Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Управління енергоефективністю'
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Пронюк, Г. В. "Управління енергоефективністю підприємства." Thesis, Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну, 2015. https://er.knutd.edu.ua/handle/123456789/17330.
Full textКлепікова, Світлана Володимирівна. "Управління енергоефективністю промислового підприємства." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/42910.
Full textThesis for granting the Degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences in specialty 08.00.04 - economy and management of the enterprises (by types of economic activity). - National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2019. The thesis is devoted to actual problems of theoretical, methodical and practical aspects of management of energy efficiency of an industrial enterprise. In the dissertation the theoretical basis is investigated, a variety of formulations of concepts "energy efficiency", "energy saving", "energy management", "energy efficiency management" are considered and their use in work is determined. It is proposed to evaluate the energy efficiency of the enterprise by the indicator of energy intensity, which is the ratio of two economic values: the annual cost of energy resources to the cost of production. It is taken into account that the management of energy efficiency of an industrial enterprise is based on the general principles of the theory of control, according to which the control system consists of two subsystems - the managing one, and the controlled one, which is exposed to the control and has the effect (influence) of the control subsystem. Emphasis is placed on the fact that tasks and conditions formulated by higher hierarchical levels of energy efficiency management are a particularly important factor of influence. It is established that the task of improving the energy efficiency of industrial enterprises of the Ukrainian economy requires the creation of appropriate conditions at all levels of government. Such levels are: state, sectoral, regional and enterprise level. It has been established that conceptually levels of energy efficiency management systems can be represented as a hierarchical feedback loop. The conducted analysis of the regulatory framework in the field of energy efficiency and energy saving showed that at each stage of energy efficiency management specific tasks were defined for ensuring the process of implementation of state policy, with the nature of tasks for each of the levels having its own specificity. It was found that after the first world energy crisis, industrialized countries paid much attention to solving the problem of improving the energy efficiency of their economies and gained considerable experience in this direction, which was reflected in the international standard ISO 50001: 2011 "Energy Management Systems", which was further supplemented by a number of improving of the provisions in ISO 50001: 2018 "Energy management systems. Requirements and Guidelines for Implementation, "which implements PDCA Continuous Improvement Management. This standard should be implemented in the regulatory acts when implementing the "Energy Strategy of Ukraine to 2035". On the basis of the conducted analysis of the Laws of Ukraine on energy saving, international and national standards, the methodology of energy audit, it is established the expediency of introducing amendments to take into account the multiplicative and synergistic effects of saving energy resources in the modernization of energy equipment. The results of the analysis made it possible to correlate the level of ISO 50001 implementation by countries with the indicator of energy intensity, namely reducing it with the widespread introduction of energy management systems in industry, which allowed to reduce energy consumption per unit of production for the period 2000 - 2017 by almost 20%. Increasing GDP energy efficiency for Ukraine is a particularly important area of economic development. Significant investments are needed to improve energy efficiency, and the search for domestic investment sources is of particular importance for the country, for which it is desirable to have a toolkit for calculating the projected value of energy savings for the enterprise. It was found that the main levers for improving the energy efficiency of the leading countries were investment and improved governance. A significant increase in energy efficiency can be achieved by improving the management of energy efficiency of industrial enterprises; improving the energy efficiency of industrial enterprises, improving management and implementing the ISO 50001 standard. It is proposed and substantiated the feasibility of using the neural network method in the energy efficiency management of an industrial enterprise to determine the energy intensity index, which can be used for prompt provision of information on forecasted cost savings due to energy savings with multiple refinements in the process of determining the final values of the production form for the next year policies, setting up annual energy efficiency plans, planning other indicators production, on which the energy efficiency of an industrial enterprise depends. The methodical approach of determination of the index of energy intensity of the enterprise with the help of artificial neural networks (ANN), with the use of methods of expert estimations, a priori ranking and correlation-regression analysis is developed. An economic and mathematical model was created bas ed on a multilayer directional perceptron synthesized by the genetic algorithm method. The efficiency of the methodological approach was checked, as well as its testing according to the statistics of the leading Kharkiv enterprises. In the process of testing and analyzing its results, the conclusions were drawn about the need for: systematic accumulation of annual statistics, both the indicator itself and the factors that influence it; analysis of calculations and establishment of correctness of data accounting; identifying typical differences in the interpretation of a factor and making appropriate adjustments; taking into account the features of the enterprise; carrying out with the help of ANN research on the choice of rational values of production indicators - input values of the neural network that affect the indicator of energy intensity; studies on improving accuracy and forecasting due to changes in the structure and type of neural network, etc. Such a wide range of functions and the need for their systematic implementation led to the conclusion that it is advisable to create in the management structure of an industrial enterprise a structure that would include specialists capable of performing these functions - the Intelligent Energy Management Group (IEM). The practical result of the dissertation work on taking into account the multiplicative and synergistic effects is: first, the conclusion about the expediency of taking into account these effects when conducting an internal energy audit, for which it is necessary to make appropriate additions to its methodology of its conduct; secondly, the conclusion about the expediency of introducing into the legislative and regulatory acts the amendments that stimulate the enterprises to prioritize the modernization of power equipment with multiplicative and synergistic effect (as such, which provides significant savings of fuel and energy resources at the state level). Recommendations are given on the use of the results of work at different hierarchical levels of energy efficiency management and in other types of industrial enterprise management.
