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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Wa 380"


Stewart, Devin J. „Kitāb al-Waṣāyā (The Book of Legacies) and the Works of Mathematician Abū Kāmil Shujāʿ b. Aslam“. Journal of Abbasid Studies 3, Nr. 2 (09.11.2016): 129–66.

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Abū Kāmil Shujāʿ b. Aslam al-Miṣrī (fl. 3rd/9th c.) was an important medieval algebraist and successor of Muḥammad b. Mūsā l-Khwārizmī (d. ca. 235/850). His major work on algebra, Kitāb fī l-Jabr wa-l-muqābala, commented on and expanded the work of al-Khwārizmī. Knowledge of Abū Kāmil’s contribution to the history of mathematics is based on three categories of sources: the extant manuscripts of his works, bibliographies such as the Fihrist of Ibn al-Nadīm (d. 380/990) and Kashf al-ẓunūn of Ḥājjī Khalīfa (d. 1067/1657), and commentaries on and quotations from his works by later mathematicians. This study endeavors to clear up some uncertainties regarding Abū Kāmil’s bibliography, correcting views expressed in the history of secondary scholarship on Abū Kāmil and focusing on his work Kitāb al-Waṣāyā (The Book of Legacies).
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Boudignon, Christian. „Logique aristotélicienne et kalām ʿalā-l-naṣārā : la réponse à Abū Qurra dans le Muġnī de ʿAbd al-Ğabbār“. Arabica 58, Nr. 6 (2011): 519–44.

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Abstract Ending his refutation of Christian theology in al-Muġnī fī abwāb al-tawḥīd wa-l-ʿadl (written between 361-380/971-990), ʿAbd al-Ğabbār assumes the reasons given by an unknown author against Abū Qurra, bishop of Ḥarrān (d. ca 210/825). According to Abū Qurra, God needs an eternal Son in order to have an equal to “dominate”, lest he should be deprived of honor and sovereignty. The unknown author laughs at this need of a subject God and Son, and argues throughout against this thought out of the Aristotelian category of “relative”. ʿAbd al-Ğabbār’s text, compared to Abū Qurra’s two treatises on this theme, shows up that it may be based on a lost Arabic treatise (known today through its Greek translation). The unknown author might be the theologian al-Murdār (m. 226/840), whose treatise Against Abū Qurra is recorded by al-Nadīm.
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Stewart, Devin J. „Editing the Fihrist of Ibn al-Nadīm“. Journal of Abbasid Studies 1, Nr. 2 (01.10.2014): 159–205.

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Arabic and Islamic studies, whether of the Abbasid or later periods, suffer from the lack of reliable editions of fundamental resources such as al-Ṭabarī’sTārīkh al-rusul wa-l-mulūk, al-Masʿūdī’sMurūj al-dhahab wa-maʿādin al-jawhar, Abū l-Faraj al-Iṣbahānī’sKitāb al-Aghānī, and others, despite a long history of scholarly interest in, and intensive use of these particular texts. The appearance in 2009 of the new edition of theFihristof Ibn al-Nadīm (d. 380/990) by Ayman Fuʾād Sayyid (hereafterafs) provides an opportunity to reflect on this general problem by considering the historical progress made in the editing and contextualization of this text that is central to the understanding of Abbasid history and letters and to nearly all the intellectual traditions that had arisen in the Islamic world by the fourth/tenth century. As will become clear, the complex history of scholarship on theFihristis an object lesson on the problem of failing adequately to take into account the work of earlier editors and scholars, made particularly difficult in this case by linguistic barriers and limited access to widely scattered publications. The following remarks attempt to reviewafs’s edition of theFihrist, to compare the views ofafs, the Russian scholar Valeriy V. Polosin, and others regarding the context and background of theFihrist, and to give an overview of the current state of knowledge about Ibn al-Nadīm and theFihrist. It will be argued that, beyond reliably publishing the contents of the earliest extant manuscript of theFihrist, substantial emendations to the text are required to produce a reliable edition of the work. An evaluation ofafs’s emendations to the text is followed by a number of additional proposed emendations.
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Patirnac, Iulian, Razvan George Ripeanu und Eugen Laudacescu. „The Influence of the AWJM Working Parameters on Manufactured Surfaces Microgeometry“. MATEC Web of Conferences 318 (2020): 01011.

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The aim of this paper is to make a research in order to analyze the modification of the microgeometry parameters of AWJ machined surfaces for a ductile material used in oilfield and petrochemical equipment. Experimental research was performed on waterjet cutting machine model YCWJ-380-1520 using pre-establish working conditions. The SURTRONIC 3+ device was used in order to measure the microgeometry characteristics of the machined surfaces. Experimental tests were performed regarding some values for: material thickness, working feed-rate and standoff distance. The obtained outcomes highlighted that there are three zones on cutting surfaces for thick material and only two zones for thin materials. There are a lot of profile parameters provided by the software and there were taken into account only the average roughness (Ra) and average waviness (Wa). For each of those two parameters were accomplished graphical representation for every working parameters in order to establish an analytical dependence between them. The outcomes which were obtained are polynomial four order equations of average roughness and waviness according to standoff distance. The analytical relations obtained give us the possibility to estimate the average roughness of the surfaces related to thickness, feed-rate and standoff distance.
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Patarnello, Claudia. „El Occidente islámico en la obra de al-Muqaddasī“. El Futuro del Pasado 11 (09.09.2020): 17–30.

