Academic literature on the topic 'Кипіння рідини'
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Journal articles on the topic "Кипіння рідини"
Бошкова, І. Л., Н. В. Волгушева, О. С. Тітлов, К. В. Георгієш, and Л. В. Іванова. "Аналіз термоакустичних коливань тиску в каналах при кипінні недогрітої рідини." Refrigeration Engineering and Technology 56, no. 1-2 (July 4, 2020): 4–10.
Full textТкаченко, І. В. "Використання в суднових енергетичних установках технології гідродинамічної суперкавітації для розділення і очищення вод, що містять нафту." Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, no. 62 (August 11, 2020): 130–41.
Full textАртеменко, С. В., and В. О. Мазур. "EN Машинне навчання для властивостей холодоагентів." Refrigeration Engineering and Technology 57, no. 3 (October 15, 2021): 138–46.
Full textСимак, Дмитро Миколайович, and В. І. Склабінський. "КІНЕТИКА ЕКСТРАГУВАННЯ КУПРУМУ СУЛЬФАТУ З ОДИНАРНОГО КАПІЛЯРА В УМОВАХ ВАКУУМУВАННЯ СИСТЕМИ." Scientific Works 82, no. 1 (August 23, 2018).
Full textКутний, Б. А., А. М. Павленко, and Н. М. Абдуллах. "Аналіз впливу розміру газопарової бульбашки на процес гідратоутворення." Refrigeration Engineering and Technology 53, no. 3 (November 17, 2017).
Full textНикулин, А. Г., Ю. В. Семенюк, and Н. Н. Лукьянов. "ЕКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНА УСТАНОВКА ДЛЯ ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ ПРОЦЕСІВ КИПІННЯ ЧИСТИХ РІДИН ТА РОЗЧИНІВ У ВІЛЬНОМУ ОБ’ЄМІ." Refrigeration Engineering and Technology 49, no. 4 (December 28, 2015).
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Кипіння рідини"
Турчин, І. В. "Дослідження процесу підтримання рідини в резервуарі при її кипінні з подальшим охолодженням." Thesis, Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну, 2017.
Full textСафронова, Олена Олегівна. "Теплогідравлічні характеристики парогенератора ядерної енергетичної установки ГТ-МГР для виробництва електроенергії та водню." Master's thesis, Київ, 2018.
Full textThe Master's thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, and conclusions. The total volume of the thesis is 101 pages, including 88 pages of the basic text, 31 figures, 4 tables, a list of references of 37 titles. Importance of scientific problem. The development of nuclear energy is currently aimed at the creation of a nuclear power plant based on the 4th generation environmentally friendly reactors. One of the possible concepts for such reactors is a modular helium reactor, in which helium is used as a coolant. Currently promising projects for the creation of gas-cooled UES of the 4th generation are being developed, which combine the production of electricity and hydrogen by high-temperature steam electrolysis, which is carried out in high-temperature steam generators. The greatest interest in the modeling of the steam generator EIEU is the flow of boiling fluid in a vertical channel of arbitrary shape. Therefore, finding the maximum possible compactness of the structure with sufficient strength and high thermo-hydraulic characteristics is an urgent problem. Relationship to scientific programs, plans and themes. The research work on the topic of the dissertation was conducted on the program of joint work with the "Department of Target Preparation" KPI them. Igor Sikorsky for the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in the direction №.1.7.1.AX.2 "Thermogasodynamics of turbulent flows in the rotary canals of high-temperature power plants" dated January 2, 2018, registration number 0118Г000006. The aim of this work is to study the thermohydraulic and geometrical parameters of the GT-MGG steam generator for the production of electricity and hydrogen, as well as to simulate the process of heat exchange during boiling liquid in a vertical pipe. Achieving the goal involves performing the following tasks: - To develop a mathematical model of the high-temperature steam generator EIEA of the fourth generation using helium as a primary coolant with spiral twisted (snake) pipes. - Modify the process of heat exchange with boiling liquids. - Explore the flow structure and characteristic heat transfer modes in the vertical pipe. - Realize five different methods of calculating heat transfer when boiling in a vertical pipe, based on experimental correlation dependencies. The object of research is the thermal-hydraulic processes in the steam generator of the nuclear power plant GT-MGR with a helium reactor for the production of electricity and hydrogen. The subject of research is the patterns and indicators of the effect on heat transfer and hydrodynamics from temperature and pressure at boiling liquid in the heat-exchange element of the steam generator. Research methodology: In the study, the method of mathematical modeling was used with the help of a specialized program "STEAMG" for thermal and hydraulic calculation of the steam generator. The scientific novelty of the results obtained by the author is as follows: 1. With the use of the STEAMG specialized program, the process of heat exchange during boiling liquid in a vertical pipe was simulated. 2. It was determined that the most correct from the physical point of view is the Chen method for calculating heat transfer in the movement of two-phase flow in a channel of arbitrary form. 3. It was found that with increasing diameter of the outer casing of the steam generator in the range D = 2,2…3,6 m relative pressure losses in the cold tract of the steam generator increase by 7% and decrease with an increase in the number of pipes in the tube bundle by 11%. 4. Relative pressure losses in the hot path of the steam generator are small and diminish with the growth of the diameter of the outer casing and the increase in the number of pipes in the tube bundle by 5%. 5. With the growth of the diameter of the outer casing of the steam generator, the mass and volume of the heat transfer surfaces of the steam generator increase by 10% due to the decrease in the average speed of the primary coolant, the decrease in the values of the coefficient of heat transfer and the growth of the required length of steam of the steam generator. 6. In the hot path, the value of the coefficient of heat transfer at ηT = 0,925 is 15% higher than at ηT = 0,85. The importance for practice of this work is to obtain the initial data for the creation of compact high-temperature heat exchangers of a nuclear power plant with a helium reactor for the production of electricity and hydrogen. Conferences. The main provisions and results of work were reported and discussed at the conference: - XVI Scientific and Practical Conference of Students of Postgraduate Students and Young Scientists "Theoretical and Applied Problems of Physics, Mathematics and Informatics.", Kyiv, 2018