Journal article: how to cite in APA (7th ed.)?

Create a spot-on reference in APA 7 and 6

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Basic rules

Articles published in scientific peer-reviewed journals are academically credible publications, due to which they are often used as information sources in articles, dissertations, theses, and so on.

For citing a journal article in a list of references according to the requirements of APA Style (7th ed.), the following data should be included in the bibliographic reference: last name and initials of the author (authors), article title, journal title, volume number, issue number, and pages where the article is located.

For an article published online, indicate also its DOI or, should it be missing, the URL address where it can be accessed on the web. Cite the DOI also for any printed article which provides such data.

How to cite in a bibliography

Basic reference template:

Author(s). (Year). Article title. Journal Title, volume(issue), pages. DOI/URL

Note: the volume number and the issue number are given without a space between them.

Note: write the article title in sentence case and the journal title in title case.

See this article for the rules of citing authors in APA Style.

Examples of references

Mallozzi, L., Patri, S., & Sacco, A. (2015). Differential game approach for international environmental agreements with social externalities. Czech Economic Review, 9(3), 135–154.

Boberg, C. (2019). A closer look at the short front vowel shift in Canada. Journal of English Linguistics, 47(2), 91–119.

Katende, A., & Sagala, F. (2019). A critical review of low salinity water flooding: Mechanism, laboratory and field application. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 278, 627–649.

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