Academic literature on the topic 'Поверхнева твердість'
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Journal articles on the topic "Поверхнева твердість"
Yaremchuk, L. A., A. S. Kushpit, and M. S. Kobrynovych. "Дослідження впливу барвників і термодеревини на експлуатаційні характеристики захисно-декоративних покриттів деревини." Scientific Bulletin of UNFU 31, no. 3 (April 29, 2021): 89–93.
Full textLapinskyі, A. V., A. V. Kuzminchuk, H. V. Krуmets, I. M. Astrelin, and O. V. Нarashchenko. "ЗРАЗКОВА ПРИРОДНА ВОДА І ПРОБЛЕМИ ЇЇ ЗБЕРЕЖЕННЯ У ВОДОЙМАХ РІВНЕНЩИНИ." Bulletin National University of Water and Environmental Engineering 2, no. 86 (June 14, 2019): 183.
Full textGolubets, V. M., I. M. Honchar, and Yu S. Shpulyar. "ПІДВИЩЕННЯ СТІЙКОСТІ МЕТАЛО- І ДЕРЕВОРІЗАЛЬНОГО ІНСТРУМЕНТУ НАНЕСЕННЯМ ЕЛЕКТРОІСКРОВИХ ПОКРИТЬ." Scientific Bulletin of UNFU 28, no. 2 (March 29, 2018): 111–14.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Поверхнева твердість"
Костик, Катерина Олександрівна. "Наукові основи технологій поверхневого зміцнення деталей машин порошковими сумішами керованого складу." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019.
Full textThe thesis for the scientific degree of doctor of technical sciences, specialty 05.02.08 – technology of mechanical engineering (13 – mechanical engineering). – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2019. In the thesis a set of studies was aimed at solving an important scientific and technical problem in the field of engineering technology: the development of innovative and short-term technologies of machine parts surface hardening with controlled composition powder mixtures to ensure the performance properties of products at a high level with a significant reduction in the cost of their production. Mathematical models and nomograms of existing technologies of steels surface hardening were created to determine the specific conditions of ChTT (temperature and duration) based on a given depth of the diffusion layer or the surface hardness of steels, which significantly affects the efficiency of the strengthening processes. The general methodological approach of management of technological processes of details surface hardening by powder mixes of the controlled structure at saturation of surface layers with nitrogen, carbon and boron on the basis of use of innovative technologies and the system analysis at the minimum expenses was developed that allowed to increase operational properties of products at considerable reduction of ChTT duration. ChTT was designed the complex, which significantly reduces the fragility of boriding layers due to a more gradual decrease in hardness from surface to core products from steels to improve the operational properties of the goods and service life of machine parts and tools. It was created a mathematical model of the temperature distribution in the depth of the diffusion layer to determine the nature of the dependencies and obtain data on the temperature distribution in the depth of the product under different processing conditions. It was improved boriding pastes technology of titanium alloys through the use of nanodispersed environment, thereby reducing the boriding process 2-3 times and to shorten the manufacturing process of components by combining two operations: boriding and titanium alloy hardening. The solutions of boundary value diffusion problems by the boundary element method were proposed, which allowed to create a mathematical model of the distribution of boron concentration over the thickness of the hardened titanium alloy. The processes of heating by high-frequency currents and due to the preliminary laser treatment of parts were intensified, which allowed to obtain high performance properties of the surface layers with a significant reduction in the duration of treatments. A comparative analysis of the influence of existing and developed hardening treatments on the change in the depth of the layer, the surface hardness and wear resistance of the surface layer of steel 38Ch2MoAl was done. It was established that the developed complex hardening treatment based on the process of diffusion saturation with boron can provide wear resistance of the surface layers at a high level with abrasive wear.
Костик, Катерина Олександрівна. "Наукові основи технологій поверхневого зміцнення деталей машин порошковими сумішами керованого складу." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019.
