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Ross, William. „Environmental Education in Western Australian Secondary Schools“. Australian Journal of Environmental Education 12 (1996): 47–52.

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This paper reports on research carried out to investigate the extent of environmental education in Western Australian secondary schools. The research found: a high level of support for environmental education amongst teachers, that environmental education was being pursued to some extent in all responding schools, that there existed areas of neglect which were often politically controversial and divisive contemporary issues, and that city schools were generally more involved in environmental education than country schools and public schools more than private schools.Barriers to the further implementation of environmental education in schools are identified and recommandations made to improve the availability and standard of environmental education in Western Australian secondary schools.
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FORLIN, CHRIS. „Promoting inclusivity in Western Australian schools“. International Journal of Inclusive Education 8, Nr. 2 (April 2004): 185–202.

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Thwaite, Anne. „Inclusive and Empowering Discourse in an Early Childhood Literacy Classroom with Indigenous Students“. Australian Journal of Indigenous Education 36, Nr. 1 (2007): 21–31.

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AbstractThis paper presents an analysis of the classroom discourse and strategies of Marcia, an early childhood teacher of a class with a high percentage of Indigenous Australian students. These students have been demonstrably successful on standardised literacy tests, which is not the case for Indigenous students in general in Australia (e.g., MCEETYA, 200). It will be suggested here that Marcia’s approach and relationships with the students, as constructed in her discourse, have been a large contributing factor in this success. Marcia’s discourse can be described as both inclusive and empowering and, as such, it will be proposed that awareness of her techniques may be of benefit to teachers who are working with groups whom education systems tend to marginalise and disempower. Marcia’s lessons were observed as part of the project, “Teaching Indigenous Students with Conductive Hearing Loss in Remote and Urban Schools of Western Australia”. This project was based in Kurongkurl Katitjin, School of Indigenous Studies, at Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia, and was funded by an Australian Research Council Strategic Partnerships with Industry [SPIRT] Grant and the industry partners: Department of Education of Western Australia, Catholic Education Commission of Western Australia and Aboriginal Independent Community Schools, Western Australia.
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Macdonald, Mary-Anne, Eyal Gringart, Terry Ngarritjan Kessaris, Martin Cooper und Jan Gray. „A ‘better’ education: An examination of the utility of boarding school for Indigenous secondary students in Western Australia“. Australian Journal of Education 62, Nr. 2 (13.07.2018): 192–216.

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Over the past 10 years, great improvements have been observed in the Year 12 attainment rate of Indigenous Australians. This has been due, in part, to government funding of programmes aimed at improving education opportunity for Indigenous Australian students, including funding of scholarships for students from remote areas to attend boarding schools. The current qualitative study investigated the perspectives of school leaders and Indigenous secondary students across the Australian state of Western Australia, on the utility and impact of this boarding provision. Students identified that boarding education allowed them to achieve a dual goal of meaningful career pathways and improved health outcomes, although they faced challenges unique to the Indigenous boarding school experience in terms of student self-concept, racism, homesickness and post-school transitions.
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Trinidad, Sue, Tania Broadley, Emmy Terry, Don Boyd, Graeme Lock, Matt Byrne, Elaine Sharplin und Sue Ledger. „Going Bush“. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education 22, Nr. 1 (01.03.2012): 39–55.

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This paper reports on outcomes of Phases One and Two of the ALTC Competitive Research and Development Project "Developing Strategies at the Pre-Service Level to Address Critical Teacher Attraction and Retention Issues in Australian Rural, Regional and Remote Schools". This project funded over two years aims to strengthen the capacity and credibility of universities to prepare rural, regional and remote educators, similar to the capacity and credibility that has been created in preparing Australia's rural, regional and remote health workers. There is a strong recognition of the fundamental importance of quality teaching experiences in rural, regional and remote schools and through this project over 200 pre-service teachers have participated in a curriculum module/object and completed a survey that encourages them to consider teaching in regional Western Australia. The project has mapped current Western Australian rural, regional and remote pre-service teacher education curriculum and field experience model. This mapping completed a comparison of national information with the identification of rural, regional and remote education curriculum and/or field experience models used nationally and internationally. In particular results from Phases One and Two will be presented reporting on the findings of the first year of the project.
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Thomas, Tony. „The Age and Qualifications of Special Education Staff in Australia“. Australasian Journal of Special Education 33, Nr. 2 (01.10.2009): 109–16.

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AbstractThis article reports on the results of a survey distributed in April 2007 to government special education schools and settings throughout Australia. The survey collected information about the age and special education qualifications of teaching staff. It followed a similar survey that was distributed in May 2006 to Victorian special schools that found that 44.9% of teachers and principals were aged 50 years or more, and 68.9% had a special education qualification. In the current survey, the percentage of principals and teachers aged 50 years or more in the responding schools ranged from 37.5% in New South Wales to 51.0% in the Australian Capital Territory. The percentage of special education qualified staff varied from 53.1% in the Australian Capital Territory to 86.6% in Western Australia. These results are examined in further detail and possible implications discussed.
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Pepper, Coral. „Leading for sustainability in Western Australian regional schools“. Educational Management Administration & Leadership 42, Nr. 4 (29.10.2013): 506–19.

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Millett, Stephan, und Alan Tapper. „Philosophy and Ethics in Western Australian Secondary Schools“. Educational Philosophy and Theory 46, Nr. 11 (05.03.2013): 1212–24.

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Prabawa-Sear, Kelsie, und Vanessa Dow. „Education for Sustainability in Western Australian Secondary Schools: Are We Doing It?“ Australian Journal of Environmental Education 34, Nr. 3 (November 2018): 244–61.

