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Sutcliffe, John. „The youth work career: Exploring long-term careers of professional youth workers in Western Australia“. Thesis, Edith Cowan University, Research Online, Perth, Western Australia, 2021.

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The purpose of this research was to explore the meaning and experiences of the long-term careers of youth workers. This study selected a Western Australian sample group of 10 degreequalified youth workers who had graduated between 1990 and 1999 and had experienced careers in youth work spanning 20 years. The existing literature pertaining to long-term youth work careers was sparse in certain aspects, which established the primary need for the research focus. The related literature was found to represent a negative image of youth work as a career. Youth work was considered lacking in professional identity and was most commonly characterised by burnout, temporary employment prospects and an occupational pathway to other related professions. The deficits and barriers to retention and career longevity prompted the question: How does this explain those individuals who have forged a long-term career in youth work? Two research methods were used in this study: phenomenological inquiry, to seek the shared experiences of the youth work career, and grounded theory methods, to examine the extent to which the self-concept theory of career development and the life career rainbow model could be applied to improve understanding of youth work as a long-term career. The study found important differences in comparison with findings of the existing literature. Participants described careers characteristic of continuous employment; sustainability through supportive connections; longevity through leadership opportunities; and a diverse fusion of opportunities, variety and flexibility in roles undertaken. In stark contrast with the existing literature, these findings led to the development of a synthesised provisional model of the long-term youth work career. Key contributions to knowledge from the study include a constructive representation of the long-term youth work career, with significant factors of longevity being continuous employment, leadership opportunities, diversity in roles and workplaces, and supportive connections. Appraisal of career theory also resulted in suggested revisions to the self-concept theory of career development and the life career rainbow model. A provisional model of the long-term youth work career was developed, which was synthesised from the findings and key discussion points of this study. The provisional model reflected the youth work career as a knowledge-based profession, a distinct practice, a sustainable profession and a long-term career prospect. The findings also have potential implications for the youth field, particularly individual and organisational ethical practice, the importance of workplace and role flexibility, the inclusivity of youth work contexts, and the prioritisation of professional supervision and mentoring.
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Longo, María-Eugenia. „Trayectorias laborales de jóvenes en Argentina : Un estudio longitudinal de las prácticas de trabajo, las disposiciones laborales y las temporalidades juveniles de jóvenes de la Zona Norte del Gran Buenos Aires, en un contexto histórico de diferenciación de las trayectorias“. Thesis, Aix-Marseille 1, 2011.

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Cette thèse analyse le processus de construction des parcours professionnels des jeunes à un moment clé : celui de la fin de la formation secondaire ou professionnelle. Nous cherchons à comprendre la manière dont les parcours professionnels des jeunes résidents à la Région Nord du Grand Buenos Aires en Argentine se construisent dans un contexte de transformations historiques profondes. Ces transformations se manifestent par un monde productif plus flexible, instable et précaire pour les nouvelles générations, par l’affaiblissement des principales institutions de la socialisation comme la famille et l’école et par des mutations des temporalités sociales et individuelles. L’objectif est atteint par la mise en place d’une recherche qualitative et longitudinale qui suit pendant deux ans les parcours professionnels d’un panel de jeunes hommes et femmes qui sortent au même moment, en 2006, des formations différenciées (secondaire et professionnelle dans des institutions du secteur public et privé). Nous abordons dans un premier temps la place des rapports à la vie professionnelle dans les parcours. Nous insistons ensuite sur la recherche des explications complémentaires qui dépassent la sphère professionnelle : les temporalités des jeunes apparaissent ainsi comme un autre facteur pertinent. Variables d’origine, pratiques, rapports symboliques et temporalités jouent un rôle différent selon la manière dont ils sont articulés entre eux. Nous soutenons enfin que c’est la manière dont les facteurs s’imbriquent entre eux (abordée ici sous la dénomination de « séquences professionnelles ») une clé de lecture fondamentale pour analyser la part de hétérogénéité, singularité et inégalité dans l’actuelle construction des parcours professionnels des jeunes
This dissertation sets out to analyze the construction process of employment careers among youth who have finished high school. We seek to understand how youth in the northern suburbs of Buenos Aires, Argentina build their employment careers in a context of deep transformations. This transformations are characterized by a more flexible, unstable and precarious production and employment model, the weakening of important socializing institutions — the family and the school — as well as the emergence of new forms of social and individual usage of time. How are these careers influenced by the context they are inscribed in? What new theoretical elements can this case contribute to classical analyses of employment careers? The data was drawn from a two-year qualitative longitudinal study that followed 84 young women and men who graduated from differents types of educations of high school in 2006. For instance, an analysis of “work dispositions” among the panel revealed the weight of certain symbolic factors and their relations to labor practices. Furthermore, other factors such as “youth temporalities” highlight the importance of considering elements that are found beyond the sphere of employment. Finally, it is the way that these factors are intertwined that is most interesting, since it offers us the possibility of establishing causality. The concept of “employment sequence” allows us to follow the way these factors become enmeshed. We are then able to identify heterogeneity, singularity and inequality in the processes of differentiation of employment careers among youth
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Mooney, Marianne Jr. „Family Contributions to the Work Readiness of Youth with Learning Disabilities“. Diss., Virginia Tech, 1998.

