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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Western Australian schools"


Ross, William. „Environmental Education in Western Australian Secondary Schools“. Australian Journal of Environmental Education 12 (1996): 47–52.

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This paper reports on research carried out to investigate the extent of environmental education in Western Australian secondary schools. The research found: a high level of support for environmental education amongst teachers, that environmental education was being pursued to some extent in all responding schools, that there existed areas of neglect which were often politically controversial and divisive contemporary issues, and that city schools were generally more involved in environmental education than country schools and public schools more than private schools.Barriers to the further implementation of environmental education in schools are identified and recommandations made to improve the availability and standard of environmental education in Western Australian secondary schools.
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FORLIN, CHRIS. „Promoting inclusivity in Western Australian schools“. International Journal of Inclusive Education 8, Nr. 2 (April 2004): 185–202.

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Thwaite, Anne. „Inclusive and Empowering Discourse in an Early Childhood Literacy Classroom with Indigenous Students“. Australian Journal of Indigenous Education 36, Nr. 1 (2007): 21–31.

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AbstractThis paper presents an analysis of the classroom discourse and strategies of Marcia, an early childhood teacher of a class with a high percentage of Indigenous Australian students. These students have been demonstrably successful on standardised literacy tests, which is not the case for Indigenous students in general in Australia (e.g., MCEETYA, 200). It will be suggested here that Marcia’s approach and relationships with the students, as constructed in her discourse, have been a large contributing factor in this success. Marcia’s discourse can be described as both inclusive and empowering and, as such, it will be proposed that awareness of her techniques may be of benefit to teachers who are working with groups whom education systems tend to marginalise and disempower. Marcia’s lessons were observed as part of the project, “Teaching Indigenous Students with Conductive Hearing Loss in Remote and Urban Schools of Western Australia”. This project was based in Kurongkurl Katitjin, School of Indigenous Studies, at Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia, and was funded by an Australian Research Council Strategic Partnerships with Industry [SPIRT] Grant and the industry partners: Department of Education of Western Australia, Catholic Education Commission of Western Australia and Aboriginal Independent Community Schools, Western Australia.
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Macdonald, Mary-Anne, Eyal Gringart, Terry Ngarritjan Kessaris, Martin Cooper und Jan Gray. „A ‘better’ education: An examination of the utility of boarding school for Indigenous secondary students in Western Australia“. Australian Journal of Education 62, Nr. 2 (13.07.2018): 192–216.

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Over the past 10 years, great improvements have been observed in the Year 12 attainment rate of Indigenous Australians. This has been due, in part, to government funding of programmes aimed at improving education opportunity for Indigenous Australian students, including funding of scholarships for students from remote areas to attend boarding schools. The current qualitative study investigated the perspectives of school leaders and Indigenous secondary students across the Australian state of Western Australia, on the utility and impact of this boarding provision. Students identified that boarding education allowed them to achieve a dual goal of meaningful career pathways and improved health outcomes, although they faced challenges unique to the Indigenous boarding school experience in terms of student self-concept, racism, homesickness and post-school transitions.
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Trinidad, Sue, Tania Broadley, Emmy Terry, Don Boyd, Graeme Lock, Matt Byrne, Elaine Sharplin und Sue Ledger. „Going Bush“. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education 22, Nr. 1 (01.03.2012): 39–55.

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This paper reports on outcomes of Phases One and Two of the ALTC Competitive Research and Development Project "Developing Strategies at the Pre-Service Level to Address Critical Teacher Attraction and Retention Issues in Australian Rural, Regional and Remote Schools". This project funded over two years aims to strengthen the capacity and credibility of universities to prepare rural, regional and remote educators, similar to the capacity and credibility that has been created in preparing Australia's rural, regional and remote health workers. There is a strong recognition of the fundamental importance of quality teaching experiences in rural, regional and remote schools and through this project over 200 pre-service teachers have participated in a curriculum module/object and completed a survey that encourages them to consider teaching in regional Western Australia. The project has mapped current Western Australian rural, regional and remote pre-service teacher education curriculum and field experience model. This mapping completed a comparison of national information with the identification of rural, regional and remote education curriculum and/or field experience models used nationally and internationally. In particular results from Phases One and Two will be presented reporting on the findings of the first year of the project.
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Thomas, Tony. „The Age and Qualifications of Special Education Staff in Australia“. Australasian Journal of Special Education 33, Nr. 2 (01.10.2009): 109–16.

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AbstractThis article reports on the results of a survey distributed in April 2007 to government special education schools and settings throughout Australia. The survey collected information about the age and special education qualifications of teaching staff. It followed a similar survey that was distributed in May 2006 to Victorian special schools that found that 44.9% of teachers and principals were aged 50 years or more, and 68.9% had a special education qualification. In the current survey, the percentage of principals and teachers aged 50 years or more in the responding schools ranged from 37.5% in New South Wales to 51.0% in the Australian Capital Territory. The percentage of special education qualified staff varied from 53.1% in the Australian Capital Territory to 86.6% in Western Australia. These results are examined in further detail and possible implications discussed.
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Pepper, Coral. „Leading for sustainability in Western Australian regional schools“. Educational Management Administration & Leadership 42, Nr. 4 (29.10.2013): 506–19.