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En el presente artículo se hará una aproximación a la obra geográfica de al-Muqaddasī (380/990), Kitāb aḥsan al-taqāsīm fī maʿrifat al-aqālīm (La mejor división para el conocimiento de las provincias). Su concepción geográfica y su metodología sistemática lo convierten en uno de los mejores representantes de la literatura geográfica del siglo X. Aunque su obra abarca la geografía del imperio controlado por los musulmanes (mamlaka), el trabajo se centrará exclusivamente en Occidente islámico, del que al-Muqaddasī ofrece una visión muy interesante, tanto por su origen oriental como por las fuentes utilizadas (no viajó a al-Andalus y es poco probable que lo hiciera al Mágreb, lo cual no resta objetividad a su trabajo). Como cultivador del género de al-masālik wa-l-mamālik (Los caminos y los reinos), se ocupó de los topónimos y rutas principales occidentales, los cuales detalla exhaustivamente en su obra. Pero su labor de especialista fue más allá, interesándose por aspectos propios de la geografía física y humana. Por esta razón, en su obra ofrece muchos detalles sobre las poblaciones de las zonas descritas (costumbres, tipos de comida, vestimenta, religión etc...), aportando un testimonio único y preciso de gran valor para todos los interesados el Occidente islámico medieval.
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Afzali, Meena, und Joshua Siaw Boateng. „Composite Fish Collagen-Hyaluronate Based Lyophilized Scaffolds Modified with Sodium Alginate for Potential Treatment of Chronic Wounds“. Polymers 14, Nr. 8 (11.04.2022): 1550.

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Chronic wounds are characterized by both decreased collagen deposition and increased collagen breakdown. It is reasonable to hypothesize that exogenous collagen can potentially promote wound healing by reducing degradation enzymes in the wound environment and disrupting the cycle of chronicity. Therefore, this study aimed to develop an optimal combination of fish collagen (FCOL), sodium alginate (SA), and hyaluronic acid (HA) loaded with bovine serum albumin (BSA) as a model protein fabricated as lyophilized scaffolds. The effects of sodium alginate (SA#) with higher mannuronic acid (M) were compared to sodium alginate (SA*) with higher guluronic acid (G). The SA* with higher G resulted in elegant scaffolds with hardness ranging from 3.74 N–4.29 N that were able to withstand the external force due to the glycosidic bonds in guluronic acid. Furthermore, the high G content also had a significant effect on the pore size, pore shape, and porosity. The water absorption (WA) ranged from 380–1382 (%) and equilibrium water content (EWC) 79–94 (%) after 24 h incubation at 37 °C. The SA* did not affect the water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) but incorporating BSA significantly increased the WVTR making these wound dressing scaffolds capable of absorbing about 50% exudate from a heavily exuding chronic wound. The protein released from the composite systems was best explained by the Korsmeyer–Peppas model with regression R2 values ranging from 0.896 to 0.971 and slope or n < 0.5 indicating that the BSA release mechanism was governed by quasi-Fickian diffusion. Cell viability assay showed that the scaffolds did not inhibit the proliferation of human dermal fibroblasts and human epidermal keratinocytes, and are therefore biocompatible. In vitro blood analysis using human whole blood confirmed that the BSA-loaded SA*:FCOL:HA scaffolds reduced the blood clotting index (BCI) by up to 20% compared to a commercially available sponge for chronic wounds. These features confirm that SA*:FCOL:HA scaffolds could be applied as a multifunctional wound dressing.
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Mack, Michael J. „50th Anniversary Landmark Commentary on Tribble CG, Killinger WA Jr, Harman PK, Crosby IK, Nolan SP, Kron IL. Anterolateral thoracotomy as an alternative to repeat median sternotomy for replacement of the mitral valve. Ann Thorac Surg 1987;43:380–2“. Annals of Thoracic Surgery 100, Nr. 6 (Dezember 2015): 1988–89.

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Ateya, Nester, Eric Walela Wamalwa und Stanley Adika Kevogo. „Mikabala Tofauti ya Waandishi wa Vitabu vya Kiada kuhusu Kipengele cha Mtindo wa Uandishi Insha za Kiswahili Nchini Kenya“. East African Journal of Swahili Studies 7, Nr. 1 (06.03.2024): 114–23.

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Makala haya yanabainisha mikabala ya waandishi wa vitabu vya kiada katika ufundishaji na ujifundishaji wa mtindo wa insha za Kiswahili kwa shule za upili nchini Kenya. Mikabala tofauti ya waandishi aghalabu huwa chanzo cha utata miongoni mwa walimu na wanafunzi na hivyo kuathiri matokeo ya mtihani wa kitaifa. Uchunguzi huu umekitwa kwa mihimili ya Nadharia ya Mtindo iliyoasisiwa na Louis Tonko Milic. Nadharia hii inashikilia kuwa mtindo hutegemea mtu binafsi. Utafiti huu ulitumia muundo wa kimaelezo, mkabala wa kithamano. Idadi lengwa ya utafiti ni walimu wa somo la Kiswahili 73, wanafunzi 2,000 na vitabu vya kiada 7 vya shule za upili. Kwa hivyo, usampulishaji wa kimakusudi ulitumiwa kuteua walimu 22, wanafunzi 320 na vitabu vya kiada 6. Mbinu za ukusanyaji wa data zilizotumika ni uchanganuzi wa yaliyomo, mahojiano na hojaji. Data ilichanganuliwa kwa kutumia asilimia, majedwali na kuwasilishwa kiufafanuzi. Matokeo ya uchunguzi yanaonesha kwamba, matumizi ya vitabu vya kiada tofauti tofauti yanazua mikabala tofauti katika ufundishaji na ujifundishaji wa mtindo wa insha. Hali hii inatokana na waandishi wa vitabu kiada kuwa na mikabala tofauti kuhusu mtindo wa insha za Kiswahili. Matokeo ya uchunguzi huu ni muhimu kwa walimu na wanafunzi wa Kiswahili katika shule za upili, viwango vingine vya elimu na wakuza mitaala pamoja na waandishi wa vitabu vya kiada. Wizara ya Elimu pamoja na vyuo vya walimu kupitia warsha na maarifa zaidi ya yale ya vitabu vya kiada, watafaidi mikakati ya kuimarisha ufundishaji na ujifundishaji wa somo la insha
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Partington, M., K. Aurisch, W. Clark, I. Newlands, S. Phelps, P. Senycia, P. Siffleet und T. Walker. „THE HYDROCARBON POTENTIAL OF EXPLORATION PERMITS WA-299-P AND WA-300-P, CARNARVON BASIN: A CASE STUDY“. APPEA Journal 43, Nr. 1 (2003): 339.

