Academic literature on the topic 'Рівняння Рейнольдса'
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Journal articles on the topic "Рівняння Рейнольдса"
Сагін, С. В., and М. О. Кривий. "Визначення розподілу тиску в шарі неньютонівських мастил у суднових енергетичних установках." Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, no. 62 (August 11, 2020): 160–70.
Full textAtamanyuk, V. M., M. I. Mosyiuk, Yu M. Grinchuk, and A. М. Babych. "Гідродинаміка руху теплового агента під час фільтраційного сушіння Miscánthus giganteus." Scientific Bulletin of UNFU 28, no. 6 (June 27, 2018): 84–88.
Full textРоговий, А. С., and А. О. Нескорожений. "Вплив вимірювального інструменту на характеристики вихорокамерного насосу." ВІСНИК СХІДНОУКРАЇНСЬКОГО НАЦІОНАЛЬНОГО УНІВЕРСИТЕТУ імені Володимира Даля, no. 4(268) (June 10, 2021): 88–93.
Full textBilonoha, Y. L., O. R. Maksysko, D. M. Bilonoha, and S. V. Prykhodska. "ВПЛИВ КОЕФІЦІЄНТА ПОВЕРХНЕВОГО НАТЯГУ РІДКОГО ТЕПЛОНОСІЯ НА СЕРЕДНЮ ТОВЩИНУ ПРИГРАНИЧНОГО ЛАМІНАРНОГО ШАРУ В РЕКУПЕРАТИВНИХ ТЕПЛООБМІННИКАХ." Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies 18, no. 2 (September 8, 2016): 7–10.
Full textЧернецька-Білецька, Н. Б., А. С. Роговий, and М. В. Мірошникова. "Втрати тиску під час течії електропровідної рідини місцевими опорами трубопроводу." ВІСНИК СХІДНОУКРАЇНСЬКОГО НАЦІОНАЛЬНОГО УНІВЕРСИТЕТУ імені Володимира Даля, no. 5 (269) (September 10, 2021): 69–75.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Рівняння Рейнольдса"
Роговий, Андрій Сергійович. "Розробка теорії та методів розрахунку вихорокамерних нагнітачів." Thesis, Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, 2017.
Full textThesis for degree of Doctor of Science in Technique for speciality 05.05.17 – hydraulic machines and hydropneumatic units. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute", Kharkiv, 2017. In dissertational work the scientifically-practical problem of technical and economic efficiency increase of the hydraulic and pneumatic superchargers which are pumping over liquids in adverse service conditions or heterogeneous environments, at the expense of designing and use of essentially new type of jet superchargers of centrifugal action is solved. Their design does not contain mobile mechanical parts, and also sealing due to the fact that they have high indicators of reliability and durability inherent in jet technics. Conception of superchargers is based on a principle new to jet superchargers – unification of processes properties in centrifugal and jet superchargers and hydrodynamics features of the limited rotating streams. Use of vortex chamber superchargers allows to raise power efficiency of hydraulic and pneumatic systems, to increase volume of moved cargoes in hydraulic and pneumatic pipeline transport, to raise productivity of work and quality of production, to lower its cost price, to improve working conditions. The developed superchargers are more power effective, owing to transmission of energy in the field of centrifugal force. Thus, scientific bases of designing jet vortex chamber superchargers for transportation environments of different aggregation states are created.
Роговий, Андрій Сергійович. "Розробка теорії та методів розрахунку вихорокамерних нагнітачів." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2017.
Full textThesis for degree of Doctor of Science in Technique for speciality 05.05.17 – hydraulic machines and hydropneumatic units. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute", Kharkiv, 2017. In dissertational work the scientifically-practical problem of technical and economic efficiency increase of the hydraulic and pneumatic superchargers which are pumping over liquids in adverse service conditions or heterogeneous environments, at the expense of designing and use of essentially new type of jet superchargers of centrifugal action is solved. Their design does not contain mobile mechanical parts, and also sealing due to the fact that they have high indicators of reliability and durability inherent in jet technics. Conception of superchargers is based on a principle new to jet superchargers – unification of processes properties in centrifugal and jet superchargers and hydrodynamics features of the limited rotating streams. Use of vortex chamber superchargers allows to raise power efficiency of hydraulic and pneumatic systems, to increase volume of moved cargoes in hydraulic and pneumatic pipeline transport, to raise productivity of work and quality of production, to lower its cost price, to improve working conditions. The developed superchargers are more power effective, owing to transmission of energy in the field of centrifugal force. Thus, scientific bases of designing jet vortex chamber superchargers for transportation environments of different aggregation states are created.
Дорошенко, Ю. І. "Оцінювання впливу місцевих опорів на гідравлічну енерговитратність поліетиленових газових мереж." Thesis, Івано-Франківський національний технічний університет нафти і газу, 2011.
Full textDissertation is devoted to evaluating the impact of local resistance on the hydraulic energy consumption of plastic gas networks. Studied and analyzed the practice of design of gas networks. Theoretical and experimental studies of the dynamics of the gas connections of plastic pipe thermistors and their coefficients of local resistance. A coefficients of equivalent length, depending on the type and number of local resistance on the length of 1 km of gas networks. The recommendations to improve the calculation of the gas network of polyethylene pipes, improving the design thermistor connections and the efficiency of their application. Analytical models dissertation is devoted to evaluating the impact of local hydraulic resistance on the energy consumption of plastic gas networks. Studied and analyzed the practice of design of gas networks. Theoretical and experimental studies of the dynamics of the gas connections of plastic pipe thermistors and their coefficients of local resistance. A coefficients of equivalent length, depending on the type and nümber of local resistance on the length of 1 km of gas networks. The recommendations to improve the calculation of the gas network of polyethylene pipes, improving the design thermistor connections and the efficiency of their application. Analytical models of nonstationary processes in gas networks with polyethylene pipes. The results of the thesis are reflected in the governing document is produced by OAO Ukrgazproekt “Industrial complex method of calculation of gas networks of plastic and steel pipes”.