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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "-057.2(043.5)"
Костиря, Ірина Валентинівна. "Формування лідерської позиції майбутніх інженерів у вищих технічних навчальних закладах." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2018.
Full textThe Thesis Research for obtaining the Degree of the Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences majoring in 13.00.07 – Theory and Methods of Education.– Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky State Pedagogical University, Vinnytsia, 201 8. In the dissertation, pedagogical conditions for the formation of a leading position of future engineers in higher technical educational institutions are theoretically substantiated and experimentally verified. The dissertation firstly defines the notion of leadership position of the future engineer as a conscious readiness to fulfill the role of the leader and the totality of all relations of his personality to the reality that has developed into a certain system of group relationships generated by this awareness. The basic components of a leadership position are defined: motivational-valuable, cognitive, activity and personal. It has been experimentally proved that the pedagogical conditions of forming the leadership position of a future engineer in a higher technical educational institution are: the inclusion of students in practical, independent activity, which involves the use of organizational, communicative, cognitive, reflexive skills and determines the manifestation of their leadership position; modeling of professionally-oriented tasks requiring students to choose the best ways to influence leadership in situations of group interaction; the upbringing of a value relation to a leadership position in classroom work.
Full textДисертація присвячена дослідженню проблеми адаптації іноземних студентів до навчання у вищих технічних навчальних закладах. У результаті дослідження розкрито зміст і структуру адаптації іноземних студентів. Визначено та обґрунтовано педагогічні умови адаптації іноземних студентів до навчання у вищих технічних навчальних закладах. Розроблено комплексну програму адаптації іноземних студентів до навчання у вищих технічних навчальних закладах та експериментально підтверджено її ефективність. Визначено основні параметри сприятливого для адаптації іноземних студентів освітнього середовища навчального закладу (модальність, широта, інтенсивність, усвідомленість, емоційність, узагальненість, домінантність), експериментально доведено можливості позитивного впливу на них обґрунтованих педагогічних умов. Уточнено сутність понять «адаптація іноземних студентів до навчання», «адаптованість іноземних студентів до навчання у вищих технічних навчальних закладах», «сприятливе для адаптації освітнє середовище вищого навчального закладу»; сутність і структурні компоненти процесу адаптації іноземних студентів до навчання в технічному університеті (діяльнісно-практичний, соціально-комунікативний та особистісний). Розглянуто особливості адаптації до навчання представників різних регіонів (Південно-Східної, Східної та Західної Азії; Центральної, Західної й Північної Африки, Південної Америки). Удосконалено організацію, форми й методи педагогічного супроводу адаптації іноземних студентів в процесі навчання у вищих технічних навчальних закладах.
Диссертация посвящена исследованию педагогических условий адаптации иностранных студентов к обучению в высших технических учебных заведениях. В первом разделе диссертации – «Теоретические основы исследования проблемы адаптации иностранных студентов к обучению в высших технических учебных заведениях Украины» осуществлен анализ разработки проблемы исследования в психолого-педагогической теории и практике; проанализированы основные характеристики адаптации иностранных студентов; уточнено содержание ключевых понятий исследуемой темы: «адаптация иностранных студентов к обучению в высших учебных заведениях», «адаптированность иностранных студентов к обучению в высших технических учебных заведениях», охарактеризовано структуру адаптации и выделено ее компоненты (деятельностно-практический, социально-коммуникативный и личностный); определены критерии, показатели и уровни адаптированности иностранных студентов к обучению в высших технических учебных заведениях. Во втором разделе – «Организационно-методические основы определения педагогических условий для усовершенствования образовательной среды высшего технического учебного заведения, благоприятной для адаптации иностранных студентов» определены и обоснованы педагогические условия адаптации иностранных студентов: единство аудиторной и культурно-досуговой внеаудиторной деятельности; использование тренинговых технологий при обучении иностранных студентов с целью социокоммуникативной и личностной адаптации; организация педагогического сопровождения иностранных студентов, включающая реализацию диагностической, учебно-методической, информационной, коррекционно-профилактической деятельности; подбор педагогических стратегий формирования адаптированности (управление, взаимодействие, проектирование, индивидуализация) на основе учета индивидуальных и национальных особенностей иностранных студентов. Охарактеризованы региональные особенности адаптации иностранных студентов, параметры образовательной среды, влияющие на адаптацию; представлена реализация усовершенствованой методики адаптации иностранных студентов к обучению в высших технических учебных заведениях. В третьем разделе – «Экспериментальное исследование эффективности педагогических условий адаптации иностранных студентов к обучению в высших технических учебных заведениях» раскрыто содержание и методику организации педагогического эксперимента. Результаты исследования подтвердили эффективность обоснованных педагогических условий и их положительное влияние на параметры образовательной среды, что позволило разработать рекомендации по усовершенствованию образовательной среды высшего технического учебного заведения, благоприятной для адаптации иностранных студентов.
