMSO. Law Commission, Law of Contract: The Parol Evidence Rule, Law Com No 154, Cmnd 9700, 1986, London: HMSO. Law Commission, Privity of Contract: Contracts For The Benefit of Third Parties, Law Com No 242, Cm 3329, 1996, London: HMSO." In Sourcebook on Contract Law, 809. Routledge-Cavendish, 1995.

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"Legend of Constancie’. Although that virtue is Shepheardes Calender was thoroughly glossed by named only once before, to describe Guyon and his E.K., and his Dreames, as he told Harvey with some Palmer as they prepare to enter the Bower of Bliss (II pride, had ‘growen by means of the Glosse, (running xii 38.9), it is implicit in each virtue. Its importance continually in maner of a Paraphrase) full as great as is indicated in Elyot’s Gouernour 3.19: ‘that man my Calendar’ (Spenser 1912:612). In glossing The which in childehode is brought up in sondry vertues, Faerie Queene, I have taken E.K. as my guide, shar-if eyther by nature, or els by custome, he be nat ing his apprehension that without glosses ‘many induced to be all way constant and stable, so that he excellent and proper devises both in wordes and meue nat for any affection, griefe, or displeasure, all matter would passe in the speedy course of reading, his vertues will shortely decaye’. It seems inevitable either as unknown, or as not marked’ (Epistle). (For also that this legend, appropriately foreshortened, the historical practice that informs his glossing, see should be the seventh and final book, for that num-Tribble 1993:12–17, 72–87, and Snare 1995.) I ber heralds the poet’s day of rest to round out his six limit my annotations chiefly to words that need to be days of labour. On seven as the number of constancy explicated for readers today, selecting their meanings and mutability, see A. Fowler 1964:58. Such tradi-from the entirely indispensable OED, though I tional number symbolism would seem to determine believe that, finally, most may be clarified by their the numbering of the cantos: vi for the days of cre-immediate context and by their use elsewhere in the ation evident in Mutabilitie’s reign; vii for Nature’s poem. For several reasons, I have avoided interpreta-orderly control over that reign; and viii for regenera-tion as much as possible. First, limitations of space tion and resurrection; see I viii Arg. 1–2n, Bieman do not give me any choice. Second, I agree with 1988:233–38, and headnote to VII viii. Hanna 1991:180 that the annotator who resorts to The fragmentary nature of the cantos, and their interpretation will ‘impose his being, in a double differences in form from the previous books, pre-attack, on the reader and on the text’. Third, I agree clude any understanding of their place in a poem that also with Krier 1994:72 that an annotator’s inter-fashions the virtues. One may only speculate that they pretation is ‘premature and deracinated, especially provide a recapitulation or coda to certain themes for pedagogical purposes’. Fourth, I believe that any in the previous books, such as mutability; or ‘a interpretation of the poem – including my own – is detached retrospective commentary on the poem as Procrustean: a matter of finding several points com-a whole’ (Blissett 1964:26); or the allegorical ‘core’ mon to the poem and some other discourse, and of a book on constancy (Lewis 1936:353). Or that then aligning them, using whatever force is needed they constitute ‘one of the great philosophical poems to spin one’s own tale. All ‘readings’ of the poem of the language’ (Kermode 1965:225) that may be without exception are misreadings, at best partial read as an eschatology (Zitner 1968:11), or as a readings, if only because they are translations. At the theodicy (Oram 1997:290–300), or as an Ovidian same time I recognize that I am interpreting the brief epic (Holahan 1976, C. Burrow 1988:117–19) poem in drawing the reader’s attention to the mean-that treats the dialectical relationship of Nature and ings of its words, and adding such commentary as I Mutabilitie (Nohrnberg 1976:741–44), or the think represents a consensus on how the poem may nature of time itself (Waller 1994:181–85). be understood today. Yet I ask only that readers appreciate Spenser’s art in using words. Although his Annotations." In Spenser: The Faerie Queene, 39. Routledge, 2014.

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Conference papers on the topic "1936-1997"


Paola Moreno Alarcon, Diana, and Corinne Bieder. "Co-Development Approach integrating Training into the Design Process." In 13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2022). AHFE International, 2022.