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Exploration permits WA-299-P and WA-300-P lie west of the North West Cape in a frontier part of the Carnarvon Basin where the largely Mesozoic Exmouth Sub-basin abuts against shallow Palaeozoic strata of the Gascoyne Platform. The only exploration well, within the permits, Pendock–1, penetrated a thin Valanginian Birdrong Sandstone unconformably overlying Carboniferous to Silurian units, so the Mesozoic hydrocarbon potential of the area is effectively untested.The structure of the area comprises a complex mosaic of NNE–SSW trending Early Palaeozoic extensional, listric growth faults, dissected by NW–SE trending Permian extension relay zones. Subsequent phases of Callovian– Oxfordian and Valanginian uplift, together with Late Cretaceous and Miocene inversion along the main fault zone, further complicate the structure. Several seismic events, some of which correlate with magnetic anomalies, are discordant with the local stratigraphy indicating a probable igneous origin.The primary targets are the Birdrong Sandstone and underlying Wogatti Formation, both of which host onshore oil accumulations at Rough Range and Parrot Hill–1. The retrogradational clastic shoreline facies of the Birdrong Sandstone is well known along the eastern edge of the Dampier–Barrow–Exmouth Sub-basins. The Wogatti Formation was deposited as a more restricted alluvial/ fluvial sheet sand facies, so far identified only in the onshore Cape Range area. Where the Jurassic is preserved, fluvial/alluvial channel sand facies of the Middle Jurassic Learmonth Formation, known onshore at Sandy Point–1, and Callovian nearshore sands, as observed in Unknown Hill–l, are expected to be important secondary targets.The most promising play types within the Southern Carnarvon Basin are dip and fault-dip closures at Birdrong/Wogatti level associated with Late Cretaceous reactivation of the main NE–SW listric faults, and accentuated by later Miocene compression. The most significant exploration risks are charge and the high risk of biodegradation of reservoired liquid hydrocarbons (critically linked to reservoir temperature).
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Rafiqoh, Aunur. „Kaum Perempuan Dalam Cengkraman Hegemoni Budaya Patriarkhi (Book Review)“. Musãwa Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam 5, Nr. 2 (30.04.2007): 299.

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Dissertationen zum Thema "Wa 380"


Bayoudh, Aïcha Souami Lakhdar. „Récit et discours dans le Kitāb al-imtāʻ wa-al-muʼānasa d'Abū Ḥayyān at-Tawḥīdī, 310-320/922-932 - 414/1023 /“. Lille : Atelier national de reproduction des thèses, 2007.

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Bayoudh, Aïcha. „Récit et discours dans le Kitāb al-imtāʾwa l-muʾānasa d'Abū Ḥayyān at-Tawḥīdī (310-320/922-932 - 414/1023)“. Paris 3, 2003.

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Le savoir commun est une source de communication dans l'existence quotidienne. Il l'est plus particulièrement dans les cercles intellectuels du IV/X s. Il était donc indispensable pour l'homme de lettres d'y participer pour combler son besoin de discussion et pour affirmer sa notoriété intellectuelle parmi ses émules. Pour Abû Hayyân at-Tawhîdî, il suffit de dépasser les obstacles de discrimination socio-culturelle et religieuse pour révéler un esprit libre, déterminé à dénoncer le mal pour instaurer le bien. De toute évidence, son but est éducatif. Il est clair ensuite que le rôle de l'élite intellectuelle est de s'interroger sur tous les phénomènes de la vie pour servir la sagesse et répandre l'éthique. C'est ce qui permet d'instaurer un équilibre parfait entre la passion et la raison. Or, une telle tâche ne peut se réaliser que par l'exploitation d'un langage conforme aux messages visés. Pour cela, il faut se servir d'une méthode adéquate aux circonstances de la communication. C'est ainsi que dans l'Imtâ' wa l-mu'ânasa, at-Tawhîdî procède à retranscrire les idéologies communes dans une perspective de production littéraire déterminée par le principe du discours et du récit. Faut-il voir dans cette méthode un acte de transmission destiné à l'exploration ?
Shared knowledge is a source of communication in the bayly life. This was particulary the case in intellectual circles in the IV/X th. Centuries, and was an essential part of life for men of letters at that time in order tout fulfil their need for discussion and establish their intellectual reputations among their acolytes. For Abû Hayyân at-Tawhîdî, overcoming the obstacle of soiocultural and religious discrimination was sufficient to reveal a free spirit, one determined to demounce evil and enshrine good. It seems his objective was educational. Ii's clear subsequently that the role of the intellectual elite is to inquire into the phenomena of life in order to serve wisdom and disseminate ethics. It is this that makes in possible to establish a perfect balance between passion and reason. Yet such a goal could only be ashieved using language that corresponded to the message. To this end, it was nacessary to to employ a method adapted to the circumstances of communication. Thus in al-Imtâ' wa l-mu'ânasa, at-Tawhîdî proceeded to retranscribe commonideologies in the course of a literary production thet was determined by the principal of discourse and narration. Should this method be viewed as an act of transmission aimed at exploration ?
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Al-Maguz, M. A. T. „A critical edition of fourteenth part of Kitab An-Nawadir Wa Az-Ziyadat by Ibn Abi Zayd Al-Qayrawani 310 A.H. - 386 A.H“. Thesis, University of Exeter, 1989.