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AbstractThis research was commissioned by the (then) Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) to provide recommendations on how to best support Western Australian (WA) secondary schools to engage in education for sustainability (EfS). The research aims were to identify barriers and benefits to being involved in EfS, the support systems required for schools to participate in EfS at secondary school level, and the difficulties that secondary schools experience when implementing EfS programs. A variety of research methods were utilised: semi-structured interviews with non-teaching stakeholders; online questionnaires for teachers, school administrators and students; focus groups and semi-structured interviews with teachers and school administrators; and an expert panel workshop to discuss data and recommendations prior to completion of a final report. Data were collected from 29 schools, 45 teachers and school administrators, 186 students, and various EfS external providers and stakeholders across metropolitan and regional WA. This article focuses on three issues identified in the data that we consider important and under-represented in discourses of EfS in Australia: lack of understanding about what EfS means among educators; lack of meaningful student involvement in EfS in secondary schools; and differing quality in EfS programs offered by external providers. We conclude this article by offering ways to improve EfS in WA secondary schools.
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Johns, A. H. „Hopes and Frustrations: Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies in Australia“. Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 25, Nr. 2 (Dezember 1991): 173–80.

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Up to 1945 university education in Australia had little sense of engagement with any cultural traditions outside those of Western Europe. It was only in the aftermath of World War II that Australians began to realize that while their nation had powerful allies in Britain and America, nations with whom it had ties of kin and culture, it had on its doorstep in neighboring Southeast Asia and not so distant Northeast Asia, neighbors who might become both friends and close partners in regional associations.These were also the years during which the Australian government decided as a matter of policy to develop postgraduate studies in Australia so that Australians should no longer as a matter of course go to Britain for higher degrees. Both these factors came together in the establishment in 1946 of the Australian National University, an institution with an exclusive mission for post-graduate training. Significantly, among its foundation schools was the Research School of Pacific Studies, which included departments of Pacific History and Far Eastern History.
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Abdalla, Mohamad, Dylan Chown und Nadeem Memon. „Islamic Studies in Australian Islamic Schools: Learner Voice“. Religions 11, Nr. 8 (06.08.2020): 404.

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This paper provides insight into senior secondary learners’ views on Islamic Studies (IS) in three large Australian Islamic schools. This study offers a ‘dialogic alternative’ of ‘speaking with’ rather than ‘speaking for’ learners in Islamic educational research, planning, and renewal within K-12 Islamic schools. The study privileges learners’ voice and enables an insight to their experience with one of the most important features of Islamic schools—Islamic Studies. Using phenomenology as a methodological framework, learner voice was elicited through focus groups where 75 learners (years 10, 11, and 12) provided information describing their experience with Islamic Studies. Thematic content analysis of the textual data suggests that learners’ dissatisfaction far outweighs their satisfaction with Islamic Studies. The findings of this paper can benefit Islamic schools in Australia and other Western contexts.
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Wildy, Helen, und John Wallace. „School Leadership Development in Western Australia: An Impact Study“. Journal of School Leadership 5, Nr. 3 (Mai 1995): 248–71.

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This paper reports an impact study of the Western Australian School Leadership Program, an innovative leadership development program for principals, deputy principals and heads of department of elementary and secondary government schools in the state of Western Australia. Approximately half of the people in promotional positions in state government schools had participated in the program at the time of the study. Perceptions of the nature and extent of change in leader practice as a result of involvement in the program were sought from all program participants using a questionnaire and a series of case studies. A design feature of the study was that participants were asked to select a colleague with whom they worked closely to give their perceptions of the nature and extent of change. It was found that the program was perceived to have an impact on leader behavior in schools. This effect was enhanced when a number of leaders from the same school participated in the program.
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Trotman, Janina. „Women Teachers in Western Australian “Bush” Schools, 1900-1939: Passive Victims of Oppressive Structures?“ History of Education Quarterly 46, Nr. 2 (2006): 248–73.

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Demography, distance, and die expansion of settlements created problems for the State Department of Education in Western Australia and other Australian states in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Educational administration in Canada and parts of the United States faced similar issues with regard to the provision of schools. A common response was the establishment of one-teacher rural schools, frequently run by young, and sometimes unclassified, female teachers. In the United States locally elected school boards were the primary source of regulation, but in late nineteenth-century Western Australia such local boards had been stripped of their powers and were answerable to the newly established, highly centralized Education Department. Formal regulated teachers. The masculinized system of the Department and its inspectorate. All the same, however, the local community still exerted informal controls over the lives of teachers working and living in small settlements.
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Trindad, Sue, und Tania Broadley. „Using Web2.0 Applications to Close the Digital Divide in Western Australia“. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education 18, Nr. 1 (01.03.2008): 3–11.

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The research reported in this paper documents the use of Web2.0 applications with six Western Australian schools that are considered to be regional and/or remote. With a population of two million people within an area of 2,525,500 square kilometres Western Australia has a number of towns that are classified as regional and remote. Each of the three education systems have set up telecommunications networks to improve learning opportunities for students and administrative services for staff through a virtual private network (VPN) with access from anywhere, anytime and ultimately reduce the feeling of professional and social dislocation experienced by many teachers and students in the isolated communities. By using Web2.0 applications including video conferencing there are enormous opportunities to close the digital divide within the broad directives of the Networking the Nation plan. The Networking the Nation plan aims to connect all Australians regardless of where they are hence closing the digital divide between city and regional living. Email and Internet facilities have greatly improved in rural, regional and remote areas supporting every day school use of the Internet. This study highlights the possibilities and issues for advanced telecommunications usage of Web2.0 applications discussing the research undertaken with these schools.
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Martin, Karen, Michael Rosenberg, Iain Stephen Pratt, Margaret Miller, Gavin McCormack, Billie Giles-Corti, Anthea Magarey, Fiona Bull und Amanda Devine. „Prevalence of overweight, obesity and underweight in Western Australian school-aged children; 2008 compared with 2003“. Public Health Nutrition 17, Nr. 12 (20.11.2013): 2687–91.