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Since the introduction of advanced automation technology within highly dynamic and complex systems, traditional approaches to training no longer appear to be adequate in preparing end-users of such technologies (Carroll and Olson, 1988). Advances in design processes have resulted in the creation of user-centered designs that employ an iterative design process that follows a cyclical pattern, where the prototype is designed, created and evaluated, throughout multiple loops. Once the final design solution is validated, a training session is organized to prepare the end-user for the Human in the loop Simulation. Since the training sessions and the preparation of these training sessions are conceived after the completion and validation of the design; any issues with the design often result in extended training sessions to compensate for human factors that were overlooked in the initial design. Nonetheless, such enhanced training “cannot and should not be a fix for bad design” (Sarter, Woods & Billings, 1997.p.1936). This research intended to consider the training from the onset of the design in order to avoid transferring the burden of a poor design onto the training. This was not fully possible in the framework of the SAFEMODE project, where this research was conducted, as some design iterations had already taken place prior to the implementation of the proposed training considerations. Instead, a training approach involving future users as part of the system design, hereafter referred to as “Co-Development”, was proposed and tested during the creation of a safety net or alert for air-traffic controllers. Building on this added value to user-centered design, we investigated: To what extent does the co-development of the training with end-users improve the training, the design, and the acceptability of the designed alert?This paper presents this Co-Development approach and the outcome of its first implementation; particularly in terms of its impact on the training, the design, and the acceptability of the alert. Specifically, this system design approach allows for human factor issues to be identified and hence corrected early in the design stage, thus yielding a potential impact on the acceptability and usability of the alert, while simultaneously affecting safety through an improved user-centered design experience. This paper also proposes a future research direction that consists of a joint training and design approach that considers training right from the onset of the first iteration of the design. As a result, the training is conceived jointly and evolves simultaneously with each design loop, further improving the design, and thus reducing the burden placed onto the training due to design shortfalls and impossible design challenges that are seemingly improbable to meet.
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Grant, Howard P., and Olin J. Stephens. "On Test Measurements in Full Scale Sailing Test Programs." In SNAME 13th Chesapeake Sailing Yacht Symposium. SNAME, 1997.

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At Mystic Seaport Museum a project was begun in 1992 to determine sail coefficients for schooners for sailing technology research and historical vessel research. Since computational fluid dynamics techniques and wind tunnel techniques have not yet been developed to the point where sail coefficients can be developed accurately, the experimental approach was adopted. Full-scale sailing tests of schooner Brilliant were performed at Mystic, Connecticut. Tow-tank tests of a 1/9 model were completed at Davidson Laboratory, Hoboken, New Jersey. Three previous experimental programs for sloops were reviewed, notably Gimcrack (Davidson, 1936), Bay Bea (Kerwin, 1974), and Standfast (Gerritsma, 1975). One goal of the Brilliant program was to reduce uncertainty in sail coefficient measurement. The uncertainty in previous programs illustrates the inherent difficulties. Despite the uncertainty the results were extremely useful and provided a benchmark for further improvements in sail coefficient programs. Procedures used are described. Preliminary results indicate that the uncertainty is reduced to about 10%. The topics covered are: (1) a description by Olin Stephens of previously unpublished details of the equipment and methods used to take data on the sloop Gimcrack, as applied by Davidson reported in his landmark 1936 paper, and some thoughts on the way the information gained from early studies was used; (2) extension of the Gimcrack sail coefficients to the heel plane; (3) a review by Howard Grant of the measurements in the schooner Brilliant program, including correction for ship/wind interference, use of cross checks including chase boat true wind solutions and internal consistency techniques (Ockam, 1992), and unique time-correlations to handle non-steadiness; (3) a hindsight view of program shortcomings, which included the omission of measurements at several heights above the deck of wind and sail shape that would have been helpful to CFD studies of sail aerodynamics.
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Krasovec, Aleksandra N. "“KALEIDOSCOPIC” NOVEL OF JOSIP OSTI IN THE ASPECT OF TRANSCULTURALITY." In 50th International Philological Conference in Memory of Professor Ludmila Verbitskaya (1936–2019). St. Petersburg State University, 2023.

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The Slovenian-Bosnian poet, writer, essayist, literary critic, translator and editor Josip Osti (1945–2021) was born in Sarajevo, lived and worked in Slovenia since 1990. Being a recognized poet in his homeland, writing in Croatian, one of the largest translators of Slovenian literature into Serbo-Croatian, since 1997 he has been writing in Slovenian. The transcultural aspects of Josip Osti’s literary works, both poetry collections and novels, are a unique phenomenon. In our study, we turned to the novels of Josip Osti, namely his trilogy — Ghosts of the House of Heinrich Böll (2016), In Front of the Mirror (2016) and Life is a Creepy Fairy Tale (2019). All three works have a strong (auto)biographical component and form a special novel form, which the author calls the “kaleidoscope-mosaic” novel. The latter has a fragmented structure and consists of short stories, life stories, anecdotes, urban legends, essayistic notes, literary-critical digressions, lyrical passages, diary entries, etc. In Osti’s novels, we also find a connection with the tradition of short prose in Bosnian-Herzegovina literature, in particular, with the works of the 1990s by such authors as M. Jergović, D. Karahasan, N. Veličković, K. Zaimović and others. Their texts are characterized by a destabilized genre form, a mosaic narrative, personal and documentary evidence, and a palimpsest narrative model. The kaleidoscopic structure of Osti’s prose texts helps him to reflect the transcultural view characteristic of his intimate and artistic world, to embrace the complex overlap of heterogeneous elements. The novels are written in Slovene, but they are mainly devoted to the space of Sarajevo, the unique multicultural atmosphere of this city, as well as the tragedy unfolding in it; thus, the writer complements the so-called “Sarajevo text”, but already in the field of Slovenian literature, artistically comprehending the interconnectedness of Bosnia and Slovenia. Refs 19.
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