Клепікова, Світлана Володимирівна. "Управління енергоефективністю промислового підприємства." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/42909.
Full textThesis for granting the Degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences in specialty 08.00.04 – economy and management of the enterprises (by types of economic activity). – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2019. The thesis is devoted to actual problems of theoretical, methodical and practical aspects of management of energy efficiency of an industrial enterprise. In the dissertation the theoretical basis is investigated, the variety of formulations of the concepts of "energy efficiency", "energy saving", "energy efficiency management" and the use of them in work are considered. The Laws of Ukraine on energy conservation, the international and national standards, the methodology of energy audit are analyzed, and the expediency of introducing the corresponding additions to take into account the multiplicative and synergetic effects of energy resources saving during the modernization of the power equipment is established. It is suggested and justified the feasibility of using artificial neural networks (ANN) in the management of energy efficiency of an industrial enterprise. The method of determination of the energy intensity of an enterprise with the help of ANN is developed, with the involvement of expert estimation methods, a priori ranking and correlation-regression analysis. A mathematical model based on a multilayered straightforward perceptron synthesized by the genetic algorithm method was created. The efficiency of the methodological approach was checked, as well as its testing according to the statistics of the leading Kharkiv enterprises. In the process of testing and analyzing its results, the conclusions were drawn about the need for: systematic accumulation of annual statistics, both the indicator itself and the factors that influence it; analysis of calculations and establishment of correctness of data accounting; identifying typical differences in the interpretation of a factor and making appropriate adjustments; taking into account the features of the enterprise; carrying out with the help of ANN research on the choice of rational values of production indicators - input values of the neural network that aff ect the indicator of energy intensity; studies on improving accuracy and forecasting due to changes in the structure and type of neural network, etc. Such a wide range of functions and the need for their systematic implementation led to the conclusion that it is advisable to create in the management structure of an industrial enterprise a structure that would include specialists capable of performing these functions - the Intelligent Energy Management Group (IEM). The practical result of the dissertation work on taking into account the multiplicative and synergistic effects is: first, the conclusion about the expediency of taking into account these effects when conducting an internal energy audit, for which it is necessary to make appropriate additions to its methodology of its conduct; secondly, the conclusion about the expediency of introducing into the legislative and regulatory acts the amendments that stimulate the enterprises to prioritize the modernization of power equipment with multiplicative and synergistic effect (as such, which provides significant savings of fuel and energy resources at the state level). Recommendations are given on the use of the results of work at different hierarchical levels of energy efficiency management and in other types of industrial enterprise management.
Боднаровський, Володимир Олегович. "Метод та програмно-апаратний засіб управління енергоефективністю в кіберфізичній системі «Розумний будинок»." Магістерська робота, Хмельницький національний університет, 2022. http://elar.khnu.km.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/11959.
Full textСисоєва, Катерина Володимирівна. "Методи та програмно-технічний засіб управління енергоефективністю в підсистемі клімат-контролю в кіберфізичній системі «Розумний будинок»." Магістерська робота, Хмельницький національний університет, 2022. http://elar.khnu.km.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/11986.
Full textХан, Тетяна Феліксівна. "Вплив інновацій на енергоефективність підприємства." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/27825.
Full textЧеркашина, Галина Ігорівна, and Олександр Павлович Лазуренко. "Техніко-економічний ефект впровадження системи управління електроспоживанням у побуті." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2014. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/29625.
