Academic literature on the topic '1154-1216 (Angevins)'

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Journal articles on the topic "1154-1216 (Angevins)"


Turner, Ralph V., and Hugh M. Thomas. "Vassals, Heiresses, Crusaders, and Thugs: The Gentry of Angevin Yorkshire 1154-1216." American Historical Review 99, no. 4 (October 1994): 1305.

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Searle, Eleanor, and Hugh M. Thomas. "Vassals, Heiresses, Crusaders, and Thugs: The Gentry of Angevin Yorkshire, 1154-1216." Journal of Interdisciplinary History 26, no. 3 (1996): 485.

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Christelow, Stephanie Mooers. "Vassals, Heiresses, Crusaders, and Thugs: The Gentry of Angevin Yorkshire, 1154-1216.Hugh M. Thomas." Speculum 70, no. 1 (January 1995): 210–13.

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Gilmour-Bryson, Anne. "Vassals, heiresses, Crusaders and thugs: the gentry of Angevin Yorkshire, 1154-1216 (review)." Parergon 12, no. 2 (1995): 233–35.

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Young, Charles R. "Hugh M. Thomas. Vassals, Heiresses, Crusaders, and Thugs: The Gentry of Angevin Yorkshire, 1154-1216. (Middle Ages Series.) Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 1993. Pp. xii, 237. $34.95." Albion 26, no. 1 (1994): 118–19.

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"Vassals, heiresses, crusaders, and thugs: the gentry of Angevin Yorkshire, 1154-1216." Choice Reviews Online 31, no. 03 (November 1, 1993): 31–1691.

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Ceylanbaş, Fuat. "Magna Carta’ya Giden Süreçte Ekonomik Problemler ve Kral John’un Çözüm Arayışları." Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, June 8, 2024.

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Bu çalışma, XIII. yüzyılda İngiltere’de Yurtsuz John (1199-1216) döneminde meydana gelen malî krizleri ve Magna Carta sözleşmesine giden yolda John’un uygulamış olduğu olağan ve olağan dışı vergilendirmeleri konu edinmektedir. Angevinlerin bir üyesi olması hasebiyle II. Henry (1154-1189) ve I. Richard (1189-1199) dönemlerinden kalan malî miras da çalışma kapsamında ele alınmıştır. II. Henry’nin monarşiyi kuvvetlendirme girişimleri ve I. Richard’ın Haçlı Seferleri’ne katılması Angevin ekonomisini oldukça olumsuz etkilemiş ve Yurtsuz John döneminde meydana gelen kıtlık, sel, askeri seferler, soylularla (baronlar) çatışmalar, Fransa ile savaşlar Angevin ekonomisini tüketmiştir. Çalışmada Pipe Roll, Misae Roll ve Hundred Roll gibi İngiliz malîyesiyle ilgili bilgi veren arşiv belgelerinin yanı sıra kroniklerden ve telif eserlerden faydalanılmıştır. Magna Carta’nın kesinlikle Yurtsuz John’un kişiliğine ve uyguladığı olağan dışı vergilendirme politikalarına bir tepki olarak yürürlüğe girdiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Çalışmamızın daha önce değinilmeyen konulara değinmesi, incelenmemiş ve irdelenmemiş meseleleri ele alması nedeniyle literatüre olumlu katkı yapacağı düşünülmektedir.
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"Hugh M. Thomas. Vassals, Heiresses, Crusaders, and Thugs: The Gentry of Angevin Yorkshire, 1154–1216. (Middle Ages.) Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 1993. Pp. xiv, 237. $34.95." American Historical Review, October 1994.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "1154-1216 (Angevins)"


Michel, Bastien. ""L'encre et le pain " : les vassaux de l'évêché de Bayeux (ΧΙe-ΧΙΙΙe siècle)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024.

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Au Moyen Âge central, les évêques de Bayeux et leurs chanoines disposent d’une importante suite de guerriers. La présente thèse étudie ces vassaux entrés dans la dépendance honorable de l’évêché entre les années 1030 et 1290. En s’appuyant sur l’édition multimodale (papier et numérique) de six listes féodales produites à Bayeux (voir volume 2), une prosopographie des vassaux de l’évêché a été établie, regroupant 408 individus (voir volume 3). Pour chacun d’eux, une notice a été encodée dans un environnement numérique dédié développé au cours de cette recherche, E-personæ, en collaboration avec Fabien Paquet et les ingénieurs du pôle Document Numérique de la MRSH de Caen. Grâce à ces données, un premier volet de l’étude se concentre sur les pratiques féodales de l’écrit dans le diocèse médiéval de Bayeux et sur les relations – souvent complexes – entre ces vassaux et leur seigneur. Le second volet analyse les réseaux formés par ces vassaux autour du siège épiscopal de Bayeux, en se focalisant sur des moments clés de l’histoire du Bessin, des mondes normands médiévaux et du royaume de France. L’accent a été mis sur les familles de la « petite » et de la « moyenne » aristocratie, afin de mieux comprendre ce groupe peu étudié jusqu’alors, notamment en ce qui concerne leurs mobilités géographiques
During the central Middle Ages, the bishops of Bayeux and their canons had a significant retinue of warriors. This thesis examines these vassals who entered into the honorable dependency of the bishopric between the years 1030 and 1290. Relying on the multimodal edition (both print and digital) of six feudal lists produced in Bayeux (see volume 2), a prosopography of the bishopric’s vassals has been established, comprising 408 individuals (see volume 3). For each of them, a file has been encoded in a dedicated digital environment developed during this research, E-personæ, in collaboration with Fabien Paquet and the engineers of the pôle Document Numérique at the MRSH of Caen. Utilizing this data, the first part of the study focuses on the feudal practices of writing within the medieval diocese of Bayeux and the often complex relationships between these vassals and their lord. The second part analyzes the networks formed by these vassals around the episcopal seat of Bayeux, concentrating on key moments in the history of Bessin, the medieval Norman worlds, and the kingdom of France. Emphasis has been placed on families from the "lower" and "middle" aristocracy in order to better understand this under-studied group, particularly concerning their geographical mobility
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Massarello, Chloe Faith. "William Marshal, 2nd Earl of Pembroke, and the Commissioning of the History of William Marshal." PDXScholar, 2012.

