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劉淑媛 and Shu-Yuan Liu. "父母教養方式與青少年行為困擾之調查與訪談研究." 碩士, 國立成功大學, 1992.

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本研究旨在探討父母教養方式與青少年行為困擾之現況,並編製一份適合國內國中、高中生的「子女知覺父母教養方式量表」。藉由調查前訪談確定背景變項為性別、家庭社經地位及父母婚姻關係,並由量表的施測資料探討此三種背景變項在父母教養方式及行為困擾上之差異。再利用量表的施測及調查後訪談,進一步了解國中、高中生的父母教養方式與行為困擾之關係。   本研究以617名國中、高中學生做為預試對象,經由預試、統計分析結果、選題等步驟,編製而成「子女知覺父母教養方式量表」。再利用分層叢集抽樣方法抽取台灣北、中、南、東四區共1130名國中、高中生為研究樣本,以自編的「子女知覺父母教養方式量表」、林家屏所編「青少年行為困擾量表」與李閏華所編「知覺父母婚姻關係量表」為研究工具。利用Hotelling T2、one-way MANOVA、multiple regression、one-way repeated measure ANOVA、Canonical Correlation等方法進行統計分析,並獲得以下結論: 一、男、女生在知覺父親教養方式上有顯著差異。 二、男、女生在知覺母親教養方式上有顯著差異。 三、男、女生在行為困擾上有顯著差異。 四、三組家庭社經地位之青少年在知覺父親教養方式上有顯著差異。 五、三組家庭社經地位之青少年在知覺母親教養方式上有顯著差異。 六、三組家庭社經地位之青少年在行為困擾上無顯著差異。 七、父母婚姻關係可以預測青少年知覺的父親教養方式,尤以對開明自主之預測力為最大,其他依序為忽視敵意、疏於管教、溺愛保護、嚴格專制及寬鬆容忍。 八、父母婚姻關係可以預測青少年知覺的母親教養方式,尤以對開明自主之預測力為最大,其他依序為忽視敵意、疏於管教、溺愛保護、嚴格專制及寬鬆容忍。 九、父母婚姻關係可以預測青少年的行為困擾,尤以對家庭生活困擾之預測力為最大,其他依序為人際關係困擾、自我關懷困擾、身心發展困擾及學校生活困擾。 十、青少年在知覺父親教養方式上有顯著差異。青少年在開明自主之得分為最高,依序為寬鬆容忍、嚴格專制、疏於管教及溺愛保護,最低為忽視敵意。 十一、青少年在知覺母親教養方式上有顯著差異。青少年在開明自主之得分為最高,依序為寬鬆容忍、嚴格專制、疏於管教及溺愛保護,最低為忽視敵意。 十二、青少年在行為困擾上有顯著差異。青少年在自我關懷困擾之得分為最高,依序為學校生活困擾、身心發展困擾、人際關係困擾,最低為家庭生活困擾。 十三、父親教養方式越傾向於開明自主,則青少年的家庭生活困擾愈低;父親教養方式越傾向於嚴格專制及忽視敵意,則青少年的家庭生活困擾愈高。 十四、母親教養方式越傾向於開明自主,則青少年的家庭生活困擾愈低;母親教養方式越傾向於嚴格專制、忽視敵意及寬鬆容忍,則青少年的家庭生活困擾愈高。   本研究依據研究結果進行討論,並提出親職教育、教學與輔導及未來研究上之建議。
The purposes of this study were to investigate the status quo of parenting style and adolescents’ behavior disturbance, and to develop a Perception of Parenting Style Scale (PPSS) for adolescents. Before surveying, an interview was conducted in order to confirm the background variables of gender, social economic status of family and parents’ marital relationship. And subsequently the PPSS was employed to ascertain the different impacts of the three variables on parenting style and adolescents’ behavior disturbance. An interview was also conducted after the survey. Lastly, the results of the survey and the interview were used to acquire a further understanding of the relation of parenting style and adolescents’ behavior disturbance.   617 junior and senior high school students participated in the pilot test and the PPSS was developed from the data of the pilot test. There were 1130 high school students involved in the present study (stratify sampling was used to select the subjects from northern, western, southern, and eastern Taiwan). The instruments comprise of Perception of Parenting Style Scale, Adolescents’ Behavior-problem Scale and Parents’ Marital Relationship Scale. The statistical methods used to analyze the data were Hotelling T2, one-way MANOVA, multiple regression, one-way repeated measure ANOVA and Canonical Correlation. The conclusions of this study were summarized as follows:   1.Male and female students had significant differences on perception of father’s parenting style.   2.Male and female students had significant differences on perception of mother’s parenting style.   3.Male and female students had significant differences on behavior disturbance.   4.Adolescents among 3 groups of social economic status of family had significant differences on perceiving father’s parenting style.   