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AbstractObjectiveDue to rising rates of obesity globally, the present study aimed to examine differences in overweight and underweight prevalence in Western Australian schoolchildren in 2008 compared with 2003.DesignCross-sectional study at two time points; using two-stage stratified sampling, primary and secondary schools in both metropolitan and non-metropolitan Western Australia; sample selected was representative of the State's population figures.SettingsSeventeen primary and thirteen secondary (2008) and nineteen primary and seventeen secondary (2003) schools. Government and non-government funded schools in metropolitan and non-metropolitan (regional/rural) Western Australia were recruited.SubjectsHeight and weight were measured for 1708 (961 primary and 747 secondary) students in 2008 and 1694 (876 primary and 817 secondary) students in 2003.ResultsOverweight and obesity prevalence in primary students was similar in 2008 (22·9 %) to 2003 (23·2 %; P > 0·05). In secondary girls overweight and obesity prevalence dropped from 23·1 % (2003) to 15·9 % (2008; P = 0·002). Secondary boys showed a slight decrease in overweight and obesity prevalence; however, this was not statistically significant (P = 0·102). Higher proportions of underweight in primary girls were observed in 2008 (9·9 %) compared with 2003 (4·2 %; P < 0·001) and in secondary girls in 2008 (9·4 %) compared with 2003 (5·5 %; P < 0·001).ConclusionsPrevalence of overweight and obesity in Western Australian primary students was stable; however, it declined in secondary students. Both primary and secondary girls showed an increase in underweight prevalence. Public health interventions are needed for the high percentage of youth still overweight, whereas the observed increase in underweight girls warrants attention and further investigation.
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Desai, P., E. Kruger, R. Trolio und M. Tennant. „Western Australian schools access to dentally optimal fluoridated water“. Australian Dental Journal 60, Nr. 1 (13.02.2015): 112–18.

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Stamopoulos, Elizabeth. „Elucidating the Dilemma of P1 in Western Australian Schools: Towards a Solution“. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 4, Nr. 2 (Juni 2003): 188–217.

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Currently in Western Australian schools, the early childhood education profession faces profound change, as a result of changes to classroom combinations. One of these is an innovation called ‘P1’, which involves grouping pre-primary and year 1 students in the one class. Unlike other composite primary year classes, P1 demands an amalgamation of early childhood and primary curriculum and philosophy. To date, the basis on which P1 curriculum is to be built has yet to be established. No formal process been articulated for dealing with the ideological differences and beliefs that exist in schools with respect to early childhood and primary education. This article draws on a five-year Western Australia (WA) study, which examined teachers' conceptual and behavioural positions toward P1. The findings indicated a need for leadership, specialised staff, resolution of philosophical differences, curriculum guidelines, quality support structures and the enhancement of school and community relationships. There were also concerns that government and curriculum expertise had not kept pace with the needs of staff.
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Lewis, Elaine, Catherine Baudains und Caroline Mansfield. „The Impact of AuSSI-WA at a Primary School“. Australian Journal of Environmental Education 25 (2009): 45–57.

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AbstractThis paper presents the findings of the first stage of research on the impact of the Australian Sustainable Schools Initiative (AuSSI) at an independent primary school in Western Australia. A longitudinal (20 year) case study is being conducted, utilising data related to Education for Sustainability (EfS) at the school from 1990-2009. 2005 was a critical year for the school because it marked the beginning of participation in the Sustainable Schools Initiative pilot in Western Australia (AuSSI-WA). The research investigates elements of EfS in operation at the school pre- and post- AuSSI-WA, as well as student and teacher outcomes after involvement in the Initiative. An analysis of the initial data suggests that participation in AuSSI-WA enabled the school to engage with a growing commitment to EfS in the context of a whole - school approach.
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Oliver, Rhonda, Judith Rochecouste, Samantha Vanderford und Ellen Grote. „Teacher awareness and understandings about Aboriginal English in Western Australia“. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 34, Nr. 1 (01.01.2011): 60–74.

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Repeated assessments of literacy skills have shown that Aboriginal students do not achieve at the same level as their non-Aboriginal peers. Many Aboriginal students speak Aboriginal English, a dialect different from the Standard Australian English used in schools. Research shows that it is crucial for educators in bidialectal contexts to be aware of students’ home language and to adopt appropriate educational responses. For over a decade, the ABC of Two-Way Literacy and Learning Professional Development Program has sought to improve outcomes for Aboriginal students in Western Australia. By promoting a two-way bidialectal approach to learning, Aboriginal English is valued, accommodated and used to bridge to learning in Standard Australian English. This paper draws on a large research project, which used qualitative and quantitative methods to evaluate the impact of the on-going professional development for teachers. It reports on the attitudes and understandings of teachers, with and without professional development and working in different contexts.
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Dwyer, Stuart. „Benefits of Community Involvement at the School Level“. Australian Journal of Indigenous Education 30, Nr. 2 (2002): 1–7.

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I would like to begin by providing a context that can be used to place my discussion about experiences at a remote school in the Northern Territory (NT) into perspective.In the NT 53% of schools are located in remote areas and these cater for up to 23% of NT students (Combe, 2000). The NT has the highest proportion of Indigenous students enrolled in schools with 35.2% of the overall student population identifying as Indigenous Australian (Collins, 1999). The next closest state is Western Australia with an Indigenous student enrollment average of 5.1 %, this is compared with a national average of 3.2%.
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Myers, Gael, Megan Sauzier, Amanda Ferguson und Simone Pettigrew. „Objective assessment of compliance with a state-wide school food-service policy via menu audits“. Public Health Nutrition 22, Nr. 09 (22.02.2019): 1696–703.

