Academic literature on the topic 'Реінжинірінг'
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Journal articles on the topic "Реінжинірінг"
Мельник А.О. and Соловйова Т. М. "ОСОБЛИВОСТІ ЗАСТОСУВАННЯ РЕІНЖИНІРИНГУ БІЗНЕС-ПРОЦЕСІВ НА ВІТЧИЗНЯНИХ ПІДПРИЄМСТВАХ." Економічний форум 1, no. 3 (July 20, 2020): 63–70.
Full textВерба І.І., к.т.н., Даниленко О.В. к.т.н., and Самойленко О.В., к. т. н. "РЕІНЖИНІРИНГ – ЯК ШЛЯХ ТЕХНІЧНОГО ОНОВЛЕННЯ ПІДПРИЄМСТВ." Перспективні технології та прилади, no. 15 (December 19, 2019): 6–12.
Full textСтрільчук, В. О. "Реінжиніринг процесу управління кредитними ризиками." Проблеми і перспективи розвитку банківської системи України 13 (2005): 141–45.
Find full textЛожачевська, О. "Реінжиніринг бізнес-процесів в українському підприємництві." Економіка України, no. 9 (2006): 92–93.
Find full textКулик Ю.М. and Нікітін Т.О. "КОМПЛЕКСНЕ ЗАСТОСУВАННЯ СУЧАСНИХ МЕТОДІВ УПРАВЛІННЯ ДЛЯ ПІДВИЩЕННЯ ЕФЕКТИВНОСТІ ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ ПІДПРИЄМСТВ ГАЛУЗІ МАШИНОБУДУВАННЯ." Економічні науки. Серія "Регіональна економіка" 1, no. 16 (63) (January 29, 2020): 64–70.
Full textБондар-Підгурська, О. В. "Реінжиніринг як універсальний інструмент інноваційного розвитку економіки." Проблеми економіки, no. 4 (2014): 84–90.
Find full textГончарова, О. "Реінжиніринг бізнес-процесів як метод процесного управління." Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. Економіка, вип. 10 (151) (2013): 78–82.
Find full textБондар-Підгурська, О. В. "Реінжиніринг як метод управління соціально-орієнтованим розвитком економіки." Вісник Кременчуцького національного університету імені Михайла Остроградського, Вип. 6 (89), ч. 2 (2014): 50–55.
Find full textХодова, Я. О. "Реінжиніринг як ефективний механізм реорганізації логістичних бізнес-процесів." Теоретичні і практичні аспекти економіки та інтелектуальної власності, Вип. 15 (2017): 242–47.
Find full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Реінжинірінг"
Толбатов, Володимир Аронович, Владимир Аронович Толбатов, and Volodymyr Aronovych Tolbatov. "Реінжиніринг інформаційної системи як складова реінжинірингу підприємства машинобудівної галузі." Thesis, Видавництво СумДУ, 2006.
Full textОлександрова, В. О. "Моделі опису бізнес-процесів для побудови сервіс-орієнтованої архітектури організації." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2013.
Full textКривоконь, Марина Олександрівна. "Реінжиніринг виробництва в антикризовому управлінні." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2020.
Full textDissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences, speciality 08.00.04 – Economics and Management of Enterprises (by types of economic activity). – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute", Kharkiv, 2019. In dissertation work the theoretical and methodological positions of anti-crisis management of domestic machine-building enterprises based on the use of radical tools of redesigning of production processes are considered. The author formulates his own scientific position regarding the characterization of the reengineering of production in crisis management as an active strategic method, which allows to optimize production processes in heavy engineering enterprises and their associations in order to provide a quick response to the manifestations of the crisis in order to further enable the functioning of the crisis. The methodical approaches to the systematization of production processes of enterprises of heavy engineering, which are distributed according to the types of production at each stage of the production cycle, are improved, and they allow to formulate a concretized list of basic and auxiliary production processes as objects of reengineering. The dissertation substantiates the methodical approaches to the analysis of the patterns of construction and formation of the content content of the model of production reengineering at the enterprises of heavy mechanical engineering, which takes into account the use of tools of concentration and specialization of production and is based on the experience of process management of domestic enterprises, due to which it is possible to adapt the developed model for various enterprises of mechanical engineering and their associations using certain stages of the project of reengineering of production va modeling of production processes in accordance with their role in the production cycle of heavy machinery enterprises, which simplifies the process management system and reduces the cost of providing processes. There is determined that the core capabilities of reengineering in the crisis overcoming are: improving the basic performance of the enterprise by optimizing its production processes, improving production efficiency by redesigning logistics and technological processes, changing the structure of fixed assets and working capital in carrying concentration of production. The diagnosis of generalized financial and economic indicators of heavy engineering industry determine the main objects of reengineering the production:fixed assets (workshops, production space, equipment, intangible assets); production technology; internal logistics; organization of personnel; system of organization of raw material supply. The developed model of reengineering of production in crisis management enables structured crisis management tools, extending them through innovative approaches. Model reengineering of production involves the use of concentration, specialization and diversification within the association and each company separately, implementation of lean production, quality control systems and the creation of technological and engineering centers. Crisis management using reengineering is carried out by optimizing production processes, improving logistics, introducing a system of motivation, and improving the personnel supply system. The stages of implementation of the project of reengineering of production at heavy machinery enterprises were formulated and substantiated. At the preparatory stage, the company's diagnosis and construction of the project objectives tree are underway. The implementation phase includes modeling processes, determining options for conducting concentration, identifying and describing risks, forecasting results. The implementation phase involves concentrating, specializing and diversifying production, re-designing processes, creating incentive systems and quality management, optimizing staffing structure. The final stage is presented by the calculation of the project's performance indicators and the comparison of the performance with the expected. The paper assessed the efficiency of project implementation reengineering of production at enterprises of heavy engineering associations using the calculation of discounted cash flow, net present value, profitability index and internal rate of return. It is possible to find out what are the main factors of success: determination and consideration of risk exposure, ensuring a continuous process of project management and engagement group of specialists from different spheres of production, the use of innovative redesign of manufacturing processes, efficiency of use of radical crisis management tools for fixing achieved change. The methodical provision of crisis management by industrial enterprises is improved on the basis of the developed model of reengineering of production by expanding the functionality methods for optimizing production processes and interprocess relations, concentration and specialization of production. For the developed model, the means of implementing the strategic objectives of the project of reengineering of production are systematized, in accordance with the system approach in grouping executed operations in terms of content and objects, which allows to monitor and coordinate the implementation of strategic objectives at all stages of the project reengineering production.