The thesis is devoted to the problem of foreign students’ adaptation to the studies in higher technical educational institutions. As the result of the research the content and structure of the foreign students’ adaptation is revealed; besides, pedagogical conditions of foreign students’ adaptation to the studies in higher technical educational institutions are determined. Moreover, the comprehensive program of foreign students’ adaptation to the studies in higher technical educational institutions is developed and its effectiveness is experimentally verified. The significant parameters of adaptable educational environment for foreign students’ adaptation (modality, breadth, intensity, awareness, emotional sensitivity, generality and dominance) are identified, and the possibility of a positive impact of the pedagogical conditions on them was experimentally proved. The essence of the concepts of «foreign students’ adaptation to the studies», «foreign students’ adaptation to the studies in higher technical educational institution», «adaptable educational environment of higher education» are specified; besides, the essence and structural components of the process of foreign students adaptation to study at the Technical University (action-practical, social, communicative and personal) are clarified. The features of adaptation to studies of representatives from different regions (Southeast, East and West Asia, Central, Western and Northern Africa and South America) are considered. The organization, forms and methods of pedagogical support of foreign students’ adaptation in the learning process in higher technical educational institution are improved.
Олійник, Ярослав Святославович. "Методика розслідування погрози або насильства щодо захисника чи представника особи." Diss., Заклад вищої освіти «Львівський університет бізнесу та права», 2021.
Full textМигаль, Роман Васильович. "Катування: кримінологічний аспект." Diss., Заклад вищої освіти «Львівський університет бізнесу та права», 2020.
Full textКостиря, Ірина Валентинівна. "Формування лідерської позиції майбутніх інженерів у вищих технічних навчальних закладах." Thesis, Вінницький державний педагогічний університеті ім. Михайла Коцюбинського, 2018.
Full textThe Thesis Research for obtaining the Degree of the Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences majoring in 13.00.07 – Theory and Methods of Education.– Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky State Pedagogical University, Vinnytsia, 201 8. In the dissertation, pedagogical conditions for the formation of a leading position of future engineers in higher technical educational institutions are theoretically substantiated and experimentally verified. The dissertation firstly defines the notion of leadership position of the future engineer as a conscious readiness to fulfill the role of the leader and the totality of all relations of his personality to the reality that has developed into a certain system of group relationships generated by this awareness. The basic components of a leadership position are defined: motivational-valuable, cognitive, activity and personal. It has been experimentally proved that the pedagogical conditions of forming the leadership position of a future engineer in a higher technical educational institution are: the inclusion of students in practical, independent activity, which involves the use of organizational, communicative, cognitive, reflexive skills and determines the manifestation of their leadership position; modeling of professionally-oriented tasks requiring students to choose the best ways to influence leadership in situations of group interaction; the upbringing of a value relation to a leadership position in classroom work.
Думанська, К. С., and K. S. Dumanska. "Стратегізація корпоративного управління промисловими компаніями за умов глобалізації." Дисертація, Хмельницький національний університе, 2020.