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AbstractObjectiveThe Healthy Food and Drink Policy was implemented in Western Australian government schools in 2007. The aim of the present study was to assess the compliance of Western Australian school canteen menus with the policy a decade after its introduction.DesignThe traffic-light system that underpins the Healthy Food and Drink Policy categorises foods and drinks into three groups: ‘green’ healthy items, ‘amber’ items that should be selected carefully and ‘red’ items that lack nutritional value. Canteen menus were collected online and each menu item was coded as a green, amber or red choice.SettingWestern Australia.ParticipantsOnline canteen menus from 136 primary and secondary government schools.ResultsThe majority of audited school menus met policy requirements to include ≥60 % green items (84 %) and ≤40 % amber items (90 %), but only 52 % completely excluded red items. Overall, approximately half (48 %) of school canteen menus met all three traffic-light targets. On average, 70 % of the menu items were green, 28 % were amber and 2 % were red. Primary-school canteen menus were more likely than those from secondary schools to meet the requirements of the policy.ConclusionsWhile the sampled Western Australian government school canteen menus were highly compliant with most of the requirements of the Healthy Food and Drink Policy, many offered red foods and/or drinks. Providing all schools with further education about identifying red items and offering additional services to secondary schools may help improve compliance rates.
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Rogers, S. L., L. Barblett und K. Robinson. „Parent and teacher perceptions of NAPLAN in a sample of Independent schools in Western Australia“. Australian Educational Researcher 45, Nr. 4 (03.04.2018): 493–513.

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AbstractStories appear frequently in the Australian media regarding parent and teacher perceptions and attitudes towards the National Assessment Program—Literacy and Numeracy. However, thorough empirical investigations of parent perceptions are sparse. This study presents a survey of 345 parents across Years 3 and 5 from a sample of Independent schools in Western Australia. A representative sample of teachers from these schools were also surveyed in order to compare and contrast parent and teacher perspectives about the transparency and accountability associated with testing, the usefulness of results for helping individual students, and the perceived clarity of communication of results. Findings reveal mixed positive and negative views that reside within an overall prevailing low opinion of the testing. Some ways for improving the perception of the testing with the general public are discussed.
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Gardiner, John, David Evans und Kenneth Howell. „Suspension and Exclusion Rates for Aboriginal Students in Western Australia“. Aboriginal Child at School 23, Nr. 1 (März 1995): 32–35.

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AbstractThis brief report highlights an apparently inflated suspension and exclusion rate for Aboriginal students in Western Australian government schools. The elevated rates for both suspension and exclusion, but especially for the more serious step of exclusion, should be reason for concern for all educators.
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Hammond, Lorraine. „Attitudes toward Direct Instruction in Western Australian primary and secondary schools“. Teaching and Teacher Education 112 (April 2022): 103651.

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Carter, D. S. G., und S. M. Carter. „Adolescent Receptivity to the Health Curriculum in Western Australian High Schools“. Australian Journal of Education 39, Nr. 2 (August 1995): 189–99.

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Adolescents comprise a substantial proportion of the at risk population for sexually transmissible diseases and AIDS. They are also potentially amenable to the curricular influences of the high school. This study uses adolescents' perspectives and concerns regarding their sexuality and sexual relationships in which receptivity to the messages of health and sexuality curricula by adolescents provides the central focus for the investigation. The purpose was to investigate the question whether, given the same exposure to similar content and processes in sexuality education curricula in coeducational classrooms, differences in receptivity will occur between male and female high school students. It was found that, as the amount of sexuality education increased, the more receptive adolescents became to its content and processes, with females exhibiting higher receptivity than males.
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Moon, Brian, Barbara Harris und Anne-Maree Hays. „Secondary Curriculum Literacy and Teacher Word-Knowledge: Further Findings from a Western Australian ITE Cohort Study“. Australian Journal of Teacher Education 46, Nr. 11 (November 2021): 89–109.

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The Australian Government, in its Professional Standards for Teachers and Australian Curriculum framework, requires that all secondary teachers actively teach the specific literacy of their learning area. Yet achievement of that goal hinges on teachers having first acquired the pre-requisite literate competencies during their own schooling. There are reasons to doubt that this is the case for some graduate teachers, which means attempts to raise standards in schools are beset by a troubling circularity. Here we illustrate the problem with further findings from a Western Australian ITE Cohort Study (n=393), focussing this time on the word knowledge of secondary teaching graduates. Our analysis suggests that some secondary ITE students carry shortcomings from their own schooling that may hamper their ability to teach word knowledge or to self-correct. Current training and resources may thus have limited efficacy for some graduating teachers, placing limits on what can be achieved in schools. We consider the implications for literacy policies and for initial teacher education at secondary level.
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Bullivant, Brian M. „The Ethnic Success Ethic Challenges Conventional Wisdom about Immigrant Disadvantages in Education“. Australian Journal of Education 32, Nr. 2 (August 1988): 223–43.

