Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Колісний трактор'
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Кожушко, Андрій Павлович, and Анатолій Геннадійович Мамонтов. "Особливості виконання транспортних робіт причіпними та напівпричіпними агрегатами у складі машинно-тракторної техніки." Thesis, Харківський національний технічний університет сільського господарства ім. Петра Василенка, 2019. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/42257.
Full textКожушко, Андрій Павлович. "Визначення складових сил, які діють на платформу цистерни машинно-тракторного агрегату." Thesis, Sp. z o.o. "Diamond trading tour", Poland, 2018. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/42271.
Full textКожушко, Андрій Павлович. "Аналіз результатів теоретичного дослідження гідрооб'ємно-механічних трансмісій, що працюють по схемам "диференціал на вході" та "диференціал на виході" в процесі розгону." Thesis, Sp. z o.o. "Diamond trading tour", Poland, 2015. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/42239.
Full textКожушко, Андрій Павлович. "Статистичний аналіз експериментальних даних при виконанні транспортної роботи трактором з цистерною." Thesis, Baltija Publishing, Latvia, 2019. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/46132.
Full textКожушко, Андрій Павлович. "Порівняльний аналіз техніко-економічних показників колісного трактора при експериментальному та теоретичному досліджені виконання технологічної операції "оранка"." Thesis, Крок, 2015. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/42211.
Full textКожушко, Андрій Павлович, and Олександр Львович Григор'єв. "Математичне моделювання руху вільної поверхні рідини в сільськогосподарських цистернах." Thesis, Чернігівський національний технологічний університет, 2019. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/42269.
Full textКожушко, Андрій Павлович. "Динамічна навантаженість ходової системи колісного трактора з агрегатами змінної маси." Thesis, Харківський національний технічний університет сільського господарства ім. Петра Василенка, 2019. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/46133.
Full textБондаренко, Анатолій Ігорович. "Наукове обґрунтування нових технічних рішень процесу гальмування колісних тракторів з безступінчастими гідрооб'ємно-механічними трансмісіями." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/21355.
Full textThesis for a Doctor Degree in Technical Sciences: speciality 05.22.02 – Automobiles and Tractors. – National Technical University "Kharkіv polytechnic institute", Kharkiv, 2016. This thesis deals with the actual scientific problem which intersect with increasing of competitiveness, and also dirigibility and brake efficiency of the wheeled tractors with hydrostatic-mechanical transmissions at the expense of scientific grounding of innovative technology of braking process on the base of systems approach to determination of basic conformities to the law of working processes in such transmissions, and also choice of rational method of realization of process of braking and character of change of parameters of adjusting of hydrostatic-mechanical transmission at braking. The method of determination of rational structure and parameters of hydrostatic-mechanical transmission is developed in work for the wheeled tractors, which is based on the orientation not only on the kinematics, forces and power parameters of hydrostatic-mechanical transmission of the tractor for technological operation "ploughing" but also on the feature of change of kinematics and power parameters of transmission at braking of tractor by the varied methods, in addition considers the quantitative indexes of ergonomics tractor.
Бондаренко, Анатолій Ігорович. "Наукове обґрунтування нових технічних рішень процесу гальмування колісних тракторів з безступінчастими гідрооб'ємно-механічними трансмісіями." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/21354.
Full textThesis for a Doctor Degree in Technical Sciences: speciality 05.22.02 – Automobiles and Tractors. – National Technical University "Kharkіv polytechnic institute", Kharkiv, 2016. This thesis deals with the actual scientific problem which intersect with increasing of competitiveness, and also dirigibility and brake efficiency of the wheeled tractors with hydrostatic-mechanical transmissions at the expense of scientific grounding of innovative technology of braking process on the base of systems approach to determination of basic conformities to the law of working processes in such transmissions, and also choice of rational method of realization of process of braking and character of change of parameters of adjusting of hydrostatic-mechanical transmission at braking. The method of determination of rational structure and parameters of hydrostatic-mechanical transmission is developed in work for the wheeled tractors, which is based on the orientation not only on the kinematics, forces and power parameters of hydrostatic-mechanical transmission of the tractor for technological operation "ploughing" but also on the feature of change of kinematics and power parameters of transmission at braking of tractor by the varied methods, in addition considers the quantitative indexes of ergonomics tractor.