Full textThe dissertation investigates the theoretical provisions, scientific and methodological basis and practice-oriented principles of industrial companies corporate management in the context of economic processes globalization in Ukraine and abroad. According to the research results, the main scientific-m ethodological and practice-oriented achievements of the author are presented in the form of an annotation. Theoretical-methodological and evaluation-analytical research results are analyzed in Sections 1, 2, 3, and the results of practice-oriented research directions are presented in Sections 4, 5 of the given dissertation. Sections 1-2 analyze, identify and evaluate aspects of industrial companies corporate management strategy, namely: the problems of company as a business entity in the global economic space context, identification of administrative and legal status and definition of the company as a business entity, types of companies, modelling of domestic corporate management, definition and substanti ation of the necessity to strategize and develop the company management system concept, systematization of approaches in determination the optimal size of enterprises-as diversified company-members, problems of globalization of the world economic environment, identification of diversified companies and non-diversified ones in the system of strategic corporate management, guidelines on profil ing global indexes and rating evaluation of the company's development strategy in globalizati on context. Section 3 systematizes, evaluates and identifies the reserves of sustainable development and management potential of successful business entities of Ukraine in general and Khmelnytsky region in particular based on the use of systematic analytical and methodological tools for the research. Thus, the reserves of sustainable development of strategic engineering companies of Ukraine and Khmelnytsky region, were identified by means of successful corporate businesses rating in the field of mechanical engineering, sectoral analysis of industry, segmental assessment of machine building in Ukraine, based on the index approach (conducted by the author for the period from 2011 to the present), potential assessment of the mechanical engineering based on the cluster approach, potential assessment of On the sustainable development of corporat business of Khmelnytsky region. Based on the analysis the basis of the analysis results of the main theories causal chain formation of companies origin, functioning and development in the global environment were revealed and features of their influence on the creation of transnational corporations where taking into account the factors of economic processes globa lization. In turn, the disclosure of the causal link between the emergence of international economic and political alliances, the historical nature of their development and goals makes it possible to predict the further development of "economic states" and their impact on global processes. According to the rating assessments method more than 20 most successful machine-building companies of Ukraine were analyzed and the tendencies of their strategic development and strategic level of successful activity opportunities in the strategic period were estimated. Based on the results of th e analysis and domestic machine-building companies evaluation on the basis of their rating positions and profitability, the author proposes ways to stabilize the development of domestic machine-building companies taking into account possible favourable conditions for doing business in Ukraine. Elaboration of strategies at all corporate management levels, formation of strategic business zones in potential areas of company’s future development, forecasting the level of emergence of threats in the economic environment, determining the volatility of machine market sectors, forming a set of strategic reactions to unpredictable changes in the economic environment. Based on the study results of global world indicators of the country development level, the types of global indexes are formulated in two directions according to the methods of calculating indicators and the directions of globalization. Grounded on the formed methodological basis according to the typolog ies of global indices, the author analyzes and synthesizes the ranking positions of Ukraine in global rankings and identifies trends in the strategic country development in the context of the global environment. The sectoral analysis of the of Ukrainian industry in general and the machine-building sector in particular, conducted by the author for the period from 2010 to the present, revealed threatening trends in the number of machine-building companies with domestic capital in favour of small and medium-sized enterprises w ith foreign capital that proves Ukrainian export potential reduction in the foreign market of machine-building products and the necessity to support export-oriented companies at the state level. Segmental assessment of the machine-building complex of Ukraine on the basis of the index approach, conducted by the author for the period from 2011 to the present, revealed the presence of strategic potential reserves for such machine building segments as production of vehicles, trailers and other vehicles and machinery and equipment production and other groups in 2019 and the production of electrical equipment, computers, electronic and optical products in 2020. The results of the segmental assessment of mechanical engineering in Ukraine indicate the need of programs development to strategize the development of potentiall y successful segments and investment support for unprofitable segments in order to pr event their decline. Thus, under the legislative support conditions of corporate business in Ukraine, the potential possibility of strategic development resumption of the Ukrainian machine-building complex is not ruled out. This situation is confirmed by the results of the forecast trends assessment in company’s production costs, medium and small enterprises by type of their economic activity and cost -effectiveness of companies operating activities for five years period that indicates a possible increase of both costs and cost-effectiveness which takes into consideration the situation of stable break-even management. As a result of