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A research project for the Human Rights Commission using a non-random (quota) sample of seven high schools within metropolitan Melbourne during 1985–86 aimed to establish whether prejudice and discrimination were affecting the occupational socialisation of senior students. Three sources of possible discrimination were hypothesised: (a) the school curriculum, structure and organisation; (b) the dynamics of interactions between non-English-speaking (NES) and Anglo-Australian students; (c) the wider school context and community. Little evidence was found that systemic discrimination existed. Many teachers favoured NES (especially Asian) students for valued traits such as diligence, discipline, achievement orientation. Many Anglo-Australian students displayed prejudice towards NES students especially because they worked too hard and had ‘brains’. NES students were contemptuous of Anglo-Australians for lacking achievement motivation and parental support. Evidence was found that both ethnic groups and Anglo-Australians in the wider community discriminated against students in jobs. The study generated speculation about the influence of the ‘success ethic’ motivating NES students and used corroborative overseas and Australian evidence to suggest that the phenomenon may be ubiquitous in western societies.
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McBride, Nyanda, und Richard Midford. „Encouraging Schools to Promote Health: Impact of the Western Australian School Health Project (1992 - 1995)“. Journal of School Health 69, Nr. 6 (August 1999): 220–26.

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Iversen, G. A. „Values Dissonance“. Aboriginal Child at School 13, Nr. 2 (Mai 1985): 12–20.

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Within the North-west Aboriginal reserve of South Australia a traditional system of tribal Aboriginal culture is currently maintained and reproduced. The observable culture of the Aboriginal people of this region retains distinct traditional elements and a life-style very different from that of the dominant white Australian society. Within this socio-cultural setting, schools which have been operational in some form since the establishment of the settlements face a unique challenge. Unfortunately, the challenge has, in most cases, not been successfully met, since the lack of success of Aboriginal students in the school situation is a damning indictment of the introduced Western system of schooling. Success is measured by the achievement of the set goals of the school, but frequently these reflect a white Australian value system.
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Sharplin, Elaine. „Bringing Them in: The Experiences of Imported and Overseas-Qualified Teachers“. Australian Journal of Education 53, Nr. 2 (August 2009): 192–206.

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This qualitative multiple-site case study explores the experiences of imported and overseas-qualified teachers appointed to fill ‘difficult-to-staff’ Western Australian rural schools. In a climate of global teacher shortages, investigation of the strategies adopted to solve this problem requires empirical examination. The study of six imported and overseas-qualified teachers found that they experienced difficulties with the employment application process, were not adequately inducted into the system and experienced difficulties with cultural adaptation related to pedagogy, behaviour management and language. These teachers still remained in schools for lengths of time comparable to their Australian-born counterparts. Transitions into schools could be assisted with improved appointment processes, induction and school-based support. A research agenda for further investigation of this field is recommended.
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Gower, Graeme, Tatiana Bogachenko und Rhonda Oliver. „On Country Teacher Education: Developing a Success Program for and with Future Aboriginal Teachers“. Australian Journal of Teacher Education 47, Nr. 7 (Juli 2022): 1–20.

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A growing awareness of the value of Aboriginal teachers in Australian schools has motivated the development of the ‘On Country’ Teacher Education (OCTE) program through collaboration between the Western Australian Department of Education and Curtin University. The OCTE builds on previous initiatives to increase the number of Aboriginal teachers in Australian classrooms and has also developed new features. It enables Aboriginal and Islander Education Officers (AIEOs[1]) to obtain a teaching degree while studying ‘on Country’ and working in their (often remote) schools. An evaluation of the first year of this course through the interviews/yarns with the AIEOs, principals, and program staff is outlined, highlighting the value of support afforded by the program, course flexibility, and face-to-face workshops. We also describe how feedback provided through this evaluation has been considered and incorporated into the ongoing development of the course. [1] Formerly known as Aboriginal Education Workers (AEWs) in WA government schools.
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Paris, Lisa, und Sara O'Neill. „Exploring the Benefits of Artist-in-Residence Programs in Western Australian Schools“. International Journal of Arts Education 13, Nr. 4 (2018): 23–44.

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Barth, Dylan D., Marianne J. Mullane, Claudia Sampson, Coco Chou, Janessa Pickering, Mark P. Nicol, Mark R. Davies, Jonathan Carapetis und Asha C. Bowen. „Missing Piece Study protocol: prospective surveillance to determine the epidemiology of group A streptococcal pharyngitis and impetigo in remote Western Australia“. BMJ Open 12, Nr. 4 (April 2022): e057296.

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IntroductionGroup A β-haemolytic Streptococcus (GAS), a Gram-positive bacterium, causes skin, mucosal and systemic infections. Repeated GAS infections can lead to autoimmune diseases acute rheumatic fever (ARF) and rheumatic heart disease (RHD). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia have the highest rates of ARF and RHD in the world. Despite this, the contemporaneous prevalence and incidence of GAS pharyngitis and impetigo in remote Australia remains unknown. To address this, we have designed a prospective surveillance study of GAS pharyngitis and impetigo to collect coincident contemporary evidence to inform and enhance primary prevention strategies for ARF.Methods and analysisThe Missing Piece Study aims to document the epidemiology of GAS pharyngitis and impetigo through collection of clinical, serological, microbiological and bacterial genomic data among remote-living Australian children. The study comprises two components: (1) screening of all children at school for GAS pharyngitis and impetigo up to three times a year and (2) weekly active surveillance visits to detect new cases of pharyngitis and impetigo. Environmental swabbing in remote schools will be included, to inform environmental health interventions. In addition, the application of new diagnostic technologies, microbiome analysis and bacterial genomic evaluations will enhance primary prevention strategies, having direct bearing on clinical care, vaccine development and surveillance for vaccine clinical trials.Ethics and disseminationEthical approval has been obtained from the Western Australian Aboriginal Health Ethics Committee (Ref: 892) and Human Research Ethics Committee of the University of Western Australia (Ref: RA/4/20/5101). Study findings will be shared with community members, teachers and children at participating schools, together with academic and medical services. Sharing findings in an appropriate manner is important and will be done in a suitable way which includes plain language summaries and presentations. Finally, findings and updates will also be disseminated to collaborators, researchers and health planners through peer-reviewed journal publications.
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Lummis, Geoffrey William, Julia Elizabeth Morris und Graeme Lock. „The Western Australian Art and Crafts Superintendents’ advocacy for years k-12 Visual Arts in education“. History of Education Review 45, Nr. 1 (06.06.2016): 115–30.

