Academic literature on the topic 'Розосереджена генерація'
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Journal articles on the topic "Розосереджена генерація"
Sinchuk, Oleg, Serhii Boiko, Oleksiy Gorodny, Andrey Nekrasov, Maksim Fed, and Maryna Nozhnova. "МЕТОД ВИЗНАЧЕННЯ ПОТЕНЦІАЛУ РОЗОСЕРЕДЖЕНИХ ДЖЕРЕЛ ЕНЕРГІЇ В УМОВАХ ЗАЛІЗОРУДНИХ ПІДПРИЄМСТВ." TECHNICAL SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES, no. 4(18) (2019): 161–68.
Full textSinchuk, Oleg, Serhii Boiko, Oleksiy Gorodny, Yana Doludarieva, and Andrii Dymerets. "МЕТОД ОПТИМІЗАЦІЇ РЕЖИМІВ РОБОТИ ЕНЕРГЕТИЧНОГО ОБЛАДНАННЯ ГІРНИЧОРУДНИХ ПІДПРИЄМСТВ." TECHNICAL SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES, no. 3(21) (2020): 242–48.
Full textКлен, Екатерина Сергеевна, and Валерий Яковлевич Жуйков. "Энтропийный анализ систем распределенной генерации." Известия высших учебных заведений. Радиоэлектроника 64, no. 10 (December 26, 2021): 644–56.
Full textKuznietsov, M., and O. Melnyk. "ВПЛИВ НЕСТАБІЛЬНОСТІ СПОЖИВАННЯ НА ЕНЕРГЕТИЧНИЙ БАЛАНС ГІБРИДНОЇ ЕНЕРГОСИСТЕМИ." Vidnovluvana energetika, no. 2(61) (June 27, 2020): 8–17.
Full textBoiko, Serhii, Andrey Nekrasov, Oleksiy Gorodny, Oksana Borysenko, and Yevgeniy Kas'yanov. "FEATURES OF ELECTRICITY SUPPLY OF SIDE-BASED EQUIPMENT IN IMPLEMENTATION OF RESTRICTED GENERATION." Technical Sciences and Technologies, no. 2(16) (2019): 118–28.
Full textZharkin, A. F., V. O. Novskiy, V. A. Popov, O. S. Yarmoliuk, and Hawkar Ahmed Noory. "Review of Technologies for Controlling the Modes of Operation of 6 ... 20 kV Electrical Networks with Distributed Energy Sources." Èlektronnoe modelirovanie 43, no. 1 (February 1, 2021): 46–66.
Full textZharkin, A. F., and S. O. Palachov. "CRITERIA FOR ASSESSMENT OF POWER QUALITY PRODUCED BY THE OBJECTS OF DISPERSED GENERATION." Tekhnichna Elektrodynamika 2018, no. 02 (February 23, 2018): 63–66.
Full textKozakevich, I. A., and M. G. Kotyakova. "Analysis of the influence of sources of distributed generation on the power quality." Jornal of Kryvyi Rih National University, no. 52 (2021): 175–79.
Full textSinchyk, О. M., S. M. Boiko, and Yu M. Shmeliov. "On the formation of sources of dispersed generation in iron ore companies." Jornal of Kryvyi Rih National University, no. 45 (2017): 38–43.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Розосереджена генерація"
Іваніцький, Сергій Борисович. "Моделювання режиму роботи розподільної електричної мережі з джерелами розосередженої генерації." Bachelor's thesis, КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2019.
Full textThesis consists of an explanatory note and graphical part. Explanatory note made 74 pages of A4, which includes 33 figures, 13 tables and 16 sources of literature. The graphical part contains 3 sheets of A1 technical drawings.The paper is dedicated to the exploring of the effects of distributed generation on the network parameters. The problems of functioning of distributed electric networks with distributed generation sources are also considered. A method has been developed to determine the optimal location for connecting sources of distributed generation to the electrical network and to determine the optimal generation power. Modes electrical network designed software environment in «PowerFactory», using a modified Newton-Raphson method for calculating the steady performance
Горенко, Дар’я Сергіївна. "Оцінювання обмінних процесів у локальних системах електропостачання з джерелами розосередженої генерації." Thesis, КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2020.