5.Adolescents among 3 groups of social economic status of family had significant differences on perceiving mother’s parenting style.   6.Adolescents among 3 groups of social economic status of family had no significant differences on behavior disturbance.   7.Parents’ marital relationship could be used to predict adolescents’ perception of father’s parenting style. The prediction to democracy is the highest, then neglecting hostility, nonintervention, indulgence, authoritarian and tolerance in order.   8.Parents’ marital relationship could be used to predict adolescents’ perception of mother’s parenting style. The prediction to democracy is the highest, then neglecting hostility, nonintervention, indulgence, authoritarian and tolerance in order.   9.Parents’ marital relationship could be used to predict adolescents’ behavior disturbance. The prediction to family life disturbance is the highest, then personal relationship disturbance, self-concern disturbance, physical and psychological development disturbance and school life disturbance in order.   10.Adolescents had significant differences on perceiving father’s parenting style, and furthermore their perception of democracy was the highest, then tolerance, authoritarian, nonintervention, indulgence, and neglecting hostility in order.   11.Adolescents had significant differences on perceiving mother’s parenting style, and furthermore their perception of democracy was the highest, then tolerance, authoritarian, nonintervention, indulgence, and neglecting hostility in order.   12.Adolescents had significant differences on behavior disturbance, and furthermore their self-concern disturbance was the highest, then school life disturbance, physical and psychological development disturbance, personal relationship disturbance, family life disturbance in order.   13.The more democratic a father is, the lower adolescents’ family life disturbance is. The more authoritarian and neglecting hostile a father is, the higher adolescents’ family life disturbance is.   14.The more democratic a mother is, the lower adolescents’ family life disturbance is. The more authoritarian, neglecting hostile and tolerant a mother is, the higher adolescents’ family life disturbance is. Suggestions for parental education, teaching, educational guidance and further studies were proposed based on this study finding.
目 錄 中文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 目錄 IV 表目錄 VI 圖目錄 VIII 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究緣起 1 第二節 研究目的 4 第三節 研究問題 4 第四節 名詞釋義 5 第二章 文獻探討 11 第一節 父母教養方式的內涵與相關研究 11 第二節 行為困擾的內涵與相關研究 25 第三節 父母教養方式與行為困擾之相關研究 38 第三章 研究方法 41 第一節 量表編製 41 第二節 調查研究 48 第三節 質性訪談 58 第四章 調查研究與訪談結果 65 第一節 基本描述統計分析 65 第二節 不同背景變項之父母教養方式與行為困擾分析 68 第三節 全體受試者之父母教養方式與行為困擾 87 第四節 父母教養方式與行為困擾之關係 92 第五節 調查後訪談 101 第五章 結論與建議 111 第一節 結論 111 第二節 建議 119 參考書目 124 中文部分 124 英文部分 131 附錄 134 附錄一 子女知覺父母教養方式量表編製之訪問大綱 134 附錄二 調查前訪談之訪談大綱 135 附錄三 調查後訪談之訪談大綱 136 附錄四 子女知覺父母教養方式量表預試題本 137 附錄五 正式施測量表題本 141 附錄六 正式量表施測答案紙 146 附錄七 施測學校一覽表 149 附錄八 資料分析實例 150 附錄九 知覺父母婚姻關係量表同意書 177 附錄十 青少年行為困擾量表同意書 178
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李煒珊. "幼兒年齡、家庭因素、課外活動與社會行為之相關研究." Thesis, University of Macau, 2011.