Full textThe thesis for the scientific degree of doctor of technical sciences, specialty 05.02.08 – technology of mechanical engineering (13 – mechanical engineering). – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2019. In the thesis a set of studies was aimed at solving an important scientific and technical problem in the field of engineering technology: the development of innovative and short-term technologies of machine parts surface hardening with controlled composition powder mixtures to ensure the performance properties of products at a high level with a significant reduction in the cost of their production. The scientific novelty of the results lies in the development of scientific foundations of innovative and short-term technologies of surface hardening of machine parts by powder mixtures of controlled composition, which allowed to solve the actual scientific and practical problem of increasing the service life of machine parts and tools: - for the first time, local maxima of surface hardness and depth of diffusion layers of alloys were calculated and theoretical optimal conditions of diffusion hardening processes were established, which allows obtaining specific technological parameters of the chemical and heat treatment (CHT) process and providing optimal characteristics of diffusion layers; - for the first time created mathematical models and nomograms of existing technologies of surface hardening of steels, which allowed to determine the specific conditions of the CHT process (temperature and duration), based on a given depth of the diffusion layer or surface hardness of steels, which significantly affects the effectiveness of the implementation of strengthening processes; - for the first time through the use of innovative technologies and systems analysis at minimal cost, developed a general methodological approach for control of technological processes of surface hardening of parts by the powder mixtures of controlled composition at saturation of surface layers with nitrogen, carbon and boron, it is possible to improve the performance properties of products with a significant reduction in the CHT duration; – further development of the developed CHT complex, which significantly reduces the fragility of boriding layers due to a more gradual decrease in hardness from the surface to the core products of steels, thus improving the operational properties of the goods and service life of machine parts and tools in contrast to known methods of the CHT, which only increase surface hardness; - for the first time, a mathematical model of temperature distribution over the depth of the diffusion layer was developed, which made it possible to determine the nature of the dependences and obtain data on the temperature distribution over the depth of the product at different processing modes; – improved boriding technology with pastes of titanium alloys through the use of nanodispersed saturating environment, thereby reducing the boriding process to 2-3 times and to shorten the manufacturing process of components by combining two operations: boriding and hardening a titanium alloy; - solutions of boundary-value problems of diffusion by the boundary element method are proposed, which allowed for the first time to create a mathematical model of the distribution of boron concentration over the thickness of the hardened layer of a titanium alloy; - the technology of intensification of processes by CHT of heating by high-frequency currents and by means of preliminary laser processing of details was improved, which allowed to obtain high performance properties of surface layers with a significant reduction in the duration of treatments. The practical value of the work is to develop a technology of combined hardening of the surface layers of alloys making parts. The following practical results are obtained on the basis of a set of theoretical and experimental studies, formulated principles, regularities and the following practical results are obtained: 1. Method of combined processing of steel products, including advanced laser processing of material surface with the laser radiation power of -1.0±0.1 kW, the speed of movement of the laser beam of 0.5–1.5 m/min with subsequent nitriding. In addition, the nitriding is carried out in an environment of melamine with 3 to 5 % of sodium fluoride at a temperature of 530-560 °C for 2–3 hours (the patent of Ukraine No. 111066). 2. Method diffusion boriding steel products, including pre-application to the surface of the coating, which includes boriding substance, the activator sodium fluoride and a binder solution of glue BF in acetone, and heating by high frequency currents. In the coating as boriding substance use polyboride magnesium or amorphous boron, and optionally an activator is introduced lithium fluoride (the patent of Ukraine No. 116177). 