Create a spot-on reference in Harvard
General rules
According to the Harvard citation style, the same template is used for referencing a master's thesis and a doctoral dissertation in a list of bibliographic references:
Author, (year). Title. Work type, University.
NB: Fill in the 'Work type' field the type of work and the academic grade, for instance, 'Ph.D. thesis'.
If the text of the work can be accessed online, use the following template for your reference:
Author, (year). Title. Work type, University. [Viewed date viewed]. Available from: URL
NB: The text '[online]' is not given after the title of the work, in contrast to the references to a book, a journal article, etc.
Examples in a list of references
Middleton, H. J., (2020). *ABA syncretism patterns in pronominal morphology. Ph.D. thesis, University College London. [Viewed 12 January 2021]. Available from:
Reed, B. H., (1992). The genetic analysis of endoreduplication in Drosophila melanogaster. Ph.D. thesis, University of Cambridge.