Academic literature on the topic 'Експериментальна механіка'
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Journal articles on the topic "Експериментальна механіка"
Full textDolinsky, A. A., L. Y. Avdeev, E. K. Zhukotskyy, and A. A. Makarenko. "ЯВИЩЕ ГІДРОДИНАМІЧНОЇ КАВІТАЦІЇ ЯК ДІЄВИЙ МЕХАНІЗМ ДИСПЕРГУВАННЯ ПРИ РЕАЛІЗАЦІЇ ДИСКРЕТНО-ІМПУЛЬСНОГО ВВЕДЕННЯ ЕНЕРГІЇ." Industrial Heat Engineering 37, no. 6 (December 20, 2015): 16–21.
Full textKolchunov, V. I., A. I. Demianov, І. А. Iakovenko, and М. О. Garba. "Приведення у відповідність дослідних даних тріщиностійкості залізобетонних конструкцій їх теоретичним значенням." Наука та будівництво 15, no. 1 (March 4, 2018): 42–49.
Full textШкварський, О. В. "Розрахунок військового низьководного мосту на горизонтальне навантаження." Озброєння та військова техніка 12, no. 4 (December 27, 2016): 42–49.
Full textГоловенко, Микола Якович. "Пропоксазепам — новаторський анальгетичний засіб, що гальмує гострий та хронічний біль і має полімодальний механізм дії." Visnik Nacional noi academii nauk Ukrai ni, no. 4 (April 21, 2021): 76–90.
Full textГерганов, Леонід, and Ігор Липенков. "ОРГАНІЗАЦІЙНО-ПЕДАГОГІЧНІ УМОВИ ЗДОБУТТЯ ПРОФЕСІЙНИХ КОМПЕТЕНЦІЙ МАЙБУТНІМИ СУДНОВИМИ МЕХАНІКАМИ." Professional Pedagogics 1, no. 22 (August 8, 2021): 151–58.
Full textБєлоусов, В. В., С. А. Тузіков, О. Л. Кузнєцов, О. В. Лукашук, and М. М. Олещук. "Визначення характеристик відбивання та розсіювання міліметрових хвиль поверхнею літака в режимах активної радіолокації та пасивної радіотеплолокації." Системи озброєння і військова техніка, no. 1(65), (March 17, 2021): 60–69.
Full textБулавін, Л. А., Ю. Ф. Забашта, А. В. Каспрова, С. П. Сенчуров, Ю. Є. Грабовський, and С. О. Алєксєєв. "Фізичний механізм набухання кератину." Ukrainian Journal of Physics 57, no. 5 (May 30, 2012): 520.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Експериментальна механіка"
Бережний, Віталій Олександрович, and А. А. Ковальова. "Експериментально-геометрична модель дослідження напружених ефектів в пластині." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2014.
Full textПетруньок, М. С. "Експериментальне дослідження циклічного механіко-гідрофобного навантаження на союзку." Thesis, Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну, 2018.
Full textОлешко, Олександр Миколайович, Александр Николаевич Олешко, and Oleksandr Mykolaiovych Oleshko. "Анатомо-експериментальне обгрунтування використання хітозанових мембран для пластики механічних дефектів шкіри у віковому аспекті." Thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2017.
Full textДиссертация посвящена изучению особенностей строения участка кожи в процессе регенерации механического дефекта в возрастном аспекте при использовании хитозановых мембран. С помощью современных методов исследования впервые изучены особенности репаративной регенерации кожи в условиях ее механической травмы на основе фаз раневого процесса в возрастном аспекте. Впервые была выявлена достоверная разница между традиционными подходами и применением хитозановых мембран с целью лечения механических ран кожи. Экспериментальные покрытия получили более выраженный терапевтический эффект. Выявлено, что хитозан усиливает макрофагальную реакцию, что свидетельствует об активации функции фагоцитоза, что в свою очередь, приводит к уменьшению микробной контаминации механической раны. Уменьшение площади поверхности дефекта при применении хитозана достоверно выше, чем без использования лекарственных средств. Впервые установлено, что при заживлении ран кожи под влиянием хитозана происходит быстрое формирование грануляционной ткани с хорошо развитым микроциркуляторным руслом, большим количеством и полиморфизмом клеток и волокнистых структур.