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Millett, Stephan, und Alan Tapper. „Philosophy and Ethics in Western Australian Secondary Schools“. Educational Philosophy and Theory 46, Nr. 11 (05.03.2013): 1212–24.

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Prabawa-Sear, Kelsie, und Vanessa Dow. „Education for Sustainability in Western Australian Secondary Schools: Are We Doing It?“ Australian Journal of Environmental Education 34, Nr. 3 (November 2018): 244–61.

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AbstractThis research was commissioned by the (then) Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) to provide recommendations on how to best support Western Australian (WA) secondary schools to engage in education for sustainability (EfS). The research aims were to identify barriers and benefits to being involved in EfS, the support systems required for schools to participate in EfS at secondary school level, and the difficulties that secondary schools experience when implementing EfS programs. A variety of research methods were utilised: semi-structured interviews with non-teaching stakeholders; online questionnaires for teachers, school administrators and students; focus groups and semi-structured interviews with teachers and school administrators; and an expert panel workshop to discuss data and recommendations prior to completion of a final report. Data were collected from 29 schools, 45 teachers and school administrators, 186 students, and various EfS external providers and stakeholders across metropolitan and regional WA. This article focuses on three issues identified in the data that we consider important and under-represented in discourses of EfS in Australia: lack of understanding about what EfS means among educators; lack of meaningful student involvement in EfS in secondary schools; and differing quality in EfS programs offered by external providers. We conclude this article by offering ways to improve EfS in WA secondary schools.
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Johns, A. H. „Hopes and Frustrations: Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies in Australia“. Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 25, Nr. 2 (Dezember 1991): 173–80.

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Up to 1945 university education in Australia had little sense of engagement with any cultural traditions outside those of Western Europe. It was only in the aftermath of World War II that Australians began to realize that while their nation had powerful allies in Britain and America, nations with whom it had ties of kin and culture, it had on its doorstep in neighboring Southeast Asia and not so distant Northeast Asia, neighbors who might become both friends and close partners in regional associations.These were also the years during which the Australian government decided as a matter of policy to develop postgraduate studies in Australia so that Australians should no longer as a matter of course go to Britain for higher degrees. Both these factors came together in the establishment in 1946 of the Australian National University, an institution with an exclusive mission for post-graduate training. Significantly, among its foundation schools was the Research School of Pacific Studies, which included departments of Pacific History and Far Eastern History.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Western Australian schools"


Cavanagh, Robert F. „The culture and improvement of Western Australian senior secondary schools“. Curtin University of Technology, Faculty of Education, 1997.

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The operation and development of Western Australian senior secondary schools is based upon traditional theories of organisational management and school administration. The study sought to explore alternative conceptions of the nature of schools and the processes by which they can be improved.Examination of research on school effectiveness revealed that student learning outcomes were consequential on the values and norms of the staff of schools. These values and norms constitute the culture of a school and govern the professional activity of teachers. School culture can be contrasted with the formal school organisation in which the work of teachers is prescribed by explicit rules and regulations. Viewing schools from a cultural rather than organisational perspective requires conceptualising the school as a learning community. A learning community is bonded together by common expectations about the roles of teachers and the learning of students. The predominant consideration is the educative mission of the school and not the requirements of the formal organisation. Organisational development is viewed as cultural transformation. The improvement of the school is facilitated by the growth of a school culture which is supportive of the professional needs of teachers and the educative needs of students.The study utilised a developmental mixed-method research approach to investigate the nature, temporal stability and improvement of the culture of local senior secondary schools.A quantitative instrument was developed to measure aspects of school culture identified in the school effectiveness literature. The School Cultural Elements Questionnaire (SCEQ) provided a measure of the level of teacher efficacy, emphasis on learning, collegiality, collaboration, shared planning and transformational leadership in local schools. The SCEQ data were supplemented by data from a ++
stratified sample interview programme in two schools. Empirical findings indicated school culture was internally dynamic, in interaction with its external environment and capable of changing. Interview data provided examples of internal and external influences on the maintenance, growth and decline of school culture.The results of the empirical phases of the study were applied in the development of a model of school culture, the School Improvement Model of School Culture. The model contained six cultural constructs which are characteristic of school culture and the processes by which it can be transformed. The model was then applied in a detailed examination of practical and theoretical aspects of Western Australian systemic school improvement initiatives. The effectiveness of these initiatives was explained as a consequence of implementation strategies and their interaction with the prevailing school culture.The study is important for school level personnel, school improvement programme designers and educational researchers. In particular, the School Improvement Model of School Culture provides a significant alternative conception of the nature of schools and the processes by which they improve.
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Cavanagh, Robert. „The culture and improvement of Western Australian senior secondary schools“. Thesis, Curtin University, 1997.

