Create a spot-on reference in Chicago 18, 17 and 16
General rules
In accordance with the rules of Chicago Style – author-date, the following template should be used for referencing a part of an edited book (chapter, work in an anthology, article in a collection, etc.) in a bibliography:
Author. Year. "Chapter Title." In Book Title, edited by Editor, pages. City: Publisher.
In addition to editors, other contributors may also be indicated after the book title: compilers, translators, photographers, illustrators, etc. The names of any such contributors are always preceded by an explanation of their role in the publication: 'translated by', 'compiled by', 'illustrated by', etc. In contrast to the names of authors placed at the beginning of a reference, the names of persons in the middle of a reference are given without commas and without inversion:
First Name Middle Name Last Name
When referencing an online source, indicate also its URL address or DOI. Note: if both identifiers are available for a book chapter, give the DOI in the reference rather than the URL.
Examples in a list of references
Palazzeschi, Aldo. 2004. "So Let Me Have My Fun!" In A Selection of Modern Italian Poetry in Translation, edited by Roberta L. Payne, translated by Roberta L. Payne, 64–69. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press.
Snyder, Marsha W. 2020. "Stress and Burnout in Neurology." In Integrative Neurology, edited by John W. McBurney and Ilene S. Ruhoy, 4–35. Oxford: Oxford University Press.