Dissertation is devoted to the study of the structural features of skin in the process of regeneration of a mechanical defect in the age aspect after application of chitosan membranes. Features of reparative regeneration of the skin mechanical trauma was studied using modern methods of research based on the phases of wound healing in the age aspect. We found significant difference between traditional approaches and the use of chitosan membranes for the treatment of mechanical skin wound. Experimental wound dressings have shown pronounced therapeutic effect. It revealed that chitosan enhances macrophage response, which indicates by activation of phagocytosis, which in turn, reduces microbial contamination of trauma surface. Reducing the surface area of the defect in the application of chitosan was significantly higher than without the treatment. It was found that the healing of skin wounds under the influence of chitosan leads rapid formation of granulation tissue with well-developed vessels, and a large number of polymorphic cells and fibrous structures. The use of chitosan membranes leads to a significant increase in the area of granulation tissue at the 3rd day of observation in animals of all ages (maximum rate in young animals – 13.21 ± 0.46% (p = 0.0023)). The amount of granulation tissue decreased from the 7th day, indicating the formation of connective tissue regenerate. Total area of the defect was significantly lower compared to the control only in young animals – 0.35 ± 0.05 cm2 (p = 0.0183). Cell compound of the wounds characterized by decreasing in the number of neutrophils and lymphocytes in all periods of observation and the percentage of macrophages and fibroblasts from the 3rd and 7th days, respectively. Maximum number of endothelial cells increased on the 7th day and is depending on the age of – from 3.1 ± 0.16% (p = 0.1075) (old age) to 7.2 ± 0.44% (p = 0.0246) (young animals). Morphometric study in case of chitosan application indicate normalization of vascular reactions, accompanied by a decrease in the relative area of stromal edema in animals and young age from the 3rd day, and in old rats – in 7th day of observation. The relative area of the dermis and blood vessels diameter is reduced only to animals of young age – 6.90 ± 0.47% (p = 0.5481) and 17.77 ± 1.25 mm (p = 0.2051), respectively . These histological studies suggest an earlier beginning of the formation of granulation tissue, especially in young animals (from the 3rd day of observation) and optimization of the formation of connective tissue and epithelialization of the wound surface to the 21st day. Application of chitosan membranes leads to reduction of wound surface colonization by opportunistic pathogens in the early stages of reparative processes in animals and young and adult ages. Up to the 21st day of observation on the wound surface observed the presence of staphylococci and streptococci only in an amount from ≤ 40 to ≤ 102 CFU / ml.
Щербій, Р. Б. "Підвищення ефективності роботи шарошкових доліт на основі експериментальних досліджень процесу буріння." Thesis, Івано-Франківський національний технічний університет нафти і газу, 2014.
Full textДиссертация посвящена повышению эффективности бурения скважин на основании результатов экспериментальных исследований влияния жесткости и демпфирования бурильного инструмента на разрушение горной породы. В первом разделе приведен анализ исследований влияния характеристик бурильного инструмента на основные технико-экономические показатели бурения скважин и энергоемкость процесса разрушения горных пород. Во втором разделе предложено методику обработки аналоговых записей проходки на долото, состоящей из трех этапов: - выделение однородных по буримости интервалов разреза скважин; - определение статистических характеристик выборок значений механической скорости бурения на выделенных однородных участках и проверка соответствия этих выборок нормальному закону распределения; - выделение выборок значений механической скорости бурения, принадлежащих одной генеральной совокупности, с использованием статистической проверки параметрических гипотез. Предложена методика определения энергоемкости процесса разрушения горной породы по записям проходки и вращательного момента на долоте. Результаты стендовых исследований позволяют уточнить с учетом жесткости и демпфирования бурильного инструмента целевой критерий выбора оптимальных режимов бурения - максимум механической скорости проходки и предложить новый критерий - минимум энергоемкости процесса разрушения горной породы. В пятом разделе по результатам планируемого эксперимента предложены многофакторные эмпирические модели механической скорости и энергоемкости бурения скважин шарошечными долотами, которые учитывают режимные параметры, жесткость и демпфирование бурильного инструмента и имеют одинаковый качественный характер с моделями, полученными на основе анализа размерностей с использованием критериев подобия. Разработаны методики адаптации результатов стендовых экспериментальных исследований к условиям бурения нефтяных, газовых и дегазационных скважин.
