Academic literature on the topic 'Екстрагування етанолом'
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Journal articles on the topic "Екстрагування етанолом"
О. Сукманов, Валерій, and Андрій В. Супрун. "ЕКСТРАГУВАННЯ БІОЛОГІЧНО АКТИВНИХ РЕЧОВИН З ЛУШПИННЯ ЦИБУЛІ СУБКРИТИЧНОЮ ВОДОЮ В СТАТИЧНОМУ РЕЖИМІ." Journal of Chemistry and Technologies 29, no. 2 (July 20, 2021): 265–78.
Full textКозир, Г. Р., and Ю. В. Каріна. "ТЕХНОЛОГІЧНІ АСПЕКТИ ОТРИМАННЯ ЕКСТРАКТУ З КВІТОК ХРИЗАНТЕМИ САДОВОЇ СОРТУ ПЕКТОРАЛЬ." Medical and Clinical Chemistry, no. 1 (May 22, 2021): 68–74.
Full textVerkhovodova, Y. V., I. V. Kireyev, O. M. Koshovyi, and M. M. Myha. "ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ АНТИЕКСУДАТИВНОЇ АКТИВНОСТІ ЕКСТРАКТІВ З ЛИСТЯ SALVIA OFFICINALIS." Medical and Clinical Chemistry, no. 4 (February 4, 2020): 54–60.
Full textМ. Чорний, Валентин, Тарас Г. Мисюра, Наталия В. Попова, and Володимир Л. Зав'ялов. "ПІДБІР РОЗЧИННИКА ДЛЯ ЕКСТРАГУВАННЯ ЦІЛЬОВИХ КОМПОНЕНТІВ З БУРШТИНУ." Journal of Chemistry and Technologies 29, no. 1 (April 25, 2021): 92–99.
Full textПономарьова, Людмила Миколаївна, Роман Анатолійович Ярощук, Ігор Миколайович Коваленко, and Оксана Іванівна Гузь. "ВИЗНАЧЕННЯ СУМАРНОГО ВМІСТУ ФЕНОЛЬНИХ СПОЛУК В ЕКСТРАКТІ З ЛИСТЯ Ginkgo biloba L." Scientific Works 82, no. 2 (February 15, 2019): 68–73.
Full textVronska, L. V., A. I. Dub, A. Ye Demyd, T. A. Hroshovyi, and I. M. Klishch. "ВПЛИВ КОНЦЕНТРАЦІЇ ЕТАНОЛУ В ЕКСТРАГЕНТІ НА ФЛАВОНОЇДНИЙ ПРОФІЛЬ ВИТЯГУ ІЗ ЛИСТЯ ШОВКОВИЦІ БІЛОЇ І ЙОГО ЦУКРОЗНИЖУВАЛЬНУ ДІЮ." Фармацевтичний часопис, no. 1 (March 30, 2020): 5–13.
Full textФедоришин, О. М., Д. С. Загородня, А. С. Крвавич, А. О. Милянич, and Р. О. Петріна. "Розроблення технологічної схеми екстракції коренів Carlina acaulis." Scientific Bulletin of UNFU 31, no. 1 (February 4, 2021): 93–98.
Full textPavlyuk, I. V., N. Y. Stadnytska, and V. P. Novikov. "СТАНДАРТИЗАЦІЯ ТА ШЛЯХИ ЗАСТОСУВАННЯ КОМПЛЕКСУ БІОЛОГІЧНО АКТИВНИХ СПОЛУК, ОТРИМАНИХ ЕКСТРАГУВАННЯМ ШРОТУ ШИШОК ХМЕЛЮ." Scientific Bulletin of UNFU 25, no. 10 (December 29, 2015): 236–41.
Full textVronska, L. V. "ВЕРХ-ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ АГЛІКОНІВ ФЛАВОНОЇДІВ СУХОГО ЕКСТРАКТУ ПАГОНІВ ЧОРНИЦІ." Фармацевтичний часопис, no. 3 (October 8, 2020): 5–14.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Екстрагування етанолом"
Лабейко, М. А., Олена Анатоліївна Литвиненко, З. П. Федякіна, and Є. І. Шеманська. "Визначення впливу концентрації етанолу на екстрагування фенольних сполук із соняшникового шроту." Thesis, Національний університет харчових технологій, 2016.
Full textДобрунов, Дмитро Євгенійович. "Технологія комплексної переробки соняшникової макухи з безлушпинного ядра." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016.