Full textПилипенко, В. І. "Створення дистанційної та енергозаощадної системи для контролю та управління освітленням." Thesis, Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну, 2017. https://er.knutd.edu.ua/handle/123456789/7527.
Full textЛукашенко, Євгеній Олексійович. "Енергоефективність системи «Джерело теплоти – людина – огороджувальні конструкції» на прикладі житлової будівлі." Master's thesis, КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021. https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/46529.
Full textThe volume of master's work - 92 sheets, the number of drawings - 32, tables - 34. The relevance of the research topic is related to the constant increase in utility tariffs, encouraging people to save, and hence the need for new ways to reduce energy consumption. The main means of reducing energy consumption are more rational and efficient use of resources and thermal modernization. Housing in Ukraine is one of the most energy-intensive industries, so it is clear that the implementation of measures in this area should be given priority.The purpose of the study is to determine the indicators of energy efficiency and the level of thermal comfort of the dormitory. The object of study - a 10-storey residential building at vul. Borshchahivska, 173/187, Kyiv. The subject of research - energy consumption of the building, thermal characteristics of the enclosing structures of the building, the characteristics of engineering networks. The scientific novelty of the achieved results is the development of methodological aspects and methods of analysis, evaluation and monitoring of energy efficiency indicators of residential buildings. A model of dynamic modeling with 3D-visualization and detailed shading analysis for the calculation of photovoltaic systems in combination with electrical appliances, battery systems has been developed. Materials of the master's dissertation can be used at preparation and teaching of disciplines "Energy saving of buildings and constructions" and "Methods of energy monitoring and energy audit of buildings" for students of a specialty 141 "Electric power, electrical engineering and electromechanics", 144 "Heat energy". The subject of research conducted in the master's dissertation is of practical interest and is recommended by LLC "ESCO Ukraine" for implementation on real objects - a 10-storey residential building at vul. Borshchahivska, 173/187, Kyiv. Approbation of research results: The main results on the topic of the work were discussed and reported at scientific and technical conferences. Published theses: 1. II scientific and technical conference of IEE undergraduates (November 17, 2021).
Головащенко, Владислав Сергійович. "Управління розвитком закладу охорони здоров’я (на прикладі КП «Калинівська ЦРЛ», м. Калинівка)." Магістерська робота, Хмельницький національний університет, 2020. http://elar.khnu.km.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/10889.
Full textСікорака, Р. В., and Анатолій Костянтинович Бабіченко. "Адаптивна система управління процесом резервування холодильних систем блоку вторинної конденсації виробництва аміаку." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2018. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/40128.
Full textПодустов, Михайло Олексійович, Олександр Михайлович Дзевочко, and С. І. Кушинський. "Моделювання та управління процесом гранулоутворення виробництва NPS мінеральних добрив." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2016. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/47366.
Full textРешетник, Сергій Анатолійович, and Serhii Reshetnyk. "Модернізація електропостачання системи вуличного освітлення м.Чернівці шляхом впровадження системи автоматизованого управління її роботою." Master's thesis, Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя, 2019. http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/29602.
Full textРозроблений комплекс моделей, алгоритмів і програм дозволяє реалізувати енергоефективну систему управління вуличним освітленням з характеристиками, що відповідають вимогам нормативних документів і підвищити якість функціонування зовнішнього освітлення при економії витрат на електроенергію до 25%.
