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Dissertations / Theses on the topic '政府角色'

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是明芳. "政府在舊城改造中的角色與功能研究." Thesis, University of Macau, 2003.

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申遠. "中國外交智庫及其在政府政策過程中的角色研究." Thesis, University of Macau, 2011.

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翁國強. "市場化過程中的政府行為選擇 : 從物業管理的發展看政府角色轉換." Thesis, University of Macau, 2003.

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徐憲安. "論政府角色在物業管理市場化發展中的轉變." Thesis, University of Macau, 2003.

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范琳琳. "第三部門視域下中國行業協會與政府互動關係及角色研究 : 兼以雲南省律師協會為例." Thesis, University of Macau, 2010.

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CHEN, Chih-Liang, and 陳治良. "地方政府政風機構防腐角色與功能之研究-以南投縣政府為例." Thesis, 2007.

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Chuang, Chi-Ming, and 莊琦銘. "縣市政府人事機構角色與功能之研究." Thesis, 2002.

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Wang, Clare, and 汪孟君. "我國機械業之發展與政府角色之探討." Thesis, 2006.

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CHUN, CHEN I., and 陳怡君. "我國長期照護服務中政府角色之探討." Thesis, 2002.

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王宗安. "中國大陸環保非政府組織的角色與功能." Thesis, 2009.

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楊鎮遠. "金融風暴後南韓政府角色的調整與變遷." Thesis, 2004.

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Abstract epublic of Korea recovered from Asia Crisis was rapid. Except influence of relatively stable in international financial market and recovered of global boom-and-bust, government innovation at financial department result in regurgitation of capital investment was another important cause. In fact, it’s committed with“The model transition of government intervened market”. In past,“State-led model”was always the paradigm of economical development in Korea government, in accordance with some analyst, this model is not only keep social in statu quo, but can assemble resources to develop constitutive industry. However, it doesn’t meaning that“government role”shouldn’t change in facing crisis of state or development. Democratize and liberalize brought environmental transition inner and outer, if government all along bounded from conception of“State-led”, for inside, it will be account full-court press from civil sociality, for outside, it also can’t accord with liberal international economic regime. For understanding transition of Korea government role after Asia Crisis, I’m trying use David Easton’s“System theory”to dispute how domestic and abroad factor(Input) influence on government role? And where new government role going(Output)? How new government role influence back to environmental factor (domestic and abroad, Feedback)? Except to put information of Korea after Asia Crisis in order, withal also expect to deeply dispute the issue of“National development”, especially in East Asia. Key Words:Republic of Korea、Asia Crisis、government、government innovation、National development、system theory
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張弘遠. "中國大陸經濟轉型中政府角色與企業行為." Thesis, 2001.

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Ming, Huang Zer, and 黃澤銘. "台北市政行銷之研究-台北市政府新聞處之角色功能." Thesis, 1999.

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Kuo, Mei-Ju, and 郭美嬬. "長三角區域經濟發展地方政府角色與互動-競合理論觀點." Thesis, 2005.

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Kai-Yi, Lee, and 李鍇沂. "非政府國際組織在全球環境議題所扮演之角色." Thesis, 2006.

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Chin-fu, Kuo, and 郭俊甫. "政府在勞工退休金計劃管制中角色扮演之探討." Thesis, 1999.

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LIU, RONG-FANG, and 劉榮芳. "全民健康保險中政府扮演的角色--財務面之界定--." Thesis, 1992.

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王益興. "精省前後臺灣省政府交際科角色扮演之比較研究." Thesis, 2004.

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ZENG, MIN, and 曾敏. "政府在托兒服務上之角色與問題探討--以臺北市為例." Thesis, 1993.

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Lee, Shiulan, and 利秀蘭. "ProfessorMinsky「金融不穩定假說」下之政府角色的探討-以台灣為例." Thesis, 2000.

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CHEN, JUN-MING, and 陳俊明. "經濟發展中政府的角色--從金融面探討台灣的經驗﹐1950-1987." Thesis, 1988.