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The study identified the contributions families made to the work-readiness of youth with learning disabilities. A qualitative research approach, the in-depth telephone interview, was the primary information-gathering instrument. Two questions were posed to guide the study: 1.What communications or behaviors do families engage in within the contexts of the home, school, workplace, and community that contribute to the work readiness of youth with learning disabilities? 2. What value do these families place on their roles in the development of their youngster's work readiness? Families from the Commonwealth of Virginia were nominated by parent resource center directors as meeting the criteria established for the study. A total of 27 individuals were "purposefully selected" to be interviewed. The participants were family members of employed youth, age 16 to 22, with documented learning disabilities. Telephone interviews were taped, transcribed, coded, and analyzed using Ethnograph and a three-step coding process. A description of major themes and subthemes which emerged from the analysis was presented in narrative and table form. Participant statements were used to illustrate the themes. Participants identified 29 critical work-readiness skills they perceived youth would need for workplace success. These work-readiness skills supported six themes: human relations, work ethic, compoliance, personal qualities, education and training, and independence. Participants identified the various activities, behaviors, and conversations they engaged in to promote work-readiness in their children within four setting: the homes, school, workplace, and community. These actions were analyzed within and among the four settings, and in relation to the themes established. The themes of education and training and independence were the most prevalent. The family's responsibilities for and abilities to develop work-readiness skills were examined, and the types of assistance they had accessed or believed other families could benefit from were identified. Stakeholder groups and their roles and responsibilities in the collaborative effort to develop work skills were identified. Stakeholder roles included provider, teacher, facilitator, nurturer, communicator, and preparer. Participants reflected on the process of preparing youth with learning disabilities for work, determined what they would do differently, and offered advise on work-readiness skill development to other families of children with learning disabilities.
Ph. D.
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Adams, David E. „The development of youth ministry as a professional career and the distinctives of Liberty University youth ministry training in preparing students for youth work“. Lynchburg, Va. : Liberty University, 1993.

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Wenner, Jennifer Rose. „Summer Youth Work Programs: An Evaluation and Examination of Variables Contributing to Adolescent Career Development“. Diss., North Dakota State University, 2017.

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Adolescence is crucial for career development, as youth begin to engage in activities to prepare for their careers. However, at-risk and rural youth may face barriers to developing useful career traits like career adaptability and work hope. One barrier is insufficient parental support. Parental support is associated with the development of skills and characteristics that promote career success (Keller & Whiston, 2008). However, certain personal and social variables, including grit and mentoring relationships, may help youth succeed despite inadequate parental support. Additionally, programs that engage at-risk youth in work-related tasks and experiences may help youth develop positive career trajectories. Therefore, youth work programs must be evaluated, given their potential to impact career development. The research involved 106 youth ages 14-23 who participated in summer work-training programs. Participants took a pretest, posttest, and 3-month follow-up to examine change in program goals over time, and identify relationships and personal characteristics that can help youth develop career adaptability and work hope. Study one examined outcomes consistent with program goals to assess program effectiveness. Linear regression analyses showed that worksite performance only increased for those who had previously worked, such that those with more previous work experience had greater improvement in worksite performance. Multilevel models showed a significant or marginally significant increase in understanding the value of school and career adaptability over time. No significant increase was found for leadership and work hope. T-tests showed worksite supervisors scored the quality of their mentoring relationship with participants significantly higher than participants, and regression analyses showed participant perceptions of the mentoring relationship did not predict the continuity of the relationship three months later. The second study focused on personal characteristics and social relationships that are related to career adaptability and work hope. Multilevel models showed parental support and grit significantly positively predicted career adaptability and work hope. Grit moderated the relation between parent support and career adaptability, but not parent support and work hope. No findings were significant regarding perceived mentoring relationship or changes over time. The discussion focuses on program effectiveness, future directions, ways to improve programming, and ways to promote career traits.
Graduate School Doctoral Dissertation Award
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Provenzano, John. „Risk, Resiliency, and Outcomes among LiFE Sports Youth Leadership Academy Participants“. The Ohio State University, 2015.

