Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Амплітуда коливання'
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Плаксій, К. Ю., and Юрій Володимирович Міхлін. "Резонансна динаміка дисипативної пружинно-маятникової системи." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2016. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/46647.
Full textМартиненко, Геннадій Юрійович. "Верифікація імітаційної моделі для дослідження динаміки роторів газотурбінної установки в активних магнітних підшипниках." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2018. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/45344.
Full textПавленко, Іван Володимирович, Иван Владимирович Павленко, and Ivan Volodymyrovych Pavlenko. "Підвищення надійності автоматичних урівноважуючих пристроїв відцентрових машин." Thesis, Вид-во СумДУ, 2014. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/36818.
Full textОлійник, Ольга Юріївна. "Науково-методологічні засади віброчастотного контролю технологічних параметрів в умовах вібрації." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/42235.
Full textDissertation for the degree of Doctor of Sciences (Technology), Specialty 05.11.13 – «Instruments and Methods of Control and compounds` composition determination». ‒ State Higher Educational Institution «Ukrainian State Chemical Technology University» of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Dnipro, 2019. ‒ National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The dissertation is devoted to solving the scientific and applied problem of increasing the reliability of the control of technological parameters (density, viscosity, force (pressure)) in a production environment through the development of new mathematical models and methods for determining technological parameters from the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the oscillatory environment of apparatuses, the use of new multiparameter vibration frequency converters with a universal characteristic and variable signal-to-noise ratio, as well as software development STV filtering noisy measurement information with unknown distribution laws. A vibrational frequency method has been developed for monitoring and measuring the density, viscosity, force (pressure) of gas-liquid media under industrial conditions using a measuring transducer with a tubular, cylindrical resonator, mathematical models of the amplitude-frequency characteristics of technological parameters in devices of various designs are obtained. Theoretical foundations have been developed for the design of non-metallic tubular flow resonators with a wide scope. A multifunctional vibration frequency converter has been developed for measuring density, viscosity, force (pressure) with a cylindrical resonator, which has a universal characteristic. Research work on the identification of distribution laws has been completed, an Kalman filtering algorithm has been developed for measuring information with increased noise, and the structure of a multidimensional control system for technological parameters with a system for diagnosing the shape of resonator vibrations; improved device for identifying the active state of the operator. Implementation of engineering developments of the thesis was carried out at the leading enterprises of the Dnieper and abroad.
Олійник, Ольга Юріївна. "Науково-методологічні засади віброчастотного контролю технологічних параметрів в умовах вібрації." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/42234.
Full textThesis for a degree of Doctor of Science (Technology), Specialty 05.11.13 – Instruments and Methods of Control and compounds` composition determination. – State Higher Educational Institution «Ukrainian State Chemical-Technological University», Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Dnipro, 2019. The dissertation is devoted to solving the scientific and applied problem of increasing the reliability of the control of technological parameters (density, viscosity, force (pressure)) in a production environment through the development of new mathematical models and methods for determining technological parameters from the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the oscillatory environment of apparatuses, the use of new multiparameter vibration frequency converters with a universal characteristic and variable signal-to-noise ratio, as well as software development STV filtering noisy measurement information with unknown distribution laws. A vibration frequency method has been developed for monitoring and measuring the density, viscosity, force (pressure) of gas-liquid media under industrial conditions using a measuring transducer with a tubular, cylindrical resonator, mathematical models of the amplitude-frequency characteristics of technological parameters in devices of various designs are obtained. Theoretical foundations have been developed for the design of non-metallic tubular flow resonators with a wide scope. A multifunctional vibration frequency converter has been developed for measuring density, viscosity, force (pressure) with a cylindrical resonator, which has a universal characteristic. Research work on the identification of distribution laws has been completed, an Kalman filtering algorithm has been developed for measuring information with increased noise, and the structure of a multidimensional control system for technological parameters with a system for diagnosing the shape of resonator vibrations; improved device for identifying the active state of the operator. Implementation of engineering developments of the thesis was carried out at the leading enterprises of the Dnieper and abroad.
Гарбар, О. О. "Аналіз радіально-осьових коливань однодискового ротора." Master's thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2018. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/71069.
Full textАнализ радиально-осевых колебаний однодискового ротора.
Analysis of radial-axial oscillations of the one-disk rotor.
Грищенко, Юрій Віталійович, and Yu V. Grishchenko. "Методи оцінки характеристик ергатичних систем управління повітряним судном." Thesis, Національний авіаційний університет, 2021. https://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/47700.
