Dissertation (thesis): how to cite in MLA (8th ed.)?

Create a spot-on reference in MLA 8 and 9

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Basic rules

MLA Style allows referencing different types of works such as dissertations, master’s theses, etc. following the same template. The information required for creating such a reference includes the name of the author, work title, name of the university or other educational institution, year of publication, and type of work (PhD dissertation, master’s thesis, and so on).

In addition, for a dissertation or thesis accessed by means of a database, the title of the database should be given. For publications accessed online, the URL address and the date of access should be provided.

How to cite in a bibliography

Reference template:

Last Name, First Name Middle Name. Work Title. Year. University, work type. Database, URL. Accessed date of access.

Examples of references in works cited:

Baker, Rachael Dawn. The Use of Novel Cell-Penetrating Peptide Chimeras to Disrupt Cellular Function in Human Cancer Cell Lines and Observations upon Human DNA Mismatch Repair. 2007. University of Wolverhampton, PhD dissertation.

Sanghoon, Kim. Nonlinear Active Metamaterial Surfaces. 2017. University of California, PhD dissertation. eScholarship, escholarship.org/uc/item/4p6652hn. Accessed 11 Aug. 2020.

Peterson, Jessica M. Funny in a Man's World: Women Comedians' Use of Political Satire at the White House Correspondents' Dinner. 2017. University of South Dakota, master's thesis. Open PRAIRIE, www.openprairie.sdstate.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2174&context=etd. Accessed 10 June 2020.

Other citation styles:

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