Academic literature on the topic 'Момент обертовий'
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Journal articles on the topic "Момент обертовий"
Банга В.І., к.т.н. "ЕКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНІ ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ СЕНСОРА КРУТНОГО МОМЕНТУ СИСТЕМИ ПРИВОДУ «ЕЛЕКТРОДВИГУН-ДИСКОВИЙ ДОЗАТОР»." Перспективні технології та прилади, no. 17 (December 13, 2020): 6–11.
Full textЛевчук, В. І., and С. П. Лихвенко. "ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ НАВАНТАЖЕНОСТІ ТА ЕКСПЛУАТАЦІЙНИХ РЕЖИМІВ ТРАНСМІСІЇ ТРАКТОРА КЛАСУ 14 КН З СИСТЕМОЮ МІЖКОЛІСНОГО АВТОБЛОКУВАННЯ." Вісник Полтавської державної аграрної академії, no. 1-2 (June 29, 2017): 138–42.
Full textГрубар, Ю. О., and М. Ю. Грубар. "ВИБІР ТАКТИКИ ЛІКУВАННЯ КАЛЬЦИФІКУЮЧОГО ТЕНДИНІТУ ПЛЕЧА З УРАХУВАННЯМ ФАЗИ ПЕРЕБІГУ ЗАХВОРЮВАННЯ." Вісник медичних і біологічних досліджень, no. 3 (December 8, 2021): 17–23.
Full textКобрін, Ю., Т. Васильченко, Ю. Бондаренко, and І. Шевченко. "Аналіз дії незбалансованості ротора молоткової дробарки на його опори." Науковий жарнал «Технічний сервіс агропромислового лісового та транспортного комплексів», no. 17 (March 18, 2020): 5–13.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Момент обертовий"
Рябов, Євген Сергійович, and Борис Григорович Любарський. "Тягові двигуни з поперечним полем." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2007.
Full textКаретін, Василь Миколайович. "Обґрунтування параметрів інерційного планетарного запобіжного механізму гвинтових конвеєрів." Diss., Тернопільський національний технічний університет ім. Івана Пулюя, 2021.
Full textThe dissertation for obtaining a scientific degree of the Candidate of technical sciences on a specialty 05.05.05 "Lifting and transportation machinery". – Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, 2021. In the dissertation, on the basis of the set of generalized scientific results, the new actual problem of increasing the technological efficiency of screw transport mechanisms operation process is solved due to design improvement and substantiation of parameters of the inertial planetary safety clutch, which is produced on the basis of the biplanetary inertial mechanism with a mobile reactive link. On the basis of the conducted theoretical and experimental research the following has been developed: analytical dependences which allow to analyse the displacement of the imbalance point and the mechanism in general; analytical dependences for determination of kinematic and dynamic parameters of the operation stop mode of the screw conveyor with inertial planetary safety clutch; empirical equations that characterize the change in braking torque of the stop mode and the torque transmission efficiency. Grounded on the conducted theoretical and experimental research, the optimal parameters of the inertial planetary safety clutch of the screw conveyor are substantiated. The braking safety torque of the output shaft of the screw conveyor inertial planetary safety clutch in the stop mode is formed by means of increasing the imbalance energy due to acceleration of the imbalance rotation around its axis and the drive axis of the pulse module as well as range variation of 19.6 … 29.4 N∙m, when respective gear ratio of the imbalance drive equals to 2.2. Rational functioning of the process of the screw conveyor operation in terms of providing maximum braking torque of the output shaft in case of overload of its working parts in the range from 20 N∙m to 42 N∙m, or the beginning of the stop mode of the screw conveyor, is achieved by the following parameters: input shaft speed is from 262.5 rpm to 437.5 rpm; the gear ratio of the upper imbalance drive is from 2.0 to 3.2 and the lower imbalance drive is equal to 1.0. The annual economic effect achieved by increasing the technological capabilities of the screw conveyor is UAH 12,209.7. The research results were implemented at PJSC "TerA" (Ternopil), LLC "Ukraine" (Ternopil region, Pidvolochysk district) and PP "Ukraine-Agro-2C" (Khmelnytsky region, Chemerivtsi district) in technological lines, respectively, for transportation and dough formation and for transportation of bulk products and goods. Theoretical and practical results of the research were implemented in the educational process of Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University during teaching the subject "Drives of Machines and Machine Complexes". The constructive novelty of the technical solution is protected by a patent of Ukraine for a utility model.