assessing the machine building development potential in Khmelnytsky region on the cluster approach basis, 4 segments were identified, in the production of which were involved successful companies of Khmelnytsky and Khmelnytsky region. Among the identified promising segments of mechanical engineering according to 2019 data were outlined such like as: production of equipment for measurement, research and navigation; production of components and parts for motor vehicles and production of electric motors, generators, transformers, electrical distribution and control equipment, which provide, respectively , 3,3%, 7,7% and 7,1% of mechanical engineering value added in the economy of Ukraine. The paper evaluates the potential of corporate business sustainable development in Khmelnytsky region. Thus, according to the results of segmental analysis of cluster potential due to the cluster approach, the most promising in Khmelnytsky region were identified: "Novator" company in the segment of equipment for measurement, research and navigation (LQ=6,4 )) and "Ukrelektroaparat" company in the segment of production of electric motors, generators, ransformers, electrical distribution and control equipment (LQ=2,8). According to the results of the assessment of financial and economic activity and reserves of strategic development of the most successful companies of Khmelnytsky are "Ukrelectroapparat", "Novator", "Plant" Temp for the period from 2009 to 2020. The methodology of estimating marginal profit confirmed the presence of unfavourable strategic trends in Ukrainian industry and the existence of threats to the unstable development of these companies due to the low safety margin. Summing up the results of analysis and evaluation of the state and reserves of machine-building companies sustainable development in Ukraine and Khmelnytsky region, mentioned above, made it necessary the development of scientific and methodological approaches to the formation of sustainable development management companies in Chapters 4 and 5 of the dissertation. The dissertation substantiates the expediency of forming a methodological approach to assessing the company’s success potential of sustainable development and its introduction into corporate management practice of as one of the aspects of strategic management processes. For this purpose, the paper analyzes the existing concepts of defining and managing companies sustainability in globalization context, reveals the direction of understanding the of the company’s sustainable development in social and economic areas and the interdependence of the concepts of "sustainable development" and "corporate responsibility" in the context of company’s strategic development. The author's vision of the concept "success potential of company’s sustainable development" is offered. This concept emphasizes the importance of company’s successful activity as a key factor of its competitiveness and efficiency in the market. The mechanism of strategizing the management of an industrial company in an uncertain economic environment has been improved and as a result of which the effectiveness of the proposed management development in the process of forming a number of alternative corporate strategies and choosing effective strategic decisions has been revealed. The mechanism of an industrial company’s corporate management strategy due to the multiple-valued variability of the formation of a set of alternative strategies allows to determine the strategic prospects and to form company's development strategic directions. Formation and implementation of the mechanism of overcoming of such stages as a set of strategic alternatives development can provide the formation of original strategic actions, possible changes forecasting in company's environment, development of a set of alternative development strategies based on forecasts, strategy implementation at all functional levels and one of these stages has been improved comparing to similar methods used in the strategy developing process in Ukraine and abroad. A scientific and methodological approach to corporate management modelling process has been developed, taking into consideration the lack of similar approaches in management processes of Ukrainian companies, the essence of presented approach is in the consistent application of aspects of modelling strategic managem ent processes, namely: modelling management system set of strategic management game theory, development of models of the process of choosing the direction of successful of company’s strategic development and taking multivariate management decisions. The purpose of applying such an approach in the practice is to create corporate management strategic model of an industrial company in the context of globalization. The basis of the developed models of trategizing of machine-building companies became game theory, aspects of mathematical modelling in th e form of construction of linear logarithmic dependences, a method of the analysis of hierarchies with an estimation of harmony on the basis of system entropy. The application of the dominant result criteria in the relevant system ensured the selection of the most competitive SBU from the set and substantiation of the peculiarities of their further development. Based on the experience of well-known World companies a model of the process of choosing the most effective direction of the company strategic development by means of hierarchies analysis based on system entropy with harmony assessment is developed. The concept of scientific and methodological approach to modelling the corporate management strategizing process involves the existence of models that comprehensively reveal the essence of corporate management strategizing. Therefore, in the context were developed and schematically presented models that cons istently reveal the essence of this such like approach, as: models of strategizing an industrial company in the market and a model of organization and implementation of strategizing corporate management process. conducted in Sections 1-3 of the functioning, financial and economic activity in the context of industrial companies globalization, Sections 4, 5 propose solutions of identified problems of corporate business entities strategic development. Thus, the methodological approach of evaluating the success