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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to record Visual Arts education in Western Australia (WA) as it underwent significant change between 1967 and 1987, in administration, policy, curriculum and professional development. Design/methodology/approach – A narrative inquiry approach was utilized to produce a collective recount of primary Visual Arts teacher education, based on 17 interviews with significant advocates and contributors to WA Visual Arts education during the aforementioned period. Findings – This paper underscores the history of the role of Western Australian Superintendents of Art and Crafts and the emergence of Visual Arts specialist teachers in primary schools, from the successful establishment of a specialist secondary Visual Arts program at Applecross Senior High School, to the mentoring of generalist primary teachers into a specialist role, as well as the development and implementation of a new Kindergarten through to Year 7 Art and Crafts Syllabus. It also discusses the disestablishment of the WA Education Department’s Art and Crafts Branch (1987). Originality/value – The history of primary Visual Arts specialists and advocacy for Visual Arts in WA has not been previously recorded. This history demonstrates the high quality of past Visual Arts education in WA, and questions current trends in pre-service teacher education and Visual Arts education in primary schools.
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Guenther, John, und Samuel Osborne. „Did DI do it? The impact of a programme designed to improve literacy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in remote schools“. Australian Journal of Indigenous Education 49, Nr. 2 (15.01.2020): 163–70.

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AbstractOver the 10 years of ‘Closing the Gap’, several interventions designed to improve outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students have been trialled. In 2014 the Australian Government announced the ‘Flexible Literacy for Remote Primary Schools Programme’ (FLFRPSP) which was designed primarily to improve the literacy outcomes of students in remote schools with mostly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. The programme, using Direct Instruction (DI) or Explicit Direct Instruction, was extended to 2019 with more than $30 million invested. By 2017, 34 remote schools were participating in the Northern Territory, Queensland and Western Australia. This paper analyses My School data for 25 ‘very remote’ FLFRPSP schools with more than 80% Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander students. It considers Year 3 and 5 NAPLAN reading results and attendance rates for participating and non-participating primary schools in the 3 years before the programme's implementation and compares them with results since. Findings show that, compared to very remote schools without FLFRPSP, the programme has not improved students' literacy abilities and results. Attendance rates for intervention schools have declined faster than for non-intervention schools. The paper questions the ethics of policy implementation and the role of evidence as a tool for accountability.
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Thomas, Hannah M., Marianne J. Mullane, Sherlynn Ang, Tina Barrow, Adele Leahy, Alexandra Whelan, Karen Lombardi et al. „Acceptability of OP/Na swabbing for SARS-CoV-2: a prospective observational cohort surveillance study in Western Australian schools“. BMJ Open 12, Nr. 1 (Januar 2022): e055217.

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ObjectivesWhen the COVID-19 pandemic was declared, Governments responded with lockdown and isolation measures to combat viral spread, including the closure of many schools. More than a year later, widespread screening for SARS-CoV-2 is critical to allow schools and other institutions to remain open. Here, we describe the acceptability of a minimally invasive COVID-19 screening protocol trialled by the Western Australian Government to mitigate the risks of and boost public confidence in schools remaining open. To minimise discomfort, and optimise recruitment and tolerability in unaccompanied children, a combined throat and nasal (OP/Na) swab was chosen over the nasopharyngeal swab commonly used, despite slightly reduced test performance.Design, setting and participantsTrialling of OP/Na swabbing took place as part of a prospective observational cohort surveillance study in 79 schools across Western Australia. Swabs were collected from 5903 asymptomatic students and 1036 asymptomatic staff in 40 schools monthly between June and September 2020.Outcome measuresPCR testing was performed with a two-step diagnostic and independent confirmatory PCR for any diagnostic PCR positives. Concurrent surveys, collected online through the REDCap platform, evaluated participant experiences of in-school swabbing.Results13 988 swabs were collected from students and staff. There were zero positive test results for SARS-CoV-2, including no false positives. Participants reported high acceptability: 71% of students reported no or minimal discomfort and most were willing to be reswabbed (4% refusal rate).ConclusionsOP/Na swabbing is acceptable and repeatable in schoolchildren as young as 4 years old and may combat noncompliance rates by significantly increasing the acceptability of testing. This kind of minimally-invasive testing will be key to the success of ongoing, voluntary mass screening as society adjusts to a new ‘normal’ in the face of COVID-19.Trial registration numberAustralian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry—ACTRN12620000922976.
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Trinidad, Sue, Elaine Sharplin, Graeme Lock, Sue Ledger, Don Boyd und Emmy Terry. „Developing Strategies at the Pre-service Level to Address Critical Teacher Attraction and Retention Issues in Australian Rural, Regional and Remote Schools“. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education 21, Nr. 1 (01.03.2011): 111–20.