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Henry, Julia, und Thomas Fischer. „التوعية الصحية للمراة - alhaml, alwilada wa nifass: الحمل,الولادة والنفاس - Atawiaa asihia lelmaraa“. Zentrum für Forschung, Weiterbildung und Beratung (ZFWB) an der ehs Dresden gGmbH, Dresden, 2020.

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Die Broschüre ist ein Ergebnis des Projektes 'Gesundheitskompetenz für Migrantinnen und Migranten', gefördert durch das Sächsische Staatsministerium für Soziales und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhang. Das Projekt wurde durchgeführt durch die Zentrum für Forschung, Beratung und Weiterbildung an der Evangelischen Hochschule Dresden gGmbH. Basierend auf verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen Erhebungen wurde dabei der Edukationsbedarf im Hinblick auf Schwangerschaft, Geburt und Wochenbett bei Arabisch sprechenden geflüchteten Frauen ermittelt. Zielgruppe der Publikation sind Multiplikatoren ('Peers') sowie Arabisch sprechende Frauen und deren Familien. Sie enthält laiengerecht aufbereitete Informationen Schwangerschaft, Geburt, Wochenbett und seelischer Gesundheit in der Schwangerschaft. Die Broschüre ist in arabischer Sprache verfasst. Eine identische deutsche Sprachfassung liegt ebenfalls vor.
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Villetard, Gabrielle. „Traduction commentée du Kitāb Riyāḍat al-nafs wa Adab al-nafs (Du redressement de l’âme et De l’éducation de l’âme) d’al-Ḥakīm al-Tirmidhī (m. vers 300/910)“. Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2018.

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Cette thèse propose la traduction et le commentaire de la Riyāḍa et de l’Adab al-nafs d’al-Ḥakīm al-Tirmidhī, mystique sunnite khorasanien des 9ème et 10ème siècles de l’ère commune, connu pour l’impact qu’a eu son Kitāb khatm al-awliyā’ sur la pensée postérieure, celle d’Ibn ‘Arabī (m. 638/1240) en particulier. Ce sont deux manuels fondamentaux d’anthropologie spirituelle qui témoignent d’une mystique philosophique islamique ancienne assimilant des éléments de la pensée néoplatonicienne et de traditions religieuses orientales telles que le manichéisme et le bouddhisme. La systématisation du concept de sainteté (walāya) caractérise cette pensée que l’on pourrait qualifier de théosophique : dans la Riyāḍa et l’Adab sont ainsi exposées les règles de l’éducation de l’égo en vue de rétablir l’ascendant du cœur sur ce dernier, transformant le croyant en saint (walī). L’éthique de Tirmidhī se rapproche du principe bouddhiste selon lequel des actes apparemment identiques proviennent soit d’une motivation désintéressée soit d’une motivation égoïste. Le cœur, organe cognitif et organe de l’action, produit des actes conformes à la connaissance divine, tandis que l’âme s’approprie les actes pour satisfaire sa passion égoïste. L’anthropologie du Sage de Termez possède une dimension cosmologique, caractéristique elle aussi de la théosophie mystique : le saint, libéré de l’égo, voit apparaître en son cœur l’ordre divin régissant les mondes et devient ainsi lieutenant de Dieu, l’instrument d’une manifestation divine qui établit au sein de la communauté des croyants et dans le monde l’ordre de l’unicité et de la Loi que le culte de l’égo transgresse et corrompt. Les caractéristiques du saint chez Tirmidhī – sa connaissance et son pouvoir théophaniques – possèdent des correspondances évidentes avec celles attribuées à l’imam dans le shi‘isme
This thesis proposes the translation of and commentary on the Riyāḍa and the Adab al-nafs of al-Ḥakīm al-Tirmidhī, a Khorasanian Sunni mystic from the 9th and 10th centuries of the Common Era, known for the impact that his Kitāb khatm al-awliyā' had on posterior thought, that of Ibn 'Arabī (638/1240) in particular. These are two fundamental textbooks of spiritual anthropology that testify to an ancient Islamic philosophical mysticism assimilating elements of Neoplatonic thought and Eastern religious traditions such as Manichaeism and Buddhism. The systematization of the concept of holiness (walāya) characterizes this thought that could be described as theosophical: in the Riyāḍa and the Adab are thus exposed the rules of the education of the ego in order to restore the ascendancy of the heart on the latter, transforming the believer into a saint (walī). Tirmidhī's ethic is similar to the Buddhist principle that seemingly identical acts come either from selfless motivation or from a selfish motivation. The heart, the cognitive organ and the organ of action, produces acts in accordance with the knowledge of the Law and divine attributes, while the soul appropriates acts to satisfy its selfish passion. The anthropology of the sage of Termez has a cosmological dimension, also characteristic of mystical theosophy: the saint, freed from the ego, sees appearing in his heart the divine order governing the worlds and thus becomes a lieutenant of God, the instrument of a divine manifestation which establishes within the community of believers and in the world the order of Oneness (tawḥīd) and Law that the cult of the ego transgresses and corrupts. The characteristics of the saint in Tirmidhī - his theophanic knowledge and power - have obvious correspondences with those attributed to the imam in Shi'ism
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Al-bsherawy, Ammar. „La réception du contrat de crédit-bail par le droit positif irakien. Étude à partir des droits français et américain“. Thesis, Lyon 3, 2014.