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呂育誠. "市政業務主管人員工作態度與角色行為之研究:以臺北市政府為例." Thesis, 1996.

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顏偉翔. "台灣非政府組織在國民外交上所扮演之角色─以佛光山為例." Thesis, 2011.

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WEI, MIN, and 衛民. "勞資關係系統中政府角色之研究-我國實施勞動基準法的觀察." Thesis, 1989.

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GU, YUN-WEN, and 古允文. "政府角色於社會福利發展過程中的演變與困境-理論觀點的探究." Thesis, 1988.

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Hong, Yu-Fang, and 洪諭芳. "政府角色對區域風險分攤的影響-以歐元區、北美區及東亞區為例." Thesis, 2012.

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陳文彬. "論「督察」在臺灣警察制度的角色與功能─宜蘭縣政府警察局實證研究." Thesis, 2008.

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Ya-wen, Yu, and 游雅雯. "太平洋經濟合作理事會在亞太經濟合作會議的行動與角色—國際非政府組織對國際政府間組織的干預." Thesis, 2004.

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By means of “Neoliberal Institutionalism”, “International Pressure Group Theory”, and also in-depth interviews with executive experts of APEC and PECC, this thesis would like to probe into the following issues. The first issue delves into the position of PECC, a INGO, in the Asian-Pacific region after APEC, an IGO, was established in 1989. The second issue discusses the roles and status of PECC in APEC. Finally, this thesis will probe the interactions between these two institutions and whether or not there is any evidence showing that INGO do intervene in IGO, specifically between APEC and PECC. If this is the case, this thesis will analyze what the capabilities, strategies, and actions that PECC has possessed to intervene in APEC are. A basic introduction to the establishment, development, and structure of APEC and PECC is firstly made in Chapter One and Chapter Two. In Chapter Three, the intervention capabilities and strategies of the PECC are then analyzed, including official intervention, informal intervention, the nature of intervention, levels of intervention, and intervention methods. Chapter Four, elaborating the PECC’s influence upon the APEC, is accompanied by the studies on intervention having been brought by the PECC into critical APEC issues on the fields of TILF and ECOTECH. And, the results of intervention will then be estimated. Chapter Five focuses on a comprehensive evaluation, reviewing the PECC’s intervention in different issues as well as factors affecting the intervention outcomes. Lastly, expectation and prospect will be concluded. This is an era of global governance we live in. International relations nowadays no longer refer to separate bilateral relations between states, but have already evolved into a global interdependent world. Non-state actors, such as INGO, have had more say in international communities, and their roles and status have become more and more important. Taiwan has actively taken part in the events of PECC and has earned herself considerable acclaim in certain fields. Consequently, the experience of participating in PECC could come as a stepping stone when Taiwan reaches out for diplomatic ties. Furthermore, to break through Taiwan’s diplomatic stalemate, INGO operation has been one of the key implements to help to advance the pragmatic diplomacy. Therefore, by researching on the interactions between PECC and APEC, this thesis bears a sincere hope to contribute to the formulation of Taiwan’s foreign policy and further broadening Taiwan’s diplomatic space. Keywords:PECC、APEC、International Non-Governmental Organization、Inter-Governmental Organization、International Pressure Group。
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FENG, GUO-HAO, and 馮國豪. "政府角色與經濟部發展關係之研究--光復後台灣地區發展經驗之探討." Thesis, 1990.

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Chia-Tzu, Chang, and 張嘉慈. "國際環境建制中非政府間組織角色探討三次聯合國環境會議之研究." Thesis, 2005.

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Young, Jerome, and 楊永祥. "老年經濟保障制度中政府補助角色之研究--從職域保險到國民年金保險." Thesis, 1999.

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LIU, SHU-HUA, and 劉素華. "政府採購監辦人員角色壓力與因應策略之研究-以新竹縣市主計人員為例." Thesis, 2007.