Шилкова, Лариса Василівна. "Удосконалення проєктного аналізу електромагнітних параметрів та характеристик індукторів обертового магнітного поля для технологічної обробки різних речовин." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2020.
Full textThe thesis is submitted to obtain a scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy, specialty 141 – Electricity, electronics and electrical engineering – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2020. The object of research are inductors of rotating magnetic field for technological operation of various substances. The subject of research are electromagnetic parameters and characteristics of inductors of rotating magnetic field. The dissertation is dedicated to solve actual scientific task of the design analysis development of electromagnetic parameters and characteristics of rotating magnetic field inductors for various substances technological operation. The introduction substantiates the relevance of the research tasks, shows the relationship of the work with scientific programs, plans, themes, provides scientific novelty and the practical significance of the results was formulated. In the first section, it is established that the existing methods for designing rotating magnetic field inductors based on the stator of a three-phase asynchronous motor are based on calculations of the magnetic field in the ideal idle mode and do not use numerical methods, which, as presented in the thesis, allow calculating the characteristics of the inductor in the load mode at the presence of ferromagnetic elements in its working chamber and give significant progress in the possibilities of designing and improving their design. The second chapter shows that the application of the quasi-three-dimensional mathematical model of the inductor, that was based on the method of plane-orthogonal calculated models, that combines the magnetic fields of the transverse and longitudinal sections of the inductor, allows us to analyze the distributions of magnetic induction in the transverse and longitudinal sections and to show fully its three-dimensional character. Based on the numerical-field calculations of rotating magnetic field the calculation methodology was presented in order to analyze the effect of shortening the stator winding of the inductor on its electromagnetic parameters. The proposed calculation methodology of the magnetic loss power based on the RMS maximums value of the magnetic induction module, that turned out to be universal from the point of view various geometric shapes of the toothed-groove structure and the stator yoke, because it doesn't need require simplifications of the design models geometry of these parts of the construction design. The third chapter deals with the inductor load angle that corresponds to the angle of rotation of the magnetic field and it was defined for the first time, but turns out that the inductor load angle two times less than the phase angle of the inductor winding currents. It turns out that the period of the angular torque characteristic two times less than the period of the inductor winding currents, which corresponds to the classical ideas about the angular functions of the reactive torque of electrical machines. Eventually, it allows to classify the considered inductor, together with the anisotropic magnetic environment in the working chamber, to the class of reluctance synchronous machines, and specifically, motors. The accounting method of the magnetic anisotropy of the inductor working chamber in dependence to concentration of ferromagnetic elements in it was proposed. It allows to obtain a mathematical model for determining the quantitative and phase correlations of its electromagnetic values in the load mode: magnetic induction, magnetic flux linkage, EMF, current voltage of the stator winding, and the electromagnetic torque in the working chamber. The presented methodology which is based on numerical calculations of magnetic fields, allows organizing an iterative process for the computational analysis of the characteristics of the inductor, that operates with a variable load at a stable current or supply voltage of its winding. By the test calculations it was found, that in the area of constant operation in terms of energy, the inductor is characterized by a sufficiently high efficiency and a very low power factor. During the comparison of the inductor angular characteristics, it was found that the more rational for the inductor working is the voltage stabilization mode, which in the desired working range of the load angle up to 25° provides the best electrical, magnetic, power and energy parameters. The current method for monitoring the concentration of ferromagnetic elements in the working chamber of the inductor during its operation was proposed. The practical calculations have shown that this method is more sensitive and doesn't require a complication of the inductor design in comparison with the alternative monitoring method using measuring coils. Observing the winding current of the inductor allows us to control the filling with ferromagnetic elements of its working chamber without interrupting the working process. It allows to replenish the working chamber in time with such elements and thereby maintain the technological operation of various substances on a given level, which are passed through this chamber. In the fourth chapter experimental studies of the inductor physical model are presented and it confirmed the results of mathematical modeling of the electromagnetic processes of the inductor in the no-load mode and in the operate mode.