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This ALTC project is a collaborative endeavour between the four public universities involved in teacher education in Western Australia (Curtin University, Edith Cowan University, Murdoch University and The University of Western Australia), focussed on improving the quality of preparation of pre-service teachers for rural, regional and remote appointments. The project, building on the work of other recent Australian rural education research projects (conducted through the ARC funded Renewing Rural Teacher Education: Sustaining Schooling for Sustainable Futures [TERRAnova] and the Renewing Rural and Regional Teacher Education ALTC Curriculum projects), will create a nexus between the theory and practice of teaching and learning by developing models of pre-service teacher rural, regional and remote practicums. Existing rural health collaborative models will be drawn upon to inform the developing project. The project brings together rural community and professional partnerships (including the Society for the Provision of Education for Rural Australia [SPERA] and The National Centre of science, Information and Communication Technology, and Mathematics Education for Rural and Regional Australia [SiMERR]) that will help to sustain rural communities through the provision of quality, prepared rural, regional and remote teachers.
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Gilligan, Conor, Therese Shaw, Shelley Beatty, Laura Thomas, Karen Louise Lombardi und Robyn Susanne Johnston. „Do schools and alcohol mix? Australian parents' perspectives“. Health Education 120, Nr. 3 (06.04.2020): 229–45.

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PurposeAlcohol use by adults at school events and alcohol promotion through school fundraising activities is common, but little is known about secondary school parents' attitudes towards these practices. Parental attitudes may influence principals' decision-making on this topic, particularly in jurisdictions where education department guidance is limited. This study explored parents' attitudes towards the consumption or promotion of alcohol in schools or at school events.Design/methodology/approachParents (n = 298) from five non-government secondary schools in Western Australia completed an online survey and provided responses relating to the promotion and availability of alcohol through their child's school.FindingsThis sample of parents were evenly divided in support of alcohol consumption or support of schools as alcohol-free zones. Parents reporting higher alcohol consumption were more supportive of alcohol promotion and use through schools, and those with higher education supported use of alcohol for school fundraising. Almost 20% of parents were neutral on several measures indicating they could be swayed by social pressure. Engaging parents is an ongoing challenge for school principals and alcohol may play a part in engagement activities. The results from this small, exploratory study suggest even engaged parents may have very differing views on alcohol use in schools.Practical implicationsEducation departments are encouraged to explore these issues carefully and introduce changes incrementally to assist decision-making and minimise potential parent disengagement.Originality/valueThis paper addresses a knowledge gap about parents' attitudes towards alcohol in secondary schools. These findings can support those involved in the development of school alcohol policies.
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Skene, Judy, Louise Pollard und Helen House. „Aspire UWA: A case study of widening access in Higher Education“. Student Success 7, Nr. 2 (24.07.2016): 11–20.

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Widening university access to students from low socio-economic status (LSES) and non-traditional backgrounds has been a key equity objective for Australian universities, particularly since the 2008 Review into Australian Higher Education (Bradley, Noonan, Nugent & Scales, 2008). Aspire UWA is an equity pathway that aims to inform aspirations and build academic attainment through direct involvement with students who are the “most able least likely” to access the benefits of higher education (Harris, 2010, p. 7). Through forming long-term partnerships with 63 secondary schools across Western Australia (WA), Aspire UWA has grown since 2009 to engage over 10,000 students annually. Its learning framework is designed to deliver age-appropriate activities to inspire and inform students from Years 7-12 to achieve their educational goals. This paper adopts a case study methodology to explore the Aspire UWA approach, the specific operation of Aspire UWA and the efficacy of the program.
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Bain, Alan. „Issues in the Suspension and Exclusion of Disruptive Students“. Australasian Journal of Special Education 12, Nr. 2 (November 1988): 19–24.

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This paper will address issues associated with the use of suspension and exclusion as an intervention for dealing with disruptive behaviour in schools, with a particular focus on secondary students in Western Australia. There is increasing support for the view that many of the students suspended or excluded from school for disruptive behaviour may be socially/emotionally handicapped and as such are being denied access to an appropriate education on the basis of their handicapping condition. The legal and service delivery implications of this position are discussed within the context of current Australian special education policy and international agreements pertaining to the educational rights of children.
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Guenther, John, Rhonda Oliver, Robyn Ober und Catherine Holmes. „Remote School Retention in Australia“. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education 34, Nr. 3 (25.11.2024): 73–91.

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The Australian education system works well for most students. However, equitable access to secondary education is problematic for First Nations people living in remote communities. There is a strong emphasis on Year 12 completion as an indicator of successful engagement in remote First Nations education. This has been partly driven by Australian Government ‘Closing the Gap’ targets. Yet for remote students Year 12 Certificate attainment is trending down, from 113 in 2013 down to 82 in 2022. Nationally, the target to achieve 96% Year 12 or equivalent is not on track for achievement. This article explores what students, school staff and community members say leads to disengagement and dropout. It is based on research conducted in Western Australia and the Northern Territory during 2023 by a team of researchers from Batchelor Institute, Curtin University and University of Notre Dame. The research focused on remote and very remote Independent and Catholic schools. It engaged 229 in surveys and 136 in yarns or interviews. Most of the respondents were First Nations people.
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Striepe, Michelle, und Thomas O’Donoghue. „Servant Leadership in a Catholic School: A Study in the Western Australian Context“. Education Research and Perspectives 41 (2014): 130–53.

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Over the past two decades, faith-based schools have expanded in number, grown in diversity, and become an important part of education systems worldwide. As a result, a rich research agenda in the field has emerged. One aspect of this agenda relates to school leadership. What is particularly neglected is research on the impact of leadership theory on school leaders in faith-based schools. While large-scale surveys are to be welcomed in this regard, these should be complemented by a large number of case studies. This paper, which arose from a study on a Catholic school in Western Australia, illustrates one direction which such case study work could take. It portrays how leadership theory has found its way into the cognitive frameworks used by leaders in the school to guide their work and the nature of the particular leadership theory they have assimilated within these frameworks. In particular, it indicates how one model of school leadership, namely, that of ‘servant leadership’, has been embraced as an overarching guide within the cognitive frameworks used by the school’s leaders to guide their work and that it is an approach that is seen as being appropriate for a Catholic school.
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Muhammad Abdullah, Mohammad Abdalla und Robyn Jorgensen. „Towards the Formulation of a Pedagogical Framework for Islamic Schools in Australia“. ICR Journal 6, Nr. 4 (15.10.2015): 509–32.