ВСТУП…7 1 АНАЛІТИЧНА ЧАСТИНА …9 1.1 Мережі зовнішнього освітлення…9 1.2 Аналіз стану мережі зовнішнього освітлення…13 1.3 Основні системи управління зовнішнім освітленням…18 1.4 Аналіз надійності існуючих систем управління зовнішнього освітлення…21 1.5 Автоматичне управління вуличним освітленням…22 1.6 Висновок до розділу…27 2 НАУКОВО-ДОСЛІДНА ЧАСТИНА…28 2.1 Стан систем зовнішнього освітлення м. Чернівці…28 2.2 Розробка варіантів технічних заходів, спрямованих на підвищення надійності систем зовнішнього освітлення…34 2.3 Інтелектуальна система управління зовнішнім освітлення…37 2.4 Переваги дистанційного керування…38 2.5 Висновок до розділу…39 3 ТЕХНОЛОГІЧНА ЧАСТИНА…40 3.1 Особливості інтелектуальної системи управління зовнішнього освітлення…41 3.2 Технічне оснащення інтелектуальної системи управління зовнішнього освітлення…43 3.3 Висновок до розділу…48 4 ПРОЕКТНО-КОНСТРУКТОРСЬКА ЧАСТИНА…49 4.1 Особливості електричної мережі як середовища передачі даних...49 4.2 Аналіз вимог нормативних документів до передачі сигналів по електричній мережі…49 4.3 Математичні основи передачі і прийому сигналів з відносною фазовою модуляцією…51 4.4 Прийом і передача даних по мережі 0,4 кВ...60 4.5 Розробка перешкодостійкого протоколу передачі даних…62 4.5.1 Постановка задачі…62 4.5.2 Математичне моделювання алгоритму синхронізації кадрів і розробка протоколу передачі інформації…64 4.6 Висновки до розділу…70 5 СПЕЦІАЛЬНА ЧАСТИНА…71 5.1 Програмне забезпечення центру моніторингу та управління…71 5.1.1 Служба моніторингу…72 5.1.2 Проектування бази даних…79 5.1.3 Проектування програмного забезпечення управління та диспетчеризації…82 5.2 Програмне забезпечення блоку управління лінією...85 5.2.1 Модуль управління лінією...85 5.2.2 Модуль вимірювань…90 5.2.3 Модуль діагностики…92 5.2.4 Модуль управління GSM модемом…93 5.2.5 Модуль зв'язку з БУС…94 5.3 Програмне забезпечення блоку управління світильником…96 5.3.1 Модуль управління приймачем модуляції накладеного напруги...97 5.4 Висновки до розділу…98 6 ОБГРУНТУВАННЯ ЕКОНОМІЧНОЇ ЕФЕКТИВНОСТІ…99 6.1 Розрахунок терміну окупності проекту по впровадження енергоефективного обладнання у мережах освітлення (на прикладі однофазних шафи управління та 70 світильників) у м. Чернівці…99 6.1.1 Використання в лінії освітлення світильників типу РКУ-250…99 6.1.2 Використання в лінії освітлення світильників ЖКУ-150 без управління…100 6.1.2 Використання в лінії освітлення світильників ЖКУ-150 без управління…101 7 ОХОРОНА ПРАЦІ ТА БЕЗПЕКА В НАДЗВИЧАЙНИХ СИТУАЦІЯХ…102 7.1 Вимоги пожежної безпеки при гасінні електроустановок…102 7.2 Перша допомога людині при ураженні електричним струмом…104 7.3 Заходи з охорони праці, при монтажі й експлуатації трансформатора...106 7.4 Дія електричного струму на людину. Перша допомога при електротравмах…109 8 ЕКОЛОГІЯ…115 8.1 Теплове забруднення довкілля…115 8.2 Шляхи зменшення теплового забруднення довкілля…117 ЗАГАЛЬНІ ВИСНОВКИ ДО ДИПЛОМНОЇ РОБОТИ…119 ПЕРЕЛІК ПОСИЛАНЬ...120 ДОДАТКИ…124
Коваль, Андрій Анатолійович. "Управління віртуалізованими ресурсами кластеру хмарного центру обробки даних." Master's thesis, Київ, 2018. https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/23803.