3. Method of surface hardening steel parts comprising coating the surface of the part coating, which' is included boriding substance and activator, drying and heating by high frequency currents. In the coating as boriding substance use amorphous boron activator and lithium fluoride. The heating is carried out at a temperature of 800-1100 °C for 1-5 minutes (the patent of Ukraine No. 116178). 4. A method of producing a solid coating on the surface of steel products, including pre-processing the surface of the material and boriding. Carry out a preliminary laser treatment of the surface of the material with subsequent boriding in the environment polyboride magnesium, activators: sodium fluoride and lithium fluoride (the patent of Ukraine No. 116116). 5. The iron-based alloy with shape memory effect, contains: iron, manganese, silicon, carbon, chromium, nickel, cobalt, copper, vanadium, niobium, molybdenum. In this case, the alloy additionally introduced sulfur and phosphorus (weights. %): the manganese from 4 to 20; silicon 1.0 to 4.5; carbon 0.1 to 1.0; chromium, 10.0 to 25.0; nickel 1.0-10.0; cobalt 1.0-10.0; copper 1.0-4.0; vanadium 0.5 to 2.0; niobium from 0.3 to 1.5; molybdenum from 0.5 to 2.0; sulfur up to 0.01; phosphorus up to 0,045; iron-rest (the patent of Ukraine No. 116117). 6. Сomposition for boriding steel products containing amorphous boron, tetrafluoroborate potassium, boron nitride and dolomite (the patent of Ukraine No. 117775). 7. Method of surface hardening of titanium alloys, including a saturation of the surface layers of components boron environment, which includes boriding substance and the activator, and heating. The saturation of the surface layers is performed by components boron environment that consists of amorphous boron and lithium fluoride (the patent of Ukraine No. 117770). 8. The dispersion hardening iron-based alloy with shape memory effect, contains: iron, manganese, silicon, carbon, vanadium, niobium, tungsten. Included aluminum, copper, nickel, chromium, sulfur and phosphorus (the patent of Ukraine No. 117757). 9. Developed technological processes were introduced to improve the surface hardness of steel products at the limited liability company "ASTIL M" (Kharkіv), improving the durability of the sleeve by 1.5 times after nitrocarburizing, 4.3-fold after successive nitrocarburizing and boriding, 5 times after carburizing, nitrocarburizing and boriding and 2 times after boriding with microwave heating compared to a sleeve without surface hardening (the implementation Act from 05.10.2017). 10. Developed technological processes of the combined consolidation was implemented to improve surface hardness of steel products at Public company «Kharkiv machine-building plant "SVET SHAKHTYORA" (Kharkiv). Production tests have proved that the proposed effective technological processes of the combined hardening of surface layers of steel products will significantly accelerate the technological processes of chemical heat treatment in 2-10 times, led to reduced costs for them by saving electrical energy (the implementation Act from 17.10.2017). 11. Developed technological processes have been introduced at the limited liability company "Scientific-production Centre of the European mechanical engineering technology" (Kharkiv), thus improving the durability of the sleeve by 1.5 times after nitrocarburizing, 4.3-fold after successive nitrocarburizing and boriding (the implementation Act from 31.10.2017). 12. Adopted for implementation in production of developed nomograms that allow to define specific conditions of gas nitriding (temperature and duration) based on the desired depth of nitrided layer or the surface hardness of products of steel 38Cr2MoAl at Public company "Kharkiv machine-building plant «SVET SHAKHTYORA" (Kharkiv). Determined that the proposed nomograms greatly simplified the work of the engineer and these nomograms allowed to solve the inverse problem, to estimate the possible thickness of the hardened layer and surface hardness, at the same time of temperature and duration of gas nitriding (the implementation Act from 15.11.2017). 13. Developed an effective technological process of nitrocarburizing in microdisperse powder mixture to improve the operational stability of the toothed wheel of steel 38Cr2MoAl at private joint stock company "Kharkiv Tractor Plant". The use of microdisperse mixture accelerated the process of chemical-heat treatment by 1,5-2 times while getting the properties of the surface layer of the product such as after the nitrocarburizing, which reduced the costs of conducting chemical-thermal treatment by 2 times (the implementation Act from 24.01.2018). 14. The developments made in the thesis introduced in the educational process for students of mechanical engineering faculty of NTU "KhPI" special 131 "Applied mechanics" specialization 131-09 "Equipment and technology of foundry" and 151 "Automation and computer integrated technologies" specialization 151-07 "Computerized control of technological processes" (the implementation Act from 20.12.2017).