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Stoltzfus, Alphaus D. „James W. Fowler's stage of faith development identified in college youth ministries students with implications for career training“. Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1989.

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Barabasch, Antje. „Risk and the school-to-work transition in East Germany and the United States“. unrestricted, 2006.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--Georgia State University, 2005.
Richard D. Lakes, committee chair; Philo Hutcheson, Jennifer R. Esposito, Philipp Gonon, committee members. Electronic text (451 p.) : digital, PDF file. Description based on contents viewed July 5, 2007. Includes bibliographical references (p. 363-411).
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Lee, Ching May Mimi. „Career maturity, career decision-making self-efficacy, interdependent self-construal, locus of control and gender role ideology of Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong“. HKBU Institutional Repository, 2007.

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Yun, Sin-wah. „An exploratory study of the relationship between job satisfaction and job mobility of social work assistants in children and youth centers /“. Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 1998.

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Hogden, Rachel Lesley. „Understanding the experiences of long-term unemployed young adults (aged 18-24) in the South West of England“. Thesis, University of Exeter, 2016.

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This thesis is concerned with the experiences of an under-researched group of long-term unemployed young adults aged 18 – 24 years old. The research was undertaken in the South West of England between July 2010 and January 2013; a period of economic uncertainty and social instability in the UK. The initial sample comprised nineteen young adults, chosen to represent the diversity of those who were unemployed at that time. The longitudinal approach allowed for an exploration of their changing attitudes and self-understandings over a two year period. Whilst the interviewees shared much in common with their younger counterparts whose experiences have been the focus of previous research, there were also some significant differences. Not only did their priorities differ as they approached their mid-twenties, but they also held the capacity to project themselves further into the future; contemplating what life might be like in five years’ time. The findings revealed a tension between culturally embedded ideas that continue to support the primacy of paid work, and the ways in which some of the young adults were able to (re)define their lives. The importance of experiences outside of paid employment emerged as significant, suggesting the need for a broader understanding of what constitutes ‘work’. Whilst some of the young adults seemed to have adopted late-modern perspectives, engaged in a form of reflexive life management, others appeared to be struggling to reconcile the opportunities available with their expectations. In part, some of the differences between the participants were linked to gendered subjectivities; with the young men finding it more challenging to make sense of their lives beyond the world of paid work. However, the young adults’ experiences could not be divided by gender alone, nor could gender be disembedded from the broader context of their lives: their family backgrounds; their historical contexts; their educations; the discourses that influence their lives; their location. These structural factors were continuously at play in the lives of the participants, but did not preclude the possibility of them exercising their agentic abilities. When considering the findings as a whole it was the young adults’ ability to experience a sense of agency, combined with a feeling of belonging, which emerged as significant.
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Yun, Sin-wah, und 殷倩華. „An exploratory study of the relationship between job satisfaction and job mobility of social work assistants in children and youth centers“. Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1998.

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Lane, Tyler J. „Health and responsibility : the relationship between parental illness and children's work in South Africa“. Thesis, University of Oxford, 2013.

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South Africa faces a high disease burden and a limited public capacity to provide care to the ill. Research from the UK and sub-Saharan Africa suggests the burden often falls to children, who also take over domestic responsibilities necessary for household survival. To date, there is limited research exploring the relationship between parental illness and children’ responsibilities, or the moderating effect of socio-demographic variables. The thesis is comprised of three research phases. The first is a literature review to summarise existing research and identify substantial gaps, which included limited amounts of quantitative evidence on this topic and a lack of a tool to as-sess child responsibility that had both been adapted to the South African context and included caring responsibilities. The second research phase consists of an exploratory study of n = 349 children living with ill adults in urban and rural communities in the Western Cape province of South Africa to investigate their range of responsibility, which included caring for an ill parent, household chores, childcare, and income-generation. The resulting data were used to create the Child Responsibility Measure, which assesses the range and time burden of re-sponsibilities among South African children. The third research phase is a cross-sectional quantitative survey of n = 2,476 pairs of children and parents from urban and rural communities in KwaZulu-Natal province, South Africa. Resulting data on parental health, socio-demographics, and child responsibilities were analysed with multiple regres-sions to determine drivers of children’s responsibility. Among the findings were that parental illnesses increase the likelihood children provide care and have larger responsibility workloads, and girls are more likely to take on all types of responsibility excluding income-generating activities, which were more common in boys. Additionally, while urban children were more likely to provide personal care, rural children had greater responsibility workloads.
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Kober, Claudia Mattos. „Tempo de decidir : produção da escolha profissional entre jovens do ensino medio“. [s.n.], 2008.