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田麗貞. "對記者角色認知差距之研究:以中央部會政府新聞官員與新聞記者兩者為例." Thesis, 1989.

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温健博. "派出所專案人員角色壓力與工作倦怠關係之研究-以臺中市政府警察局為例." Thesis, 2018.

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The purpose of this study is to examine the current status of role stress and burnout of the task force unit in police stations. This is to research how the perceptions of the task force unit in police stations differ from their backgrounds, and the correlation between role stress and burnout. Furthermore, the impact of role stress on burnout is also analyzed. In this study, through literature review, discussing the studies contain role stress and burnout;while through questionnaires to collect and analyze the data of the task force unit in police stations of the Taichung City police department. 360 questionnaires were sent and the number of valid questionnaires was 275. “The questionnaire of role stress and burnout of the task force unit in police station s of Taichung City police department” was used as the research tool to research. The main conclusions are as follows: 1.In general, the level of role stress of the task force unit in police stations appeared to be above the average 2.In general, the level of burnout of the task force unit in police stations appeared to be above the average. 3.The role stress of the task force unit in police stations varied by age differences, educational levels, years of current employment, seniority that serve as task force unit, and marriage status. 4.The burnout perceived by the task force unit in police stations varied by such as ages differences, educational levels, years of current employment, seniority that serve as task force unit and marriage status. 5.There is a positive correlation and a positive effect between role stress and burnout. Finally, the purpose of this study is to give suggestions based on the results and limitations, proposals are made to provide future reference for the task force unit in police stations, police authorities and future studies. The paper has given some concrete suggestions as follows: 1.To attach high importance to the selection and employment of the staff of Task Force Unit of Police Stations, and rationalize and humanize the dispatch of duties. 2.To create a friendly working environment, and strengthen the communication and interaction with other colleagues to seek for supports, and further decrease the stressed feeling when playing the roles of the staff of Task Force Unit. 3.To have prioritized establishment of a good family support system so as to decrease the effects of the family on work. 4.The police unit had better make active communication, offer assistance and arrange the related studying activities and courses. 5.To improve the service system of Task Force Unit, and realize the regimentation of the staff of Task Force Unit. 6.To realize the working experience passed on to newcomers under the mentoring system, and keep on self-learning to face different challenges.
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凃仁賢. "高雄市政府警察局基層員警角色衝突、組織承諾與組織公民行為關係之研究." Thesis, 2012.

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Abstract This dissertation explored the relationship among role conflict, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior of the police officers. The research aimed at analyzing the differences in the role conflict, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior of the police officers with different backgrounds, and examined the interrelationships among the factors above. In addition, the analyses that focused on the predictability of organizational citizenship behavior from role conflict and organizational commitment were also provided. A questionnaire was used to conduct empirical research to explore the relationship among role conflict, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior of the police officers. The subjects convered 860 police officers on Kaohsiung City Government Police Bureau as the objects of study. According to literature questionnaires of “A Case Study of Kaohsiung City Police Department Primary Police Role Conflict, Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior” are designed as research tools. The t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple stepwise regression method are performed using the Chinese version of SPSS14.0 statistical software to process the questionnaire data. The following conclusions are made in this study based on the results of data analysis: 1. The police officers toward “role conflict” were a medium level. Among them the perception on “Interrole Conflict” was the highest. 2. The police officers toward “organizational commitment” were a medium level. Among them the perception on “Effort Commitment” was the highest. 3. The police officers toward “organizational citizenship behavior” were a medium or high level. Among them the perception on “altruistic behaviors” was the highest. 4. The police officers' gender, age, educational level, marriage, work experience, and the monthly salary have a significant impact on the role of conflict cognitive. 5. The police officers' gender, age, educational level, marriage, position title, police station scale, work experience, and the monthly salary have a significant impact on the organizational commitment cognitive. 6. The police officers' gender, age, educational level, marriage, position title, police station scale, work experience, and the monthly salary have a significant impact on the organizational citizenship behavior. 7. The higher the perception on role conflict was, the lower the organizational citizenship behavior was. 8. The higher the perception on organizational commitment was, the higher the organizational citizenship behavior was. 9. The police officers’ role conflict and organizational commitment could effectively predict organizational citizenship behavior. According to the research, the concrete conclusions are presented as the following: The suggestions to the police officers in regards with this study: 1. Strengthening the care for families could increase the positive feedback on work. 2. Avoiding negative emotion to strengthen the ability of facing work stress. The suggestions to the police stations in regards with this study: 1. Assisting the rational alloction of police officers’ service to adapt work pressure. 2. Strengthening the emotional connection between the police officers to reduce the work transaction. 3. Increasing the policy communication to promote and strengthen the impletation of the policy. The suggestions to the police departments in regards with this study: 1. Establishing a fair system of personnel examination to increase the passion for work. 2. Being concerned about the police officers to avoid reducing passion for work service, and enhance organizational identification. 3. Paying attention to the police officers in different backgrounds to make sure the quality of work. 4. Using management to increase the office policers’ organizational citizenship behavior, and reduce the role conflict. The suggestions to the future investigators in regards with this study: 1. The objects of study could be expanded to the geographical limits to make the research more close to the the concept of viewing the situation as a whole. 2. The contents of study could be included more statistical variances to extensive the research. 3. The study method could be stretched the observation time and added the in-depth interviews to balanc its quality and quantity.
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李雅惠. "角色衝突、工作壓力與職業倦怠關係之研究─以合併改制後的高雄市政府衛生局(所)行政人員為例." Thesis, 2012.