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The operation and development of Western Australian senior secondary schools is based upon traditional theories of organisational management and school administration. The study sought to explore alternative conceptions of the nature of schools and the processes by which they can be improved.Examination of research on school effectiveness revealed that student learning outcomes were consequential on the values and norms of the staff of schools. These values and norms constitute the culture of a school and govern the professional activity of teachers. School culture can be contrasted with the formal school organisation in which the work of teachers is prescribed by explicit rules and regulations. Viewing schools from a cultural rather than organisational perspective requires conceptualising the school as a learning community. A learning community is bonded together by common expectations about the roles of teachers and the learning of students. The predominant consideration is the educative mission of the school and not the requirements of the formal organisation. Organisational development is viewed as cultural transformation. The improvement of the school is facilitated by the growth of a school culture which is supportive of the professional needs of teachers and the educative needs of students.The study utilised a developmental mixed-method research approach to investigate the nature, temporal stability and improvement of the culture of local senior secondary schools.A quantitative instrument was developed to measure aspects of school culture identified in the school effectiveness literature. The School Cultural Elements Questionnaire (SCEQ) provided a measure of the level of teacher efficacy, emphasis on learning, collegiality, collaboration, shared planning and transformational leadership in local schools. The SCEQ data were supplemented by data from a stratified sample interview programme in two schools. Empirical findings indicated school culture was internally dynamic, in interaction with its external environment and capable of changing. Interview data provided examples of internal and external influences on the maintenance, growth and decline of school culture.The results of the empirical phases of the study were applied in the development of a model of school culture, the School Improvement Model of School Culture. The model contained six cultural constructs which are characteristic of school culture and the processes by which it can be transformed. The model was then applied in a detailed examination of practical and theoretical aspects of Western Australian systemic school improvement initiatives. The effectiveness of these initiatives was explained as a consequence of implementation strategies and their interaction with the prevailing school culture.The study is important for school level personnel, school improvement programme designers and educational researchers. In particular, the School Improvement Model of School Culture provides a significant alternative conception of the nature of schools and the processes by which they improve.
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McKay, Erin. „Sexuality Education in Western Australian Schools 2013-2014: Results of the First Western Australian Survey of Educators of Sexuality Education“. Thesis, The University of Sydney, 2015.

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1 ABSTRACT 1.1 Aim The First Western Australian Survey of Educators of Sexuality Education 2013-2014 (WA Survey) aimed to assess the current state of sexuality education (SE) in the state of Western Australia (WA). 1.2 Significance The 2010, 1st National Survey of Secondary Teachers of Sexuality Education (NS) by La Trobe University, only had 16 respondents from Western Australia (WA). The National Survey (NS) outlined a number of recommendations for further research, which the WA survey aimed to address. This was achieved by gaining a more representative sample size than the NS through the design and execution of the survey. This difference involved providing the opportunity for all K-10 educators to participate. 1.3 Methods An online survey questionnaire was developed and distributed to all schools in WA. This included government, Catholic and independent schools and external agencies. The survey was open to all educators within the schools and obtained 1000 valid respondents. 1.4 Results Secondary school teachers are providing more hours of sexuality education instruction than the national average. However, they are mainly teaching about ‘abstinence from intercourse until married’, ‘effects of alcohol/drug use on decision-making’, ‘puberty’, and ‘sex and ethics (respectful relationships)’. The least taught subjects included ‘Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)’, ‘birth control’, ‘impact of media on sexual identity’, and ‘sexual orientation’. The WA Syllabus does not cover these topics. The updated 2015 version of the GDHR website also does not offer any learning activities on pregnancy prevention. This is of concern considering WA has proportionally high rates of STI in youth aged 15 to 19 (Department of Health, 2015), and teen pregnancies (Hilder L, 2014) when compared nationally. 1.5 Implication of findings The results of the WA Survey and key findings of this thesis are significant as they provide a snapshot of SE in WA. These results form a baseline measure ahead of the role out of the Australian Curriculum (AC) and new WA Syllabus which mandates SE from 2017. This baseline can be used to inform future policy and provision of training and support for educators to provide evidence based, comprehensive SE.
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Oakes, Ivan Alvin James. „Two Western Australian Primary Schools’ Responses to the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority Guidelines on internationalisation in schools“. Thesis, Curtin University, 2017.

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This study explores the extent to which two Western Australian primary schools are embracing internationalisation in response to the expectations set by the Australian Curriculum Assessment, and Reporting Authority (ACARA). Findings indicate that to some extent the two schools are internationalising their learning and teaching, curriculum and school activities but the focus is limited due to many intervening factors. The thesis makes recommendations for the improvement of internationalisation strategies in schools.
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Brooks, Zoe A. „An examination of middle leadership positions in Western Australian secondary schools“. Thesis, Curtin University, 2013.