Кривоконь, Марина Олександрівна. "Реінжиніринг виробництва в антикризовому управлінні." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2020.
Full textThesis for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD) in specialty 08.00.04 – economics and management (of economic activity). - National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», Kharkov, 2019. In dissertation work the theoretical and methodological positions of anti-crisis management of domestic machine-building enterprises based on the use of radical tools of redesigning of production processes are considered. The author formulates his own scientific position regarding the characterization of the reengineering of production in crisis management as an active strategic method, which allows to optimize production processes in heavy engineering enterprises and their associations in order to provide a quick response to the manifestations of the crisis in order to further enable the functioning of the crisis. The methodical approaches to the systematization of production processes of enterprises of heavy engineering, which are distributed according to the types of production at each stage of the production cycle, are improved, and they allow to formulate a concretized list of basic and auxiliary production processes as objects of reengineering. The dissertation substantiates the methodical approaches to the analysis of the patterns of construction and formation of the content content of the model of production reengineering at the enterprises of heavy mechanical engineering, which takes into account the use of tools of concentration and specialization of production and is based on the experience of process management of domestic enterprises, due to which it is possible to adapt the developed model for various enterprises of mechanical engineering and their associations using certain stages of the project of reengineering of production va modeling of production processes in accordance with their role in the production cycle of heavy machinery enterprises, which simplifies the process management system and reduces the cost of providing processes. There is determined that the core capabilities of reengineering in the crisis overcoming are: improving the basic performance of the enterprise by optimizing its production processes, improving production efficiency by redesigning logistics and technological processes, changing the structure of fixed assets and working capital in carrying concentration of production. The diagnosis of generalized financial and economic indicators of heavy engineering industry determine the main objects of reengineering the production:fixed assets (workshops, production space, equipment, intangible assets); production technology; internal logistics; organization of personnel; system of organization of raw material supply. The developed model of reengineering of production in crisis management enables structured crisis management tools, extending them through innovative approaches. Model reengineering of production involves the use of concentration, specialization and diversification within the association and each company separately, implementation of lean production, quality control systems and the creation of technological and engineering centers. Crisis management using reengineering is carried out by optimizing production processes, improving logistics, introducing a system of motivation, and improving the personnel supply system. The stages of implementation of the project of reengineering of production at heavy machinery enterprises were formulated and substantiated. At the preparatory stage, the company's diagnosis and construction of the project objectives tree are underway. The implementation phase includes modeling processes, determining options for conducting concentration, identifying and describing risks, forecasting results. The implementation phase involves concentrating, specializing and diversifying production, re-designing processes, creating incentive systems and quality management, optimizing staffing structure. The final stage is presented by the calculation of the project's performance indicators and the comparison of the performance with the expected. The paper assessed the efficiency of project implementation reengineering of production at enterprises of heavy engineering associations using the calculation of discounted cash flow, net present value, profitability index and internal rate of return. It is possible to find out what are the main factors of success: determination and consideration of risk exposure, ensuring a continuous process of project management and engagement group of specialists from different spheres of production, the use of innovative redesign of manufacturing processes, efficiency of use of radical crisis management tools for fixing achieved change. The methodical provision of crisis management by industrial enterprises is improved on the basis of the developed model of reengineering of production by expanding the functionality methods for optimizing production processes and interprocess relations, concentration and specialization of production. For the developed model, the means of implementing the strategic objectives of the project of reengineering of production are systematized, in accordance with the system approach in grouping executed operations in terms of content and objects, which allows to monitor and coordinate the implementation of strategic objectives at all stages of the project reengineering production.
Лімаренко, Ю. В. "Сутність, роль та необхідність реінжинірингу бізнес-процесів." Thesis, Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну, 2017.
Full textЄгоричева, С. Б. "Реінжиніринг як сучасна тенденція розвитку банківського бізнесу." Thesis, Українська академія банківської справи Національного банку України, 2006.
Full textБарсукова, М. А. "Інструментальні засоби для проведення реінжинірингу." Thesis, Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну, 2017.
Full textТаранюк, Леонід Миколайович, Леонид Николаевич Таранюк, and Leonid Mykolaiovych Taraniuk. "Процедура проведення реінжинірингу на підприємстві." Thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2012.
Full textНартова, Ірина Володимирівна, and Ольга Сергіївна Криворучко. "ФОРМУВАННЯ ПОНЯТТЯ РЕІНЖИНІРИНГ У СТУДЕНТІВ-ТОВАРОЗНАВЦІВ: КОМПЕТЕНТНІСНИЙ ПІДХІД." Thesis, Полтава: РВВ ПУЕТ, 2016.
Full textТолбатов, Володимир Аронович, Владимир Аронович Толбатов, and Volodymyr Aronovych Tolbatov. "Визначення послідовності етапів реінжинірінгу бізнес-процесів промислового підприємства." Thesis, Вид-во СумДУ, 2009.
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