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In the mid-1220s, William Marshal, second earl of Pembroke, commissioned the History of William Marshal, a verse history which recounts the life of his father, the first earl of Pembroke. The History has been utilized as a source of information about its titular subject by modern historians, but none have examined the causes behind its commissioning and the significance of the document within the context of the second earl's political career in depth. This thesis seeks to increase understanding of the History by placing it within this context and examining the second earl's influence on its contents. Primary sources, including contemporary letters and court records contained within the Curia Regis Rolls, help reconstruct the political career of the second earl and reveal the reasons why he may have found it expedient to commission the History. An analysis of the History itself indicates that the document reflects the second earl's concerns. The introduction and first chapter of this thesis provide historiographical background for the History, both within its contemporary setting and as a type of work analyzed by modern historians. They indicate the importance of understanding the political and social function of the History and argue that the modern label of biography should not be applied to it. In the second chapter, primary sources and detailed studies of the minority and reign of Henry III are utilized to illustrate the second earl's political career and his conflicts with fellow barons and the crown over property and his unconventional marriage into the royal family. The third chapter offers an interpretation of the History with reference to the earl's career. This thesis concludes that the second earl commissioned the History in response to the objections raised to his marriage.
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Raich, Susan Alice. "The sea in the Anglo-Norman realm, c. 1050 to c. 1180." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2014.

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Edwards, Jane Marian. "'Bettered by the borrower' : the use of historical extracts from twelfth-century historical works in three later twelfth- and thirteenth-century historical texts." Thesis, University of St Andrews, 2015.

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This thesis takes as its starting point the use of extracts from the works of historical authors who wrote in England in the early to mid twelfth-century. It focuses upon the ways in which their works began to be incorporated into three particular texts in the later twelfth and early thirteenth centuries. Through the medium of individual case studies – De Abbatibus (Abingdon), CCCC 139 (Durham) and The London Collection three elements are explored (i) how mediaeval writers used extracts from the works of others in ways which differed from modern practices with their concerns over charges of plagiarism and unoriginality (ii) how the structural and narrative roles which the use of extracts played within the presentation of these texts (iii) how the application of approaches developed in the twentieth century, which transformed how texts are now analysed, enabled a re-evaluation and re-interpretation of their use of source material with greater sensitivity to their original purposes This analysis casts fresh light upon the how and why these texts were produced and the means by which they fulfilled their purposes and reveals that despite their disparate origins and individual perspectives these three texts share two common features: (i) they follow a common three stage pattern of development (ii) they deal with similar issues: factional insecurities and concerns about the quality of those in power over them – using an historical perspective The analysis also reveals the range of techniques which were at the disposal of the composers of these texts, dispelling any notion that they were either unsophisticated or naïve in their handling of their source materials. Together these texts demonstrate how mediaeval authors used combinations of extracts as a means of responding quickly and flexibly to address particular concerns. Such texts were not regarded as being set in stone but rather as fluid entities which could be recombined at will in order to produce new works as required.
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Books on the topic "1154-1216 (Angevins)"


Thomas, Hugh M. Vassals, heiresses, crusaders, and thugs: The gentry of Angevin Yorkshire, 1154-1216. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1993.

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Chadwick, Elizabeth. Shadows and strongholds: A novel. New York: St. Martins Press, 2005.

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Wallace, David C. Chronology of the Angevins 1154-1216 and the Plantagenets 1216-1372. Upfront Publishing, 2014.

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Simpson, Peter. England in the Middle Ages: The Angevins 1154-1216. Xlibris US, 2021.

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Simpson, Peter. England in the Middle Ages: The Angevins 1154-1216. Xlibris Corporation LLC, 2021.

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Mease, Toyne Stanley. Angevins and the Charter, (1154-1216), the Beginning of English Law, the Invasion of Ireland and the Crusades. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2015.

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Thomas, Hugh M. Vassals, Heiresses, Crusaders, and Thugs: The Gentry of Angevin Yorkshire, 1154-1216. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016.

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David, Smith, Evans Martin, and Michael Fordham. Royal Authority and the Angevin Kings, 1154-1216: A/AS Level History for AQA. Cambridge University Press, 2016.

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David, Smith, Evans Martin, and Michael Fordham. A/AS Level History for AQA Royal Authority and the Angevin Kings, 1154-1216 Student Book. Cambridge University Press, 2016.

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Chadwick, Elizabeth. Shadows and Strongholds. Little, Brown Book Group, 2004.

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Book chapters on the topic "1154-1216 (Angevins)"


"‘Warriors fit for a prince’ - Welsh troops in Angevin service, 1154–1216." In Mercenaries and Paid Men, 207–30. BRILL, 2008.

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