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This study examined the complexities inherent within secondary school middle leadership positions. These formal positions typically have line management accountability for the supervision of teaching and/or ancillary staff, through the Deputy Principal to the Principal. The study investigated the formal position requirements, as well as the professional perceptions and expectations of Western Australian, secondary school middle leaders. A mixed methods research design was used with a qualitative phase followed by a quantitative phase of data collection and analysis. The qualitative phase involved two stages of data collection and analyses. Firstly, a document analysis was conducted on the formal position descriptions of middle leadership positions in a purposive sample of ten Western Australian secondary schools. The formal position descriptions detailing the professional responsibilities of middle leaders were collected and analysed using content analysis techniques. Additionally, nine semi-structured interviews were conducted with a sample of subject, pastoral and program-based middle leaders across three Western Australian secondary schools. Semi-structured interviews were also conducted with a senior leader of each school sampled. The quantitative phase involved the construction and administration of an instrument designed to measure middle leaders’ perceptions of their role. The survey data were subsequently statistically analysed using the Rasch measurement model.The results of interviews with middle and senior leaders revealed six key aspects of the middle leadership position including: the dual and dynamic nature of middle leadership; the organisational functions of middle leaders; the problems and limitations associated with middle leadership positions; the effective qualities of middle leaders and their professional needs; the support and review requirements of the position, as well as the aspirations and role satisfaction of middle leaders. The results of the quantitative survey reveal middle leaders attitudes relating to five key facets of their position, including: role clarity; role authority; role support; role value and role fulfilment. The combined results of the qualitative and quantitative phases of the study resulted in the identification of seven key areas for the growth and development of middle leadership position in secondary schools. These include: the development of clear expectations and a school-wide understanding of the position; a focus on strengthening the influence of middle leaders on whole-school development; the provision of opportunities for leadership and management development; the need for peer support initiatives; the need for consistent performance appraisal and feedback processes; a focus on collaboration between middle and senior level school leaders; and the promotion of the position within the school and educational community.The implications of this study for schools include the need for clear role definition for middle leaders and targeted professional development opportunities, with a focus on leadership development. A significant outcome of this research is the construction of an instrument which measures middle leaders’ role perceptions. The instrument could be used by schools as a means of identifying the needs of middle leaders within a specific context and could also be usefully applied to future research into middle leadership. The work of middle leaders is vital in secondary schools and this research provides insight into the many dimensions of the role.
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Gray, Valerie Joyce. „Teaching and learning with ICT in Western Australian government primary schools“. Thesis, Curtin University, 2011.

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Have you ever wondered how far educators have come in response to the political push for improvements in teaching and learning with ICT? As a society, we have a responsibility to prepare young people to make a strong contribution to our future. This is characterised by rapid technological change in global communications and interactions. Since the early 1980s, governments around the world have committed vast resources to the provision of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in schools. This means that schools have been implementing the introduction of ICT for nearly thirty years!This research examines how successful Western Australian primary schools and their teachers have been in implementing the use of ICT in teaching and learning. The research has been informed by a previous study that took place nearly ten years ago and resulted in the Pearson report (2001) and later the DET Teacher ICT skills survey (2005). The current research examined the role that leadership, teacher attitudes and professional learning played in ICT implementation. The study utilised a mixed methods approach to data gathering which included participant observations as well as auto-ethnographic methods.The key outcomes of this research indicate that teacher proficiency and skills in utilising ICT in teaching have not significantly improved over time in the sample schools used in this study. This is despite successive Western Australian governments making substantial investment into new technologies, high-speed broadband and professional learning opportunities for teachers and schools.The study concludes that for the successful integration of ICT into teaching and learning teachers and administrators must have time to develop and reflect on technology based pedagogy, as well as time and opportunities to engage in continuous, meaningful professional learning that not only considers the technical aspects but also new pedagogy and best practice to better meet the needs of their children. This can only be done if administrators and teachers change their attitudes and beliefs about how technology can enhance their teaching and learning. In addition, they must rethink the philosophical and pedagogical assumptions of education by making better use of the technologies that already exist in their schools by changing what we do in the classroom.
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Faulkner, Matthew. „The Induction Of Beginning Teachers In Western Australian Catholic Primary Schools“. Thesis, Edith Cowan University, Research Online, Perth, Western Australia, 1994.

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The survey study was primarily exploratory and descriptive in nature and attempted to report on the perceptions of beginning teachers entering the Catholic primary schools in Western Australia in 1991. Their perceptions on the form of induction they received, and how their pre-service teacher education equipped them for this transition were attained. In addition, data from Catholic primary school principals, Catholic Education Office of Western Australia administrators and teacher institutions administrators were collected in relation to perceptions of the transitions from teacher training to teacher employment. The main sources of data collection were questionnaires and interviews. The data collated indicated that most principals and administrators support the conclusions expressed in the literature that most graduates are satisfactorily prepared for the teaching role. However, this is only the start of an ongoing process of pre-service, induction and professional development. Few of the beginning teachers in the population were given any concessions in their initial months of teaching and few received an effective, ongoing induction plan to ease them into their teaching careers. The literature on induction is prescribed to support the importance of developing school based comprehensive induction plans for the beginning teachers who enter the workforce each year. Finally, based on the results of the survey study and literature, a framework of a model for induction was prescribed to assist in the development of a comprehensive, system based induction policy for Western Australian Catholic primary school.
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Watt, Margaret Wendy. „Maintaining the difference: The disadvantaged schools program and its implementation in a Western Australian high school“. Thesis, Watt, Margaret Wendy (1989) Maintaining the difference: The disadvantaged schools program and its implementation in a Western Australian high school. PhD thesis, Murdoch University, 1989.