of company sustainable development was elaborated, the mechanism of industrial company corporate management in the unstable economic environment was improved and comprehensive scientific and methodological approach to modelling corporate management processes based on multivariate choice and effective management decisions was formed. In dissertation the author investigates the administrative and legal basis for the emergence of the company as a business entity in the frame of Ukrainian market space due to domestic business globalization in the process of gradual privatization of industrial market participants. As a result of etymological research, a synonymous identity of the terms "association", "association of enterprises", "company", "corporation", "business association", "corporate association" was revealed, and as a result such generalizing term as "corporate formation" was proposed for domestic non-diversified companies. At the same time , for transnational and multinational corporations, i.e. diversified companies, the term "global cor porate formation" was proposed in order to clarify their nature and functioning peculiarities in the context of global socio-cultural, political and economic integration of diversified companies. Systematization of the terms which take into account the examples of development and transnational corporations functioning and other "global corporate entities" allows to systematize global corporate formations according to their origin, objectives and development. Taking into consideration the necessity to identify the concepts of association, the company and the orporation in the author's interpretation, the work provides certain definition of these concepts. Thus, from the author's point of view, "an association characterizes the combination of two or more enterpri ses under a mutually beneficial economic alliance enshrined in the agreement, in order to increase economic potential and future development through resource accumulation and distribution of organizational, production and management powers, space of Ukraine ", and as it can be seen, the author's definition emphasizes the existence of an alliance agreement as a basis for creating a corporate associat ion, which in contrast to the definitions of "association" by other authors explains expands understanding of its administrative and legal positions and market opportunities. Under the term "company", the author proposes "an integrated association of independent entities operating on the basis of capitalization as a single economic complex with a closed production cycle in one or more industries and specializes in the production of a strategic set of product groups with a governing body (board of directors) with different authority degrees depending on the company types with the participation of companies members in the management structure and shareholders", and it is evident that in contrast to previously given interpretations the term "company" as a business entity systematizes and accumulates maximum companies characteristics in a single definition. As a result of research of different types of companies in the context of the world economic environment in the dissertation identified and confirmed by examples the basic principle of creation, operation and development of companies, which is in the process of capitalization and identified the main tasks of modern domestic companies. The reasons for companies emergence in the world economic environment are studied and revealed and the difference in companies creating processes in Ukraine and in the world economy is shown. Thus domestic companies and companies, situated on the territories of former Soviet republics were created as a result of privatization, while the basis of global trends in the formation of corporate ownership was the process of forced consolidation of small and medium-sized private sector entities into monopoly and oligopolistic entities. In the process of explaining and deciphering the historical paradigm of the corporate entities emergence aspects of the historical era conceptual nature on companies influence formation were revealed; each of the historical epochs in terms of the origin concept and existence and the prerequisites for companies formation and economic achievements of each pochs, taking into account their historical and geographical basis, were depicted and analyzed. The paper proposes the author's definition of corporate management, which, in contrast to the existing ones, emphasizes the strategic aspect of organizational processes systematization of the company’s structuring in general and its competitive units in particular. Thus, from the author's point of view, “corporate management is a strategic aspect of structuring systematization, organization and planning of company's development as a whole and diversification of self-sufficient competitive strategic business zones in the direction of expanding and deepening the company to new markets or segments on beneficial conditions ». In the proposed definition of corporate management the author insists on the importance of corporate management organizational component in the process of regulating not only the company as a whole, but also participating companies / participating enterprises and strategically promising units allocated in strategic management areas. Retrospective analysis of the "strategizing" concept emergence revealed its conceptual basis, which from the author's point of view "is in the process of developing the company's strategy based on in-depth analysis of environmental factors, research of company development features in conditions of unstable threatening environment». Analysis of term "strategization" etymology confirmed the need to clarify this definition due to the lack of a clear and unambiguous description of strategy as an economic category. Thus, the author's vision of the "strategy" concept is formulated in the following way: "company strategy" is a specific management approach that combines strategic forecasting, monitoring and rapid response to changes in the environment by applying a set of strategies adjusted to the current situation. The author also provides another definition of strategizing, which defines the purpose of strategizing as an aspect of corporate management. In this case, "strategizing is