Full textThe thesis is devoted to the development of methods for evaluating the characteristics of aircraft ergatic control systems. The issues of identifying the degree of psychophysiological tension of a human operator during the glide path entering, landing and go-around are considered. The principle of invariance of pilots' control actions and changes in flight parameters has been substantiated. In order to assess the characteristics of the phenomenon of the flight parameters amplitude increase (IFPA), methods of analysis of correlation, autocorrelation functions and their spectra, distribution laws and trend algorithms of flight parameters are used. Algorithms for extracting the deterministic component from the random process of changing the flight parameters have been developed. The flight trajectories are considered in ideal and extreme conditions by means of correlation and autocorrelation functions. As a result of the analysis, it was shown that the delay in entering the glide path by aircraft is more dangerous for the quality of the approach than the advance of entering. A geometric interpretation of the probability of deviation from a given point while entering the glide path in three-dimensional space is presented. This makes it possible to determine the probabilities of inaccurate the glide path entry from the autocorrelation functions. It has been established that the determination of complex aircraft avionics failures by the method of contour correlation fields makes it possible to create a new type of failure analyzers that help the pilot to recognize a difficult flight situation and make the right decision. The above theoretical conclusions are confirmed by the method of analysis of the autocorrelation functions of the roll angle and their spectra. Methodological guidelines and recommendations for evaluating the characteristics of ergatic aircraft control systems are presented. A program has been developed to assess the tension of aviation specialists who are not directly related to piloting. The systems for controlling the quality of the piloting technique that prevent sudden movements of pilots during go-around, by signaling of inaccurate information on the angles of attack, roll and indicated airspeed and give the algorithm of actions have practical value.
Морачковська, Ірина Олегівна, and Галина Миколаївна Тимченко. "Розв’язання задач геометрично нелінійних вільних коливань багатошарових композиційних пластин." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2016. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/46644.
Full textГорбань, Є. С. "Дослідження процесу автоматизованого контролю пошкоджень матеріалу резервуару з використанням безконтактних датчиків." Thesis, Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну, 2017. https://er.knutd.edu.ua/handle/123456789/8318.
Full textПалчинський, Василь Васильович, and V. V. Palchyns’kyi. "Проект автотранспортного підприємства на 140 легкових автомобілів для технічного обслуговування та ремонту адаптивної підвіски № 2031740 легкового автомобіля AUDI А6 з дослідженням кутових коливань колісних транспортних засобів з силовою характеристикою системи підресорювання." Thesis, Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя, 2017. http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/18938.
Full textВ дипломній роботі виконано розроблення проекту автотранспортного підприємства для технічного обслуговування та ремонту адаптивної підвіски з дослідженням кутових коливань колісних транспортних засобів з силовою характеристикою системи підресорювання
In the diploma thesis, a motor transportation company project for maintenance and repair an adaptive suspension is developed with the study of angular oscillations of wheeled vehicles with cushion system power characteristic.
Фасоля, Владислав Олегович. "Вдосконалення технології зміцнення деталей за рахунок високочастотної обробки поверхні." Магістерська робота, Хмельницький національний університет, 2021. http://elar.khnu.km.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/11621.
Full textВітрук, Ю. В., and Я. І. Рубан. "ЗАСТОСУВАННЯ ВЕЙВЛЕТ-ПЕРЕТВОРЕННЯ ДЛЯ ВИЗНАЧЕННЯ ДІАГНОСТИЧНИХ ОЗНАК ПРИ НЕРУЙНІВНОМУ КОНТРОЛІ МЕТОДОМ ВІЛЬНИХ КОЛИВАНЬ." Thesis, Академія метрології України, 2016. http://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/25760.
Full textМартиненко, Геннадій Юрійович. "Оцінка динамічної поведінки жорстких роторів у магнітних підшипниках з урахуванням нелінійних ефектів." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2016. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/46643.
Full textПідгурська, Тетяна Вікторівна. "Двосмугові фільтри на діелектричних резонаторах з вищими типами коливань." Doctoral thesis, Київ, 2016. https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/15382.
Full textДем`яненко, Марина Миколаївна, Марина Николаевна Демьяненко, and Maryna Mykolaivna Demianenko. "Гідродинаміка та гідроаеропружність динамічних сепараційних пристроїв." Thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2021. https://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/86273.