Full textThesis for a candidate of technical sciences degree. Speciality 05.18.06 − fats, essential oils and perfume-cosmetic products technology − National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute". Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2016. The dissertation is devoted to the basis of technology of complex processing of sun-flower cakes obtained from dehulled sunflower kernels. During the work it was ascertained that sunflower oil and chlorogenic acid extraction rates depend on solvent type, temperature, and extraction time in the cavitation facility. The regression equations for the abovementioned processes were derived. Antioxidant properties of solids extracts obtained from dehulled sunflower kernels (SE) were discovered. It was shown that all of the investigated SE terminate the chain reactions during the propagation step. Complex technology of sunflower cakes processing obtained from dehulled sunflow-er kernels was designed. This technology allows obtaining of extracted oil, sunflower meal (or proteinrich flour), and fat-soluble antioxidant. The results of the work are adopted at "New Energy-Efficient Technologies", LLC, "Kharkiv Biscuit Factory", OJSC, and implemented in the educational process at the Department of Technology of Fats and Fermentation Products of NTU "KhPI".
Добрунов, Дмитро Євгенійович. "Технологія комплексної переробки соняшникової макухи з безлушпинного ядра." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016.
Full textThesis for a candidate of technical sciences degree. Speciality 05.18.06 − fats, essential oils and perfume-cosmetic products technology − National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute". Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2016. The dissertation is devoted to the basis of technology of complex processing of sun-flower cakes obtained from dehulled sunflower kernels. During the work it was ascertained that sunflower oil and chlorogenic acid extraction rates depend on solvent type, temperature, and extraction time in the cavitation facility. The regression equations for the abovementioned processes were derived. Antioxidant properties of solids extracts obtained from dehulled sunflower kernels (SE) were discovered. It was shown that all of the investigated SE terminate the chain reactions during the propagation step. Complex technology of sunflower cakes processing obtained from dehulled sunflow-er kernels was designed. This technology allows obtaining of extracted oil, sunflower meal (or proteinrich flour), and fat-soluble antioxidant. The results of the work are adopted at "New Energy-Efficient Technologies", LLC, "Kharkiv Biscuit Factory", OJSC, and implemented in the educational process at the Department of Technology of Fats and Fermentation Products of NTU "KhPI"
Омельченко, Юлія Євгенівна. "Удосконалення технології вилучення восків із вторинних продуктів олійно-жирової галузі." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2017.
Full textThesis for a candidate degree in technical sciences, specialty 05.18.06. – technology of fats, essential oils and perfumery and cosmetic products. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2017. The thesis is devoted to scientific substantiation of advanced technology for extracting wax from waste filter powder. It has been experimentally proven that waxes can be removed from the surface of the filter powder by extraction with a mixture of lower alcohols (fusel oil - waste from ethanol production) or hexane and separated from sunflower oil by their crystallization from solvent solutions. In this case wax yield was more than 98% of the total amount of waxes in the waste filter powder. Experimentations and approximation polynomials have determined the rational technological parameters of extracting waxes from the spent filtering powder with hexane and fusel oil. The technology of waxes extraction via ethanolysis reaction directly on the surface of the filter powder was scientifically grounded, and it was determined that the reaction mixture formed is an extractant for waxes and can be removed from the filter powder by separation from the mixture by crystallization. According to results of experimental studies, it was proven that under above determined rational conditions of ethanolysis, the yield of waxes was more than 85% of the total amount of waxes in the waste filter powder. The proposed wax extraction technology can greatly reduce overall oil losses and reduce the cost of filtering powder during oil refining process and obtain waxes as a commercial product. The economic and environmental efficiency of the proposed technology was proven.
Омельченко, Юлія Євгенівна. "Удосконалення технології вилучення восків із вторинних продуктів олійно-жирової галузі." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2017.
Full textThesis for a candidate degree in technical sciences, specialty 05.18.06. – technology of fats, essential oils and perfumery and cosmetic products. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2017. The thesis is devoted to scientific substantiation of advanced technology for extracting wax from waste filter powder. It has been experimentally proven that waxes can be removed from the surface of the filter powder by extraction with a mixture of lower alcohols (fusel oil - waste from ethanol production) or hexane and separated from sunflower oil by their crystallization from solvent solutions. In this case wax yield was more than 98% of the total amount of waxes in the waste filter powder. Experimentations and approximation polynomials have determined the rational technological parameters of extracting waxes from the spent filtering powder with hexane and fusel oil. The technology of waxes extraction via ethanolysis reaction directly on the surface of the filter powder was scientifically grounded, and it was determined that the reaction mixture formed is an extractant for waxes and can be removed from the filter powder by separation from the mixture by crystallization. According to results of experimental studies, it was proven that under above determined rational conditions of ethanolysis, the yield of waxes was more than 85% of the total amount of waxes in the waste filter powder. The proposed wax extraction technology can greatly reduce overall oil losses and reduce the cost of filtering powder during oil refining process and obtain waxes as a commercial product. The economic and environmental efficiency of the proposed technology was proven.