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This thesis is about the Disadvantaged Schools Program of the Australian Government's Schools Commission. It operates on two levels: the general rationale and objectives of the Program, and a case study of its implementation in a Western Australian High School. The Program was set up primarily as an attempt to improve the schooling, and hence the life chances, of disadvantaged children. The research was undertaken on the assumption that the most obvious connection between schooling and life chances in Australian society concerns the gaining of educational credentials needed for access to jobs and further education. Therefore improving the life chances of disadvantaged children through schooling must amount primarily to helping them gain those credentials. The central question addressed in this research is whether the D.S.P. as implemented in that school achieved this goal. The central conclusion is that the Program activities over the period did not lead to improved scholastic attainment, and, further, that they were not designed to do so. Two related explanations are offered for this. The first is a lack of clear direction in the guidelines provided by the Schools Commission. The second concerns the freedom given to the staff, under the Commission's implementation policy, to determine the direction of the school's goals. The staff were found to have used this freedom to modify the school's curriculum in ways that tended to reduce students' opportunities to gain educational credentials. This was related to generally held beliefs about the students' limited capacity to gain those credentials. The researcher had a participant status as a member of the school's staff and a resident of its neighbourhood. The approach to gathering and analysing data varied according to the nature of the material. National D.S.P. policy was examined through an analysis of Schools Commission documents. Data about the case study school was obtained in a variety of ways: examination of documentary records held in and out of the school, and observation and interviewing within the school. The significance of this study goes beyond the apparent failure of the Commission's reform initiative to improve the life chances of the students in that school at that time. The conclusions point to the obstacles in the way of any attempt through schooling to improve the position of the least privileged groups in the class structured Australian society. The obstacles highlighted are those which arise from the class-based ideology of teachers, who must be responsible for the implementation of any such liberal educational reform.
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Spears, Lachlan T. „Early career teachers’ experiences with assessment for learning in Western Australian secondary schools“. Thesis, Edith Cowan University, Research Online, Perth, Western Australia, 2022.

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International research suggests that when teachers enact Assessment for Learning (AfL) they can greatly improve student outcomes. In Australia, the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership’s Professional Standards for Teachers mandates that teachers regularly engage with assessment, reporting and ongoing professional learning (PL). However, little is known about the perspectives and practices of early career teachers (ECTs) who are challenged to enact AfL and develop assessment literacy (AL) in complex policy and school contexts within Western Australia (WA). In this study, ECTs are defined as teachers within the initial four years of their teaching career. This research project was an interpretive study that employed a case study methodology to generate in-depth understandings of how four ECTs in two WA independent secondary schools were engaging with AfL and developing it as a component of professional practice. The study was guided by four research questions: (1) How are ECTs in WA developing their knowledge and understanding of AfL? (2) What factors are influencing WA ECTs’ choices to variously engage with AfL and develop it as a component of their practice? (3) How are ECTs in WA using AfL in their teaching and assessment? (4) How do contextual dimensions affect early career teachers’ policy roles and enactment of AfL? The policy enactment work of Braun et al. (2011) informed exploration of ECTs’ enactment of AfL in relation to the professional, situated, material and external contexts and the positioning of ECTs as policy actors (Ball et al., 2011) who were challenged, through various enabling and constraining contextual dimensions, to enact assessment policy in their classrooms. This enactment, and ECTs’ associated development of AL, were considered in terms of Marshall and Drummond’s (2006) guiding work on the ‘spirit and letter’ and analysed alongside a PL continuum in AfL (DeLuca et al., 2019). Data collection for each teacher involved classroom observations, documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews over 15 months. As the study took place from 2019 to 2021, it also captured school responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, and ECTs’ reactions to the sudden policy shifts. Results report the ways in which each of the contextual dimensions affected the teachers’ enactment of AfL. Findings reveal how various aspects of each dimension enabled or inhibited the ECTs’ enactment of AfL and the significance of interrelations between the contextual dimensions. Mapping the ECTs’ enactment of AfL to the PL continuum revealed that these ECTs were engaging with practices more closely aligned to the letter, than the spirit, of AfL. Factors limiting application of AfL, including the effect of COVID-19 in WA, are discussed. The insights from this thesis contribute to the current understanding of AfL enactment and extend knowledge about the opportunities, benefits and values of an AfL approach, particularly in WA. It contributes to the existing literature on contemporary teaching and learning practices in AfL as well as initial responses and pedagogical approaches to COVID-19 school closures. A series of reflections and implications from this study will assist initial teacher education institutions, systems, schools and departments to support ECTs to enact AfL to improve teacher AL and, therefore, their use of AfL.
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Kindler, Michael. „Human literacy : liberal neglect in A Statement on English for Australian Schools /“. View thesis, 1996.

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Bücher zum Thema "Western Australian schools"


McBride, Nyanda. Making schools healthy: Western Australian School Health Project. [Bentley, W.A.]: National Centre for Research into the Prevention of Drug Abuse, 1993.