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楊仁瑞. "父母教養行為、子女教養歸因及其與父母之溝通行為--以台北市國中生為例." Thesis, 2009.

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ZHANG, AI-HUA, and 張愛華. "父母效能系統訓練對母親教養態度與教養行為之影響." Thesis, 1986.

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"當代中國城市父母教養觀念、教養行為及兒童社會行為發展." Thesis, 2005.

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In the qualitative phase of the study, 47 parents in Beijing were interviewed using a design that was unstructured and allowed free conversations and responses. The results are as the following: Confucianism has lost its dominant role in parenting beliefs. Most parents held the view that the relationship between parents and children should be equal rather than hierarchical and girls and boys should be treated equally. Collectivism is not regarded as the standard in regulating children's social behavior. Most parents were not aversive toward aggression but were very negative about social withdrawal. Chinese parenting is characterized by a stronger presence of warmth rather than control. Parents showed high levels of warmth which was related to children both psychologically and physically. Parental control, on the other hand, was exercised with children's input and understanding. Children's academic and cognitive development represents a particularly strong focus in Chinese parenting. Most parents invested heavily in advancing children's academic performance in terms of both time and economic expenditure.
In the quantitative phase of the study, 645 children and their parents were administered a set of questionnaires. Factor analysis and structural equation modeling and other analyses yield the following findings: The data analysis support the multi-dimension structure of Chinese parenting. Besides the dimension proposed by the western researchers Chinese parents also show their warmth and control to the children physically. Mean levels in modern parenting beliefs, authoritative parenting style, psychological and physical warmth, and behavioral control were higher than those of traditional parenting beliefs, authoritarian parenting style, psychological and physical control, respectively. Modern parenting beliefs, psychological and physical warmth, authoritative parenting style played positive roles in children development. Traditional parenting beliefs, psychological and physical control, and authoritarian parenting style were negatively associated with children's self-concept and academic achievement, and were positively associated with aggression and withdrawal. Children's self-concept play a mediating role in the relationship of parenting and children's development. Finally, the effects of gender and age was also discussed.
This study used both qualitative and quantitative methods to explore parenting and its effects on child social and academic development in modern urban China.
論文(哲學博士)--香港中文大學, 2005.
參考文獻(p. 176-193).
Adviser: Lei Chang.
Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 67-01, Section: A, page: 0096.
Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web.
Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web.
Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web.
Abstracts also in English.
School code: 1307.
Lun wen (Zhe xue bo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2005.
Can kao wen xian (p. 176-193).
Wang Yan.
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林芝帆. "國中學生課業失敗之父母教養行為知覺、父母教養行為歸因與親子關係、課業自尊之研究." Thesis, 2009.

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The main purpose of this study was to explore the roles of the perception of parenting style of academic failure and parenting attributions on academic self-esteem and parent-child relationship of junior high students. This study was based on a survey using questionnaire method. A total of 769 junior high students in north Taiwan, responded to a set of questionnaire consisting of three parts: parenting style of academic failure and parenting attributions, academic self-esteem and parent-child relationship. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, ANOVA, MANOVA, simultaneous multiple regression and hierarchical multiple regression analysis. The main findings of this study were summarized as follows: 1.Junior high students perceived more responsiveness and less demanding of parenting styles of academic failure. 2.Junior high students tended to attribute parents’ parenting style of academic failure to friendly understanding, less attributed it to self-blame and parental personal factor. 3.Junior high students showed positive academic self-esteem, and of the three subscales of academic self-esteem, the score of academic value was highest. 4.Junior high students perceived higher positive parent-child relationship and lower negative parent-child relationship. 5.The junior high students’ perception of parenting style of academic failure and parent-child relationship differed in gender, but the parenting attributions didn’t. 6.Junior high students who perceived different parenting styles of academic failure had significant differences on academic self-esteem and parent-child relationship. 7.Junior high students who had different parenting attributions had significant differences on academic self-esteem and parent-child relationship. 8.The perception of parenting style of academic failure and parenting attributions showed significant predictability for junior high students’ academic self-esteem and parent-child relationship. Among them, parents’ responsiveness showed the highest predictability for academic self-esteem and positive parent-child relationship, and parents’ demanding showed the highest predictability for negative parent-child relationship. 9.The relationship among parents’ responsiveness and students’ academic self-esteem wouldn’t be affected by students’ parenting attributions, but for parents’ demanding, students’ academic self-esteem would depend on their parenting attributions. 10.The relationship among parents’ responsiveness and students’ perception of positive parent-child relationship would be affected by students’ parenting attributions. 11.The relationship among parents’ demanding and students’ perception of negative parent-child relationship wouldn’t be affected by students’ parenting attributions. Suggestions for parental education, adolescent counseling and future studies were proposed according to the results of this study.
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林士郁. "父母創意教養方式、父母閱讀教養方式、閱讀動機與閱讀行為、創造力之關係." Thesis, 2002.