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"制度的模糊性、地方政府的角色與企業組織的成長: 一個中國民營汽車企業的個案研究." Thesis, 2009.

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As the economic reform deepened, private sector became the major force in the industrial expansion and collective sector diminished dramatically. Previous researches on the role of local government have been challenged. Instead of "local government as industrial firms" put forward by Andrew Walder, this dissertation proposes a new explanation "local government as agents". Local government has withdrawn from the direct intervention in firms' internal management. It turns to offer public services, as well as help firms to achieve institutional innovation and obtain scarce institutional resources. The firms will pay back to the local government in the forms of tax and other non-financial income. There are mutual selections between "agents" and "star" firms. Horizontal competitions between different governments always exist, and the "star" firms make use of these competitions to bargain with government to obtain more favorable policies.
Based on a case study of a privately-owned automobile enterprise (Geely Holding Group) in China, this study aims at exploring the interactions between institutional environment, local government and individual enterprises, as well as answering these two questions: Under an ambiguous institutional environment, (1) how can the private automobile enterprise deal with various institutional barriers and be able to survive and develop? (2) what role does local government play in this process? Informed by the work of Victor Nee, here in this thesis I put forward an integrated theoretical framework of institutions, local government, enterprises and social network in order to analyze the issues raised above. Qualitative research methods, such as participant observation, in-depth interview and archival research, were employed to collect data in the field.
Institutional ambiguity increases the cost of implementing rules and regulations on the local level, which makes local government more powerful in explaining and executing policies. Thus, local government has many chances to "filter" or "purify" institutional factors which are inconsistent with local interests, and share the profit with enterprises in its jurisdiction by helping them break through the institutional barriers. Based on the interaction between institution, local government and enterprises, cooperative alliance between enterprises and local government has been established, while the relationship between the central and local governments is covered non-cooperative.
It is found that institutional ambiguity is not only an obstacle but also an opportunity for organizational growth. Institutional ambiguity may create grey zones in the economic fields, where enterprises have chances to break through the administrative barriers with the help of local government. Economic and technical barriers can be partially lowered by administrative barriers. On the other hand, institutional ambiguity does increase the indeterminacy of economic actions; so the enterprises incline to rely on social network and establish legitimacy to reduce the risk.
Adviser: Tai-lok Lui.
Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 71-01, Section: A, page: 0351.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 204-210).
Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web.
Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web.
Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web.
Abstracts in Chinese and English.
Jiang Yi.
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