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Orientador: Liliana Rolfsen Petrilli Segnini
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-10T22:40:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Kober_ClaudiaMattos_D.pdf: 1535516 bytes, checksum: 93ad3b76bf1ab76025df88eff6d88c39 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008
Resumo: O presente trabalho analisa as escolhas de carreira universitárias feitas por estudantes da terceira série do Ensino Médio a partir de seus depoimentos. Trata-se de um momento privilegiado no processo das escolhas referentes à formação profissional, experienciadas pelos indivíduos inseridos em uma sociedade que passa por profundas transformações em todos os âmbitos, inclusive nos seus valores. No processo de decisão que se impõe aos indivíduos nesta fase de suas vidas, eles têm de articular a sua trajetória de vida, familiar, educacional e social com a percepção que elaboram das profissões, das oportunidades de formação e do mercado de trabalho e suas demandas. A amostra de depoimentos colhidos foi desenhada para contemplar tanto estudantes que freqüentavam uma escola técnica estadual quanto alunos de uma escola privada de alto padrão, ambas consideradas como instituições de ensino de qualidade. Cada grupo foi dividido em alunos do sexo masculino e do sexo feminino, metade dos quais estava fazendo cursinho preparatório para os vestibulares. No caso do grupo da escola pública, utilizaram-se subgrupos adicionais formados por estudantes que trabalhavam e aqueles que cursavam o ensino técnico (em paralelo com o Ensino Médio). Foram realizadas 33 entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Na análise dos resultados empregaram-se as obras de Pierre Bourdieu e Norbert Elias, em particular os conceitos de habitus e configuração. Verificou-se que a noção da necessidade de um curso superior para a inserção no mercado de trabalho é de tal forma incorporada pelos jovens entrevistados que todos pretendiam cursar uma carreira universitária. As escolhas de carreira desses jovens são expressão da continuidade das trajetórias familiares, seja de manutenção de uma posição social, seja de superação da posição conquistada pela geração anterior. A adesão a esse projeto e um processo de racionalização crescente leva o jovem à busca ativa de um equilíbrio entre os gostos pessoais (eles mesmos desenvolvidos principalmente no interior das relações familiares ou na escola), as oportunidades oferecidas pelo mercado de trabalho, as chances concretas de ingresso na carreira considerada e a realização de um projeto de vida individual, porém inserido no projeto familiar e de classe. Isto é possibilitado pelo desenvolvimento de disposições de autocontrole, autodisciplina e capacidade de adiamento de satisfações momentâneas em nome da realização de um projeto de futuro. Para a concretização desse projeto, a escola tem papel central
Abstract: This work analyses the choices made by Brazilian graduating high school students regarding their programs of study in higher education. It deals with a privileged moment in the process of making decisions related to professional training, as experienced by individuals living in a society that is undergoing deep transformations in all realms, including values. In approaching the decisions that they must make at this phase of their lives, young people need to articulate a life trajectory ¿ with family, educational and social dimensions ¿ taking into account the perceptions they develop about different professions, as well as training opportunities and the labor market and its requirements. The sample of collected testimonies was designed to include students enrolled in a public technical school and in a high-standard private school, both renowned as good quality educational institutions. Half of the students in each group, both o which had a balanced gender ratio, were also attending preparatory courses for university entrance tests. In the public school group, there was also a balance between such subgroups as working/non-working students and those receiving/not receiving technical education in courses taken in parallel to their high school education. Thirty-three semi-structured interviews were conducted. The framework for the analysis of results was derived from the works of Pierre Bourdieu and Norbert Elias, specially the notions of habitus and configuration. One important result is that the idea, that having a tertiary education qualification is necessary for entering the labor market, is so deeply imbued in the young people interviewed that all of them intend to pursue higher level education. Their career choices tend to be in continuity with family trajectories, hoping either to maintain their social status or to surpass that attained by the previous generation. As young people pursue this hope and enter into a process of growing rationalization, they are drawn to search actively for a balance among their personal preferences (themselves developed mainly in the family and/or school milieu), opportunities to be found in the labor market, concrete chances of entering a desired career, and the realization of an individual life project. This is made possible by means of developing dispositions such as self-control, selfdiscipline, and the ability to postpone transitory satisfaction in favor of accomplishing a project for the future. The school has a central role in the concrete shaping of this project
Educação, Sociedade, Politica e Cultura
Doutor em Educação
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Goldstone, Erica Taggart Clarke Lugg Elizabeth T. „Case study of the involvement of the business community in the Illinois Partnership Academy in eight Illinois school districts from 1994 to 1997“. Normal, Ill. Illinois State University, 1998.

