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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Western Reserve College (1972- )"


Sicherman, Carol. „Building an African Department of History at Makerere, 1950–1972“. History in Africa 30 (2003): 253–82.

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Once upon a time, in the euphoric 1960s, a new generation of historians of Africa undertook to write the history of Africa and Africans through the ages, overturning previous Western suppositions that Africa had no precolonial history worth investigating. As J.D. Hargreaves has written, they were “excited by the challenge to apply their craft to the continent which Hegel had judged ‘no historical part of the world’.” Among the explorers of the largely unmapped territories of prccoloniai history were members of the Makerere Department of History and their students, many of whom were to become professional historians. This essay sketches the construction of a modern Department of History at Makerere, a task requiring a new curriculum and a new staff.Makerere began in 1922 as a government technical school for Africans. Courses in medicine and teacher training soon replaced the original more “vocational” instruction in carpentry, surveying, mechanics, and the like. The next several decades saw an evolution into a “higher college,” preparing students from all over East Africa for examinations leading to university degrees. By the late 1930s, a top-level commission recommended fulfilment of an early forecast that Makerere would one day become a university college. In the meantime, as World War II put off any substantial changes, it loomed ever greater as the legendary “mountain” that only the best could ascend. In 1950, finally fulfilling the forecast, Makerere joined in a Special Relationship with the University of London to become the University College of East Africa.
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Thomas, Patricia A., Amy L. Wilson-Delfosse, Neil Mehta, Klara K. Papp, S. Beth Bierer und J. Harry Isaacson. „Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Including the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine“. Academic Medicine 95, Nr. 9S (September 2020): S396—S401.

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Silva, Fenelon. „Documentação profissionalizada“. Revista do Serviço Público 86, Nr. 1 e 2 (28.01.2019): 55–59.

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O ensino da documentação começou, de maneira forma!, com MelvilDewey , na biblioteca do Amhrest College de Massachussets, em 1873. Por largos anos o ensino da Biblioteconomia foi ministrado por métodos puramente tecnológicos em quase todas as bibliotecas importantes dos Estados Unidos, inclusive pela New York Public Library; constituía essa aprendizagem apenas de rotinas de serviços técnicos. No fim do século houve um movimento que eliminou este tipo de treinamento e novos métodos foram adotados nas Universidade de Colúmbia, Illinois e Western Reserve.
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Heslop, Jim. „A Personal Story of School Development In a Remote Community“. Australian Journal of Indigenous Education 24, Nr. 2 (1996): 12–14.

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Between 1978 and 1979 I taught in a number of small newly established schools in some of the communities of what was then referred to as the Central Reserve (now called the Ngaanyatjarra Lands) in Western Australia. I had recently graduated from college and was very uncertain about the content and methodology required to be an effective teacher of Aboriginal students. This general lack of confidence was compounded by my lack of experience in interacting with Aboriginal people, especially those who spoke little English. Moreover, there was no support service from the regional education office in Kalgoorlie (about 1000 kms to the south) and I generally taught in one-teacher situations with little opportunity to share with other colleagues. In general, I found my professional life in the Central Reserve to be quite dissatisfying and disillusioning.
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Oscar, William. „Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Contemporary Education, Vol. 7, No. 1“. International Journal of Contemporary Education 7, Nr. 1 (25.03.2024): 52.

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International Journal of Contemporary Education (IJCE) would like to acknowledge the following reviewers for their assistance with peer review of manuscripts for this issue. Many authors, regardless of whether IJCE publishes their work, appreciate the helpful feedback provided by the reviewers. Their comments and suggestions were of great help to the authors in improving the quality of their papers. Each of the reviewers listed below returned at least one review for this issue.Reviewers for Volume 7, Number 1 Aurora Q. Pestano, University of San Jose Recoletos, PhilippinesBožić-Lenard Dragana, University of Osijek Croatia, CroatiaClaire Goode, Otago Polytechnic at Te Pūkenga, New ZealandDina Radeljas, Mohawk Valley Community College, USAEdward Bolden, Case Western Reserve University, USAFederica Cornali, University of Turin, ItalyGiuseppe Maugeri, University of Urbino, ItalyInaad M Sayer, University of Human Development, IraqIvan Lenard, Elementary School Ladimirevci, CroatiaMatthew Schatt, University of Florida, USAVassiliki Pliogou, University of Western Macedonia, Greece William OscarEditorial AssistantInternational Journal of Contemporary Education------------------------------------------------------------Redfame Publishing9450 SW Gemini Dr. #99416Beaverton, OR 97008, USATel: 1-503-828-0536 ext. 509Fax: 1-503-828-0537E-mail 1: ijce@redfame.comE-mail 2: ijce@redfame.orgURL:
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Colbert, Colleen Y., und S. Beth Bierer. „The Importance of Professional Development in a Programmatic Assessment System: One Medical School’s Experience“. Education Sciences 12, Nr. 3 (18.03.2022): 220.