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陳俐婷. "父母衝突、教養行為與兒童內化問題之關係." Thesis, 2003.

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王春美. "父母知覺與祖輩親職教養行為一致性之研究." Thesis, 2001.

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Abstract The research is devoted to discussing the consistence of parent cognition and grandparent behavior or childrearing, the effect of such consistence on parents’ satisfaction with their life, and relevant strategies. Hopefally, the conclusions drawn from the research could serve as a reference to the future parent education counseling, policy making, and family education promotion. The research was conducted through questionnaire survey method on the parent subjects, whose children are studying in accredited kindergardens at Tainan County, public and private. The employed research tool is adapted from Hui-Ya Lin’s “Questionnaire on parent child-rearing behavior, 1995”.. The data collected from 592 subjects were dealt through descriptive statistics, T-test, monovariance analysis, and regression analysis. The final results are as follows: 1、There is an exact distinction between parent cognition and grandparent concept of child-rearing behavior. Parents tend to be conscious that they show more concern, encouragement of independence, respect and control to their kids. 2、Whether grandparents live together with children, how often grandparents keep in contact with children, and whether they are the main caregivers are the most remarkably influential among the factors that work upon the consistence of parent cognition and grandparent concept of child-rearing behavior. Moreover, grandparents and parents will, as for child-rearing behavior, show more consistence if they live together. 3、The more consistent parent cognition and grandparent child-rearing behavior are, the more satisfied parents would feel with their life. The more frequently and longer grandparents take care of the children, the more consistent their child-rearing behavior are with parents’. Compared to different caregivers, grandparents show more consistence with parents about child rearing. Also most parents are subject to choose grandparents as the main caregivers. 4、 The consistence of parent cognition and grandparent child-rearing behavior shows no obvious relevance to the child raising strategies employed. 5、 Both consistence and inconsistent strategies resulting from different child-rearing behavior will have an effect on parents’ life satisfaction. Concord between parent cognition and grandparent child-rearing behavior indicates more satisfaction in life. In other words, it is the parents who employ the strategies of doing to the best of their ability that show higher degree of satisfaction with life. Last, An application based on the findings and results of this research could be hopefully taken for further utilization. Keywords:parenting、grandparent、child-rearing behavior
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蕭世慧. "高中職生父母教養方式、家庭氣氛與偏差行為之研究." Thesis, 2006.

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The purpose of this research aims at exploring senior and vocational high school students’ condition in deviant behavior with variety of the background variables (genders, family ranking, different education systems). And realize the relationship and prediction strength of different background variables, family atmosphere, and parents’ upbringing styles to deviant bahavior. The research adapts the method of questionaire to collect materials out of 716 effective questinaires. The major research findings are as follows: First: Understand the current deviant behavior condition in senior and vocational high school students. Second: There are distinctive differences among senior and vocational high school students because of various genders and different education systems. Third: It is presented that there is negative relationship between different family atmosphere and deviant behavior among senior and vocational high school students. Fourth: It is also presented that there is negative relationship between different parents’ upbringing styles and deviant behavior. Fifth: There is prediction strength showing concerning “family relationship concordance” and “family system maintaining” in the family atmosphere, “ mothers’ demanding” in parents’ upbringing styles, and “genders” and “different education systems” in individual variables. Finally, according to the results, some suggestions for parents, relevant organizations of education and further research are recommended.
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莊淑雯. "偏差行為少年父母在家庭教養福利服務需求之研究." Thesis, 2000.

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Tzeng, Lung-Yi, and 曾隆一. "國中學生同儕關係父母教養模式與抽菸行為關係之研究." Thesis, 2006.