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Thesis (Ed. D.)--Illinois State University, 1998.
Title from title page screen, viewed July 13, 2006. Dissertation Committee: Elizabeth Lugg (chair), Larry McNeal, Amee Adkins, James Palmer, David Tucker. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 151-159) and abstract. Also available in print.
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Lundqvist, Catarina. „Möjligheternas horisont : Etnicitet, utbildning och arbete i ungas berättelser om karriärer“. Doctoral thesis, Linköpings universitet, REMESO - Institutet för forskning om Migration, Etnicitet och Samhälle, 2010.

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Den här avhandlingen handlar om hur unga med utländsk bakgrund berättar om sina liv och om hur de föreställer sig sina karriärval avseende utbildning och arbete. Syftet med avhandlingen är att analysera hur möjlighetshorisonter i relation till karriärskapet – de processer som genererar olika typer av karriärval – framträder i individuella berättelser. Studiens empiriska material grundar sig på fältarbete i en gymnasieskola under ett års tid. I fokus står två klasser med elever som studerats genom deltagande observationer och intervjuer. Studien belyser hur familjens sociala position och föräldrarnas karriärer är en viktig hållpunkt mot vilken ungdomarna bedömer sina egna framtidsmöjligheter. Studien pekar på hur en av både social klass och etnicitet, strukturerad individualisering påverkar ungas karriärval och färgar deras möjlighetshorisonter. Dessutom belyser studien hur karriärval måste förstås i relation till en möjlighetshorisont som har både en temporal och en rumslig dimension. Ungdomarnas möjlighetshorisonter fördunklas dock av en uppfattad etnisk diskriminering på arbetsmarknaden men även av de etniska kategoriseringarnas påverkan på karriärskapet i skolan. När ungdomarna i narrativ mening positionerar sig i (föräldrarnas) hemlandssammanhang vidgas handlingsutrymmet i symbolisk men även i praktisk mening. Genom att ta hänsyn till en translokal position kan vi förstå hur positioneringar i skilda rumsliga sammanhang hänger samman med skiftningar i den möjlighetshorisont som karriärval relateras mot.
This thesis is about how young people of foreign background talk about their lives and how they perceive their career choices regarding education and work. The aim of the thesis is to analyze how horizons of opportunity in relation to careership – the processes that generate different kinds of career choices – appear in individual narratives. The empirical data were collected through fieldwork over the course of one year in an upper secondary school using different techniques: participant observation and interviews. The analysis shows that the family’s social position and the parents’ careers form an important vantage point facilitating young people to assess future opportunities. Results indicate that structured individualization in terms both of social class and ethnicity affects young people's career choices and their horizons of opportunity. Furthermore, the study highlights how career choices need to be understood in relation to a horizon of opportunity encompassing both a temporal and a spatial dimension. Young people's horizons of opportunity are obscured by perceived ethnic discrimination in the labour market, as well as by ethnic categorizations at school affecting their careership. When young people in their narratives position themselves in the context of their parents' homeland, they extend the scope of action in a symbolic but also practical sense. By taking into account their translocal position, we see how positioning in different spatial contexts is associated with shifts in the horizon of opportunity that are related to career choices.
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Hamade, Mona. „Women and Emiratisation in the UAE workforce“. Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2016.

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The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) which was adopted in 1979, and the 1995 Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action have generated global and regional momentum in the advance of equal gender opportunities. This research explores the increased presence of women in higher education and their subsequent entry into the workforce in the United Arab Emirates. The government has attempted to reduce its citizens' dependency on public sector employment and promote opportunities in the private sector. Governmental efforts have included improving the education system, granting women access to education and introducing funding schemes to encourage employment initiatives. Yet, despite these efforts, unemployment across the UAE remains at a high level, with public sector favoured by Emirati nationals. The country's drive to nationalise the labour force reflects the necessity of utilising the capabilities of Emirati nationals, both men and women, to diversify the rentier state economy. Emiratisation is a national government strategy in the United Arab Emirates that aims to reduce the country's reliance on expatriate labour and increase the participation of nationals in the labour market, both in the public and private sectors. The research for this thesis begins by exploring the inadequacy of classical rentier state theory and examining Mathew Gray's theory of late rentierism within the context of the United Arab Emirates. It further builds on the late rentierism model with a particular focus on the role of women, education and youth participation. The methodological approach used in this research is primarily qualitative, including interviews with final year university students, and professionals in the banking sector of both sexes. These groups were chosen to highlight the practical implications of governmental Emiratisation policies aiming to increase job opportunities across the United Arab Emirates. To date, very little research has been conducted on the issues of gender, work life balance policies and new workforce trends in the UAE.
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Auger, Émilie. „« Mon camion, c’est ma maison ». L’expérience d’un mode de vie alternatif et les remaniements identitaires de jeunes saisonniers nomades“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024.