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Goddard, Dave. Specialist sport programs in Western Australian schools: A report. Wembley, WA: Ministry of Sport & Recreation, 1995.

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Western Australia. Ministry of Education. Educational standards in Western Australian government schools, 1990. East Perth: Ministry of Education, Western Australia, 1991.

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Western Australia. Education Department. Student achievement in technology & enterprise in Western Australian government schools, 2000. East Perth: Dept. of Education, 2001.

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Monitoring Standards in Education Project. Student achievement in health and physical education in Western Australian government schools, 1998. [Perth]: Education Dept. of Western Australia, 1999.

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Monitoring Standards in Education (Project) und Western Australia. Dept. of Education and Training., Hrsg. Student achievement in languages other than English (LOTE) in Western Australian government schools, 2001. East Perth, WA: Dept. of Education and Training, Western Australia, 2003.

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Jenkins, Heather J. Learning languages in western Australian primary schools: A needs survey for the teaching of language other than English at the primary level in Western Australia. [Perth?]: Western Australian Multicultural Education Advisory Committee, 1986.

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Pratt, C. A study of student grouping practices in early childhood classes in Western Australian government primary schools. [Perth]: Education Dept. of Western Australia, 1986.

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Deschamp, P. Customer satisfaction: A survey of students in Western Australian government schools and their parents about their level of satisfaction with their school. [Perth, W.A.]: The Department, 1996.

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Western Australia. Working Party on the Development of a Policy for the Teaching of Languages Other Than English (LOTE). Languages for Western Australians: Report of the Ministerial Working Party on the Development of a Policy for the Teaching of Languages Other Than English (LOTE) in Western Australian Schools : Perth, March 1988. [Perth]: Ministry of Education, Western Australia, 1988.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Western Australian schools"


Burgess, Catherine, Christine Grice und Julian Wood. „Leading by Listening: Why Aboriginal Voices Matter in Creating a World Worth Living in“. In Living Well in a World Worth Living in for All, 115–36. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.

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AbstractTolive well in a world worth living in for all Australians, Aboriginal voices should be central to Australian schooling. This is a radical shift from the current education policy, where Aboriginal-informed knowledge, leadership, and practices are peripheral. Through the lens of the theory of practice architectures, this chapter proposes that Aboriginal leading practices differ from many taken-for-granted Western leadership practices. Aboriginal leading practices—founded on deep listening, reciprocity, and respect are key to creating a world worth living in for all in Australian schools. Our findings are supported by the Aboriginal Voices Project systematic review that discovered that intercultural, collective approaches to leading in schools are more effective than transformational leadership models, bringing shared power and authority through trusting collaborations with local Aboriginal communities. The Culturally Nourishing Schooling Project, emerging from this research, prioritises relationship-building practices grounded in Aboriginal community-led practices that support cultural identity, curriculum, pedagogy, and whole-school reform.
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Koul, Rekha B. „Classroom Learning Environments and Assessment Practices in Science Classrooms in Western Australia“. In Effective Teaching Around the World, 317–37. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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AbstractThe research described in this paper was aimed at identifying exemplary assessment practices in secondary science classes. In the first stage, following a review of the literature, a six-scale instrument of 48 items was trialed with a sample of 470 students from grades eight, nine and ten in 20 science classrooms in three Western Australian schools. Based on internal consistency reliability data and exploratory factor analysis, refinement decisions resulted in a five-scale instrument that was named the Student Perceptions of Assessment Questionnaire (SPAQ). In the second stage, the SPAQ was used with an attitude scale, and a self-efficacy scale. This survey was administered to a larger sample of 960 students from 40 science classes from the same grades as in the first stage. Statistical analyses confirmed the validity and reliability of the SPAQ. Based on the results of this survey exemplary teachers were identified. In the third and last stage interviews with teachers and students were conducted. Classes of these exemplary teachers were also observed. These exemplary teachers were found to be thorough in their teaching, giving students enough time to prepare for the assessment, giving students freedom to choose from a variety of assessments and were flexible in teaching and assessment. They also demonstrated in-depth understanding of the science topics they were teaching.
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Tay, Vanessa, und Prafula Pearce. „Laws and Policies to Prevent Cyberbullying in High Schools—Lessons for India and Western Australia“. In Comparative Law, 55–71. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2024.

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„International School of Western Australia (ISWA)“. In The Grants Register 2019, 427. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2018.

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Rochecouste, Judith, und Rhonda Oliver. „Introducing the Teaching and Learning Benefits of the WWW in Aboriginal Schools“. In Optimizing K-12 Education through Online and Blended Learning, 128–37. IGI Global, 2017.

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In this chapter, projects undertaken at two independent Aboriginal boarding schools in remote Western Australia are described. Both projects have sought to provide instructional advice for teachers and to enhance students' literacy levels through access to the internet. A dedicated website was developed for each school to respond specifically to the students' language and literacy needs. Several positive outcomes resulted from the projects. At the first school, code-switching was accepted throughout the school and even formed part of classroom instruction. At the second school, staff in general showed great interest in supporting their students' use of the online resource. Students who accessed the website were excited by the prospect of having their photos and videos uploaded and even suggested improvements to the site. Despite the above successes, the introduction of the websites at each school did not occur without problems which are described in this chapter.
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Rochecouste, Judith, und Rhonda Oliver. „Introducing the Teaching and Learning Benefits of the WWW in Aboriginal Schools“. In Indigenous Studies, 77–86. IGI Global, 2020.