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The Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University (CCLCM) was created in 2004 as a 5-year undergraduate medical education program with a mission to produce future physician-investigators. CCLCM’s assessment system aligns with the principles of programmatic assessment. The curriculum is organized around nine competencies, where each competency has milestones that students use to self-assess their progress and performance. Throughout the program, students receive low-stakes feedback from a myriad of assessors across courses and contexts. With support of advisors, students construct portfolios to document their progress and performance. A separate promotion committee makes high-stakes promotion decisions after reviewing students’ portfolios. This case study describes a systematic approach to provide both student and faculty professional development essential for programmatic assessment. Facilitators, barriers, lessons learned, and future directions are discussed.
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Orimoogunje, Oluwagbenga O. I. „Forest Cover Changes and Land Use Dynamics in Oluwa Forest Reserve, Southwestern Nigeria“. Journal of Landscape Ecology 7, Nr. 2 (20.11.2014): 25–44.

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Abstract This study examined the extent of resource use and the level of degradation consequent upon land use. Three distinctive trends were observed in terms of forest and land cover dynamics. These are forest degradation, deforestation and regeneration. The paper integrated both, topographical map of 1969 and satellite imageries from Landsat MSS 1972, and Landsat TM 1991 and 2000 with ground truthing and socio-economic surveys to assess changes in forest resource use and land cover in South-western Nigeria. The satellite images were analysed using ILWIS software version 3.4. Based on ground truth data and remotely sensed data, the study area was classified into five categories using the supervised maximum likelihood classification technique. The accuracy assessment was carried out on the remotely sensed data. A total of 30 points for each dataset were selected for this operation and the overall accuracy of 90%, 86.7% and 85% respectively was obtained from the three image datasets. Results showed three dominant ecological communities in Oluwa Forest Reserve while two effects of changes on species were identified. The first was the replacement of what could be considered as the original species by other species tolerant to the ‘new’ ecosystem. The other was the reduction in the range of the original species that could be found. This was an indication that the area had been fragmented comparing to its original status. Results suggest that resource utilization and land cover change dynamically over time. The study also revealed that the creation of forest reserve to restrict local access and resource use would have been an effective tool for regulating encroachment and logging activities if there was an effective enforcement of regulation. It is therefore obvious that the main aim of environmental management should be the protection of the natural living space of humankind and integration of environmental scarcity in making decision on all economic issues and activities.
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Oscar, William. „Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Contemporary Education, Vol. 6, No. 2“. International Journal of Contemporary Education 6, Nr. 2 (24.09.2023): 64.

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International Journal of Contemporary Education (IJCE) would like to acknowledge the following reviewers for their assistance with peer review of manuscripts for this issue. Many authors, regardless of whether IJCE publishes their work, appreciate the helpful feedback provided by the reviewers. Their comments and suggestions were of great help to the authors in improving the quality of their papers. Each of the reviewers listed below returned at least one review for this issue.Reviewers for Volume 6, Number 2 Ahmad Suradi, State Islamic Institute of Bengkulu, IndonesiaAurora Q. Pestano, University of San Jose Recoletos, PhilippinesBlessing Dwumah Manu, Jiangsu University, GhanaCarme Pinya, University of Balearic Islands, SpainClaire Goode, Otago Polytechnic at Te Pūkenga, New ZealandDina Radeljas, Mohawk Valley Community College, USAEdward Bolden, Case Western Reserve University, USAFederica Cornali, University of Turin, ItalyIvan Lenard, Elementary School Ladimirevci, CroatiaMatthew Schatt, University of Florida, USANesrin Ozturk, Izmir Democracy University, TurkeyVassiliki Pliogou, Metropolitan College of Thessaloniki, Greece William OscarEditorial AssistantInternational Journal of Contemporary Education------------------------------------------------------------Redfame Publishing9450 SW Gemini Dr. #99416Beaverton, OR 97008, USATel: 1-503-828-0536 ext. 509Fax: 1-503-828-0537E-mail 1: ijce@redfame.comE-mail 2: ijce@redfame.orgURL:
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Baker, Jack. „The decline, response to fire, status and management of the Eastern Bristlebird“. Pacific Conservation Biology 3, Nr. 3 (1997): 235.