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Vivre dans un camion aménagé est un phénomène qui ne cesse de se développer depuis la crise du COVID-19. Les individus, ayant été contraints de rester à leur domicile pendant une période prolongée, ont ressenti le besoin d’un accès illimité à la liberté en passant par le voyage. Ainsi, le phénomène de la « vanlife » a pris de l’ampleur et il n’est plus surprenant d’entendre dire que des individus ont fait le choix de prendre une année sabbatique pour faire un « roadtrip ». Toutefois, les jeunes qui nous intéressent dans cette thèse sont bien loin des voyageurs « instagrameurs », des « digital nomades » ou des « teletravel ». Ils ont fait le choix de vivre en « véhicule-habitation » pour pouvoir se déplacer au gré des emplois saisonniers agricoles qui s’offrent à eux. En effet, le nomadisme saisonnier agricole n’est pas un phénomène nouveau, puisque l’agriculture a toujours eu besoin de son lot de salariés non réguliers. De fait, les salariés agricoles saisonniers constituent historiquement un groupe social défavorisé par la précarité de leurs contrats de travail et leur peu d’accès aux droits sociaux. Malgré les conditions de vie précaires induites par leur mode de vie, les jeunes que nous avons rencontrés ont exprimé avoir choisi de vivre ainsi dans une posture affirmée d’alternative sociétale. Cette posture nous a questionné sur les bénéfices réels et symboliques que ces jeunes pouvaient tirer de leur expérience nomade en acceptant une vie à la marge sans emploi ni habitat stable, alors qu’ils sont dans un âge de la vie où ils sont censés trouver leur place dans la société. Par le biais d’une enquête ethnographique réalisée auprès de 58 saisonniers nomades stationnant dans plusieurs campements et squats sur le territoire du Médoc, cette investigation se centre sur la réalité de la vie quotidienne de ces jeunes et s’appuie également sur 33 entretiens biographiques pour replacer leur réalité de l’ici et maintenant en lien avec leur histoire. Cette thèse se propose de montrer que le mode de vie nomade ne dépend pas uniquement d’une contrainte structurelle relevant de la précarité et liée à la discontinuité de l’emploi et au manque de logements de manière générale et de ceux alloués aux saisonniers agricoles nomades en particulier, mais plutôt d’un choix, pour ces jeunes, d’adopter une culture alternative comme support identitaire. Une première partie de ce manuscrit est consacrée aux enjeux entourant la phase transitionnelle que représente la jeunesse en décrivant, au plus près, comment ces jeunes s’approprient la marge et la mobilité comme des espaces de socialisation. Dans un deuxième temps, notre recherche se propose de montrer comment les dynamiques symboliques et spatio-temporelles du nomadisme saisonnier ont un rôle existentiel fondamental pour ces jeunes dans la mesure où il s’y développe des logiques territoriales, des logiques d’appropriation, d’adaptation, d’ancrage et de création. La troisième partie se centre sur la singularité des parcours des jeunes saisonniers afin de mieux comprendre ce qui, dans leurs histoires de vie, a pu les conduire à opter pour un mode de vie alternatif, à s’y maintenir et à en sortir. Une dernière partie porte sur l’expérience des saisonniers nomades et leur intégration à la culture alternative comme processus de construction identitaire circulaire dans un contexte où l’on demande de plus en plus aux individus d’être autonomes et de pouvoir définir qui ils sont, plusieurs fois au cours de leur vie
Living in a converted truck is a phenomenon that has continued to grow since the COVID-19 crisis. People, having been forced to stay at home for an extended period, felt the need for unlimited access to freedom through travel. Thus, the phenomenon of “vanlife” has grown and it is no longer surprising to hear that people have chosen to take a sabbatical year to go on a “roadtrip”. However, the young people who interest us in this thesis are far from “Instagram” travelers, “digital nomads” or “teletravelers”. They chose to live in a “residential vehicle” to be able to move around according to the seasonal agricultural jobs available to them. Indeed, seasonal agricultural nomadism is not a new phenomenon since agriculture has always needed its share of non-regular employees. In fact, seasonal agricultural employees historically constitute a social group disadvantaged by the precariousness of their employment contracts and their little access to social rights. Despite the precarious living conditions induced by their lifestyle, the young people we met expressed that they had chosen to live in this way in an assertive posture of societal alternative. This posture questioned us about the real and symbolic benefits that these young people could draw from their nomadic experience by accepting a life on the margins without employment or stable housing while they are at an age of life where they are supposed to find their place in the society. Through an ethnographic survey carried out among 58 nomadic seasonal workers stationed in several camps and squats in the Médoc territory, this investigation focuses on the reality of the daily life of these young people and is also based on 33 biographical interviews to place their reality in the here and now in connection with their history. This thesis aims to show that the nomadic lifestyle does not depend solely on a structural constraint relating to precariousness and linked to the discontinuity of employment and the lack of housing in general and that allocated to nomadic seasonal agricultural workers in particular but rather a choice, for these young people, to adopt an alternative culture as an identity support. The first part of this manuscript is devoted to the issues surrounding the transitional phase represented by youth by describing, as closely as possible, how these young people appropriate the margins and mobility as spaces for socialization. Secondly, our research aims to show how the symbolic and spatio-temporal dynamics of seasonal nomadism have a fundamental existential role for these young people to the extent that there develop territorial logics, logics of appropriation, adaptation, anchoring and creation. The third part focuses on the singularity of the paths of young seasonal workers in order to better understand what, in their life stories, could have led them to opt for an alternative lifestyle, to maintain it and to leave it. A final part focuses on the experience of seasonal nomads and their integration into alternative culture as a process of circular identity construction in a context where people are increasingly asked to be autonomous and to be able to define who they are, several times during their lives
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Rodrigues, Joana Rita Pimentel. „Work satisfaction and affective commitment of classical musicians: The European Union Youth Orchestra“. Master's thesis, 2014.