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Abstract The present study deals primarily with the influences of peer groups and the parenting style on the smoking behavior of Taiwan's junior high school students. When taking the samples it also takes into account the question of social economic status. Samples of the research are 705 students of Zhang-hua county who entered the junior high in the 94th (2005) academic year. With those questionnaires which were not successfully filled, we got 628 valid respondents, The statistical methods used to analyze the data were descriptive statistics, t-test.Chi-square test. What follows are some discoveries of this investigation: (1) The social economic status of the smoking students' parents is considerably lower than that of the non-smoking students'. (2) It is much more possible to smoke for students whose parents are separated or divorced than those whose parents live together, and than those whose father or mother was widowed. (3) There may be no remarkable relationship between the parental response-to-demand type and the liability of whether their teenage children would smoke, but the highest and lowest frequency of response corresponds to a more serious smoking problem than the intermediate situation. (4) Similarly, nor does the parental demand for good behavior suffice to explain the smoking phenomenon among the junior high school students, but more likely the smoker would come from a family with a stricter upbringing. (5) It seems to be more possible for the authoritarian parents to have smoking children, although a particular way of breeding does not necessarily lead to certain behavior. (6) A real significant influence on junior high school student’s smoking may come from the peer group. According to the present research, seventy-one percent of junior high school students cannot avoid smoking if their companions smoke, while only four percent of them have such habit if they cannot find a smoker among their peers. The final section of this research is some suggestions for schools and parents.
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郭慕恩. "親職教育對國小學童之父母教養行為之影響--不縱容與不過度反應." Thesis, 2013.

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This research is mainly discussing the parenting situation (especially in laxness and overreactivity) and the effects of parent education to parenting of elementary childrens' parents. The author adopted quasi-experimental designs for the research and tested a 5-week (120min/week) parent education program with parents (n=20) and control group parents (n=35) of 1st grade to 4th grade elementary childrens' parents in Taiwan, Nei-Hu. Data of pre-test and pro-test, the measurement of parenting scale, observation records and feedback sheet in the class are used to examine the effect of the parent education program. The result of the research was that the parent education program had partly effects on parenting of elementary childrens' parents. Especially in the behavior part, the parents in the experimental group became to insist in their warning to the children more than they had the class, and they could handle children’s problem peacefully. All of the results show that the parent education program is effectively. To sum up, according to the results, the author provided some advice to the elementary childrens' parents, family educators and future research.
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Yu-Chin, Huang, and 黃于芩. "父母教養方式、教師管教類型與道德行為之研究─以桃園縣公立國小高年級學童為例." Thesis, 2014.

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The main purpose of this study is to understand the relationships among parenting style, teacher discipline and moral behaviors for the fifth and the sixth grade students. This study adopts questionnaire method which focuses on the fifth and the sixth grade students in Taoyuan public elementary schools.There were 552 valid questionnaires out of a total of 608, yielding the response rates of 90.79%.The statistical analysis are presented as follows: descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, chi-square test and multiple stepwise regression analysis. The conclusions were summarized as following: 1. The fifth and the sixth grade students in Taoyuan public elementary schools perform better moral behavior. 2. The fifth and the sixth grade students received the parenting styles as “authoritative”, followed by “neglecting”, “authoritarian” and “indulgent”. 3. The fifth and the sixth grade students received their guidance teacher as “supporter”, followed by“negotiator”, “compromiser” , “enforcer” and “abdicator”. 4. There are obvious differences of parenting style in terms of family structure and education level of parents. 5. The well-educated parents trend to adopt the parenting styles of “authoritative”. 6. There are obvious differences of teacher discipline in terms of students’genders and grades. 7. There are obvious differences of moral behavior in terms of students’genders, family structure, and education level of fathers. 8. There are significant differences in moral behavior in different parenting styles and teacher discipline for the fifth and the sixth grade students. 9. The parenting style of "authoritative" could positively predict moral behavior. 10.The teacher discipline of " abdicator " could negatively predict moral behavior. Finally, this study provides some suggestions to the educational institution, parents, teachers and the future studies according to the results and conclusions. Keyword:parenting style, teacher discipline, moral behavior
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LI, HUI-MEI, and 李蕙美. "父母教養方式對其子女情緖穩定及行為困擾影響之比較研究." Thesis, 1992.

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蔡松瑜. "國中生父母親教養知覺、家庭生活適應與偏差行為之關係研究." Thesis, 2003.

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廖宜廷. "中度智能不足兒童社會適應行為與其父母教養態度之相關研究." Thesis, 1989.