Full textMaster dissertation: 116 pp., 17 fig., 7 tab., 1 app., 53 sources. Topicality. The concept of data centers is embodied by many large corporations to provide access to a large number of users to certain resources. Effective management of the data center is connected with the need to solve a number of problems, first of all, creation of conditions for functioning of information and computing facilities of data centers, management of virtualized resources, maintenance of reliability and safety. By investing, hosting companies are hoping for profit and expecting a reduction in the cost of operating the data center, reducing the cost of customer service, which will eventually lay the foundation for effective business, both for the company itself and for customers. Ensuring the level of user requirements by minimizing costs is the essence of the problem of managing the functioning of the data center. Typically, this complex problem is divided into a number of smaller tasks, but not so much simpler. One of them is the task of resources and load management in datacenter. In this regard, it is important to develop a reinforcement learning algorithm [1] for managing virtualized resources that will help reduce power consumption and SLA violation time. Relationship of work with scientific programs, plans, themes. The research was carried out at the Department of Computer-Aided Management And Data Processing Systems of the National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute» within the theme «Development and implementation of an IT infrastructure management system with consolidated information and computing resources» (№ 0115U000322). The aim of the research is to improve the quality of virtualized cloud computing resources management by developing a management algorithm that reduces power consumption and SLA violation time. To achieve this goal, the following tasks must be performed: analyze the object environment of the virtualized data center resources management; review the methods of computing resources management; choose the simulation environment of data center; develop a data center model in a selected simulation environment; develop models of power consumption by physical servers; prepare data for simulating the dynamic load of virtual machines in data center; develop a modified reinforcement learning algorithm for managing the virtualized computing resources of data center; develop the software implementation of the reinforcement learning algorithm; make a research of developed algorithm effectiveness. The object of research is a process of virtualized computing resources management in data center. The subject of research is a methods and algorithms for virtualized computing resources management in data center. Research methods are methods of machine learning, which based on reinforcement learning. Scientific novelty of the obtained results. The possibility of reinforcement learning usage for of virtualized resources management of cloud data centers is analyzed. The method of dynamic placement of virtual machines on the basis of reinforcement learning is developed, which, when choosing controlling influences, takes into account power consumption and SLA violation time. An agent algorithm is developed which takes into account the changes in the workload on resources for deciding whether to turn on or switch to sleep mode of underutilized physical servers in order to reduce the cost of electricity. The proposed reinforcement learning agent is based on the Q-learning method [2], which allows determining approximation to optimal policy of controlling the modes of the physical server operation without prior load information. Publications. The materials of research are published in theses of the 10th All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference «Computer Intelligent Systems and Networks» [3]; published in theses of the 18th All-Ukrainian Students' Scientific and Practical Conference «Science and Technology of the XXI Century» [4]; published in theses of the scientific and practical conference «Informatics and Computer Science-ICS-2018» [5]; published in journal «Scientific News of Dahl University» [6]; presented at the 14th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelecrtronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering – TCSET-2018, Lviv-Slavske, Ukraine and published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library [7].
Ольховська, Оксана Ігорівна, and А. В. Серіков. "Ефективний менеджмент інноваційних проектів." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2015. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/23409.
Full textІванов, Єгор Дмитрович. "Підвищення рівня енергоефективності житлового будинку шляхом модернізації системи управління ліфтовим обладнанням." Bachelor's thesis, КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021. https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/42767.
Full textThe aim of this project is to increase the energy efficiency of a residential building. To achieve this goal, it was proposed to implement the following energy saving measures: install motion sensors, replace lamps, install condenser batteries, insulate the outer walls of the alarm, replace windows, insulate the roof, install thermostats on the batteries and flush heating systems.
Савицький, Сергій Михайлович. "Удосконалення енергоефективності електричних мереж за рахунок управління електроспоживанням для опалення в адміністративних будівлях." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/22728.
Full textThe dissertation for degree of technical sciences candidate by specialty 05.14.02 – power plants, networks and system. – National Technical University "Kharkіv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkіv 2016. The thesis is devoted to scientific substantiation and scientific problem solving for the creation and development of electric load management in electric heating systems for alignment of the LEG, as well as the synthesis of energy-saving automatic power management system of the consumer-regulator with the prediction. The thesis discussed the methods of synthesis of the automated energy management systems in administrative buildings with electrical heating to improve the energy efficiency of generation and consumption of electric energy processes by reducing the overall costs. The basis of the electrical load control method is based on the pulse input mode which shifts the spectrum of power consumption schedule at ultralow frequencies covered by nuclear power plants, as well as predicting the energy input and heat loss. The methods and algorithms for electrical load management controllers for consumers to compensate for their greater inertia by predicting the state of the control object and generate the compensating effects. A consumer-regulator control method using the control action of the form as a step function without taking into account the heat losses and taking into account the heat loss, as well as substantiated by consumers control method controls with distributed parameters with the use of pulse-width control. Studied and shown the method of determining the duration of the transient stability control systems and distributed systems. The paper has been sown the potential economic effect of leveling the schedule of electric load due to the introduction of load control system of the consumer-regulator in the form of heat in the administrative building.
Черкашина, Галина Ігорівна. "Підвищення енергоефективності системи електропостачання за рахунок управління електричним навантаженням у побутовому секторі." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2015. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/17133.