Пелипенко, Євген Сергійович. "Підвищення ефективності гальмування колісних тракторів з безступінчастими трансмісіями шляхом вибору раціонального способу гальмування." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2017. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/34491.
Full textThe dissertation for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Science (Technology) on the specialty 05.22.02 – automobiles and tractors. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2017. The dissertation is devoted to increasing the braking efficiency of wheeled tractors with steady hydrostatic transmission due to the method of braking, the choice of shape and duration of the change of the parameter of regulation. The complex mathematical model of the braking process to tractor KhTZ -21021 with hydrostatic transmission is made possible to model all possible methods of braking. From the existing mathematical model, the kinematic, power and energy parameters of the steady continuously variable transmission are different, as well as the description of the drum braking mechanism with the pneumatic system in the wheel tractor KhTZ-21021. On the basis of the optimization theory it is formalized that the rational change of the hydraulic control parameter for the hydrostatic transmission with the "differential on the outlet", in terms of the braking efficiency, is a curved form. At the hydrostatic transmission laboratory stand, it has been confirmed that the best braking performance during braking with the hydrostatic transmission regulation parameter (the minimum number of revolutions of the output shaft hydrostatic transmission, and, as a consequence, the minimum braking distance) is observed for curved forms of hydrostatic transmission control, regardless of the duration of the control effect.
Пелипенко, Євген Сергійович. "Підвищення ефективності гальмування колісних тракторів з безступінчастими трансмісіями шляхом вибору раціонального способу гальмування." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2018. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/34490.
Full textThe dissertation for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Science (Technology) on the specialty 05.22.02 – automobiles and tractors. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2017. The dissertation is devoted to increasing the braking efficiency of wheeled tractors with steady hydrostatic transmission due to the method of braking, the choice of shape and duration of the change of the parameter of regulation. The complex mathematical model of the braking process to tractor KhTZ -21021 with hydrostatic transmission is made possible to model all possible methods of braking. From the existing mathematical model, the kinematic, power and energy parameters of the steady continuously variable transmission are different, as well as the description of the drum braking mechanism with the pneumatic system in the wheel tractor KhTZ-21021. On the basis of the optimization theory it is formalized that the rational change of the hydraulic control parameter for the hydrostatic transmission with the "differential on the outlet", in terms of the braking efficiency, is a curved form. At the hydrostatic transmission laboratory stand, it has been confirmed that the best braking performance during braking with the hydrostatic transmission regulation parameter (the minimum number of revolutions of the output shaft hydrostatic transmission, and, as a consequence, the minimum braking distance) is observed for curved forms of hydrostatic transmission control, regardless of the duration of the control effect.
Мамонтов, Анатолій Геннадійович. "Поліпшення показників плавності ходу та динамічної навантаженості ходових систем колісних тракторів на транспортних роботах." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/42966.