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La réception du contrat de crédit-bail par le droit positif irakien n’a pas besoin d’une acculturation qui prendrait la forme de la soumission ou de l’assimilation aux règles juridiques ayant été élaborées dans un environnement juridique différent. Afin d’être accueilli par le droit positif irakien, le contrat de crédit-bail doit passer par la réception des modèles français, américain, islamique dans le système juridique irakien pour y former un droit mixte d’application spéciale. Pour fournir une explication bien satisfaisante pour la réception d’un modèle du contrat de crédit-bail dans l’ordre juridique irakien, il est indispensable de chercher des propositions plus spécifiques s’agissant la sélection des normes juridiques ; l’ajustement entre les normes empruntées et le système juridique dans lequel ils doivent être reçus ; et les relations entre les deux cultures juridiques. Le législateur irakien ne peut se limiter à une simple copie, car il doit veiller à établir des lois qui sont le reflet de la mentalité et de la culture juridique irakienne. Il est donc indispensable d’explorer plus à fond les forces qui motivent la réception du contrat de crédit-bail par le droit positif irakien : la recherche d’un système juridique, culture juridique, et culture fiscale adéquate. Cette analyse ouvre des perspectives nouvelles et soulève toute une série de questions, étudiées à la lumière des droits français, américain et irakien. Les points soulevés par la première partie de notre thèse montrent bien les stratégies, les démarches et les principaux obstacles de la transplantation indirecte des normes juridiques ayant été élaborées dans un environnement non islamique. C’est donc à l’analyse de la réception indirecte des normes juridiques applicables au contrat de crédit-bail que la première partie de la thèse est consacrée. À côté de la réception indirecte des normes juridiques applicables du contrat de crédit-bail, une transplantation directe des normes comptables et fiscales est indispensable pour la réception du contrat de crédit-bail par le droit positif irakien. L’enjeu de la réception d’un point de vue comptable et fiscal sera dès lors multiple : d’une part, un rapprochement entre le droit comptable, fiscal français et le droit fiscal, comptable irakien est souhaitable et recherché. D’autre part, un rapprochement entre le droit comptable, fiscal américain, ayant été inspiré par les normes comptables et fiscales internationales, et le droit fiscal, comptable irakien est faisable. C’est la compatibilité et l’harmonisation qui sont recherchées. C’est donc à l’analyse de la réception directe des normes comptables et fiscales applicables au contrat de crédit-bail que la deuxième partie de la thèse est consacrée
The receipt of the contract of finance lease in Iraqi positive law does not need an acculturation which would take the shape of submission or the assimilation to the legal rules having been elaborate in a different legal environment. To be integrated into Iraqi substantive law, the contract of finance lease must pass through the transplantation of French, American and Islamic models in the Iraqi legal system to form mixed law of special enforcement. To provide a satisfactory explanation for the adoption of a model of the contract of finance lease in the Iraqi legal system, it is essential to go beyond the often articulated approaches to legal changes. Seeking more specific proposals regarding the selection of legal innovation sources; the fit between the rules borrowed and the system in which they must be received, and the relationships between sectors of the two legal systems. The Iraqi legislator can not be limited a simple copy, because it must be sure to establish laws that are a reflection of the mentality and the Iraqi legal culture. It is therefore essential to further explore the forces that motivate the receipt of finance lease and defines its scope: the search for a legal system, legal culture, tax culture that is perceived as authentic or adequate. This analysis opens up new perspectives and raises a series of questions examined in the light of French, American and Iraqi rights. The points raised by the first part of this thesis show of strategies, approaches and the main obstacles of indirect legal transplantation of rules that have been developed in a non-Islamic environment. So the analysis of indirect receipt legal standards applicable to the contract of finance lease that the first part of the thesis is devoted. Next to the indirect receipt legal rules applicable of the contract of finance lease, a direct transplantation of accounting and tax standards is essential to receipt of contract finance lease the Iraqi positive law. The issue of receipt of an accounting and tax perspective will therefore be multiplied: One hand, reconciliation between the French accounting law, French tax law and, Iraqi accounting law, Iraqi tax law is desirable and sought after. In addition, reconciliation between the U. S. accounting law, U.S. tax law, having been inspired by the international accounting, and tax standards and Iraqi accounting law, Iraqi tax law is feasible. It is then compatibility and harmonization are sought. So the analysis of the direct receipt of accounting and tax rules applicable to the contract of finance lease that the second part of the thesis is devoted
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Manganyi, Phakanani Paicky. „Nxopaxopo wa vuyimbeleri bya Conny Chauke hi ku kongomisa eka nhlayiso na nhluvukiso wa Xitsonga“. Diss., 2016.

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Hsiao, He-Hsuan. „Mass Spectrometric Analyses of Post-Translationally Modified Proteins“. Doctoral thesis, 2010.

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Floerl, Saskia. „Identifizierung und Charakterisierung extrazellulärer Proteine unter dem Einfluss von Verticillium longisporum in Arabidopsis thaliana und Raps (Brassica napus)“. Doctoral thesis, 2007.

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Cooper, Benjamin. „Membranglykoprotein M6a: Expression und Regulation im Gehirn unter Stress“. Doctoral thesis, 2007.

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Bücher zum Thema "Wa 380"


Ōmachi Minwa no Satozukuri Monpe no Kai. 語り継ぐ大町の伝說: Zen 380-wa. [s.l.]: Ōmachi Minwa no Satozukuri Monpe no Kai, 2007.

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ʻUbaydī, Rashīd ʻAbd al-Raḥmān. Abū Ṭālib al-Maʼmūnī, 383 H: Ḥayātuh, shiʻruh, lughatuh : jamʻ wa-taḥqīq wa-dirāsah. [Baghdad: s.n., 1989.

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ʻUbaydī, Rashīd ʻAbd al-Raḥmān. Abū Ṭālib al-Maʾmūnī, 383 H.: Ḥayātuhu, shiʻruhu, lughatuhu ; jamʻ wa-taḥqīq wa-dirāsah. [Baghdad: s.n., 1989.

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Suhayl, Zakkār, Hrsg. Tārīkh al-ḥaḍārah al-Bīzanṭīyah: Al-ijtimāʻī wa-al-thaqāfī wa-al-fannī, 330-1453 M. Dimashq: Dār al-Takwīn, 2010.