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In this chapter, projects undertaken at two independent Aboriginal boarding schools in remote Western Australia are described. Both projects have sought to provide instructional advice for teachers and to enhance students' literacy levels through access to the internet. A dedicated website was developed for each school to respond specifically to the students' language and literacy needs. Several positive outcomes resulted from the projects. At the first school, code-switching was accepted throughout the school and even formed part of classroom instruction. At the second school, staff in general showed great interest in supporting their students' use of the online resource. Students who accessed the website were excited by the prospect of having their photos and videos uploaded and even suggested improvements to the site. Despite the above successes, the introduction of the websites at each school did not occur without problems which are described in this chapter.
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„The Efficient Corporate State: Labor Restructuring for Better Schools in Western Australia“. In Schooling Reform In Hard Times, 233–70. Routledge, 2003.

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Hammond, Kendall. „Nollamara Primary and Intensive English School, Perth, Australia“. In Systematic synthetic phonics: case studies from Sounds-Write practitioners, 71–78., 2022.

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Nollamara Primary and Intensive English School (NPS) is situated seven kilometers north of the Perth Central Business District in Western Australia. Our Index of Community Socio-Educational Advantage (ICSEA) is 939 and the school caters for students from Kindergarten to Year 6. There are currently 309 students who are supported by 50 staff. NPS was opened in 1956 and an Intensive English Center (IEC), supporting newly arrived humanitarian and refugee students, commenced in 2005. The school has a diverse population (see Figure 1), and there are more than 76% of students with a language background other than English at the school, with approximately 45 language groups. The larger groups include Arabic 13%, Dinka 7%, Karen 4.5%, and Burmese, Swahili, Vietnamese, and Kirundi which combined represent 10% of the cohort. Aboriginal students make up 8% of our school community. There is a high transiency rate at NPS, approximately 51%. This is due to the students in the IEC returning to their local school after one to two years on specialist English language intervention. Many families are in temporary or rental accommodation, which impacts on student enrollment, too. The school has a full-time chaplain, school psychologist (two and a half days a week), two Aboriginal Islander Education Officers (AIEO), and two multicultural liaison officers who support students and families as well as engage local agencies. The school also provides intervention with trauma counseling, speech therapists, and occupational therapists.
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Jackson, Michael. „From Anxiety to Method“. In Worlds Within and Worlds Without, 103–8. Cornell University Press, 2023.

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This chapter details the author's time in the Department of Anthropology in the Research School of Pacific Studies at the Australian National University. It mentions George Devereux's From Anxiety to Method in the Behavioral Science, which sought a universal perspective and did justice to the idiosyncratic and cultural contexts in which the universal makes its appearance. It also talks about Gregory Bateson, who successfully showed how one might integrate anthropological and psychological approaches to the human condition. The chapter explores the relationship between Western and non-Western worldviews, and the question as to whether Western philosophy and science were, by definition, more insightful than any others. It addresses the question of reflexivity and the reciprocal interplay of the intrapsychic and the intersubjective or the twofold movement that takes one out into the world of others and returns one to oneself.
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„The Development of a Senior School Geography Curriculum in Western Australia, 1964-84“. In International Perspectives in Curriculum History, herausgegeben von Ivor Goodson, 179–208. Routledge, 2018.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Western Australian schools"


O'Connor, Dee, Christine Robinson, Tracy Treasure, Linda Cranley und Samantha Wynne. „PLAY-BASED LEARNING IN WESTERN AUSTRALIAN SCHOOLS: CONTRIBUTING TO THE PROCESS FROM POLICY TO PRACTICE“. In 12th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. IATED, 2019.

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Saha, Swapan, und Mike Kagioglou. „Lifelong Learning and Microcredential Courses for the Australian Construction Industry“. In International Conference on Advancements in Engineering Education. Science Technology and Management Crescent Australia, 2024.

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The rapid development of technology, particularly due to the impact of COVID-19, has greatly enhanced the capability of digital skills to rapidly upskill and reskill the workforce through microcredentials in the construction industry. The construction industry is a cornerstone of the Australian economy, employing over one million individuals and generating over $162 billion annually, accounting for 10% of GDP. In New South Wales (NSW), this sector is particularly vital, employing nearly one in ten workers and contributing approximately $100 billion in 2018. The NSW Government's $123 billion investment in public infrastructure from 2024 to 2025 highlights the sector's importance, focusing on transport, energy, health, and education. Western Sydney, the fastest-growing and most diverse region in NSW, exemplifies this potential with over 2.65 million residents and key projects like the $1.1 billion Rouse Hill Hospital, $3.5 billion in school investments, and the $7.9 billion Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport. Recognising the need for skilled workers, the NSW government invested $200 million in 2021 to establish the Institute of Applied Technology (IAT). This paper examines the skills gap and development in construction, the integration of theory and practice through collaboration among academia, further education, and industry, the University Accord report's vision for higher education, addressing future student and industry needs, and the importance of lifelong learning, with a case study on the IAT Construction. IATC aims to provide market-leading training programs in key signature disciplines in construction that the construction industry needs to address the current and future skill shortages.
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Wallace, Ruth, Caitlin Fox-Harding, Kristina Kendall, Tenielle Porter, Brianna Fleay und Shelley Beatty. „A Taste of Research: Preliminary Insights from an Undergraduate Research Training Cadetship Project in a Western Australian University Offering Experiences Outside the Classroom“. In Tenth International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024.

