Conference paper: how to cite in Harvard style?

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General rules

Within the Harvard referencing system, a conference paper published in conference proceedings is treated as a chapter of an edited book, due to which the templates for bibliographic references are almost the same as for a book chapter.

In this case, the title of the conference proceedings is considered as the general book title; the difference from a book chapter is that the title of the proceedings also includes the date and place of the conference.

Reference template:

Author(s), (year). Paper title. In: Editor(s), ed(s). Conference title, conference date, Conference place. City of publication: Publisher. p(p). page(s).

For a conference abstract available online, use the following reference template:

Author(s), (year). Paper title. In: Editor(s), ed(s). Conference title, conference date, Conference place [online]. City of publication: Publisher. p(p). page(s). [Viewed date viewed]. Available from: doi: DOI

If the publication does not have a DOI and is located at an ordinary URL address, modify the corresponding reference element as follows:

Available from: URL


Examples in a list of references

Bizzoni, Y., Senaldi, M. S. G. and Lenci, A., (2017). Deep-learning the ropes: modeling idiomaticity with neural networks. In: R. Basili, M. Nissim and G. Satta, eds. Proceedings of the Fourth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2017, 11–12 December 2017, Rome, Italy [online]. Torino: Accademia University Press. pp. 36–41. [Viewed 12 January 2021]. Available from: doi: 10.4000/books.aaccademia.2314

Türkmen, R., (2016). B1 level undergraduate EFL students’ acceptance of Moodle technology. In: F. Kılıçkaya, ed. The 5th International Conference on Language, Literature and Culture, 12 May 2016, Burdur, Turkey [online]. Burdur: Mehmet Akif Ersoy University. p. 11. [Viewed 12 January 2021]. Available from:

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