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Egypt. Qanūn raqm 308 lisanat 1955 fī shaʾn al-ḥajz al-idārī wa-mudhakkaratihi al-īḍāḥīyah wa-al-qawānīn wa-al-qarārāt al-mutaʻalliqah bihi. 4. Aufl. al-Qāhirah: al-Hayʾah al-ʻĀmmah li-Shuʾūn al-Maṭābiʻ al-Amīrīyah, 1985.

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Pak, Sŭng-il. Tŏhagi wa kophagi: Sabo Tusan Kŭrup tʻongkwŏn che 300-ho pyŏlchʻaek purok. Sŏul: Tusan Kŭrup, 1989.

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ʻAlī, ʻAdnān ʻUbayd. Shuʻarāʼ Muʻtazilah: Dirāsah fikrīyah wa-fannīyah ḥattá nihāyat 300 H/913 M. ʻAmmān: Dār Zahrān lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ, 2003.

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Egypt. Qānūn raqm 308 li-sanat 1955: Fī shaʼn al-ḥajz al-idārī, wa-mudhakkiratuhu al-īḍāḥīyah wa-al-qawānīn wa-al-qarārāt al-mutaʻalliqah bih. 4. Aufl. al-Qāhirah: al-Hayʼah al-ʻĀmmah al-li-Shuʼūn al-Maṭābiʻ al-Amīrīyah, 1985.

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(Firm), Kotobarabia. Qānūn al-ḥajz al-idārī raqm 308 li-sanat 1955 wa-al-muzakkirah al-īḍāḥīyah wa-al-Qawānīn al-Mukammil. Al-Qāhirah: [s.n., 2007.

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Stacy, Sinclair, Hrsg. Designing healthy communities. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2012.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Wa 380"


Heijden, Petra, Ian T. Durham, İhsan Fazlıoğlu, Narahari Achar, Jürgen Hamel, Adriaan Blaauw, Petra G. Schmidl et al. „Kāshī: Ghiyāth (al‐Milla wa‐) al‐Dīn Jamshīd ibn Masҁūd ibn Maḥmūd al‐Kāshī [al‐Kāshānī]“. In The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, 613–15. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2007.

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Fazlıoğlu, İhsan, Benno van Dalen, Miquel Forcada, Christian Theis, Petra G. Schmidl, Fathi Habashi und Giuseppe Bezza. „ҁUrḍī: Mu'ayyad (al‐Milla wa‐) al‐Dīn (Mu'ayyad ibn Barīk [Burayk]) al‐ҁUrḍī (al‐ҁĀmirī al‐Dimashqī)“. In The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, 1161–62. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2007.

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Fazlıoğlu, İhsan, Mercè Comes, Josep Casulleras, Miquel Forcada, Julio Samsó, Emilia Calvo, Tamar M. Rudavsky et al. „Ibn Abī al‐Shukr: Muḥyī al‐Milla wa‐'l‐Dīn Yaḥyā Abū ҁAbdallāh ibn Muḥammad ibn Abī al‐Shukr al‐Maghribī al‐Andalusī [al‐Qurṭubī]“. In The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, 548–49. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2007.

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Poetto, Massimo. „Dal nome comune al nome divino, proprio e locale: il caso di taskuin anatolico“. In Indo-European Perspectives, 384–89. Oxford University PressOxford, 2004.

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Abstract La sua rispondenza al termine comune (UZU)tasku-(anim.), che designa un componente anatomico, risulta immediata. Quest’ultimo vocabolo compare in due rituali magici eteo-luvi del milieu kizzuwatneo, KUB 9. 4 I e nel parallelo KUB 9. 34 II—come ta-as-ku-us, nom. sg. (9. 4 I 12, 29/9. 34 II 30, con UZU); gen. sg. ta-as-ku-wa-[as] (9. 4 I 28); dat. sg. ta-as-ku-i(9. 4 I 12)/UZUta-as-ku-wa-ia (9. 34 II 30)—in cui una se rie di parti del corpo d’un montone viene disposta, a scopo terapeutico, sui corrispettivi organi d’un paziente.
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Bracknell, Clint. „Reanimating 1830s Nyungar songs of Miago“. In Music, Dance and the Archive. Sydney University Press, 2022.

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Miago (also spelled Migeo, Maiago, Migo or Myago) was a Nyungar (also spelled Noongar, Nyoongar or Nyoongah) man from the south-west region of Western Australia (WA) who joined the HMS Beagle’s expedition to the north-west of Australia in 1837–38 as an intermediary. His departure, exploits and return inspired the composition of two widely shared local Nyungar songs, the lyrics of which were recorded in the journal of colonist and explorer Sir George Grey. These lyrics are among the earliest records of Nyungar singing. Although the songs about Miago were widely known in the mid-nineteenth century, no musical notation was transcribed, and the melody has not been passed on to contemporary generations of Nyungar people.
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„Critical Edition of the Zād al-musāfir wa-qūt al-ḥāḍir“. In Ibn al-Jazzār’s Zād al-musāfir wa-qūt al-ḥāḍir, Provisions for the Traveller and Nourishment for the Sedentary, Book 7 (7–30), 21–72. BRILL, 2015.

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„Preliminary Material“. In Ibn al-Jazzār’s Zād al-musāfir wa-qūt al-ḥāḍir, Provisions for the Traveller and Nourishment for the Sedentary, Book 7 (7–30), i—xii. BRILL, 2015.

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„Introduction“. In Ibn al-Jazzār’s Zād al-musāfir wa-qūt al-ḥāḍir, Provisions for the Traveller and Nourishment for the Sedentary, Book 7 (7–30), 1–20. BRILL, 2015.

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„English Translation of the Arabic Text“. In Ibn al-Jazzār’s Zād al-musāfir wa-qūt al-ḥāḍir, Provisions for the Traveller and Nourishment for the Sedentary, Book 7 (7–30), 73–134. BRILL, 2015.