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This work project investigates career paths in the music field, by testing the application of general career and social theories for musicians. Using a sample from the European Union Youth Orchestra’ Alumni, the Boundaryless Career Theory, Intelligent Career Framework and Social Identity Theory were analysed through the impact on individual outcomes - musicians’ Overall work satisfaction and Affective commitment to the orchestra. Results suggest support for the three theories, and show their applicability for classical musicians’ careers.
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Elliott, Nicole. „Who am I at work? Work Life Identity of Aboriginal Youth and the Role of Employers on Career Success“. Thesis, 2013.

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Aboriginal peoples are the fastest growing population in Canada. Over half of the Aboriginal population is under the age of 24, yet the voices of Aboriginal young adults are absent within the literature. Aboriginal young adults, between the ages of 18 and 24, are two to three times more likely to be unemployed than their non-Aboriginal counterparts. Very little is known about the career-related experiences of Aboriginal young adults, even less is known about how their identity as an Aboriginal person affects these experiences. This study employs a narrative inquiry method to explore the work-life narratives of Aboriginal young adults living in Toronto. Results identified three metathemes that employers have in regards to cultural identity for Aboriginal youth. These themes are: cultural respect in the workplace, racism and oppression in the workplace, and inspiring youth. Limitations, implications and future research directions are discussed.
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Morris, Debra Jean Nash. „Workforce investment act summer youth activities participants' work ethic and career maturity“. 2002.

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Coverdale, Jennifer Lynne. „Walking in multiple worlds: Aboriginal young people’s life work narratives“. Thesis, 2012.

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The experience of the life work journeys of urban Aboriginal young people in Canada is largely unknown. This group faces multiple challenges in entering the labour force from social and economic disparities to cultural discontinuity. This qualitative case study collected stories from urban Aboriginal young people who are in search of meaningful and sustainable work. Using group interviews set within Indigenous sharing circles, 25 youth living in Victoria, British Columbia shared their stories of the supports, challenges and barriers they face in their life work journeys. In collaboration with community partners and knowledge keepers, the stories were reviewed to identify a relational model of life work shared by these young people. Participants identified their relations as their foundational support, and spoke to the role of work, education and culture in their career development. The results have important implications for theory, research and practice regarding counselling and researching with Aboriginal youth.
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McDonald, Steve Quadagno Jill S. „Non-searching for jobs patterns and payoffs to non-searching across the work career /“. 2004.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--Florida State University, 2004.
Advisor: Dr. Jill Quadagno, Florida State University, College of Social Sciences, Dept. of Sociology. Title and description from dissertation home page (viewed Sept. 24, 2004). Includes bibliographical references.
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Wei, Jing-Lun, und 魏靖倫. „The effects of youth overseas working holiday experience and the compatibility of work values on future overseas career development“. Thesis, 2015.