Full textIn this regard, an important scientific and technical task is an intensification of the separation processes of heterogeneous multicomponent mixtures. The development of new, as well as improvement of existing separation methods is mandatory, since the most of the existing separation methods, such as settling, filtration and centrifugation, prevent obtaining a purified product that would comply to modern requirements, norms, and quality standards. An analysis of the gas-liquid separation methods and corresponding equipment design that was based on a literature review was conducted. It was concluded that today, from the perspective of specific energy consumption and separation efficiency, the most optimal separation devices are the devices with inertial separation force as the main operating force. Louver separation devices are such as widely used. The features of the gas-liquid separation process, the separation devices' design features, and the calculation methods were analyzed. Their main advantages and disadvantages, as well as ways to avoid them, are indicated. The new gas-liquid separation method by using dynamic separation devices is proposed based on conducted analysis. These devices allow the adjustment of the hydraulic resistance. Since the operation of these dynamic separation devices, the flow causes deformation of the elastic baffle elements, which in turn causes flow parameters to change, it is necessary to solve the hydroaeroelasticity problem. In this regard, the mathematical modeling methods of the process of hydroaeroelasticy interaction of a gas or gas-liquid flow with elastic elements were analyzed. Eventually, it was concluded that it is expedient to carry out a parameters identification of the mathematical models of hydroaeroelastic phenomena accompanying the heterogeneous systems separation processes by the vibration inertial separation method. The vibration-inertial separation method of the heterogeneous mixtures is currently almost not explored and widespread devices designs or equipment designs do not exist. In this regard, new designs of dynamic separation devices were developed and protected by Ukraine patents on a useful model. Operation principle and the physical processes essence, which take place in those devices are described. One of these processes is the hydroaeroelasticy interaction between gas-liquid flow and elastic elements of dynamic separation devices. Based on the operation peculiarities of dynamic separation devices, a general methodology for conducting dissertation research has been developed. The technique consists of successive stages, in turn, they contain physical and numerical experiments. That methodology allows determining hydrodynamic parameters and hydroaeroelastic characteristics, such as critical speeds leading to the static and dynamic stability loss of elastic elements, the vibrations frequencies, and amplitudes, as well as studying the effect of the mechanical vibrations on the gas-liquid flow. The experimental installation for physical research that considers the theory of similarity was developed. That installation makes it possible to recreate conditions close to the real operating modes of separation equipment and dynamic separation devices, namely, the gas-liquid mixture flow with speed range from 2 to 12 m/s (Re: 17,6•103 - 105,9•103), as well as to conduct experimental samples of the tests of the elastic elements of those devices, to determine their features operation. To solve the hydroaeroelasticity problems by numerical methods, the ANSYS software package was used, which makes it possible to solve related problems of fluid mechanics and a deformable body. In this software, using the System Coupling module, it is possible to combine the Fluent Flow and Transient Structural modules used to study the fluid flow hydrodynamic and the stress-strain state of structures, respectively. During theoretical studies of the operation process of dynamic separation devices, mathematical models of the gas-liquid flow and the interaction of the elastic elements of these devices were developed. The finite element method and its main dependencies were used to define the deformations of elastic elements caused by the flow. From the previously-deformed state static calculation, dependencies were obtained to determine the elastic elements' maximum deformations of the dynamic separation devices. Based on the previously-deformed state calculation of the plates, a stationary calculation of the hydroaeroelasticy interaction between gas-liquid flow and elastic baffle elements was carried out using the finite element method, namely, matrix equations. In these equations, the stiffness matrix of the elastic baffle element is determined using numerical and physical experiments. The vector of generalized nodal forces, which includes the stationary component of generalized external forces, is also determined using numerical and physical experiments. The critical divergence speed was determined, and the critical flutter speed was determined using the complex amplitudes method. The mathematical model of the hydroaeroelastic interaction between flow with sinusoidal elastic elements has been developed. The results of solving this model allow determining such characteristics as the channel curvature shape in amplitude values and the channel elongation under the hydrodynamic pressure action. During the process of gas-liquid stream separation, the liquid film draining process is occurring, which significantly affects the separation efficiency. By introducing simplifications and assumptions into the Navier-Stokes equations system, which are closed by the continuity equations, the dependences of the three-dimensional liquid film averaged thickness on the size of the settling surface and the velocity averaged values were obtained. The deviation angle of the velocity vector from the vertical direction is also determined. As a result of the performed numerical and physical experiments, the main characteristics and operating modes of dynamic separation devices were determined. Thus, during the physical modeling of the flow with elastic elements hydroaeroelastic interaction, natural frequencies and vibration amplitudes were determined at different flow velocities (2,6 – 11,6 m/s, Re: 22,9•103 - 102,4•103) and various element thicknesses (0,4•10-3 – 0,6•10-3 m). The operating modes of elastic elements, which arise at different flow rates and differ in oscillations frequency and amplitude have been determined. Numerical experiments made it possible to determine the maximum deformations and forces applied to the surface of the elastic element from the flow side. Based on the simulation results, the derived dependencies that allow calculating the range of fluctuations on the flow rate, the adequacy of which was assessed using the Fisher criterion. The data obtained in the course of the numerical experiment made it possible to identify the unknown parameters of the developed mathematical model of the interaction of the flow with a sinusoidal elastic element. As a result of the obtained results analysis of the theoretical and experimental studies, an engineering methodology for calculating dynamic separation devices was developed. The methodology includes sequential stages of technological and constructive calculations and makes it possible to determine the main hydrodynamic parameters and hydroaeroelastic characteristics of the gas-liquid flow and elastic baffle elements interaction process. Based on the devices' design features, given are recommendations for their rational layout in multiphase separators. Their design-technological classification has been developed, which allows simplifying the process of design, manufacture, and operation of dynamic separation devices. In the manufacturing process of the experimental installation and elastic elements, as well as conducting physical studies of the hydroaeroelastic interaction process, practical recommendations for layout, coding, and assembly were developed. These recommendations will allow reproduction of the operating parameters of dynamic separation devices and ensure the efficient passing of the working process.
Лисенко, Юлія Юріївна. "Інформаційно–діагностична система імпульсного вихрострумового неруйнівного контролю виробів машинобудування." Doctoral thesis, Київ, 2017. https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/21603.
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