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„Critical Edition of Ibn Tibbon's Hebrew Translation (Ṣedat ha-Derakhim)“. In Ibn al-Jazzār’s Zād al-musāfir wa-qūt al-ḥāḍir, Provisions for the Traveller and Nourishment for the Sedentary, Book 7 (7–30), 135–74. BRILL, 2015.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Wa 380"


Beckwith, Dana, Edward Smalley, Mark Yand, Lok Chan und Xiaoping Zhang. „LED Streetlight Application Assessment Project Pilot Study in Seattle, WA“. In Green Streets and Highways Conference 2010. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2010.

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Vuorinen, Asko. „Conceptual Design of a 4 × 300 MW Modular Nuclear Plant“. In ASME 2011 Small Modular Reactors Symposium. ASMEDC, 2011.

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The Finnish companies have built four medium size nuclear power plants. In addition they have constructed two nuclear icebreakers and several floating power plants. The latest 1650 MWe nuclear power plant under construction Olkiluoto-3 has had many problems, which have raised the costs of the plant to €3500/kWe from its original estimate of €2000/kWe and constriction schedule from four to eight years. It is possible to keep the costs down and schedule short by making the plant in shipyard and transport it to site by sea. The plant could be then lifted to its place by pumping seawater into the channel. This kind of concept was developed by the author in 1991, when he was making his thesis of modular gas fired power plants in Helsinki University of Technology. The modular construction of nuclear plants has made in a form of two nuclear icebreakers, which Wa¨rtsila¨ Marine has built in Helsinki Shipyard. The latest modular nuclear plant was launched in 2010 in St Petersburg shipyard. One of the benefits of modular construction is a possibility to locate the plant under rock by making the transportation channels in tunnels. This will give the plant external protection for aircraft crash and make the outer containment unnecessary. The water channels could also be used as pressure suppression pools in case of venting steam from the containment. This could reduce the radioactive releases in case of possible reactor accidents. The two 440 MW VVER plants build in Finland had construction costs of €1600 /kWe at 2011 money. The author believes that a 1200 MW nuclear plant with four 300 MW units can be constructed in five years and with €3300/kW costs, where the first plant could be generating power within 40 months and next units with 6 month intervals.
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D. Slater, Lee, Dimitrios Ntarlagiannis, Frederick D. Day-Lewis, Kisa Mwakanyamale, John W. Lane, Andy Ward und Roelof J. Versteeg. „Use of Induced Polarization to Characterize the Hydrogeologic Framework of the Zone of Surfacewater/Groundwater Exchange at the Hanford 300 Area, Wa“. In 23rd EEGS Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 2010.

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Lindsay, G. A., J. D. Stenger-Smith, R. A. Henry, R. A. Nissan, L. H. Merwin, A. P. Chafin, R. Y. Yee und W. N. Herman. „High-Temperature Sierrulate Nonlinear Optical Polymers“. In Organic Thin Films for Photonic Applications. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1993.

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Second-order nonlinear optical polymers (NLOPs) are excellent thin film active optical waveguiding materials.1 Integration of NLOP films on silicon to form low cost photonic devices, using current manufacturing lines, requires optical stability to at least 250°C for several minutes, and more preferably to 350°C. One approach has been to dissolve stable chromophores in high temperature polyimides.2 However, the addition of chromophores (20 to 30 percent) considerably lowers the glass transition temperature, and diffusion of the fugitive chromophores will cause long term stability problems. A second approach has been to crosslink a chromophore-polymer matrix.3 This approach can lead to unacceptably large optical losses due to scattering from density fluctuations trapped in the matrix during the crosslinking process. A third approach is the synthesis of amorphous mainchain thermoplastic NLOPs that have a high glass transition temperature (Tg) and a high chromophore concentration.4
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Burland, D. M., R. G. Devoe, M. C. Jurich, V. Y. Lee, R. D. Miller, C. R. Moylan, J. I. Thackara, R. J. Twieg, T. Verbiest und W. Volksen. „Incorporation of Thermally Stable Nonlinear Optical Polymers into Electrooptic Devices“. In Organic Thin Films for Photonic Applications. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1995.

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In order to be useful in practical nonlinear optical(NLO) devices such as high speed optical switches and modulators, several key properties of electrooptic(EO) polymers must be optimized: the polymer's electrooptic response must be sufficiently large, the response must be stable at all temperatures that the polymer will experience in processing and in operation and the attenuation of light in the polymer by scattering and by absorption must be low. For the specific applications of on-chip and chip-to-chip active optical interconnects, the thermal stability requirements are particularly severe. During the processes of microprocessor die attachment and hermetic packaging, the EO polymer will experience temperatures of >300°C for several minutes[1]. We have investigated the potential and limitations of electrooptic polymers under these severe thermal conditions, proceeding from the identification of NLO chromophores with high intrinsic molecular hyperpolarizabilities[2], incorporation into thermally stable polymers[3][4], and fabrication into electrooptic switches and devices[5].
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Stover, Elizabeth, Brooke Howitt, Levi Garraway und Ursula Matulonis. „Abstract MIP-075: SOMATIC MUTATIONS AND COPY-NUMBER VARIATIONS IN OVARIAN CANCERS VIA TARGETED SEQUENCING OF EXONS OF 300 CANCER-ASSOCIATED GENES, INCLUDING MULTIPLE DNA DAMAGE REPAIR GENES“. In Abstracts: 11th Biennial Ovarian Cancer Research Symposium; September 12-13, 2016; Seattle, WA. American Association for Cancer Research, 2017.

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Slater, Lee D., Dimitrios Ntarlagiannis, Frederick D. Day‐Lewis, Kisa Mwakanyamale, John W. Lane, Andy Ward und Roelof J. Versteeg. „Use of Induced Polarization to Characterize the Hydrogeologic Framework of the Zone of Surface‐Water/Groundwater Exchange at the Hanford 300 Area, WA“. In Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems 2010. Environment and Engineering Geophysical Society, 2010.