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The purpose of this thesis is to analyze whether there will be a positive correlation between the adjustment of overseas working holiday experience and working value of Taiwanese teenagers alongside with the degree of their choice to work abroad in the future. Based on this, after organizing and analyzing from various bibliographies, the research indicates that teenage phase has a great impact on career development in their entire life. A significant example will be the gap between part-time work experience and working value alongside with the working satisfaction affect the most. In other words, after their working holiday, the compatibility of their working value and corporate culture alongside with their working satisfaction have a positive correlation toward whether to work abroad or not. In order to ensure the mentioned assumptions above, this research targets students who have working holiday experience, and is conducted via internet-based questionnaires. Descriptive statistics have been implemented together with a clear analysis of correlation, not only that, the ordinal logistic regression has also been clearly analyzed. Based on the analysis, the research also discovered :(1)The experience of young oversea workers and the fits of work values both have positive influence on long-term career development;(2)The job satisfaction has mediated influence on the experience of young oversea workers,the fits of work values and long-term career development.
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Alsup, James Philip II. „An analysis of the influence of M-Fuge participation on volunteerism and career leadership in service“. Thesis, 2005.

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This dissertation examined the possible influence of the M-Fuge workcamp upon a participant's desire to contribute volunteerism or future career leadership in either community service or mission service. Chapter 1 introduced the research problem and gave attention to such issues as why the church should be concerned with volunteerism. Chapter 2 presented literature pertinent to the study. Issues such as volunteerism, theological presuppositions, servant leadership, service learning, as well as educational and leadership presuppositions were presented. Chapter 3 presents the methodology for garnering the research data. The research questions, the design of the instrument, and topics such as population and procedures are covered. For the purposes of this study M-Fuge camps in Bolivia and Nashville were surveyed using a pre-test and a post-test Likert scale to determine if there was any shift in interest in volunteer or career desires as result of attending the camp. Chapter 4 addresses the analysis of the findings from the research instrument. The surveys taken by event participants were scored and entered into a database. The database was used to determine levels of influence using t Stat scores compared against t Critical benchmarks. If the t Stat value was higher than the t Critical value, than the Null Hypothesis that no influence would occur was dismissed. This test was put to both first-time and multi-time participants for both the events in Nashville and Bolivia. First-time participants in Nashville and Bolivia consistently demonstrated a greater desire to participate in community service or missions volunteerism. In addition, first-time participants in both Nashville and Bolivia also demonstrated a higher degree of interest in careers in community service or missions. Multi-time participants in Nashville and Bolivia also consistently indicated an increased level of interest in volunteerism and careers in community service and missions, though not in every instance a degree high enough to dismiss the Null Hypothesis. Chapter 5 addresses the researcher's conclusions regarding the data presented. Overall, M-Fuge demonstrates a clear ability to increase the desire of the participant's desire to become involved in either volunteerism or a career in community service or missions. The findings can be useful to churches and mission organizations interested in the role a workcamp or similar mission experiences can play in promoting missions education and action. Recommendations have been made concerning how this research can be extended for further study.
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Meyer, Kirsten. „Examining the role of an arts-based program in enhancing care workers’ capacity to respond to children and young people“. Thesis, 2017.

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Psychosocial arts-based programs with children are widely recognised, but little research exists on arts therapy based professional development programs for care workers who work with vulnerable children and how the programs might enhance the capacity of care workers to respond effectively to the needs of the children. The purpose of this study was to examine a professional development experiential workshop program that uses arts-focused, active methods to understand how participants experience core dramatherapy processes and how arts methods influence care workers. The study used a multiple case study design, which included practice led inquiry and pre- and post-workshop interviews with two different groups of care workers. Data was analysed using theory-informed thematic analysis. The findings suggest that through participation in the program most participants reported new understandings of themselves, the young people they work with, and their professional practice. The analysis showed the importance of group processes and climate for enhanced learning. Further analysis revealed that participants’ experience of the three specific artsfocused/ active methods were important in effecting reflection, thereby resulting in new insights such as recognising the importance of feeling validated, and affirmed in their work, awareness of power dynamics between adult and child, and the importance of intentionally working in relationship with children. The implications of the findings are discussed in relation to professional program development. It is suggested that arts active methods can enhance the capacity to think and feel in the here and now, and that applied practice and theory of dramatherapy can support understanding of how change, through core underlying processes, happens through arts practice.
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