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The Eastern Bristlebird Dasyornis brachypterus is a threatened passerine, endemic to southeastern Australia. It is a cryptic, ground dwelling, semi-flightless inhabitant of dense, fire-prone vegetation and is usually only detected by its calls. The disjunct distribution suggests that they were once more numerous and their population continuous from southern Queensland to western Victoria. Their decline has been documented in historic and recent times. Habitat loss, nest desertion and fire have been implicated in the decline and extinction of local populations. Strongholds for the species are Barren Grounds Nature Reserve and Bherwerre Peninsula, 100 and 150 km south of Sydney respectively. At Barren Grounds, in the absence of recent fire, there were significant increases in the population between 1992 and 1996. There was a trend of increasing Eastern Bristlebird density with increasing fire-age of habitat and average density plateauing at two birds per 5 ha, 10 years after fire. At Nadgee, a coastal Nature Reserve on the New South Wales/Victorian border, the population appears to be recovering very slowly from severe wildfires in 1972 and 1980. At the beginning of 1996 there were less than 2 000 individual Eastern Bristlebirds occupying an area of approximately 100 km2. For the management of Eastern Bristlebirds, habitat manipulation using prescribed fire should not be undertaken unless site-specific population monitoring data demonstrate that it would be beneficial. Concentrations of Eastern Bristlebirds and potential fire refuges should be protected from unplanned fire. For prescription burns, potential escape routes need to be planned for Eastern Bristlebirds. The threatened status should be changed from Vulnerable to Endangered.
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Pransky, Joanne. „The Pransky interview: Dr Howard Chizeck, founder, Olis Robotics; Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Washington“. Industrial Robot: the international journal of robotics research and application 46, Nr. 4 (17.06.2019): 467–70.

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Purpose The following paper is a “Q&A interview” conducted by Joanne Pransky of Industrial Robot Journal as a method to impart the combined technological, business and personal experience of a prominent, robotic industry PhD and innovator regarding his pioneering efforts and his personal journey of bringing a technological invention to market. This paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach The interviewee is Dr Howard Chizeck, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Adjunct Professor of Bioengineering at the University of Washington (UW). Professor Chizeck is a research testbed leader for the Center for Neurotechnology (a National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center) and also co-director of the UW BioRobotics Laboratory. In this interview, Chizeck shares the details on his latest startup, Olis Robotics. Findings Howard Jay Chizeck received his BS and MS degrees from Case Western Reserve University and the ScD degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He served as Chair of the Department of Systems, Control and Industrial Engineering at Case Western Reserve University and was also the Chair of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of Washington. His telerobotic research includes haptic navigation and control for telerobotic devices, including robotic surgery and underwater systems. His neural engineering work involves the design and security of brain-machine interfaces and the development of devices to control symptoms of essential tremor and Parkinson’s disease. Originality/value Professor Chizeck was elected as a Fellow of the IEEE in 1999 “for contributions to the use of control system theory in biomedical engineering” and he was elected to the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) College of Fellows in 2011 for “contributions to the use of control system theory in functional electrical stimulation assisted walking.” From 2008 to 2012, he was a member of the Science Technology Advisory Panel of the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory. Professor Chizeck currently serves on the Visiting Committee of the Case School of Engineering (Case Western Reserve University). He is a founder and advisor of Controlsoft Inc (Ohio) and also is a founder and Chair of the Board of Directors of Olis Robotics, Inc., which was established in 2013 (under the name of BluHaptics) to commercialize haptic rendering, haptic navigation and other UW telerobotic technologies. He holds approximately 20 patents, and he has published more than 250 scholarly papers.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Western Reserve College (1972- )"


Fahler, Joshua D. „"Holding Up the Light of Heaven": Presbyterian and Congregational Reform Movements in Lorain County, Ohio, 1824-1859“. Kent State University Honors College / OhioLINK, 2008.

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Bücher zum Thema "Western Reserve College (1972- )"


United States. Dept. of the Army, Hrsg. Army ROTC, John Carroll University: Cleveland State University, Ursuline College, Case Western Reserve University. University Heights, Ohio: John Carroll University, 1997.

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Booth, Paul J. College Prowler: Case Western Reserve University (Collegeprowler Guidebooks). Collegeprowler Inc, 2002.

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College, Adelbert. General Catalogue of the Officers and Alumni of Adelbert College of Western Reserve University, Originally Western Reserve College, 1826-1888. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2018.

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Green, Francis Marion. Hiram College And Western Reserve Eclectic Institute: Fifty Years Of History 1850-1900. Kessinger Publishing, LLC, 2007.

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Green, Francis Marion. Hiram College And Western Reserve Eclectic Institute: Fifty Years Of History 1850-1900. Kessinger Publishing, LLC, 2007.

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Cutler, Carroll. History of Western Reserve College: During Its First Half Century, 1826-1876. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2023.

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Anonyma. Hiram College and Western Reserve Eclectic Institute: Fifty Years of History, 1850-1900. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2023.

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Coppedge, Paula. From the Trenches to Classrooms: Continuing Education at Case Western Reserve University and the Evolution of ACE. Eagle Creek Press, 2006.

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Seymour, Thomas Day. Carroll Cutler: Address in Memory of Rev. Carroll Cutler, D. D. , Fourth President of Adelbert College of Western Reserve University. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2018.

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