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方萱惠. "高雄市公立高中生父母教養態度、親子關係與利社會行為之研究." Thesis, 2011.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among the parents’ rearing attitudes, parent-child relationship and prosocial behavior of public senior high school students in Kaohsiung. The subjects were composed of 766 eleventh graders in public senior high schools in Kaohsiung. The tools utilized in the research were “Scale of Parenting Attitude,” “Scale of Parent-child Relationship,” and “Scale of prosocial behavior.” The collected data were analyzed by the SPSS software program, yielding the results of descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. This study had reached the following conclusions: 1. Senior high school students’ perception of their parents’ rearing attitudes scored higher in attitude of “democracy and respect.” 2. The students without siblings scored higher than middle children in their perception of parents’ rearing attitude as “indulgence and over-protection. ” 3. Senior high school students and their parents had good parent-child relationship, with the highest score in “the sense of admiration.” 4. Female students tended to have better parent-child relationship than their male counterparts. 5. The prosocial behavior of senior high school students reached the upper middle level. 6. The female senior high school students had better prosocial behavior than the male. 7. The senior high school students whose parents were democratic in child rearing appeared to be more prosocial. 8. There was a significant positive correlations between parent-child relationship and prosocial behavior. 9. Prosocial behavior could be predicted from parents’ rearing attitudes and parent-child relationship. Finally, according to the results of the research, some suggestions were proposed for parents, schools, related organizations and further studies.
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Wei, Li Jowei, and 李若瑋. "父母教養態度與獨生幼兒遊戲行為之相關研究--以臺北市北投區公立幼稚園為例." Thesis, 2011.

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This study intended to discuss the difference between the play behavior and children rearing in Only Child with different background from public kindergartens in Beitou District, Taipei City. We also analyzed the correlation between children rearing of their parents and play behavior in Only Child. This study mainly adopted survey method. Sixty questionnaires were mailed and 56 were returned. Total 56 “Child Play Behavior Scale” were and “Parent-Child Relation Questionnaire” were valid for analysis. We used descriptive statistics: t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson product-moment for statistic analysis. The conclusions of the study were as bellows: 1. The genders of Only Child are significantly different with their play behavior and the boy’s have more Antisocial Behavior. 2. There are no significant differences between socio-economic status of parents and play behavior in Only Child. 3. There are significant differences between genders of Only Child and children rearing of their parents. The patients have more “Protective”, “Symbolic-Love Reward” and “Direct-Object Reward” children rearing in the boy. 4. The differences between the socio-economic status of parents and their children rearing in Only Child research significant statistics. The children rearing of the lower socio-economic status of parents are more “Protective” and “Demanding”. 5. Play behavior of Only Child has no significantly correlation with children rearing of their parents. Finally, our study could give some recommends for the educators in schools, the parents having Only Child and associated researcher in the future.
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陳雪玉. "高雄市國小高年級學童網路使用行為、父母教養態度與學業成就關係之研究." Thesis, 2013.

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陳春香. "國小高年級學童知覺父母教養方式、家庭氣氛與校園偏差行為之相關研究-以高雄市為例." Thesis, 2012.

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簡介瑞. "某國小學童對父母飲食教養方式的認知和同儕團體的認同與飲食行為之相關研究." Thesis, 2003.

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Subject A research regards how the knowledge of diet education from parents and peer groups affect the 5th and 6th grade students’ eating behavior in a selected elementary. Preview This research is mainly focused on how the knowledge of diet education excelled by parents and per groups affect the eating behaviors of a group of 5th and 6th grade students in a selected elementary. The research domain is using layer-sampling method to randomly select six classes from each grade of 5th and 6th students in the 2nd semester of year 2002 at Taipei Mandarin Experimental Elementary School. As a result, total of 12 classes students are selected to have a self-report survey as a group. A total of 386 surveys are measured as valid. Findings 1. Sample objectors’ diet behaviors frequency score is found as ‘neutral,’ and diet habits frequency score is higher. 2. Boys are more likely to have high-calories diet than girls are. 3. Parents’ education level does not have a significant impact to objectors’ diet behaviors. 4. The objectors’ obesity level does not have a significant relationship with the objectors’ eating behaviors. 5. There is a significant correlation between the impact of parenting that is one element of the “Social Culture” and variables like peer groups to the objectors’ eating behaviors. 6. This research has found that Social Culture has the frequency of 25.9% explanation to the eating habits. Also, while using parenting ( pormissive and authoritarian ) and peer group as major variables, we found the frequency of 42.1% explanation. Conclusion In conclusion, the research has brought suggestions in the education task and future research goal. Key Word:parenting style 、peer group 、 eating behavior
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