Academic literature on the topic 'Механізм структуроутворення'
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Journal articles on the topic "Механізм структуроутворення"
Fialko, N. M., R. V. Dinzhos, Yu V. Sherenkovskyi, V. G. Prokopov, N. O. Meranova, R. O. Navrodska, V. L. Jurchuk, and G. V. Ivanenko. "Особливості процесу структуроутворення нанокомпозитів на основі поліетилену за його наповнення вуглецевими нанотрубками." Scientific Bulletin of UNFU 28, no. 6 (July 27, 2018): 74–80.
Full textКуприенко, Петр, Григорий Щецкин, and Наталья Куприенко. "СРАВНИТЕЛЬНАЯ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКА ПРОЦЕССА СТРУКТУРООБРАЗОВАНИЯ, РЕОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ И ТЕХНОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ СВОЙСТВ КОМПОЗИЦИЙ ГЛИН ДЛЯ САНТЕХНИЧЕСКИХ ИЗДЕЛИЙ." Будівельні матеріали та вироби, no. 5-6(99) (November 22, 2018): 88–93.
Full textMovchan, Oleksandr, and Kateryna Chornoivanenko. "ЗАКОНОМІРНОСТІ ФОРМУВАННЯ ТРИФАЗНОГО КОМПОЗИТУ ПРИ НАВУГЛЕЦЮВАННІ СПЛАВІВ СИСТЕМИ Fe-W-V-C." Metallurgicheskaya i gornorudnaya promyshlennost, no. 5-6 (December 27, 2019): 76–83.
Full textSamotugina, Yu S., B. A. Lyashenko, and O. О. Bezumova. "Influence of Plasma Modification Technology on Structure Formation Mechanisms and Wear Resistance of High Carbon Steels and Cast Irons." METALLOFIZIKA I NOVEISHIE TEKHNOLOGII 43, no. 8 (October 12, 2021): 1105–19.
Full textПлугін, Андрій Аркадійович. "СТРУКТУРОУТВОРЕННЯ І ВЛАСТИВОСТІ МІНЕРАЛЬНИХ В’ЯЖУЧИХ РЕЧОВИН І КОМПОЗИЦІЙНИХ МАТЕРІАЛІВ НА ЇХ ОСНОВІ З ПОЗИЦІЙ КОЛОЇДНОЇ ХІМІЇ ТА ФІЗИКО-ХІМІЧНОЇ МЕХАНІКИ ДИСПЕРСНИХ СИСТЕМ." Collection of scientific works of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, no. 155 (July 3, 2015).
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Механізм структуроутворення"
Шадріна, Галина Миколаївна. "Склокристалічні покриття по сплавах титану в системі R₂O – RO – RO₂ – R₂O₃ – P₂O₅ – SіO₂ для кісткового ендопротезування." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016.
Full textThesis for the Candidate of Technical Sciences Degree n specialty 05.17.11 – Technology of refractory nonmetallic materials. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute", Kharkiv, 2016. The thesis is dedicated to development of technological bases of obtaining glass-ceramic coatings on titanium alloys in the R₂O – RO – RO₂ – R₂O₃ – P₂O₅ – SіO₂ system for bone endoprostheses. Scientific provisions of obtaining calcium silicophos-phate glass-ceramic coatings as bioactive components of endoprostheses of coxofemo-ral joint and lower jaw bone were defined. Initial glass-forming system was chosen, mechanism of structure- and phase-formation in model glasses and characteristics of coatings formation on their base on titanium alloys during thermal treatment has been established. Technology of bioactive glass-ceramic coatings with microhardness of H = 6620 ÷ 7050 MPa, crack toughness parameter K1C = 2,01 ÷ 2,73 MPa·м1/2, Vickers hardness HV = 5440 ÷ 5660 MPa, adhesive strength σadh 16 ÷ 17 MPa has been developed, formation of apatite-like layer on the surface of developed coatings in vitro has been confirmed which allows their use in conditions of conditions of variable dynamic loads.
Шадріна, Галина Миколаївна. "Склокристалічні покриття по сплавах титану в системі R₂O – RO – RO₂ – R₂O₃ – P₂O₅ – SіO₂ для кісткового ендопротезування." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016.
Full textThesis for the Candidate of Technical Sciences Degree n specialty 05.17.11 – Technology of refractory nonmetallic materials. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute", Kharkiv, 2016. The thesis is dedicated to development of technological bases of obtaining glass-ceramic coatings on titanium alloys in the R₂O – RO – RO₂ – R₂O₃ – P₂O₅ – SіO₂ system for bone endoprostheses. Scientific provisions of obtaining calcium silicophos-phate glass-ceramic coatings as bioactive components of endoprostheses of coxofemo-ral joint and lower jaw bone were defined. Initial glass-forming system was chosen, mechanism of structure- and phase-formation in model glasses and characteristics of coatings formation on their base on titanium alloys during thermal treatment has been established. Technology of bioactive glass-ceramic coatings with microhardness of H = 6620 ÷ 7050 MPa, crack toughness parameter K1C = 2,01 ÷ 2,73 MPa·м1/2, Vickers hardness HV = 5440 ÷ 5660 MPa, adhesive strength σadh 16 ÷ 17 MPa has been developed, formation of apatite-like layer on the surface of developed coatings in vitro has been confirmed which allows their use in conditions of conditions of variable dynamic loads.