Full textIn the dissertation the complex analysis of the peculiarities of functioning of local power supply systems (LPSS) is carried out taking into account the modern requirements of the Smart Grid concept and the comparative analysis of methods of estimation of exchange processes in LPSS with dispersed energy sources is performed. The need to extend the known LPSS system to adequately assess the EMC levels in the LPSS with the requirements of the Smart Grid concept and to estimate the energy flow rates using known indicators is justified. The analysis of exchange processes of LPSS under the influence of different types of impulse disturbances and sources of non-sinusoidal voltage and current caused by the peculiarities of modes of operation of both individual elements and the system as a whole for single and three-phase cross sections of LPSS is carried out. New relationships were obtained to evaluate the effect of non-sinusoidality and to take into account the ripple coefficients on the nature of the exchange processes. The analysis of the exchange processes in LPSS has been carried out taking into account the real characteristics of the elements with electromagnetic bonds (transformers, reactors, transmission lines, etc.) and new relationships have been obtained, which link the exchange power and the coefficients of magnetic coupling for one and three-phase LPSS operating in both sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal modes, as well as in symmetric and asymmetric modes. Regulatory and methodological support of the expanded energy audit with the use of exchange power was developed and tested. Regulatory and methodological support was used: for conducting an expanded energy audit at the enterprise of СE «Vasylkiv Leather Company» (Vasylkiv, Kyiv region); analysis of parallel operation of standby power supply systems both separately and in combination with the network used for powering server equipment of PLC «Prostonet»; was the basis for the course of lectures on discipline "Electrical Engineering Complexes", which will be taught in 2019 at Vasylkivsky College of NAU. A specialized software module and regulatory and methodological support for the extended energy audit using exchange power have been developed and tested. The proposed regulatory and methodological support makes it possible to: determine the exchange power and the proportion of mutual influence in an arbitrary intersection of LPSS, taking into account the peculiarities of their configuration, modes of operation of individual elements and LPSS as a whole; to obtain information on exchange processes in the LPSS with different levels of information support; to adequately take into account the peculiarities of the flow of modes in the LPSS, in particular, the bidirectionality of electricity flows and to determine their real distribution in the elements of LPSS.
Фролов, Іван Вадимович. "Оптимальне секціонування повітряних розподільчих мереж 6-20 кВ в умовах застосування Smart Grid технологій." Master's thesis, КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021.
Full textRelevance of the topic. Given the policy set out in Ukraine's electricity sector development strategy, namely integration into ENTSO-E, a number of issues arise that need to be addressed by the time of integration. One such issue is to increase the reliability of electrical networks, which can be partially solved via the optimal sectionalizing of overhead distribution networks 6 - 20 kV in terms of Smart Grid. The master's dissertation presents a way of determining the optimal sectionalizing of 6 - 20 kV distribution networks, using an improved calculation method based on the "greedy" algorithm, presents an analysis of the commercialization of the proposed method and analyzes the socio-economic benefits of its implementation. The purpose of the work: analysis of the optimal sectionalizing of overhead distribution networks 6 - 20 kV in terms of Smart Grid technologies. To achieve this goal, the following issues were considered and resolved: • the analysis of features and ways to increase the reliability of functioning of distribution networks with a voltage of 6 - 20 kV in Ukraine and the world was carried out; • the prospects of introduction of Smart Grid technologies in order to increase the reliability of distribution networks were considered; • the method of optimal sectionalizing of 6 - 20 kV distribution networks was improved; • a proposal of practical realization (commercialization) of the developed technique and prospects of its further development was made. The object of the study is the processes of functioning of overhead distribution networks with a voltage of 6 - 20 kV in the conditions of application of Smart Grid technologies. The subject of the study is the features of the influence of Smart Grid technologies on the reliability of electricity supply to consumers. Research methods. To solve the set tasks, the methods of optimal sectioning of overhead distribution networks were applied, taking into account the standardization of reliability indicators. The “greedy algorithm” was used as a basis for calculation of the optimal partitioning of distribution networks. The main scientific results of the work include: • the technique of optimal sectioning of overhead distribution networks was further developed, which made it possible to solve the problem in the conditions of widespread use of distributed generation means and coordination of the operation of individual switching-protective devices, which makes it possible to increase the reliability of the integrated power supply systems, which are formed in this case; • for the first time, an analysis was made of the possibility and feasibility of introducing SOP technology in distribution networks in terms of increasing the reliability of their operation, it makes it possible to use more widely and efficiently distributed generation; • improved control structure of distribution network based on OMS, which, along with increasing the reliability of power supply, provides an opportunity to simultaneously reduce losses of electrical energy. The practical significance of the results obtained is: • development of software for solving the problem of optimal sectionalizing of distribution networks with integrated sources of distributed generation and, if possible, using a wide range of switching protection devices; • using the so-called "greedy" algorithm, without losing the effectiveness of the result obtained, to reduce several times the time for solving the problem of optimal partitioning of distribution networks.