Full textThe dissertation for the degree of technical sciences candidate by specialty 05.14.02 – power plants, networks and systems. – NTU "KhPI". – Kharkiv, 2015. The dissertation is devoted to theoretical substantiation and scientific problem solution concerning designing techniques of residential consumers’ electric load management. The techniques are brought to the stage of practical application to result in electric load leveling and power supply mode balancing in the residential sector. To solve this problem, a new residential power supply scheme is worked out with the ability to control the load assigned. The type and the main characteristics of household consumers-regulators are specified to allow controlling them through the day. Household consumers’ motivation for rendering of the "regulation services" is based on a proposed payment methodology taking into account participation in the load management. The overall effect of the electric load leveling based on the developed load management techniques within the United Power System of Ukraine is assessed and compared with the introduced management system cost to show the economic expediency of its implementation.
Червоненко, Іван Ігорович. "Структурний синтез системи автоматичного управління оборотних гідроагрегатів, які працюють зі змінною частотою обертання." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2015. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/19070.
Full textThe thesis for the degree of technical sciences candidate Ьу specialty 05.13.07 - process control automation. - National Technical University "Kharkiv Politechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2015. The thesis is devoted to the development of an automatic control system for pumped-storage variable-speed hydropower units. The existing methods of operating efficiency improvement for pumped-storage variable-head hydroelectric units and their control systems have been analyzed. On the basis of analysis of modern reversible pump turbines universal characteristics, the feasibility of significantly increasing their efficiency under operation at variable speed is proved. Methods of obtaining synchronous voltage on the hydro-unit buses under the turbine rotor nonsynchronous speed are studied. The optimal reversible pump turbine configuration has been substantiated. А new control system for а pumped-storage hydro-unit with а Francis turbine and an asynchronized synchronous generator-motor is synthesized. А mathematicalmodel of the pumped-storage hydro-unit control system is worked out to research into the synthesized control system operation both in the synchronous speed mode and under the turbine efficiency conection due to changing the head available to the hydroplant and the generator load. Proposals as for the designed control system implementation on the basis of state-of-the-art microprocessor devices are given. The economic potential of the developed system application in Ukrainian pumped-storage hydroplants is calculated.
Черкашина, Галина Ігорівна. "Підвищення енергоефективності системи електропостачання за рахунок управління електричним навантаженням у побутовому секторі." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2015. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/17119.
Full textThe dissertation for the degree of technical sciences candidate by specialty 05.14.02 – power plants, networks and systems. – NTU "KhPI". – Kharkiv, 2015. The dissertation is devoted to theoretical substantiation and scientific problem solution concerning designing techniques of residential consumers’ electric load management. The techniques are brought to the stage of practical application to result in electric load leveling and power supply mode balancing in the residential sector. To solve this problem, a new residential power supply scheme is worked out with the ability to control the load assigned. The type and the main characteristics of household consumers-regulators are specified to allow controlling them through the day. Household consumers’ motivation for rendering of the "regulation services" is based on a proposed payment methodology taking into account participation in the load management. The overall effect of the electric load leveling based on the developed load management techniques within the United Power System of Ukraine is assessed and compared with the introduced management system cost to show the economic expediency of its implementation.
Червоненко, Іван Ігорович. "Структурний синтез системи автоматичного управління оборотних гідроагрегатів, які працюють зі змінною частотою обертання." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2015. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/19069.
Full textThe thesis for the degree of technical sciences candidate Ьу specialty 05.13.07 - process control automation. - National Technical University "Kharkiv Politechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2015. The thesis is devoted to the development of an automatic control system for pumped-storage variable-speed hydropower units. The existing methods of operating efficiency improvement for pumped-storage variable-head hydroelectric units and their control systems have been analyzed. On the basis of analysis of modern reversible pump turbines universal characteristics, the feasibility of significantly increasing their efficiency under operation at variable speed is proved. Methods of obtaining synchronous voltage on the hydro-unit buses under the turbine rotor nonsynchronous speed are studied. The optimal reversible pump turbine configuration has been substantiated. А new control system for а pumped-storage hydro-unit with а Francis turbine and an asynchronized synchronous generator-motor is synthesized. А mathematicalmodel of the pumped-storage hydro-unit control system is worked out to research into the synthesized control system operation both in the synchronous speed mode and under the turbine efficiency conection due to changing the head available to the hydroplant and the generator load. Proposals as for the designed control system implementation on the basis of state-of-the-art microprocessor devices are given. The economic potential of the developed system application in Ukrainian pumped-storage hydroplants is calculated.