Full textThe dissertation for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Science (Technology) on the specialty 05.22.02 – automobiles and tractors. –National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2019. The dissertation is devoted to improving the operational properties of a wheeled tractor in an aggregate with a semi-trailer during the driving in transport modes, due to the equipment of the front axle with a combined air spring suspension and determining its rational parameters. To solve this problem we have analyzed the current tendencies in the application of wheeled tractors in the transportation of the main agricultural products, as well as products intended to support the production processes of agricultural enterprises. The basic requirements for the construction of tractors used as a transport in the agricultural sector have been defined. The tendencies of development of designs of suspension systems of wheel tractors with consideration of performance of cargo transportation with the increased transport speeds have been considered. The analysis of methods and constructive approaches of improving the smoothness of the course and reducing the dynamic load of the running systems have been performed. The operational requirements for suspension wheeled tractors have been defined. There are also ways to improve the smoothness of the course based on the improvement of the suspension systems. In the framework of the study a generalized mathematical model of longitudinal-angular, vertical and longitudinal oscillations of a machine-tractor unit based on a wheeled tractor with a semi-trailer, which allows to investigate the smooth running and the dynamic load of the running system, is drawn up. The mathematical model is completed with mathematical models of pneumatic tire, pneumatic rubber-cord elastic element and traction coupling. This allows to take into account the presence of damping in the pneumatic system of the combined pneumatic spring suspension, to fully assess the influence of nonlinearity of the elastic and dissipative characteristics of the tire and the pneumatic cylinder, as well as the presence of a gap in the traction-coupling device on the trajectory of smooth running and dynamic load. For the most completed evaluation of the smooth running and dynamic loading of the running system of a wheeled tractor equipped with different types of suspension systems, a mathematical model is implemented in a deterministic formulation with micro-profiles corresponding to different road surfaces. To reduce the dynamic load of the running system and improve the parameters of the smooth running of the machine-tractor unit based on the wheeled tractor and semi-trailer, a combined pneumatic spring suspension have been developed, which was mounted on the front axle of the tractor. Developing the adjustable pneumatic spring suspension we used serial units and suspension parts with sheet metal springs. The pneumatic spring suspension is housed in the overall dimensions of the serial suspension, and consists of sheet metal springs and two-section pneumatic cylinders with additional air tanks. In order to increase the damping in the suspension, throttles were installed in the pipeline at the inlet to the additional tanks. As the static load on the front axle increases, the regulator of the frame position by means of a valve automatically ensures the supply of compressed air to the air cylinders through the pipelines, and with its reduction – the release of air to the atmosphere. This ensures that there is a constant gap between the elastic compression stop and the front axle. With the purpose of the most complete evaluation of the design properties of the developed pneumatic spring suspension and its perfection when using the tractor, experimental studies of the machine-tractor unit under different operating conditions have been performed. The results obtained during the full-scale experiment made it possible to confirm the validity of theoretical studies and to evaluate the adequacy of the mathematical model used to study the relationship between the suspension structure parameters and its performance. Also, a method of conducting experimental studies to determine the damping in the pneumatic system of the combined pneumatic spring suspension, the method of determining the parameters of smooth running and the dynamic load of the running system of the machine-tractor unit in the performance of transport works was also proposed. During the full-scale experiment, the degree of dissipation in the pneumatic spring suspension was determined at different throttle cross-sections, as well as at different volumes of additional tanks, and the rational diameter of the throttle cross-section was determined. The estimation of the smoothness of the course and the dynamic loading of the running system of the machine-tractor unit equipped with a serial spring suspension, combined pneumatic spring suspension with hydraulic shock absorbers and without hydraulic shock absorbers, when driving the tractor on the road with asphalt comparative estimation of the smooth running of the tractor with serial and pneumatic spring suspensions, by determining the parameters of low-frequency oscillations at the characteristic points of the tractor. The dynamic loading of the running gear of the tractor equipped with various suspension systems is also determined. To estimate the results of the experiment, namely to record the parameters of low-frequency oscillations, a measuring complex consisting of vibration measuring equipment was used. To register the dynamic load of the front and rear wheels of the tractor were used strain gauges glued to the sleeves of the bridges, while