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During the last 30 years ‘Islamic’ or Muslim schools have sprung up in Europe, North America and Australia. Reasons for the establishment of these schools generally pertain to Islamic faith and quality of education. Parents desire their children to be positive participants in, and contributors to, society while at the same time maintaining their faith. However, a number of researchers question the effectiveness of Islamic schools in achieving these goals. Driessen and Merry (2006) and Walford (2002) note that matters of Islamic faith are mainly confined to formalities expressed as rules and codes and Qur’an recitation. Moes (2006) and Shamma (1999) express concern that formalisation of religious education leads to negative consequences. Often, these schools devote their energies to the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of Islam without the ‘how’. Memon (2007) proposes that to achieve the intents and purposes of Islamic education in a western context, teachers need to be guided by the pedagogical principles of the Islamic tradition in a fertile synthesis with the pedagogical principles of contemporary educational thought. Such a pedagogical framework would enable a curriculum to be embedded that is both faithful to Islamic principles and relevant to contemporary society. While there is some limited international research in this area, there is a dearth of research in the Australian context. This paper critically surveys and evaluates the existing research material and proposes a Prophetic Pedagogical Framework that may be used in a fertile synthesis with the Productive Pedagogies framework underpinning the Queensland public education system. It is contended that an Islamic extension of the Productive Pedagogies framework would have considerable value for the on-going quality of teaching in Australian Islamic schools.
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Khan, Anwar (Andy) N., Adjunct, Tony Travaglione und Peter Williams. „Determination of employment conditions of teachers in Western Australian government schools: new directions“. Education and the Law 7, Nr. 3 (Januar 1995): 155–63.

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Young, Deidra J. „A comparison of student performance in western Australian schools: Rural and urban differences“. Australian Educational Researcher 21, Nr. 2 (August 1994): 87–105.

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McKay, Erin, Carl Vlazny und Steven Cumming. „Relationships and sexuality education topics taught in Western Australian secondary schools during 2014“. Sex Education 17, Nr. 4 (10.04.2017): 454–70.

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Chapman, Sian, Peter Wright und Robin Pascoe. „Purpose, value, and practice in Western Australian schools: Understanding misalignment in arts learning“. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy 16, Nr. 2 (02.01.2019): 120–40.

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Lambert, Kirsten, Peter R. Wright, Jan Currie und Robin Pascoe. „Data-Driven Performativity: Neoliberalism's Impact on Drama Education in Western Australian Secondary Schools“. Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies 37, Nr. 5 (20.10.2015): 460–75.

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Selim, Nadia, und Mohamad Abdalla. „Exploring Motivation and Engagement: Voices of Adolescent Non-Arab Muslim Learners of Arabic at Australian Islamic Schools“. Religions 13, Nr. 6 (16.06.2022): 560.

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This article explores the motivation and engagement of adolescent non-Arab Muslim learners of Arabic (a-MLA) enrolled at Australian Islamic Schools (AIS). To this end, the ‘L2 Motivational Self System’ was used as a theoretical lens. This research gives ‘voice’ to learners and is dialogic, ‘speaking with’ rather than ‘speaking for’ learners in Islamic schools. It also responds to calls for the ‘renewal’ of Islamic Schools in the Western context, including in Australia, through a focus on Arabic learning. A basic interpretive qualitative approach was used, and data were collected from 40 participants using semi-structured interviews. The interviews were supplemented by classroom observations. In keeping with the emphasis placed on learners’ voices, the data presented focus on the students’ own words and perspectives. The findings suggest the presence of predominantly religious orientations to learning Arabic, but that a subset of other orientations also exists. The findings also indicate that several contextual factors can lead to disengagement and that the L2 Motivational Self System might not fully explain the situation of these learners. Nonetheless, these findings can inform the practice of teachers engaged with a-MLA and provide grounds for further research.
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Moore, Laura, Rachael Macfarlane, Nigel Wakefield und Serena Davie. „Meeting the Needs of Students and the Needs of a System“. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education 34, Nr. 3 (25.11.2024): 92–98.

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First Nation students’ attendance, retention and engagement in remote schools has been a concern for educators and successive governments. In many communities, students are encouraged to complete secondary education at boarding school because of seemingly limited educational opportunities in their local communities. The School of Isolated and Distance Education’s (SIDE’s) vision is to provide learning opportunities for Western Australian students regardless of their circumstances through high quality, inclusive and culturally responsive programs. Vision statements are aspirational and need to be backed with strategies for implementation. One such strategy implemented by SIDE in 2024 was the establishment of a Regional Teaching Team (RTT). The RTT was established to meet the unique needs of students in the Northern Goldfields and Kimberley regions of Western Australia. These regions have a high representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. Providing programs and pathways to meet the needs of Aboriginal students in remote contexts in Western Australia is not possible without a deep understanding of the context and culture of the local communities, schools and the students within them. SIDE’s RTT is committed to working with local communities to deliver co-designed culturally responsive education. It is not an easy task, and it will take time to build relationships and trust with local communities to deliver such an outcome. Whilst there is support in principle from Government agencies, disconnect still exists between policy and practice in the context of Aboriginal education in schools (Burgess, Cathie, & Lowe, 2022). The RTT aims to work with Aboriginal communities to provide them with the opportunities to communicate their goals and desires for the education of their children. Traditional measures based on attendance, completion of written tasks and grades perpetuate failure and do not inspire success or engagement.
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