Trofimenko, M. S. "Methods of mobile traffic management." Thesis, National Aviation University, 2021. https://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/50475.
Full textIn order to be competitive, robotic systems must have the following properties: relative ease of operation; ease of use; easy to set up; adaptability to change; safety in use; ergonomics of units and mechanisms; energy efficiency, ensuring autonomous energy supply; versatility.
Для того, щоб бути конкурентоспроможними, роботизовані системи повинні мати такі властивості: відносна простота експлуатації; простота використання; проста у налаштуванні; пристосованість до змін; безпека у використанні; ергономіка агрегатів і механізмів; енергоефективність, що забезпечує автономне енергопостачання; універсальність.
Хан, Тетяна Феліксівна. "Організаційно-економічне забезпечення ефективного використання енергетичних ресурсів на прикладі машинобудівних підприємств." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/22742.
Full textThe thesis on a scientific degree of Candidate of science in the field of Economics according to specialty 08.00.04 – Economy and Management of Enterprises (on the types of economic activity) – the National Technical University "Kharkov Polytechnic Institute", Kharkov, 2016. The thesis is dedicated to development and scientific confirmation of theoretical and methodological principles of the effective using of energy resources. It was examined the system of energy saving with the consideration of organizational and functional structure with the account of the limited financial resources. The research focuses on a conceptual mechanism. It considered the categories such as "energy sawing" and "energy efficiency" and clarified they definitions. It was formulated theoretical basis of the effective using of energy resources and proposed classification of the improving energy efficiency in an engineering company. Analysis of specific data set that Ukraine is energy intensive industrial structure of the causes of outdated technologies. The research proposes a methodological approach to modeling of effective use of energy resources. It justified methodical approach to improving planning energy sawing programs, where the stochastic nature of the financing for energy saving measures on the manufacture, which has impact of energy efficiency meusering, recurring character that gives them an optimal set. It improved theoretical support system of power consumption based on the process approach, system performance that combines efficiency, energy management, energy strategy and policy enterprises, which can increase the degree of energy efficiency. The main statements were confirmed by the practical results of their implementation in the enterprises on machine-building industry.
Хан, Тетяна Феліксівна. "Організаційно-економічне забезпечення ефективного використання енергетичних ресурсів на прикладі машинобудівних підприємств." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/22741.
Full textThe thesis on a scientific degree of Candidate of science in the field of Economics according to specialty 08.00.04 – Economy and Management of Enterprises (on the types of economic activity) – the National Technical University "Kharkov Polytechnic Institute", Kharkov, 2016. The thesis is dedicated to development and scientific confirmation of theoretical and methodological principles of the effective using of energy resources. It was examined the system of energy saving with the consideration of organizational and functional structure with the account of the limited financial resources. The research focuses on a conceptual mechanism. It considered the categories such as "energy sawing" and "energy efficiency" and clarified they definitions. It was formulated theoretical basis of the effective using of energy resources and proposed classification of the improving energy efficiency in an engineering company. Analysis of specific data set that Ukraine is energy intensive industrial structure of the causes of outdated technologies. The research proposes a methodological approach to modeling of effective use of energy resources. It justified methodical approach to improving planning energy sawing programs, where the stochastic nature of the financing for energy saving measures on the manufacture, which has impact of energy efficiency meusering, recurring character that gives them an optimal set. It improved theoretical support system of power consumption based on the process approach, system performance that combines efficiency, energy management, energy strategy and policy enterprises, which can increase the degree of energy efficiency. The main statements were confirmed by the practical results of their implementation in the enterprises on machine-building industry.
Тоцька, Марина Анатоліївна. "Обліково-аналітичні аспекти управління неприбутковою організацією ОСББ «Чарівна 34»." Магістерська робота, 2019. https://dspace.znu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/12345/3138.