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This paper assessed the impact of a Student Research Cadetship Program aimed at providing undergraduate students with extracurricular research opportunities within the School of Medical & Health Sciences at Edith Cowan University. This preliminary evaluation, comprising two studies, explored the outcomes, benefits, and challenges experienced by students and academic staff. Study 1 analysed outputs from cadetship projects between 2016-2023 (n= 80 students; 42 academics). Notably, cadets contributed to over 60 research outputs, with 30% of cadets transitioning to postgraduate studies following competition of the program. Study 2 focused specifically on the 2023 program, highlighting positive impacts on academic staff and cadets, showcasing improved skills, heightened confidence, and increased career aspirations. Despite challenges in resource allocation, the program has gained traction, offering valuable research experiences for students and enhancing research outputs. The program serves as a model for other disciplines, emphasising the need for sustained institutional commitment and resource allocation.
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Griffiths, Terry, Scott Draper, Liang Cheng, Hongwei An, Marie-Lise Schläppy, Feifei Tong, Antonino Fogliani et al. „New Design Methods for Subsea Power Cables Are Helping the Global Marine Renewable Energy Industry Lower Costs and Improve Reliability“. In ASME 2022 41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022.

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Abstract University of Western Australia’s Oceans Graduate School to transform the design methods used to analyse the on-bottom stability of subsea power cables. These cables form the vital connection enabling renewable energy to be reliably and cost-effectively transported from the source to the consumer — whether the collection device at the end of the line is wave, tidal, fixed or floating wind. These novel design methods are equally applicable to umbilicals and other small diameter pipelines. Existing oil and gas pipeline codes overlook much of the physics that is relevant to small diameter pipes and cables. The new research has unlocked significant improvements through new laboratory, numerical and field observational analysis and modelling. The results of this research are presently being incorporated into new design guidance, including the draft British Standards Institute BS 10009 being developed under PEL 114 technical committee guidance. This paper provides a summary of the research together with observations and lessons learnt in the application of these new design methods to over 7.4 GW of new offshore wind and other renewable energy cables. Given that as at 2020 the global grid-connected total offshore wind capacity was 35 GW, this contribution demonstrates strong evidence of field validation of these research outcomes, as well as their relative importance and transformative potential to contribute to global decarbonisation.
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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Western Australian schools"


State Savings Bank of Western Australia - Perth (Head Office) - School Savings Banks - Record Card - 1900. Reserve Bank of Australia, September 2023.

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State Savings Bank of Western Australia - Perth (Head Office) - Form No. S - School Savings Banks - Ledger Account Card - 1900. Reserve Bank of Australia, September 2023.

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State Savings Bank of Western Australia - Perth (Head Office) - Specimen Forms - Form S.B.0 School Savings Banks - Specimen Signature Card - 1920-1929. Reserve Bank of Australia, September 2023.

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State Savings Bank of Western Australia - Perth (Head Office) - Specimen Forms - Form S.B. No.2 - School Savings Banks - Trust Account Declaration - 1920-1929. Reserve Bank of Australia, September 2023.

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State Savings Bank of Western Australia - Perth (Head Office) - Specimen Forms - Form S.B. 48B - School Savings Banks - Teacher's Daily Record of Transactions - 1900. Reserve Bank of Australia, September 2023.

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State Savings Bank of Western Australia - Perth (Head Office) - Specimen Forms - Form S.B. No.5 - School Savings Banks - Minor Account Declaration - 1920-1929. Reserve Bank of Australia, September 2023.

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State Savings Bank of Western Australia - Perth (Head Office) - Specimen Forms - Form S.B. No. 136 Letter of Approval re application for School Savings Bank facilities - 1900. Reserve Bank of Australia, September 2023.

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State Savings Bank of Western Australia - Perth (Head Office) - Specimen Forms - Form S.B. No. 48C (Two Forms) School Savings Banks - Head Teacher's Daily Record of Transactions - 1900. Reserve Bank of Australia, September 2023.

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State Savings Bank of Western Australia - Perth (Head Office) - Instructions - School Savings Banks - Head Teacher's Summary (includes Regulations for Penny Savings Banks & Instructions for the Head Teacher) - 1928. Reserve Bank of Australia, September 2023.

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State Savings Bank of Western Australia - Perth (Head Office) - Instructions - School Savings Banks - Statement of Deposits (includes Regulations for Penny Savings Banks & Instructions for the Teacher of a Room) - 1928. Reserve Bank of Australia, September 2023.

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