the strain gauge sensors were collected in the strain gauge bridges signal from which came to the fixing equipment. Being based on the analysis of the obtained data, it has been found out that the application of a combined pneumatic spring suspension with hydraulic shock absorbers in comparison with the serial spring suspension allows to reduce the magnitude of the rms acceleration at the characteristic points of the tractor and to reduce the dynamic load acting on the wheels of the machine-tractor. Theoretical researches allowed to give an objective estimation of influence of a type of a suspension bracket and its design parameters on smoothness of a course and dynamic loading of a running system of a wheel tractor are carried out. Ways to improve the suspension system were identified and recommendations were made for choosing rational suspension parameters. Based on the analysis of the experimental studies of the dynamic processes that occur during the movement of a wheeled tractor in a semi-trailer unit, it is established that the results of theoretical calculations qualitatively and quantitatively reflect the nature of the change and the level of smoothness and dynamic load of the running gear of the machine-tractor system. Recommendations for the selected rational parameters of the front axle suspension system of the wheeled tractor have been also confirmed. According to the recommendations, the best performance of smooth running and dynamic loading of the running system of the wheeled tractor with the articulated frame on the transport works are achieved with the following substantiated basic design parameters of the combined pneumatic spring suspension: diameter of the throttle cross-section 9 mm, which provides the maximum air damping in the pneumatic system and attenuation coefficient ψ=0,21; volume of additional tanks Vd =40·10ˉ³ m³ per side; pressure in the pneumatic system 0,27 MPa; the value of the damping coefficient of the hydraulic shock absorber ψа=0,21.
Мамонтов, Анатолій Геннадійович. "Поліпшення показників плавності ходу та динамічної навантаженості ходових систем колісних тракторів на транспортних роботах." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/42962.
Full textThe dissertation for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Science (Technology) on the specialty 05.22.02 – automobiles and tractors. –National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2019. The dissertation is devoted to improving the operational properties of a wheeled tractor in an aggregate with a semi-trailer when driving in transport modes, due to the equipment of the front axle with a combined air spring suspension and determining its rational parameters. A generalized mathematical model of the longitudinal-angular, vertical and longitudinal oscillations of a machine-tractor unit based on a wheeled tractor in an aggregate with a semi-trailer has been compiled, which allows us to study the smoothness and dynamic loading of the running system with taking into account the nonlinearity of the elastic and dissipative characteristics of the suspension, as well as the structural characteristics of the towing device. Theoretical studies have been carried out, which made it possible to give an objective assessment of the influence of the type of suspension and its design parameters on the smoothness and dynamic loading of the wheeled tractor running system. Ways to improve the suspension system are identified and recommendations for the selection of rational suspension parameters are developed. Based on experimental studies, the reliability of the mathematical model of the movement of a ma-chine-tractor unit at transport speeds is confirmed. The recommendations regarding the selected rational parameters of the suspension system of the front axle of the wheeled tractor are also confirmed.
Шевцов, Вадим Михайлович. "Вибір і обґрунтування температурних режимів роботи гідрооб'ємно-механічної трансмісії колісного трактора." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2018. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/38019.
Full textThe thesis for granting the scientific degree of Candidate of technical sciences in the specialty 05.22.02 – cars and tractors. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2018. The thesis is devoted to increasing the efficiency of application the tractors based on hydrovolumetric mechanical transmissions (HVMT) through the determination of influence of temperature modes on hydrovolumetric transmission (HVT) characteristics justification of parameters of cooling system in HVT. The influence on temperature of working fluid on the work of hydro system has been carried out. There have been determined the approaches in the determination of temperature modes of HVT. The parameters of cooling system of HVT have been justified. There has been developed the extended mathematical model which considers the temperature, kinematics and power modes of volumetric hydraulic gear in HVMT of the wheel tractor. There also has been developed the mathematic model as a matrix that includes the description of kinematic parameters of HVMT, power parameters and energy conversion efficiency of all gearing parts and thermal characteristics. The provided research approved the adequacy of developed mathematical model. The variation of temperature of working fluid in the working and transport gear may be described as a curve with a maximum in a special zone. There has been determined the influence of temperature on general and volumetric energy conversion efficiency for the each gear and the recommendation for choosing the cooling system that consider the redistribution of power fluids in HVMT were performed.