Full textUA : Кваліфікаційна робота: 131 с., 22 рис., 22 табл., 2 додатки, 76 джерел. Об’єкт дослідження – процес обліку та методи аналізу діяльності об’єднань співвласників багатоквартирних будинків. Метою кваліфікаційної роботи є наукове визначення теоретико- методичних положень та розроблення практичних рекомендацій, спрямованих на вдосконалення системи обліку та підвищення ефективності діяльності ОСББ «Чарівна 34». Методи дослідження: системний підхід до вивчення економічних явищ і процесів. Під час виконання дослідження використано загальнонаукові методи пізнання: порівняння, абстрагування, аналізу та синтезу, метод узагальнення, методи групування, зіставлення, наукового узагальнення, економіко-математичний, статистичний методи. Наукова новизна одержаних результатів полягає в теоретико- методичному обґрунтуванні комплексу питань, пов’язаних з удосконаленням обліку та підвищенням ефективності діяльності об’єднання співвласників багатоквартирного будинку. У процесі дослідження отримано такі наукові результати, яким притаманна наукова новизна: Набули подальшого розвитку: - методичний підхід до відображення коштів, що мають акумулюватися ОСББ для здійснення капітального та поточного ремонтів; - процедури проведення комплексної аудиторської перевірки системи обліку в ОСББ та її методичне забезпечення з використанням технології тестування обліково-аналітичних процесів, що сприятиме забезпеченню її адаптивності до специфіки конкретного об’єднання з урахуванням мети, суб’єктів та об’єктів аудиту. За підсумками проведеного дослідження сформовані пропозиції щодо вдосконалення обліку цільового фінансування та обліку доходів та витрат неприбуткової організації, також розроблена модель кошторису на майбутній рік з урахуванням досвіду попередніх періодів. Проаналізовано доцільність та ефективність програми «теплих» кредитів. Запропоновано алгоритм проведення аудиту об’єднання співвласників багатоквартирного будинку. Застосування на практиці запропонованих автором рекомендацій дозволить забезпечити адекватне відображення в обліку та звітності цільового фінансування, доходів та видатків неприбуткової установи, підвищити рівень ефективності функціонування за рахунок економії коштів у разі участі в програмі «теплих» кредитів, перевірити обґрунтованість витрачання коштів об’єднання у разі проведення аудиту ОСББ. Отримані результати дослідження спрямовані на підвищення якісного рівня обліку діяльності неприбуткової організації, а також на підвищення ефективності її діяльності.
EN : Thesis: 131 pages, 22 drawings, 22 tables, 2 applications, 76 literary sources. The object of the research is the process of accounting and methods of the analysis of association of co-owners of apartment building. The purpose of the thesis is the scientific definition of theoretical and methodological provisions and the development of practical recommendations that are aimed at improving the accounting system and the efficiency of ACAB "Charivna 34". Methods of research: a systematic approach to the study of economic phenomena and processes. The research used general scientific methods of cognition: comparison, abstraction, analysis and synthesis, method of generalization, methods of grouping, comparison, scientific generalization, economic-mathematical, statistical methods. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is the theoretical and methodological substantiation of a complex of issues that are related to the improvement of accounting and increase of efficiency of activity of association of co-owners of an apartment building In the course of the research the following scientific results, which are inherent in scientific novelty: Has developed further: - methodical approach to reflecting the funds that should be accumulated by ACAB for capital and current repairs; - procedures of conducting a comprehensive audit of the accounting system in the ACAB and its methodological support, using the technology of testing accounting and analytical processes, which will help to ensure its adaptability to the specifics of the concrete association, taking into account the purpose, subjects and objects of the audit. Based on the results of the research, proposals were made to improve the accounting for targeted financing and accounting for the income and expenses of the non-profit organization. Was developed the model of the budget for the future year,, taking into account the experience of previous periods. Was analyzed the expediency and effectiveness of the program of "warm" credits. Was proposed the algorithm of carrying out an audit of the association of co-owners of an apartment building Proposed recommendations will allow to ensure that the target financing, income and expenses of the non-profit institution are adequately reflected in the accounting and reporting. It will increase the level of functioning efficiency of ACAB by saving money in the case of participation in the program of "warm" loans, and will allow to check the reasonableness of the expenses of the association in the case of the audit. The results of the research are aimed at improving the quality level of accounting of the non-profit organization, as well as to improve the efficiency of its activities.
Грядун, Ольга Юріївна. "Аналіз можливості зниження витрат електричної енергії насосних агрегатів в умовах ПрАТ «Мотор Січ»." Магістерська робота, 2021. https://dspace.znu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/12345/6171.
Full textUA : Проаналізовано поточний стан електричного обладнання на підприємстві ПрАТ «Мотор Січ», у тому числі, насосні агрегати. Визначено зв’язок між характеристиками насосних агрегатів в залежності від їх режимів роботи. В роботі було представлено матмодель системи управління (СУ) насосних агрегатів.