a multilevel process of developing and forming a corporate strategy by vertical management from portfolio to a set of functi onal strategies." According to the results of the investigations, it was found that the model of domestic corporate management is in the process of formation and in this connection the concept of a corporate management system for domestic companies was developed. The developed concept of the company's management system is based on a system of consolidating principles. The creation of this concept is aimed at the formation of effective strategic management areas in accordance with reasonable areas of diversification, as well as the selection of the most promising of them for further development as a potential of the company’s member, this concept is developed for the purpose of system corporate management formation in conditions of globalization. The basis of the formulated concept was a model of the company management system based on consolidating principles, which clearly reflects the conceptual links between the strategic components of the company's operation. Systematic approach to the determination the participating companies optimal size of diversified company was formed and proposed by the author. On the one hand, the developed system approach provides an opportunity to take into account the impact of internal economic factors of participating companies consolidat ion on their size, and on the other hand, determines the impact of external factors assessing the effectiveness of export-import processes. The application of a systematic approach to determining the companies participating optimal size allows to determine the companies optimal production volumes that are provided not only in the domestic market but are suitable for export-oriented companies. The proposed system approach ensures the efficient allocation of resources and authority within a diversified company. Research results of the dissertation highlights three historical milestones of of companies intersectoral specialization and main directions of international industrial cooperation and international cooperation directions as a manifestation of world economic integration and globalization of economic processes are revealed. In order to systematize the identified areas of international cooperation in the fields of production, trade and financial relations, the economic nature of globalization, forms of international cooperation on the examples of domestic and international systems of commercial agreements were systematized. On the basis of the analysis results of the main theories causal chain formation of companies origin, functioning and development in the global environment were revealed and features of their influence on the creation of transnational corporations where taking into account the factors of economic processes globa lization. In turn, the disclosure of the causal link between the emergence of international economic and political alliances, the historical nature of their development and goals makes it possible to predict the further development of "economic states" and their impact on global processes. According to the rating assessments method more than 20 most successful machine-building companies of Ukraine were analyzed and the tendencies of their strategic development and strategic level of uccessful activity opportunities in the strategic period were estimated. Based on the results of th e analysis and domestic machine-building companies evaluation on the basis of their rating positions and profitability, the author proposes ways to stabilize the development of domestic achine-building companies taking into account possible favourable conditions for doing business in Ukraine. Elaboration of strategies at all corporate management levels, formation of strategic business zones in potential areas of company’s future development, forecasting the level of emergence of threats in the economic environment, determining the volatility of machine market sectors, forming a set of strategic reactions to unpredictable changes in the economic environment. Based on the study results of global world indicators of the country development level, the types of global indexes are formulated in two directions according to the methods of calculating indicators and the directions of globalization. Grounded on the formed methodological basis according to the typologies of global indices, the author analyzes and synthesizes the ranking positions of Ukraine in global rankings and identifies trends in the strategic country development in the context of the global environment. The sectoral analysis of the of Ukrainian industry in general and the machine-building sector in particular, conducted by the author for the period from 2010 to the present, revealed threatening trends in the number of machine-building companies with domestic capital in favour of small and medium-sized enterprises w ith foreign capital that proves Ukrainian export potential reduction in the foreign market of machine-building products and the necessity to support export-oriented companies at the state level. Segmental assessment of the machine-building complex of Ukraine on the basis of the index approach, conducted by the author for the period from 2011 to the present, revealed the presence of strategic potential reserves for such machine building segments as production of vehicles, trailers and other vehicles and machinery and equipment production and other groups in 2019 and the production of electrical equipment, computers, electronic and optical products in 2020. The results of the segmental assessment of mechanical engineering in Ukraine indicate the need of programs development to strategize the development of potentiall y successful segments and investment support for unprofitable segments in order to prevent their decline. Thus, under the legislative support conditions of corporate business in Ukraine, the potential possibility of strategic development resumption of the Ukrainian machine-building complex is not ruled out. This situation the results of the forecast trends assessment in company’s production costs, medium and small enterprises by type of their economic activity and cost-effectiveness of companies operating activities for five years period that indicates a possible increase of both