Мітцель, Микола Олександрович. "Вплив особливих зон роботи гідропередачі на техніко-економічні показники колісних тракторів з безступінчастими гідрооб'ємно-механічними трансмісіями." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/22578.
Full textThe dissertation for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Science (Technology) on the specialty 05.22.02 – automobiles and tractors. –National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2016. The dissertation is devoted to improving technical and economic indicators of machine-tractor units equipped input-coupled power-split hydrovolumetric mechanical transmissions by placing farming velocity in special areas of work hydrovolumetric transmission. Compiled complex mathematical model special zones of hydrovolumetric transmission that allows you to explore work processes within the special zone. The process of creation of special zones ascending for and descending regulating characteristics. The influence of the mode load and design parameters of the transmission to the width of the special zones and the overall efficiency of the transmission. The effect of time acceleration wheeled tractor a surge in the value of the operating pressure at the outlet of the special zones. Recommendations for the design of perspective schemes output coupled transmissions that will achieve maximum efficiency transmission speeds within the major energy intensive agricultural operations. Experimental studies determined the accuracy of the mathematical model of hydraulic losses in the transmission by K. Gorodetsky's mathematical model. Experimentally investigated the accuracy of the mathematical model of special zones on the laboratory stand and wheeled tractors, and found the references to perspective schemes input-coupled power-split hydrovolumetric mechanical transmissions.
Шевцов, Вадим Михайлович. "Вибір і обґрунтування температурних режимів роботи гідрооб'ємно-механічної трансмісії колісного трактора." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2018. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/38015.
Full textThe thesis for granting the scientific degree of Candidate of technical sciences in the specialty 05.22.02 – cars and tractors. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2018. The thesis is devoted to increasing the efficiency of application the tractors based on hydrovolumetric mechanical transmissions (HVMT) through the determination of influence of temperature modes on hydrovolumetric transmission (HVT) characteristics justification of parameters of cooling system in HVT. The influence on temperature of working fluid on the work of hydro system has been carried out. There have been determined the approaches in the determination of temperature modes of HVT. The parameters of cooling system of HVT have been justified. There has been developed the extended mathematical model which considers the temperature, kinematics and power modes of volumetric hydraulic gear in HVMT of the wheel tractor. There also has been developed the mathematic model as a matrix that includes the description of kinematic parameters of HVMT, power parameters and energy conversion efficiency of all gearing parts and thermal characteristics. The provided research approved the adequacy of developed mathematical model. The variation of temperature of working fluid in the working and transport gear may be described as a curve with a maximum in a special zone. There has been determined the influence of temperature on general and volumetric energy conversion efficiency for the each gear and the recommendation for choosing the cooling system that consider the redistribution of power fluids in HVMT were performed.
Мітцель, Микола Олександрович. "Вплив особливих зон роботи гідропередачі на техніко-економічні показники колісних тракторів з безступінчастими гідрооб'ємно-механічними трансмісіями." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/22568.
Full textThe dissertation for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Science (Technology) on the specialty 05.22.02 – automobiles and tractors. –National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2016. The dissertation is devoted to improving technical and economic indicators of machine-tractor units equipped input-coupled power-split hydrovolumetric mechanical transmissions by placing farming velocity in special areas of work hydrovolumetric transmission. Compiled complex mathematical model special zones of hydrovolumetric transmission that allows you to explore work processes within the special zone. The process of creation of special zones ascending for and descending regulating characteristics. The influence of the mode load and design parameters of the transmission to the width of the special zones and the overall efficiency of the transmission. The effect of time acceleration wheeled tractor a surge in the value of the operating pressure at the outlet of the special zones. Recommendations for the design of perspective schemes output coupled transmissions that will achieve maximum efficiency transmission speeds within the major energy intensive agricultural operations. Experimental studies determined the accuracy of the mathematical model of hydraulic losses in the transmission by K. Gorodetsky's mathematical model. Experimentally investigated the accuracy of the mathematical model of special zones on the laboratory stand and wheeled tractors, and found the references to perspective schemes input-coupled power-split hydrovolumetric mechanical transmissions.