The thesis is devoted to increase of efficiency of deepening of mining holes as a result of experimental researches of influencing of inflexibility and dampfenation of boring instruments on destruction of mountain breed. On the basis of statistical treatment of results of stand researches empiric dependences of mechanical are got boring drilling and energy capacity of process of destruction of mountain breed from descriptions of boring instrument at different values of regime parameters of the boring drilling of mining holes by roller cone bits. The multifactor empirical models of mechanical speed and energy capacity of the boring drilling of mining holes are offered on the basis of results of the planned experiment. The methods of adaptation of results of experimental researches to the industrial terms of deepening of mining holes are developed by roller cone bits.
Шевцов, Вадим Михайлович. "Вибір і обґрунтування температурних режимів роботи гідрооб'ємно-механічної трансмісії колісного трактора." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2018.
Full textThe thesis for granting the scientific degree of Candidate of technical sciences in the specialty 05.22.02 – cars and tractors. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2018. The thesis is devoted to increasing the efficiency of application the tractors based on hydrovolumetric mechanical transmissions (HVMT) through the determination of influence of temperature modes on hydrovolumetric transmission (HVT) characteristics justification of parameters of cooling system in HVT. The influence on temperature of working fluid on the work of hydro system has been carried out. There have been determined the approaches in the determination of temperature modes of HVT. The parameters of cooling system of HVT have been justified. There has been developed the extended mathematical model which considers the temperature, kinematics and power modes of volumetric hydraulic gear in HVMT of the wheel tractor. There also has been developed the mathematic model as a matrix that includes the description of kinematic parameters of HVMT, power parameters and energy conversion efficiency of all gearing parts and thermal characteristics. The provided research approved the adequacy of developed mathematical model. The variation of temperature of working fluid in the working and transport gear may be described as a curve with a maximum in a special zone. There has been determined the influence of temperature on general and volumetric energy conversion efficiency for the each gear and the recommendation for choosing the cooling system that consider the redistribution of power fluids in HVMT were performed.
Пелипенко, Євген Сергійович. "Підвищення ефективності гальмування колісних тракторів з безступінчастими трансмісіями шляхом вибору раціонального способу гальмування." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2017.
Full textThe dissertation for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Science (Technology) on the specialty 05.22.02 – automobiles and tractors. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2017. The dissertation is devoted to increasing the braking efficiency of wheeled tractors with steady hydrostatic transmission due to the method of braking, the choice of shape and duration of the change of the parameter of regulation. The complex mathematical model of the braking process to tractor KhTZ -21021 with hydrostatic transmission is made possible to model all possible methods of braking. From the existing mathematical model, the kinematic, power and energy parameters of the steady continuously variable transmission are different, as well as the description of the drum braking mechanism with the pneumatic system in the wheel tractor KhTZ-21021. On the basis of the optimization theory it is formalized that the rational change of the hydraulic control parameter for the hydrostatic transmission with the "differential on the outlet", in terms of the braking efficiency, is a curved form. At the hydrostatic transmission laboratory stand, it has been confirmed that the best braking performance during braking with the hydrostatic transmission regulation parameter (the minimum number of revolutions of the output shaft hydrostatic transmission, and, as a consequence, the minimum braking distance) is observed for curved forms of hydrostatic transmission control, regardless of the duration of the control effect.
Шевцов, Вадим Михайлович. "Вибір і обґрунтування температурних режимів роботи гідрооб'ємно-механічної трансмісії колісного трактора." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2018.
Full textThe thesis for granting the scientific degree of Candidate of technical sciences in the specialty 05.22.02 – cars and tractors. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2018. The thesis is devoted to increasing the efficiency of application the tractors based on hydrovolumetric mechanical transmissions (HVMT) through the determination of influence of temperature modes on hydrovolumetric transmission (HVT) characteristics justification of parameters of cooling system in HVT. The influence on temperature of working fluid on the work of hydro system has been carried out. There have been determined the approaches in the determination of temperature modes of HVT. The parameters of cooling system of HVT have been justified. There has been developed the extended mathematical model which considers the temperature, kinematics and power modes of volumetric hydraulic gear in HVMT of the wheel tractor. There also has been developed the mathematic model as a matrix that includes the description of kinematic parameters of HVMT, power parameters and energy conversion efficiency of all gearing parts and thermal characteristics. The provided research approved the adequacy of developed mathematical model. The variation of temperature of working fluid in the working and transport gear may be described as a curve with a maximum in a special zone. There has been determined the influence of temperature on general and volumetric energy conversion efficiency for the each gear and the recommendation for choosing the cooling system that consider the redistribution of power fluids in HVMT were performed.