costs and cost-effectiveness which takes into consideration the situation of stable break-even management. As a result of assessing the machine building development potential in Khmelnytsky region on the cluster approach basis, 4 segments were identified, in the production of which were involved successful companies of Khmelnytsky and Khmelnytsky region. Among the identified promising segments of mechanical engineering according to 2019 data were outlined such like as: production of equipment for measurement, research and navigation; production of components and parts for motor vehicles and production of electric motors, generators, transformers, electrical distribution and control equipment, which provide, respectively, 3,3%, 7,7% and 7,1% of mechanical engineering value added in the economy o f Ukraine. The paper evaluates the potential of corporate business sustainable development in Khmelnytsky region. Thus, according to the results of segmental analysis of cluster potential due to the cluster approach, the most promising in Khmelnytsky region were identified: "Novator" company in the segment of equipment for measurement, research and navigation (LQ=6,4 )) and "Ukrelektroaparat" company in the segment of production of electric motors, generators, transformers, electrical distribution and control equipment (LQ=2,8). According to the results of the assessment of financial and economic activity and reserves of strategic development of the most successful companies of Khmelnytsky are "Ukrelectroapparat", "Novator", "Plant" Temp for the period from 2009 to 2020. The methodology of estimating marginal profit confirmed the presence of unfavourable strategic trends in Ukrainian industry and the existence of threats to the unstable development of these companies due to the low safety margin. Summing up the results of analysis and evaluation of the state and reserves of machine-building companies sustainable development in Ukraine and Khmelnytsky region, mentioned above, made it necessary the development of scientific and methodological approaches to the formation of sustainable development management companies in Chapters 4 and 5 of the dissertation. The dissertation substantiates the expediency of forming a methodological approach to assessing the company’s success potential of sustainable development and its introduction into corporate management practice of as one of the aspects of strategic management processes. For this purpose, the paper analyzes the existing concepts of defining and managing companies sustainability in globalization context, reveals the direction of understanding the of the company’s sustainable development in social and economic areas and the interdependence of the concepts of "sustainable development" and "corporate responsibility" in the context of company’s strategic development. The author's vision of the concept "success potential of company’s sustainable development" is offered. This concept emphasizes the importance of company’s successful activity as a key factor of its competitiveness and efficiency in the market. The mechanism of strategizing the management of an industrial company in an uncertain economic environment has been improved and as a result of which the effectiveness of the proposed management development in the process of forming a number of alternative corporate strategies and choosing effective strategic decisions has been revealed. The mechanism of an industrial company’s corporate management strategy due to the multiple-valued variability of the formation of a set of alternative strategies allows to determine the strategic prospects and to form company's development strategic directions. Formation and implementation of the mechanism of overcoming of such stages as a set of strategic alternatives development can provide the formation of original strategic actions, possible changes frecasting in company's environment, development of a set of alternative development strategies based on forecasts, strategy implementation at all functional levels and one of these stages has been improved comparing to similar methods used in the strategy developing process in Ukraine and abroad. A scientific and methodological approach to corporate management modelling process has been developed, taking into consideration the lack of similar approaches in management processes of Ukrainian companies, the essence of presented approach is in the consistent application of aspects of modelling strategic managem ent processes, namely: modelling management system set of strategic management game theory, development of models of the process of choosing the direction of successful of company’s strategic development and taking multivariate management decisions. The purpose of applying such an approach in the practice is to create corporate management strategic model of an industrial company in the context of globalization. The basis of the developed models of strategizing of machine-building companies became game theory, aspects of mathematical modelling in the form of construction of linear logarithmic dependences, a method of the analysis of hierarchies with an estimation of harmony on the basis of system entropy. The application of the dominant result criteria in the relevant system ensured the selection of the most competitive SBU from the set and substantiation of the peculiarities of their further development. Based on the experience of well-known world companies a model of the process of choosing the most eff ective direction of the company strategic development by means of hierarchies analysis based on system entropy with harmony assessment is developed. The concept of scientific and methodological approach to modelling the corporate management strategizing process involves the existence of models that comprehensively reveal the essence of corporate management strategizing. Therefore, in the context were developed and schematically presented models that cons istently reveal the essence of this such like approach, as: models of strategizing an industrial company in the market and a model of organization and implementation of strategizing corporate management process.
Колесник, Виталий Александрович. "Технологическое обеспечение качества при сверлении цилиндрических отверстий в пакетах "углепластик/титановый сплав"." Thesis, НТУ "ХПИ", 2016.