Кожушко, Андрій Павлович. "Підвищення техніко-економічних показників колісних тракторів з безступінчастими трансмісіями раціональною зміною параметрів регулювання гідромашин в процесі розгону." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/20967.
Full textThe dissertation for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Science (Technology) on the specialty 05.22.02 – automobiles and tractors. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2016. Dissertation is devoted to improve the technical and economic performance of wheeled tractors with hydrovolumetric mechanical transmission by detecting changes in the parameters of rational regulation of hydromachines during acceleration. Compiled complex mathematical model of the system tractor units improved the mathematical description of the changes tractive force on the hook by taking into account the process of deepening the plow in entering the technological mode of operation "plowing". The influence of changes in the working volume hydraulic parameters changes various laws regulating hydraulic machines hydrovolumetric transmission to dynamics of dispersal tractor unit. The influence of changes in time acceleration tractor unit under various laws of parameters regulating hydraulic machines hydrovolumetric transmission. Formed rational laws change control parameters of hydrovolumetric gear in which the increase of technical and economic parameters of the machine and tractor unit.
Кожушко, Андрій Павлович. "Підвищення техніко-економічних показників колісних тракторів з безступінчастими трансмісіями раціональною зміною параметрів регулювання гідромашин в процесі розгону." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2015. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/20971.
Full textThe dissertation for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Science (Technology) on the specialty 05.22.02 – automobiles and tractors. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2016. Dissertation is devoted to improve the technical and economic performance of wheeled tractors with hydrovolumetric mechanical transmission by detecting changes in the parameters of rational regulation of hydromachines during acceleration. Compiled complex mathematical model of the system tractor units improved the mathematical description of the changes tractive force on the hook by taking into account the process of deepening the plow in entering the technological mode of operation "plowing". The influence of changes in the working volume hydraulic parameters changes various laws regulating hydraulic machines hydrovolumetric transmission to dynamics of dispersal tractor unit. The influence of changes in time acceleration tractor unit under various laws of parameters regulating hydraulic machines hydrovolumetric transmission. Formed rational laws change control parameters of hydrovolumetric gear in which the increase of technical and economic parameters of the machine and tractor unit.
Кожушко, Андрій Павлович, and Євген Сергійович Пелипенко. "Вимоги до системи керування колісним трактором з безступінчастою гідрооб'ємно-механічною трансмісією." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2017. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/38586.
Full textСамородов, Вадим Борисович, Анатолій Ігорович Бондаренко, and Андрій Павлович Кожушко. "Динаміка розгону колісних тракторів з механічною трансмісією." Thesis, Макеевский экономико-гуманитарный институт, 2014. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/42185.
Full textIn work the analysed existent programmatic complexes, which allow to design the process of acceleration of wheeled tractor with mechanical transmission, certain advantages and lacks of existent mathematical models of process of acceleration of the wheeled tractors, and also cases of their application.
Мамонтов, Анатолій Геннадійович. "Шляхи зниження динамічної навантаженності ходових систем колісних тракторів." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2013. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/45058.
Full textМамонтов, Анатолій Геннадійович. "Експериментальне дослідження плавності руху трактора з причепом при русі по дорозі з асфальтним покриттям." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2012. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/48484.
Full textБурлига, Михайло Борисович. "Розвиток методів розрахунку та вибір раціональних схем двопотокових безступінчастих гідрооб'ємно-механічних трансмісій колісних тракторів." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2018. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/35536.