Пелипенко, Євген Сергійович. "Підвищення ефективності гальмування колісних тракторів з безступінчастими трансмісіями шляхом вибору раціонального способу гальмування." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2018.
Full textThe dissertation for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Science (Technology) on the specialty 05.22.02 – automobiles and tractors. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2017. The dissertation is devoted to increasing the braking efficiency of wheeled tractors with steady hydrostatic transmission due to the method of braking, the choice of shape and duration of the change of the parameter of regulation. The complex mathematical model of the braking process to tractor KhTZ -21021 with hydrostatic transmission is made possible to model all possible methods of braking. From the existing mathematical model, the kinematic, power and energy parameters of the steady continuously variable transmission are different, as well as the description of the drum braking mechanism with the pneumatic system in the wheel tractor KhTZ-21021. On the basis of the optimization theory it is formalized that the rational change of the hydraulic control parameter for the hydrostatic transmission with the "differential on the outlet", in terms of the braking efficiency, is a curved form. At the hydrostatic transmission laboratory stand, it has been confirmed that the best braking performance during braking with the hydrostatic transmission regulation parameter (the minimum number of revolutions of the output shaft hydrostatic transmission, and, as a consequence, the minimum braking distance) is observed for curved forms of hydrostatic transmission control, regardless of the duration of the control effect.
Мітцель, Микола Олександрович. "Вплив особливих зон роботи гідропередачі на техніко-економічні показники колісних тракторів з безступінчастими гідрооб'ємно-механічними трансмісіями." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016.
Full textThe dissertation for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Science (Technology) on the specialty 05.22.02 – automobiles and tractors. –National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2016. The dissertation is devoted to improving technical and economic indicators of machine-tractor units equipped input-coupled power-split hydrovolumetric mechanical transmissions by placing farming velocity in special areas of work hydrovolumetric transmission. Compiled complex mathematical model special zones of hydrovolumetric transmission that allows you to explore work processes within the special zone. The process of creation of special zones ascending for and descending regulating characteristics. The influence of the mode load and design parameters of the transmission to the width of the special zones and the overall efficiency of the transmission. The effect of time acceleration wheeled tractor a surge in the value of the operating pressure at the outlet of the special zones. Recommendations for the design of perspective schemes output coupled transmissions that will achieve maximum efficiency transmission speeds within the major energy intensive agricultural operations. Experimental studies determined the accuracy of the mathematical model of hydraulic losses in the transmission by K. Gorodetsky's mathematical model. Experimentally investigated the accuracy of the mathematical model of special zones on the laboratory stand and wheeled tractors, and found the references to perspective schemes input-coupled power-split hydrovolumetric mechanical transmissions.
Мітцель, Микола Олександрович. "Вплив особливих зон роботи гідропередачі на техніко-економічні показники колісних тракторів з безступінчастими гідрооб'ємно-механічними трансмісіями." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016.
Full textThe dissertation for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Science (Technology) on the specialty 05.22.02 – automobiles and tractors. –National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2016. The dissertation is devoted to improving technical and economic indicators of machine-tractor units equipped input-coupled power-split hydrovolumetric mechanical transmissions by placing farming velocity in special areas of work hydrovolumetric transmission. Compiled complex mathematical model special zones of hydrovolumetric transmission that allows you to explore work processes within the special zone. The process of creation of special zones ascending for and descending regulating characteristics. The influence of the mode load and design parameters of the transmission to the width of the special zones and the overall efficiency of the transmission. The effect of time acceleration wheeled tractor a surge in the value of the operating pressure at the outlet of the special zones. Recommendations for the design of perspective schemes output coupled transmissions that will achieve maximum efficiency transmission speeds within the major energy intensive agricultural operations. Experimental studies determined the accuracy of the mathematical model of hydraulic losses in the transmission by K. Gorodetsky's mathematical model. Experimentally investigated the accuracy of the mathematical model of special zones on the laboratory stand and wheeled tractors, and found the references to perspective schemes input-coupled power-split hydrovolumetric mechanical transmissions.