Full textThesis for scientific degree of Candidate of Technical sciences on specialty 05.02.08 – Mechanical engineering technologies. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", 2016. Dissertation is devoted to solving the problem of reducing the cost of the process of formation of cylindrical holes in CFRP / Titanium alloy stacks. The basic idea is scientific substantiation single-pass stacks processing technology CFRP / titanium alloy that ensures the formation of holes at the level of design requirements. These mathematical relationships influence of cutting speed and feed on the cutting temperature, surface roughness and precision holes and tool wear, which allowed to investigate its effect on the nature and mechanisms of quality indicators of the holes in stacks. The results allow us to establish the combination of cutting speed, feed that will ensure that the holes on the H9 at the lowest cost technology.
Шипуліна, Юлія Сергіївна. "Методологічні засади формування інноваційно-сприятливого середовища на підприємстві." Thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2018.
Full textThesis for granting the Degree of Doctor of Economical sciences in specialty 08.00.04 – economy and management of enterprises (by types of economic activity). – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute", Kharkiv, 2018. The dissertation is devoted to the development and scientific substantiation of conceptual foundations, theoretical principles, methodical approaches and practical recommendations for the formation of innovative environment at industrial enterprises on the basis of their innovation culture in the context of ensuring their innovative development. The dissertation investigates tendencies in innovative activity development at industrial enterprises of Ukraine, peculiarities of evolution, essence and prerequisites for creation of innovative environment at industrial enterprises, systematizes approaches to its formation. The categorical apparatus of the theory of innovative development is improved in the field of the formation of an innovative environment at industrial enterprises based on its innovative culture. The place and role of innovation culture are determined in the system of components of enterprise’s innovative potential. Methodological approach to the analysis of factors influencing innovation culture development is proposed. The analysis is proposed to perform according to the author's scheme of interaction of components of the subsystems and elements of the industrial enterprise in the following sequence: PIR - intellectual capital (as a component of PIR) – corporate culture (as an element of organizational capital that is a component of intellectual capital) - innovation culture (as a component of corporate culture). The methodical recommendations for selecting innovative decisions based on the results of factor analysis of the enterprise' innovative culture state are presented. The methodical principles of quantitative multi-factor assessment of innovation culture at both the State level and a separate industrial enterprise are improved. The methodical approach to the diagnostics of the state of an industrial enterprise’s innovation culture is proposed based on the results of an integrated assessment of the state of its subsystems (organizational, motivational, intellectual and creative). The sequence and content of diagnostic procedures are determined, the criterial basis is formed. Tools and methods for managing the development of the innovative culture of the industrial enterprise are specified and systematized; the theoretical and methodical approach to the construction of an economic-mathematical model for their optimization is proposed. The theoretical and methodological approach to motivating the development of the innovative culture of an industrial enterprise has been improved, which allows to accelerate processes of formation and development of its innovative environment by means of the sequential formation of separate components. The sequence of formation and development of subsystems of innovative culture of the enterprise is substantiated: organizational, intellectual, creative and motivational. It is proved that as a subsystem reaches a certain critical level the development of the next subsystem starts. The activities for motivation of each of these components are determined and systematized, the algorithm of the sequential-parallel motivation of the development of innovation culture is developed, which allows it to be carried out according to formal procedures. Methods of formation and development of innovative environment at industrial enterprises are systematized, the role of innovation culture in this process is determined, the conceptual scheme of their interaction is developed. The mechanism of knowledge production at an industrial enterprise in the process of innovative development is specified. The influence of innovative culture on innovative product strategies management at an enterprise is investigated. The influence of innovative culture on the efficiency of an enterprise’s innovative activity is researched. Theoretical, methodological and methodical principles of organizational-economic mechanism of innovative culture formation at industrial enterprises are developed. The principles of formation, functions, as well as subsystems of the specified organizational and economic mechanism and their elements are determined. The graphic models of the main stages of the management process are developed, subjects and management methods, as well as the basis for managerial decisions are outlined. The practical implementation of the managerial mechanism provides opportunities for purposeful and effective management of the innovative environment formation at an industrial enterprise. The theoretical and methodical approach to optimization of enterprise’s innovative culture in order to maintain its economic stability is proposed on the basis of constructing an economic-mathematical model.
Демчук, Юрій Ярославович. "Бітуми, модифіковані смолами, одержаними з фенольної фракції кам’яновугільної смоли." Diss., Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2021.
Full textЯцульчак, Галина Володимирівна. "Основи технології формування композиційних гідрогелевих плівок з кополімерів полівінілпіролідону та полікапроаміду." Diss., Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2021.
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