Full textThesis for Scientific degree of candidate of technical sciences, specialty 05.22.02 – vehicles and tractors. National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2017. The work is devoted to solving the technical problem of development of calculation methods and choice of rational schemes of dual path hydraulic volume mechanical transmission (HVMT) wheeled tractors, which allows you to select the optimal scheme HVMT at the design stage. Actuality of work consists in the necessity of providing of competitiveness of Ukraine tractors. The analysis of work of the dual path HVMT tractors of foreign analogues is carried out. Refined mathematical model of hydrostatic axial-piston hydraulic machines as the main HVMT elements identity-based loss coefficients with the latest experimental data loss and coefficient of performance (COP). The algorithm and the computational procedure for the establishment of a oneto-one correspondence between the operating parameters and the efficiency of hydraulic drive system (HDS) losses in forward and reverse flow of power through the HDS for her work in the dual path tractor HVMT. Calculation-theoretical methodology and her programmatic realization is first worked out for determination of HDS parameters, dual path HVMT and basic technical and economic indexes of tractor-aggregate taking into account the modes of circulation of power, losses in HDS, HVMT and skidding of tractor for an analysis and prognostication of descriptions alternative tractor HVMT and scientific ground of the most rational transmission for a certain tractor. The problem of construction of universal descriptions of tractor is first set and decided with dual path HVMT. Original solution of task offers on visualization of kinematics, power and power parameters of dual path HVMT of the perspective Ukrainian tractors in all range of their operating modes as an important criterion for comparison of alternative schematics of HVMT. Universal descriptions of first in Ukraine and on post-soviet space of tractor of XTZ-21021 from stepless HVMT-1S development of NТU "KhPI" and propulsion MODULE of "XTZ" are built. Results numeral and natural experiments allow to draw conclusion, that the calculation-theoretical methodologies and constituents of them worked out in dissertation mathematical models are adequate and directed to on an increase efficiency and competitiveness of the Ukrainian tractors.
Бурлига, Михайло Борисович. "Розвиток методів розрахунку та вибір раціональних схем двопотокових безступінчастих гідрооб'ємно-механічних трансмісій колісних тракторів." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2017. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/35538.
Full textThesis for Scientific degree of candidate of technical sciences, specialty 05.22.02 – vehicles and tractors. National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2017. The work is devoted to solving the technical problem of development of calculation methods and choice of rational schemes of dual path hydraulic volume mechanical transmission (HVMT) wheeled tractors, which allows you to select the optimal scheme HVMT at the design stage. Actuality of work consists in the necessity of providing of competitiveness of Ukraine tractors. The analysis of work of the dual path HVMT tractors of foreign analogues is carried out. Refined mathematical model of hydrostatic axial-piston hydraulic machines as the main HVMT elements identity-based loss coefficients with the latest experimental data loss and coefficient of performance (COP). The algorithm and the computational procedure for the establishment of a oneto-one correspondence between the operating parameters and the efficiency of hydraulic drive system (HDS) losses in forward and reverse flow of power through the HDS for her work in the dual path tractor HVMT. Calculation-theoretical methodology and her programmatic realization is first worked out for determination of HDS parameters, dual path HVMT and basic technical and economic indexes of tractor-aggregate taking into account the modes of circulation of power, losses in HDS, HVMT and skidding of tractor for an analysis and prognostication of descriptions alternative tractor HVMT and scientific ground of the most rational transmission for a certain tractor. The problem of construction of universal descriptions of tractor is first set and decided with dual path HVMT. Original solution of task offers on visualization of kinematics, power and power parameters of dual path HVMT of the perspective Ukrainian tractors in all range of their operating modes as an important criterion for comparison of alternative schematics of HVMT. Universal descriptions of first in Ukraine and on post-soviet space of tractor of XTZ-21021 from stepless HVMT-1S development of NТU "KhPI" and propulsion MODULE of "XTZ" are built. Results numeral and natural experiments allow to draw conclusion, that the calculation-theoretical methodologies and constituents of them worked out in dissertation mathematical models are adequate and directed to on an increase efficiency and competitiveness of the Ukrainian tractors.