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Schoenlein, R. W., A. H. Chin, T. E. Glover, C. V. Shank, W. P. Leemans, P. Volfbeyn, K. J. Kim und S. Chattopadhyay. „Femtosecond X-rays Generated via Thomson Scattering of Terawatt Laser Pulses with Relativistic Electrons“. In International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1996.

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We have developed a unique source of femtosecond x-rays operating in the ~300 fs, ~0.5 Å regime, which will allow us to apply x-ray techniques with ultrafast time resolution to directly probe the structural dynamics of materials. The study of atomic motion on the fundamental time scale of a vibrational period, h/kT~100 fs, is important for understanding processes such as chemical reactions, vibrational energy transfer, phase transitions, and surface dynamics. Our understanding of these processes has been limited by lack of appropriate tools for probing the ultrafast motion of atoms. X-ray techniques such as diffraction and extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) are powerful probes of atomic structure, and are widely used with synchrotron x-ray sources. However, the time resolution provided by high-brightness synchrotrons is nearly three orders of magnitude too slow to directly observe fundamental atomic motion. Conversely, femtosecond lasers can measure the optical properties of materials on a 10 fs time scale but optical properties are poor indicators of atomic motion. Femtosecond x-ray pulses will allow us to directly probe atomic motion in condensed matter on an ultrafast time scale.
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Pershin, Yu P., E. A. Bugaev, I. A. Kopilets, S. A. Yulin und I. V. Kozhevnikov. „ATTAINMENT OF PHASE EQUILBRIUM IN MULTILAYERS“. In Physics of X-Ray Multilayer Structures. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1994.

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Structural, phase and chemical stabilities of multilayers Mo-Si, MOSi2- Si, W-Si, WSi2-Si, Cr-Sc, W-Sc, Mo-B4C, Mo−(B+C), Mo2B5-B4C, Cr3C2-C, TiC-C, Ti-Be and others were studied in 300-1100°C temperature range by small-angle and large-angle X-ray diffraction scattering and electron microscopy methods. The structural instability (crystallization of amorphous Si, C, MOSi2, WSi2, MoC, MoB2, Mo2B5, B and Cr3 C2 and recrystal-lization of polycrystal Mo, W, Sc, MoSi2, WSi2, Mo2B5 and MoC layers) as well as the phase instability (transformation of MoSi2 lattice from hexagonal to tetragonal modification) are responsible for the degradation of multilayers due to the development of the interface roughness and mechanical stresses. The chemical instability (formation of MoSi2 and WSi2 silicides at interfaces of Mo-Si and W-Si multilayers, Mo2C and MoC carbides and MoB2 and Mo2B5 borides in Mo-(B+C) multilayers, TiBe12 in Ti-Be ones) influences critically chemical composition profile, layer thicknesses and a period of multilayers. Formation of chemical compounds accompanied by an amorphization of polycrystal layers (growth of amorphous Mo2C and MoC carbides instead of polycrystal Mo at about 450 °C and the subsequent substitution of polycrystal molybdenum carbides on amorphous borides MoB2 and Mo2B5 at 700-800 °C in Mo-(B+C) multilayers) promotes the smoothening of interfaces. This effect of the chemical instability can be used for an improving of the X-ray reflectivity of multilayers.
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Easley, Michael L., Bjoern Schenk und Hongda Cai. „Ceramic Gas Turbine Technology Development“. In ASME 1998 International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1998.

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AlliedSignal Engines is addressing critical concerns slowing commercialization of structural ceramics in gas turbines. The AlliedSignal 331-200[CT] APU test bed features ceramic first-stage nozzles and blades. Fabrication of ceramic components provides manufacturing process demonstration scale-up to minimum levels for commercial viability. Endurance tests and field testing in commercial aircraft will demonstrate component reliability. Manufacturing scale-up activities showed significant progress in 1997. Subcontractors AlliedSignal Ceramic Components (CC, Torrance, CA) and Kyocera Industrial Ceramics Corporation (KICC, Vancouver, WA), transitioned process refinements to demonstration. CC initiated trial production of 100 nozzles/month. These suppliers are also developing fixed processes to fabricate ceramic integrally-bladed turbine rotors (“blisks”). Ceramic design technology advanced with carbon particle impact testing supporting impact model verification, and 300 hours successful engine testing of longer-life inserted blade attachment compliant layers. Ceramic turbine nozzles were readied for planned field demonstrations with 473 hours of engine testing. This work was funded as part of the Turbine Engine Technologies Program by the DoE Office of Transportation Technologies under Contract No. DE-AC02-96EE50454.
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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Wa 380"


Smith, Paul N., David R. J. Gill, Michael J. McAuliffe, Catherine McDougall, James D. Stoney, Christopher J. Vertullo, Christopher J. Wall et al. Analysis of State and Territory Health Data: Supplementary Report. Australian Orthopaedic Association, Oktober 2023.

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Data presented in this report are for both the public and private hospital sector and have been obtained from State and Territory Health Departments for specific ICD-10-AM codes relating to hip, knee, shoulder, elbow, wrist, ankle and spinal disc replacement. Data for each state are presented individually with the exception of data for the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and Northern Territory (NT) which have been combined. Wrist replacement procedures for South Australia (SA) and Western Australia (WA) have also been combined due to small numbers. This report provides information on joint replacement for the financial year 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022. It also includes long term data from as early as 1994/95 which provides a national perspective on the changing rates of hip and knee replacement since that time. This Report is one of 16 supplementary reports to complete the AOANJRR Annual Report for 2023. Information on the background, purpose, aims, benefits and governance of the Registry can be found in the Introductory chapter of the 2023 Hip, Knee and Shoulder Arthroplasty Annual Report. The Registry data quality processes including data collection, validation and outcomes assessment, are provided in detail in the Data Quality section of the introductory chapter of the 2023 Hip, Knee and Shoulder Arthroplasty Annual Report:
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