Academic literature on the topic 'Метод розподілу мережевого ресурсу'
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Journal articles on the topic "Метод розподілу мережевого ресурсу"
Haievskyi, S., S. Balakireva, and I. Kulakov. "МАТЕМАТИЧНІ МОДЕЛІ ДЛЯ РОЗРАХУНКУ ПОКАЗНИКІВ ЗАЛИШКОВОГО РЕСУРСУ НЕВІДНОВЛЮВАЛЬНИХ КОМПЛЕКТУЮЧИХ ВИРОБІВ РАДІОЕЛЕКТРОННОЇ СИСТЕМИ ЛІТАКА." Системи управління, навігації та зв’язку. Збірник наукових праць 3, no. 61 (September 11, 2020): 49–52.
Full textKuchuk, N., V. Panchenko, A. Filonenko, and I. Petrovskaya. "РІВНОМІРНИЙ РОЗПОДІЛ РЕСУРСІВ КОМП'ЮТЕРНИХ СИСТЕМ, ЩО МАЮТЬ ГІПЕРКОНВЕРГЕНТНУ ІНФРАСТРУКТУРУ." Системи управління, навігації та зв’язку. Збірник наукових праць 2, no. 54 (April 11, 2019): 119–22.
Full textKuchuk, N. "СИНХРОНІЗАЦІЯ ІНФОРМАЦІЙНОЇ СТРУКТУРИ МЕРЕЖІ НА ГІПЕРКОНВЕРГЕНТНІЙ ПЛАТФОРМІ З ОБЧИСЛЮВАЛЬНИМИ РЕСУРСАМИ ЇЇ ВУЗЛІВ." Системи управління, навігації та зв’язку. Збірник наукових праць 6, no. 58 (December 28, 2019): 48–53.
Full textNevolnichenko, Anatoly, Ruslan Boiko, and Anatolii Loishyn. "Ітераційний метод “динамічної ефективності” при багатомірній задачі лінійного програмування для підвищення ефективності ресурсного забезпечення." Journal of Scientific Papers "Social development and Security" 11, no. 5 (October 19, 2021): 33–41.
Full textГриб’юк, Олена Олександрівна. "Перспективи впровадження хмарних технологій в освіті." Theory and methods of e-learning 4 (February 17, 2014): 45–58.
Full textСоловйов, Володимир Миколайович, Олександр Анатолійович Сердюк, and Юрій Васильович Триус. "Організаційні особливості створення регіонального освітнього порталу." Theory and methods of learning fundamental disciplines in high school 1 (April 13, 2014): 225–34.
Full textРудик, Олександр Юхимович. "Методика використання ІКТ у курсі «Контроль якості покриттів»." Theory and methods of e-learning 3 (February 11, 2014): 273–78.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Метод розподілу мережевого ресурсу"
Нааем, Хазім Рахім Нааем. "Моделі та методи розподілу мережевого ресурсу комп'ютерних мереж геоінформаційной системи екологічного моніторингу." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2018.
Full textThesis for scientific degree candidate of technical sciences in the specialty 05.13.05 – computer systems and components. – National Technical University "Kharkіv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkіv 2018. The dissertation is devoted to the solution of the scientific and practical task of improving the method of network resource distribution of computer system of the geographic information system for ecological monitoring, which allows increasing the efficiency of functioning of these systems by using already developed models and methods of computing resource distribution of the network. The structure of GIS for environmental monitoring is developed, its main sub-systems and interaction principles are defined. The structure of hybrid computer network for digital data transmissions proposed, which allows optimizing the process of data transmission for environmental monitoring. The method of making decisions on the foundation of stationary posts of GIS for environmental monitoring is provided, which, in contrast to the existing ones, takes into account the parameter that determines the alteration rate of the then-current pollution level, the magnitude of the concentration of hazardous chemicals (HAZCHEM), and the wind rose specific for the area in question. Also, this method takes into consideration that the difference of HAZCHEM concentration in space varies from point to point. The whole from the abovementioned allows localizing zones of potential pollution and severely reducing the number of specialized observation posts (by 10-15%). The data transmission traffic model is developed for the hybrid computer network (CN) of the environmental monitoring GIS. This model takes into account the merging of information flows, which have different statistical models. The use of the offered model allows shortening the computer network data transmission rate by 13%. The network resources distribution method for the hybrid computer network of the environmental monitoring GIS is developed through the use of MIMO technology, which allows reducing the time required for monitoring data delivery by 12-15%. The model of hardware and software has been developed, the usage of which considers the features of wireless data transmission from several information sources in the hybrid computer network of GIS, thereby allowing to reduce the package loss ratio and to increase the speed of data transmission for the hybrid CN of GIS. The offered efficiency enhancement models and methods in computer networks of GIS have been examined in simulation modeling and experimental studies, which have thereby confirmed the veracity and significance of the derived results. The developed software and hardware model for ecological monitoring GIS allows reducing dates of receipt, processing and analysis of the ecological data, improving veracity and quality of the received results, and ensuring information safety.
Нааем, Хазім Рахім Нааем. "Моделі та методи розподілу мережевого ресурсу комп'ютерних мереж геоінформаційной системи екологічного моніторингу." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2018.
Full textThesis for scientific degree candidate of technical sciences in the specialty 05.13.05 – computer systems and components. – National Technical University "Kharkіv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkіv 2018. The dissertation is devoted to the solution of the scientific and practical task of improving the method of network resource distribution of computer system of the geographic information system for ecological monitoring, which allows increasing the efficiency of functioning of these systems by using already developed models and methods of computing resource distribution of the network. The structure of GIS for environmental monitoring is developed, its main sub-systems and interaction principles are defined. The structure of hybrid computer network for digital data transmissions proposed, which allows optimizing the process of data transmission for environmental monitoring. The method of making decisions on the foundation of stationary posts of GIS for environmental monitoring is provided, which, in contrast to the existing ones, takes into account the parameter that determines the alteration rate of the then-current pollution level, the magnitude of the concentration of hazardous chemicals (HAZCHEM), and the wind rose specific for the area in question. Also, this method takes into consideration that the difference of HAZCHEM concentration in space varies from point to point. The whole from the abovementioned allows localizing zones of potential pollution and severely reducing the number of specialized observation posts (by 10-15%). The data transmission traffic model is developed for the hybrid computer network (CN) of the environmental monitoring GIS. This model takes into account the merging of information flows, which have different statistical models. The use of the offered model allows shortening the computer network data transmission rate by 13%. The network resources distribution method for the hybrid computer network of the environmental monitoring GIS is developed through the use of MIMO technology, which allows reducing the time required for monitoring data delivery by 12-15%. The model of hardware and software has been developed, the usage of which considers the features of wireless data transmission from several information sources in the hybrid computer network of GIS, thereby allowing to reduce the package loss ratio and to increase the speed of data transmission for the hybrid CN of GIS. The offered efficiency enhancement models and methods in computer networks of GIS have been examined in simulation modeling and experimental studies, which have thereby confirmed the veracity and significance of the derived results. The developed software and hardware model for ecological monitoring GIS allows reducing dates of receipt, processing and analysis of the ecological data, improving veracity and quality of the received results, and ensuring information safety.