Portuguese and German localisation of the website and the bibliographies

We have implemented the Portuguese and German localisation of Grafiati (both the website and the bibliographies).

What this means in practice:

1. You can work from the Portuguese or the German version of our website's interface.

2. You can generate all bibliographies in the Portuguese and the German languages. Each generated reference in each citation style will contain the translated reference elements, the date format commonly used in the respective country, and the adaptation to the grammar of the chosen language. For example:

– English:

Sumnicht DW, Miller JH, inventors; Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, assignee. Absorbent sheet incorporating regenerated cellulose microfiber [Internet]. United States patent US8187421B2. 2012 May 29 [cited 2021 Jan 13]. 57 p. Available from: https://patents.google.com/patent/US8187421B2/.

– Portuguese:

Sumnicht DW, Miller JH, inventores; Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, titular. Absorbent sheet incorporating regenerated cellulose microfiber [Internet]. Patente dos Estados Unidos US8187421B2. 29 maio 2012 [citado 13 jan 2021]. 57 p. Disponível em: https://patents.google.com/patent/US8187421B2/.

– German:

Sumnicht DW, Miller JH, Erfinder; Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Patentinhaber. Absorbent sheet incorporating regenerated cellulose microfiber [Internet]. Patent der Vereinigten Staaten US8187421B2. 29. Mai 2012 [zitiert am 13. Januar 2021]. 57 S. Verfügbar unter: https://patents.google.com/patent/US8187421B2/.

All the adaptation was created for each individual citation style taking into account the recommendations of local universities.

You can change the language in your bibliography menu:

Bibliography language settingsIf your style requires localising individual references instead of the entire bibliography (DSTU 8302:2015, DSTU GOST 7.1:2006), you can change the language in the appropriate menu of each reference:

Reference language settings

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